Characterization and Analysis of the Caliche Walls of the Great House

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Characterization and Analysis of the Caliche Walls of the Great House University of Pennsylvania ScholarlyCommons Theses (Historic Preservation) Graduate Program in Historic Preservation 1999 Characterization and Analysis of the Caliche Walls of the Great House, Casa Grande Ruins National Monument, Coolidge, Arizona Elisa Maria Del Bono University of Pennsylvania Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Historic Preservation and Conservation Commons Del Bono, Elisa Maria, "Characterization and Analysis of the Caliche Walls of the Great House, Casa Grande Ruins National Monument, Coolidge, Arizona" (1999). Theses (Historic Preservation). 297. Copyright note: Penn School of Design permits distribution and display of this student work by University of Pennsylvania Libraries. Suggested Citation: Del Bono, Elisa Maria (1999). Characterization and Analysis of the Caliche Walls of the Great House, Casa Grande Ruins National Monument, Coolidge, Arizona. (Masters Thesis). University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. This paper is posted at ScholarlyCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Characterization and Analysis of the Caliche Walls of the Great House, Casa Grande Ruins National Monument, Coolidge, Arizona Disciplines Historic Preservation and Conservation Comments Copyright note: Penn School of Design permits distribution and display of this student work by University of Pennsylvania Libraries. Suggested Citation: Del Bono, Elisa Maria (1999). Characterization and Analysis of the Caliche Walls of the Great House, Casa Grande Ruins National Monument, Coolidge, Arizona. (Masters Thesis). University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. This thesis or dissertation is available at ScholarlyCommons: liiil 1 iliii&i;.^ wmK mm' mm. / UNivERsmry PENNSYIW^IA. UBRARIES CHARACTERIZATION AND ANALYSIS OF THE CALICHE WALLS OF THE GREAT HOUSE, CASA GRANDE RUINS NATIONAL MONUMENT, COOLIDGE, ARIZONA ELISA MARIA DEL BONO A THESIS Historic Preservation Presented to the Faculties of the University of Pennsylvania in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE 1999 Ko^Sxr-^ ^ept'isor leader Frank G. Matero Jeanne Marie Teutonico Associate Professor of Architecture Senior Architectural Conservator English Heritage ^^1 >N^ |a//\ A^Vs ( o^l n99 . BT/'^jf ISBRAHt 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS iv LIST OF FIGURES v LIST OF TABLES xi CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION I 1.1 Objectives and Methodology 2 CHAPTER 2: EXISTING CONDITIONS (PHASE 1) 5 2.1 Conditions of the Site 5 2.1.1 Local Geology and Soil Characteristics 5 2. 1 .2 Climate and Vegetation 1 2.2 Conditionsof the Structure 15 2.2.1 Plan and Construction 15 2.2.2 Construction Material 22 2.2.3 Wall Construction Technique 25 2.2.4 Condition as a Ruin. The Shelter 30 CHAPTER 3: CHARACTERIZATION AND ANALYSIS OF THE GREAT HOUSE CALICHE AS A BUILDING MATERIAL (PHASE 2) 35 3.1 Caliche 35 3.1.1 Definition 35 3.1.2 Origins 36 3.1.3 Chemical Description 37 3.1.4 Genesis 39 3.1.5 Classifications 41 3.1.6 Uses Today 43 3.2 Testing Program 43 3.2.1 Previous Analyses 43 3.2.2 Sampling 45 3.2.3 Observations 48 3.2.4 Test Program 53 Bulk Mineralogy (X-Ray Diffraction) 54 Identification ofClays(X-Ray Diffraction) 58 Microscopic Observations (Polarized Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy) 61 Acid-Soluble (Carbonate) Content 83 Particle Size Analysis (ASTM D422-63) 91 Particle Description 98 Atterberg Limits (Liquid Limit and Plastic Limit) (ASTM D43 1 8) 101 Volumetric and Linear Shrinkage (ASTM D4943-89) 1 03 Determination of Moisture and Soluble Salt Content and Qualitative Analysis of Water-Soluble Salts 1 07 Compressive Strength (ASTMD 163 3) 111 Three-Point Bending (Modulus of Rupture) (ASTMD 1635) 115 Water Related Tests: Wet/Dry Cycling (ASTM D559 modified). Water Resistance (Water Drop Test, CRATerre), and Capillary Water Absorption (NORMAL 11/85) 118 CHAPTER 4: DIAGNOSIS OF DETERIORATION AND PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT OF THE GREAT HOUSE CALICHE AS A BUILDING MATERIAL (PHASE 3) 133 4.1. Processes of Deterioration of the Great House 133 4.1.1 Intrinsic Causes of Deterioration 137 137 Related to the Material 137 137 Related to the Construction Technique 143 1 43 Related to the Condition as a Ruin 147 147 4.1.2 Extrinsic Causes of Deterioration 149 149 Natural Factors 1 49 4. 1 .2.2 Human Factors 1 64 CHAPTER 5: INTERPRETATION OF DETERIORATION: NEW FINDINGS 167 5.1 Wall Construction Technique 167 5.2 Construction Sequence 171 CHAPTER 6: RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS 187 6.1 Recommendations 187 6.1.1 Recommendations on Detachment and Falling Fragments of Caliche 1 88 6. 1 .2 Recommendations on Weathering of Friable Surface 1 93 6. 1 .3 General Recommendations 1 99 6.2 Conclusions 202 BIBLIOGRAPHY 207 APPENDICES 217 Appendix A: Previous Scientific Projects and Stabilization on the Great House and Casa Grande Ruins National Monument 218 Appendix B: Previous Analyses of the Caliche from the Great House 229 Appendix C: Observations and Tests 240 INDEX 277 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to express special gratitude to Frank G. Matero and Jeanne Marie Teutonico for their invaluable comments, constant support and encouragement. Also, it is desired to express special appreciation to: Jake Barrow, Exhibit Specialist, and Robert Hartzler, Architectural Conservator, from the Conservation Projects Program, Intermountain Support Office, National Park Service, Santa Fe, New Mexico; Donald Spencer, Superintendent; Nathan Allen, former Ranger; and all personnel from Casa Grande Ruins National Monument, Coolidge, Arizona; David Evans, Preservation Specialist, and James Rancier, former Archaeologist, from the National Park Service, Southern Arizona Group; Gomar Omar, Eric Johansen and Elena Charola of the University of Pennsylvania; Alex Radin and Xiu Chen from the "Laboratory for Research on the Structure of Matter", University of Pennsylvania; Karen Fix, Rynta Fourie, and all the persons that kindly gave their constant support and help for writing the present study. 78 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 : Map of location of Casa Grande Ruins National Monument 6 Figure 2: Typical pedon of Coolidge sandy loam 10 Figure 3: Present vegetation inside Casa Grande Ruins National Monument 14 Figure 4: Plan and west-east section (looking south) of the Great House 1 Figure 5: North view of the Great House 18 Figure 6: South view of the Great House 1 Figure 7: East view of the Great House 19 Figvire 8: West view of the Great House 19 Figure 9: Example of water erosion in an area underneath a possible roof drain location (east elevation Tier D, right of the outer opening) 21 Figure 10: Painting (anonymous) that represents a channel dug by the Hohokams 23 Figvire 1 1 : Plan and west-east section of the Great House according to its present condition 32 Figure 12: The original shelter roof, constructed in 1903. Photo courtesy of Casa Grande Ruins National Monument 33 Figure 13: The second (present) shelter 34 Figure 14: Location on the west elevation from where the fragment of caliche fell in 1995 46 Figure 15: Close up Figure 14 46 Figvire 16: Photograph showing the 1995 fragment divided in three smaUer 1 fragments upon impact on the ground 47 Figure 1 7: Dimensions of the caliche wall fragment 48 Figure 18: Caliche fragment during saw cutting 50 Figure 19: Orientation of each slab and location of different bands for samples 51 Figure 20: Caliche slab before (above) and after dividing in three bands (CAGR A, CAGR B and CAGR C) 52 Figure 2 1 : X-ray diffraction of caliche fines (material passed sieve #200) 56 Figure 22: X-ray diffraction results of a caliche nodule (retained #4) 57 Figure 23: X-ray diffraction resuhs of palygorskite as the clay mineral from the caliche 60 Figure 24: Material selection and sample preparation of caliche for thin-section 66 Figure 25:Microstructure of caliche 67 Figure 26: Anhedral quartz crystals of different grain size (2-1 O^im) 69 Figure 27:Subhedral microcline crystal (approximately 40)am long) 70 Figure 28: Elongated caliche nodule formed by calcite cryptocrystalline matrix (stained) enclosing and gluing together two quartz crystals 71 Figure 29:Subrounded nodule with porphyritic texture (stained) 72 Figure 30: Microscrystalline matrix of a nodule (stained) at high magnification 73 Figure 3 1 : Subrounded nodule (stained) with porphyritic texture composed of poQcilitic quartz crystals in a cryptocrystalline calcic matrix 3 Figure 32: Montaged microphotographs of caliche thin section (stained) showing a close porphyritic texture, composed of crystals (mainly quartz) and nodules of different shapes and sizes embedded in a cryptocrystalline calcic matrix (birefringence fabric) 76 Figure 33: SEM photographs showing caliche micromorphology, sample CAGR Ext (top) and CAGR Int (bottom) 78 Figure 34: SEM photograph of aggregate (probably sand grain) embedded in the caliche matrix 79 Figure 35: SEM Photographs of caliche micromorphology 80 Figure 36: SEM photographs of a palygorkite (clay) crystal (top) and back scattered image (bottom) 81 Figure 37: Percentage of calcium carbonate content by total acid digestion of samples 85 Figure 38: Separation of caliche sample by particle size using standard sieves and de-ionized water 88 Figure 39: Distribution of calcium carbonate content in the smaller grain size fractions
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