2011 United States Postage Stamps January 22 January 27 February 10 Year of the Rabbit Kansas Statehood Ronald Reagan (1911–2004)
U.S. Stamps Created for free use in the public domain American Philatelic Society ©2012 www.stamps.org/Free-Album-Pages 2011 United States Postage Stamps January 22 January 27 February 10 Year of the Rabbit Kansas Statehood Ronald Reagan (1911–2004) With this stamp, the USPS recognized the This is the fourth stamp in the Celebrating The stamp commemorates the 150th anniversary centennial of the birth of Ronald Reagan, Lunar New Year series, which will continue of Kansas statehood. In the foreground stands a America’s 40th President. Ronald Wilson through 2019. type of efficient windmill pioneered in America Reagan was a well-known Hollywood ac- The Lunar New Year is celebrated primar- during the mid-19th century, first made of tor who appeared in more than fifty films ily by people of Chinese, Korean, Viet- wood but later out of metal (like the one shown before becoming a prominent political namese, Tibetan, and Mongolian heritage on the stamp) and fitted with a tail, like a weath- leader. Distinguished by his charisma and in many parts of the world. The Year of er vane, to change the direction of the wheel oratorical skills, he was one of the most the Rabbit represents a year of tranquil- relative to the wind. In the background stand influential Presidents of the 20th century. ity. Kumquats, such as those shown on the five modern wind turbines that demonstrate stamp, are given as gifts and eaten for luck continuity and the forward-looking nature of at this time of renewed hope for the future.
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