• AIRWAVES A Service of Continuing Education and Extension l5tl University of Minnesota, Duluth _ VOL. 3 NUMBER 5 APRIL 1982 MAY 1982 ...i 0 C GI :ii:: >- .0 0 :-~~_,....._.._....._ a0 Metamorphosis: WDTH/KUMD enters the satellite age. Station Managn . ... , .. Tom Livingston Program Dittetor .. , ...... John Zitgltr ,\.u1. Progr~m Dirtctor . .... Paul Schmnz •:nginttring . Kirk Kinl~n to the Listener Producn-/Outrtach .. ..... Jun Johnson AIRWAVES is the bi-monthly program guide of KUMD, which is the 100,000 wall public radio station at the By Tom Llvlngaton, Station Manager University of Minnesota-Duluth, broadcasting at 103.3 fm . KUMDispart of University Media Resources, a KUMD WDSE Simulcasts Federal support for departr:nent of Continuing Education · Public Broadcasting h's coincidemal that on March 8th, six and Extension at the University of We have word from WDSE-TV, the Minnesota. KUMD ' s program years LO the day, after we changed from As a taxpayer, you should know and public television station in Duluth, that philosophy is to provide the highest KUMD to WDTH, we received the DATE decoder has arrived at their become involved in the changing quality non-commercial program- authorization from the Federal sllldios. This will give us the capability support level for Public Broadcasting at ming, including music, news and Communications Commission LO once to simulcast programs like Austin City the federal level. For the funding yeqr public affairs, and information again become KUMD. Although it took Limits Jive in stereo with WDSE. We we're now in, funding for all of Public a long time because of a variety of programs. K UMD encourages will test the system sometime in April, Broadcasting (radio and TV) is about interested persons to become volunteer technical reasons, we've a lways $170 million. Next year, that level will and start a regular schedule in May. We programmers, and manuscripts and art p lanned LO make the change. I want LO expect these broadcats will expose a be cul to $137 million. The Reagan stress as I have in previous reports that work will be considered for publication whole new audience LO KUMD, and Administration wants LO cut that in AIRWAVES. KUMD is a member of while we will be adding some NPR also provide you with a valuable new further to $116 million. For the your the Association of Minnesota Public programs soon, the personality of after next, the level stands at $ I 05 service. Radio Stations (AMPERS) and an KUMD will not change, just as it did million, and the Re-<1gan Administra- not change when KUMD became associate member of the National tion wants to cut that again, LO about Federation of Community Broadcast- WDTH. $96 million. Marathon ers. KUMD is funded by the Univer,ity of Minnesota, the State Legislature, a Public Broadcasting in the U.S. was NPR Broadcasts student service fee, and listener underfunded to begin with (lower than Our Spring Marathon will take place contributions. Membership in KUMD in most other developed countries) and By the time you read this, we expect LO April 15-18 this year. I can't stress is as follows: Individual, $25; Family, the proposed cuts, which are have received a check from the enough the importance of this $35; Installment, $60; Sponsoring, approaching 50% threaten the viability Corporation for Public Broadcasting LO , marathon as with any marathon. If each $100; Student Fixed Income, $15. of the system, especially radio. As a buy the satellite equipment we will of you who pledged last spring 1enews, Membership includes a subscription to taxpayer and individual supportet of need to be able to broadcast programs new memberships will be enough LO AIRWAVES. Subscription to Public Broadcasting, you should write from NPR. This will be a big step for put us in fine shape for the yeat. If you AIRWAVES a lone is $5 yearly. KUMD your congressman and tell him your us, as it will allow us to Lap the know someone who listens and isn't a is located in 130 Humanities Building, opinion about the importance of Public tremendous capacity of the public radio member, put a bug in their ear LO join University of Minnesota-Duluth. Our Broadca,ting LO you. satellite system. during the marathon. telephone number is 726-7181. The llnivenity of Minne501a is COrRmitted to the policy tha1 all persons shall have equal a~cts• to Reaching Out its program,, facilities, and by Jean Johnson tmployment' without regard to rau, ctted, color, ~x. national Remodeling work on the KUMD The Irish Dance, enjoyed by a capacity Bryan Vollman, our faithful layout ori,in, or handicap. studios began suddenly and without crowd on March 5th, was a great person for the last several issues (more fanfare the week of March 15. Workers success. The surroundings were than he cares LO remember) is too busy began tearing down a wall dividing our luscious, the music lovely, the dancers now LO help with laying out the guide, small production room from a tiny lively, and the boost to WDTH/ so we have a marvelous opportunity to room we'd been usi ng for storage, LO KUMD's budget a lavish $400-plus. offer someone who knows layou t or make a larger production area. To Our grateful thanks go to Paul wants to learn. The guide currently is everyone's surprise and chagrin, the Steklinski for organizing the event, to published every two months, and storeroom turned out to bean extremely Jan Ostrom for designing the beautiful layout generally takes between five and •well-constructed sound booth for the posters, to the Northern Star Ceili Band ten hours. I'll be happy to work with a old speech and hearing clinic- for the delightful music, and LO all those new volunteer on this importalll job. Or-tanlzatlonal complete with double cement block who allended for supporting KUMD. wa lls, poured concrete ceiling, and Don't forget, we'll need phone Me•bers whatnot. Unfortunately, it was simply We need LO have more such events to volunte_ers to take pledges during too small LO be practical for radio raise money LO meet the station's budget Spring Pledge Weekend. h's a lot of production, so it continued LO come and have fun al the same time. We're fun, and a good way to get beuer The following are Organizational down-over the course of more days talking with people in northern acquainted with your favorite radio Members of WDTH. We gratefully than the workers care to remember. The Wisconsin; if you'd like to help station. That "number again is 726-7181. acknowledge their support. new room will be spacious and organize an event of any kind in your convenient, and will be used for community, please ca ll me at 218-726- Arrowhead Band Instrument Service recording interviews in the adjacent 7181. Arrowhead Music studio as well as for dubbing, editing, The Artery and other production work. As Tom Science Fiction 8c Fantasy: Autowerks melllioned in his Report to the Listener Course for Credit on KUMD The Book Post in an earlier issue of Airwaves, the Builders & Laborers Commonwealth remodeling is necessary for our Dain Bosworth Incorporated This quarter KUMD is broadcasting the ,qualification for funding from the Dew Glass Studio course "Science Fiction & Fantasy," a Corporation for Public Broadcasting; Endion Station Craft Shop four-credit course offered by the the work is being paid for by the Greunke Inn University of Minnesota English university. Minnesota Power Department and Extension Indepen- Mus-Kee-Tow Woodcraft dent Study. Radio courses are Cover photo shows work in progress. Natchio's Restaurant integrated programs of instruction North Shore Jewelry We still need a rug and fabric LO help designed for the independelll li stener; utrition W0tld insulate the new interview room here at all the requiremetlls can be completed OSO Construction the station. Remodeling work has by mail. "Science Fiction & Fantasy" Sidetrack Restaurant begun, and if you like hearing will be broadcast on Monday and Superior Stove Works interviews with good clear sound Wednesday evenings at 7 p .m. Tweed Museum Gift Shop uncomplicated by roving music Instructors for the course are Michael Whistlestop Pizza sllldellls practicing in the halls, your M. Levy and Patricia C. Hodgell. For gift or loan of curtains or a rug will ,more information, contact Continuing help! Education & Extension at UMD, at 726- 81 13. new 01mens1ons GREUNKE'S "N•w Acqu/1tlon of "New Dlm•n1/ona" It April 4 Moving Throuqh Life with Gabrielle Roth 1n hour-long Dlman1/on1" WHlrly April 11 The Gates of Consciousness with Stanislav Grof for broedcut program April 18 Special Marathon Program with Loc·a1 Guests on WDTH/1 produckl mall• poulb,. ,..., by April 25 A Changing America with Marvin Harris by lndlvldua/t Dlm•n1/on1 and bu1lnN-ln Foundation, May 2 Bread of the Buddha with Rick Fields San Francl,co. May 9 Albion or Oblivion? with Theodore Roszak ,,,. community. BAYFIELD 2 Join the fun! KUMD's Spring Pledge · We'ek-end is Thursday,,,, April 1 5 - , Sunday, April 1 8. Join us for special programming, for the thrllls and excitement of a race against time, for the unique communication between KUMD and Its listeners that happens during marathons, for your chance to put In your 2¢ worth ... or $2 worth ... or $22 worth ... or $222 worth ... • i-----~--------------------~------~-----~---~-~---------------. 5-=;;;.;-~ ""(___,....0 , I . I unders1and 1ha1 my 1ax-deduc11ble con1nbunon helps suppon . · I I I want to JOin the fun... puhli , radio s1a1 ion Kl lMD-FM, and 1ha1 [ will tt'{l'IV{' AIRWAVES :-as a vo lun1e,·r before, during, and/ or after 1hr mara1hon for one year.
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