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Sequence of Events Underlying the Allosteric Transition of Rod Cyclic –gated Channels

Elizabeth R. Sunderman and William N. Zagotta From the Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195

abstract Activation of cyclic nucleotide–gated (CNG) ion channels involves a conformational change in the channel referred to as the allosteric transition. The amino terminal region and the carboxyl terminal cy- clic nucleotide–binding domain of CNG channels have been shown to be involved in the allosteric transition, but the sequence of molecular events occurring during the allosteric transition is unknown. We recorded single-chan- nel currents from bovine rod CNG channels in which mutations had been introduced in the binding domain at position 604 and/or the rat olfactory CNG channel amino terminal region had been substituted for the bovine rod amino terminal region. Using a hidden Markov modeling approach, we analyzed the kinetics of these chan- nels activated by saturating concentrations of cGMP, cIMP, and cAMP. We used thermodynamic mutant cycles to reveal an interaction during the allosteric transition between the ring of the cyclic and the amino acid at position 604 in the binding site. We found that mutations at position 604 in the binding domain alter both the opening and closing rate constants for the allosteric transition, indicating that the interactions between the cyclic nucleotide and this amino acid are partially formed at the time of the transition state. In con- trast, the amino terminal region affects primarily the closing rate constant for the allosteric transition, suggesting that the state-dependent stabilizing interactions between amino and carboxyl terminal regions are not formed at the time of the transition state for the allosteric transition. We propose that the sequence of events that occurs during the allosteric transition involves the formation of stabilizing interactions between the purine ring of the cyclic nucleotide and the amino acid at position 604 in the binding domain followed by the formation of stabiliz- ing interdomain interactions. key words: electrophysiology • gating • kinetics • cyclic GMP • open probability

introduction tion 604 in the binding domain and of substitution of the olfactory amino terminal region. These experi- Cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG)1 ion channels of retinal ments provide insight into the sequence of molecular rod photoreceptors are exquisitely sensitive molecular events that occur during the conformational change in- detectors of the cyclic nucleotide concentration. The volved in channel activation. binding of cyclic nucleotide triggers an allosteric con- CNG channels contain, in their intracellular carboxyl formational change in the channel protein that opens terminal region, a domain with significant sequence the channel pore. In the preceding paper (Sunderman similarity to the cyclic nucleotide–binding domain of a and Zagotta, 1999), we showed that interactions be- number of other cyclic nucleotide–binding , tween the purine ring of the cyclic nucleotide and the including cGMP- and cAMP-dependent protein binding domain are partially formed at the time of the and catabolite activator protein transition state for the allosteric transition. These inter- (CAP) (Kaupp et al., 1989). CAP is a cAMP-activated actions serve to reduce the transition-state energy and factor whose structure, while bound to stabilize the activated conformation of the channel rel- cAMP, has been determined by x-ray crystallography to ative to the closed state. In this paper, we extend our 2.5 Å resolution (McKay and Steitz, 1981; Weber and analysis of the kinetics of the allosteric transition of bo- Steitz, 1987). The structure of the cyclic nucleotide– vine rod (BROD) CNG channels by determining the ef- binding site of CAP consists of eight ␤ strands that fects on the allosteric transition of mutations at posi- form a ␤ roll structure, followed by two ␣ helices, desig- nated the B helix and C helix. Each cAMP molecule Address correspondence to William N. Zagotta, Department of Physi- binds in the anti configuration with the and cy- ology and Biophysics, Box 357290, University of Washington, Seattle, clic binding to the pocket formed by the ␤ Washington 98195-7290. Fax: 206-543-0934; E-mail: zagotta@u. roll and with the N6 hydrogen of hydrogen washington.edu 1Abbreviations used in this paper: BROD, bovine rod; CAP, catabolite bonding with a threonine at position T127 and a serine gene activator protein; CNG, cyclic nucleotide–gated; HMM, hidden at position S128 on the opposite subunit (Weber and Markov model. Steitz, 1987).

621 J. Gen. Physiol. © The Rockefeller University Press • 0022-1295/99/05/621/20 $2.00 Volume 113 May 1999 621–640 http://www.jgp.org

Rod CNG channels differ markedly in their apparent to rod channels, as chimeric rod channels with the ol- affinities for cGMP, cIMP, and cAMP (Varnum et al., factory amino terminal region open more favorably, 1995). To account for the selectivity for cGMP over and, conversely, chimeric olfactory channels with the cAMP in the rod CNG channel, Varnum et al. (1995) rod amino terminal region exhibit much less favorable proposed that the cyclic nucleotides bind in the anti opening (Goulding et al., 1994; Gordon and Zagotta, configuration (Fig. 1). For the case of cGMP, a pair of 1995b). Using in vitro protein interaction assays, hydrogen bonds could then form between the N1 and specific interactions have been observed between the N2 hydrogens of the ring of cGMP and the as- amino and carboxyl terminal regions of the olfactory partate residue at position 604 in the binding site (Var- CNG channel and between the olfactory amino termi- num et al., 1995). Cyclic AMP, which has an unshared nal region and the rod carboxyl terminal region (Var- pair of electrons at the N1 position, would form an un- num and Zagotta, 1997). Similar results were seen with favorable electrostatic interaction with the aspartate at the rod amino terminal region (Gordon et al. 1997). position 604 and thus bind with lower affinity. Alterna- These results indicate that the amino and carboxyl ter- tively, it has also been proposed for the cGMP-depen- minal regions of CNG channels bind with high affinity. dent protein kinases and for the cGMP-gated channels Thus, conformational changes in the cyclic nucleotide– that the cyclic nucleotides bind in the syn configuration, binding domain in the carboxyl terminal region could with the N2 hydrogen of guanine hydrogen bonded to a be transduced to the amino terminal region because of threonine residue in the ␤ roll found primarily in cGMP- its close proximity and high affinity interaction. In ad- selective proteins (Altenhofen et al., 1991; Shabb et al., dition, these results provide a molecular mechanism 1991; Kumar and Weber, 1992). for how the gating of olfactory CNG channels can be The amino terminal region of CNG channels has modulated by Ca2ϩ-calmodulin (Chen and Yau, 1994; Liu been shown to affect the free energy of the allosteric et al., 1994; Varnum and Zagotta, 1997). transition (Chen and Yau, 1994; Goulding et al., 1994; In this paper, we analyze the kinetic behavior of sin- Gordon and Zagotta, 1995b). In particular, the amino gle BROD CNG channels in which mutations at amino terminal region of olfactory CNG channels has been acid position 604 in the binding domain have been in- shown to promote the allosteric transition. This effect troduced and/or the rat olfactory amino terminal re- of the olfactory amino terminal region is transferable gion has been substituted for the BROD amino termi-

Figure 1. CNG channel ␣ subunit.

622 Sequence of Events

nal region. These experiments test the hypothesis that the Boltzmann constant, kobs is the observed transition rate con- a pair of hydrogen bonds forms between cGMP and stant, and h is Planck’s constant. D604 during the allosteric transition and probe the mechanism by which the amino terminal region af- results fects the energetics of the allosteric transition. Using a To investigate the molecular interactions underlying hidden Markov model approach, we analyzed the sin- the allosteric transition, we recorded macroscopic and gle-channel records to determine the underlying rate single-channel currents from 10 BROD CNG channel constants. We used thermodynamic mutant cycle for- constructs in which mutations were introduced at posi- malism to determine the coupling energies for these in- tion 604 in the binding domain and/or the rat olfac- teractions. By comparing the free energies of the transi- tory amino terminal region was substituted for the tion state for the allosteric transition relative to the BROD amino terminal region (CHM15). The muta- closed and open state energies across mutants and cy- tions at D604 included D604E (present in the mamma- clic nucleotides, we postulate a sequence for the molec- lian olfactory ␣ subunit), D604Q (present in the fish ol- ular events that occur during the allosteric transition. factory ␣ subunit), D604N (present in the rod ␤ sub- unit), and D604M (present in the olfactory ␤ subunit). materials and methods These constructs were expressed as homomultimers in Xenopus laevis oocytes, and macroscopic currents from Oocyte preparation, cRNA transcription, and expression were inside-out patches at saturating concentrations of carried out as described previously (Zagotta et al., 1989). Site- specific mutations were generated using oligonucleotide- cGMP, cIMP, and cAMP are shown in Figs. 2–4, respec- directed mutagenesis and PCR and were confirmed by sequencing tively. as described previously (Gordon and Zagotta, 1995a). Patch- clamp experiments and analysis of data were carried out as de- Control of Fractional Activation by Amino Acid at scribed in the preceding paper (Sunderman and Zagotta, 1999). Position 604 In brief, patch-clamp experiments were performed in the inside- out conformation using an Axopatch 200B amplifier (Axon Instru- In Fig. 2 are shown representative current families elic- ments). Currents were low-pass filtered at 5 kHz (eight-pole ited by voltage steps from 0 mV to between Ϫ80 and Bessel) and sampled at 25 kHz. Recordings were made at 20–22ЊC. ϩ80 mV in the presence of 16 mM cGMP, a saturating Initial pipette resistances were 5–20 M⍀. Intracellular and extra- concentration for each of the 10 constructs (Varnum cellular solutions contained 130 mM NaCl, 3 mM HEPES, and 0.2 mM EDTA, pH 7.2. For the experiments with Ni2ϩ, 1 ␮M Ni2ϩ et al., 1995). The currents in the absence of cyclic nu- was substituted for the EDTA. 500 ␮M niflumic acid was included cleotide were subtracted from each trace. To compare in the patch pipette to reduce endogenous -activated the currents across experiments, each current family chloride currents. Intracellular solutions containing cyclic nucle- was normalized to the maximum current obtained at 2ϩ otides and/or 1 ␮M Ni were changed using a DAD-12 Superfu- ϩ80 mV in the presence of 1 ␮M Ni2ϩ and the cyclic sion System (Adams and List Associates Ltd.) controlled by a MRI MB-8000 PC and modified such that each solution had a nucleotide that best activated the channel. As can be separate exit port. All reagents were obtained from Sigma Chem- seen in Fig. 2 A, the fractional activation for BROD with ical Co. cGMP was greatest for D604, averaging 0.96 Ϯ 0.01 Fractional activations (I/Imax) for a particular cyclic nucleotide (mean Ϯ SEM, n ϭ 6). The fractional activation was were calculated by dividing the current (I) in the presence of the slightly less (0.81 Ϯ 0.05, n ϭ 4) for the conservative cyclic nucleotide by the maximum current obtained in the pres- 2ϩ D604E mutation. When the amino acid at position 604 ence of 1 ␮M Ni plus the best agonist for that channel (Imax). The fractional activation was used to estimate the free energy change of was mutated to a polar uncharged residue (D604Q or the allosteric transition by assuming that the equilibrium constant D604N), there was a dramatic reduction in the frac- (L) for this transition is given by: I/Imax ϭ L/(L ϩ 1). Thus the stan- tional activation (D604Q, 0.12 Ϯ 0.03, n ϭ 4; D605N, 0 dard free energy for the allosteric transition is ⌬G Ϫ RT in L, 0.08 Ϯ 0.02, n ϭ 4). The fractional activation further where R is the universal gas constant and T is the temperature. decreased to 0.03 Ϯ 0.01 (n ϭ 3) in D604M. Thus, the Transition-State Theory fractional activation decreased as the amino acid at po- sition 604 became progressively less polar. Since satu- Conversions of rate constants to transition state energies were rating concentrations of cyclic nucleotide were used in made according to Eyring rate theory (Eyring, 1935), which as- all of these experiments, a reduction in fractional acti- sumes that there is a quasi-equilibrium between the transition state and the ground state and that the rate of break down to vation indicates that the allosteric conformational product of the high energy intermediate depends on the vibra- change for fully liganded channels was less favorable tional energy of a covalent bond at room temperature. While for the mutant channels than for the wild-type channel. originally proposed for chemical reactions, this theory has been The dramatic reduction in fractional activation from applied to conformational changes in proteins and is useful be- 0.96 for D604 down to 0.03 for D604M is a testament to cause it provides an estimate of the transition state energies ‡ the importance of D604 for the allosteric transition. (Creighton, 1993). Thus ⌬G ϭ RT ln(kBT/kobsh) ϭ (17.3 Ϫ 1.35 ‡ log kobs) kcal/mol at 22ЊC, where ⌬G is the transition state en- This result is consistent with what has been previously ergy, R is the universal gas constant, T is the temperature, kB is reported and has been proposed to result from hydro-

623 Sunderman and Zagotta

Figure 2. Current families for wild-type and mutant channels activated by cGMP. Current families are shown from inside-out patches ex- cised from Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing BROD (A) and CHM15 (B) channels with mutations at position 604. Currents were elicited by 16 mM cGMP and voltage pulses from 0 mV to potentials between Ϫ80 and ϩ80 mV in 20-mV steps. Leak currents in the absence of cyclic nucleotides were subtracted. The currents were normalized (using the ϩ80-mV trace) to the maximum current obtained after Ni2ϩ poten- tiation (Gordon and Zagotta, 1995a) in the presence of a saturating concentration of the best agonist. gen bonding between the carbonyl group of D604 and domain of the channel with the guanine 2-amino the guanine ring of cGMP (Varnum et al., 1995). group of cGMP to the allosteric transition. We re- For comparison, the same mutations at position 604 corded macroscopic currents from the 10 constructs ac- were also studied in the CHM15 background. CHM15 tivated by cIMP, and these currents are illustrated in is identical to the BROD construct except that the rat Fig. 3, A and B, for the BROD and CHM15 back- olfactory amino terminal region has been substituted grounds, respectively. As can be seen in this figure, the for the BROD amino terminal region (Gordon and fractional activation was less for the D604Q, D604N, Zagotta, 1995b). The olfactory amino terminal region and D604M mutants than for D604 and D604E in both produces a more favorable free energy change for the the BROD and CHM15 backgrounds. In BROD D604, allosteric transition of chimeric channels (Goulding et al., the fractional activation by cIMP was only 0.60 Ϯ 0.02 1994; Gordon and Zagotta, 1995b), making the effects (n ϭ 6) and, for BROD D604E, the fractional activation of mutations that dramatically decrease the ability of cy- was slightly lower (0.41 Ϯ 0.05, n ϭ 4). For D604Q and clic nucleotides to promote the allosteric transition eas- D604N, the fractional activations were 0.05 Ϯ 0.01 (n ϭ ier to characterize at both the macroscopic and single- 4) and 0.08 Ϯ 0.02 (n ϭ 4), respectively. For D604M, channel levels. In Fig. 2 B are illustrated the currents in the fractional activation was 0.06 Ϯ 0.004 (n ϭ 4). For the CHM15 background for the D604 mutants in the the CHM15 constructs, the fractional activations were presence of cGMP. Again as the amino acid at position 0.97 Ϯ 0.01 (n ϭ 4) for D604, 0.98 Ϯ 0.01 (n ϭ 3) for 604 was made progressively less polar, the fractional ac- D604E, 0.73 Ϯ 0.05 (n ϭ 5) for D604Q, 0.84 Ϯ 0.03 (n ϭ tivation decreased. The fractional activities were 0.96 Ϯ 5) for D604N, and 0.71 Ϯ 0.03 (n ϭ 3) for D604M. 0.02 (n ϭ 4) for CHM15-D604, 0.98 Ϯ 0.01 (n ϭ 3) for Thus, mutating D604 to a polar uncharged residue (Q CHM15-D604E, 0.90 Ϯ 0.01 (n ϭ 3) for CHM15- or N) or nonpolar uncharged residue (M) decreased D604Q, 0.82 Ϯ 0.02 (n ϭ 5) for CHM15-D604N, and the fractional activation. Compared with the effects for 0.52 Ϯ 0.07 (n ϭ 3) for CHM15-D604M. We interpret cGMP, the differences in fractional activation were these results to indicate that, compared with the BROD smaller, suggesting that cIMP is less sensitive to the background, the trend across constructs was similar, al- identity of the amino acid at position 604. This finding though the differences in fractional activation were likely reflects cIMP’s lesser potential for hydrogen smaller. Despite smaller effects on the fractional activa- bonding interactions than cGMP’s. Thus, the energetic tions, the effects of the D604 mutations on the free en- effects of mutations at position 604 would be expected ergy of the allosteric transition is the same in both the to be smaller for cIMP than for cGMP. BROD and CHM15 backgrounds (see Table I). Like cIMP, cAMP lacks a 2-amino group, but it has Cyclic IMP is similar in chemical structure to cGMP two other differences in the purine ring. cAMP has an except that the moiety lacks a 2-amino group. amino group instead of a carbonyl group at the 6-posi- Therefore, different abilities of cGMP and cIMP to pro- tion, and it has an unshared pair of electrons instead mote the allosteric transition should reflect the contri- of a hydrogen at the 1-position. In Fig. 4 are illustrated bution of interactions of the cyclic nucleotide–binding currents activated by 16 mM cAMP. Here the pattern

624 Sequence of Events Figure 3. Current families for wild-type and mutant channels activated by cIMP. Current families are shown from inside-out patches ex- cised from Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing BROD (A) and CHM15 (B) channels with mutations at position 604. Currents were elicited by 16 mM cIMP and voltage pulses from 0 mV to potentials between Ϫ80 and ϩ80 mV in 20-mV steps. Leak currents in the absence of cyclic nucleotides were subtracted. The currents were normalized (using the ϩ80-mV trace) to the maximum current obtained after Ni2ϩ poten- tiation (Gordon and Zagotta, 1995a) in the presence of a saturating concentration of the best agonist. across the constructs was quite different from the D604E is partially protonated at pH 7.2, thereby im- pattern that was observed with cGMP and cIMP. For proving the fractional activation by cAMP by removing D604, the fractional activation was only 0.012 Ϯ 0.002 some of the negative charge on the carboxylic acid. (n ϭ 6) or almost two orders of magnitude less than for cGMP on the same construct. For D604E, the activation Thermodynamic Mutant Cycle Analysis was almost twice as large but still small: 0.02 Ϯ 0.01 (n ϭ 3). For D604Q and D604N, the activation increased to To summarize the results from the macroscopic experi- 0.05 Ϯ 0.01 (n ϭ 4) and 0.05 Ϯ 0.02 (n ϭ 4), respec- ments, we converted the fractional activations to free tively. For D604M, the fractional activation was signifi- energies for the allosteric transition (see materials cantly larger: 0.18 Ϯ 0.01 (n ϭ 3). For the CHM15 con- and methods) and used these energies to construct structs, the fractional activation was 0.19 Ϯ 0.02 (n ϭ 4) thermodynamic mutant cycles. Thermodynamic mu- and 0.53 Ϯ 0.03 (n ϭ 3) for D604 and D604E. For tant cycles provide a way of separating out indirect ef- D604Q and D604N, the fractional activations were 0.74 Ϯ fects of mutations on the machinery of the allosteric 0.04 (n ϭ 5) and 0.69 Ϯ 0.03 (n ϭ 6), respectively. For transition from direct interactions of the with D604M, the activation was 0.90 Ϯ 0.03 (n ϭ 3). Thus, as the ligand-binding domain. Thermodynamic mutant the amino acid at position 604 was made progressively cycles have been applied to interactions between the less polar, cAMP became a better agonist. The molecu- amino acids within proteins (Carter et al., 1984; Horovitz lar interpretation of this result is that the reduction in et al., 1990; Serrano et al., 1990) and between a toxin the polarity of the residue at position 604 reduces the and a voltage-dependent Kϩ channel (Hidalgo and unfavorable interaction that would be expected to oc- MacKinnon, 1995). We wanted to determine if the ef- cur between the unshared pair of electrons at the N1 fects of mutations at 604 reflect direct interactions be- position of cAMP and a polar residue at 604. The slight tween D604 and the places on the purine rings where improvements in the factional activations by cAMP of the cyclic nucleotides differ. An example of the use of D604E over D604 may be related to differences in the thermodynamic mutant cycles is shown in Fig. 5. In Fig. local pKa’s of aspartate and glutamate. Specifically, 5 A, we tested for direct interaction of the amino termi- Gordon et al. (1996) showed that the fractional activa- nal region with the purine ring of the cyclic nucleotide. tion by cAMP on D604 improves as the pH is decreased. The horizontal arrows reflect the effect of the amino The cyclic nucleotide–specific pH effect disappeared terminal substitution on the free energy change of the when D604N was introduced, suggesting that cAMP is allosteric transition, while the vertical arrows reflect the sensitive to the protonation state of D604. The pH de- effect of changing cyclic nucleotide on the free energy pendence was proposed to result from neutralization of change of the allosteric transition for the particular a negative electrostatic interaction between the nega- channel constructs. We would expect that the effect of tive charge on 604N and the unshared pair of electrons the mutation might have two components: (a) a non- at the 1-position of the purine ring of cAMP. At pH 7.2, specific component relating to indirect effects on the D604 would be unprotonated, but it is possible that allosteric transition machinery and (b) a specific com-

625 Sunderman and Zagotta Figure 4. Current families for wild-type and mutant channels activated by cAMP. Current families are shown from inside-out patches ex- cised from Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing BROD (A) and CHM15 (B) channels with mutations at position 604. Currents were elicited by 16 mM cAMP and voltage pulses from 0 mV to potentials between Ϫ80 and ϩ80 mV in 20-mV steps. Leak currents in the absence of cyclic nucleotides were subtracted. The currents were normalized (using the ϩ80-mV trace) to the maximum current obtained after Ni2ϩ poten- tiation (Gordon and Zagotta, 1995a) in the presence of a saturating concentration of the best agonist. ponent due to direct effects on the interaction of the for ⌬⌬G (⌬⌬G ϭ Ϫ1.00 kcal/mol) between cGMP and ligand with D604. As can be seen in Fig. 5 A, the ⌬⌬Gs cAMP on D604M and positive value for ⌬⌬G (⌬⌬G ϭ for both of the horizontal arrows are negative, indicat- 4.88 kcal/mol) between cGMP and cAMP on D604. ing that the olfactory amino terminal region makes the Here, the coupling energy was large and negative (cou- allosteric transition more favorable for both cGMP and pling energy ϭ Ϫ5.88 kcal/mol), indicating a high de- cAMP. The difference between the values of the two gree of interaction between the amino acid at position ⌬⌬Gs should subtract out the nonspecific effect while 604 and the purine ring of the cyclic nucleotide. leaving the direct effects. This difference is referred to Summarized in Table I are the coupling energies for as the coupling energy. Since CNG channels have four each of the possible thermodynamic mutant cycle com- subunits (Liu et al., 1996; Varnum and Zagotta, 1996), parisons for the 10 different mutants with the three dif- the coupling energies reflect the sum of the direct in- ferent cyclic nucleotides. All energies of magnitude teractions occurring in each subunit. For this cycle, the Ն2.5 kcal/mol are double underlined, and all energies coupling energy was only 0.49 kcal/mol, indicating that of magnitude between 2 and 2.5 kcal/mol are single the effect of substituting the amino terminal region is underlined. As seen along the diagonal, the coupling relatively cyclic nucleotide independent. This result energies of changes in the amino terminal region with was an expected finding since it has been previously changes in cyclic nucleotide were generally small. We shown that the effect of the olfactory amino terminal interpret this to mean that the effect of the olfactory region is cyclic nucleotide independent (Liu et al., amino terminal region was cyclic nucleotide indepen- 1994; Goulding et al., 1994; Gordon and Zagotta, dent. Note that the coupling energies between CHM15 1995b). Thus, the differences in the way cAMP and and BROD were slightly larger than for the other com- cGMP interact with the channel because of the differ- parisons, probably because the fractional activations of ences in their purine ring structures are preserved on cGMP and cIMP on CHM15 were so large that the substituting the olfactory amino terminal region. That method of using Ni2ϩ potentiation to measure ⌬G0 the effect of the olfactory amino terminal region was loses resolution. In addition, all of the cells comparing cyclic nucleotide independent was also reflected in the the BROD-D604M and CHM15-D604M to the BROD, macroscopic traces; the trends across the D604 mutants CHM15, BROD-D604E, and CHM15-D604E between were similar in both the CHM15 and BROD back- cIMP and cAMP and between cGMP and cAMP are un- grounds. derlined. This result strongly indicates that cAMP is Illustrated in Fig. 5 B is a thermodynamic mutant cycle sensing the amino acid at position 604 quite differently analysis of the interaction between D604 and the cyclic from cIMP and cGMP. This result gives good support nucleotide. Here the D604M mutation makes cGMP a for the hypothesis proposed by Varnum et al. (1995) worse agonist (⌬⌬G ϭ 4.09 kcal/mol), but makes cAMP that an acidic residue at position 604 in BROD chan- a better agonist (⌬⌬G ϭ Ϫ1.79 kcal/mol). Equivalently, nels is critical for ligand discrimination and interacts the cyclic nucleotide selectivity was inverted by the directly with the purine ring of the cyclic nucleotide D604M mutation, as evidenced by the negative value (Fig. 1). This conclusion is also supported by the fact

626 Sequence of Events same analysis did not reveal large coupling energies with the same four constructs vs. CHM15. However, we do not feel that this negative result indicates a lack of interaction. Rather, it is probable that we were not able to pick up a differential interaction because the CHM15 construct had such a favorable ⌬G0 for the al- losteric transition so that the currents were nearly max- imal without Ni2ϩ in the presence of cGMP and cIMP. For BROD-D604E and CHM15-D604E, the coupling energies with BROD-D604M and CHM15-D604M ranged from Ϫ0.92 to Ϫ1.46 kcal/mol. These values are smaller than the values of Ϫ2.21 and Ϫ2.30 kcal/ mol between BROD and BROD-D604M and CHM15- D604M, possibly reflecting weaker interactions because of the larger side chain of glutamate over aspartate. Thus, overall, we conclude that the comparisons be- tween the D604 and D604E constructs and the D604M constructs provide support for the hypothesis of Var- num et al. (1995) that cIMP forms one hydrogen bond with D604 while cGMP forms two. The coupling ener- gies we measured are within the range of energies ex- pected for such an interaction (Fersht et al., 1985).

Effects of Position 604 Mutations Are on Gating, not Single-Channel Amplitude To probe the effects on the opening and closing rate constants, not just the overall ⌬G0, we obtained single- channel recordings at ϩ80 mV for each of the 10 con- structs in the presence of saturating concentrations of cGMP, cIMP, and cAMP. From each recording, we se- lected regions where a single channel was active, and we omitted from our analysis quiescent periods 200 ms or longer in duration (Sunderman and Zagotta, 1999). Figure 5. Thermodynamic mutant cycles identify direct interac- tions between cyclic nucleotides and D604. (A) The effect of sub- Representative 200-ms portions of our recordings are il- stituting the olfactory amino terminal region for the BROD amino lustrated in Figs. 6, 8, and 10 for cGMP, cIMP, and terminal region was cyclic nucleotide independent. (B) The effect cAMP, respectively. The amplitude histograms for the of mutating D604 to D604M was strongly cyclic nucleotide depen- recordings shown in Figs. 6, 8, and 10 are shown in dent, indicating that the amino acid at position 604 is critical for Figs. 7, 9, and 11. cGMP vs. cAMP discrimination by the channel. Fig. 6 shows representative single-channel traces for the 10 constructs activated by 16 mM cGMP. As 16 mM that the majority of the cells for the more conservative cGMP is a saturating concentration, the kinetics that we D604Q and D604N vs. D604 and D604E in the BROD observe do not reflect the rate constants of binding or and CHM15 backgrounds were also Ͼ2 kcal/mol for unbinding of cGMP. Rather, they reflect transitions af- cIMP vs. cAMP and cAMP vs. cGMP. ter the full complement of ligands has bound to the For the cGMP vs. cIMP comparisons, the coupling channel. For D604, the channel was highly activated in energies were smaller in magnitude, as expected since the BROD construct, but more so for CHM15. In both the chemical differences between cGMP and cIMP are cases, the single-channel conductance was the same. smaller relative to their differences with cAMP. As can We compare the open probabilities and single-channel be seen in Table I, there was a Ն2 kcal/mol coupling current level in the amplitude distributions in Fig. 7, energy in the BROD vs. BROD-D604N, CHM15-D604N, which shows BROD and CHM15 distributions side-by- BROD-D604M, and CHM15-D604M. Since the only dif- side. As expected given the slightly lower fractional acti- ference between cGMP and cIMP is at the 2-positions of vation of D604E compared with D604 in macroscopic their purine rings, this finding supports the hypothesis experiments, the open probability of D604E was of Varnum et al. (1995) that the guanine 2-amino group slightly lower than for D604. For BROD-D604Q and of cGMP interacts with D604 (Fig. 1). For CHM15, the BROD-D604N, the open probability decreased substan-

627 Sunderman and Zagotta G–I BROD-D604M I–A A–G G–I CHM15-D604M I–A A–G G–I CHM15-D604N I–A A–G G–I BROD-D604N I–A A–G G–I CHM15-D604Q I–A A–G A–G G–I CHM15 G–I BROD I–A A–G I–A A–G I–A A–G I–A A–G G–I BROD-D604Q I–A G–I BROD-D604E G–I CHM15-D604E 0 6.03 4.38 4.09 3.60 0 0.06 1.33 1.13 0.81 3.73 3.88 2.63 2.59 0.60 Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ 0 0.09 0.23 0.25 1.01 2.30 0.50 0.95 1.46 1.01 Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ 0 0.15 5.88 4.23 3.94 3.45 0 1.27 1.07 0.75 3.73 3.82 2.57 2.54 0.55 Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ 0 0.14 0.16 2.21 0.92 0.41 0.86 1.37 0.92 Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ 0 1.42 1.56 0.18 1.24 1.38 0.01 1.41 1.55 4.46 2.81 2.52 2.03 Ϫ Ϫ 0 2.40 2.54 1.30 1.26 Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ 0 0.02 0.77 2.07 0.27 0.72 1.23 0.77 een cGMP and cIMP, I–A indicates the coupling energy between cIMP and een cGMP and cIMP, Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ rminus on cyclic nucleotide selectivity for each amino acid at position 604 are 0 h coupling energies with an absolute value exceeding 2.5 kcal/mol are double un- with an absolute value exceeding 2.5 kcal/mol are h coupling energies 4.65 2.99 2.71 0 0.20 2.60 2.75 1.50 1.46 Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ 0 0.75 2.05 0.25 0.70 1.21 0.75 Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ 0 0.43 0.25 1.67 1.81 0.26 0.17 4.21 2.56 2.27 1.78 2.22 Ϫ 0 0.32 0.52 2.92 3.07 1.82 1.79 Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ table i 0 0.45 1.29 Ϫ Ϫ Summary of Coupling Energies 0 4.47 0 0.20 0.53 0.73 3.12 3.27 2.02 1.99 Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ 0 0.06 0.51 0.06 0.00 1.35 Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ 0 2.05 0 1.28 1.13 0.03 Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ 0 0.45 1.29 Ϫ Ϫ 0 0.49 2.53 0 1.25 1.10 Ϫ Ϫ 0 0.84 Ϫ 0 0.29 0.78 2.82 0 0 0.96 0.51 0.45 0.51 1.80 Ϫ 0 1.65 1.94 2.43 0 0.15 BROD CHM15 BROD-D604E CHM15-D604E BROD-D604Q CHM15-D604Q BROD-D604N CHM15-D604N BROD-D604M CHM15-D604M 0 G–I I–A A–G G–I I–A A–G G–I I–A A–G G–I I–A A–G G–I I–A A–G G–I I–A A–G G–I I–A A–G G–I I–A A–G G–I I–A A–G G–I I–A A–G Coupling energies for each thermodynamic mutant cycle comparison are tabulated as shown. G–I indicates the coupling energy betw Coupling energies for each thermodynamic tabulated as shown. G–I indicates the coupling energy mutant cycle comparison are

628 Sequence of Events The cells that indicate the effect of the olfactory amino te between cAMP and cGMP. and A–G indicates the coupling energy cAMP, underlined. Cells wit with an absolute value between 2 and 2.5 kcal/mol are shown on the diagonal. Cells with coupling energies derlined. Figure 6. Representative single- channel traces at a saturating concentration of cGMP. Single- channel currents for all 10 con- structs were recorded in the pres- ence of 16 mM cGMP with the membrane voltage clamped at ϩ80 mV. The upper and lower dotted lines indicated the open and closed levels, respectively, and are separated by 2.3 pA. tially. For BROD-D604M, the open probability was very 8 and 9, respectively. Here, the trend across the con- -in CHM15-D604M. In each structs was quite similar to the trend for cGMP, al 0.5ف low but increased to case, the single-channel conductance appears to be un- though there were a few differences. With cIMP, the affected by mutations at position 604 or the presence of open probability was only 74% in D604. Like for cGMP, the olfactory amino terminal region, and openings ap- the open probability decreased as the amino acid at po- pear to be to only the full amplitude level, not to sub- sition 604 became less polar and increased with the ad- conductance states. Thus, the large differences in frac- dition of the olfactory amino terminal region. Interest- tional activation determined from the macroscopic cur- ingly, openings in BROD-D604M were slightly more nu- rent experiments are due entirely to differences in the merous and longer-lived than for cGMP. open probabilities produced by D604 mutations and For cAMP activation across the 10 constructs, repre- the olfactory amino terminal region. In particular, the sentative traces and amplitude histograms are shown in open probabilities in cGMP decreased as D604 became Figs. 10 and 11. As can be seen here, the open probabil- less polar and increased with the addition of the olfac- ity was low when a polar residue was present at position tory amino terminal region. 604. For BROD-D604M, the openings were significantly For cIMP activation of the 10 constructs, representa- longer in duration. The same trends were observed in tive traces and amplitude histograms are shown in Figs. the CHM15 constructs.

629 Sunderman and Zagotta Figure 7. Amplitude histo- grams for activation by a saturat- ing concentration of cGMP. Am- plitude histograms correspond- ing to the representative traces in Fig. 6 are shown. The histograms were fit to the sum of two Gauss- ians, and the peak of the closed level Gaussian was used to sub- tract off leak currents. The pa- rameters for the amplitude histo- grams were as follows: for BROD, ␴closed ϭ 480 fA, ␴open ϭ 560 fA, Popen ϭ 0.95; for CHM15, ␴closed ϭ 1.6 pA, ␴open ϭ 340 fA, Popen ϭ 0.99; for BROD-D604E, ␴closed ϭ 490 fA, ␴open ϭ 430 fA, Popen ϭ 0.71; for CHM15-D604E, ␴closed ϭ 850 fA, ␴open ϭ 240 fA, Popen ϭ 0.97; for BROD-D604Q, ␴closed ϭ 380 fA, ␴open ϭ 890 fA, Popen ϭ 0.06; for CHM15-D604Q, ␴closed ϭ 240 fA, ␴open ϭ 270 fA, Popen ϭ 0.91; for BROD-D604N, ␴closed ϭ 270 fA, ␴open ϭ 560 fA, Popen ϭ 0.07; for CHM15-D604N, ␴closed ϭ 260 fA, ␴open ϭ 290 fA, Popen ϭ 0.92; for BROD-D604M, ␴closed ϭ 440 fA, ␴open ϭ 1.33 pA, Popen ϭ 0.003; for CHM15-D604M, ␴closed ϭ 270 fA, ␴open ϭ 390 fA, Popen ϭ 0.42.

Hidden Markov Model Analysis of Single-Channel to converge on the maximum likelihood set of rate Patch-Clamp Recordings constants. The HMM approach provides a maximum We analyzed the single-channel kinetics for each of the likelihood value that allows the number of closed and 10 constructs using a hidden Markov modeling (HMM) open states required to explain the data to be deter- approach. The HMM approach, described in detail in mined. In the previous paper, we found that a simple the accompanying paper (Sunderman and Zagotta, two-state C ↔ O scheme is not sufficient to explain the 1999), directly estimates the rate constants for a given kinetics at saturating ligand concentrations. Rather, an specified kinetic scheme and uses iterative techniques additional closed state was required. Adding this addi-

630 Sequence of Events Figure 8. Representative sin- gle-channel traces at a saturating concentration of cIMP. Single- channel currents for all 10 con- structs were recorded in the pres- ence of 16 mM cIMP with the membrane voltage clamped at ϩ80 mV. The upper and lower dotted lines indicated the open and closed levels, respectively, and are separated by 2.3 pA. tional closed state outside the activation pathway (as in scribes our data and provides a physical interpretation ↔ ↔ C0 O1 C2) or within the activation pathway (as in of the results. The qualitative conclusions concerning ↔ ↔ C0Ј C1Ј O2Ј) significantly improved the description the effects of mutations on the stability of the open of the kinetics at saturating ligand concentrations. state and transition state should still be valid for a C0Ј ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ Since the likelihoods for the C0 O1 C2 and C0Ј C1Ј O2Ј scheme and more complex models. These ↔ C1Ј O2Ј linear schemes are identical, we could not conclusions are based on effects of these mutations on discriminate between these two schemes. However, we the open and closed durations and are not dependent ↔ ↔ prefer the C0 O1 C2 scheme because there was cy- on any particular model. clic nucleotide dependence in only the first transition For the analysis of the 10 constructs described in this ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ of the C0 O1 C2 scheme. Also, the C0 O1 C2 paper, we determined the rate constants for the C0 ↔ scheme has the simple physical interpretation of the O1 C2 scheme. Shown in Fig. 12 is a summary of the ↔ first transition being the allosteric transition and the rate constants from multiple patches for the C0 O1 second transition being to a flicker closed state out of step for all 10 constructs and for all three cyclic nucle- the activation pathway. While the underlying mecha- otides. The opening rate k01 became progressively nism is undoubtedly more complex than two closed slower for cGMP as the amino acid at position 604 be- and one open states, this mechanism adequately de- came less polar (Fig. 12 A). This effect was observed in

631 Sunderman and Zagotta Figure 9. Amplitude histo- grams for activation by a saturat- ing concentration of cIMP. Am- plitude histograms correspond- ing to the representative traces in Fig. 8 are shown. The histograms were fit to the sum of two Gauss- ians, and the peak of the closed level Gaussian was used to sub- tract off leak currents. The pa- rameters for the amplitude histo- grams were as follows: for BROD, ␴closed ϭ 240 fA, ␴open ϭ 360 fA, Popen ϭ 0.74; for CHM15, ␴closed ϭ 530 fA, ␴open ϭ 270 fA, Popen ϭ 0.96; for BROD-D604E, ␴closed ϭ 300 fA, ␴open ϭ 360 fA, Popen ϭ 0.62; for CHM15-D604E, ␴closed ϭ 930 fA, ␴open ϭ 250 fA, Popen ϭ 0.96; for BROD-D604Q, ␴closed ϭ 250 fA, ␴open ϭ 610 fA, Popen ϭ 0.011; for CHM15-D604Q, ␴closed ϭ 320 fA, ␴open ϭ 360 fA, Popen ϭ 0.81; for BROD-D604N, ␴closed ϭ 260 fA, ␴open ϭ 650 fA, Popen ϭ 0.044; for CHM15- D604N, ␴closed ϭ 290 fA, ␴open ϭ 320 fA, Popen ϭ 0.80; for BROD- D604M, ␴closed ϭ 320 fA, ␴open ϭ 610 fA, Popen ϭ 0.009; for CHM15-D604M, ␴closed ϭ 210 fA, ␴open ϭ 340 fA, Popen ϭ 0.59. both the BROD and CHM15 constructs. For cIMP, the across constructs was generally the same but smaller in slowing of the k01 rate was smaller but in the same direc- magnitude. For cAMP, the k10 rate constant was rela- tion. For cAMP, the k01 rate constant was nearly inde- tively independent of the amino acid at position 604, pendent of construct, perhaps increasing slightly. In thus indicating that the interactions of cAMP with Fig. 12 B, we see that the effects of the D604 mutations D604 are unimportant for determining the closing rate on the k10 rate constant are larger than for the k01 rate constant. constant. For cGMP, there was a progressive speeding For the CHM15 constructs, the effect on the k10 rate up of the closing rate (k10) constant as the amino acid constant was remarkable. For each mutation at position at position 604 became less polar. For cIMP, the trend 604 in the BROD construct, the corresponding muta-

632 Sequence of Events Figure 10. Representative sin- gle-channel traces at a saturating concentration of cAMP. Single- channel currents for all 10 con- structs were recorded in the pres- ence of 16 mM cAMP with the membrane voltage clamped at ϩ80 mV. The upper and lower dotted lines indicated the open and closed levels, respectively, and are separated by 2.3 pA.

-fold slower. state were short in duration, not unlike what would be ex-100–20ف tion in the CHM15 construct was This result contrasts with the result for the opening rate pected for flickery open-channel block. More impor- constant, which appeared to be relatively independent tantly, the effects of the D604 mutations and the olfactory of the presence or absence of the olfactory amino termi- amino terminal region are selective for the first transition ↔ ↔ nal region. The large effect on the closing rate constant of C0 O1 C2, as was previously shown for the effects indicates that the positive interactions incurred with the of cyclic nucleotides and Ni2ϩ (Sunderman and Zagotta, substitution of the olfactory amino terminal region are a 1999). The observation that each of these modifications major determinant of the closing rate constant. is affecting the same step provides further support for the ↔ ↔ Shown in Fig. 13 are the rate constants for the second hypothesis that the first transition of the C0 O1 C2 ↔ transition O1 C2 across constructs and for the three scheme is the allosteric transition, and the second transi- cyclic nucleotides. As can be seen in this figure, the re- tion is not involved in the allosteric transition. opening rate constant k21 was generally independent of .(s/5,000ف) cyclic nucleotide and construct and was fast Correspondence between Macroscopic and Single-Channel The closing rate k was also generally independent of 12 Current Recordings cyclic nucleotide and construct but was much slower ↔ 0 s). Thus, the equilibrium for the O1 C2 step A comparison between the values for ⌬G calculated as/100ف) is strongly toward the open state, and sojourns in the C2 ϪRT ln(k01/k10) from the single-channel experiments,

633 Sunderman and Zagotta Figure 11. Amplitude histo- grams for activation by a saturat- ing concentration of cAMP. Am- plitude histograms correspond- ing to the representative traces in Fig. 10 are shown. The histo- grams were fit to the sum of two Gaussians, and the peak of the closed level Gaussian was used to subtract off leak currents. The parameters for the amplitude histograms were as follows: for BROD, ␴closed ϭ 290 fA, ␴open ϭ 780 fA, Popen ϭ 0.004; for CHM15, ␴closed ϭ 330 fA, ␴open ϭ 410 fA, Popen ϭ 0.31; for BROD- D604E, ␴closed ϭ 230 fA, ␴open ϭ 630 fA, Popen ϭ 0.05; for CHM15- D604E, ␴closed ϭ 300 fA, ␴open ϭ 390 fA, Popen ϭ 0.61; for BROD- D604Q, ␴closed ϭ 360 fA, ␴open ϭ 580 fA, Popen ϭ 0.009; for CHM15-D604Q, ␴closed ϭ 270 fA, ␴open ϭ 340 fA, Popen ϭ 0.62; for BROD-D604N, ␴closed ϭ 250 fA, ␴open ϭ 660 fA, Popen ϭ 0.015; for CHM15-D604N, ␴closed ϭ 300 fA, ␴open ϭ 390 fA, Popen ϭ 0.71; for BROD-D604M, ␴closed ϭ 470 fA, ␴open ϭ 770 fA, Popen ϭ 0.082; for CHM15-D604M, ␴closed ϭ 330 fA, ␴open ϭ 370 fA, Popen ϭ 0.95. relative to the values for ⌬G0 ϭ ϪRT ln L, where L is the that currents obtained with Ni2ϩ in macroscopic experi- equilibrium constant for the allosteric transition and was ments slightly underestimate the maximum current. This determined using Ni2ϩ potentiation of macroscopic ex- underestimation is occurring because the ⌬G0 for the periments, is shown in Fig. 14 (see materials and meth- transition is so unfavorable for each of these constructs ods). Overall, the correspondence between the values is that, even with Ni2ϩ, the currents do not approximate the good. It may be noted that for BROD D604Q, D604N, theoretical maximum current that would be obtained if and D604M, the median single-channel estimate for ⌬G0 the fractional activation were 1. Note that this slight dif- was slightly larger than the macroscopic estimate in each ference could not be explained by error in the determi- case. The probable explanation for this observation is nation of the number of channels in a single-channel

634 Sequence of Events ↔ ↔ Figure 12. Box plot summaries for k01 and k10. Box plots of the k01 (A) and k10 (B) rate constants for the C0 O1 C2 scheme are shown for all 10 constructs for cGMP, cIMP, and cAMP. Values for the rate constants were determined by HMM analysis. The horizontal line within each box indicates the median of the data; boxes show the 25th and 75th percentiles of the data; whiskers show the 5th and 95th percentiles. Extreme data points are also indicated. patch, as the effect of having too many channels would to explain the slow rate of protein conformational be to increase the opening rate constant, thus making changes (Jackson, 1993); however, Eyring rate theory is the ⌬G0 more favorable, not less. This figure illustrates generally accepted and provides a unique estimate of that there was generally good correspondence between the transition state energies (Creighton, 1993). While the values obtained for the macroscopic and single-chan- the absolute activation energy (⌬G‡) is dependent on es- nel experiments. This result supports the use of Ni2ϩ for timates of a preexponential factor, the changes in activa- the estimation of ⌬G0 from macroscopic experiments tion energy (⌬⌬G‡) are less dependent on this estimate. ↔ and provides additional evidence that the C0 O1 transi- Fig. 15 A illustrates the energetics for the allosteric tion represents the transition modulated by Ni2ϩ. transition for the three cyclic nucleotides. In this fig- ure, the energy profiles were aligned at 0 kcal/mol when the channels were in the closed state (C ). As can Effects of Allosteric Modulation on the Free Energy Profiles for 0 be seen in this figure, the overall ⌬G0 for the allosteric the Allosteric Transition transition is between Ϫ2 and 3 kcal/mol for cGMP and Using Eyring rate theory (Eyring, 1935), we converted cAMP, respectively. Since these cyclic nucleotides differ the median rate constants we obtained from our HMM in only the most distal portion of their purine ring, we computations to activation energies (see materials conclude that the cyclic nucleotide–binding domain in- and methods). Eyring rate theory assumes that there is teracts with the purine ring of the cyclic nucleotides a quasi-equilibrium between a high energy transition differently during the allosteric transition. The ener- state and the ground state, and that the rate of break getics for these favorable cyclic nucleotide–binding do- down to product of the high energy intermediate de- main interactions must therefore be determinants of pends on the vibrational energy of a covalent bond at the stability of the open state. Since the energy of the room temperature. Other theories have been proposed transition state (⌬G‡) also differs among the cyclic nu-

635 Sunderman and Zagotta ↔ ↔ Figure 13. Box plot summaries for k12 and k21. Box plots of the k12 (A) and k21 (B) rate constants for the C0 O1 C2 scheme are shown for all 10 constructs for cGMP, cIMP, and cAMP. Values for the rate constants were determined by HMM analysis. cleotides, we conclude that these interactions are par- vation energy. This is a testament to the idea that the tially formed at the time of the transition state and purine ring of cGMP interacts directly with D604. Dis- serve to reduce the energetic barrier for activation. rupting this interaction with either cAMP or D604 mu- The effects of Ni2ϩ presented in the previous paper tations has a very similar effect. Fig. 15 D shows the en- (Sunderman and Zagotta, 1999) on the transition-state ergetics for activation of BROD and CHM15 channels energies are diagrammed in Fig. 15 B. This figure illus- by cIMP. As can be seen in this figure, the mechanism trates that, like the cyclic nucleotides, Ni2ϩ also affects of action of the olfactory amino terminal region is a sta- the transition state energy and stability of the open bilization of the open state without affecting the transi- state relative to the closed state. For both cIMP and tion state energy. This finding suggests that the stabiliz- cAMP, the presence of Ni2ϩ stabilizes the open state ing interactions between the autoexcitatory domain of and has a small effect on the energy of the transition the olfactory amino terminal region do not form until state. This finding suggests that the movement of the after the transition state for the allosteric transition. H420 residues on each of the subunits of the channel Thus, the interactions of the cyclic nucleotide and the into the Ni2ϩ coordinating position is associated with binding site form at the time of the transition state, channel opening. These interactions between Ni2ϩ and while the stabilizing effect of the olfactory amino termi- the channel are partially formed at the time of the tran- nal region arises after the transition state. sition state for the allosteric transition. Fig. 15 C shows the energetics for activation of BROD Fraction of Energetic Effect after the Transition State Reveals and BROD-D604M channels by cGMP. As can be seen the Sequence of Events in this figure, D604M channels activated by cGMP have an allosteric transition energetically very similar to To probe the sequence of events underlying the allo- BROD channels activated by cAMP, both with regard to steric transition, we calculated the fraction of the ener- the standard free energy of the transition and the acti- getic effect of the modifications studied that occurs af-

636 Sequence of Events the amino acid at position 604 interact directly because it indicates that the D604M mutation and switching to a different cyclic nucleotide not only affect both rate constants, but they affect both rate constants commen- surately. For Ni2ϩ, there was more variation in the frac- tion of the energetic effect occurring after the transi- tion state. For the olfactory amino terminal region, the median value was strongly skewed toward the right, in- dicating that only a small fraction of the energetic ef- fect of the amino terminal region has occurred by the time of the transition state. Hence, we would say that the state-dependent stabilization of the allosteric transi- tion occurs very late in the reaction coordinate. It is tantalizing to conclude that the interactions between the purine ring of the cyclic nucleotide and the amino acid at position 604 occur early in the reaction coordi- nate. These interactions are followed by the interac- tions of H420 in the C linker with Ni2ϩ. Finally, the sta- bilizing interactions with the olfactory amino terminal region, when present, form late in the reaction coordi- nate, after the channel has switched to the active con- formation.

discussion In this paper, we have investigated the effects of muta- tions at position 604 in the binding domain and of the olfactory amino terminal region on the kinetics at satu- rating concentrations of three different ligands. We have shown that direct interactions between the cyclic nucleotide and the amino acid at position 604 occur Figure 14. Box plot comparison between the values for k01/k10 and for L calculated from macroscopic experiments using Ni2ϩ po- during both the opening and closing transitions of the tentiation. Box plots comparing the values for ⌬G0 for the allo- allosteric conformational change. In contrast, the sub- steric transition from singles and macroscopic current experi- stitution of the olfactory for the rod amino terminal re- ments are shown for the BROD (A) and CHM15 (B) channels. gion appears to affect only the closing rate constant, suggesting that the favorable interdomain interactions ter the allosteric transition and plotted the median val- that form when the auto-excitatory domain is present ues in Fig. 16. These calculations were made by occur almost entirely after the channel has switched to considering the effect on the k01 and k10 rate constants the open conformation. of switching cyclic nucleotide on BROD-D604 chan- A molecular mechanism for the binding of cyclic nels, switching from D604 to D604M in either the nucleotides to CNG channels has been proposed, BROD or CHM15 backgrounds and for each of the cy- based on the CAP structure (Gordon and Zagotta, clic nucleotides, applying Ni2ϩ on BROD channels 1995b; Varnum et al., 1995). In this mechanism, the cy- (Sunderman and Zagotta, 1999), and switching from clic nucleotide–binding site is exposed when the chan- BROD-D604 to CHM15-D604 for each of the cyclic nu- nel is in the closed configuration because the C helix is cleotides. As can be seen in Fig. 16, in each case, the rotated away from the ␤ roll. The cyclic nucleotide majority of the energetic effect of each modification then binds to the closed channel primarily through in- occurred on the closing rate constant, meaning after teractions between the ␤ roll and the ribose and phos- the transition state for the allosteric conformational phate of the cyclic nucleotide. Activation involves a change. Intriguingly, the median fraction of the effect conformational change in the channel protein. At the occurring after the transition state was 68% for the in- level of the binding site, the conformational change is teractions of the channel with the portions of the cyclic thought to involve movement of the ␤ roll relative to nucleotides that differ and 70% for the effect of switch- the C helix, permitting residues in the C helix, in par- ing to D604M. The close correspondence between ticular D604, to interact specifically with the purine these two values gives further support for the hypothe- ring of the bound cyclic nucleotide. For cGMP, it was sis that the purine rings of the cyclic nucleotides and proposed that the negatively charged carboxylic acid

637 Sunderman and Zagotta Figure 15. Free energy profile for the allosteric transition. The free energy profiles for the allo- ↔ steric transition (C0 O1) are il- lustrated based on the median values of the rate constants deter- mined from HMM analysis of the single-channel currents. The rate constants were converted to en- ergies using simple transition- state theory, with the highest en- ergy intermediate postulated to break down to product at the vi- brational frequency of a cova- lent bond. (A) Free energy pro- files for cGMP, cIMP, and cAMP on BROD channels. (B) Free en- ergy profiles for cAMP with and without Ni2ϩ. (C) The free en- ergy profiles of the allosteric transition for BROD and BROD- D604M channels activated by a saturating concentration of cGMP. (D) The free energy pro- files of the allosteric transition for BROD and CHM15 channels activated by a saturating concen- tration of cIMP. side chain of D604 in the C helix forms a pair of hydro- have determined the rate constants at which the inter- gen bonds with the N1 and N2 hydrogen atoms on the actions are forming and unforming, and we now know guanine ring. This type of hydrogen bonding has been the relative effects on the opening and closing transi- shown to occur in solution (Lancelot and Hélène, tions for each of the modifications studied. For the case 1977) and in high affinity GTP binding proteins such of cGMP, we conclude that the pair of hydrogen bonds as the ␣ subunit of transducin (Noel et al., 1993), elon- between the guanine ring and the aspartate is partially gation factor EF-Tu (Jurnak, 1985), and H-Ras (Pai et al., formed at the time of the transition state for the allo- 1989). This molecular mechanism is not unique, and steric transition. Thus, the activation of the channel in- we cannot completely rule out that substituents on the volves the formation of these two hydrogen bonds, and purine ring do not alter the chemical properties of the the closing of the channel involves the dissolution of ring, or that mutations at D604 do not have indirect ef- these hydrogen bonds. This observation indicates that fects on the structure of the cyclic nucleotide–binding the formation of these hydrogen bonds is intimately in- site. However, given the large body of data in support of volved in the allosteric transition, not an event that oc- a direct interaction between D604 and the purine ring, curs before or immediately after it. For cIMP, we con- we have chosen to interpret our results in terms of this clude that the formation of a hydrogen bond between mechanism. D604 and the inosine moiety is also intimately involved Based on the results of this investigation, the kinetic in the allosteric transition, but the energies are approx- and molecular aspects of this mechanism for the allo- imately half those of cGMP, indicating a molecular steric transition have been refined. In particular, we mechanism where only a single hydrogen bond forms

638 Sequence of Events Figure 16. Fraction of energetic effect occur- ring after the allosteric transition. The fraction of the energetic effect occurring after the allosteric ‡ 0 ‡ transition was calculated as ⌬⌬G /⌬⌬G ϭ |(⌬G 1 ‡ 0 0 ‡ Ϫ ⌬G 2)/(⌬G 1 Ϫ ⌬G 2)|, where ⌬G is the activa- tion energy for the closing transition, ⌬G0 is the standard free energy for the allosteric transition, and the subscript indicates the different condi- tions of allosteric modulation. ⌬Gs were the me- dian values determined from an HMM analysis of the single-channel currents. The ⌬⌬G‡/⌬⌬G0 for the interactions with different cyclic nucleotides was the average of the values for BROD channels between cGMP and cIMP, cGMP and cAMP, and cIMP and cAMP. The ⌬⌬G‡/⌬⌬G0 for the interac- tions with D604 was the average of the values be- tween BROD channels and D604M channels and between CHM15 channels and CHM15-D604M channels for all three cyclic nucleotides. The ⌬⌬G‡/⌬⌬G0 for the interactions with Ni2ϩ was the average of the values between BROD channels with and without Ni2ϩ for cIMP and cAMP (Sunderman and Zagotta, 1999). The ⌬⌬G‡/ ⌬⌬G0 for the interactions with the amino terminal region was the average of the values between BROD channels and CHM15 channels for all three cyclic nucleotides. per subunit. The open probability increased for activa- and Zagotta, 1997). This mechanism was proposed tion by cAMP when D604 was mutated to a polar un- based on in vitro binding assays and occurred even in charged residue, suggesting that interactions between the absence of cyclic nucleotide. The results of this in- the adenine ring and D604 destabilize the allosteric vestigation indicate that the affinity of the two terminal transition. Thus, other portions of the cyclic nucleotide regions is only 2 kcal/mol higher for the open than the and interactions not investigated here may explain the closed state. Since this energy difference is small, the fact that cAMP is an agonist, not an antagonist, of the most likely interpretation is that the two regions inter- BROD channel. Alternatively, D604 may interact weakly act with high affinity both when the channels are open with the adenine ring and less polar residues may inter- and closed and that the 2 kcal/mol energetic stabiliza- act more strongly. tion reflects the formation of a few hydrogen bonds per Our analysis of the effect of the olfactory amino ter- subunit or the removal of a few unfavorable interac- minal region on channel activation indicates that the tions and not the binding or unbinding of the two ter- amino terminal region exerts its auto-excitatory effect minal regions with each transition. Thus, our results re- late in the reaction coordinate and that the effects of fine the molecular mechanism of action by suggesting the olfactory amino terminal region are cyclic nucle- that the stabilization exerted by the amino terminal re- otide-independent. Previously, it has been shown that gion occurs primarily after the transition state for the the rat olfactory CNG channel amino terminal region allosteric transition and occurs later in the reaction co- promotes channel activation by directly interacting ordinate than the interactions between the cyclic nucle- with the carboxyl terminal gating machinery (Varnum otides and the amino acid at position 604.

We thank Heidi Utsugi and Kevin Black for technical assistance, Fred Sigworth and Lalitha Venkataramanan for helpful discus- sions, and Richard W. Aldrich and Anita Zimmerman for comments on the manuscript. This work was supported by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and by a grant from the National Eye Institute (EY10329) to W.N. Zagotta. W.N. Zagotta is an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Original version received 11 November 1998 and accepted version received 10 March 1999. references Altenhofen, W., J. Ludwig, E. Eismann, W. Kraus, W. Bonigk, and use of double mutants to detect structural changes in the active U.B. Kaupp. 1991. Control of ligand specificity in cyclic nucle- site of the tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase (Bacillus stearothermophilus). otide–gated channels from rod photoreceptors and olfactory ep- . 38:835–840. ithelium. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 88:9868–9872. Chen, T.Y., and K.W. Yau. 1994. Direct modulation by Ca(2ϩ)-calm- Carter, P.J., G. Winter, A.J. Wilkinson, and A.R. Fersht. 1984. The odulin of cyclic nucleotide–activated channel of rat olfactory re-

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