Boat Conference Organized by the U.N
Copiesavellshie from: SeeGrant Extension Program 6022 MoCartyHall Universityof Florida Gslnssvlila,F I.3281 1 PletW.SseOrant Cogsge le supportedhy awed of the Officeof SeeOrant, NationalOceania aad AtrnoepherieAdmlnletradon, U4. Depert- raentef Cetmmrm,grant nwahw NAESAA-~, underprovisions of the Natkmef8ee GrantCogege and ProgramsAot of 1888. This hdenaatlaals pehlldtedhy the SeeOrant Eatenekm Proipam wideh funatlons as ~ componentof the Florida CooperativeEatenslon Ssrvtse. JehuT. ggaeste,dom, In mmduetlngCoeperadve Extension work in Agriculture.Home Eoonomies, and ggerineSeieneee. State of Fkrride.U.S. gttpartnrsntef Agrharlture,UA Qspartmentof Commerse,and Soerdeof County Commiesloasm,cooperating. printed end dlstrlhutedIn ferdsemnseof the Acts of CengrWsof Stay 8 aadJune 1 1,1814. The Florida See Orant College h anEqual Employment Opportunity-Affirme- ~ eeAetkm employeraatharlmd m 'yrow4h~h, edaoatloaalkrformadon and other earvtaeeonly to individualsand InstNutlomthat ~ aoettenwithout Nacrd ta ress,eaktr, eea, or nationalorigin. I NTERNATIQNAL CONFERENCE DN DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION,AND OPERATIONOF COMMERCIAL F I SHING VESSELS Sponsored By: Florida Sea Grant College Program Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Southeast Section Florida Institute of Technology College of Science and Engineering: OceanEngineering Program Held At: Florida Institute of Technology Edi ted By: John C. Sainsbury Thomas M. Leahy Sea Grant Project No. IR/84-6 Grant No. NA 80AA-D-00038 Report Number 67 Florida Sea Grant College May 1985 Price: $10.00 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS SPONSORS: Florida Sea Grant College Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Southeast Section Florida Institute of Technology, College of Engineering: OceanEngineering Program CONFERENCEGENERAL CHAIRMAN: Dr. JohnC. Sainsbury,Professor Chairman, Ocean Engineering Program, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida 32901, USA CDGRDI NATI NG COMMITTEE: Tom Col 't ins, Desco.
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