Special Thanks to Karin Biedermann the Chile We Love Mini Travel Guide

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Special Thanks to Karin Biedermann the Chile We Love Mini Travel Guide 3 Our People Ski Resorts Culture of Chile Students The Night Life Accomodations and the Bar Scene Special thanks to Karin Biedermann The Chile we love Mini Travel Guide Our People If you want to know our real people, closely and truly, then you should take a bus or the subway from the Transantigo (our public transportation system: www.transantiago.cl). But if you want to have an even closer perception of us, then you have to schedule special hours, especially on the subway (METRO) when you can not only see, you can also smell and even be touched very closely by Santiago natives. www.metrosantiago.cl For an Intense Experience 7:00 – 9:00 am 18:00 – 20:00 pm Interactions Chileans are, in general, respectful and nice (like the editors of this newsletter). They will want to help you if you ask for help and will make all the effort necessary to understand you. We Chileans consider ourselves the Englishmen of South America, except for one little detail: we are flirtatious. Women will receive more than one flattering comment on the street, so do not fear if someone shouts from the other side of the street something flirtatious or whispers it from behind you. These are the most common flirtatious comments: “Mijita rica”, “Guaguita” (Baby), “Mamacita” (Mummy) ,“Cosita” “Tanta curva y yo sin frenos” (So many curves and me without any breaks...) “Qué estaría haciendo Dios que se están escapando los angelitos del cielo” (What is God doing that all his angels are falling from heaven....) In the last two decades, Chilean women have been gaining territory and self-confidence. They no longer wait passively for men to approach them for courtship; they now know what they want and how they want it. Young foreigners should pay attention to flirtations and improper offers from women. Some examples: “Mijito rico”, “Mino rico”, “Cosita rica” “Guachi Perri” “Querís ser el papá de mis hijos”. (Do you want to be the father of my children?) Many of these comments are pleasant and innocuous; however, you must also know that if they are too insistent and inappropriate, it is good to move away and/or defend yourselves according to the situation. Another exception is that if you ask for an address, in Chile “everyone knows where everything is”, that is, you will most probably receive an answer (not necessarily in English), but will it be the right answer? Very likely it will not be not. Some tips regarding this issue: Known public places More probability that the indication will be accurate. Streets, shops or other more specific information Low probabilities that you get an accurate response, therefore, ask at least three different people so that with your research skills you’ll get a result with little error. Culture of Chile We recommend these books about us: Title: Madres y Guachos. Alegorías del Mestizaje Chileno. Author: Sonia Montecino Edition: 4th Year: 2007 Editorial: Catalonia Title: Historia de los Antiguos Mapuches del Sur de Chile Author: José Bengoa Year: 2007 Editorial: Catalonia Title: Historia del pueblo mapuche siglo XIX y XX Author: José Bengoa Editorial: Lom Title: Etnografía. Sociedades indígenas contemporáneas y su ideología See: El Pasado en el presente de Rapanui (Isla de Pascua) pp. 17-46 by Grand McCall Authors: Jorge Hidalgo; Virgilio Schiappacasse, Hans Niemeyer, Carlos Aldunate, Pedro Mege Year: 1996 Editorial: Andrés Bello Title: How to survive in the Chilean Jungle (an English lexicon of Chilean slang & Spanish sayings) Author: John Brennan These are the most widely sold newspapers: Mercurio: Complete and conservative La Tercera: Serious and critic The Clinic: Ironic and provocative La Cuarta: Popular Music of Chile: Víctor Jara Inti Illimani Los Jaivas Bip Card Charging Places Providencia For Chilean transportation (underground and buses) you will need a Bip Card. Here are some of the places were you can by it and charge it (every metro station has one) Name of the Selling hours Charge Consultation Little Card sell Charging places of Card of Charge Bip! Address remaining Providencia amount Metro Mo-Fr: Los Leones 6:30– 22:00 Av. 11 de Sat: Septiembre 8:00-22:00 con Av. Suecia Sun. Hol. 9:00-22:00 Optica Suiza Providencia 2169 Local 55 Mall Plaza Lyon Av. Ricardo Lyon 100 Local 62 Banco Bci 24 horas Providencia 2238 Local 13-14 Communication If some of you have responsibly taken some Spanish course to handle yourselves pretty well in this country … Forget your course! If you do not take into consideration the following tips, you will not understand us very well. Consider the following: 1. Chileans talk very quickly and are more high-pitched than Germans and Spaniards. 2. Most “s” are not totally pronounced by Chileans. 3. Chileans use a lot of slang. 4. Swearing and using bad words are very generalized mostly among youngsters and working class people. In more formal and academic contexts all efforts are made to avoid them, but they are not always successful. Some slang uses: Al tiro: Immediately. Literal: at the moment of the shot. Not literal: When I like to. Aperrar o alguien "aperrado": To have a good disposition, to be a fighter, constant person, to do things despite adverse conditions. Literal: acting like a dog. Apestarse o alguien apestado: Getting mad, upset, angry or bored. Literal: being wrapped in bad smell. Arrugar: To change one´s mind, regret something or to give up. Literal: wrinkled. Atinar o ser atinado: To have criteria, sound judgement or tact. To act correctly in different situations. In a courtship context it means to take the initiative, through yourself to it, to dare. Bacán: Good, incredible, excellent, spectacular, awesome. Barsa: Swine, shameless, naughty. Cachar: To look something, understand. Literal: It comes from the English “to catch”. Cachai: Do you understand? Engrupir: Seduce, flirt. Also to lie, to deceive. Huevada: Something, a thing. Also crap. Literal: eggy or egglike Hueveo: To fool around, to party. Huevón: Fool, jerk, idiot. Swearword that has already transformed into a pet word by which you call your friends. Lata: Boredom, lack of motivation. Literal: tin or tin can. Lateado: Boring, uninteresting. Latoso o latero: Person who produces boredom to others. Lesear: To bother, but also to fool around. Lolo(a): Guy, boy/girl, youngster. We did not want to include the stronger bad words and swearwords in this guide, if you have interest do not hesitate in asking. You can complete the list here: CRASH COURSE Adapted from Revolver Magazine www.revolver-magazine.com Here's a crash course on the 6 most beneficial, useful and even crucial things to know about Chilean life: 1. Chileans tend to really push the envelope when it comes to showing the world just how much they love their other half. A simple peck on the cheek and pat of the hand just won't do for this impassioned nation. Regardless of age, expect to see various un-edifying examples of Latin lovin' in public spaces across the country. 2. The cornerstone of Chilean culture is the country's fundamental slang that makes "proper" Spanish speakers cringe. Practically every chilenismo (Chilean saying) has at least two meanings, many times contrary to each other. "La raja" often means great, spectacular--or simply, the s**t. On the other hand, it can also mean very tired or spent. Worse yet, the word "weón"--and its infinite derivatives--is used more often than a drunken Irishman swears. It can mean nearly anything from a term of endearment for a close friend to a violent word directed at enemies, to an idiot, "dude," "f**k" and practically any other noun, verb or adjective possible in conversation. "Cachai" ("got it")? 3. Santiago on Sunday feels like the Twilight Zone. No one is around and the few shopkeepers who are working peer at you strangely as if they're wondering, "Why are you here? Is there something wrong with you?" From Las Condes to Lampa, the streets are as dead as the dodo. It's like everyone knows something you don't, and is out somewhere having fun without you. 4. If you like hot dogs, Chile is mecca. Completos (hot dogs with tomato salsa and mayonnaise) and italianos (hot dogs with tomato salsa, mayonnaise and guacamole) are served everywhere and eaten on almost any occasion. Their pile of ingredients can be a bit intimidating at first; but once you polish your technique, you'll find that they're a surprisingly satisfying and tasty part of Chilean life. 5.Pisco is the pride of Chilean booze, and a pisco sour is the way to imbibe this deceptively strong grape liquor. pisco sour can be hit or miss. When contemplating a sample, make sure that the bar makes them fresh, either normal (lemon juice, sugar, pisco, and ice) or peruano (lime juice, sugar, pisco, ice, and egg white). Look around for the traditional petite flute glass in the hands of locals--it's a bad sign if everyone is drinking beer by the liter. Another Chilean drink is the "piscola", pisco with coca-cola, one of the most popular drinks for young people. 6. Chilean time is different than the hour on your watch. It's an unspoken understanding that whenever you work out a good time for both parties, you actually mean any time at least 30 or 40 minutes thereafter--stretching up to 4 or 5 hours when talking to gardeners, plumbers or cable TV repairmen (not the venue). Café con Piernas ("coffe with legs") Adapted from Revolver Magazine As one of Chile's most tantalizing cultural phenomena, delicious espressos and juices in these themed cafés are served by affectionate, attentive and scantily clad waitresses.
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