Safety Manual for Fieldwork in the Arctic 3Nd Edition, January 2018
Safety Manual for Fieldwork in the Arctic 3nd edition, January 2018 Editors: Mette Maribo Høgsbro Morten Rasch Susanne Tang Editorial Committee: Morten Rasch, Department of Geoscience and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen (Chairman) Jørgen Peder Steffensen, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen Kirsten Christoffersen, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen Morten Meldgaard, Natural History Museum of Denmark Peter Stougaard, Department of Plants and Environmental Sciences, University of Copenhagen Susanne Tang, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen Mette Maribo Høgsbro, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen This safety manual is widely based upon information taken more or less directly from safety manuals pro- duced by other institutions, i.e., University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), Greenland Institute of Natural Re- sources, Aarhus University, the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) and The East Green- land Ice-core Project (EGRIP) UCPH. However, all information has been quality controlled by University of Copenhagen staff, and any errors that might occur in the manual are therefore the sole responsibility of the University of Copenhagen. Front page picture: Morten Rasch Publisher: Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen Photo: Morten Rasch Photo: Morten Preface Safety is important for all types of arctic fieldwork. Fieldwork in remote arctic areas with extreme climate and extreme physical settings require close attention to safety. This manual pertains to all arctic fieldwork associated with research projects and tasks commissioned or managed by the Faculty of Science at the University of Copenhagen (SCIENCE). The manual consist of an introductory section including a more general introduction to safety considera- tions of relevance to all arctic fieldwork.
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