Or Dense in Itself)Ifx Has No Isolated Points

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Or Dense in Itself)Ifx Has No Isolated Points PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 131, Number 11, Pages 3607{3616 S 0002-9939(03)06660-7 Article electronically published on February 24, 2003 TYCHONOFF EXPANSIONS BY INDEPENDENT FAMILIES WANJUN HU (Communicated by Alan Dow) Abstract. A method for Tychonoff expansions using independent families is introduced. Using this method we prove that every countable Tychonoff space which admits a partition into infinitely many open-hereditarily irre- solvable dense subspaces has a Tychonoff expansion that is !-resolvable but not strongly extraresolvable. We also show that, under Luzin's Hypothesis ! ! (2 1 =2 ), there exists an !-resolvable Tychonoff space of size !1 which is not maximally resolvable. Introduction A topological space X is called crowded (or dense in itself)ifX has no isolated points. E. Hewitt defined a resolvable space as a space which has two disjoint dense subsets (see [17]). A space is called κ-resolvable [3] if it admits κ-many pairwise disjoint dense sets. The cardinal ∆(X):=minfjUj : U is a non-empty open subset of Xg is called the dispersion character of the space X.ThespaceX is called maximally resolvable [2] if it is ∆(X)-resolvable; if every crowded subspace of X is not resolvable, then X is called hereditarily irresolvable (HI). Analogously, X is open-hereditarily irresolvable (or OHI) if every non-empty open subset of X is irresolvable. V.I. Malykhin introduced a similar concept of extraresolvable (see [20] + and [6]): a space is extraresolvable if there exists a family fDα : α<∆(X) g of dense susbets of X such that Dα \ Dβ is nowhere dense in X for distinct α and β. Comfort and Garc´ıa introduced in [6] a similar concept of \strongly extraresolvable" calling a space X strongly extraresolvable if there is a family D of dense subsets of X such that jDj =∆(X)+ and jD \ Ej <nwd(X; T )fordistinctD and E.Here nwd(X)=minfjAj : A ⊆ X and A is not nowhere dense in Xg.Forasurveyof recent developments in this area, we refer the reader to [5]. We shall study the following two questions. Question 0.1. Is every countable !-resolvable Tychonoff space necessarily strongly extraresolvable? Question 0.2. Is there an !-resolvable Tychonoff space which is not maximally resolvable? Received by the editors October 5, 2001 and, in revised form, June 3, 2002. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 54A25, 05D05; Secondary 54B99. Key words and phrases. Independent family, KID-expansion, Luzin's Hypothesis, resolvable space. The author thanks Dr. W.W. Comfort for invaluable guidance in his Ph.D study, and the Mathematics Department of Wesleyan University for generous support. c 2003 American Mathematical Society 3607 License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use 3608 WANJUN HU The first question was asked privately by W.W. Comfort and S. Garcia-Ferreira. In [6], they have shown that every totally bounded topological group is strongly ex- traresolvable. In [14], the authors proved that every strongly extraresolvable space is !-resolvable and a countable space with certain properties is strongly extrare- solvable. For instance, every countable weakly Fr´echet-Urysohn space is extrare- solvable. Here a space X is weakly Fr´echet-Urysohn if for every x 2 X, whenever x 2 A there is a countably infinite family A of pairwise disjoint finite subsets of A such that for every neighborehood V of x, fB 2A: V \ B = ;g is finite (see [14]). Question 0.1 then arises naturally. The second question was asked first in [3] and then in [5]. In [9], F.W. Eckertson proved a consistent result in the positive direction: assuming the existence of a crowded, strong Pκ, HI space, it is possible to prove that there exists an !-resolvable Tychonoff space which is not maximally resolvable. In this paper, we introduce the so-called KID-expansion. Using this tool, we can expand the topology of a Tychonoff space in such a way that a fixed family of pairwise disjoint dense subsets is still a family of dense subsets in the expansion, while any other family of pairwise disjoint dense subsets with cardinality big enough will not be a family of dense subsets in the expansion. We shall give a negative answer to the first question by proving that if a countable Tychonoff space X has a family of infinitely many pairwise disjoint OHI dense subsets, then X has a KID- expansion that is !-resolvable but not strongly extraresolvable. For the second question, we prove that, under Luzin's Hypothesis (2! =2!1 ), there exists an !-resolvable Tychonoff space of size !1 which is not maximally resolvable. The concept of an independent family was introduced in [16]. See also [18], [8]. We use the definition in [18]. Let X be a set and let I be a subfamily of P(X). The family I is called a uniformly independent family on X if for any distinct X1; :::; Xn;Y1; :::; Ym in I, the intersection X1 \ ::: \ Xn \ (X n Y1) \ ::: \ (X n Ym) has cardinality jXj. For a space hX; Ti,thedensity is denoted by d(X)andtheopen density od(X)is defined as od(X)=minfd(U):U is an empty open set in Xg.Whenod(X) > @0, we call X an open-hereditarily inseparable space (OHIS). Given a space X,letS(X) be the smallest cardinal number κ such that there is no disjoint family of size κ of non-empty open subsets of X (see [8]). If A is a subset of the space hX; Ti,then we use hA; Tito denote the set A with the topology inherited from hX; Ti. For other notation and terminology, the reader is referred to [10]. 1. KID-expansions Definition 1.1. A dense partition of a space X is a partition of X which consists of dense subsets. We want to expand a topology in such a way that some selected dense subsets are added as new open sets, while a fixed dense partition in the original topology is preserved as a dense partition in the expansion. Lemma 1.2. Let fXα : α<κg be a dense partition of hX; Ti,andletD be a dense subset of hX; Ti. Then the topology T 0 generated by T[fDg remains crowded. The 0 topology T keeps each Xα dense if and only if for each α the set D \ Xα is dense in Xα with its original subspace topology. License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use TYCHONOFF EXPANSIONS BY INDEPENDENT FAMILIES 3609 Proof. ((=) For each non-empty open set O 2T,wehave(O \ D) \ Xα = 0 O \ (D \ Xα) =6 ;.ThuseachXα is still dense in T .SinceD is dense in X, the expansion T 0 must be crowded. (=)) Suppose that for some α<κthe set D \ Xα is not dense in Xα.Then there exists some non-empty open set O 2T such that O ⊂ X n (D \ Xα). Since 0 0 (O \ D)isopeninT and Xα is dense in T ,wehave(O \ D) \ Xα =6 ;. However (O \ D) \ Xα = O \ (D \ Xα)=;, which is a contradiction. We start from a matrix of dense subsets, that is, we begin with a κ × τ dense D f γ g partition = DαS: α<κ;γ<τ of X. When expanding, we want to keep the f γ g union of each row Dα : α<κ dense. In order to get a crowded expansion, we use an independent family on each column. When expanding, we are going to kill any dense partition with cardinality big enough by adding some new open sets which are members of that partition excluding some \good" subsets. The concept of \good" sets with respect to a partition is introduced in Definition 1.3. We shall show in the next section that, fixing a dense partition D, every other dense partition D0 with cardinality big enough contains an element that is a good set with respect to D. Definition 1.3. Let hX; Tibe a space and let E = fEα : α<κg be an arbitrary partition of hX; Ti. A subset K ⊆ X is called a \good" set with respect to E if for every α<κthe set K \ Eα has empty interior in the subspace hEα; Ti. Clearly, there are at most 2jXj-many good sets with respect to any partition of X. It is a well-known result (see [18] Lemma 24.8) that for any infinite cardinal κ, there exists a uniformly independent family of size 2κ on κ. Now we define the so-called KID-expansion. Definition 1.4. Let hX; Tibe a Tychonoff space. (1) Let κ, τ be two cardinals such that κ ≥ ! and κ ≥ τ ≥ 1. D f γ g × (2) Let = Xα : α<κ;γ<τ be aSκ τ-matrix of pairwise disjoint crowded h Ti γ γ subsets of X; . Define X := α<κ Xα, the union of the γ-th row. κ κ (3) Let I = fIβ : β<2 g be a uniformly independent family on κ of size 2 . κ (4) Let K = fKβ : β<2 g be a family of good sets with respect to D with possible repetitions. S κ f γ 2 gn (5) For each β<2 , define Wβ = Xα : α Iβ,γ < τ Kβ,andlet Tβ = fWβ;Xn Wβ g. κ (6) Let TKID denote the topology generated by T together with all Tβ, β<2 . Then TKID is the KID-expansion of T via K, I,andD. Clearly, any KID-expansion is a Tychonoff expansion. In this paper, we shall only consider KID-expansions with D a(κ × τ)-matrix of pairwise disjoint dense subsets.
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