BWMWMiBBiWBaagn**‘M^»^«w.-ar-——■■< Mlf MSB—MB—MW—1

MI8CKLLANKOUS. MISCEIAANEOTJ9. HOTELS* 81GAIHG1M, RAILROADS. The Methodist Book Concern. __ MISCELLANEOUS._ | In the as an internal The announcements of Irregularities Perry Davis* "pais Killer, KIRKWOOD HO USE of the Methodist Book Concern, management has no equal. In cases ot cholera, summer International Oo. MAUVE CENTRAL R. R. M e Medical Notice t remedy Steamship took tbo whole country by surprise. State Scnrtooroiigrli Beach, dysentery, asthma, it cuics Mansion SUMMER that t e first complaint, dyspepsia, Street, Eastport. Calais and St.Jolin, ARRANGEMENT cline to the opinion House, *pooa“*j*a3 e OAK HILL, 91E. There one it and WINDSOR «. somewhat exaggerated. in night, by taking internally, bathing MAINE. DIGBY, AND HALIFAX DR. J. AUGUSTA, On and after 15th now that ma j M. BUZZELL, Monday, April defalcation and it is said It is the OTIS KALER, Proprietor. train* will leave Portland to: and with it ireely. beat liniment in America. Th's house is provided with BATD Fall ■m^SRcnrrenf, improper, Arrangement. ai*r#fH7ifermediate on o' actions irregular OF BOON •. where hot and col l baths can be Bangor Nation tbi* line, apparently GOB HAM, For I lie with wli'ch dailv ■'or a Its action is like magic, when to had at all times. generous patronago 1.10 P. M. ewfstfm and ubarnoni”. will be cleared. extcrna’ly applied tliis house nas been favored during tbe past ot med- It ha also a FIRST ( IA^ Bll.LI- 7.10 A. *VJ an.lo.30P M. that such may he tlie case. to the practice the her* returns bis twotripsper week. AVe sincerely hope Intending relinquish general bad sores, burns, and For the sick A KD U A for season, p opriotor by 6y*Frei*ui liluh* u»j vfatorfilly. ;i .* t »i r rcalds, sprains. M«, guests only. in to for ot' and com- tli .uks, and announces that respouse ditto stal Ions, leave Poitl rod at a.25 A. f, The concern is a stupendous power good icine, except in cases Connected witn the house is a large 0l* an<1 al,er the wish of bis pat- “V Monday irom I* lue at headache and don’t fail to it. In modious «*A HI l» ft, 12 fttOoiU, UN WATER generally expressed *a t ember Train Bangox Portland ai the indomitable and toothache, try a -7ib, the member* and illustrates energy Consultation, located where rons, be will keep the New In ftsapon to* onrie.d with »raln t t'o t STREET, centrally Sample !' ,].\hg|ainl,i apt E. Field, and t|4o of the and influential it is a can show ir tree of' yron Lawbtroi nd tnburn s.P restless enterprise large Operations, short, Pain Killer. sep4-4wt Agents tin goods charge. “KIRKWOOD” New York, t ant H w ovly,of Surgiciil wwwci in ill FPWI V HO" in the interests of which it is Dislocations The Proprietor, thank tul for the liberal pat- CUihholm, will leavo Railroad’ denomination of TO toe house has open tor tbe reception and entertainment of gue.-ts loot t Nov. l(iwe no Treatment VXTANTED—ALL OUT OF LMPLOYMENT ronage that above enjoyed since Wharf, Mate Mreei, every MONDAY ami the lull amt winter reasons. on. We a lull account of its m a us Uork. ol rare in in •luring carried append Aiicl l< tacturcs, Canvass tor new KelLi its opening takes pleasure mining his THURSDAY, at G o’clock 1* M tor Fastport aud St but ■ history, &c., from the columns of the New merit, peculiarly adapted to t. c youn*. iqually atrons that he will run free Carriages to anti 1 ho Laracnud Commodious IKnll^ Jo'in. couflue iiimscll more especially to Office and instructive t> all and invaluable fiom the Cars and until further notice. will leave St. Portland & R. EU ai.d to entertaining Boats, will be «pen lor dances and other amuesuients. Returning John ami Eullport on Kennebec York Times: to stiai in elegtnce Connected with the above House is a I’rnr.icr and ii:e treaimcntol Surgical and every Cor t'ao<11>; unequal**! Livery pleasure and excursion with same day? An turner embellished tcith evtr oOO en- partita supplied 71 Hf 3, lt*«» ITS AGE AND OS1GIN. and cheapness; being Stable, where good teams can be had tit reason- dinner or at hour at with Irt.i.gtmnl, nts and oilie»s, wanting supper any desired. Connecting Eastport Steamer BULK gravings. 1 xperienced Ag able rates. t flint The institution Chronic Diseases! secure choice Tables supp ie with ttie best of everything tor st. Andrews and Calai* and with Tuo is now more than eighty a work tnat will >>ell at fight, should BROWN, Trains the market and no to make N. B. lor W'oooslock ami ilouhon Justly between Portland and Augusta. been created in the 1789. at once fror terms, &c., uilords, pains spaied & C. Railway years old.haviug year Has opened an office in of territory p^nculars, our the Itev. ACo guests comfortable and happy. ataiona. It was started under the agency of address GABKETT «i%3aL3P. IjCavo Portland lor nixed Pit. «*»•&» W. M. THAYER. Billiard Tables connected with tbe House. at. St. John with the er EM- train Augusla, John in the of , epl-4wf Pniiattilpbin, Proprietor. Connecting at 7.On ,v m Dickens, city 2w PRESS lor Windsor ami Halilax and with was borrowed Hanson’s Digby, with a of only SfiOO that New __sep21 and interm*- Waforville »»l capital Block, -a \ READERS AND SPEAKERS the E. tV N. A. Railway »or Schcdinc BangJrw“ 124? Vm“• Bau1’ for the Xu 1798 Mr- Dickens died, /v / at PjrtUui‘nr B ull an,I An- puipose. X V l\_/ v/ wanted, to buy the first editu-n of d;ate stations. Connections at St. John lor Frtder- CU ”u is'i* ai. and It v. was appointed agent TEMPLE < Ezekiai Cooper STREET, t l(HM boite SeicctiouM, Oo.2. containing ickton ami liarlottcown P. E. I. ,lua was removed to the ATL A W TIC, CiisIbbscic Mobbsc* at fortland daily in his e In 1804 it ono hundred of'be la»est go>d lor recitation, B3F received on of sailing until 4 o’ .IO*A»! plac >\ tilings Freight days /nu'”5*i",b8 aud Jk*v. John llton was Between ICYngless and Federal Streets, isee sign) scho it in ami c^ck Fare a# low b\ thi* rnu.. »« city ot N«\r York, declamation. reading. &c., poetry P. M. "alervdlc, aod book from a Kendo ’s Mi appointed assistant editor steward. where he may bt* found every week tiny half pro4o. Send 30 cents lor single sample to Corner of Winthrop, and St,te Stseets sep20dislw dtf A. R. STUBBS, Agent. Is, iHiteramiB b^5!ol!‘ > Mutual •ven ralRon.l; and ti. hers later Mr. Cooper resigned, leav- 1». UAtCKET & Co. Insurance pTi,, n 'v, Four years past 10 A M, until 5 PM. Comp’y, Maine Cenuai nJ} ®Oi,0nM‘""S “,r Pn. Mahons me l'.,u(j the Concern worth about $45,000, the net in sepi-4wt Philadelpbia, AlCIim, MAINE. ing He will be at bis office in Gorham, at 7 o’clock this line. Passe. geiN iron, tr(1, ol nineteen years. Mr. Wilson suc- 51 Wall cornet' New York. For .urf NtWp^t^Dcx" _ William, This established and Nova Scotia. earnings in the an I until 9 in ilio morning. AGENTS WANTED FOR 'JIIE BEST BOOK OF st., long popular House ter, &c., will puioba;c tickets io with It v. Daniel Hitt as evening, Halifax, ceeded, assistant. In THE PERIOD! oilers unusual inducements to those who and after the cars of the He will •*» full assortment ol liis medical prep- «T 1800. only, taking PurtlauU^i. I that year the agents were first released of the keep iinuary, desire all tbe conveniences and luxuries ot The Steamship CARIOTTA, will KWUMd I- ot the arations, such as a well regulated Hotel. Tbe leaveGdi’s Wharf, *AT- responsibilities pastorate, and left to Injures Inland Risks. Proprietor and make the lare the same to ror lai 1 < 1 Women New Against Marine and Navigation UUUAV. through their entire attention of York; will be ready to reco ve tbe public during l£-k »i I P. ill for Hal- Boston as via Maine give to the business Hu- are “EaSaffiEiaS Central. Bitter s, ByspepUc Kemcdy, of rilUE whole profits of tlie Company revert to the Assured, and divided annually, upon the Preml tue tail and winter at and Itax direct, close connections preaching only as felt Mr Or, the Coder-World Ihc Crcat Cily. satisfactory prices, every making Through Ticket-are i-olu at Boston over the Past- they disposed. A nm« lorminated during tho year; and for which Certificates arc issued.bearing interest until redeemed. will be to our ot with the Nova Scotia lia lor Wilson is said revelation of modern attention given guests. Members Iway Co., Windsor, ern and Bos.on and Maine Railroads lor ail Stations to have been ail estimable man mor >:4yrup, Tho most startling times.— of 40 per cent, lor 1808. New lafDividend the or others can be accommodated with lniro, Glasgow and Pietou, N. S. on a faithful He New York Unmasked. “The Legislature this line; also the ^ndros. oggm If. IC. and Dex- minister, and a skillful agent. Society Aristocracy,” board a week. Returning will leave at Ills Offices in Portland and Gorham. of The company lias over Million Dollar*, via: at $7 to $14 Pryor’s Wharf, Halifax, on the conducted the ‘VYomen Pleasure,” “Married Women,” and all A«»cl», Thirteen at 4 ter, angor, &t\, Maine Central. No break business faithfully until 1810, State of and other every Tuesday P. M, Dr. Buzzell is to classes ventilated. 50 and New-York Bank Stocks.$7,387,434 00 T. B. ♦ ot gange cast of Pertland thi- when he also in tlio prepared apply ELECTRICITY tlitrougly Illustrations. Stocks, City, BALLARD, abin passage, with Slat* Room by route, and the only died, leaving the Concern Loans secured Stocks anil 00 $7.00 route which in all its forms to such cases as be boueflted Price S3. by otherwise. ‘4,414.100 to by a pas-er ger from B, ion or Port- hands of Mr. Hitt. The conference of may by Bonds and sap20d3m Proprietor. Through Tickets Windsor, N. S, 8 00 general Address at once, The New Yoik Book Co 145 Real Mortgages. ‘410.000 00 44 44 land can certainly reach bkowhegan the same it. He a new Estate, New du> 1812 him and Thomas treats CATARRH by and successful Interest and Notes and claims due estimated 0 Truro, Glasgow° & Pic- appointed principal, Nassau st. New York. jy31td4w sundry the Company, at. ‘400,330 03 tou, N. S. by railroad. bat the business failed to suc- method. Uistrealment ot all Premium Notes and Bills 33 9 00 leave Ba*h Ware, assistant; Humous, and CAN- Receivable. 2,W3:<.'4U7 Meals Extra. Stages for Rockland,&c.t daily. Au- ceed as it hud not for tbo want of fideli- Cash in Bank,... 403,34883 Adams floBBse gust.! tor Bel tast V’a.-salboro for No.tu and doDe, CER in all its forms, has boon unusually successful, WHAT A BE For further information apply to L. BILL INGS daily. iu so much os skill and harmo- East anu <; Kendall’s Mills ty the agents, can Atlautic Wnarl, or daily. a9 he satisty any inquirer. Ho is ready to per- for ny. Iu 1810 both were left out, and Joshua $13,000,884*39 Me JOHN Unity daily. At Pishon’s Ferry lor Canaan dal- form Temple Street, Portland, PORTKOUS, Agent.* ly* At -tth on Soule and Thomas Mason succeeded them, and any Surgical Opperation required or practiced TSSU8THK.8 Aug. 10-t! Skowhegan tor the different towns N John D. Jones, Royal Phelps, R. L. Taylor, their route. wise management and indomitable energy iu Surgery, lie will fit TRUSSES to patients n Kred*kChaunecj,g IOHI by Charles Dennis, Caleb Barstow, Uenrv K. Bogert, James Low, NAU’VDR, Proprietor. L. L. LINCOLN, Supt. the concern from FALL BlVElt 4 saved sinking under ils em- need ot them, at his office. In conclusion he would W.H.H. Moore, A. P.Pillot, Dennis Geo. S. Stephenson, LINE, Augusta, mavlltl Four after Mr. Perkins, April26,18C9. burrssuronta. years Soule was say, that his long exp3iiencc in the treatment ot Henry Coit, Win. E. Dodge, Jos. Gaillard, Jr., Wra.H. Webb This new first-class business Hotel is now open For New York, Philadelphia, , Wash- elected bishop, and Rev. Nathan was Win. C. Pickersglll, David C. A. Hand, Bangs Chronic and Surgical diseases has enabled him to Lane, Sheppard Gandy, to the public. All tbe appointments are new and ington, and all the principal points appointed to succeed him,-with Rev. Thomas Lewis Curtis, James Bryce, B. J. Howland, Francis Skidd Great Reduction find out the bc?t remedies f r their tbe within a few rods of both the Midd’e st. West, South aud Mason as assistant. treatment. Chas.U Bussell, Charles P. Bcuj. Babcock, Robert C. location, South-West, The concern was still Burdett, Fergusson, 01 Through Tlckecs to all 01 the West Lowell Holbrook, Daniel S. Robt. B. Mint Samuel G. Ward and st. is one of the most convenient Via Taautan, Fall Rirer and parts scpt21deod1 w&w3\v Miller, urn, Jr, Congress cars, Newport. Pure* HEAVILY IN DEBT. R. Warren Gordon W. ouly 830,00 to t — clns. 1HEY ABE NOT A VILE PA NOY Weston, PaulSpofford, Burnham, William E. bunker. in the city. Cabin, $5,00; Deck $4.00 Baggage checked llicnge first Its hooks were scattered Book DRINK, Samuel L. Mitchell, Janies G. De Forest. through and transferred in N Y free of 833.50 to .It iinuu'i. ll’.s through the coun- Agent* Wauled for Tbe Hotel contains ar- charge. e, bring SO Made of Poor and re- W. H. H. Moore,2d Viee-Prest. John D. President. forty rooms, conveniently Now York trains leave the Old New- try in the hands of presiding elders and Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits, Jones, Colony ami 1 J. D. 3d Vicc-Prcst, Charles in suites. Tbe has bad Railway >•“ any other an Ma'na under a commission fuse Liquors, docioied, spiced, and sweetned to Hewlett, Dennis, Vice-President. ranged Proprietor experi- port Depot, corner ot South aud Kiieelaml y Rou,., preachers, arrange- 6TBTOGLES AS TRIUMPHS OP J. H.Chapman SWT “’as*' all Point- West, all via Pie please the taste, called “Tonics,” “Appetizers,” Secretary. ence in for the and ex- streets,daily, (Sundays excepted,)as follows: at 4..**0 rail, ment adopted by the General Confer- lor Insurance made to providing public, confidently “Restorers,” &c., that lead the on to drunk- Applications P M, arriving in Newport 40minutes in advance ot ence some and the tippler pects to welcome all his old friends who come to years before, returns were enness and ruin, but are a true made the regular Steamboat Train, which leaves Boston Oil AND THUNK HAIL If A 1 slow and Medicine, JOHN W. 166 Fore Portland. uncertain. Tbo agents saw that 1*. T. BABNVSI from the native Roots and Herbs of California, free MUNGEB, Office St., Portland and to make a host of new ones. Every at 5.30 P M, connecting at ^ewporl with the must be new and sieamers TicItt.tR something done to vitalize the whole from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They ai e the GREAT |^*Oflicehonrs from 8 A M. to 5 P. M. 9dlm&eodllm-wGw attention will be given to the wants of guests. magnificent PBOViDtNCE. Capt. at l.ewcti Rttt> whole and BLOOD-PURIFIER ana LIFE-GIVING PRINCI- B. M. ton.— system, immediately brought out >\ KITTEN BY HIMSELF. IN ONE LARGE OCTAVO July 27. dtf Simmons, Bristol, Capt. Benj. Bray a Renovator and ot the These steamers are the fastest Via New York Boveral works lor which there was a loud PLE, perlect Juvigorator and most reliable Boston,, bullalo aid Heir cal), Volume—nearly 800 Pages—Print- oft all and res- boats on the built For pmhrnfiinff T-tfirkiui’* n...i -- System, carrying poisonous matter, Hi All ESTATE. TO LET. Sound, expressly lor speed, safety Information apply at Grand Tiunk Ollliv npi <> ed in English and German. toring the blood to a bealtby condition. No person and comiort. This line connecis with all the South- aite Preble Market Portland. revision of the Hymn Book. Both re- Rouse, Square, being can take these bitters according to directions ana Hcean ern Boats and It diroad Lines trom New York going elected in 1820, they, two years niter, rented 33 Elegant Fall Page remain long unwell. $ IOO willbe given for an in- House, Wes,i and South, and convenient to the *»• H. Engravings For Sale or to Let. Culiiorma CI,A7tBARO, Agent. the basement of the in curable cases, providing ^oncs are not Furnished Boom to Let. Steamers. Wesleyan Seminary, tliej destroy- Chamberlain's Beach, R. Shack el, General Agent. iu this It embraces Forty Years of ed mineral or other and the vital and desirable I'H »w «i jt mis Cro«by Street, city, and commenced do- Recollections by poisons means, largo boarding-house, board or without. ■'•uipiicri laine. wm: War. h his as a ai _ urwEaa, Eastern Aifcnf. ing their own binding. This proved so great Busy Ltie, Merchant, Manager, Banker, organs wasted beyond the point of repair. No. 6 Hampshire St,, next to corner of Middle WI Also G boardeis wanted, apply to Cape Elizabeth, Its now ami extensive depht accommodations in Bos- Lecturer, ami and accounts ol bis FOlt INFLAMMATORY AND CHRONIC RHFU- laid bouse was built in is in thor- aud lar^e in New tor St^'0^‘ Co- >« Cal,I, r a convenience that Mr. Bangs and his assist- Showman, gives mTIIESr., 1867, sep21islw* 13i Free street. ton, pier York, (exclusively tb< nU. Chfna'and Japan imprisonment, his Failure, his Successful M AT ISM, AND GOUT. DYSPEPSIA, or INDI- ough repair, contains finished rooms, business oi (he is with tadilities lot ant, Rev. John Emory, who succeeded Mr. European thirty-three Re-Opened June 3d, Lino), supplied Mar Itt-wtim&drtanl. Tours, and important Historical and Personal Rem- GESTION, BILIOUS, REMITTENT, INTERMIT- plenty ot hard and sott water, and tor central loca- Thursday, freight and passenger business which cannot be sur- Mason in 1824, purchased the Seminary build- iniscences, replete with Humor, Anecdotes and en- TENT FEVERS, DISEASES OF THE BLOOD, tion is unsurpassed by any boarding-house in the pass d. Freight always taken at low rates and for- and commenced TO LET. This established and ocean ing. tertaining Naralive. LIVER, KIENEYS and, BLADDER, these BIT- city. long popular warded with dispatch. It Contains his TERS have resort will possess unsurpassed attractions DOING THEIR OWN PRINTING celebrated lecture on the Art of been most >ucccsstul. SUCH DISEAS- Also, the first-class dwelling-house No, 24 Tyng New York Express Train leaves Boston »t 1.30 P Money first class stores on tor sea side sojourners and visitors for the Getting, with rules for Success in Busi- ES are caused by VITIATED BLOOD, which is Btreet, containing fouiteen finished rooms and all Exchange St, between M; goods arrive in New York next morning about ( in Septoml er of that year. It was Middle and Fore Sts. to L_season of ’69, SACO A PORTSMOUTH A H. during this ness, lor whieh he was offered $5,000. We offer ex- generally produced by derangement of the DIGEST- the modern improvements, plenty ol hard and soft FOUR Applv A M. Freight ieaviug New York reaches Boston oti administration II. It is situated eight miles from on the that Mr. Clarke’s “Comment- tra inducements to Agents and pay freight to the IVE ORGANS. water, and gas throughout. W. ANDERSON, Portland, the following day at 9.45 A M. was At office of Nathan head ot Cape Elizabeth, combining a magnificent ary issued, arid the unfortunate West. Send for 32 page circular, with Specimen Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its The above will be sold or rented cn reasonable Webb, Esq., For tickets, berths and staterooms, at tin summer arrangkme:;t Bystein 59 street. ocean view with rare coast scenery and picturesque apply ol out books on Engraving and Terms io Agents. impurities through the skin in terms on to scp21tfNo. Exchange company’s office at No 3 Old State House. Corner o sending commission was abol- bursting Pimples, application drives and strolls. CtauMUlat Monday, .liny :id, p*, n. ished. This was a Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it ob- S. L. Washing.on and State streets,and at Old am great reliet to the J. B. CARLTON, The Hotel has been during the past Colony Train* Concern, BLKItftCo, structed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when Office 27 Market residence cor. newly painted Newport Railroad corner of South aad -•eEBCaggJ rasaengei tc*jo Portland daily and gave now life to the business. On the 9th square, Congress, TO LET. season, and with facilities tor Gun- Depot, Codu* it is foul, and your leeliugs will tell you when. St. Lawrence st. Bathing, Fishing, land streets, Boston. SjAWwKBKSnndays exceptni) for South Hewn* or the Publisher*, Hanford, Keep sep25-d3w and make it ene ot September, 1826, first number of the Eept21J&wlmo the blood healthy,and all will be well. Ding Yachting, the most comfort- Junction, Portsmouth and Boston, at 0.15 and 8.10 Christian Advocate able and convenient houses on the sea shore. SUNDAY and 2.55 made its appearance, and These Bitters are not a gilded pill, to delight the Tenement to let containing tour rooms, NIGHT LINE. A. At, ami 0.00 P M. at once a hard and Horses and with safe drivers in Leave Boston tor became power for good to the Church. eye or please the fancy, hut a medical preparation, House tor Sale or to Let. SMALLplenty salt water. Apply at No. 25 carriages always Cars leave every Sunday Evening, at G.30 P.M Portland at 7.50 A. At., 12 AI. of Layfayette of readiness. anu 3.00 and 6.00 P M. The General Conference ot 1329 appointed Mr. composed the best vegetable ingredients known. SMALL two story House, on Franklin st, No St., connecting as above. are an sepl8-eod2w* PETE The hoose will he closed tor transient on Biddetord tor Portland at > Bangs its and editor ot They Alterative, Tonic, Diuretic, Seda- A 78 will be let or sold on easy terms. Possession WILLIAMS. company The Office, 3 Otd State Honse, will be 7.30 A. M„ returning editor, Sunday-school open ever] 5.20 P. AI. tive, Diaphoretic, and Gentle Purgative, Immediately. Apply to Sundays. Sunday aiteruoou trom 2 to G and at the De- kad become a Rev. je2tfJ. P. o’clock, necessity; “The Life of all Flesh is the Blood thereof.”— seplldlw* ALBERT J. 40 Lincoln st. A CHAMBERLAIN. pot, trom 9 to and trom 5 Portsmouth for rortlaud 10.00 A. AI and 2.30 John Emery editor and book MERRILL, Good Chance for a Barber. lUAM, to 6.30 P M, loi principal agent, Purity the blood, and the health of the whole sys- sale of tickets and staterooms. 5.50 and 3.00 P. AI. with to let coiner Fore and Beverly Waugh, his assistant. It was tem will folio ,v. Market Bts. In- Steamers leave New York On Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays the 0 o’clh this For Sale or to Let. ol daily, (Sundays includ- during term that and Fletcher’s R. H. J. WALKER & ROOMquire C. F. CORRY. EAGLE ed) trom Pier‘JS Worth P. M, train to and froai Huston wilt run via r astern Wesley’s MCDONALD, Co., sepi8-dlw* HOTEL, Hirer, loot of Murray' works were published, and tlie in- Proprietors. modern two story House and large Stable, ■t, at 5.00 P IRK. Kail Koad, stopping oulyat Saco, Biddetord, Kcnne magazine bunk.South Berwick stalled as the Methodist & San Francisco and Sacramento, California, and 35 THEtogether with 2G0C0 feet ot land, on Grove st.—ii Mechanic Falls, Maine. GifiO. SniVEBicK, Passenger and Freight Agent, Junction, Portsmouth, New. Magazine Quarterly aud 34 not sold the first of October, will buryport, Salem and Lynn. Review, i'he business so Commerce St. (Commerce, a short street by it be tor lent To Let. JAMES FISK, JR., increased that no On amt it will more was running fromBleeker to N. Y. Inquire ot HOUSE on Director Co. Tuesdays, Thursdays Saturdays rim needed, and five Jots were Barrow), Douglass st. containing 8 rooms with N.H. Managing Narragansett Steamship via Boston & purchased ggj^Sold ail Dealers. JOHN C. PEAKES, Proprietor. Maine II. It, stopping only at Unt- on Street, and by Druggists and au24-12w PROCTER, A a good cistern and excellent well. Possession May 15-dlyr Saco, Mulberry commenced ile lord, Kennebuuk, South Berwick 1) v buildings sepl0eod3w* No. 93 Exchange Street. given of Josi B. The leased this Junction, where the concern is now located. Mr. immediately. Inquire ph Hall, 105 present proprietor hav|ng er, Exeter, Haverhill and Lawrence. Emory Federal street, or of G. W. fine Hotel for a term of years, would re- CUNARD LIME. having been elected in BURNHAM, Freight Trains each way, Jan bishop 1832, Mr. Waugh sepl7d2wG31 inform the he is now daily lay xcepted.) was 24 Acres Land for Sale. Congress street. spectfully public ready FKANCi appointed Rev. T. business. or r-. 'I'll K liblTMn & tiiASE, principal agent; Mason, _. _itor To travelers, boarders par- NpRTI Allen’s one mile from the Portland, dtf assistant; Mr. Bangs, editor of the GREAT SUN-SUN CHOP, Corner, Westbrook, ties, considering the nice accommodations and mod- ^it-iiSflarAMKRR'AN ROY AL MAIL STEAM May 3,16C9. Magaziue ATHorse in whole or in five acre lots. Will and and of Cars, erate wc would without tear of contra- V."T^..rfX*SHlPS between NEW YORK an Quarterly Review, general books; be sold low for cash. To be charges, say Rev. John 1* Let diction, this Hotel stands without a rival. BamLI VERPOOL, calling at Cork Harbin Durbin, editor of the Christian juiy 31-12wf to WM.H. Real Estate Apply JERRIS, Agent, Mechanic Jan. dtf PALMYRA, Th.scpl.23. | TAR 1 FA, Thurs. Oct. 14 FORT LAN -j £$1 b, R.R Advocate, and Falls, 7,1869. •• bunday-scbool books and tracts, THE Portland. (sep!5d3w 19. I 20 and Rev. Possession Given Immediately. SCOTIA, Welly, RUSSIA, Wedy, Timothy Merritt, his assistant. In ALEPPO, Tbura. 30. | TRIPOLI, Tbura 21 SUMMER tho IS ARRANGEMENT. September 1833, front buildingou Mulberry (THE ONLY WHINGER ,TH AT HAS THE COLGATE & GO’S large Store No 47 and 49 Middle Street, CUBA, Wedy, Oct C. | JAVA,Wednesday, 27 Street was Tfiird JParish Lot Sale• completed, and tho whole business for THEThompson’s Elock, lately occupied by E. L. MALTA,Thursday" 7. | SIBEH1 A.Tburs 29 0,1 an'! atter removed to AROMATIC Stan wood <5fc Co. Monday, May 3d, Uca, its present quarters. Patent china, Wedy, 13.1 Nov. 3 trains wi.l Eveytbius Flange Wheels House Lot of the The Store is SCOTIA,Wedy, run us follows: went on until Fi b. Cog- rpiIE Mcetiog Thiid Congrega- fitted up for a first-claes wholesale RATES OP PASSAOK train leave prosperously 18,1836, when Ttr js j and atweoger Portland daMy,(Sunday* ex- the or-TITe VEGETA house, would be suitable for Dry the not budding and stock were consumed by fire ON BO IH KXtKS noLLy Goods, Fancy REMOVAL. By Wednesday steamers, carrying emigrant celled) lor Allred and iutci media to fetaiion-', at 7.13 Goods, Apothecary, Millinery, or any light goods A. involving a loss of Portland Water Co. have First Cabin.a 1:101 ,, .Vi, 2.00 and 6.15 P. AI. 8250,000. This was a Combined with is where a a removed their heavy’ The on one end a roll are Glycerine, recom- anJ good and nice store would be an — — .V. wo o.„.» > *"'U. Leave All-it a blow, little part of the insurance cogs of set relatively Be- ^-'tenaing .location Oablu. SO j JLx Portland at. 7.30 A.M, and 2 P M. being collect- tween those on the other >nd the SAME roll vir- mended tor ihe St105S’,elt'onCh»P,u*re^ XHEce on Plum Street near Middle Street, Ihrough trains able, the companies insolvent of use of Ladies and Being a corner lot, it is well situated for dwelling- \VM.H.STUART,No 133 Brackett st, First Cabin to Paris.$145. gold. freight with i>as. engir t-ur uttrcU- being occasioned tually fanning a Or T. E. o sepltf L. D. 0 l leave Portland ai 12.13 A M. a recent in houses, stores, or a public building. Stuart, N 352 1-2 Congress 8!. seplld4w SULPLEY, Sec’y. By Thursday and Saturday by heavy fire in the lower of the the Nursery. Steamers, Stages connect as part The subscribers, Assessors and Standing Commit- First follows: dly* But it excited much DOUBLE nov 2, 1868. dly Cabin.$s0, gold Steerage.$30,.. curiency At Ooihaui tor South sympathy. GEAR, tee of said Society,are authorized by vote to tfleet a To Let. Windham, Windham ti ll Meetings wer- beta on this account in vari- and 6ale. A steamer ot this line leaves tor Bostoi and North Windham, West Oorliin, thereby nearly doubling the purchase. (Th« No 20 Brown st, to two young men, a hand- ^EMOVAIU Liverpool Sicen ous places, and contributions ot every and di ■ Falls, were made to the importance scitfeg gears in this position is not JAMES CRIE, AT srmtly furnished wiih a window. Tuesday, bringing freight passengers Baldwin, Lieomark, Schagu, iiri aton, L Veil, amount of Parlor, bay rect. §89,991 98. This with what generally uuderslood.) Dodd’s AVM. C. Also a very iiont Chamber. And Ware-Souse Htraui, Brownfield, tryehurg, c.tiway, Bartlett! sum, HOW, pleasant spl4ccd2w* to Let! tickets from was duo to the and -Notwithstanding the rolls ^enn at ELIAS BANKS. steerage Liverpool or Queenstow Je-keon. Porter, Ficc :oui ait- concern, the amount re- separate freely and all Ltmiue*on,Coiui:h, ci'lier end, the subscribers have removed their of parts ol Europe, at lowest laics. isou and La tun A II., ceive! from the insurance enabled Cog-wheels cannot e thrown out ol Septl, 18G9. d4w Furnished rj^HE place daily. companies, gear on both ends ol the Nicely Booms, business ‘h® store E. Through bills ot Lading given tor (II3scot r At Buxton Center, lor West the to wtlnger at the samo lime, tt formerly occupied by E. Aelfast, .. Buxton,ltonn, facie, agents commence anew with a capital Nervine South unless pressure is taken rfl. the day or week, at No G Free street. Uphani & Son Commercial street, head oi Kicbard- Havre, Antwerp, aud o her ports on the Continent j Liuiiiigioil, Liiuing on, oadv. all of 74. This « told, 8281,650 business has By MRS. I. E. SOU JUGATE. son-* where be found a and for MedJterancau ports. At enter vVaturbo ouji lor pros- The 'OV*IiTV is lastenrd to a tub Timber Wharf, may complete assort- Liinerfilc, Ncwlicla, w th little or box by Lands Sale ment For 1 at* tii>hf.d pered in con- a for Portland, .June 30,18C9. of the b« st brands of at freight andcahm passage ar pty at and ussiput*. oailv. interruption,except Patent Curved Vlamp. widen lias en equal bear- jylOeodSm* Family Flour, prices tboconipa nection with the Southern which cannot tail to attract nj’s offlee, 103 State st. JAMES ALEXANDER At AlLt.d loi ..i,u San to < secession in 1844 ing on a lub tbe tchou length of the Other FINE Lot of Pine customtrs. Spring,aiu id orncr. from which it has Wringer. Timber, containing twenty TO the Warehouse and Agent. W- happily retoveted. It should VV nngers are merely issteued to a stave al each acrUUL>^UKV- end, A less, them For Steerage to LOO. be recorded to tile liouor of all and are thus liable to wriiieh the on the line of Wharf, occupied by as a grain store. passage apply LAV.’UK SC It A 20, T,- concerned that staves lrorn their Another tertificate i the Graud Trunk Railway at South i NQUTRE ol J. C. Woodman. Jr.. No. 1411-2 Tx- 10 Broad not a and ruin the & ADAMS. RYAN, st, Boston. uoNfcod ly dollar has ever heeu lost by the defal- proper position tub. Pnri 1 change st, or N. II. WOvDMAN, No. 28 Oak st. je24eodtf_UPHAM cations ol its The Ledyjbd, Conn, April 3,1869. The above lot contains in addition to to the timber m.nagers from the commence- Cog wheels, Thumb-screws, &c are nleelv jyiatt ment tbanka (or som° ten acres ol cleared laud and several desirable Norfolk and Baltimore Steamshi If l ull are \t eat ot the business. The concern at galvanized. Accept tailing my attention to Iiodl’i REMO V A L ~! Line. has Nervine house For Ublng four •* anil Tnvignrator. It l as dot i-me mon lots. luither information enquire of of this Line sail Irura cu< present depositories, lor which tho Buy the 'OVE or at least take on To Let. Steamships agents l,Tir,» it ■ good than any other medicine 1 ever took. 1 of Central Boston, tie are one in trial wun any or alt others, and the bate AJLYA SjHUHTcEFF, IT H immediate Wharf, Kv^rp Procure Tickets the responsible; Boston, Mass, one in keep licet. twelve s W possession. Store No. 90 Corn- 3 o’clock r m. by gained poum in flesb. and am correspond- au3Cdeodt\v&w3w South Paris Me. s'* C. PEARCE & tor Norfolk am Bufialo, H. Y. one in Sold IV, U. I* IIP.I, P. letter morcial street, (Thou as Block) occu- CO., Pittsburg. Penn., and everywhere. At O., ingly every way. It is an nvnluab'e ren tdv lately 9GBaa!^BtbJj .Nutt 111-Ws.VT. mrn-h- w 1 Edited t>en. 1 Advocate, tb am pJe grounds tor by K. Waring, ,Jr.. author o For Sale the Chandler edat tlir with chou-u ot enlargement and, 41 Union Richmond, by river or jail; anil Ihe Va. Tern raiis, Lo tu at amlfclso a fine Organs Melodeous ‘•Draining for profit,” &c., ami Agricultural Engin To fee ILefo St, under the Falmouth. by If the ONLY (JMuN TIlKKT OFfc building, fully paid for iii eer of N. Air Line to all p.onls in Ala it.K, it Y. Central pork. 200 Engravings Null BETHEL, MAINE. With every facility to meet the wants ot the Virginia, Tennessee, Pittsburg, publishes a Iart:e number of like it public bama anil (Jeoegia; »uu over lie Seaboned and Ron Ot the latest ing ever published; 13 li Edition now readv we hope to obtain our share of No, 40 1-2 1'j\change book*, embracing improved Styles and Tone, Mann- Also Siiuatf d in one best locations for summer resort in patron age. nuke It. ft to all points in North anu South Carolina IStvict, bible.*, commentaries, lit mu for, & Howsoi *s> J IFF < F ST Possession Given At Once t attention to and music fattured by Concybeare New I will accommodate about ICO S^Special given fitting Buildings the Halt, to books, wita over 1,500 bound books PAUL, s ntrodu. tion. Eng.and. HE with by if Ohio It. 11. Washington ami ai * EITTJjE & Bishop S.mtfscn The onh store on Ilotand Cold me HlN, lor guests. large Commercial street, head Baihs, Water Closets. Urinals, West tO«, tgt buD'lay-seliool complete work. E. B. TREAT • placts Mar 21-dtr libraries, besides catechisms, $3 cS:CO., Pub’s, 65‘ For terms to the Widgery’s Whart, together wkh the Wharf and Etc, tor Sebago Lake Water. ques ion aud N. apply Proprietor, It Through rates given to South and West. books, Dutnerous other requisites Broadway, 19d4wt K. S. Dock. has tour Counting rooms, also a large Sate. REFER BY PERMISSION TO WM. P, Y._au CHANDLER, Bethel. Has been Fine Passenger acco ndauons. embraciuK nearly one thousand tracts. Possession Oct 1st. occupied as a Provision and W est Hon. JOHN It’ HASTINGS, AMfcNTS arc tel given Grain, B. BROWN, Faro including Berth aim Meals 115.00: time t also s x making fortunes ing our new India Goods Store. Is lor a Fish Es- GRAriD publishes periodicals, the auu23'iif finely adapted Gen. GEORGE F. President Portland 43 hours. To Baltimore 05 TRUrtH RAILVi^r nanielv, household work, which will prove in every family tc tablishment. Will he lor SHEPLEY, Noriolk, hours. CArttlian fitted up any kind of busi- Water t o, For timber inlormatiou OK Advocate, Quarterly Review, Sunday be tlio ne>s. apply to «AIVAE)A. School Advocate. Hon. JACOB McLELLAN, Ex. E. Sunday School Journal. Good Kent low. on Mayor, SAMPSON, Agent, or Enquire tl:e prem ses. F. C. Chief Fire 4:1 i*11'1 l,‘® Northern Chrittian For bale to Let, 21-dlt MO»'DY, Esq., Engineer Dep’t. aug4d)m Central Wharf, Boston. Alteration ot Trains. at Advocate, May »p29tt Auburn, New York. The Western Book Uoneeru was commenced at , Ohio, Good Samaritan A nice two story Dwelling House, a tew Inland Koute FALL ARRANGEMENT. in 18-J, as a branch ot the miles out ol the city. parent establish- T © -FOR- ment, under the or money refunded. Pyau eminent author. Finch Apply to LET! DB. J. B. HDG1IEH, immediate agency of Rev. a"'l Martin Illustrated; highly endorsed pioflesslonal am NAItllFL CAN BK FOYNB AT HIS alter Sept. 27th Ruter. This was by KELL, Pffaijgnn „°?Trains Mondav, necessitated by the scientific men; meets a felt sells to Boot and Shoe Store ISo. C$2 Waldoboro and Damariscotti i yiri^lK will ran as tallows; expense and slowness of long necessity; Dealer, Commercial Street, transportation, and ad classes; without regard to oi aulSdtf 353 ICuilrond aud Two 1 train tor South Paris the state of poliilcs, religion, CohgitxsNi. *tt-aniboat, rips .Mail and intermediate sla- the From a Secured • PRIVATE M th Hs at currency. mire de- occupation. by act of Congress. Novi \ hy 50 feet. Wrell adapted for Flour or Grain MEDICAL ROOMS per eels. 7.10 A M. pository and a branch, this establishment has ready. Send for illustrated circular, giving ful 1 1-15 Bouse lor business. Story $1700, * Steamer *4CJ Express Train for Danville into a No. 14 lias* lloauli Junction at 1.10 P M. grown regular publishing house, having particulars. Possession given immediately. Enquire CO Com- Preble Street, its 1IAWKES & 2G eight rcoms, in nice all of mercial loo,” ALDEfci WINCHKN Note—This Train nil not at branches or depositories at Co., Washington St., Boston, Mass order, street. BACH. stop Intermedium Chicago, St, CONTAININGwhich have been papered within a week. Weil the Preble Master, will leav staiiou*. Louts, and and No. stp2Q-4u mch2dtt RANDALL, Me A LUSTER & CO. House, 'Atlantic Detioit, publishing Ibrt# 15 Chestnut Port Apply to B, Jr., AdmT. or Wharf, foot of Indi Street, loud, Kingsbury, he can be consulted Mail Train (Ooppln* at all for weekly papers in English and one in German : AGENTS W. H. privately, and wit Street. Portland, ever tta'ions) Island MAINE, WANTED FOR THE A .JERR1S, the Poud, w Hi WHKHA:utmost confidence by tho at WEDNi.bDA >, at 7 o’clock A. for Waklobore connecting uigbt mall train tor and tlie Jy30tf Real Estate Agent, under Lancaster Hail. afflicted, M, » Montreal and the Quebec, «o«,m°'o1)ly’ i'o’ ,fad‘fs' Repository, to~let7 hours dally, and from 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. at anu Round West, at l.£tf P M. School in The Organ is the best Reed now In touching Pond, and ever Sunday Bell, German, all having a Instrument Dr. **, addresses Boothbay voiced with a those who are suffering under the SATURDAY at 7 o’clock A. M. for Painuriscottu Somh P“b an'1 cl*culation. use, rich, mellow and powerful tone, For sale or JLxckaDge. on comer of ‘"termciiata They also published a i be Pearl and Cumberland sts., Affliction of i r1v3te whether trciL at and great aim has been to inanutaeturc an inutru- diseases, arising touching Boothbay Hodgdon’sMills. «t*ta£“»t16U0 p‘°M considerable list of hooks in Captain’s interest in a small vessel or Lighter STORES £ood lor Goods connection or the English and other ment to please the and style Apothecary,Dry Impure terrible vice of scl^abuse. Returning—will leave Waldoboro* FRI eye satisfy the ear. will be sold or for a or a or with every Passenger trains will arrive as languages. Itsbusinoss is to Also Secrets A cheap exchanged house, Millinery business, cemented cellars and Devoting his entire time to that particular branch of DA Y at G o’clock A. aud follows: nearly equal that improved Meludeons, the latest of which is small a water M, Uamariscotta ever of the farm, or piece of wood land, il applied ler conveniences. the medical he feels at 7 From South Paris and parent and will ex- a newly which Sights! profession, warranted in Guas- MONDAY, o’clock A. M, at iutennedi Lewiston, af 8.13 A 71. Concern, ananged does not the in- soon. touching probably Swell, put or THE For particulars call on Also, Houses on Pearl and Cumberland Ter- AHfEKliJO A CuitK IN “■a few as strument out of NATIONAL OAPITOL. st., ALL Whether of loiifl ate the Boston Boats From at 2.00 P years, the population of the tunc. maylSdttL. 117 race, fitted with all CASKS, landings, connecting at Port Bangor M. 5Je* Also TAYLOR, Com. St. modern conveniences, abund- standing or recently the land and with the Boston & Great West shall increase. keeps on hand Plano Fortes of the best ance ot controoted, entirely removing Maine and Faster; From ilylcs most startling, instructive and pure hard and soft water. Kow ready for oc- dregs of disease from the Montiea), Quebec; and Uorliam at 2.23 P M. and tone. dc9eodly WM. 1\ HASTINGS. entertaining system, and tnakin? a per" Railroads, arriving in Portland in season* tor pas IT OWNS THEbook oi the day. Send lor Circulars and .rur »aie in jk cupancy. to IS it and BEAI. ESTATE Price list sent set runs wick, Me.! Apply PERMANENT OUR It. sengers to take th. afternoon train lor Accomodation from South {3^* by mail. our terms. Address U. S. Boston Pails, at7.C0P. M. ■At PUBLISH IN G CO.. 411 2 1-2 He would call the attention of the afflicted to the ^""Through tickets out at the Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis BROOME YORK. story Dwelling House, with L, Sta- J. L. FARMER, ofllcea of the Bos equal ST.,NEW sep2C-lwt ami Garden. fact of hi? long-standing and weti-eernad reputation t >n & Maine and Eastern Sleeping Cars on all to its necessities, estimated at ble, The house fronts on the Railroads, aud on Boar, night Train?. $150,000: does its augCdtf 47 Dan forth street. furnlfibin; sufficient Meat-fence of ole skill and suc- the Boston boats. own and Merrill, Prince & AGENTS WANTED MACollege Green, and was the residence ot the stereotyping, printing, and Co.f FOR late Prof. cess. h and taicc n binding, Win. Smyth. For terms apply to reight passengers as low as by any oth rhe reports a net capital ol over half a WHOLESALE cr route. Company are not responsible for te million of ROBERT BOWKER, Esq., HARRIS, ATWOOD & CO.. amount ba**aae dollars. The of any exceodme $S0 in value land ,. agents the Cincinnati Concern maylSdtl Brunswick, Me, W Ait lf.D UaaUoa to the PabiU. that Aor- are al) unless notice Is aiven, anil Messrs Hitchcock and Walden. In ad- ^_Agents. paid tor at the ra'c ot Every intelligent and thinking person must know one passenger for every $f»oo adMtfonal dition to those bouses and FANCY value publishing deposi- GOODS “WONDERS for gnat remedies handed nut for general use should have C. J. BR are House Sale. YD’jES, Managing several other their established well Shortest Koute to New York 1 7'ireclo*, located,th®'e establishments WANTE 17 efficacy by tested experience in ff. BAILEY, Local at central points and GLOVES, HOSIERY, TRIM- OF THE WOULD.” tha hands of a educated Superintendent, conducted on pri- CORSETS, A GOOD Rent ol five regularly physician, whose Portland, Sept. 22 tH$9. vate House No 4G Spring recently own- rooms centrally located In studies Ht him for all Inside JLine via dtf account, which keep a OVEE ONE THOUSAND I1LUbi-haTIONS. The Street, -ns- a preparatory the duties be must Sfonington. general suppli er MINGS, ed and the late James E. Fernald. good best ot retciences the best «*ost BRTCK occupied by neighborhood, fulfil; yet the Is flooded with ncetruns ■ From Boston anil Concorn, furnishing ample facilities for largest, selling, and attractive subscrip- to given. stal Ing and country poor Provident-. Rail SMALL WAKES, YANKEE &C. Apply Address, price location. and cure-alls, to be the best in btation at pans otthe NOTIONS, tion book ever pwnnsbed. BOX 1813 purport »g the world, «^''^rWaR.wa-v 5.30 o’clock, P, M. 'V11 country. Then tor with at ap‘23tt LOWELL & SENTER. which are not but tb«1riPUrChfr* Offer to the e Send Circulars, terms, once. Address OL.^, seless, always injurious. (Sundays excepted) will P"b,iahes three other trade ot ot the largest and best select- Me. The unfortunate bfeSfilur connecting wleklv naner.0Lfere."Ce UNITED STATES PUBLISHING CO. sep25-2w»_Portland, aiad I be p articular in selecting ■"xWBffTaai ne" ami elegant Steamers at Stoning ed stacks oi his as It PnZv-/TAP'I? by, Committees, namely: the Broome Street, New York, physician, Is a lamentable yet Incontroverti- ton aud arriving in New York in time lor earii Ayer’s Pacific Chrittian Advocate at ■ sep20-d4wt_411 ble that manv Portland, Oregon Two First-Class Houses for Sale. Agents. lact, syphilitic patients are made mis- trams South and West aud ahead of all other Lines Christian at NEW FALL GOODS. a and erable with ruin d constitutions In case 01 or Advocate, Sun Fran- day, constant for Broom and by maltreatment Fog Smriu, passengers by paying si o'^®rn“5 tbe in a ANTED—Agents from Inexperienced in can take Chrittian Advo- EMI»I.OVMENT.-$10employment light, honorable, and profit- two IVcw no physicians general practice; lor extra, tile Night Express Train via", boon eo/s Cdtshury Firm-flam Dwellings, on H Holder, competition; selling very rapid- isa To be found in New which will be sold at able business. Great inducements offered. Sam- the It point geueraily conceded by the best Line, leaving at 11.30 P ®b"r^ Pa. The last-named lias England, THE corner ot Pine and Thomas streets are now exclusive lerriiory given BROOM syphilogra- Stouingion Al, and reachim Hair been ples tree. Address with JAMES IT' by buying. dheia, that the study and management of New York bolore 6 o’clock A. Wu“‘|I'self-sustaining for all times at the LOWEST MARKET stamp, C RAND ready for the market. They are and dura- BRUSH HOLDERS at 20U these come M. many years• the oth- RATES, & Me. elegantly percent, profit. Enclose dlaints should the whole time of J. W. Vigor, Co., Biddeicrd, built engross those who ntproying in Orders mail Kill receive sep20-I2w bly and fitted with all the modern conveniences. stamp lor circular or 213 cents and sent. RICHARDSON, Agent, circulation, and wfll no by prompt attention. liavesample would be competent and successml in their 131 AI1 Any party desiring to purchase a desirable resi- Also combination stove plate and lifter. treat- Washington St, Boston. For 01 tbe“ ar« a pie ment and cure. The Inexperienced ap2€dtl_ restoring Gray Hair to good wo6;^6^*or doing MISS dence iu the best portion of the city is asked to call B.D. WA1.£,A«'B, general practi- » and PRINCE & tioner, neither nor and u country tbe church MERRILL, CO, JONES, and examine this to 144 having opportunity time to mai- could not well be properly. Apply Washington Street, Boston, himselt acquainted with their foe !'s spared. Zion’t Herald a 14G FRED on pathology, common y BANGOK1 natural and MIDDLE over LANE & LITTLE mylOlt JOHNSON, the premises. one Vitality Color. DSCful STREET, B.pG-iw_Mass. pursues system of treatment, in most oases mak- p-per’ Published at The Blind an Bo?tonaMeastta<1-« Clairvoyant, ing Indiscriminate use ot that dar. Mass-> not owned by the General ImsepGPORTLAND, ME. Mouses for Sale I Boarders antiquated and THREE TRIPS PER WEEK A which Wanted: gerous weapon, the Mercury. CITY dressing yet leaat that announce to her friend? and patrons investment in real estate that has been -ateam^_ UF RICHMOND bodvfiti?*’’ v 19-at cemi-offleial, Gentlemen boarders E. is at once e authorised the WOULDthat she has returned to the for a short BESTottered in lor cash or wanted at 141 Oiford Dennison, wil agreeable, , Bishops to ap- city Portland, part credit.— ^JJ^jMtWilliam Master, Preacher period of time, having changed from her former Will be rented il not sold this TWOStreet. Apply at the house, au31 Have CestSdeaca. Railroad Wharf toot of State St r.r,!„a .traT'‘1DK t° edit it. It was week, and effectual helore the residence to No 41 Pans st, where she can be con- GEU. E. ■■■■■eyery MONDAY, am healthy, Chrittian „„ ,, POSTER, Ai who WEDNESDAY, „f“®d,^r0yeara Advocate, culted and 97 have committed an excess oi suns* Evening at 10 o’clock or on for there was no official upon Diseases, present future business, Corner Brackett aud Walker Stret ts. Wanted. any the arriva the paper; was c-fiered &c. Hours from 10 AM hether it he the vice of or ol Express drain Irom preserving o’clock to 9 o’clock P.M. August SO. eodlf FEW good Boarders at solitary youth, the sting- Boston, for Bangor, touch Conference in when 19-dtt N0 C2 Free St Qg rebuke of misplaced confidence in intermediate hair. Faded or 1848, in the Aug A maturer years landings ou Penobscot Bay am gray SEEK BOB AS IN j^S*t ProsPer,*y> any. Nothing restore tho thush“‘r"dLLaDabaDi far been all STATES, Ect. TiIK Mcdiis, HOUSE. Me. complaint the that could have been desired. Enquire ot DANIEL on the nremiii)AY and PREBLE, Maine, September, 18G9. NEW METHOD will be forwarded M not soil white aud Sole agents for ) immediately. cambric, yet lasts in with FOR kled duplicate, copy Of this ad- .4All correspondence strictly confidential and np with flnt ou the it a MESSRS. LEA & PERRINS’. vertisment attache*], will be if accomSoaf long lmir, giving rich Jure 9 2aw3m Proposals received bv the be returned, desired most convenient un,i PXatt*ngerg, making this ibt glossy Notice. undersigned, until 10 AM. October 19th for Address: DB. J. B. r°U‘U ‘°r lustre and a Copartnership Gerrish & 1809 * HUGHES, between New York tr'‘TulL1! grateful perfume. supp.yiug No. 14 !ndM?|“M® Pearson, REED ORGANS. Preble Street, 8‘at“ b3ve ,bis formed a FRESH BfiEF Next door to the Preble KoOIU »5’ Cabin THn ".?,-lersi^e'l day copart- House, Portland * Ma MeaTsSe«rk“ Pa«ah’* H ‘be The Send a for Dr. J. "*'« o' IPUB.M., Middle to the troops at this Post. Bent Teachers and are J6?“ Stamp Circular. Prepared by C. & (St., Playcrfl froa> Ayer Co., Jooes 1,10 *** Roofing Slate! The said Beet must be fresh, cf a it* Montreal, Quebec, good using A*i*ice bereft HMUax8 StrW.*r,‘Vfd t0, •S’* E latl'15' a,kkd t0 marketable $2 50. Sent post-paid on re- juvtmuf itji/ in n r "’ »>' Parts of Maine, Jobbing"^C°n‘iDUe their Block of Watches the quality, in equ 1 proportion or tore and hind ft, ire itod an71 ’slippers Practical and Analytical ilAA quarter* ceipt of price. 'r’> to the SETH M. MILLIKEN, (neck, shank, and knmey tallow, to be as ekr?vlst4d,.t