A Service of Continuing Education and Extension l5tl University of Minnesota, Duluth _ VOL. 3 NUMBER 5 APRIL 1982 MAY 1982

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C GI :ii:: >- .0 0 :-~~_,....._.._....._ a0 Metamorphosis: WDTH/KUMD

enters the satellite age. Station Managn . ... , .. Tom Livingston Program Dittetor .. , ...... John Zitgltr ,\.u1. Progr~m Dirtctor . .... Paul Schmnz •:nginttring ...... Kirk Kinl~n to the Listener Producn-/Outrtach ...... Jun Johnson AIRWAVES is the bi-monthly program guide of KUMD, which is the 100,000 wall public radio station at the By Tom Llvlngaton, Station Manager University of Minnesota-Duluth, broadcasting at 103.3 fm . KUMDispart of University Media Resources, a KUMD WDSE Simulcasts Federal support for departr:nent of Continuing Education · Public Broadcasting h's coincidemal that on March 8th, six and Extension at the University of We have word from WDSE-TV, the Minnesota. KUMD ' s program years LO the day, after we changed from As a taxpayer, you should know and public television station in Duluth, that philosophy is to provide the highest KUMD to WDTH, we received the DATE decoder has arrived at their become involved in the changing quality non-commercial program- authorization from the Federal sllldios. This will give us the capability support level for Public Broadcasting at ming, including music, news and Communications Commission LO once to simulcast programs like Austin City the federal level. For the funding yeqr public affairs, and information again become KUMD. Although it took Limits Jive in stereo with WDSE. We we're now in, funding for all of Public a long time because of a variety of programs. K UMD encourages will test the system sometime in April, Broadcasting (radio and TV) is about interested persons to become volunteer technical reasons, we've a lways $170 million. Next year, that level will and start a regular schedule in May. We programmers, and manuscripts and art p lanned LO make the change. I want LO expect these broadcats will expose a be cul to $137 million. The Reagan stress as I have in previous reports that work will be considered for publication whole new audience LO KUMD, and Administration wants LO cut that in AIRWAVES. KUMD is a member of while we will be adding some NPR also provide you with a valuable new further to $116 million. For the your the Association of Minnesota Public programs soon, the personality of after next, the level stands at $ I 05 service. Radio Stations (AMPERS) and an KUMD will not change, just as it did million, and the Re-<1gan Administra- not change when KUMD became associate member of the National tion wants to cut that again, LO about Federation of Community Broadcast- WDTH. $96 million. Marathon ers. KUMD is funded by the Univer,ity of Minnesota, the State Legislature, a Public Broadcasting in the U.S. was NPR Broadcasts student service fee, and listener underfunded to begin with (lower than Our Spring Marathon will take place contributions. Membership in KUMD in most other developed countries) and By the time you read this, we expect LO April 15-18 this year. I can't stress is as follows: Individual, $25; Family, the proposed cuts, which are have received a check from the enough the importance of this $35; Installment, $60; Sponsoring, approaching 50% threaten the viability Corporation for Public Broadcasting LO , marathon as with any marathon. If each $100; Student Fixed Income, $15. of the system, especially radio. As a buy the satellite equipment we will of you who pledged last spring 1enews, Membership includes a subscription to taxpayer and individual supportet of need to be able to broadcast programs new memberships will be enough LO AIRWAVES. Subscription to Public Broadcasting, you should write from NPR. This will be a big step for put us in fine shape for the yeat. If you AIRWAVES a lone is $5 yearly. KUMD your congressman and tell him your us, as it will allow us to Lap the know someone who listens and isn't a is located in 130 Humanities Building, opinion about the importance of Public tremendous capacity of the public radio member, put a bug in their ear LO join University of Minnesota-Duluth. Our Broadca,ting LO you. satellite system. during the marathon. telephone number is 726-7181.

The llnivenity of Minne501a is COrRmitted to the policy tha1 all persons shall have equal a~cts• to Reaching Out its program,, facilities, and by Jean Johnson tmployment' without regard to rau, ctted, color, ~x. national Remodeling work on the KUMD The Irish Dance, enjoyed by a capacity Bryan Vollman, our faithful layout ori,in, or handicap. studios began suddenly and without crowd on March 5th, was a great person for the last several issues (more fanfare the week of March 15. Workers success. The surroundings were than he cares LO remember) is too busy began tearing down a wall dividing our luscious, the music lovely, the dancers now LO help with laying out the guide, small production room from a tiny lively, and the boost to WDTH/ so we have a marvelous opportunity to room we'd been usi ng for storage, LO KUMD's budget a lavish $400-plus. offer someone who knows layou t or make a larger production area. To Our grateful thanks go to Paul wants to learn. The guide currently is everyone's surprise and chagrin, the Steklinski for organizing the event, to published every two months, and storeroom turned out to bean extremely Jan Ostrom for designing the beautiful layout generally takes between five and •well-constructed sound booth for the posters, to the Northern Star Ceili Band ten hours. I'll be happy to work with a old speech and hearing clinic- for the delightful music, and LO all those new volunteer on this importalll job. Or-tanlzatlonal complete with double cement block who allended for supporting KUMD. wa lls, poured concrete ceiling, and Don't forget, we'll need phone Me•bers whatnot. Unfortunately, it was simply We need LO have more such events to volunte_ers to take pledges during too small LO be practical for radio raise money LO meet the station's budget Spring Pledge Weekend. h's a lot of production, so it continued LO come and have fun al the same time. We're fun, and a good way to get beuer The following are Organizational down-over the course of more days talking with people in northern acquainted with your favorite radio Members of WDTH. We gratefully than the workers care to remember. The Wisconsin; if you'd like to help station. That "number again is 726-7181. acknowledge their support. new room will be spacious and organize an event of any kind in your convenient, and will be used for community, please ca ll me at 218-726- Arrowhead Band Instrument Service recording interviews in the adjacent 7181. Arrowhead Music studio as well as for dubbing, editing, The Artery and other production work. As Tom Science Fiction 8c Fantasy: Autowerks melllioned in his Report to the Listener Course for Credit on KUMD The Book Post in an earlier issue of Airwaves, the Builders & Laborers Commonwealth remodeling is necessary for our Dain Bosworth Incorporated This quarter KUMD is broadcasting the ,qualification for funding from the Dew Glass Studio course "Science Fiction & Fantasy," a Corporation for Public Broadcasting; Endion Station Craft Shop four-credit course offered by the the work is being paid for by the Greunke Inn University of Minnesota English university. Minnesota Power Department and Extension Indepen- Mus-Kee-Tow Woodcraft dent Study. Radio courses are Cover photo shows work in progress. Natchio's Restaurant integrated programs of instruction North Shore Jewelry We still need a rug and fabric LO help designed for the independelll li stener; utrition W0tld insulate the new interview room here at all the requiremetlls can be completed OSO Construction the station. Remodeling work has by mail. "Science Fiction & Fantasy" Sidetrack Restaurant begun, and if you like hearing will be broadcast on Monday and Superior Stove Works interviews with good clear sound Wednesday evenings at 7 p .m. Tweed Museum Gift Shop uncomplicated by roving music Instructors for the course are Michael Whistlestop Pizza sllldellls practicing in the halls, your M. Levy and Patricia C. Hodgell. For gift or loan of curtains or a rug will ,more information, contact Continuing help! Education & Extension at UMD, at 726- 81 13. new 01mens1ons GREUNKE'S

"N•w Acqu/1tlon of "New Dlm•n1/ona" It April 4 Moving Throuqh Life with Gabrielle Roth 1n hour-long Dlman1/on1" WHlrly April 11 The Gates of Consciousness with Stanislav Grof for broedcut program April 18 Special Marathon Program with Loc·a1 Guests on WDTH/1 produckl mall• poulb,. ,..., by April 25 A Changing America with Marvin Harris by lndlvldua/t Dlm•n1/on1 and bu1lnN-ln Foundation, May 2 Bread of the Buddha with Rick Fields San Francl,co. May 9 Albion or Oblivion? with Theodore Roszak ,,,. community. BAYFIELD 2 Join the fun!

KUMD's Spring Pledge · We'ek-end

is Thursday,,,, April 1 5 -

, Sunday, April 1 8.

Join us for special programming, for the thrllls and excitement of a race against time, for the unique communication between KUMD and Its listeners that happens during marathons, for your chance to put In your 2¢ worth ... or $2 worth ... or $22 worth ... or $222 worth ... • i-----~------~------~-----~---~-~------. 5-=;;;.;-~ ""(___,....0 , I . . I unders1and 1ha1 my 1ax-deduc11ble con1nbunon helps suppon . · I I I want to JOin the fun... puhli , radio s1a1 ion Kl lMD-FM, and 1ha1 [ will tt'{l'IV{' AIRWAVES :-as a vo lun1e,·r before, during, and/ or after 1hr mara1hon for one year. Coull! me in al 1he fo llowing leve l: r-- as a new member _$100 Supporting Membership Name ______1--wilh my membership renewal. _ 60 Installment Membership :-with a gift membership for : _ 35 Family Membership Street ------___,J I Name ______25 Regular Membership City I Address ______· M b h ' Zip _____ - 15 Student/ Fixed Income em ers 1p State I ___ This is a gift membership. Zip__ - I . 1 !______. ______:______..:, ______I

PIONEER CRAFTS Mus-Kee;.Tow+ Woodcraf~ • fine woodu1orking 0Ew Gtnss Stuom • cabinetry esr. 177c'i CO-OP • furniture CU5TOIII GLRSSIJORK FOR THE DISCRNTllARTlfl6 handmade David L. Johnson HOITTE nno BU5IOESS Rt. I, Box 82 26 E. Superior. 218-727-7848 Two Harbors, MN. Duluth, MN. 55802 2i ._fts 834-2329 -

OPEN SAT-SU N 10 - 5 - .. ~~\;,"J'<~i~~"~V'" 1"~~ ~- 4 MI LES N.E. of TWO HARBORS on 61 "~ ...... ~, .,__.~ PRACTICAL MAGIC ~,IT'.)~~ (an energy company!) "- ....~. ·'" -"v f\.~ Using methods of massage, polarity therapy, centering, and creative visualization to assist you in attaining a sense of balance and well-being.

For Information regarding Individual sessions and classes, call Gerry Henkel evenings at 727-2623 or 525-5643.

If' WeekAtA- Glance 3 Mon.-Thurs. Friday Saturday Sunday 6:00 Awakening 6:00 Awakening 8 :00 Awaltming 8:00 Awakening 10:00 PRIIReview 10:00 Press Review 12:00 Noon Song 11 :00 New Dimensions 10:15 Mid-Morning Report 10:15 Mid-Morning Report 5:00 Folk Migrations 12 :00 Noonsong 10:50 Album Feature 10:50 Album Feature 6:00 Soul Anival 2:30 Black C~om the Ghetto Noon Song 11 :00 Noon Song 9:00 3:00 Blues N' · gs 11:00 Expansions 6:00 Wise Women Program 1:5() M. · Third World of Music 1:50 On C.ampus 12:00 Moon~ · F.ollt N' Blues 9:00 Jazz Expansions T. Wiae Women lladio 2:00 5:00 Sign-Off 12:00 Moondance W. · Equal Voice 4:45 Evening News 3: 00 Sign-Off T. · Finl Penon Radio 5:00 Harmony of the Spheres 2:00 Workshop 7:00 Guitar Forum 4:45 Evening News 8:00 Soul Arrival 5:00 Harmony oC the Spheres 11 :00 Moondancr 7,;IIO Insight 5:00 Sign-Off 8:00 Jazz Expansions 11:00 Moondancr 2:00 Sign-Off -

APRIL ______H~li hts

THURSDAY - 8 THURSDAY -1 MONDAY - 5 TUESDAY - 6 5:00 - Prokofive: The Prodigal Son- - Duluth•Superior Symphony 5:00 - Handel: Concerti Grossi, Op. 3, 5:00 - Subotnick: After the Butterfly. A 5:00 Symphonic Suite, Op. 46. Ernest Orchestra Preview. Tomorrow night's Nos. 4·6. George Malcolm conducts the work .for acoustic instruments with Ansermet conducts the Orchestre de la concert by the Orchestra includes the Northern Sinfonia. (Nonesuch H· electronic modification . Mario Suisse Romande. (London 6538). following music: Mozart's "Eine kleine 71376). Guarneri, trumpet and the Twentieth N achtmusik," Janacek's "Sinfonietta," Century Players are featured . Local Insight. lbert's "Ports o{ Cal l," and 7:00 - "Science Fiction" class for credit. (Nonesuch N•78001). 7:00 - Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lake Ballet 8:00 - Dexter Gordon is our featured Suite." 7:30 - First Person Radio. 7:00 - Insight artist tonight on the Jazz Expansions program from a 1967 release done at 7:00 • Local Insight. 8:00 - tonight on the 8:00 - Tonight we complete the set of Jazz Expansions program from a new newly released material by Charles Montmartre in Copenhagen called "The Collection Vol. I." Kenny Drew 8:00 - Tonight we begin the month release of material recorded in Germany Mingus from Wuppertal Townhall in (piano), iels Pederson (bass), and with a 1977 recording done at the in the year 1964. The Jazz Workshop at Germany with Dolphy, Jordan, Byard, (drums) are the group that Montreux Jazz Festival with The Eddie this time featured Eric Dolphy, Clifford and Richmond giving life to several backs Dexter on "Sonnymoon For "Lockjaw" Davis 4 "Live" in concert. Jordan, Jaki Byard, and Dannie compositions: "Orange Was the Color Two," "Doxy" and more. Davis is in fine form over a series of Richmond. "Fables of Faubus" and of Her Dress Then Blue Silk," Duke's classic tunes: "The Breeze and I," "This "Starting" comprise the entire L.P. "Sophisticated Lady" and more. Can't Be Love," and more. caught. 11 :00 - .Music tonight on the 11 :00- We begin the month hereon the 11 :00 -The latest release tonight on the Moondance program from The Moondance program with the music of Moondance program from the Dregs Waitresses from their recent album Kid Creole and the Coconuts from the entitled " " with, for "Wasn't Tomorrow Wonderful?" Tune L.P. "Fresh Fruit in Foreign Places." the first time, Mark O'Connor fitting in tonight and check out " Wise Up," Tune in tonight for "Animal right in on violin. The rest of the group "It's My Car," "I Know What Boys Crackers," "I Stand Accused," "Table remains the same: (guitar), Like" and more. Manners" and more. T. Lavitz (keyboards), (bass), and Rod Morgenstein (drums). "Ridin' High," "Chips Ahoy," and WEDNESDAY - 7 " Crank It Up" and f!lOre delight. FRIDAY - 2 5:00 - MacDowell: Suite No. 2, Op. 48 ("Indian"). Howard Hanson conducts 5:00 - Beethoven: String Quartet No. I the Eastman•Rochester Orchestra. in F Major. The Budapest String (Mercury MG 50.422). Quartet. (Odyssey 32·36·0023). 7:00 - "Science Fiction" class for credit. 7:00 - Guitar Forum. 7:30 - Minnesota Issues.

SUNDAY - 4 8:00 - They call him the finest tenor in the land: Harold Land. Tonight we look back at one of his recordings for 11 :00 - "New Dimensions- Radio." Dexter Gordon Moving Through Life with Gabrielle the Contemporary label called "The Roth. Fox." Dupree Bolton (trumpet), Elmo Hope (piano), Herbie Lewis (bass), and 11 :00 - Tonight music from The Allman Brothers Band and their LP. - Wisc Women Radio, hosted by Frank Butler (drums) make up the 6:00 "Reach For The Sky" with Gregg and Susanna Frenkel and Cassandra Kelly. group that helps Land out on this Dickie and all the boys on tunes like Album feature will be a release of Alix record. " Hell & High Water," " Mystery Dobkin, who is appearing locally next Woman," "Angeline," "Famous Last Friday. Public affairs program is an 11:00 - Tonight on the Moondance Words" and more. interview with a mine worker, part of a program we feature the music of The series on women in non•traditional Talkinl!' Heads from their L.P. work roles. The Dregs' "Industry Standard" "Talking H eads 77." This release contains the underground po hit FRIDAY -9 "Psycho Killer," also "Don't Worry About the Government," "No 5:00 - Bach: Lutheran Organ Mass. The Compassion" and more. Archdiocesan Boys Choir is directed by Theodore Marier, with organist Anthony Newman. (Columbia SUPPORT PUBLIC RADIO 32497).

7:00 - Guitar Forum. 4 WEDNESDAY· 14 SATURDAY - 17 WEDNESDAY - 21 SATURDAY· 10 5:00 - Moreno Torroba: Concieno en 3:00 • During this Saturday afternoon 5:00 - Robert H elps: Symphony No. I. The Second Saturday Show Flamenco for Guitar and Orchestra. we ask you to think about all the The Columbia Symphony Orchestra is Sabicas, guitar with the Orquestra de acoustic styles of music you have heard, conducted by Zoltan Rozsnyai. (CR! Broadcast live from UMD's Concienos de Madrid conducted by the learned about, and come to really enjoy 411 ). - Kirby Bull Pub composer. (Decca DL 10057). through the efforts of Kl!MD. It it's been 3-6 pm Traditional Irish music, Dawg music, 7:00 - "Science Fiction" class for credit. ~:00 • "Science Fiction" class for credit. Western Swing, County Blues, New Grass or something more, call in a With your host 7:30 - Minnesota Issues 7:30 • Minnesota Issues. pledge to show your support for the Andy Livingston work of the staff here at the sta ti on. 8:00 - Tonight on the Jazz Expansions & 8:00 - Tonight the music of the group During this Saturday time slot we've program we turn back to the year 1973 The Second Saturday Supersax from their L.P. "Plays Bird" presented " live" music, featured artists, and an L.P. done "live" in England by Band featured on the Jazz Expansions had interviews and of course had our the Stan Kenton Orchestra called program. Last night we heard directly regular "Second Saturday" program "Birthday in Britain." The big band on featuring from Charlie Parker, tonight Supersax broadcast from UMD's Kirby Bullpub. the L.P. is probably one of the finest pays homage to the great also We want to cominue our fi.ne Area·Guest Artists bands that Kenton has had since the very saxophonist perfoiming Parker programming and we can if you'l l help early 50's and the ensembles he compositions and tunes that Bird out during this Spring Marathon 1982. organized at that time. played often. 11:00 - Tonight on the Moondance 11:00 - Tonight the latest effort from SUNDAY -18 program, the music of Lene Lovich the Clash entitled "Sandanista." Tune New Dimensions Radio. "The from the L.P. "New Joy." This release SUNDAY· 11 in to the Moondance program and he-ar 11:00 - Turning Poim," with Fritjof Capra. A is on the Stiff label and contains "Cats " Washington Bullets," "Magnificent 11:00 - "Ncw Dimrnsions Radio." The reknowned physicist and author of Away," "Details," " Never, Never Seven" and more. Gatcs of Consciousncs, with Stanislav "The Tao of Physics" turns his Land" and more. Tune in tonight. Grof. A stirri;1g \'isit with one of thc anention to the sweeping social modern pioneers of consciousncss changes brought about by what he exploration. Born in Czechoslovakia, describes as "the rising culture." As in THURSDAY - 22 Stan Grof camc to thc l 1.S. mon· than 20 his new book, "The Turning Poim," years ago and hccanw onc of the Dr. Capra addresses the state of the 5:00 - Stravinsky: Les Noces ("The forcmm,t cxplonn of LSD-2:J a, a environment, modern industria l Wedding"). Mildred All en, Adrienne lt'st•, nch tool. Sintc then ht· ha, economy, and the choices individuals Alben, J ack Lillen, and William dt'\'t'loped 11011-dr ug allt·1 natin·s fcH make in everyday life. Metcalf are the principal soloists. The cxploring tht· hidden rt'acht·s of thl' Local panel discusses the importance of Gregg Smith singers and the Columbia human mind and ps) cht·. I lt·H· ht· talb "New Dimensions," plans for future Percussion Ensemble are directed by Robert Craft. (Columbia ML 6391). ahout hi, wrn k and shaH·, <011,idt'rahlc THURSDAY· 15 local segrnrnts, and the nced for li stener wi,dom in the prot·t·"· G1ol i, the involvement. 7:00 - Local Insight. a111ho1 of "I.SD P,y1hotht·1apy" and, MARATHON SPECIAL: Stay tuned for 6:00- Special. Marathon Wisc Women \\'ith hi, wift' C:h1 i,tina, of ".Bt'yond further details of surprise classical Radio, hosted by Kath Andrrson and Ikath. ;, programming! 8:00 • On the Jazz Expansions program the rest of the gang. Lots of fun stuff. tonight wt· turn to the soulful sounds of saxophonist Grover Washington and a 6:00 · \\'i,t· \Vomt·n Radio. hmtl'd, hy 7:00 - Local Insight: Marathon Spetial. Marathon ends at midnight tonight. .f ;111 Cohen and Gretchen VanHauer. new release called "Come Morning." Tune in for the exciting conclusion! Washington has come a long way since Album ft-atuH' will ht· F,th('l Ma('S«>II, 8:00 - Tonight is the first night of our achieving popularity on a large scale in an oldt'r hla< J... \\'Olll,111 \\'ho \\·a, rai,t·d Spring Marathon 1982 and during this the recent past. His L.P.s always 011 a ,ou I h('t II pla111a1 ion-wo11dt·1 ful & timc wc hope that you will think about 1111tl\11al , a1 it·t~ ol mu,i,. Puhli< affair, how valuable our programming is to MONDAY - 19 demonstrate well organized groups and program will ilt' P;1t1i1 ia I lamp! you in your listening and education. some fine melodic playing, as is the case • Castelnuovo-Tedesco: reading p<>l'll) and t·x«·tph ftom her Wr furth<:r hope you will act on this 5:00 tonight. Concenino for Harp, String Quartet, hook,",\ Romanti< Education." importance by becoming a supporting and Three Clarinets. Ann Mason Tonight the music of John member of the station. Do so during 11:00 - Stockton, harp with friends. (Crystal S- Mayall and Band from the LP. " Back this evl"ning's .Jazt Expansions 107 ). to the Roots" with a 1970 recording that MONDAY - 12 prngram. If you arc a regular listener to features many of his best siderncn: Eric the Jau program you know just exactly 7:00 - ''Scienct' Fiction" class for n edit. Clapton, 1-larvcy Mandel, Larry Taylor, 5:00 · Brah1m: Eight Piano Piecl's, Op. what an im1xirtant part of our Keef Hartley and others. "Prisoners On 76. John Lill. piano. (DG 2530 059). h1oadcasl day this is and you will want 7:30 - First Prrson Radio. the Road," '" Looking at Tomorrow," to call in your pledg<' and become an "Force of Naturl'" and more. 7:00- "Scil'ncc Fit tion"


MAY · · hts

SUNDAY - 2 8:00 - Tonight we feature a brand new 11:00 - Tonight the newest recording THURSDAY- 6 release from guitarists John from Huey Lewis and The News 11:00 - "New Dimensions Radio." Abercrombie and Ralph Towner entitled " Picture This." With Chris 5:00 - Bach: Toccata, Adagio, and Bread of the Buddha with Rick Fields. A entitled "Five Years Later" which is the Hayes (guitar), Sean Hopper Fugue in C Major, BWV 654. The fascinating and heartwarming length of time since their last recordrd (keyboards), Mario Cipollina (bass), organist is Lionel Rogg. (Epic 6066). discussion of the coming of Buddhism album together called "Saragasso Sea." Bill Gibson (drums) and Johnny Colla Listen tonight for "Late Night (sax), H_uey Lewis plays some mean to the west. Rick Fields, author of 7:00 - Local Insight. numerous articles for Co-evolution Passenger," "Child's Play," and more. harmonica and writes some jumpin' Quarterly, New Age magazine and tunes that you can check out tonight. 8:00 - Joe Farrell is in the Jazz others, has spent thr past five years 11:00 - Tonight on the Moondance limelight tonight from his 1979 resrarching and writing " How the program we go back to an L.P. called recording called "Skate Board Park." Swans Camr to the Lakr: A Narrative " Heavy Traffic" that contains some of WEDNESDAY - 5 Chick Corea is along to help out on History of Buddhism in America." the best matrrial from thr group keyboards, Bon Magnusson on bass, Here he discusses the various Buddhist Traffic. Featured tonight are tunes like and Lawrence Marable on drums lineagrs and thr1r 10tegrat10n into "Feelin' Alright," "Dear Mr. Fantasy," 5:00 - Zukerman Plays Kreisler. Pinchas Zukerman is the violinist in this recital complimenting the tenor sax of Joe American cu lture. We takrour program "Empty Pages" and more. Farrell on "Speak Low," "Cliche title from his comments in the Book: recording of short pieces either composed by Fritz Kreisler or arranged Romance," and "You Go To My "Buddhist history is the rrcord of Head." lineage-of who gave what to whom- TUESDAY - 4 by him from works by other composers. nm as dead doctrine but as living truth: (Columbia 31378). 11 1s more a mauer of the freshly baked 11:00 - Guitarist Ronnie Montrose and 5:00 - Tchaikovsky: Concerto No. I in bread than of the recipe." 7:00 - "Science Fiction" class for credit. his group Gamma have a new release B-Flat Minor for Piano and Orchestra, called "Gamma 3" tonight we feature Op. 23. The soloist is Gary Graff man, this L.P. on the Moondance program. 6:00 - Wise Womrn Radio hosted by and Georgr Szell conducts the 7:30 - Minnesota Iss ues. Tune in tonight for "What's Gone Is Susanna Frenkel & Jan Cohen. Album Cleveland Orchestra. (Columbia Gone," " Right the First Time," features will be the New Harmony 31832). 8:00 - Drummer Shelly Manne is our "Mobile Devotion" and more. Sisterhood Band's "Ain't I a Woman?" featured artist tonight from his L.P. Public affairs program will Ix- on the 7:00 - Insight. "The French Concert" with special Women's International Lrague for guest alto saxophonist . Peace and Frredom. 8:00 - Tonight music of the Dave Recorded by Radio France in November of I 977 we hear "Stell a By Starlight," Brubeck Quartet from their 25th FRIDAY - 7 Anniversary Reunion album. The "Body and Soul," "What Is This THing MONDAY - 3 Called Love" and several other group made history, and spread the Varese: Ionisation; Density 21.5; sound of the music to all corners of the compositions done superbly. 5:00 - 5:00 - Reger: Sonata in C Minor for and lntegrales. Three short pieces by glolx· during their time together. one of the most influential composers Violin and Piano, Op. 139. Pina 11 :00 - Tonight wefeature music by the Tonight we hear some of the classics: of the 20th Century. Robert Craft is the Carmirelli , violin and Rudolf Serkin, "Take Five," "Three To Get Ready and Police from their second L.P. "Regeua piano. (Columbia 32221). Four i:o Go," "St. Louis Blurs" and de Blanc." Recorded in 1979 we hear musical director of these performances. (Columbia 31078). more. "Walking on the Moon," "Message in a 7:00- "Science Fiction" class for credit. Boule" and more tonight on the Moondance program. 7:00 - Guitar Forum. 7:30 - First Person Radio. 6 SATURDAY - 8 11:~ • The B-52's are the group that we 8:00 - Belly Carter has that magical gift MONDAY - 24 spotlight tonight on the Moondance of being able lo communicate with an 3:00:-6:00 • Second Saturday Show, live prograr_n from their first LP. that had audience very easily and on tonight's music from UMD's Bullpub. tunes like "Rock Lobster," "52 Girls" 5:00 - Dvorak: Slavonic Dances, Op. 72. and more. album feature, "The Audience with The complete set of eight dances, Belly Caner," we hear that ability forming the second set Dvorak wrote. displayed from several nights in San SUNDAY- 9 Antal Dorali directs the Minneapolis Francisco at The Great American Music Symphony Orchestra. (Mercury OL2- THURSDAY - 13 11:00 - "New Dimensions Radio." Hall in December of 1979. Tune in 107). Albion or Oblivion? with Theodore tonight and hear "Spring Can Really Roszak. ~:00 - Bach: Cantata No. 191 ("Gloria Hang You Up The Most," "I Could m excelsis Deo"), BWV 191. Soprano Write A Book," "My Favorite Things" 6:00 • Wise Women Radio hosted by Nobuko Garno-Yamamoto and tenor Gretchen VanHauer. Special Mother's · Adalbert Kraus are the soloists. and much more. Day program. Women explore & share Helmuth Rilling conducts the lhe!r feelings about motherhood, and Gaechinger Kantorei and the Bach 11:00 - Dave Edmunds is our featured their mothers, in story, song, and poem. Collegium, Stullgart. (M HS 1401 ). artist tonight from his LP. "Repeat When Necessary" with some rockin' 7:00 - Local Insight. good tunes like "Sweet Lillie Lisa " MONDAY-10 " Queen of Heans," "Bad Is Bad" a~d 8:00 - Tonight on ]au Expansions we more. 5:00 - Beethoven: The Creatures of showcase the fleugelhorn of · Wilbur Prof!1etheus, Op. 43. The complete Harden on a recording that also has f!lUSlc for the b~llet, consisting of John Coltrane (tenor), Curtis Fuller sixtee n numbers m all. Louis Lane (tr<_:>mbone), (piano), WEDNESDAY - 19 conducts the Cleveland Orchestra Ah Jackson (bass), and Art Taylor (Columbia 30082). · (drums). Listen in tonight for "Dial 5:00 - Tchaikovsky: Eugen Onegin- Africa," "Oomba," and "Gold Coast" from this wonderful Savoy release. highlights. A recording of excerpts 7:00- "Science Fiction" class for credit. from Tchaikovsky's greatest opera, sung in German. Among the featured 7:30 - The Inner Ear. 11:00 - Tonight we hear from the group Madn~ss an<;I their LP. "Absolutely." soloists are Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Dvorak Tune m tonight for "Baggy Trousers," Fritz Wunderlich, and Evelyn Lear. 8:00 - Stev_e Kuh!1 has a new recording "Solid Gone," "Overdone," "In The Ollo Gerdes conducts the Choir and 7:00 - "Science Fiction" class for credit. wllh vocahs~ Sheila Jordan and tonight Rain," "Take h or Leave IL," and more. Orchestra of the Munich Stale Opera. we feature _ll on the Jazz Expansions (Heliodor 25084). 7:30 - First Person Radio. program. Simply entJtled "Live in New York" we get a taste of their FRIDAY - 14 7:00- "Science Fiction" class for credit. 8:00 - Pianist is in the performance at "Fat Tuesdays" club spotlight tonight on the Jazz from April of I 981 as they perform Kuhn original tunes and some gems 5:00 - Stravinsky: Violin Concerto. 7:30 - Minnesota Issues. Expans10ns program from his brand like "Old Folks," Monk's "Well You Isasc Stern, violin, with the composer new release called "Some Other Time" Needn't," and Bird's "Confirmation." conducting the Columbia Symphony 8:00 - Coleman Hawkins opened the with Walter Booker (bass), and Idris Orchestra. (Columbia 573 I). door for saxophonists who are to this Muhammad (drums). A man who for 11:00 - Tonight music from the very day exploring the multifarious many years was Belly Carter's right Nighthawks on the Moondance 7:00 - Guitar Forum. possibilities of the instrument. Tonight hand man here on his own and program from their first album that on Jazz Expansions we celebrate his displaying good imagination and pointed the direction this fine band as genius by featuring "The Golden tremendous technique on "With Malice been following. Great versions tonight SUNDAY - 16 Toward None," " Mind Wine" and of Larry Williams' "Slow Down " Hawk," a fairly recent release of classic tunes: "Out of Nowhere," "Solitude," more. "Honky Tonk Queen," " I KeepCryin:" 11:00 - "New Dimensions Radio." and more. "Mood Indigo" and more. Topic and guest Lo be announced. 11 :00 - Tonig~l a brand new release by - Iggy Pop is featured tonight on J . ]. Cale called "Grasshopper" is 6:00 - Wise Women Radio, hosted by 11:00 TUESDAY - 11 the Moondance program from his LP. featured on_ the Moondance program Kath Anderson and Ellen Wold. wllh tunes hke "City Girls," "One Step Featured album will be the recently "Soldier" that contains " Dog Food," Ahe(ld of the Blues," "Can't Live 5:00 • Messiaen; Couleurs de Ia cite released Columbia album of Janis "Loco Mosquito" and much more. c~lesle. Yvonne Loriod, piano, and Joplin, some old favorites, some never- Here," "Nobody But You" and more. Pierre Boulez <;onducting the Groupe before released. Public affairs program Instrumental a Perc ussion de is '_'Ta king it off ... from the stripper's THURSDAY - 20 Strasbourg. (Columbia 7356). point of view. " Interviews and TUESDAY - 25 commentary with the women who - Sharon Isbin-A Guitar Recital. choose stripping as their vocation. 5:00 7:00 - Insight. A recording of solo guitar music 5:00 - St_ravinsky: The Rite of Spring. A including pieces by Isaac Albeniz, solo piano transcription by Sam 8_:00 - Kenny Bu~rell h~s so very many Fernando Sor, and Manuel Ponce. Raphling of this orchestral h!1e _albums to his credit that it makes (Sound Environment TR-1010). masterpiece. The pianist is Dickran r.1ckmg o_ne both easy and difficuh. Atamian. (RCA ARGl-3636). When Lights Are Low" is tonight's 7:00 - Local Insight. feature and shows Burrell doing what MONDAY-17 7:00 - Insight. he dBerklee College of Music for several Kempe conducts the Royal years. Tonight we feature his brand new Thud World and their LP. containing Philharmonic Orchestra. (RCA 2973). Recorded in the year 1977 with two very "One Could Vibe " "Cold Sweat " fine guitarists Pal Metheny and Mick release called "Blue Jay Sessions." This " Now Thal we' Found Love'" LP. was recorded in Carlislie, Mass. in 7:00 - "Science Fiction" class for credit. Goodrick as well as bassist Steve "Rejoice" and more. ' Swallow and drummer Bob Moses Februa~y of 1981 and has some very melodic compositions such as 7:30 - First Person Radio. this LP. shows the controlled creativit; of the Burton band on "Silent Spring," "Wendy" by Paul Desmond, "Games," "Mevlevia," "Tunnel of Love" and "Bossamba" and more. 8:00 - Tonight the music of WEDNESDAY - 12 more. saxophonist from his new 11:00 - Tonight we feature guitarist recording called "Jazz Caper" with an 5:00 - Gesualdo: Madrigals Book VI - Tonight the music of the g·roup Larry Carlton from his newest LP. The Singers of Venosa are co~ducted by All-Star line-up of 11:00 The Inmates from their LP. "Shot in "Sleepwalk." The very fluid sounds Robert Craft. (Columbia 7441). (piano), (trumpet), tonight of Mr. 335 on tunes like (bass), and Ed the Dark. " Listen for the tunes "Tell Me What's Wrong," "Feeling' Good," " Frenchman's Flat," "Upper Kern, " 7:00 - "Science Fiction" class for credit. Blackwell (drums). Some very nice " Blues Bird" and more. playing from all members on "One For "Talk Talk," "Sweet Rain" and more. 7:30 - Minnesota Issues. Bird," "Until Further Notice," "New Love" and more. WEDNESDAY - 26 8:00 - Stan Getz is featured tonight on the Jazz Expansions program from an 11:00 - Tonight on the Moondance FRIDAY - 21 older recording that has Oscar 5:00 - Anne Eggleston: Quanet for program we feature the music of Doug Piano and Strings. A 1955 composition Peterson's Trio backing up Stan's 5:00 - Jorge Bolet: Great Rachmaninoff Sahm and band from the 1980 release by this Canadian composer. Played by melodic tenor lines. Ray Brown (bass) "Hell of a Spell. " Some good rockin' Transcriptions. A recital disG of solo and Herb Ellis (guitar) were the the group known as Musica Camerala tonight on " I Don't Mind At All " piano pieces, including some members of the trio al the time of this Montreal. (RCI 472). release. " Bronx Blues," "Pennie$ From "Nothing' But the Blues," "The Rachmaninoff originals, but devoted Things That I Used To Do" and more. mainly to that composer's transcrip- Heaven," and 'Tm Glad There's You" 7:00- "Science Fiction" class for credit. are just a few of the tunes heard tonight. tions of music by others, including Bach, Bizet, and Mendelssohn. (RCA Stan Getz I I 7:30 - Minnesota Issues. TUESDAY -18 ARLl-3057). \ 8:00 - Tenor saxophonist Scoll -·Sibelius: Tapiola, Op. I 12. The 7:00 - Guitar Forum. 5:00 Hamilton is our featured artist tonight last major work by the great Finnish on Jazz Expansions from the I 981 comp?ser, we present an early recording "Apples and Oranges" with ... recording of it with the Royal SUNDAY - 23 the whole Concord stable of artists on P~ilharmonic Orchestra conducted by hand to help out. Listen to very melodic Sir Thomas Beecham. (Seraphim 11 :00 - "New Dimensions Radio." 60021). Topic and guest to be announced. versions of "My Silent Love," "Silk Stockings," "Tenderley" and more. 7:00 - Insight. 6:00 - Wise Women Radio, hosted by Demetria Nanoa and Jan Cohen. 11 :00 - Tonight a collection of British \ Album feature will be "Sandy" by ska bands on the LP. " Dance Craze." f l Sandy Denny, released in 1972. Public Listen in tonight Lo the sounds of affairs program to be announced. Madness, The Specials, Selector and I more on the Moondance program. 7 THURSDAY - 27 FRIDAY - 28 MONDAY - 31 11:00 - We conclude the month with the music of Bonnie Raitt from her 1977 5:00 - Gliere: The Red Poppy Ballet 5:00- Nielsen: Symphony No. 4, Op. 29 5:00 - Ives: Three Places in New recording "Sweet Forgiveness.'' Her Suite. Siegfriea Landau conducts the ("The Inextinguishable."). Jean England. Eugene Ormandy conducts band at this time had Will Mcfarlane Music for Westchester Symphony Martinon conducts the Chicago the Philadelphia Orchestra. (RCA (guitar), Jeff Labes (keyboards), Freebo Orchestra. (Turnabout 34218). Symphony Orchestra. (RCA 2958). ARL 1-1682). (bass), and Dennis Whitted (drums). Listen tonight for "Three Time Loser," 7:00 - _Local Insight. 7:00 - Guitar Forum. 7:00- "Science Fiction" class for credit. "Takin' My Time," "RunawaY," and more. 8:00 - Tonight on Jazz Expansions we 17:30 - First Person Radio. go to one of the most important living jazz artists, John Birks 'Dizzy' Gillespie, SUNDAY - 30 8:00- Concluding the month tonight of from his 1978 release of material Jazz Expansions with the brand new recorded in the late l 940's. Listen 6:00 - Wise Women Radio, hosted by release from Gil Evans entitled "Where tonight for "Night In Tunisia," Gretchen VanHauer. Joni M_itchell will Flamingos Fly." Recorded in New York be the featured artist, with material "Anthropology," "52nd Street Theme" in 1971 with a superb line-up from her many albums. Public affairs North and more. showcasing both the writing of Gil program will feature women who work Evans as well as the ability of the Country at Duluth's -Community Action 11:00 - Tonight on the Moondance performers like Billy Harper (tenor), lma1e1 program we hear from Frank Zappa and Program Weatherization Project, part (trumpet), Lenny White of the continuing. series on women one of his many · classic L.P.'s (drums) and more. Star Route 2 "Apostrophe." Listen for "Cosmik working in non-traditional jobs. Box 5087 Debris," "Uncle Remus" and more. Ely, Minn. 55731

Photographic Art of the North Country

Editor's Note: Because we're only Up at the top Come out with more Sports on 103 fm printing Airwaves every other month, Thanks and congratulations are in and because of the volume of mail we I just moved to this area from St. Paul. To the women who created the Sunday order for your first broadcast of a local received after the Fall Marathon, we Your station tops any down there. I evening Wise Women Radio Program sporting event. The basketball game don't have enough space to print every enjoy the Awakening Show, Folk Music of Coming Out Stories: THANK YOU. that was aired last weekend was a real letter we receive. This is the first time and the Wise Women shows. Keep it up. thrill to listen to. The action was not al I we've had to make choices about what Mike Hall I enjoyed the readings, the music and that tense, but the quality of the to print, and it's difficult! I've tried to Trego, WI found myself smiling and laughing out broadcast was superb. The announcers select a representative sample, and P.S. I'm in a "fringe" listening area so loud-nodding my head 'yes' because did such a smooth job that I felt that believe me, I'm not keeping any nasty I'm eager for you to put your new parts of these stories touched my life. catting about basketball was something ones back! antenna up higher. they did on the air every day. -Jean Johnson Please have more &: more of such programs. Continue your fine shows and specials and we will tune in to I 03.3 every day Prefers WDTH Beats TV here at work. As of late, I've gotten a T. V. on loan Marcia Chabot, Coordinator Too bad that the call letters are going Falthful ll1teners back to KUMD-really like WDTH from my sister. Yet, your station is still Ordean Community School better-more "community" sounding. the majority of my entertainment. We listen very much to WDTH and Duluth, MN. Think the foreign press review is a good enjoy all the programmings on the air. I Thank you for adding life to my program. have the chance to listen most of the day mornings, afternoons and evenings. to WDTH and wouldn't listen to the Exceptional Job Good mixture of good music. It's so great having variety in the north! commercial radio station if they paid Some announcers still mumble. You may understand that better if you'd me to do sol I noticed a great I just heard your "Insight" program for · ever worked labor in a mining Love Folk Migrations and Folk&: Blues. improvement this summer on the D.J.s tonight w/ Dr. Hoffman speaking on company. and programs; keep up this super music the nuclear arms race. It was an Keep on keeping us informed on events. A satisfied listener Blue Grass, jazz, classical; exceptional program even by WDTH's international press review at 10 a.m. high standards. (And I like Wise Women Radio, but Our favored music is "Blue Grass" Kath tells me not to say much- Fridays 8c Saturdays; I like to listen to My wife &: I really appreciate your modesty I) 8c jazz! We also hope programming-especially the jazz, Kath Anderson and Jim Gruba Booeter that you will reach the $20,000 goal bluegrass, &: folk music&: the "Insight" Brimson, MN SOON; we will pledge an extra $5 on &: foreign press reviews. We hope that The space that your (our) station helps our pledge. We recommend to friends to your affiliation w/ NPR will not create and maintain in my days is iisten to WDTH; surprisingly, (they) change your programming too much. invaluable. This is why my original did not know that there is alternative 'PLEASE no more news &: classical New Listening pledge of $15 (fixed... ) was boosted to radio station. music, this is available elsewhere. $!l5. The educational and informative I have only been listening to your manner in which some of you present Josef &·Debbie Braeu Scott Tic;e &: Jean Buchanan program for about one ,month. The the music is fantastic. The dynamic Barronett, Wisconsin more I listened, the more I liked. The magnitude of 'DTH is unmatched by selections on WDTH-FM are finely any I've encountered-not in Chicago, Folk Fan selected. Personally, I prefer blues and Seattle, Boston ... You shouldhurst with blue grass music. Could you perhaps pride! Thank you. Please keep up the good work in our Frustrated by ELF play more of this kind of music? behalf. I especially enjoy your folk It I very seldom listen to your station soothes my mind and relaxes me a lot. Karen Vermillion programs and would appreciate more time set aside specifically for folk because of bad reception. I think Project ELF at Clam Lake is messing it up. Thank you very much for a fine radio Note of appreciation . music. I really enjoyed the Herb Goldberg speech on "The Hazards of Why don't you do some programs on station with a lot to give and such fine Project ELF and expose it as a waste and pleasure in the music world. We are grateful for the opportunity to Being Male" during marathon time. support this radio station. It has been a More programming of this sort would health hazard. Rae Ann Johnson frequent source of entertainment and be appreciated. Also, keep up the Dav~ Kurkki Eveleth, MN information for us. Keep up the good vintage rock (Beatles, Stones, CSN&Y) work. We really enjoy the emphasis on at all times of the day. Thanks much. Highbridge, WI. jazz and folk. The Wise Women Steve Pearson Likes Fusion program is very good, and we hope it Danbury, WI will be expanded on in the future. We On your jazz programs, you could play would like to upgrade our pledge an Watch It more contemporary rather than additional $10 to the family level, so Children's Show traditional jazz. Groups that have please send us a form as a reminder. The one comment I would like to make Fusion, i.e. Spyro Gyro, Lee Ritenour, I am much satisfied with your variety of concerns WDTH's plans to join the Pat Metheny, Steve Khan, Larry music, however, I would like to request NPR net. Don't you think that we have Carlton, Gato Barbieri. These are just Likes album features a children's program such as "Spider's enough access to NPR already (n;: some of the many jazz groups I Web," which we used to be able t9.get WSCD 8c WHSA?) appreciate. I appreciate traditional jazz Just wanted to let you all know I think every weeknight around 6:00. I wonder but not as much as contemporary jazz. • you're doing a fine job. I enjoy the if more people are interested in such a Also, what programming already on Also, you could give out information album features very much-the variety program since there is so much garbage . the air will suffer? You seem to fill the on any upcoming jazz concerts in the is great! Would, however, like to hear on television and they are not required hours of the broadcast day very well Twin Cities. By the way, by far you're more female voices (Bonnie Rail, Joni to think but often just look at pictures right now-and adding NPR shows the most informative as well as the most Mitchell, Rickie Lee Jones). Keep up whereas radio is much more will mean bumping some current broadly played music station I've ever the good work-it's a pleasure to stimulating for them. programming. listened to. WDTH rates the best. support your efforts. T. W. Eldred Jean Larson Jackie Johnson Mark Ragland LaPointe, WI. Superior, WI Washburn, WI Finland, MN. GINSBURG Duluth Premiere ,J .· &.JOHNSON ,. ·. . ' '.· .· \~ . __ . Personalized Service ,.. .. OOIJITlf Lin ATTORNEYS AT LAW MINNESOTA & WISCONSIN NATURAL FOODS and VEGETARIAN LUNCH COUNTER 5 EAST SUPCAIOA STREET SUSAN GINSBURG OOUG JOHNSON DULUTH, MINNIISOTA 55802 GO4 BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING Lalll M-TII; '" ..11:»a-...... 11-aN w Not for profit • Educational program DULUTH.MN. 726·1788 NORTH IF TI fl-:, PHOTO FINISHING COUNTRY CID PRINTS, SLIDES, MOVIES, REPRINTS A quarterly magazine featuring COLOR & BLACK and WHlTE folk arts, lore, literature, history and music FAST SERVICE - HIGH QUALITY of the Upper Great Lakes Region. PRINTING. INC. .- . {!fl) PDQ :,.. ; , _,1-.':.:,:.. ~::·t 207 WEST FIRST STREET. DULUTH. 722-6010 ,;

., / •,.


. ..;, ','fY

ENERAL CONTRACTING ( .. PASSIVE SOLAR DESIGN CUSTOM WOODWORKING Subscriptions: $10 per y ear .Vo r th Country Folk P.O. Box 189 4877 ARNOLD ROAD DULUTH MINN 218-728-1201 Ironwood, A!ichigan 4 9938

KUMD-FM 130 Humanities Bldg. Non Profit Organization 2400 Oakland Avenue U.S. Postage University of Minnesota PAID Duluth, MN. 55812 PERMIT No. 87 Ul'liversity Media Resources Duluth, Minnesota