United States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 5,879,510 Hagglund Et Al

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United States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 5,879,510 Hagglund Et Al US005879510A United States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 5,879,510 Hagglund et al. [45] Date of Patent: Mar. 9, 1999 [54] LIGHT DRAINABILITY, BULKY 4,938,843 7/1990 Lindahl ................................... .. 162/55 CHEMIMECHANICAL PULP THAT HAS A LOW SHIVE CONTENT AND A LOW FINE FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS MATERIAL CONTENT 27 14 730 10/1977 Germany . 397851 11/1977 Sweden . [75] Inventors: Tjell-Ake Hagglund, Soraker; Ingela 460060 12/1991 Sweden . Ekebro, Sundsvall; Hans Hoglund, WO 91/12367 8/1991 WIPO . Matfors; Roland Back, Njurunda, all of OTHER PUBLICATIONS Sweden Hans Hoglund et al., “Modi?ed thermo—mechanical pulp”, [73] Assignee: SCA Hygiene Products AB, Goteborg, Svensk Papperstidning, vol. 79, No. 11, 1976, pp. 343—347 Sweden and 353. [21] Appl. No.: 750,527 Primary Examiner—Stanley S. Silverman [22] PCT Filed: Jun. 7, 1995 Assistant Examiner—José S. Fortune Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Young & Thompson [86] PCT No.: PCT/SE95/00670 [57] ABSTRACT § 371 Date: Dec. 13, 1996 Achemimechanical pulp for use in the manufacture of paper § 102(e) Date: Dec. 13, 1996 or paperboard products where a high drainability, bulky pulp [87] PCT Pub. No.: WO95/34711 is desired. The pulp has a long ?ber content of between 60 and 75%, a ?ne-material content of at most 14%, a shive PCT Pub. Date: Dec. 21, 1995 content of less than 0.5%, is re?ned to a freeness of 600 ml [30] Foreign Application Priority Data CSF at the lowest, and has a tensile index of at least 10 kNm/kg. A method for producing such a pulp comprises: a) Jun. 15, 1994 [SE] Sweden ............................. .. 9402101-1 impregnating chips with a lignin softening chemical; b) preheating the chips; c) re?ning the chips to papermaking [51] Int. Cl.6 .. ...................... .. D21B 1/02 pulp; wherein the chips are impregnated and heated over a [52] us. Cl. ............................... .. 162/25; 162/26; 162/28; total time period of at most 4 minutes; a) using a hot 162/19; 162/24; 162/78; 162/76; 162/55 impregnating liquid having a temperature of at least 130° C.; [58] Field of Search ................................ .. 162/25, 26, 28, b) preheating the chips at a temperature above the lignin 162/17, 19, 55, 83, 84, 78, 88 softening temperature; c) re?ning the pulp in one or more stages, of which the ?rst or sole stage is carried out solely [56] References Cited at essentially the same pressure and the same temperature as U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS the preheating process; and re?ning the pulp at a total energy input which is at least 50% and at most 90% of the energy 376617328 5/1972 LFaSk ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 241/18 input required to achieve the same shive content when 472447778 1/1981 LlPdahl et a1‘ " " 162/17 preheating at 135° C. and using the same machine equip 4,279,694 7/1981 FntZVold et al. .. 162/28 ment 4,294,653 10/1981 Lindahlet al. .. .. 162/25 ' 4,486,267 12/1984 Prusas . .. 162/25 4,562,969 1/1986 Lindahl ................................... .. 241/21 22 Claims, 9 Drawing Sheets HT-CTMP :4 STAGE REFINING ( 2 STAGES AT HIGH CONSISTENCY AND 1 STAGE AT LOW CONSISTENCY) LOW CONSISTENCY REFINING CHIP STORING CHIP WASHING IMPREGNATION (CONFLO) STEAM PREHEA'HNG HIGH CONSISTENCY REFINING CONDENSATION IMPREGNATION CHEMICALS U.S. Patent Mar. 9, 1999 Sheet 1 of9 5,879,510 Lumen 1: Fibre waii FIGi SHIVE CONTENT SOMERVILLE, % 0,5 0,4 ‘ 0,3 “ 0,2 ' 0,1 ' A 0,0 ' I l ' I ' I ' I ?r 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 '3 Scandinavian FREENESS, ml A Canadian 0 Ostrand 5 . HT CTMP U.S. Patent Mar. 9, 1999 Sheet 4 of9 5,879,510 O.EZO0vA #01 kwwIOnjDm 4<ZOFZm>ZOUmwwoomm U.S. Patent Mar. 9, 1999 Sheet 5 of9 5,879,510 SHIVE CONTENT SOMERVILLE, % 0,5 0,4 ' U Scandinavian 0,3‘ A Canadian 0 Ostrand 0’2_ 0 HT CTMP 0,1 ' 0,0 ' I I I ' I ' I I I ‘ 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 FINE MATERIAL CONTENT (Bauer McNet’t < 200), % SHIVE CONTENT SOMERVTLLE, % H56 0,5 0,4 ‘ 0,3 _ Scandinavian Canadian Ostrand 0,2 ‘ HT CTMP 0,1 ' 0,0 40 LONG FIBRE CONTENT (Bauer McNett > 30), % F107 U.S. Patent Mar. 9, 1999 Sheet 6 of9 5,879,510 TENSILE INDEX, kNm/kg 5O 40- A 0 00 o . % E1 Scandinavian C’ o (g3 000 A Canadian 30“ ' 0 N50 8 O Ostrand n . A o D Q0 0 HT CTMP ‘ s c1 c1 i: [3 c1 . Q. A [% c1 . CI 20“ . ' f . F IG. 8 0 1O - l I - I Y i Y O 5 ‘IO 15 2O 25 FINE MATERIAL CONTENT (Bauer McNett < 200), % DENSITY, m3/kg 500 ' 450' . o 400“ 0Q U Scandinavian ' o O 9 o o 83% o A Canadian 350_ ' IAOIEIGE D O @sirand . 0 0B ’..A 8 0 HT CTMP 3oo~ 9 o ' E D .0 ° 0 0 250— '. ' . - 0' F159 ‘ I I ' I I 1 - ‘ T O 5 10 15 2O 25 3O FINE MATERIAL CONTENT (Bauer McNett < 200), % U.S. Patent Mar. 9, 1999 Sheet 7 of9 5,879,510 SCOTT-BOND, J/m2 100 U 90 “ 8O * o 70 O D Scandinavian O 6O _ ‘ 5 0 Ostrand ¢ 5 U DO 9 HTCTMP so- . I - no Q1: 0 - O 40- °' D 30- ' '4 1 20 I- I v _ V H610 I O 5 1O 15 2O 25 FINE MATERIAL CONTENT (Bauer McNett < 200), % SHIVE CONTENT SOMERVILLE, % 0,5 0,4 '" E] E] Scandinavian A Canadian 0 Ostrand . HT CTMP 0,1 ' O0 F1611 '200 250 300 350 400 450 500 DENSITY, m3_/kg U.S. Patent Mar. 9, 1999 Sheet 8 of9 5,879,510 FREENESS, ml 800 - ~ . HT CTMP 700- \-\I\ 0 Segment 11979 65,0: I HT CTMP Segment 11980 600 - ' A $10 CTMP 550 ' 500 ' - A F1012 450 500 700 900 1100 1300 Y 1500 ENERGY CONSUMPTION, kWh/ton SHIVE CONTENT SOMERVILLE ,% 0,25 ' 0 0,20 ' I . A 0,15 - 0,10 ' .\ 0,05 ~ I\:\—’O ' F1013 0,00 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 ENERGY CONSUMPTION, kWh/ton O HT CTMP Segment 11979 I HT CTMP Segment 11980 A $10 CTMP U.S. Patent Mar. 9, 1999 Sheet 9 of9 5,879,510 DENSITY, kg/m3 400 A 350 ' 300 T 250 ~ I F 10.111 I I 1 T T 4 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 ENERGY CONSUMPTION, kWh/ton 0 HT CTMP Segment 11979 I HT CTMP Segment 11980 A STD CTMP TENSILE INDEX, kNm/Kg 40 35 A 30 T 25 I . 20 ~ ' 15 - I - 9' F1015 10 I I I I 1 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 ENERGY CONSUMPTION, kWh/1011 Q HT CTMP Segment 11979 I HT CTMP Segment 11980 A STD CTMP 5,879,510 1 2 LIGHT DRAINABILITY, BULKY SE-B-397 851 teaches a method of producing a cherni CHEMIMECHANICAL PULP THAT HAS A rnechanical pulp in Which the chips are ?rst impregnated LOW SHIVE CONTENT AND A LOW FINE with an alkaline sodiurn sulphite solution and then preheated MATERIAL CONTENT with steam at 135°—170° C. for about 10 minutes. The folloWing re?nernent is effected in an open re?ner at a FIELD OF THE INVENTION temperature slightly above 100°C. The pulp is re?ned to 400 ml CSF and a very loW shive content is obtained. Thus, The present invention relates to a long-?ber, readily When practicing this known method it is elected to re?ne at deWatered, bulky, high yield chernirnechanical pulp pro a relatively low temperature, i.e. a temperature Which is duced from lignocellulosic ?ber material at a high yield much loWer than the so-called lignin softening ternperature. (>88%) and having a loW shive content, loW ?ne-rnaterial Arelatively high energy input is then required in the re?ning content and an extract content of less than 0.15%. The process in order to obtain a loW shive content, Which results invention also relates to a method of producing the pulp. in a high percentage of ?ne-rnaterial in the pulp. The loW BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION shive content is only obtained at a relatively loW freeness 15 level. The long preheating tirne easily leads to a pulp of loW In certain paper products it is advantageous to be able to brightness, particularly at the longest of these preheating achieve the highest possible bulk (loW bulk density) at a tirnes. given strength While satisfying high requirernents placed on WO-Al-91/ 12367 describes an absorbent chernirnechani the surface properties of the products. Examples of such cal pulp that is manufactured from lignocellulosic material products are tissue products, With Which high liquid absorp 20 at an extremely loW energy input, at a Wood yield above tion is a preferential property, and paperboard material or 88%, a long ?ber content above 70%, preferably above 75%, so-called liners for corrugated ?berboard boxes, With Which a ?ne-rnaterial content beloW 10% and a shive content beloW a high degree of ?eXural rigidity is desired. 3%. The pulp is produced by preheating and irnpregnating High bulk is, of course a necessary factor in achieving the chips at high temperature, high pressure and over a short high liquid absorption. High bulk also contributes positively 25 period of time in one and the same vessel, prior to de?bering to the rigidity or stiffness of the board and the liner products. the Wood. When producing chernirnechanical pulp With the Since high requirements are also placed on the surface method according to WO-Al-91/12367 at a long ?ber con properties of this type of product, i.e.

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