EXHIBIT 186 CHS.900.005.0001

In the matter of the Commissions of Inquiry Act 1950

Commissions of Inquiry Order (No.4) 2015

Barrett Adolescent Centre Commission of Inquiry


Dr Jeannette Rosita Young of ct- Crown Law, Chief Health Officer and Deputy Director-

General, Health, solemnly and sincerely affirms and declares:

1. I have been provided with a Requirement to Give Information in a Written Statement

dated 4 February 2016. Exhibit A to this affidavit is a copy of this notice, including a

copy of the documents attached to the notice.

Background and experience

2. I gained my Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery from the University of

Sydney in 1986.

3. I am also a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of Medical Administrators

(FRACMA), a credential I gained in 2004.

4. I am currently employed in the role of Chief Health Officer and Deputy Director-

General, Prevention Division, Queensland Health.

5. Prior to commencing in my current role, I held various other senior roles in Queensland

Health and in hospitals In .

Page 1


AFFIDAVIT Crown Solicitor 11th Floor, State Law Building On behalf of the State of Queensland 50 Ann Street QLD 4000

Document No: 6343529 EXHIBIT 186 CHS.900.005.0002


6. I have been employed in the role of Chief Health Officer since 2005 and employed as

Deputy Director-General, Prevention Division since July 2015.

7. Exhibit B to this affidavit is a copy of my current Curriculum Vitae. It outlines in full my

professional roles, qualifications and memberships.

8. The departmental branches that I oversee in the Prevention Division are:

(a) Chief Medical Officer and Healthcare Regulation Branch;

(b) Health Protection Branch;

(c) Preventive Health Branch;

(d) Communicable Diseases Branch; and

(e) Aeromedical Retrieval and Disaster Management Branch.

9. Importantly, for this Commission, I have had no oversight or other responsibilities with

respect to mental health Issues since July 2012 at which time Dr Cleary was appointed

as the Deputy Director-General, Health Service and Clinical Innovation ("HSCI"). The

first HSCI Executive meeting took place on 27 July 2012. The first HSCI Divisional

forum took place on 13 July 2012. Mental Health had therefore transitioned from my

role in July 2012 and from then on moved to Dr Cleary. His role included oversight of

the Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs Branch.

10. The following paragraphs contain my answers to the questions in the Requirement

from the Commission. To put my answers into context, I note that the questions asked

by the Commission relate to circumstances that occurred about four years ago and

related to only one of many matters with which I was involved. Further, I no longer

have any responsibility for mental health issues and, as such, I do not have access to


Deponent A-.1~., Solicitor Document No: 6343529 EXHIBIT 186 CHS.900.005.0003 - 3 -

the documents that I previously had access to, and from which I potentially could

refresh my memory.

Question 1 (a)

Briefing Note Number 26.7

11. Each year, Queensland Health requires each division to provide particular information

to inform an Estimates Brief.

12. The information in Brief Number 25.7 was prepared by staff I supervise as part of that

standard annual reporting and I was responsible for its contents.

13. I was ultimately responsible for the information provided in the brief.

Question 1 (b) & 1(c)

14. I cannot recall any specific details about the 'fiscal pressures' referred to in the brief

but believe I would have been informed by the Executive Director of Mental Health

about such pressures as part of the regular meetings that I had with the Executive

Director. I understand that the person who was Executive Director of Mental Health at

that lime was Dr Aaron Groves.

15. I cannot recall if Queensland Health developed a Cabinet Budget Review Committee

Submission for continued implementation in 2012113. As I no longer have any

responsibilities with respect to mental health issues, I also no longer have access to

the documents maintained by the mental health division (now known as the Mental

Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs Branch).


Deponent A-J.1'., C Dei:., Solicitor Document No: 6.343529 EXHIBIT 186 CHS.900.005.0004


Question 2 (a) & (b)

Briefing Note dated 3 May 2012

16. I requested and verified the contents of the briefing note for approval dated 3 May 2012

that Is attached to the notice and marked DBK.001.001.0067.

Question 2 (c)

17. Before making a Cabinet Budget Review Committee Submission ("CBRC"), it was

standard practice to have the Director-General approve the proposed action that was

intended to be the subject of any CBRC.

18. Obtaining prior approval from the Director-General to any proposed actions provides

greater clarity for the proposal that is ultimately put forward to CBRC. It is purely a

matter of ensuring that before a submission is put to CBRC everything possible that

can be finalised is done in terms of the content of the document. This requires taking

different aspects of the submission to the Director-General and seeking his view on

the way forward. The submission then progresses once as much of the separate

initiatives have been finalised. It is preferable to have a submission that lays out the

complete picture in terms of what is required rather than one that is presented with

caveats and multiple options. The Director-General has the responsibility of finalising

all CBRC submissions before putting them to the Minister.

19. Prior to the preparation of the briefing note, there would have been discussion about

the issue, particularly at the regular, fortnightly meeting with the Executive Director.

The briefing note is the culmination of those discussions and is the process by which

decisions are recorded.


~c., Solicitor Document No: 6343529 EXHIBIT 186 CHS.900.005.0005 - 5 -

Question 2 (d)

20. I cannot recall any details of the 'multiple delays' referred to. However, it is not unusual

to encounter delays in any capital project.

Question 2 (e)

21. I cannot recall any specific details of the 'recent sector advice' referred to. I expect

that the advice would have been from clinicians, non-government organisations and

consumer groups. I do, however, recall that there was significant discussion and

debate about whether it was better to have a single service in a single location (such

as that at The Park} with the associated dislocation of adolescents from the families or

whether It was preferable to provide services throughout the State.

22. I cannot recall whether the 'recent sector advice' was in writing or was conveyed to me

orally. If it was in writing, I no longer have control of any relevant documents. If it was

orally, I expect the information would have been conveyed to me by the then Executive

Director of Mental Health, Dr William Kingswell, as part of our regular meetings.

23. I would not have personally sought the 'sector advice'.

Question 2 (f)

24. I have no knowledge:

(a) whether the intention to fund the anticipated funding shortfall of $3.1 million for

regional health HHF projects through cost savings resulting from the cessation

of the 15-bed Redlands Adolescent Extended Treatment Unit (RAETU) was

ultimately implemented;

(b) whether the cost savings, from the cessation of RAETU, funded the capital

funding shortfall; or


Deponent A+.P:;-G:Bw., Solicitor Document No: 6343529 EXHIBIT 186 CHS.900.005.0006


(c) what other projects or expenditures were funded by cost savings resulting from

the cessation of RAE TU.

25. I am aware that sometimes the Department would put operational money into capital

projects and that the Department never reallocated capital funding for operational

spending. For this reason, I am confident that the capital funding would have been

spent on capital projects. However, I cannot say what particular capital projects the

funding was spent on. Even if I had retained oversight for the mental health division, I

would not have known this type of information as my division was responsible for

providing policy advice. A separate division of Queensland Health deals with how

operational and capital funding is managed.

Question 2 (g)

26. I am aware that there were multiple historical reviews of The Park. However, I am not

aware whether a further review was undertaken, after the briefing note, of the then

existing adolescent centre at The Park. The briefing note was prepared in May 2012,

and from July 2012 I ceased to have any involvement with mental health issues. The

then Executive Director of Mental Health may be aware whether the review took place.

Question 2 (h)

27. I cannot recall the detail of the 'limited sector consultation' referred to in the briefing

note, other than that the consultation indicated that the model of care proposed at

Redlands was out dated and that current practice was to provide services in the

community close to where the patients ordinarily reside. The consultation would have

occurred at officer level under the supervision of the Executive Director of Mental

Health, and the Executive Director would have reported the outcomes to me as part of

our regular meetings. If there are any records of the consultation, I would expect them

to be held b. the Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Dru s Branch. Page6

M:P., C.Ilec:, Solicitor Document No: 6343529 EXHIBIT 186 CHS.900.005.0007 .7.

Question 2 (i)

28. Although I cannot recall the detail, I wou!c:I expec::t the 'limited sector consultation' was

informal consultation as extensive formal consultation does not ordinarily occur until

after there is 'in principle' approval to pursue a particular avenue of action.

Question 3(a)

29. Prior to seeking the Director-General's approval, and prior to preparation of the briefing

note, I would have consulted over an extended period with the Executive Director of

Mental Health, who is an expert psychiatrist and, at the time, was also the statutory

appointee to the role of Chief Psychiatrist. I am certain the Executive Director would

have also sought advice from child or adolescent psychiatrists.

30. l cannot recall the detail of any such advice, nor do I have control of any documents

containing the advice. I believe the information would have been conveyed to me as

part of my regular meetings with the Executive Director.

31. The only thing I can recall about the advice was that the model of care proposed at

Redlands (being a single facility to serve the entire State) was out dated.

32. Before a briefing note such as the one in question is prepared, there are many

discussions about the issue over many months, as the ideas the subject of the briefing

note are tested and refined.

Question 3(b)

33. There is a fine balance to be struck in terms of the extent of consultation. There needs

to be sufficient consultation to ensure the idea is worth pursuing, but the consultation

should not be so extensive that it results in a waste of resources when there has not

yet been endorsement by the Director-General to pursue the idea.


Deponent A..L~, Solicitor Document No: 6343529 EXHIBIT 186 CHS.900.005.0008

- 8 -

34. The 'limited consultation' typically undertaken at this stage of the process is not usually

extensively documented. More detailed consultation typically occurs after the Director-

General endorses the idea.

35. Officers under the supervision of the Executive Director of Mental Health would have

carried out any stakeholder consultation that was undertaken. I understand, from

recollection of my discussions with the Executive Director of Mental Health, that there

was stakeholder consultation, but I do not know the details of the consultation.

36. I recall that, in the lead up to preparing the briefing note, departmental staff had

identified that the potential consequences of the proposal to cease the RAETU would


(a) the facility would need to be maintained at The Park, which was not considered

a sensible option given the age of the facility; or

(b) a new facility at another location would need to be considered; or

(c) a new model of care would need to be developed that involved enhancing

multiple facilities throughout the State.

37. It had been Identified that work would need to be done about how Queensland Health

could put increased capacity in various units throughout the State, and some of that

work had commenced but I don't recall the detail of it.

Question 3 (c)

38. I considered the merits of the proposal to cease the RAETU in the months leading up

to the briefing note, as part of the regular meetings I had with the Executive Director

and the Director-General. I did so through discussion and debate around the issue.

Page 8

A J.P., G.De<:., Solicitor Document No: 6343529 EXHIBIT 186 CHS.900.005.0009 • 9 -

39. At the time of providing the briefing note, I had not reached a concluded view about

what option ought be pursued in place of the RAETU. That issue was still up in the air

at the time I ceased being responsible for mental health issues.

Question 3 (d)

40. 1do not recall any detailed discussion about what would happen to the existing patients

at the Barrett Adolescent Centre.

41. It was only once the Director-General approved the briefing note, that it would have

been appropriate to allocate significant resources to investigating and pursuing the


42. At the time of the briefing note, there were significant capital works programmes being

undertaken for mental health and so I believe there was capacity to explore an

alternative that involved enhancing available facilities throughout the State.

43. Before enhancements to facilities throughout the State could be considered in earnest,

I needed to know whether the Department intended to pursue the options at Redlands.

Other Information

Question 4

44. Although I no longer had responsibilities with respect to mental health issues after July

2012, I was generally aware of the decision to close the Barrett Adolescent Centre.

This is because I was still a member of the Departmental Management Team.

45. The Departmental Management Team meets once a week. At those meetings, the

head of each division briefly mentions those issues that are topical for their division at

the time of the meeting. Dr Cleary would have been present at those meetings and


Deponent !t-H':;-C.Dec., Solicitor Document No; 6343529 EXHIBIT 186 CHS.900.005.0010

- 10 -

would have reported on the closure of the Barrett Adolescent Centre as a topical issue

in his division.

All the facts affirmed in this affidavit are true to my knowledge and belief except as stated otherwise.

Affirmed by Dr Jeannette Rosita Young on 15 February 2016 at Brisbane in the presence of:

Page 10

Document No: 6343529 EXHIBIT 186 CHS.900.005.0011

In the matter of the Commissions of Inquiry Act 1950

Commissions of Inquiry Order (No.4) 2 015

Barrett Adolescent Centre Commission of Inquiry


Exhibit A to B to the Affidavit of Dr Jeannette Rosita Young affirmed on 15 February 2016. .


Document No: 6343529 EXHIBIT 186 CHS.900.005.0012

In the matter of the Commissions of Inquiry Act 1950

Commissions of Inquiry Order (No.4) 2015

Barrett Adolescent Centre Commission of Inquiry


Exhibit No Exhibit description Page numbers

A Notice to Give Information in a Written Statement 1-14

B Curriculum Vitae 15-20

Document No: 6343529 EXHIBIT 186 CHS.900.005.0013

In reply please quote: CHS/20160204/PF Level 10, 179 North Quay Brisbane Queensland 4000 PO Box 13016 George Street Post Shop Brisbane Queensland 4003

Web www.barrottjnquh:y.qld.gov.au

Mr Paul Lack Team Leader and Instructing Solicitor Barrett Centre Commission of Inquiry - State Representation Crown Law State Law Building 50 Ann Street BRISBANE QLD 4000

By email to:

Dear Mr Lack


Please find enclosed a notice requiring your client, Dr Jeannette Young, to give information in a written statement to the Bru.1-ett Adolescent Centre Commission of Inquiry ("the Commission') established pursuant to the Commissions of Inquiry Order (No. 4) 2015.

Dr Young's statement is to be provided to the Commission on or before 4:00pm, Monday 15 February 2016 at the place and in the manner specified in the notice. To this end, we refer you to paragraph 19 of the Commission's Practice Guideline 01/2015, which can be located on the Commission's website: www.barrettinguity.qld.gov.au. Where your client's statement refers to and identifies a BAC patient or a family member, we ask that you contact the writer to obtain an identification code so that the patient or fru.nily member is otherwise not able to be identified. Generally, the Commission will not publish material or documents that identify or may lead to the identification of former patients or their fru.nily members. Please refer to the Commission's Practice Guidelines, the Confidentiality Protocol dated 12/10/15 and the Order to Prohibit Publication of Evidence dated 15/10/15, all of which can be located on the Commission's website: www.bru.wttinquity.gld.gov.au.

Pl EXHIBIT 186 CHS.900.005.0014


Documents annexed to witness statements should not be redacted in any way. These documents will be redacted by Commission staffbefore publication, in accordance with the Confidentiality Protocol. If in addition your client wishes to apply for an order that the statement or any part of the statement should be confidential then they should apply to the Commissioner for an order under Pmt G of the Practice Guidelines.

Furthe1~ you will see that some documents have been attached to the notice. The Commissioner has authorised the release of those documents to you. Confidentiality of those documents must be maintained under paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Commission's 'Confidentiality Protocol' which is available on the Commission's website. If you require further inf01mation or clarification, please contact me on

Yours sincerely

Ashley Hill Executive Director Barrett Adolescent Centre Commission of Inquiry 04/02/2015

Pl EXHIBIT 186 CHS.900.005.0015


Commissions of Inquiry Act 1950 Section 5{1)(d)


To: Dr Jeannette Young

Of: c/- Crown Law, by email to:

I, the Honourable MARGARET WILSON QC, Commissioner, appointed pursuant to Commissions of Inquiry Order {No. 4) 2015 to Inquire Into certain matters pertaining to the Barrett Adolescent Centre ("the Commission") require you to give a written statement to the Commission pursuant to section 5(1)(d) of the Commissions of Inquiry Act 1950 In regard to your knowledge of the matters set out in the Schedule annexed hereto.


Giving a written statement prepared either In affidavit form or verified as a statutory declaration under the Oaths Act 1867 to the Commission on or before 4:00 pm, Monday 15 February 2016, by delivering it to the Commission at Level 10, 179 North Quay, Brisbane.

A copy of the written statement must also be provided electronically either by: email at In the subject line please Include "Requirement for Written Statement"); or via the Commission's website at www.barrettlnqulry.qld.gov.au (confidential information should be provided via the Commission's secure website).

If you believe that you have a reasonable excuse for not complying with this· notice, for the purposes of section 5(2)(b) of the Commissions of Inquiry Act 1950 you will need to provide evidence to the Commission In that regard by the due date specified above.

DATED this 4th day of February 2016


The Hon Margaret Wilson QC Commissioner Barrett Adolescent Centre Commission of Inquiry EXHIBIT 186 CHS.900.005.0016


1. Look at the Briefing Note Number 25.7 (v.32 1 July 2011) which is document number QHD.010.001.0406, at 0409 (attached).

a. Did you prepare that document or cause It to be prepared (stating which)?

b. If "yes", please Identify the "fiscal pressures" referred to and who advised you, or by what document you were advised, that no such funding was available In the 2011-12 State Budget.

c. Did Queensland Health (QH) develop a CBRC submission for continued Implementation in 2012/13? If "yes" please identify and supply a copy of that submission.

2. Look at the briefing note for approval dated 3 May 2012 (the Briefing Note) which ls document number DBK.001.001.0067 (attached):

a. Did you request and/or verify the contents of that document?

b. If "no", what role did you have In the preparation and submission of this document?

c. Explain the relationship, If any, between the Cabinet Budget Review Committee (CBRC) Submission referred to, and the approval of the Briefing Note; why, for example, was the strength of the CBRC Submission reliant on the Director­ General's approval of the Briefing Note?

d. Identify the "multiple delays" referred to;

e. Identify the "recent sector advice" referred to; In particular, was that "recent sector advice" written or oral? In so far as it was written, Identify the writing and provide a copy. In so far as the "recent sector advice" was oral, identify the person EXHIBIT 186 CHS.900.005.0017

or persons who gave that advice, the date or occasion of the advice and the substance or material words of that advice.

f, The second dot point In paragraph 2 refers to an Intention to fund an anticipated capital funding shortfall of $3.1 million for regional mental health HHF projects through cost savings resulting from the cessation of the 15-bed Redlands Adolescent Extended Treatment Unit (RAETU).

I. Was that intention implemented?

II. Did those cost savings, from the cessation of RAETU, fund th~t capital funding shortfall?

Ill. What other projects. or expenditures were funded by the cost savings resulting from the cessation of RAETU? (bearing In mind approximately $16 mllllon had been allocated to the RAETU project).

g. Paragraph 7 specifies that the cessation of the RAETU capital program will necessitate a review of the existing adolescent centre at The Park. Did such a review take place? If so, please Identify the review, including the dates, the revlewer/s, and the review report or the result of the review.

h. Paragraph 7 specifies that: "Limited sector consultation supports this review''. In respect of each such consultation, Identify who within the sector was consulted, the person who did the consultation, the date/s, and the substance or material words of that consultation.

i. Provide like detail of the consultations referred to In paragraph B.

3. In relation to the Briefing Note, identify whether:

a. any expert advice, or any child or adolescent psychiatric advice, was obtained prior to seeking the Director-General's approval or prior to seeking the Minister's approval or noting; if "yes", provide the details (Including copies) of that advice; EXHIBIT 186 CHS.900.005.0018

b. any stakeholder consultation was carried out prior to seeking the Director­ General's approval or prior to seeking the Minister's approval or nothing; if "yes", provide the details of that consultation;

c. you, or any other QH representative, considered the merits of, and consequences of, the proposal to cease the RAETU; If "yes", provide the details of that consideration;

d. you, or any other QH representative, considered whether there were alternate mental health facilities which might accommodate the RAETU cohort.

4. Explain any other information or knowledge (and the source of that knowledge) that you have relevant to the Commission's Terms of Reference.

5. identify and exhibit all documents in your custody or control that are referred to in your witness statement. EXHIBIT 186 CHS.900.005.0019 QH0.010.001.0406

Brief Number: 25.7


- Queensland has a plan and a framework for MENTAL HEALTH - reform of the mental health system. PLANNING AND SERVICES - The provided a record amount of funding to Implement the plan. - Meeting the challenge of natural disasters wlll be the focus In 2011-12. Key Points: • Unprecedented investment of $632.4M provided over four years for the Queensland Plan for Mental Health 2007-2017 (the Plan). • Plan provides a 1O year blueprint for reform, with a whole-of­ government approach. • Ongoing collaboration with Department of Communities (DoC) to develop and expand disability support and accommodation options ln the community. • The Plan aims to develop a mental health system to respond to growing population and high prevalence of mental health problems, across the life span. • Five priority areas for reform: (1) promotion, prevention and early intervention, (2) improving and integrating the care system, (3) participation in the community, (4) coordinating care, (5) workforce, information, quality and safety. • Highlighted achievements of the Plan: - Establishment of Queensland Centre for Mental Health Promotion, Prevention and Early Intervention. - A 24o/o Increase in public community mental health service capacity, with establishment of 531 new community mental health positions. - Progress in 17 capital works projects to deliver 146 new beds. -- Expansion of non-clinical community mental health services and implementation of new service models and programs (through DoC). Witness: Dr Jeannette Young, Chief Health Officer, Division of the Chief Health Officer

V32_ 1July2011 P7 EXHIBIT 186 CHS.900.005.0020 QH0.010.001.0407

- Establishment of 20 Service Integration Coordinators to improve the coordination of services provided across sectors. - Launch of a new mental health information system for clinicians, which has improved capacity for: data collection, timely access to consumer information and use of clinical information. -· Workforce recruitment and retention strategies in QLJeensland Health (OH) decreased vacancy rate in community mental health services from 12% in 2007 to 4% in 2010. • Service planning for mental health is aligned with the whole-of­ government Project Assurance Framework. • Federal Government announced on 5 May 2011, that $73.5M in Infrastructure grants from the National Health and Hospitals Fund for 134 mental health beds in rural areas, including: Extended inpatient mental health seJVices - Bundaberg adult acute unit (4 beds); ··· Hervey Bay adult acute unit (18 beds); - Maryborough older persons extended care unit (17 beds); and - Toowoomba (Mt Lofty) older persons extended care unit (16 beds). Community Care Units - Sunshine Coast (15 beds); - Bundaberg (20 beds); - Rockhampton (20 beds); and ·· Toowoomba (24 beds). • Planning undertaken for the second stage of the Plan. Focus in 2011- 12 will be recovery from natural disasters. $37.BM announced in 2011-12 State Budget from Queensland and Australian Government's over two years under National Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRAA) to support mental health recovery.

Resourcing: ° CHO advised SFU will complete this section- will probably be same as Estimates brief 'Mental Health - Overview'

PS EXHIBIT 186 CHS.900.005.0021 QHD.010.001.0408

Background: • The Plan replaces the former 1O year Mental Health Strategy for Queensland (1996). • $632.4M for the Plan Includes: - $528.8M In 2007-08 over four years (included $98.09M to DoC, Dlsablllty Services and Housing Services); - $88.6M ln 2008~09 over four years; - $6.5M In 2009-1 O over three years (to DoC); and - $8.5M In 2010-11 over four years for a mental stigma campaign. • The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, the Australian Medical Association, the Queensland Nurses Union and 'the Australian College of Mental Health Nurses have all publicly supported the Plan. a Population based planning targets for public mental health services, based on national and International research Include: - Community mental health services: 70 FTE per 100,000 population; and - Inpatient services: 40 beds per 100,000 population. • Plan promotes equity of resource distribution across district mental health services. • Work being undertaken by Doc to develop benchmarks for personal support and accommodation services. • Implementation of the first stage of the Plan largely on track, with some delay in capital works program, due In part to changes In models of care and prolonged site Investigations. • In 2010 Queensland Health undertook planning for the second stage of the Plan. Re­ prioritisation of mental health planning has been required to meet the needs of Queenslanders affected by natural disasters In 2011-12. • $37.8 mllllon to be provided by Queensland and Australian Governments under the NDRAA to recruit 126 community mental health staff over two years to provide speclallst mental health support for people affected by natural disasters. Interstate/International Comparison: • All Australian jurisdictions undertake mental health service planning In accordance with the Fourth National Mental Health Plan and the National Standards for Mental Health Services.

Previous Year Comparison: • N/A

In Confidence: • First four years of Investment in the Plan ends In 2010-11.

P9 EXHIBIT 186 CHS.900.005.0022 QHD.010,001,0409

PIO EXHIBIT 186 CHS.900.005.0023

" DSK001.001.00B7

Pana 1 of4 Minister's Olfioe RecFind No: Oeoartmant RecFlnd No: Prourassed bv PMSU Dlvl•Jon/Olstrlct: JJCHO File Ref No: Briefing Note for Approval Director-General

Roqu•sl•d by: Chief Heallh OH!cer Date requested: 8 May 2012 Action required by:

SUBJECT: Cessation of the Redlands Adolescent Extended Treatment Unit Capital Program

Proposal That the Director-General:

Approve !he cessation of the Redlands Adolescent Extended Treatment Unit (RAETU) capital program. ( Provide this brief to the Minister for noting.


1. Critical, A Cabinet Budget Review Committee (CBRC) Submission has been prepared on the Project Agreements for capita/ projects approved for Que('lnsland health under the Health and Hospitals Fund 2010 Regional Priority Round (HHF), and is potentially to be submitted In the week /Jeglnning 14 May 2012 - the strength of this CBRC Submission Is reliant on the Information In this Brief being approved and noted.

Headline Issues

2. The top three Issues are: • The RAETU .cap!lal program has encountered multlple delays to date and has an estimated budget over run of $1,461,224. Additionally, recent sector advice proposes a re· scoping of the clln!cal service model and governance structure for the Unit. • There Is an ahtlclpated capital funding shortfall of $3.1 million for the regional mental ( health HHF projects, relating to Information Communications Technology (!CT). escalation and land acquisition. It is proposed to fund this shortfall through cost savings resulting from the cessation of the 15·bed RAETU which has been funded under Stage 1 of the Queensland Plan for Mental Health 2007-17 (QPMH). • The HHF projects are critical In the reform of Queensland mental health services. The HHF projects focus on building community mental health service Infrastructure In regional areas to facilitate a more Integrated approach to service delivery In these areas - a key priority In the government's health reform agenda. This Investment wlll address some of the inequities that exist for remote and rural consumers lncludlng lack of coordinated, Integrated services that are olose to their home.

Key Values . 3. The key values that apply are the following: 181 Better service for patients 181 Improved community health 181 Valuing Queensland Health employees and empowering Its frontllne staff D Empowering local communities with a greater say over their hospital and local health services 181 Value for money for taxpayers 0 Openness

Pll EXHIBIT 186 CHS.900.005.0024 . ,. . PBK.001.001.0068

Paoe 2 of4 Minister's Office RecFlnd NO! Department RaoFlnd No: Progressed by PMSU Dlvfslon/Olstrlot: PCHO File Ref No:

Key Issues 4. In 2011, $73.5 million In Commonwealth lnfrastruoture funding was announced for eight mental health projects for 134 new mental health beds In regional areas of Queensland, under the HHF Including:

1. $40.4 million for 69 regional mental health CCU be(ls Including: 20 bed CCU at Bundaberg; 20 bed CCU at Rookhampton; 24 bed CCU at Toowoomba; and 16 bed CCU at the Sunshine Coast; and

2. $33.1 million for 46 beds In regional acute/sub•acute/extended Inpatient mental hE!alth services Including: 16 older persons extended treatment beds at Toowoomba; eight older persons subacute beds at Maryborough (as part of a 17 bed unit which Includes nine acute beds); four bed adult acute unit at Bundaberg; and an 18 bed adult ( acute unit at Hervey Bay.

6. The HHF projects are complimentary to, but also essential components of, the continuum of care required in a balanced lntegralei;I care system. These will expan(l on lhe Investment In Stag~ 1 of the QPMH and Increase the capacity of the relevant Local Health and Hospital Networks to provide appropriate mental health services, Including re.habllltatlon services, to consumers In regional and remote Queensland.

4. Information and Communioallon Technology (ICT) costs estimated at $2.5 mllllon were not Included In the HHF funding, and the Indicative costing for the Bundaberg project included In the HHF applications for land purchase was underestimated by approximately $0.6 million.

5. It Is proposed to fund the shortfall (estimated at $3.1 million) of the high priority HHF projects through cost. savings resulting from the cessation of the 16-bed RAETU (funded under Stage 1 of the QPMH),

Background ( 6. The RAETU is one of the 17 projects funded under Stage 1 of the Queensland Mental Health Capital Works Program, and Is Intended to replace the Barrett Adolescent Ctintre, which Is currently located at The Park Centre for Mental health (The Park).

7. Ceasing the 15-bed RAETU capital program will necessitate a review of the existing adolescent centre at The Park, and should give consideration to the benefits and disadvantages of this model of care. Limited sector consultation supports this review,


8. Consultation regarding this Brief has included Health Planning and lnfrastruoture Division, Queensland Health (QH): limited consultation within the mental health sector; and the Intergovernmental Funding and Policy Coordination Unit, Strategic Polley, Funding and Intergovernmental Relations Branch, QH.

9. Further consultation wlll be conducted upon approval to proceed.

Pl2 EXHIBIT 186 CHS.900.005.0025

PSK.001.001,0069 '"

Paaa 8 of4 Minister's Office RecFlnd No: Pepartn1ent ReoFlnd No: Progressed bv PMSU PlvlslonlPlslrlol: OCHO Fiie Ref No:

Flnancial impllcatlons

10. The potential cost saving of not proceeding with tha RAETU project Is $15, 150,524 In capital, and $1,824,979 In recurrent operating costs (from 2014-15). These savings can be re­ allocated to fund the shortfall associated with the HHF projects.

Legal implications

11. There are no legal Implications.


12. NII. (


P13 EXHIBIT 186 CHS.900.005.0026

• DBK.001.001.0070

Pone4of4 Mlnletot's Office RecFlnd No: Oenartmont ReaFlnd No: Pronressed bv PMSU Division/District: DCHO Fife Rel No: Recommendation That !he Director-General:

Approve the cessation of the Redlands Adolescent Extended Treatment Unit (RAETU) capital program.

Provide this brief to the Minister for noting. ~/NOT APPROVED NOTED

( Director-General · /t I S I I?.- To Minister's Office for Approval ~ Director-General's comments

Author: Cleared by; Content verffled by: Dr Leanne Geppert Dr Wllllam K!ngswell Dr Jeanelte Young

AID!reotor Executive Director Chief Health Officer

( MHPIU, MHAODD MHAODD Division of the Chief Health Officer

4 May2012 4 May2012 12 May2012

P14 EXHIBIT 186 B CHS.900.005.0027

Cuniculum Vitae Jeannette Young



Name: Jeannette Rosita Young

Date of Birth:

Citizenship: Australian

Work Address: Queensland Health Building 147-163 Charlotte St, Brisbane GPO Box 48 Brisbane, Queensland, 4001

Telephone Numbers: Work: Mobile Home:

Facsimile Number: Work:

E-mail Address: Work: Home:

Qualifications: MB BS 1986 MBA 1995 AFCHSM 1997 FRACMA 2004 FFPH 2010 FCHSM(Hon) 2013 DUniv 2015

Registration: Medical Board of Australia. Medical Practitioner General and Specialist Registration

Memberships: Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators Associate Fellow of the Australasian College of Health Service Management Fellow through Distinction of the Faculty of Public Health of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom.

Awards: Award of Merit, 18 April 2008, Australian Dental Association, Queensland Made an Honorary Fellow of the Australasian College of Health Service Management 27 August 2013 Pride of Australia Medal 2014 for Care and Compassion Australia Day Achievement Medallion 26 January 2015 for Outstanding contribution to the management of public health issues in the state of Queensland, especially in the role of Chief Health Officer, Queensland Health Public Service Medal for outstanding public service 8 June 2015

Current Positions: Chief Health Officer, Queensland

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Curriculum Vftae Jeannette Young

Adjunct Professor Queensland University of Technology appointed 201 O

Adjunct Professor Griffith University appointed 201 O

Member of the Council of the QIMR Berghoffer Medical Research Institute since 2005.

Member of the Board of the Faculty of Health Sciences Queensland University since 1999.

Member of the Griffith University Health Group Advisory Board appointed 2011.

Member of the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee since 2006.

Member of the National Health and Medical Research Council since 2005.

Member of the National Health and Medical Research Council Audit Committee

Member of the Queensland Radiation Advisory Council since 2005.

Chair of the Queensland Blood Advisory Committee since 2005.

Member of the Jurisdictional Blood Committee since 2012

Member of the Jurisdictional Advisory Group on Organ and Tissue Donation since 2012

Member of the National Screening Committee since 2012

Chair of the Queensland Health Disaster Response Committee

Deputy Member of the State Disaster Management Group since 2005

Past Professional Appointments

2000/01 President of the Medical Superintendents' Association of Queensland

Selected Past Queensland Appointments • Member of Committee of Review of the Griffith University Medical School • Cochair of the Queensland Emergency Management Advisory Council • Chair of the QLD Optometrists Drug Authority Committee • Member of the QLD Physician Assistant Steering Committee • Chair of the QLD Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Services Reform Steering Committee • Chair of the QLD Integrated Transport Reform Board • Chair of the QH Disaster Management Collaborative • Member of the QH Education and Research Committee • Member of ihe QH Clinical Services Capability Framework Committee

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Curriculum Vitae Jeannette young

• Chair of the QLD Non-medical Officer Prescribing Committee • Member of the Queensland Medical Board • Chair of the Queensland Registration Advisory Committee o Member of the Queensland Medical Board Education Committee • Chair of the ICE Taskforce • Chair of the Southern Zone Review of Oncology Services • Member of the Oncology Skill Mix and Work Analysis Advisory Committee • Member of the Radiation Oncology Steering Committee • Member of the PACS/RIS Steering Committee • Member of the Intensive Care Steering Committee • Member of the Clinical Information Systems Advisory Committee • Member of the Patient Transit Assistance Information System Development Committee • Member of the Aeromedical Advisory Committee • Member of the Aeroretrieval and Clinical Coordination Working Group • Member of the Critical Incidents in Retrievals Committee • Member of the Emergency Department Skill Mix and Work Analysis Steering Committee • Member of the Queensland Health Taskforce on Cancer Coordination • Inaugural Member of the Queensland Board of the Medical Board of Australia appointed 1 July 2010 • Chair of the Registration Committee of the Queensland Board since its reinstitution under national Registration in July 201 O • Chair of the QLD Water Fluoridation Steering Committee since 2009 • Chair of ATSI workforce committee

Selected Past National Appointments

Member of the Australian Medical Workforce Advisory Committee (AMWAC). Appointed to the position in June 2000 by AH MAC, the Australian Health Ministers Advisory Committee. Member of the Working Party that reviewed the Specialist Medical and Haematological Oncology Workforce in Australia, 2001 Chair of the Working Party that reviewed the Specialist Obstetric and Gynaecology Workforces In Australia, 2004

Chair of the Australian Medical Workforce Advisory Committee (AMWAC). Appointed to the position in November 2003 until 2006, Member of Medical Training Review Panel Australian Health Workforce Officials Committee Australian Health Workforce Advisory Committee Review of Pathology Training Working Party Attended the Committee of the Presidents of Medical Colleges

AH MAC nominee on the Australian Medical Council. Appointed June 2000 until 2006 Member of Accreditation team that reviewed the College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2003 Member of the Accreditation Committee that reviewed the proposed School of Medicine at Notre Dame, WA, 2004

Director of the Management Board of Australians Donate. Appointed December 2000 until 2006. This was the national body with responsibility for increasing organ and tissue donation in Australia.

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Curriculum Vitae Jeannette Young

Member of the Reference Group established by the Australian Parliament to review the Operation of the Medicare Provider Number Legislation, 2003

Member of the Reference Group established by the Australian Parliament to review the Operation of the Medicare Provider Number Legislation, 2005

Member of the Medical Specialist Training Taskforce, 2004 Member of Minister Nelson's Committee to review Medical Education, 2005

Member of the Clinical, Technical and Ethical Principal Committee from 2006 until disbanded in 2012- a subcommittee of Australian Health Ministers Advisory Committee (AHMAC).

Member of the Australian Population Health Development Principal Committee from January 2010 till 2012 when it was disbanded

Member of the Australian National Preventive Health Agency Advisory Council since its inception in 2011 till its closure in June 2014.

Editorial Appointments

Reviewer for the Australian Medical Journal


Secondary Schooling: St. Ives High School, Sydney, N.S.W. N.S.W. Higher School Certificate, 1980

Tertiary Education: 1981-1985 University of Sydney Clinical School: Royal North Shore Hospital Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery Awarded February 1986

Postgraduate Studies: 1993-1994 Master of Business Administration Degree by coursework at Macquarie University, Sydney. MBA awarded April 1995

FRACMA - elected to Fellowship of The Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators November 2004

Awarded Fellowship through Distinction of the Faculty of Public Health of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom February 2010.

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Curriculum Vitae Jeannette Young

Scholarships: Medical Defence Union Elective Bursary awarded August 1985

Western Sydney Area PostGraduate Management Scholarship awarded 1993. POSITIONS HELD

QUEENSLAND HEAL TH 11 August 2005 till now

11 August 2005 Appointed Chief Health Officer, Queensland on an interim basis. 14 November 2005 Appointed as the Queensland Chief Health Officer.

Current Responslblllties as Chief Health Officer Include: General advice on health matters to the Minister of Health and the Director General of Health Representation of Queensland on a number of State and National Boards, Committees and Advisory groups Licensing of Private Health Facilities in Queensland Licensing of Schools of Anatomy in Queensland Management of Queensland's health response in a disaster Minister's delegate for determining Area of Need Management of policy for Population Health Services in Queensland both Health Protection and Preventive Health Services including Immunisation, Food, Radiation, Water, Communicable diseases, Medicines, and Prevention Management of Aero-Medical Retrieval Services in Queensland Management of Queensland Cancer Screening Policy Management of policy for Queensland Blood, Organ and Tissue Donation services Chief Medical Officer role including Medical workforce and policy development


Executive Director Medical Services Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Queensland


Executive Director of Medical Services Rockhampton Base Hospital, Queensland


1986-1987 Intern & Resident Medical Officer Westmead Hospital, Sydney, N.S.W. Included rotations to other hospitals in Western and Central Sydney

1988-1992 Advanced Trainee in Emergency Medicine Westmead Hospital, Sydney, N.S.W. Included rotations to other hospitals In Sydney.

July 1992-January 1993 Medico-legal Officer, Medical Administration Westmead Hospital, Sydney, N.S.W.

January 1993-May 1994 Clinical Superintendent, Medical Services Westmead Hospital, Sydney, N.S.W.

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Curriculum Vltae Jeannette Young

May 1994-December 1994 Assistant Director of Medical Services Westmead Hospital, Sydney, N.S.W.


Key Speaker International Forum on Public Health, Hangzhou, China, 2 April, 2010

Chair of the Organising Committee for the International Medical Workforce Conference held in Melbourne in November 2005 with responsibility for Chairing the Overall Conference. Attendees were from UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.

Head of Australian Delegation to the Washington International Medical Workforce Collaboration, 6-9 October 2004. Presentation "Physician Workforce: Using Data for Better Planning". Chair of Plenary Session "Education and Training"

Presenter - Oxford International Medical Workforce Collaboration, 11-14 September, 2003. A meeting involving representation from U.K., USA, Canada and Australia. Presentation "International Medical Graduate Immigration Issues for Australia"


1: Young JR, Elcock MS, Aitken PJ. Weather to evacuate? Comment. Med J Aust. 2012 Jul 2;197(1):27-8. PubMed PMID: 22762223.

2: Young JR, Selvey CE, Symons R. Hendra virus. Med J Aust. 2011 Sep 5;195(5):250-1. PubMed PMID: 21895580.

3: Harris MG, Gavel PH, Young JR. Factors influencing the choice of specialty of Australian medical graduates. Med J Aust. 2005 Sep 19;183(6):295-300. PubMed PMID: 16167868.

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