historians of netherlandish art NEWSLETTER AND REVIEW OF BOOKS Dedicated to the Study of Netherlandish, German and Franco-Flemish Art and Architecture, 1350-1750 Vol. 25, No. 1 www.hnanews.org April 2008 The National Gallery of Art acquired its first Salomon van Ruysdael Salomon van Ruysdael, River Landscape with Ferry. Oil on panel. Washington DC, National Gallery of Art, Patrons’ Permanent Fund and the Lee and Juliet Folger Fund The acquisition was made possible through the generosity of the family of Jacques Goudstikker in his memory. Image: Courtesy of the Board of Trustees, National Gallery of Art HNA Newsletter, Vol. 23, No. 2, November 2006 1 historians of netherlandish art 23 S. Adelaide Avenue, Highland Park NJ 08904 Telephone/Fax: (732) 937-8394 E-Mail:
[email protected] www.hnanews.org Historians of Netherlandish Art Officers President - Wayne Franits Professor of Fine Arts Syracuse University Syracuse NY 13244-1200 Vice President - Stephanie Dickey Bader Chair in Northern Baroque Art Queen’s University Kingston ON K7L 3N6 Canada Treasurer - Rebecca Brienen University of Miami Art & Art History Department PO Box 248106 Coral Gables FL 33124-2618 European Treasurer and Liaison - Fiona Healy Seminarstrasse 7 D-55127 Mainz Germany Board Members Contents Ann Jensen Adams Obituaries ................................................................................ 2 Dagmar Eichberger HNA News .............................................................................. 4 Matt Kavaler Personalia ...............................................................................