Neighbors Helping Neighbors

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Neighbors Helping Neighbors KnightLine MARCH 2009 VOL. 26 • NO. 3 NEWS FOR KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS LEADERS Connecticut Church Rallies Against Bill 1098 Thousands gather to protest attack on religious freedom he Connecticut legislation The previous day, Rep. Michael that proposed to strip admin- Lawlor and Sen. Andrew McDonald, T istrative authority from the two lawmakers who introduced Catholic priests and bishops awoke a Bill 1098, suddenly tabled it, following “sleeping giant” in response — name- a week of outcry that the bill violated ly, the state’s Catholic population. the First Amendment. The bill singled Knights and their families were out the Catholic Church, seeking to among a crowd of more than 5,000 turn over administrative authority to a Catholics and others concerned for series of elected lay boards. Although Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson was among religious freedom gathered at the the bill is no longer scheduled for a those who spoke to a crowd of more than 5,000 State Capitol on Wednesday, March hearing, it will likely be discussed at the Connecticut State Capitol on March 11. 11. The rally was organized with lit- again after the legislative session ends. tle notice and took place on what Bishops from the state’s three dio- would have been the day of Bill ceses, along with speakers that for the rally. The speakers forcefully 1098’s public hearing in the General included Supreme Knight Carl A. stated that Bill 1098 should never Assembly’s Judiciary Committee. Anderson, addressed those gathered SEE ‘RALLY’ PAGE 2 NEIGHBORS HELPING NEIGHBORS Knights sponsor national summit on promoting volunteerism epresentatives from many of Summit attendees included rep- the nation’s largest volunteer resentatives from Habitat for Rorganizations gathered Feb. Humanity, the United Way, the 27 in New York City to plan an Salvation Army, Catholic Charities, unprecedented volunteer response the National Fraternal Congress, to the economic crisis. General Electric, Volunteers of More than 185 participants from America and many other organiza- approximately 115 charitable, reli- tions from as far away as California gious, corporate, government, media and Texas. and educational institutions attend- Supreme Chaplain Bishop William E. Lori of ed the summit, which was spon- Bridgeport, Conn., was among numerous pan- sored by the Knights of Columbus “This crisis is unprecedented elists at the Feb. 27 summit on volunteerism. and Fairfield University’s Center for Also pictured are Susan Kohn (center), repre- in our lifetimes, and our senting the United Jewish Appeal Federation of Faith and Public Life. Supreme New York, and Laura Balun, director of volun- Knight Carl A. Anderson announced response must be as well.” tary service for the Veterans Administration. the event, titled “A Nation of Neighbors Helping Neighbors: A there is for a personal response to Summit on Volunteerism as a “The response — on such short the economic crisis,” said Anderson Response to the Economic Crisis,” notice — by so many of our nation’s following the summit. “No solution during a Jan. 23 speech at Fairfield top volunteer-promoting organiza- University. tions shows just how much need SEE ‘SUMMIT’ PAGE 3 FROM ‘RALLY’ PAGE 1 have been raised, that it smacked of anti-Catholic sentiment and that the Catholic Church in Connecticut strongly supports the bishops and priests who were threatened by the legislation. Despite a persistent drizzle and the cancellation of the hearing, thou- sands of Catholics from throughout the state came to Hartford to make their voices heard. Many arrived early and remained upbeat, often interrupting the speakers with cheers of support. Bishop Michael R. Cote of Norwich, Conn., opened the rally Children from a Catholic elementary school sing patriotic songs at the Connecticut State with an invocation in thanks of reli- Capitol March 11. They were among the more than 5,000 people who participated in a rally advocating religious freedom and protesting legislation that would strip the Catholic gion freedom and for the U.S. Church of its right to self govern. Constitution. He then criticized those who championed Bill 1098, in parishes. But as speakers pointed said Hank Satterthwaite, a parish- saying they had to be either ignorant out, parish finance scandals are rare. ioner at St. John’s Church in Darien, There are more than 300 parishes in Conn., where one of the scandals Connecticut, but two parishes in occurred. Bill 1098 was “not only recent years have been struck by scan- Satterthwaite, who serves as constitutionally wrong, but dals under their former pastors. chairman of the finance committee Since the Church is committed to at St. John’s, added that the parish absolutely unnecessary.” financial transparency and has imple- community has given its full support mented safeguards to prevent such to the pastor and bishop. incidents from happening, Bill 1098 Read more information about Bill of its full implications “or openly was “not only constitutionally 1098 and watch videos from the antagonistic to the Church.” wrong, but absolutely unnecessary,” March 11 rally at O Supreme Knight Anderson called the bill “an insult to every priest in the state of Connecticut.” “We are here today to say that our JOHN A. MARRELLA APPOINTED priests and bishops should be treated SUPREME ADVOCATE with respect,” he added. Supreme Chaplain Bishop William n Feb. 7, members of the Board E. Lori of Bridgeport said that Bill of Directors, at their quarterly 1098 is also an attack on lay Catholics O meeting, appointed John A. and other people of good will. Marrella as supreme advocate. He suc- “I am very grateful to the people ceeds Paul R. Devin, who has retired. of other faiths and the many citizens A native of the Bronx, N.Y., Marrella who have stood up to defend religious graduated from Harvard Law School freedom,” he said. “This time it was and Harvard’s Kennedy School of the Roman Catholic Church that was Government in 1990. After working as a singled out. Next time, it might be trial attorney at the Department of another church.” Justice in Washington, D.C., until 1998, John A. Marrella Paul R. Devin The First Amendment protects he joined the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the rights of citizens to bring convic- New Haven, Conn., where he was Devin, a graduate of Boston College tions to the public square without responsible for investigating and prose- and Boston University School of Law, cuting a variety of criminal offenses. In served as supreme advocate since fear of retaliation from public offi- 2007, Marrella returned to Washington October 2002. Before joining the cials, added Bishop Lori. to serve as deputy assistant attorney Supreme Council in 2001 as executive “Bill 1098 should never have been general for criminal tax enforcement at vice president of legal affairs, Devin raised by the judiciary committee, the Department of Justice. was a senior partner in the Boston law even for a hearing,” he said. “Let’s Marrella is a member of St. Thomas firm Peabody & Arnold, LLP, where he bury it for good.” More Council 13500 in New Haven. He practiced law for 34 years. He and his The stated purpose of Bill 1098 was and his wife, Amey, are members of wife, Judi, have two children and four to address financial mismanagement St. Mary’s Parish. grandchildren. O 2 FROM ‘SUMMIT’ PAGE 1 opportunity to teach to this crisis will be complete if it important values to does not include the invaluable per- their children, partic- son-to-person component as well as ularly with regard to detailed community knowledge that personally helping the organizations assembled brought those less fortunate. to the table.” Supreme Chaplain Bishop William E. ‘THE FIRST PRINCIPLE’ Lori of Bridgeport, Jesuit Father Richard Ryscavage, a Conn., said that local professor of sociology and the dioceses are often the founding director of the Center for largest providers of Faith and Public Life, served as social and education moderator of the summit. “Nation- services aside from ally, perhaps 25 percent of the government. He Americans do volunteer work,” he explained that for Jesuit Father Richard Ryscavage, founding director of the Center for said. “We think we can improve people of faith, there Faith and Public Life at Fairfield University, moderated the Feb. 27 that statistic dramatically, especial- is an extra motiva- summit on volunteerism in New York City. Panelists included ly if we work together.” (sitting, left to right) Alex Knopp of Yale University, Father Larry tion to serve their Snyder, president of Catholic Charities, and Mei Cobb, vice presi- Throughout the day, panelists neighbors. “The first dent of volunteer engagement for United Way of America. identified several trends in volun- principle is charity,” teerism. “Increasingly, we are seeing he said. “Any time people who have been laid off and we are doing anything less than mote volunteerism among college want the spiritual, physical and that, we are being untrue to a students. emotional connection of being with Gospel imperative.” • Places of worship to reach out to other people, and also opportunities Similarly, Father Larry Snyder, their congregations directly about to keep their skills refined,” said president of Catholic Charities USA, volunteer opportunities. Bertina Ceccarelli of the United Way said that economic reasons should • The media to conduct telethons of New York City. Companies and not be the primary motivation for for volunteers — and to devote space current employees are also seeking soliciting volunteers. Even more in print media to volunteer opportu- opportunities for skills-based volun- important is giving others the oppor- nities. teering, she added. tunity to participate in corporal • And non-profits to improve over- Many of the panelists also noted works of mercy. “If we do not invite all collaboration with each other.
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