ENG Timeline Diffa 11012016

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ENG Timeline Diffa 11012016 NIGER - DIFFA : Chronology of the Humanitarian Situation in Diffa Region (as of 06 Jan 2016) CONTEXT Since the declaration of the state of emergency in the northern states of Nigeria (Adamawa, Borno and Yobe) in May 2013, Niger has been facing unprecedented humanitarian challenges, especially in the Diffa region, receiving thousands of Nigerian refugees, returned Nigeriens and nationals of neighbouring countries. Ngourti In addition, attacks by armed groups on the Niger territory in February and June 2015 led to internal displacements. Most people CHAD who fled insecurity in Nigeria and internally displaced people are in a vulnerable situation, aggravating the livelihoods of the host communities. N'Guigmi Lake Chad The main humanitarian challenges in the region include food insecurity, malnutrition, limited access to basic social services and ! protection. Maine Soroa Bosso Goudoumaria DIFFA Diffa ! CHRONOLOGY OF IMPORTANT EVENTS IN 2015 NIGERIA 1 February 2015 3 April 2015 5 June - July 2015 Regional capital Movement without escorts On the 5th, the DREC* lists 105,583 Slow returnee movements observed. Attacks intensify in the region especially in 8 Movement with escorts displaced people. Boko Haram (BH) BH attacks on Nigerian military bases villages of the departments of Diffa and Bosso, Refugee camps attacks Niger territory for the first on Lake Chad Islands on the 19th with massive looting and 40 civilians killed. An IDP site Boko Haram affected area time, leading to an incursion in Bosso (Lallewa Kerea) and 25th (Karamga). attack on the Nigerian village of Assaga caused on the 6th. Two more raids were About 60 soldiers and 28 civilians killed the displacement of 3,000 persons from Nigeria carried out on Diffa on the 8th and and 32 other soldiers reported missing. to a Nigerien site, 8 km from Diffa. A dozen 10th. Niger recorded the first IDPs to Up to 156 BH elements killed in the attacks took place between the 8th and 19th 7 October 2015 a total of 40,702 according to DREC. attacks. July, including one on the Diffa Civil Prison on Attacks on Alla, Dewa (Gueskerou Commune) Tchoukoudjani and Baroua the 12th. (Bosso Commune) kill at least 12 people. According to the results of an assessment conducted in Gueskerou, 900 new internal displacements are recorded. No assessment has been conducted to determine the impact of the Baroua attacks, due to insecurity. 2 March 2015 4 May 2015 6 August - September 2015 8 November 2015 9 December 2015 On the 17th, the Prime Minister Early May: The Niger authorities August: Heavy rainfall, with floods affecting 903 Two new incursions by Boko Haram: on the 16th On Dec 30, the CERF provided of Niger, H.E. Brigi Rafini order the evacuation of people from people and destroying 105 houses in Maine in the village of Bassa Tchessa and another funding of USD 7 million for the launches the Emergency the Lake Chad islands. Approxi- Soroa Department. Four Boko Haram attacks attack, on the 25th in Gogone village (Bosso implementation of a package of Response Plan for Diffa to the mately 25,700 people leave the occur at Nguigmi and Ngourtoua causing 18 Department). Twenty civilians are killed and multisector emergency interven- tune of approximately islands to the departments of Bosso deaths and serious material damage. More than hundreds of houses burned. tions to support displaced people $72 million. and Nguigmi. 8,000 people came to the region after the attack Two joint missions undertaken in Bosso. Some in the Diffa region: Child of 24/25 September. coastal villagers in Komadougou preventively Protection, WASH, Reproductive moved out. Health, Protection, Shelter / Non-Food Items and Food Security. The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Creation date: 06 Jan 2016 Feedback : [email protected] www.unocha.org/niger www.reliefweb.int Sources : *DREC (Direction Régionale de l’État Civil), OCHA, CCH/Office of the Prime Minister, Government of Niger.
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