University of Research Report UNIVERSITY OF DISTINCTION The University of Johannesburg, one of the largest, multi-campus, residential universities in South Africa, seeks to achieve the highest distinction in scholarship and research within the higher education context.

Born from the 2005 merger between the former Rand Afrikaans University (RAU), the Technikon Witwatersrand (TWR) and the Soweto and East Rand campuses of Vista University, the University of Johannesburg’s unique academic architecture reflects a comprehensive range of learning programmes, leading to a variety of qualifications, from vocational and traditional academic to professional and postgraduate, across the four campuses – Auckland Park Kingsway, Auckland Park Bunting Road, Doornfontein and Soweto. The campuses vary in size and each has its own character and culture, contributing to the Institution’s rich diversity.

The University of Johannesburg has benefited from a large pool of researchers bringing together various fields of expertise and research focus areas. The University provides the ideal ground for interdisciplinary research and currently has more than 87 rated researchers. Five of these researchers are A-rated – all of whom are recognised as world leaders in their field. UJ is also home to nineteen research centres.

The University fosters ideas that are rooted in African epistemology, but also addresses the needs of South African society and the African continent as it is committed to contribute to sustainable growth and development. We continue to build a culture of inclusion, embracing South Africa’s rich histories, cultures, languages, religions, genders, races and social and economic classes. Additionally, the University encourages a culture of service as part of the university student experience and it proudly pursues a four-language policy of English, IsiZulu, Afrikaans and Sesotho sa Leboa.

Our staff and students come from over 50 countries in Africa and around the world. The University has also built links, partnerships and exchange agreements with leading African and other international institutions that further enrich the academic, social and cultural diversity of our campuses. It is also the recipient of the highest levels of external financial support from donors and partners all over the world. This demonstrates the high esteem in which we are held internationally.

In its mission, UJ commits itself to the following: • Quality education; • Leading, challenging, creating and exploring knowledge; • Supporting access to a wide spectrum of academic, vocational and technological teaching, learning and research; • Partnerships with our communities; • Contributing to national objectives regarding skills development and economic growth.

The values guiding all University activities include: • Academic distinction; • Integrity and respect for diversity and human dignity; • Academic freedom and accountability; • Individuality and collective effort; • Innovation.


04. Message from the Research Awards Vice-Chancellor 31. – Outstanding Researcher of the 06. Message from the Year: Professor Heidi Abrahamse Deputy Vice-Chancellor: 32. – Most Promising Emerging Research, Innovation Researcher of the Year: and Advancement Professor Alain Kabundi

RESEARCH & INNOVATION Research Highlights 10. Report by the 33. – Dr Juanita van Wyk: Executive Director: Chemistry Research and Innovation 34. – Dr Natasha Sanabria: 11. Research Output Biochemistry 12. – Highlights of 2009 35. – The Sustainable Energy, Research Outputs Technology and Research (SeTAR) Centre 16. – Proportion of International to National Research Publications 37. – The Paper Research and Development Unit (PRDU) 16. Enrolled Postgraduate Students and the Phumani 16. Active Researchers Archival Paper Mill 16. Number of NRF-rated Researchers ACCREDITED RESEARCH 18. The South African Research OUTPUTS CLAIMED 2010 Chairs Initiative (SARChI) 40. Books 19. Research Output 2010 40. Chapters in Books 23. Research Centres 42. Conference Proceedings 26. Research Information 58. Journal Articles Management System (RIMS) 27. Postgraduate Centre 27. Postgraduate Funding 28. Next Generation Scholars Programme 28. Statkon 29. Sustainability 29. – Intellectual Property 29. – Environmental Stewardship 29. – Research Partnerships 30. – Stakeholder Engagement 30. – Human Resources and Skills Development 30. – Economic Sustainability UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Message from the Vice-Chancellor

Message FROM THE VICE-CHANCELLOR PROFESSOR IHRON RENSBURG Research is a core mission of the University of Johannesburg. In my inaugural address of September 2006, I challenged the University to draw upon its varied and often remarkable intellectual achievements, and to double research output within a decade. This would position it among the top eight institutions in the country. At the time this seemed visionary, even unrealistic. We were a new institution, formed from very different components. However, we are confident that we are reaching our goal. Why, though, do we put such emphasis on research? How have we achieved so much in such a relatively short time? How will we build on these years of achievement? It would have been easy for UJ, in its new role as a comprehensive institution, to focus on undergraduate and diploma teaching and to leave research unplanned for; an activity for those who cared to so involve themselves, to be undertaken after core teaching duties. We did not follow this route. We valued the expertise and scholarship that UJ had inherited, and believed strongly that we were obliged to enable the whole university community to match itself against the highest intellectual standards, as epitomised in research. Our undergraduates and diplomates, about one-third of them from families who had not previously been to university, deserved the stimulation of an institution where their teachers were actively engaged on the frontiers of their disciplines; and our academics deserved the excitement, prestige and rewards of grappling with new ideas and techniques. We believe this approach has been vindicated. Our strategy has been multifaceted. We took a calculated risk and assigned substantial resources to research; internal funding grew from R19 million in 2006 to about R60 million in 2010, with an additional R39 million being spent in supporting the University’s research centres over a three- year period. We emphasised our urban identity and the research opportunities of the great city of Johannesburg. We reorganised our research administration and policy framework, bringing in proven academic and administrative research managers. We appointed research professors, invested in postgraduate and research centres and in information-management systems, and demonstrated to faculty that our commitment to research was tangible, not rhetorical. The Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Research and Innovation, introduced in 2007, recognise and reward senior researchers, an increasing number of whom are NRF-rated. Early-stage researchers are incentivised and productive academics are encouraged, through prestige and through research finance, at whatever point they are in their careers. We have energetically promoted the acquisition of higher academic qualifications and involvement in research at all of the University’s campuses. As befits our environment, we are promoting technological research and innovation, and are engaged in ‘public scholarship’: vigorous research-informed debate on the issues of the day through lectures and dedicated centres. All of this and more is described in this Research Report.


As befits our environment, We are already close to achieving our research aims for the decade to 2015. Between 2005 and 2009, the accredited research output grew by over 43%, from 325 to 467 units with we are promoting 60% of accredited research outputs being published in international journals. We are thus technological research on course to achieve the 2015 institutional target of 600 units. The number of NRF-rated researchers has significantly increased from the low 60s to 87, and the University now has and innovation, and five A-rated researchers. More academic staff members are publishing, and it is pleasing are engaged in 'public that staff from the technological component of the University are actively participating, with four out of the ten top contributors to accredited research outputs in 2009 coming scholarship': vigorous, from this environment. research-informed debate Our target for 2020 is one of consolidation, with a further 20% growth in our research. This on the issues of the day should position UJ at the upper end of universities with middle-level research productivity, immediately below the top five institutions all of which, unlike UJ, have medical faculties through lectures and with high publication rates. We aim by 2020 to become the country’s leading innovator in dedicated centres. the field of scientifically-informed technology: we already have world-class capacity in areas such as radiography and mining engineering and we will move forward from these secure bridgeheads. We are determined not to be mesmerised by existing patterns of enrolment, and will work towards giving technology and technological research the best possible students, faculty and facilities. Finally, we will do all of this as an active participant in the international research community. We already have strong links with Europe, especially Holland and Germany, and we are building partnerships with institutions in China, Brazil, India and the United States. As we have done domestically, such as with and the University of the Witwatersrand, we are moving beyond the individual to systemic research collaborations. The highly successful collaboration at the UJ Soweto Campus between UJ and Harvard University, which has seen us create the Education Leadership Institute, indicates the exhilarating possibilities. I am proud on behalf of the University to introduce this 2010 Research Report, and thank the fine team of academics and administrators whose work is reflected in it.

Professor Ihron Rensburg Vice-Chancellor

_5 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Message from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor

Message FROM THE DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR: RESEARCH, INNOVATION AND ADVANCEMENT PROFESSOR ADAM HABIB 2010 was the year in which the University’s three-year research investment began to produce substantive results. This investment was founded on a simple but effective formula: ensuring and growing a community of skilled and highly- qualified scholars, providing finance and creating an enabling environment. By 2009, we had seen an increase of over 43% in the University’s accredited research output when compared with 2005. Our official submissions to the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) for 2010 will raise this figure even further. Sixty percent of UJ’s accredited publications are in internationally-rated journals. By the end of 2011, we expect to have almost doubled our 2005 research output and this will have been produced by a significantly wider range of researchers than ever before. Our number of A-rated scientists, the top echelon of South African scientific achievers, now stands at five and we have a rapidly-growing number of B- and C-rated scientists, all working in fields that respond to national, continental and global challenges. We have established cooperative research agreements with institutions in developing countries including Brazil, India and China, and have continued to build our existing relationships in Europe, North America and in the southern African region. By the end of 2010, the Next Generation Scholars Programme (NGS) produced its first tangible results. This programme was introduced in 2009, and provides generous funding to assist younger scholars to acquire master’s and doctoral qualifications. It is open to all applicants irrespective of population group, and doctoral graduates are guaranteed employment with the University. Most of those in the programme are expected to graduate in 2013 and 2014 and the University is currently preparing for a second round of NGS investment. This will see resources directed to a relatively limited number of doctoral candidates, who again will be expected to become part of the UJ academy. Vigorous support to researchers at UJ has created a beneficent circle: the resulting increase in research productivity and publication earns further resources. Even when an increased proportion of research revenue has been ploughed back into the research accounts of individual researchers, as was decided early on, earnings have been such as to create an expanding pool of resources which are deployed to assist the overall research enterprise. The 2010 review of the first phase of the University’s investment in research indicates that it has been an enormous success. As we look towards our 2020 goals, our focus remains largely unchanged: appoint and retain great academics, channel financial resources to them and create an enabling environment for them to work in. Currently, significant funding is being channelled to bursaries for honours students and postdoctoral fellows. From 20 in 2006, by the end of 2010 the number of postdoctoral fellows had grown to 39. Increased funding will also be directed towards master’s and PhD students. 2012 will again see

6_ As we look towards our 2020 goals, our focus remains largely unchanged: appoint and retain great academics, channel financial resources to them and create an enabling environment


another major tranche of honours-level funding. This is some of the most competitive in the country and allows us to continuously expand the pool of students whom we wish to attract and retain. Guided by the findings of the 2010 review, the years 2012 to 2015 will be ones of consolidation with a continued focus on existing areas of research activity and with particular emphasis on postgraduate development, Next Generation Scholars and raising the level of staff qualifications. Opportunities within the University’s existing research programmes are being explored and exploited. Low-hanging research fruit will still be gathered for the next two to three years but above these are heavily-laden boughs for which we are reaching. We will launch research initiatives in areas where we are currently insufficiently active, explore linkages between UJ researchers and colleagues at institutions in South Africa and elsewhere and incorporate these into the next cycle of investment. To realise this programme, we will embark on a new cycle of investment; enter into further strategic partnerships based on specific commitments; make new research-oriented appointments; continue to increase the number of postgraduate students, the backbone of any research endeavour and expand the cohort of honours students, the reservoir of future researchers. New research centres, which will bring the total to 19, will include mining, law and education rights and transformation. Research consultancies which have academic research spinoffs will also be continued. We are in the midst of unprecedented expansion in UJ’s research endeavours and we have seen major successes in the form of increased numbers of research submissions, the establishment of research centres and the rapid growth in the number of postdoctoral fellows. The University is going through exciting times. It is a privilege to be part of the team that is making this possible.

Professor Adam Habib Deputy Vice-Chancellor






RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Report by the Executive Director: Research and Innovation

DR CHRISTOPHER MASUKU EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Report BY THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: RESEARCH AND INNOVATION DR CHRISTOPHER MASUKU The purpose of the Research and Innovation Division (RID) is to provide strategic and operational support for research in the University. It does this through fi ve administrative functions: research administration; research management; postgraduate support, particularly through the Postgraduate Centre; intellectual property management and statistical analysis, through Statkon. Aligned with these functions and with the University’s strategic plans, key performance indicators with goals and targets are defi ned for the short (annual), intermediate (5-year) and long (10-year) terms.

The key performance indicators are:

• accredited research output;

• proportion of international to national research publications;

• number of active researchers;

• number of NRF-rated researchers;

• number of postgraduate enrolments.

The RID met all of its targets for the year. 2010 showed a considerable expansion of the research output and profi le, along with a consolidation of procedures and systems, and brought the University closer to its strategic goal of being a research-focused institution.

10_ RESEARCH OUTPUT The research output of the University, as accredited by the DHET, has continued to grow steadily, increasing by 43% from 325.99 units in 2006 to 466.82 units in 2009 and by 20% between 2008 and 2009 alone. The 466.82 units consisted of 412.64 units for journal articles, 12.13 units for books and chapters and 42.05 units for conference proceedings. According to the accredited research units awarded by DHET in 2009, the strongest research areas in terms of overall research output are Life Sciences and Physical Sciences (Classifi cation of Educational Subject Matter - CESM 15), Languages, Linguistics and Literature (CESM 12), Business Commerce and Management Sciences (CESM 4) and Agriculture and Renewable Natural Resources (CESM 1).





43% 300,00






0,00 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Books & 11,55 9,80 4,12 6,38 12,13 Chapters

Journals 300,80 360,77 330,64 354,99 412,64

Proceedings 13,64 15,99 15,97 27,65 42,05

TOTAL 325,99 386,56 350,73 389,02 466,82








0,00 CESM Category 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Units Awarded 55,49 18,33 64,78 2,00 10,83 8,50 22,55 17,75 76,82 9,71 1,20 101,68 1,00 1,00 10,87 13,50 5,33 12,35 33,13

_11 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Report by the Executive Director: Research and Innovation

Highlights of 2009 Research Outputs The following tables show how all institutions and clusters (as defined by the DHET) compare in terms of research outputs in 2009. ‘Cluster A’ consists of the Universities of Pretoria (UP), Cape Town (UCT), KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), Stellenbosch (US) and the Witwatersrand (WITS). The seven ‘Cluster B’ institutions are the Universities of South Africa (UNISA), the Free State (UFS), Johannesburg (UJ), North West (NWU), the Western Cape (UWC), Rhodes University (RU) and the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU).






0,00 UP UCT UKZN US WITS UJ 2005 1100.78 892.75 948.64 826.13 760.58 325.99 2006 1201.90 907.11 1083.71 933.93 843.27 386.56 2007 1155.83 1017.20 876.48 880.00 910.31 350.73 2008 1183.92 1086.15 977.45 948.42 840.67 389.02 2009 1187.53 1188.22 1108.20 1051.47 921.67 466.82

Between 2005 and 2009, UJ was placed eighth nationally, and fourth in Cluster B, in terms of units awarded.









0,00 UNISA UFS NWU UJ RU UWC NMMU 2005 519.85 410.98 326.19 325.99 252.78 166.01 209.28 2006 585.74 466.47 360.85 386.56 292.12 202.41 187.73 2007 553.84 472.95 376.20 350.73 274.38 216.77 179.70 2008 652.38 441.13 502.51 389.02 330.02 239.95 183.64 2009 625.70 512.72 448.39 466.82 350.99 278.09 224.91 12_ The University’s average yearly growth rate of 10.1% in units awarded was higher than that of Cluster A institutions, which averaged 5.2%; was the second highest after UWC (13.9%) and was higher than Cluster B’s average of 8.5%.








0,0% UP UCT UKZN US WITS UJ Average 2,0% 7,5% 5,0% 6,5% 5,2% 10,1% 5,2%










0,0% UNISA UFS NWU UJ RU UWC NMMJ Average 5,2% 6,1% 9,4% 10,1% 9,0% 13,9% 2,5% 8,5%

Over the same period, UJ’s total growth (9.4%) in units awarded was higher than that of Cluster A institutions (average of 4.9%); was the second highest after UWC (13.8%) and was higher than Cluster B’s average of 7.9%.












0,0% UP UCT UKZN US WITS UJ Average 1,9% 7,4% 4,0% 6,2% 4,9% 9,4% 4,9% _13 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Report by the Executive Director: Research and Innovation










0,0% UNISA UFS NWU UJ RU UWC NMMJ Average 4,7% 5,7% 8,3% 9,4% 8,6% 13,8% 1,8% 7,9%

UJ’s year-on-year growth (20.0%) in units awarded during 2008-2009 was higher than that of Cluster A institutions (8.7%); was the second highest after NMMU (22.5%) and was above the cluster’s average of 11.7%. At 4.74%, the University made the ninth largest contribution to national research outputs between 2005 and 2009, with its 2009 contribution (5.12%) ranking eighth and surpassing that of NWU.






0,0% UP UCT UKZN US WITS UJ Average 0,3% 9,4% 13,4% 10,9% 9,6% 20,0% 8,7%










-15,0% UNISA UFS NWU UJ RU UWC NMMU Average -4,0% 16,2% -10,8% 20,0% 6,4% 15,9% 22,5% 11,7% 14_ DHET RESEARCH OUTPUT UNITS (TOP 10 INSTITUTIONS) AS A PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL NATIONAL OUTPUT 2005 - 2009









0,00 UP UCT UKZN US WITS UNISA UFS NWU UJ RU AVG 14,44% 12,58% 12,34% 11,47% 10,57% 7, 26% 5,70% 4,98% 4,74% 3,71% 4,35%









0,00 UP UCT UKZN US WITS UNISA UFS UJ NWU RU 13,04 13,04 12,17 11,54 10,12 6,87 5,63 5,12 4,92 3,85 _15 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Report by the Executive Director: Research and Innovation

Proportion of International to National Research Publications There has been a significant increase in the percentage of publications in international, as compared with national, peer-reviewed journals. In 2008, the proportion of international to national research publications was 40:60. In 2009, this changed to a ratio 60:40.

ENROLLED POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS As the following table shows, the number of enrolled postgraduate students has increased slightly over the past five years, and the University’s Staff Qualifications Programme, which is aimed at assisting all currently under-qualified academic staff members to complete a master’s degree by the end of 2011, should positively affect postgraduate student output in the coming years.


MASTER'S 1891 1683 1638 1661 1767 1894

DOCTORAL 563 535 538 504 562 584

POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWS - 20 25 25 23 39 PROF WF HARRIS Hemis data: December 2010

ACTIVE RESEARCHERS Active researchers are defined as those who are involved in publishing accredited research outputs. At the end of 2010, there were 380 active researchers at UJ. The University has policies in place to incentivise the publishing of research results, and there has been a steady increase in the number of active researchers and in the amount of research published. NUMBER OF NRF-RATED RESEARCHERS The South African National Research Foundation (NRF) rates researchers according to a hierarchical system. A-rated researchers are those who are unequivocally recognised by their peers as being leading international scholars in their field for the high quality and impact of their recent research outputs. B-rated researchers enjoy considerable international recognition from their peers for the high quality and impact of their recent research outputs. C-rated researchers have a sustained recent record of productivity in the field and are recognised by their peers as having produced a body of good quality work, the core of which has coherence and attests to ongoing engagement with the field and as having demonstrated the ability to conceptualise problems and apply research methods to investigating them. PROF JN MAINA P-rated researchers are normally younger than 35 years of age, have held a doctorate or equivalent qualification for less than five years and, on the basis of exceptional potential shown in their published doctoral work and/or their research outputs in their early AT THE END OF 2010, THE UNIVERSITY HAD postdoctoral careers, are considered likely to become future leaders in their field. Y-rated researchers are 40 years of age or younger, have held a doctorate or equivalent qualification for less than five years at the time of application to be rated, and, based on their performance and productivity as researchers during their doctoral studies and/or early postdoctoral careers, are recognised as having the potential to establish themselves as researchers within a five-year period after evaluation. During 2010, the University continued to pay marked attention to increasing the number of rated researchers, with the Research Office implementing a programme to identify potential applicants and to assist researchers to move from a lower to a higher rating. At the end of 2010, the University had 90 rated researchers compared with 72 in the previous year. This increase was largely due to existing staff being rated, rather than new staff joining the University. Of particular significance was the growth, from 42 to RATED RESEARCHERS COMPARED 52, in the number of C-rated researchers. 90WITH 72 IN THE PREVIOUS YEAR

16_ NRF-RATED RESEARCHERS PER YEAR & RATING CATEGORY 2005 - 2010 * As at December 2010











0 A B C P Y L TOTAL 2005 2 11 38 0 11 1 63 2006 2 11 44 0 7 2 66 2007 2 14 43 0 5 4 68 2008 1 16 43 0 7 2 69 2009 4 16 42 1 7 2 72 2010 5 20 52 1 10 2 90


Art, Design & Architecture

Economic and Financial Sciences

Management 4% 1%

PROF NJ BEUKES Education 7%

Law Engineering and the Built Environment 7% Health Sciences


Science 7% 42%




_17 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Report by the Executive Director: Research and Innovation


THE SOUTH AFRICAN RESEARCH CHAIRS INITIATIVE (SARCHI) The South African Research Chairs Initiative (SARChI) aims to strengthen scientifi c leadership and capacity in South African universities. The programme supports world class scholars who are the focus of advanced research and training of the next generation of research leaders in their fi elds. SARChI Chairs have been awarded to two UJ scholars, Professor Fanus Viljoen, Research Chair in Geometallurgy and Professor Peter Alexander, Research Chair in Social Change. Geometallurgy is a new discipline within geological science. UJ’s is the only geology department in the country where geometallurgy is practised as an area in its own right alongside conventional geological research. There are only about fi ve comparable research positions in the fi eld worldwide. Geometallurgy bridges the gap between geology and metallurgy, focusing on improving ore recovery in existing mines and smelters and signifi cantly reducing fi nancial and technical risks associated with the development of new mines. This is a crucial contribution in the South African mining environment, where rising costs and the declining production of some minerals make it essential to exploit scientifi c innovation to the maximum. Professor Viljoen notes that in spite of economic problems, “there is currently a worldwide need for competent and highly skilled specialists, as geometallurgy is a complex fi eld and the effi cient operation of instruments used in mineralogical studies, such as the mineral liberation analyser (MLA), is dependent on trained operators with a good mineralogical background.” Thus, he says, “A primary function of postgraduate research activities in the department is geared towards the training of specialists for the future.” The Research Chair in Geometallurgy positions UJ as an important venue for training, benefi ting the mining and mineral benefi ciation industries in southern Africa. Professor Alexander has built a team of researchers around the overarching issue of social change. Class, social movements, labour, poverty, protests and the state, environmental justice, social entrepreneurs and the political economy of social change are some of the directions in which research is moving. These are agendas that cover many of the most pressing social issues in contemporary South Africa; part of the responsibility of the Chair is to develop a framework that creates a dialogue among researchers investigating these themes and which paves the way for a broad-based, multidisciplinary understanding of social change focused on post-apartheid South Africa. Team members have produced numerous books, articles and conference papers. They also work innovatively in other media. Researcher Mosa Phadi’s fi lm Phakathi: Soweto’s Middling Class, for example, is “a superb documentary” according to Jonny Steinberg in The Sunday Times. “We are working on issues that are crucial for South Africa’s future,” Professor Alexander says, “and we believe that the SARChI Chair gives us the scholarly resources to help us understand many aspects of our society more fully.” UJ has committed itself to high-level research development in the social and natural sciences. In supporting the SARChI chairs, its achievements to date have been recognised by the NRF. They are a sign of confi dence in the University’s research capacity, and a spur towards strengthening it further.

18_ RESEARCH OUTPUTS 2010 COMPOSITION OF TOTAL UNITS CLAIMED 2005 - 2010 Universities are required to submit to the 90.0% DHET the number of research outputs claimed for a given year. 80.0% The Department then allocates research subsidy based on calculations of units 70.0% for approved publications. For 2010, UJ claimed 629.05 units, an increase of 27% 60.0% over the previous year. Journal submissions grew by 25%, from 412.64 to 515.75 units; book/chapters by 32.7%, from 27.83 to 50.0% 36.93 units and conference proceedings by 41%, from 54.14 to 76.36 units. 40.0% The ratio of journals, books/chapters and conference proceedings was 83:5:12 30.0% (82:6:12 in 2010) compared to a national systemic ratio of 93:3:4. The ratio of international to national journals was 20.0% 60:40. Of these, 50.8% (261.96 units) were in ISI journals; 9.3% (48.00 units) were in 10.0% IBSS journals and 39.9% (205.79 units) in South African journals. The Faculties of Humanities and of Science continued to be 0.0% the main contributors to the University’s 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 AVG accredited research outputs. Books & Chapters 12.7% 8.2% 6.9% 7.2% 5.7% 5.9% 7.8% Conference Proceedings 10.6% 7.6% 8.3% 9.6% 10.9% 12.2% 9.9% Journal Articles 76.7% 84.2% 84.8% 83.1% 83.4% 81.9% 82.3%








0,00 Economic Engineering Art, Design & Health and Financial Education and the Built Humanities Law Management Sciences Non-Faculty TOTAL Architecture Sciences Sciences Environment IBSS 0.00 7.34 2.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 9.00 4.83 1.33 0.00 48.50 SA 19.50 9.16 9.66 2.00 35.03 74.17 19.00 33.82 2.50 0.00 204.84 ISI 2.50 6.08 19.17 20.64 19.72 37.87 35.50 7.49 113.44 0.00 262.41 TOTAL 22.00 22.58 30.83 22.64 54.75 136.04 63.50 46.14 117.27 0.00 515.75 _19 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Report by the Executive Director: Research and Innovation


Journal Articles

Conference Proceedings

Books & Chapters 12%











0,00 Economic Engineering Art, Design & Health and Financial Education and the Built Humanities Law Management Sciences Non-Faculty TOTAL Architecture Sciences Sciences Environment

2005 4.50 3.50 27.50 28.41 42.81 106.31 57.82 48.29 72.36 1.42 392.91

2006 7.65 14.83 20.23 33.92 31.51 113.65 49.50 59.29 94.76 1.83 427.16

2007 18.50 8.25 23.48 14.32 65.40 98.56 53.07 81.47 79.57 1.83 444.44

2008 22.33 12.67 17.00 27.95 34.76 120.38 45.39 41.31 101.03 2.45 425.27

2009 23.75 28.67 16.83 34.00 40.99 138.40 44.85 47.91 118.66 1.00 495.06

2010 27.25 23.95 35.33 59.33 56.51 158.23 64.00 68.98 136.09 0.00 629.67







0,00 Economic Engineering Art, Design & Health and Financial Education and the Built Humanities Law Management Sciences Non-Faculty TOTAL Architecture Sciences Sciences Environment

2005 0.00 0.00 2.07 0.00 5.00 18.83 11.32 1.42 11.24 0.00 49.88

2006 0.15 5.00 2.15 0.00 0.00 11.63 5.00 0.00 11.18 0.00 35.11

2007 0.00 0.00 4.77 0.00 0.00 2.81 13.07 0.00 10.13 0.00 30.78

2008 4.58 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.72 10.88 9.39 3.68 1.50 0.00 30.83

2009 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.92 5.85 0.00 1.20 0.00 28.30

2010 0.00 0.87 1.25 4.76 0.76 21.19 0.00 5.26 2.84 0.00 36.93









0.00 Economic Engineering Art, Design & Health and Financial Education and the Built Humanities Law Management Sciences Non-Faculty TOTAL Architecture Sciences Sciences Environment

Books 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.08 0.00 12.80 0.00 5.00 1.10 0.00 22.98

Chapters 0.00 0.87 1.25 0.68 0.76 8.39 0.00 0.26 1.74 0.00 13.95

Proceedings 5.25 0.50 3.25 31.93 1.00 1.00 0.50 17.58 15.98 0.00 76.99

J-IBSS 0.00 7.34 2.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 9.00 4.83 1.33 0.00 48.50

J-SA 19.50 9.16 9.66 2.00 35.03 74.17 19.00 33.82 2.50 0.00 204.84

J-ISI 2.50 6.08 19.17 20.64 19.72 37.87 35.50 7.49 113.44 0.00 262.41

J-TOT 22.00 22.58 30.83 22.64 54.75 136.04 63.50 46.14 117.27 0.00 515.75

TOTAL 27.25 23.95 35.33 59.33 56.51 158.23 64.00 68.98 136.09 0.00 629.67

_21 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Report by the Executive Director: Research and Innovation










0,00 Economic Engineering Art, Design & Health and Financial Education and the Built Humanities Law Management Sciences Non-Faculty TOTAL Architecture Sciences Sciences Environment

2005 0.00 0.50 7.34 19.11 0.20 2.50 2.00 5.54 3.63 0.75 41.56

2006 0.50 1.00 5.67 10.09 0.90 1.00 0.00 7.13 6.05 0.00 32.33

2007 6.00 0.00 5.16 10.30 1.00 0.00 0.00 11.13 2.88 0.50 36.97

2008 5.75 0.00 1.75 12.04 0.00 0.00 0.50 11.30 9.61 0.00 40.95

2009 5.42 0.50 1.00 19.70 2.00 0.00 0.00 17.16 8.25 0.00 54.03

2010 5.25 0.50 3.25 31.93 1.00 1.00 0.50 17.58 15.98 0.00 76.99








0.00 Economic Engineering Art, Design & Health and Financial Education and the Built Humanities Law Management Sciences Non-Faculty TOTAL Architecture Sciences Sciences Environment

2005 4.50 3.00 18.09 9.30 37.61 84.98 44.50 41.33 57.49 0.67 301.47

2006 7.00 8.83 12.41 23.83 30.61 101.02 44.50 52.16 77.53 1.83 359.72

2007 12.50 8.25 13.54 4.02 64.40 95.75 40.00 70.34 66.56 1.33 376.69

2008 12.00 12.67 15.17 15.91 34.04 109.50 35.50 26.33 89.92 2.45 353.49

2009 18.00 28.17 15.83 14.30 38.99 117.48 39.00 30.75 109.21 1.00 412.73

2010 22.00 22.58 30.83 22.64 54.75 136.04 63.50 46.14 117.27 0.00 515.75

22_ The following graph shows the top contributors, in terms of the number of times the author’s work has appeared as a book, chapter, conference presentation or journal article. It does not, however, indicate the number of authors per output, or the weight of each author’s contribution.







0 Strydom Marwala Van Wyk Mamba Meijboom Burnett- Von Solms Ferreira Henning Muzenda Robert-Lombard Rogerson Andre Tshilidzi Ben-Erik Bhekie Reinout Louw Cora Sebastiaan Hendrik Michael Edison Mornay Christian (Science) (Engineering) (Science) (Science) (Science) (Health) (Science) (Engineering) (Science) (Engineering) (Management) (Management)

Books 1

Chapters 1 1

Conferences 9 17 10 2 10 3

Journals 16 1 16 13 14 12 2 8 11 1 8 11

TOTAL 25 19 16 14 14 12 12 11 11 11 11 11

RESEARCH CENTRES To advance towards its goal of being a research-focused institution and to reach its target of 600 research units within its first decade, the University has established 13 research centres and 7 Research Niche Areas (‘Quick Wins’).

The research centres include:

• Centre for Visual Identities in Art and Design: part of the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture (FADA), it spans all eight of the Faculty’s departments.

• Centre for Education Practice Research (CEPR): located in the Faculty of Education (FE), the Centre houses 11 research projects and focuses on investigating education practice. The theoretical concept behind this work is the notion of ‘ecologies of practice’, an extension of the concept of ‘communities of practice’.

• Centre for Culture and Languages in Africa (CCLA): located in the Faculty of Humanities (FH), the Centre carries out research on the broad theme of ‘Culture, Tradition and Modernity in Contemporary South Africa’. This includes research that supports discussion and debate about concepts of conflicting and contested notions of culture.

• Centre of Social Development in Africa (CSDA): located in the Faculty of Humanities, the Centre was established in 2003 and is dedicated to basic, applied and strategic research in social development and developmental welfare.

• Centre for Sociological Research (CSR): also located in the Faculty of Humanities, the CSR conducts research into reasons for social inequality and political conflict.

• Laser Research Group: located in the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS), the Group works in the field of phototherapy, with specific emphasis on Low Level Laser Therapy and Photodynamic Therapy.

_23 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Report by the Executive Director: Research and Innovation

• Water and Health Research Centre: also located in the Faculty of Health Sciences, the Centre investigates the relationship between water and human health, specifically looking at increased lifespan and improved general health and access to safe water and improved domestic hygiene and sanitation.

• Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies (ITLS) in Africa, or ITLS (Africa): located in the Faculty of Management (FM), the Institute was established in response to a strong need for formal, independent, unbiased and relevant research in the fields of transport, logistics and supply chain management.

• Centre for Catalysis Research: located in the Faculty of Science (FS), the Centre investigates catalysts with improved performance characteristics as measured against selected benchmark systems.

• Paleoproterozoic Mineralisation (PPM) Research Group: founded in 1997, the Group is internationally recognised as a leader in the study of Precambrian paleoenvironmental evolution and associated ore-forming processes. In 2008, this research focus area received support with the establishment of a South African Research Chair in Geometallurgy, funded by the national Department of Science and Technology and administered by the NRF.

• Industrial Electronics Technology Research Group: this is located in the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment (FEBE).

The seven Quick Wins, and the faculties within which they are based, are:

• Water and Health (Faculty of Health Science)

• Aquatic Ecotoxicology (Faculty of Science)

• Nanotechnology (Faculty of Science)

• Telecommunications (Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment)

• Sociology (Faculty of Humanities)

• Energy and Sustainability (Faculty of Science)

• Geology (Faculty of Science)

24_ Under the Quick Wins Programme, the CSR, the PPM Research Group and the Water and Health Research Centre received additional funding from the start. The aim was to strengthen these groups, enable them to gain recognition and to become potential future NRF South African Research Chairs Initiative (SARChI) Chairs, an objective which was reached only in Geology and Sociology. Between 2007 and 2009, R19.42 million was allocated to the research centres and R19.60 million to the Quick Wins, a total investment by the University of R39.03 million. In return, a total of R87.62 million of external income was generated, with R65.22 million coming from the research centres and R22.41 million from the Quick Wins. The return on investment for the research centres is thus 239%, for the Quick Wins 14.3% and overall is 124.5%. The following tables give the University Research Committee’s (URC) contribution and external income between 2008 and 2010.


FACULTY NICHE AREA 2008 2009 2010

Telecommuni- FEBE 855 946 915 2 717 1 290 cations

Water & FHS 980 1 078 550 2 608 - Health

FH CSR 790 770 840 2 400 -

FS Ecotoxicology 910 918 903 2 731 6 900

Energy 1 123 1 028 1 028 3 179 9 000

Geology 1 600 600 960 3 160 -

Nanotechnol- 570 1 340 900 2 810 5 220 ogy

TOTAL 6 828 6 680 6 096 19 605 22 410


FADA Art & Design 563 708 688 1 960 936

FE CEPR 251 300 300 851 5 500

FEFS Accounting 500 500 0 1 000 0

FEBE UAV 380 550 700 1 630 1 320

Stream 419 400 400 1 219 1 561

Processing 419 300 0 719 0 Electronics

FH CCLA 475 475 400 1 350 1 867

CSR 400 400 400 1 200 8 180

CSDA 495 470 400 1 365 3 570

FHS Laser 841 850 458 2 149 3 264

Water & 300 300 300 900 6 508 Health

FM ITLS 1 150 0 0 1 150 15 520

Paleoprote- FS 530 530 530 1 590 10 000 rozoic

Catalysis 680 680 680 2 040 6 990

19 123 65 216

In the first half of 2010, using five key performance indicators (KPIs) agreed upon with the faculties, all of the research centres and Quick Wins were reviewed for a new three-year funding cycle and the findings assessed by the URC. The centres and Quick Wins performed well in 2010, although some achieved success only in one or two key performance areas. All of the centres published in accredited publications, but there were mixed results in relation to external funding and postgraduate student numbers. In particular, the number of postdoctoral fellows registered across all centres

_25 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Report by the Executive Director: Research and Innovation

was disappointing. Taking 2006 (before the establishment of the research centres or the The University’s research Quick Wins) as a baseline, the highest net gains in research productivity were made by CSD (344%), Nanotechnology (208%) and Energy Studies (166%). The Laser Research Group centre model has thus produced the largest number of units (12.46), followed by Aquatic Ecotoxicology (11.14) and clearly been generally Nanotechnology (10.18). The most productive research groups have thus been the Laser Research Group followed by Aquatic Ecotoxicology, Nanotechnology, CEPR, PPM and successful. Because of Catalysis Research. this, 6 new centres were Between 2007 and 2009, 313 ISI publications, over 190 conference proceedings, 45 book approved for funding chapters and 4 books were produced by the research centres and Quick Wins; 128 master’s and 52 doctoral students graduated and 74 master's and 70 doctoral students were bringing the number enrolled. The increase in research output of approximately 70% can largely be attributed of centres to 19, with a to the existence of the new research entities. related investment of A number of the research entities successfully hosted workshops, seminars and conferences. In many of them, a good foundation and a future cohort of researchers R12 million a year. have been established which should be supported. It should be emphasised that a good number of centres and Quick Wins have not reached their full potential. Many, however, have developed significant profiles through differentiation and through the creation of intellectual capital; this in turn has brought considerable recognition to the University’s research capability. A notable percentage of our researchers are recognised nationally and internationally, are active in or affiliated to professional bodies, have been recognised by distinguished awards, and have obtained NRF ratings. A number of centres and Quick Wins have gained recognition from funding bodies as centres of expertise. This differentiation and strategic positioning augurs well for their intellectual sustainability. There has also been strong national and international collaboration in several areas, with our researchers taking a leading role in the advancement of disciplines including phototherapy (in the Laser Centre), aquatic science (in Ecotoxicology) and Transport and Logistics. The Centre of Transport and Supply Chain Management has in fact established itself as self- sustaining, and has indicated that it no longer requires financial support from the University. The University’s research centre model has thus clearly been generally successful. Because of this, 6 new centres were approved for funding bringing the number of centres to 19, with a related investment of R12 million a year. In the future, the research centres are expected to reduce their dependence on University funds and to reorient their budgets towards supporting postgraduate bursaries.

RESEARCH INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (RIMS) RIMS, launched in 2008, is a web-based tool that captures statistical information on research and development activities at South Africa’s universities, science councils and other government research and development funded agencies. Its purpose is to provide information about research-related investments at institutional and national levels. Reports generated by the system enable decision-making that drives the national system of innovation. Presently, 22 higher education institutions and nine science councils are members of the RIMS consortium, in which UJ continues to play a leading role. During 2010, UJ’s research output submission to the DHET was captured in the RIMS Research Output Module. This enabled detailed research output reports to be compiled for the first time since the University’s inception, providing a high-level overview of the research activities at UJ as a whole as well as enabling reports and statistics to be produced by faculty, department, researcher and CESM category. The Proposal Tracking Module was successfully piloted by UJ for its own internal funding, and was signed off for implementation by the RIMS Consortium. All 2009 and 2010 University Research Committee funding applications were captured on the system, and management reports compiled. The Proposal Development Module was co-piloted by UJ and was signed off as ready for implementation, which was planned for 2011. Testing of the Sponsored Programme Information Network (SPIN) funding opportunity database was completed, and several training sessions were held with researchers. UJ is participating in an initiative to ensure that the national implementation of RIMS meets the reporting requirements not only of the individual higher education institutions but also of the National Research Foundation (NRF) and the Department of Science and Technology (DST). UJ was requested to join the national RIMS Test Team which, under the auspices of the NRF, is responsible for ensuring the quality of InfoEd software releases prior to national implementation.


The Postgraduate Centre (PGC), officially launched in July 2010, has a staff of seven including the Director, Professor Shireen Motala. Highlights during the year were:

• Finalisation, and acceptance by Senate, of the Postgraduate Strategy: this encompasses the vision and mission of the Centre; a statistical overview of the current status of postgraduate enrolment and throughput and key strategic activities which will improve enrolment and throughput and enhance postgraduate studies at UJ.

• Establishment of a competitive bursary structure: a review of the UJ bursary structure was undertaken in order to determine what form it should take, particularly in relation to the fee structure in nearby institutions. It has been decided that the primary focus will be on providing additional funding for honours bursaries in the faculties of Science, Humanities and Health, with bursaries provided in Education only for Mathematics and Science training. It is anticipated that these funded honours students will form an important part of the pipeline to master's and doctoral studies.

• Training activities based on perceived needs and on discussions with the executive deans: these included workshops on advanced academic writing skills; starting research; developing master’s proposals and dissertations; an introduction to RefWorks; a Supervisors’ Forum; a Postgraduate Students Symposium and a Social Science Winter School on quantitative and qualitative analysis, convened by the Faculty of Education.

• Production of a brochure and CD: these provide information on the postgraduate application process, accommodation, fees, academic matters and social and other extramural activities.


• The Postgraduate Funding Section, which falls under the PGC, administers and manages bursaries, scholarships and fellowships. 2010 saw a marked increase in the number of applications received from, and allocations made to, students. This suggests that communication and marketing initiatives have been implemented successfully. The most notable increase was the 77% rise in the number of NRF applications, from 290 in 2009 to 513 in 2010.

• The Honours Strategic Bursaries were phased out in 2010 in anticipation of the implementation in 2011 of the Special Honours Merit Bursary. Allocations for supervisor- linked bursaries increased by 14% from 642 students in 2009 to 733 students in 2010 and 2010 saw a marked R4.49 million was paid out. R12.3 million was paid to students receiving NRF funding increase in the number of in 2010, an increase of 37% from 2009. This is the result of an increase in NRF bursary amounts awarded to postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows; the inclusion of applications received from, undergraduate and postgraduate bursaries through the NRF’s Square Kilometre Array and allocations made to, Programme and an increase of 55% in block grants from the NRF, from R2.5 million in students. This suggests 2009 to R3.9 million in 2010. A further R1.6 million was awarded in November 2010 to be paid to students by March 2011. that communication • In order to attract more postdoctoral fellows and to comply with the new SARS and marketing postdoctoral fellowship regulations, a new funding model was implemented in 2010. initiatives have been The number of postdoctoral fellows increased by 40% to 36 from 25 in 2009. implemented successfully. • One of the University’s Humanities students received a prestigious Mandela-Rhodes Foundation (MRF) scholarship for 2010.

_27 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Report by the Executive Director: Research and Innovation

NEXT GENERATION SCHOLARS PROGRAMME The aim of UJ’s Next Generation Scholars (NGS) Programme is to enable postgraduate students to focus on, and succeed at, their studies without the distraction of financial anxieties. The Programme is currently supported by the Ford Foundation, Murray & Roberts, Nedbank, Old Mutual and PetroSA who collectively contributed R14.7 million, while UJ contributed R8.7 million from its own reserves. Thirty-one new awards were made in 2010 under the NGS, bringing to 63 the number of students in the programme and paying out R5.95 million. The NGS bursaries were awarded for the last time and it is anticipated that 87 graduates (47 doctoral and 40 master's) will have emerged from the programme by the end of 2014, with the first set of doctoral graduates being employed on completion of their studies in the academic year beginning 2012. Master's students make up 62% of the total in the programme, the remainder being at doctoral level. In 2009, 34% of the students supported by the Programme were from the Faculty of Science; 30% from Humanities; 14% from Engineering and the Built Environment; 17% from Health Sciences and small numbers from Management, Law and Education.

STATKON Statkon provides postgraduate students and researchers at UJ with a statistical consultation service on research methodology, questionnaire design, statistical analysis, survey and experimental design, data capturing, interpretation of statistical results and data collection through online surveys. In 2010, Statkon provided services to 350 research projects, a slight decrease from 2009. The highest percentage was master's projects and most users of Statkon’s services were staff and postgraduates on the Auckland Park Campus and from the faculties of Management, Health Sciences, Humanities and Education. The unit also assisted a small number of external users.





250 Number of Projects




50 123 105 124 145 125 97 109 126 108 105 140 155 210 275 270 318 324 328 395 326 372 357

1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Statkon provides postgraduate students and researchers at UJ with a statistical consultation service on research methodology, questionnaire design, statistical analysis, survey and experimental design, data capturing, interpretation of statistical results and data collection through online surveys.

28_ Research undertaken SUSTAINABILITY in these areas covers UJ maintains its commitment to become a research-focused institution through strong research performance and a vibrant research environment. This commitment is reinforced renewable energy for through continuous improvement in policy, refinement of research focus areas, increased poor communities, solar research investment, research partnerships, stewardship of intellectual property and the environment, stakeholder engagement, health and safety in laboratories, human capacity energy, water purification development and financial resources management. using nanomaterials, research into pathological Intellectual property The University’s intellectual property (IP) is protected through employment contracts waterborne diseases, and and confidentiality agreements with external parties. These agreements establish ecotoxicological studies ownership of and rights to trademarks, copyright, trade secrets, innovations and inventions resulting from any research and dealings with the University. Funding for an Office of of inland waters and Technology Transfer at the University was approved by the Department of Science and particularly the study Technology in 2010. The Office, which has a staff of two, facilitates technology transfer and commercialisation of intellectual property in order to generate income for further research of algae growth in the of social benefit at the University. Hartbeespoort Dam and the impact of mining activities Environmental stewardship in the Oliphants River and UJ seeks to manage its impact on natural resources responsibly. Access to clean water and renewable sources of energy are key challenges for sustainable development. Research on the West Rand. undertaken in these areas covers renewable energy for poor communities, solar energy, water purification using nanomaterials, research into pathological waterborne diseases, and ecotoxicological studies of inland waters and particularly the study of algae growth in the Hartbeespoort Dam and the impact of mining activities in the Oliphants River and on the West Rand. Through its Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, the University supports research into social development matters relating to good quality, affordable housing; environmental sustainability measures such as ‘green’ buildings and the reduction of energy and water consumption. The Faculty of Management is engaged in research into models of public transport. Ethical integrity and social responsibility are core principles of the way in which the University conducts its research. Through the Faculty Research Ethics Committees, the University ensures that all of its research is carried out with ethical integrity and with respect for human dignity. Health and safety are closely monitored in the laboratories in the Science, Engineering and Health Sciences Faculties, in accordance with regulations.

Research partnerships Research partnerships are critical to strengthening the University’s research profile and in mobilising external research funds. The University builds enduring relationships with the public and private sectors and with government, characterised by mutual respect, active partnerships and long-term commitment. Our partnerships support our strategy by providing sustainable bursaries and research funds. Over a three-year period, support to the value of R14.5 million has been provided to the Next Generation The University builds Scholarship Programme by PetroSA, Murray and Roberts, Old Mutual, Nedbank and the enduring relationships Ford Foundation. There has been an increase in government-supported bursaries, and the University continues to nurture its partnerships with Sasol, CSIR, the Water Research with the public and Commission, Eskom, Johannesburg Water and Mintek. Internationally, the University private sectors and with maintains partnerships in Africa, Europe, North America, Brazil, India and China. government, characterised A new partnership scholarship, between UJ and the Cancer Association of South Africa, was initiated in 2010. Five awards were made and an amount of R105 000 paid out. During 2010, by mutual respect, active five new memoranda of understanding and agreements were signed with international partnerships and long- partners in France, Romania, Canada, Germany and Brazil. Under the leadership of the Vice Chancellor, the UJ executive team visited institutions in the USA including Virginia term commitment. Polytechnic, Columbia University, Rensselaer Polytechnic, MIT, Boston University and the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Maryland.

_29 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Report by the Executive Director: Research and Innovation; Research Awards

Stakeholder engagement The purpose of the University’s stakeholder engagement processes is to build long-term, The purpose of the stable and mutually beneficial relationships to sustain research, and government and the public play a vital role in this. The University has in place a range of initiatives that directly University’s stakeholder or indirectly support stakeholder engagement. Government officials at all levels are engagement processes is engaged in order to evaluate their perceptions, enhance UJ’s image and increase research subsidies and student bursaries. Research Office staff interact with government officials on to build long-term, stable research outputs and funding matters, and a number of UJ researchers serve as members and mutually beneficial of the NRF’s evaluation, rating and other committees. NRF funding and DST-supported research initiatives have increased significantly in recent years. relationships to sustain Community-related research is clearly apparent in the research centres, where research research, and government takes place into enterprise development, socio-economic development, sustainable and the public play a vital energy, education rights and transformation, and visual identities. The University plays an important role in the City Region Observatory (GCRO), where the Deputy Vice- role in this. Chancellor: Research, Innovation and Advancement is currently Chairperson of the Board. The GCRO has provided research funds to the Centre for Sociological Research, and a good relationship exists with the SeTAR initiative.

Human resources and skills development The University recognises that the majority of its researchers are white males above 50 years of age, and that there is a national shortage of postgraduate students, particularly in technical and engineering disciplines, who can be developed and retained as researchers. This situation poses a serious risk to maintaining and improving research capacity. The University has therefore implemented a structured programme which focuses specifically on research development and not on obtaining higher degrees and qualifications, and it continues to offer bursaries and scholarships in order to source and develop bright young minds. The Next Generation Scholarship Programme is one example of the initiatives intended to create a future pool of appropriately qualified academic members of staff who will contribute to research. The University has made significant progress in encouraging academic members of staff to publish and has implemented various incentives, such as the Vice-Chancellor’s Research Awards and increases to the researcher’s proportion of the publication subsidy, to stimulate research productivity. All faculties have put measures and incentives in place to stimulate academic members of staff to publish in accredited journals. Two years ago, the University established a Staff Qualifications Programme which has significantly increased the number of potential future researchers. As a result, the number of researchers contributing to the University’s research output has increased. The Research Office has also targeted the recruitment of research professors, coupled with effective key performance indicators encompassing research outputs, numbers of postgraduate students, external research income and human capacity development.

Economic sustainability The University relies on internal and external funds in order to carry out its research activities. Internal funds account for 53% of total research expenditure while NRF and other external income account for the remainder. Steps continue to be taken to increase external income in order to reduce dependence on the University, and research centres will be assessed in terms of their ability to generate such income. In 2010, the University spent R52.25 million on the operational research budget, compared with R42.8 million in 2009. External income from the NRF grew by 72%, from R19.97 million to R34.36 million as a result of the new administrative systems put in place. External income from other sources, however, has been declining since 2008 and in 2010 stood at R12.44 million.


INTERNAL FUNDS* 24 770 000 29 985 316 32 100 000 52 251 800

NRF** 21 895 404 17 607 498 19 937 053` 34 357 859

OTHER EXTERNAL 15 862 504 22 902 811 16 669 615 12 440 795

NRF GRANT DEPOSIT - 5 692 000 - -

TOTAL 62 527 908 76 187 625 68 706 668 99 050 454

* University Research Committee operational budget, excluding allocations for post-graduate bursaries. ** NRF policy changes resulted in the phasing-out of some funding instruments and the suspension of others.

30_ Research Awards The Vice-Chancellor’s Distinguished Awards for Outstanding Researcher of the Year and Most Promising Emerging Researcher of the Year were fi rst bestowed in the 2006 / 2007 academic year. OUTSTANDING RESEARCHER OF THE YEAR: PROFESSOR HEIDI ABRAHAMSE In 2010, the award for Outstanding Researcher of the Year was given to Professor Heidi Abrahamse. Professor Abrahamse’s fi eld of expertise is the molecular and cellular effects of laser irradiation in biological organisms in the areas of wound healing, photodynamic therapy and stem cell therapy. Worldwide, she ranks among the top 12 researchers in photomedicine and photobiology. Professor Abrahamse has had an outstanding research career. A C2-rated scientist, she has authored and co-authored over 50 peer-reviewed research papers in accredited journals and written 5 book chapters and 18 international and national conference publications, not to mention some 32 other publications including research abstracts and technical reports, in the past fi ve years. Professor Abrahamse has collaborated extensively with leading researchers around the world, and on numerous occasions has been an invited speaker at international workshops and conferences. Within South Africa, she has made major contributions through her work with organisations including the National Research Foundation, the Council for Scientifi c and Industrial Research, the Department of Science and Technology and the Medical Research Council. Worldwide, Professor Awards and honours include her election as President of the World Association of Laser Abrahamse ranks among Therapy; recipient of the Joseph Award for the best paper published in the journal Medical the top 12 researchers Technology and participation in various capacities in professional, scientifi c and advisory bodies within and outside South Africa. in photomedicine As the main and often sole supervisor, Professor Abrahamse has graduated 14 master's and and photobiology. 4 doctoral students, and hosted 4 postdoctoral fellows in the last fi ve years. Currently, she is supervising 10 postgraduate students and lectures Biochemistry to undergraduates.

PROF HEIDI ABRAHAMSE _31 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Research Awards; Research Highlights

MOST PROMISING EMERGING RESEARCHER OF THE YEAR: PROFESSOR ALAIN KABUNDI Recipient of the University’s Most Promising Emerging Researcher of the Year Award in 2010 was Professor Alain Kabundi. To be eligible for the award, candidates must be full- time, permanent or fixed-term contract members of staff who have obtained their doctoral degree within the last five years. They must have been employed by the University or its predecessors for at least three years, and be in the early stage of their academic careers. Criteria against which their applications are assessed include volume and quality of research published in accredited publications, patents, artefacts, research grants received and the significance of their work as judged by its impact on their academic peer community, industry, scholarship, society and/or policy development. Professor Kabundi’s research interests are in the fields of international macroeconomics, factor analysis, artificial neural networks and applied econometrics. Among the many topics on which he has written are the impact of defence spending in the United States; the effect Three of Professor of monetary policy on real house-price growth and trends in foreign direct investment into Africa. Kabundi’s research Professor Kabundi obtained his PhD (Economics) in 2007 from UJ, having received the papers have been medal for the Best Master’s Dissertation in South Africa from the Economic Society in published in the highly South Africa in 2003. In 2007, he was awarded the prize for the best paper presented at the African Econometric Society Conference. Between 2007 and 2010, he published 15 journal respected Journal of articles; another 5 are forthcoming. Three of Professor Kabundi’s research papers have Forecasting, with a been published in the highly respected Journal of Forecasting, with a forthcoming paper to be published in the International Journal of Forecasting. forthcoming paper to Professor Kabundi’s collaboration with scholars at the International Monetary Fund has be published in the produced three Country Reports and four IMF Working Papers. He reviews regularly for International Journal local and international journals, is a Deputy Chair of the Economic Society of South Africa and a member of the Steering Committee of Economic Research Southern Africa, a research of Forecasting. programme funded by the South African National Treasury.


32_ Dr van Wyk’s research at UFRGS will investigate a strategy in which catalysts for ethylene polymerisation are heterogenised. This would allow recovery and, potentially, recycling of catalysts and lead to industrial chemical processes which are more environmentally and economically sustainable.

Research Highlights DR JUANITA VAN WYK: CHEMISTRY Dr Juanita van Wyk is a postdoctoral fellow in Chemistry. Her field of specialisation is inorganic synthesis, specifically the development of new catalysts. Catalysts speed up chemical reactions which do not otherwise occur easily and are widely used in the chemical industry to improve efficiency and to reduce energy requirements in the production of materials such as polymers (substances built up from a chain of repeating molecules, for example, plastics) and pharmaceuticals. Dr van Wyk has a particular interest in the development of catalysts which can be used in the preparation of synthetic biodegradable polymers such as polylactide and polycaprolactone. These are being widely investigated because of their biodegradability and their potential medical applications. Polylactide can be made into bone plates and screws for bone fixation or implants for orthopaedic surgery and blood vessels and can also be used for controlled drug delivery. It is also of research interest because its raw material, lactide, can be obtained from the fermentation of carbohydrate-rich substances such as corn starch, maize, sugar and wheat and is a biodegradable and renewable alternative to petroleum-derived plastics (polyethylene) which remain in the environment for many years. In 2010, through a professional relationship between UJ and a Brazilian research institution, Dr van Wyk was offered an additional one-year postdoctoral fellowship at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) in Porto Alegre. There, she will continue to research catalysts, particularly the heterogenising of homogeneous catalysts. Industrially, heterogeneous catalysts are widely used because the reactants and products can easily be separated from the catalyst which can therefore be used, cost-effectively, many times before it needs to be replaced. However, because the catalyst and reactants are in two different phases (liquid or gas, in the case of the reactants and solid, in the case of the catalyst), there is a lack of control over certain aspects of the chemical reaction. In a homogeneous process, reactants and catalyst are in the same phase (a solution), and much more control over the chemical reaction is possible. Recovering the catalyst is, however, difficult and this adds to production costs as catalysts can be very expensive. Dr van Wyk’s research at UFRGS will investigate a strategy in which catalysts for ethylene polymerisation are heterogenised. This would allow recovery and, potentially, recycling of catalysts and lead to industrial chemical processes which are more environmentally and economically sustainable.

_33 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Research Highlights

DR NATASHA SANABRIA: BIOCHEMISTRY “Strange and wonderful results!” These are what Dr Natasha Sanabria, 33, finds in her work as a biochemistry postdoctoral research fellow. Since 2009, she has been a member of the UJ research team, led by Professor Ian Dubery, which focuses on plant and microbe interactions on a molecular level. Her area of research interest is plant defence-related responses: what enables them to fight disease? How can they withstand so many stresses at the same time? Answers to such questions are vital to developing food crops as well as other plants which are resilient and productive. Dr Sanabria’s work investigates, in particular, the ways in which defence mechanisms within plants can be triggered by substances in the cell walls of certain bacteria. This primes the plant to respond more rapidly, based on its perception of bacterial pathogens. Extensive analysis is required to determine exactly how this process works. If the plant genes which are induced by their interaction with the bacteria can be identified, this could mean that, through genetic modification or breeding programmes, plants with improved resistance to disease can be produced. Dr Sanabria’s path to her present position in academia has not been easy. As a child, she was diagnosed with a rare auto-immune disease which badly affected her mobility and at one stage left her wheelchair-bound. This led to her being considered by some as having an intellectual disability. However, through her faith in God and with the support of her family, she won scholarships at school and qualified for tertiary education. Unable to afford the full cost of attending university, she took out loans, won bursaries and applied for funding, no matter how small, where she could find it. This, she says, was critical to her being able to afford university education, and she encourages other students to look creatively for all the support that they can find. “Opportunities do exist,” she says,“ but you must always stay determined and keep pushing, no matter what anyone says.” In the second half of 2011, Dr Sanabria will attend the highly selective training course entitled “The Frontiers and Techniques in Plant Sciences” at Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory in the USA. The course provides an intensive overview of topics in plant physiology, biochemistry and development, focusing on genomic, analytical, computational and other high throughput approaches to understanding plant biology and food crop protection.

...she encourages other students to look creatively for all the support that they can find. “Opportunities do exist”, she says, “but you must always stay determined and keep pushing, no matter what anyone says.”


34_ THE SUSTAINABLE ENERGY, TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH (SETAR) CENTRE Innovation, evaluation, advice and communication on the provision of basic energy services for the poor are the foundations of research at UJ’s SeTAR Centre and testing laboratory. Although an increasing number of homes now have access to electricity, many people still use bio-fuel stoves for cooking and heating. Available data suggest that over four million South African households light a fi re every day, with two million using wood and two and a half million using coal. Despite their obvious utility, bio-fuel stoves in their present form can be dangerous, in addition to causing indoor and outdoor air pollution, reducing the supply of biomass and using fuel ineffi ciently. Through research into safer, more energy effi cient and renewable energy technologies, such as stoves and lighting, the SeTAR Centre addresses the provision of energy services to those who do not have access to or cannot afford the full services of modern energy carriers - electricity and gas. Perversely, standard principles of combustion engineering have not been applied in the design of domestic coal and paraffi n stoves, leaving the market open to inferior, dangerous and health damaging devices. By researching means to optimise affordable, improved coal and paraffi n stoves, the SeTAR Centre will make positive contributions to quality of life and public health and safety. Provision of affordable solar-powered lighting and basic electricity to off-grid rural communities will contribute to social upliftment in these areas. The SeTAR Centre, a multi-disciplinary energy research facility, evolved from UJ’s EnerKey Programme, a German-South African research initiative investigating the use of energy as a ‘key’ element for the sustainable development of the Gauteng megacity region. The EnerKey Programme has as its core the development of an integrated energy/economic model, encompassing all aspects of supply technologies, transformation and uses of energy within the province. Teams of German and South African students have researched data to populate the model, including energy use in the built environment, industry, transport and spatial planning. Scenarios have been developed to project for Gauteng a low-carbon future on a thirty- to fi fty-year time horizon. The programme includes a strong cross-cutting theme of social engagement. The SeTAR Centre offi ces are located on the UJ Bunting Road Research Village, with laboratory facilities located within the Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture’s (FADA) Department of Industrial Design. The laboratory houses a unique collection of stoves from across the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region – in effect, a small bio-fuel stove museum. Facilities in the SeTAR laboratory include a facility for testing the thermal performance of stoves and emissions, gas and particles from stoves. Through these tests, the Centre’s students are able to scientifi cally assess, test, re-design, optimise and prepare for commercialisation a range of sustainable energy technologies, including basic household stoves. The Centre is increasingly recognised internationally for its ground-breaking work in developing testing protocols and a comprehensive database on bio-fuel stove emissions, in the context of ‘carbon trading’ assessments under the Kyoto Protocol. Simultaneously, internally developed coal stove designs promise large commercial opportunities for improved products that will reduce dangerous levels of air pollution in existing and new townships. The Centre is also currently testing various off-grid lighting options, including solar-powered batteries.

The SeTAR Centre, a multi-disciplinary energy research facility, evolved from UJ’s EnerKey Programme, a German- South African research initiative investigating the use of energy as a ‘key’ element for the sustainable development of the Gauteng megacity region.

_35 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Research Highlights

SeTAR’s research into improved bio-fuel domestic stoves takes into account social and economic issues such as differences in purchasing power and design preferences between urban and rural consumers; accessibility and affordability and the range of available fuel types, including liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and paraffin. It also addresses wider social, economic and political factors: for instance, does designing a better stove mean it can be produced and marketed profitably? If rural and urban areas seem to require somewhat different energy models, is it politically possible for government to articulate and act on this? With outside partners PEER Africa, SeTAR is also involved in a strong action research programme in social housing, which investigates large-scale delivery of integrated energy efficient, empowering, cost-optimised human settlement construction. The flagship project, in Atlantis in the Western Cape, consists of 2 000 dwellings. Public understanding and communication of science are important parts of the programme, as well as being topics of critical reflection and research within the Centre, in collaboration with FADA. The SeTAR Centre is housed within the Department of Geography, Environmental Management and Energy Studies in the Faculty of Science, with active participation from the University’s departments of Physics, Industrial Design, Mechanical Engineering and Quality and Operations Management. Graduate research programmes include a recently re-conceptualised part-time honours programme in Energy Studies, headed by Professor John Ledger, research master’s and doctoral programmes. External partners with whom the Centre collaborates include the recently established Energy Office within the Gauteng Department of Local Government and Housing; the Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development; the metropolitan councils of Tshwane, Ekurhuleni and Johannesburg; the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research’s (CSIR) Division of the Built Environment; Eskom; NGOs such as PEER Africa, the Sustainable Energy Society of Southern Africa (SESSA), Sustainable Energy Africa (SEA) and the Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection MISTRA( ). It is supported by the German Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). International research partnerships link the SeTAR Centre with the University of Stuttgart, Germany; The Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics, Germany; the Erasmus University, The Netherlands; the National University of Mongolia; the Universities of Zambia and Botswana; Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique; Musashino Art University, Japan; and the National Institute of Science, Communication and Information Resources, India. The Centre is increasingly recognised internationally for its ground-breaking work in developing testing protocols and a comprehensive database on bio-fuel stove emissions, in the context of ‘carbon trading’ assessments under the Kyoto Protocol.

36_ Currently mainly using cotton rag, sisal and banana stem fi bre, the Mill produces 100% acid- free archival paper for the conservation, heritage and art industries as well as archival storage folders, boxes and craft products.

THE PAPER RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT (PRDU) AND THE PHUMANI ARCHIVAL PAPER MILL The Paper Research and Development Unit (PRDU) was established in 1997 within the Fine Arts Department of what was then Technikon Johannesburg, with a particular focus on using the arts for economic and social development. Research into handmade paper from plant fi bres and cotton rag, and the development of a locally-made Hollander beater for creating paper pulp, led to a fi ve-year grant from the Department of Science and Technology in 1999 to establish Phumani Paper, a poverty- alleviation programme that set up 21 small craft enterprises in seven South African provinces. Ten of these enterprises are still functioning. The PRDU, which is associated with the University’s Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture (FADA), expanded to establish the Phumani Archival Paper Mill where much of its research is carried out; already, fi ve master’s students have focused their research projects in this area. With the support of the National Department of Arts and Culture and of the South African National Archives, the Mill was launched in November 2005 and is located on the University’s Doornfontein Campus. Currently mainly using cotton rag, sisal and banana stem fi bre, the Mill produces 100% acid-free archival paper for the conservation, heritage and art industries as well as archival storage folders, boxes and craft products. The unit conducts a range of research activities, often in collaboration with personnel from other sections of the University including Visual Art (where the lead researcher is based), the Faculty of Humanities and the departments of Chemistry and of Chemical and Mechanical Engineering. Collaboration with the Department of Engineering has included the refi nement of drying systems, presses and beaters. One area of research focus is the use of plant fi bres in making archival papers suitable for the conservation and art industries. In collaboration with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Johannesburg-based fi rm Demco Engineering and with Japanese papermaking expert Asao Shimura, who spent fi ve weeks at UJ in early 2010, the PRDU developed the ‘Fibre Master’ decorticator which is able to process fi bres such as banana stems and pineapple leaves, suitable for acid-free papermaking. Since 2009, with the support of a grant from the South African National Lottery, the PRDU and the Phumani Mill have been conducting training and technology-transfer to fi ve of the Phumani enterprises which will process and supply clean fi bre for the archival papermaking units. This project extends agri-waste benefi ciation, creates jobs and expands the range of archival papers available in South Africa. The PRDU and the Archival Paper Mill are involved in a number of other collaborations. These include contract research, workshops and artists’ collaborations, where artists are invited to create artwork using the medium of paper. The curators of the May 2011 FADA staff exhibition, “Collaborations/Articulations”, have included examples of these works in paper.








Buhlungu S 2010 A Paradox of Victory University of Kwazulu-Natal 978-186914-187-5

Bussin M 2010 The Remuneration Handbook for Africa Knowres Publishing 978-1-86922-170-6

Desai A Vahed G 2010 Monty Naicker: Between Shuter and Shooter 978-1-4306-0009-1 Reason and Treason

Frenkel R 2010 Reconsiderations: South African Indian UNISA 978-1-86888-548-0 Fiction and the Making of Race in Postcolonial Culture

Landsberg C 2010 The Diplomacy of Transformation: South Pan Macmillan 978-1-77010-170-8 African Foreign Policy and Statecraft

Marwala T 2010 Finite element model updating using Springer 978-1-84996-322-0 computational intelligence techniques

Steeb W-H Hardy Y 2010 Quantum Mechanics Using World Scientific 978-981-4307-16-1 Computer Algebra



Ardakani M Colavolpe G Dostert K 2010 Digital transmission Power Line Wiley 978-0-470-74030-9 195 Ferreira HC techniques Communications Fertonani D Swart TG Tonello AM Umehara D Vinck AJH

Beukes MP 2010 The poem as icon of Signergy John Benjamins 978-90-272-4345-4 225 the painting: poetic Publishing Co iconicity in Johannes Vermeer and Tom Gouws

Buckley SB Giannakopoulos A 2010 Using communities Knowledge-Based Information Science 978-1-61520-721-3 222 of practice to share Development for Reference (an imprint knowledge in a Cities and Societies of IGI Global) knowledge city

Buhlungu S 2010 Trade unions and the Trade Unions & Party HSRC Press 978-0-796 9-2306-6 191 politics of national Politics: Labour liberation in Africa: an Movements in Africa appraisal

Conradie CJ 2010 From icon to index and Signergy John Benjamins 978-90-272-4345-4 211 back: a 16th century Publishing Co description of a 'sea- bishop'

Conradie CJ 2010 Het Nederlands en Standaard-talen in Nodus Publikationen 978-3-89323-763-0 67 de standaardisering Beweging Munster van het Afrikaanse werkwoordssysteem

Dasoo N 2010 Nurturing teacher International Research Springer 978-90-481-8674-7 359 wellbeing through Handbook on Values values education Education and Student Wellbeing

Dawson MC 2010 "Phansi Privatisation! Popular Politics and Wits University Press 978-1-86814-518-8 266 Phansi!": The anti- Resistance Movements privatisation forum in South Africa and ideology in social movements

Dawson MC 2010 Resistance and Mobilising Social Pretoria University 978-0-9869857-0-6 101 repression: policing Justice in South Law Press protest in post- Africa: Perspectives apartheid South Africa from Researchers and Practitioners

Desai A Walsh S 2010 Knowledge and Learning From The Palgrave Macmillian 978-0-230-62103-9 35 power in South Africa: Ground Up: Global xenophobia and Perspectives on survival in the post- Social Movements apartheid state and Knowledge Production

Desai A Vahed G Padayachee V 2010 Between black and The Race to HSRC Press 978-0-7969-2319-6 222 white: a case study Transform: Sport in of the KwaZulu-Natal Post-Apartheid South cricket union Africa

Desai A Vahed G 2010 Beyond the nation? The Race to HSRC Press 978-0-7969-2319-6 176 Colour and class in Transform: Sport in South African cricket Post-Apartheid South Africa

40_ D−M


Desai A Veriava A 2010 Creepy crawlies, The Race to HSRC Press 978-0-7969-2319-6 14 portapools and the Transform: Sport in dam(n)s of swimming Post-Apartheid South transformation Africa

Desai A Maharaj B 2010 Debating the first and Zuma's Own Goal: Africa World Press 1-59221-796-6 37 second economy Losing South Africa's 'War on Poverty'

Desai A Nabbi Z 2010 Inside the 'House of The Race to HSRC Press 978-0-7969-2319-6 56 Pain': a case study of Transform: Sport in the Jaguars Rugby Post-Apartheid South Club Africa

Fosso-Kankeu E Mishra AK 2010 Metal-derived Smart Biomolecules in VBRI Press 978-81-920068-02 201 complexes for Medicine improved fight against bacteria

Frenkel R 2010 A history of cultural Eyes Across the UNISA 978-1-86888-572-5 314 negation in Indian Water: Navigating the Ocean literature: Julia Indian Ocean Blackburn's The Book of Colour and Lindsey Collen's The Rape of Sita

Friedman S 2010 A voice is heard in the Urban Diversity: Woodrow Wilson 978-0-8018-9801-3 341 city: inclusive cities Space, Culture and Centre Press and citizen voice Inclusive Pluralism in Cities Worldwide

Friedman S 2010 Gaining Citizen Action and Zed Books 978-1-84813-386-0 44 comprehensive National Policy AIDS treatment Reform: Making in South Africa: Change Happen the extraordinary 'ordinary'

Friedman S 2010 Government buy the Paying for Politics: Jacana Media 978-1-77009-784-1 155 people? Democracy Party Funding and and the private Political Change in funding of politics in South Africa and the South Africa Global South

Friedman S 2010 Seeing ourselves as Mbeki and After: Wits University Press 978-1-86814-502-7 163 others see us: racism, Reflections on the technique and the Legacy of Thabo Mbeki administration Mbeki

Gelb SR 2010 Macroeconomic policy Development University of 978-960-6672-86-6 32 and development: Dilemmas in Post- KwaZulu-Natal from crisis to crisis Apartheid South Africa

Geldenhuys D 2010 South Africa: the idea- Regional Leadership Ashgate 978-0754-679-127 151 driven foreign policy in the Global System: of a regional power Ideas, Interests and Strategies of Regional Powers

Habib A 2010 South Africa's foreign The Future of South Institute for Global 978-1-920216-26-9 34 policy: hegemonic Africa's Foreign Dialogue aspirations, neo- Policy: Continuity and liberal orientations Change? and global transformation

Johl R 2010 A view from the margins: Signergy John Benjamins 978-90-272-4345-4 101 theoretical contributions Publishing Co to an understanding of iconicity from the Afrikaans-speaking research community

Landsberg C 2010 Thabo Mbeki's legacy Mbeki and After: Wits University Press 978-1-86814-502-7 209 of transformational Reflections on the diplomacy Legacy of Thabo Mbeki

Landsberg C 2010 The emerging Africa The Future of South Institute for 978-1-920216-26-9 54 strategy of the Africa's Foreign Global Dialogue new Jacob Zuma Policy: Continuity and administration Change?

Metz TH 2010 The meaning of life Oxford Bibliographies Oxford University 978-0-19981-052-9 1 Online Press

Moore DB Mawowa S 2010 Mbimbos, Zvipamuzis The Political Economy Routledge 978-0-415-48039-0 317 and 'primitive of Africa accumulation' in Zimbabwe's violent mineral economy: crisis, chaos and the state

Motala E Vally S 2010 Class, 'race' and state Class in Education: Routledge 978-0-415-45027-0 87 in post-apartheid Knowledge, Pedagogy, education Subjectivity

_41 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Chapters in Books; Conference Proceedings



Motala E Vally S Spreen CA 2010 Transforming Zuma's Own Goal: Africa World Press Inc 1-59221-796-6 241 education and training Losing South Africa's or reconstituting 'War on Poverty' power and privilege?

Msagati TAM 2010 Physiological effects Smart Biomolecules in VBRI Press 978-81-920068-02 188 and potential clinical Medicine impact of veterinary therapeutic agents used as growth promoters to human health

Njobeh BP Dutton FM Hussaini MA 2010 Mycotoxins and human Smart Biomolecules in VBRI Press 978-81-920068-02 132 health: significance, Medicine prevention and control

Roestenburg WJH 2010 A South African Sozialarbeit des Paulo Freire Verlag 978-3-86585-905-1 241 perspective on Sűdens, Band 3: children in Kindheiten und street situations Kinderrechte

Sharma AK Mishra AK Mishra SB 2010 Chitosan Smart Biomolecules VBRI Press 978-81-920068-02 53 nanocomposites in Medicine for chronological disorders

Tanaka- Msagati TAM 2010 Binding interactions Smart Biomolecules VBRI Press 978-81-920068-02 230 Azevedo AM among drugs and in Medicine biomolecules with plasma proteins for clinical practices

Tiwari A Mishra SB Kobayashi H 2010 Chitosan in Smart Biomolecules VBRI Press 978-81-920068-02 178 therapeutics in Medicine

Tiwari A Mishra AK Kobayashi H 2010 Saccharides - Smart Biomolecules VBRI Press 978-81-920068-02 01 nanocarriers for drug in Medicine delivery

Tiwari AD Mishra AK Mishra SB 2010 Metal chelates in Smart Biomolecules VBRI Press 978-81-920068-02 80 Mamba BB biomedicals in Medicine

Tregenna F 2010 The dynamics of Globalisation and Oxford University 0-19-806910-3 137 manufacturing Development: A Press, India employment in South Handbook of New Africa Perspectives

Uys JM 2010 Dealing with The ISA Handbook of SAGE 978-1-84787-402-3 235 domination, division Diverse Sociological and diversity: the Traditions forging of a national sociological tradition in South Africa

Uys T 2010 Speaking truth A Global Approach Edward Elgar 978-1-84844-899-5 109 to power: the to Public Interest whistleblower as Disclosure organisational citizen in South Africa

Vally S Spreen CA 2010 The school-community The School as Canadian Magazine 978-1-926888-04-0 125 nexus in South Africa Community Hub: Publishers Beyond Education's Iron Cage

Van Breda AD 2010 The phenomenon and Sozialarbeit des Paulo Freire Verlag 978-3-86585-905-1 259 concerns of child- Sűdens, Band 3: headed households Kindheiten und in Africa Kinderrechte


Abe B Gidudu A Marwala T 2010 Investigating the effects of 2010 IEEE EEE 978-1-4244-9564-1 ensemble classification on International remotely sensed data for land Geoscience and cover mapping Remote Sensing Symposium. 25-30 July 2010, Hawaii

Abrahamse H 2010 Low intensity laser irradiation 8th International Medimond 978-88-7587-597-8 ameliorates stem cell based Congress of the World therapy for use in Association of Laser autologous grafts Therapy (WALT). 25-28 September 2010, Norway

42_ A−B


Afolabi AS Muzenda E Sigwadi R 2010 Effect of reagent parameters Uranium 2010: METSOC 1-894475-97-6 on recovery of South Africa Proceedings of the uranium ore 3rd International Conference on Uranium 40th Annual Hydrometallurgy Meeting. 5-18 August 2010, Canada

Aigbavboa CO Thwala WD 2010 From shack to homeownership: Quantity Surveying SACQSP 978-0-620-48105-2 South African government Conference 2010: responsibility to the The P8 Summit. 14-15 disadvantaged groups October 2010, East London

Aigbovba CO Thwala WD 2010 Post-occupancy evaluation The 5th Built ASOCSA 978-0-620-46703-2 of housing subsidy in Environment Johannesburg, Gauteng Conference. 18-20 July Province - beneficiaries' view 2010, Durban

Aigbovboa CO Thwala WD 2010 Post-occupancy experience of 1st International Kumasi University 978-9988-1-3859-2 housing subsidy beneficiaries in Postgraduate Research the Gauteng Province of Conference on the South Africa Built Environment. 3-4 June 2010, Ghana

Amory A 2010 Use of information and ED-MEDIA 2010 AACE 1-880094-73-8 communication technology World Conference in teaching, learning and on Educational administration in the Gauteng Multimedia, Department of Education, Hypermedia & South Africa Telecommunications. 29 June - 2 July 2010, Canada

Anderson G Marwala T Nelwamondo FV 2010 A response surface 2010 IEEE IEEE 978-1-4244-6587-3 methodology approach to International operating system scheduler Conference on tuning Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 10-13 October 2010, Turkey

Anderson G Marwala T Nelwamondo FV 2010 Application of global and one- 21st Annual University of Cape 978-0-7992-2470-2 dimensional local optimisation Symposium of the Town to operating system Pattern Recognition scheduler tuning Association of South Africa (PRASA). 22-23 November 2010, Stellenbosch

Badiger C Shukla M Mishra SB 2010 Prediction of Young's Modulus International Research Publishing 978-981-08-7716-3 of defective single wall carbon Conference on Carbon Services nanotubes using finite Nanotechnology: element analysis Potential and Challenges. 15-17 December 2010, Kanpur

Barnett TD Ehlers EM 2010 Cloud computing for synergised Proceedings of the Delft University of 978-90-5155-060-3 emotional model evolution in 8th International Technology multi-agent learning systems Symposium on Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering - TMCE 2010 - Vol.2. 12-16 April, Italy

Berndt AD Klopper HB 2010 Measuring retail efficiency Global Business GBATA 1-932917-06-3 and Technology Association: 12th Annual International Conference. 5-9 July 2010, Mpumalanga

Bester JJ Kruger D 2010 Curing of concrete patch 13th International University of Minho 978-972-99179-4-3 repairs: its effect on ultrasonic Conference on pulse velocity Polymers in Concrete ICPIC 2010. 11-12 February 2010, Portugal

Breytenbach A 2010 A mammoth task: developing ConnectED 2nd UNSW 978-0-646-54506-6 and strengthening design International research in South Africa at a Conference on Design national level Education. 28 June-1 July 2010, Australia

Bruwer CPC Dundu M 2010 Structural behaviour of Proceedings of the Research Publishing 978-981-08-6218-3 composite concrete-steel slabs 4th International Services Conference on Steel and Composite Structures. 21-23 July 2010, Australia

_43 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Conference Proceedings



Buckley S Giannakopoulos 2010 Sharing knowledge in a The Proceedings of Academic Publishing 978-1-906638-59-7 A knowledge city using CoPs the 2nd European Limited Conference on Intellectual Capital. 29-30 March 2010, Portugal

Burford S Fourie D Meyer J 2010 Management system for a 25th International IME 978-0-620-46582-3 solar powered long endurance Conference of CAD/ unmanned aerial system CAM Robotics and Factories of the Future. 13-16 July 2010, Pretoria

Bwalya KJ Du Plessis T Rensleigh C 2010 Consolidating the law of supply Proceedings of the Academic Publishing 978-1-906638-77-1 and demand in e-government 6th International Limited implementation: case Conference on of Botswana e-Government. 30 September-1 October 2010, Cape Town

Chen HJ Rensleigh C 2010 Online community portals as Proceedings of Cape Peninsula 978-0-620-48797-9 information resource conduits the 12th Annual University of for small retail businesses Conference on Technology World Wide Web Applications. 21-23 September 2010, Durban

Cheng L Ferreira HC Broere I 2010 Moment balancing templates 2010 IEEE IEEE 978-1-4244-6960-4 for (d, k) constrained codes International Symposium on Information Theory. 13-18 June 2010, USA

Chetty J Coetzee M 2010 Towards an information security Proceedings of IEEE 978-1-4244-5495-2 framework for service- Information Security oriented architecture South Africa (ISSA 2010). 2-4 August 2010, Sandton

Chrysler-Fox P Roodt G Schurink W 2010 Changing measurement Pan-Pacific Conference PPBA 1-931649-26-X domains in human resource XXVII: Managing and management Competing in the New World Economic Order. 31 May-2June 2010, Indonesia

Claassens SD Meyer J Du Plessis F 2010 A software framework for the 25th International IME 978-0-620-46582-3 rapid development of UAV Conference of CAD/ systems CAM Robotics and Factories of the Future. 13-16 July 2010, Pretoria

Conradie E Robert-Lombard Klopper HB 2010 Internal marketing elements' Global Business GBATA 1-932917-06-3 M influence on the brand and Technology awareness of selected car rental Association: 12th companies in South Africa Annual International Conference. 5-9 July 2010, Mpumalanga

Coulter DA Ehlers EM 2010 Cellular automata and 12th International Springer 978-3-642-16097-4 immunity amplified stochastic Conference on diffusion search Principles of Practice in Multi-Agent Systems (PRIMA 2009): Advances in Practical Multi-Agent Systems. Japan

Coulter DA Ehlers EM 2010 Collaboration coordination via Proceedings of the Delft University of 978-90-5155-060-3 cellular automata 8th International Technology Symposium on Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering - TMCE 2010 - Vol.2. 12-16 April, Italy

De Braine R Roodt G 2010 Moderators of the Pan-Pacific Conference PPBA 1-931649-26-X relationship between job XXVII: Managing and demands, job resources and Competing in the word-based identity New World Economic Order. 31 May-2 June 2010, Indonesia

De Bruyn HEC Rossow D 2010 Drivers, forces and factors in The SAIMS 22nd South African Institute 978-086-810-4652 the business environment Annual Conference: of Management A Discourse on Scientists the Influence of Management. Does it matter? 12-15 September 2010, Grahamstown

44_ D−E


De Meyer CF Mostert PG 2010 Determining the underlying The SAIMS 22nd South African Institute 978-086-810-4652 factors passengers consider Annual Conference: of Management when selecting a South African A Discourse on Scientists domestic passenger airline: an the Influence of exploratory study Management. Does it matter? 12-15 September 2010, Grahamstown

Dos Santos MAO 2010 An exploratory study examining Global Business GBATA 1-932917-06-3 the knowledge stage of the and Technology innovation decision process Association: 12th proposed by Rogers in relation Annual International to the adoption of global Conference. 5-9 July warming by South 2010, Mpumalanga African consumers

Drotskie A Viljoen R 2010 Causality between employee The SAIMS 22nd South African Institute 978-086-810-4652 engagement and customer Annual Conference: of Management experience within the context A Discourse on Scientists of organisational culture the Influence of and climate Management. Does it matter? 12-15 September 2010, Grahamstown

Du Plessis L Roberts- 2010 Retaining customers in the The SAIMS 22nd South African Institute 978-086-810-4652 Lombard M South African long-term Annual Conference: of Management insurance industry - a case A Discourse on Scientists study perspective the Influence of Management. Does it matter? 12-15 September 2010, Grahamstown

Du Toit ASA De Villiers CJ 2010 Developing a knowledge Global Business GBATA 1-932917-06-3 management strategy for a and Technology life-insurance company: a South Association: 12th African case study Annual International Conference. 5-9 July 2010, Mpumalanga

Du Toit ASA Steyn PJ 2010 Knowledge management as 4th International IBC 978-0-620-47495-5 an indispensable component Business Conference: of a South African technology- Strategic, Innovation oriented enterprise's and Knowledge business strategy Management. 13-14 October 2010, Zambia

Duma M Twala B Marwala T 2010 Classification performance 2010 International IEEE 978-1-4244-8948-0 Nelwamondo FV measure using missing Conference on insurance data: a comparison Computer and between supervised Computational learning models Intelligence. 25-26 December, China

Durand F 2010 The courage to face empirical Proceedings of the Research Institute for 978-1-86888-545-9 reality: a biological perspective 14th Conference of Theology and Religion the South African Science and Religion Forum (SASRF). 28-29 August 2008, Pretoria Published 2009 in The Evolutionary Roots of Religion

Durand F 2010 The rise of the human Proceedings of the Research Institute for 978-1-86888-65-55 predator and the transcendence 16th Conference of Theology and Religion of consciousness the South African Science and Religion Forum (SASRF) of the Research Institute for Theology and Religion. 2-3 September 2010, Pretoria

Ellefsen ID von Solms SH 2010 Critical information 4th IFIP WG 11.10 Springer 978-3-642-16805-5 infrastructure protection International in the developing world Conference on Critical Infrastructure Protection, ICCIP 2010. 15-17 March 2010, USA

Ellefsen ID Von Solms SH 2010 C-SAW: critical information 9th IFIP TC 9 Springer 978-3-642-15478-2 infrastructure protection International through simplification Conference, HCC9 2010 & 1st IFIP TC 11 International Conference, CIP 2010. 20-23 September 2010, Australia

_45 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Conference Proceedings



Ellefsen ID Von Solms SH 2010 The community-oriented IST-Africa 2010 IEEE Explore/IST 978-1-905824-15-1 computer security, advisory and Conference Africa warning team Proceedings. 19-21 May 2010, Durban

Erasmus E Pretorius JHC Pretorius L 2010 Using virtual team project PICMET '10: PICMET 1-890843-22-9 communication as a means Proceedings: of predicting virtual Technology team effectiveness Management for Global Economic Growth 18-22 July, Thailand

Farber L Makela M 2010 Exploring through practice: On Making: RC-VIAD 978-620-49738-1 connecting global practice-led Integrating research approaches with South Approaches to African production Practice-Led Research in Art and Design. 15-16 October 2010, Johannesburg

Fatoki OO Roberts- 2010 Debt and solvency of The SAIMS 22nd South African Institute 978-086-810-4652 Lombard M SMEs in South Africa Annual Conference: of Management A Discourse on Scientists the Influence of Management. Does it matter? 12-15 September 2010, Grahamstown

Furrutter M Meyer J Du Plessis F 2010 A fuzzy management strategy 25th International IME 978-0-620-46582-3 for a fuel cell/battery hybrid Conference of CAD/ power system CAM Robotics and Factories of the Future 13-16 July 2010, Pretoria

Giannakoploulos Buckley S 2010 Managing research The SAIMS 22nd South African Institute 978-086-810-4652 A at a university Annual Conference: of Management A Discourse on Scientists the Influence of Management. Does it matter? 12-15 September 2010, Grahamstown

Gippius AA Baenitz M Rajarajan AK 2010 Magnetic resonance on 25th International IOP Publishing LTD 1742-6596 Bruening EM correlated semimetals: the case Conference on Low Okhotnikov K of U2Ru2Sn, CeRu4Sn6 Temperature Physics Walstedt R and FeSb2 (LT25) Published Strydom AM 6-13 August 2008, Mydosh J Netherlands Steglich F

Goliath-Yarde L Roodt G 2010 Differential item functioning Pan-Pacific Conference PPBA 1-931649-26-X of the UWES-17 in a culturally XXVII: Managing and diverse context Competing in the New World Economic Order 31 May-2 June 2010, Indonesia

Gray BL 2010 Making findings and making do: On Making: RC-VIAD 978-620-49738-1 social distance in Speak English Integrating to me (2007/2008) Approaches to Practice-Led Research in Art and Design 15-16 October 2010, Johannesburg

Grobler CP Louwrens CP 2010 Digital evidence Proceedings of the IEEE 978-1-4244-5494-5 management plan Information Security South Africa (ISSA 2010) 2-4 August 2010, Sandton

Grobler CP Louwrens CP Von Solms SH 2010 A framework to guide the 5th International IEEE Conference 978-0-7695-3965-2 implementation of pro- Conference on Publishing Services active digital forensics in Availability, Reliability organisations and Security (ARES 2010) 15-18 February 2010, Poland

Grobler CP Louwrens CP Von Solms SH 2010 A multi-component view of 5th International IEEE Conference 978-0-7695-3965-2 digital forensics Conference on Publishing Services Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2010) 15-18 February 2010, Poland

Grobler CP Louwrens CP 2010 A high-level integrated view of Proceedings of the IEEE 978-1-4244-5493-8 digital forensics 2010 Information Security for South Africa (ISSA 2010) Conference 2-4 August 2010, Johannesburg

46_ G−J


Groenewald D Van Vuuren JJ 2010 South African businesses: The SAIMS 22nd South African Institute 978-086-810-4652 one step closer to Annual Conference: of Management becoming entrepreneurial A Discourse on Scientists the Influence of Management. Does it matter? 12-15 September 2010, Grahamstown

Guy MD Abron L Annegarn H 2010 An assessment of the International Cape Peninsula 978-0-9814311-2-3 application of the IEEECOTM Conference on University of methodology to achieve energy Domestic Use of Technology efficiency and sustainability in Energy. 29-31 March housing for the poor 2010, Cape Town

Hamad OF Marwala T 2010 Enhanced-delivery overlay WASET 2010: Academic Science 1307-6892 multicasting scheme by International Research optimising bandwidth and Conference on latency discrepancy ratios Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. 28-29 September 2010, Netherlands

Hardy CH Nel AL 2010 Detection of hazardous storms Proceedings of SPIE: SPIE 978-0-819483447 over South Africa using MSG/ Remote Sensing SEVIRI image data of Clouds and the Atmosphere. 20-23 September 2010, France

Henning PJF Pretorius L Laubscher R 2010 Numerical evaluation of energy ASME International ASME 978-0-7918-3891-4 absorption for composite Mechanical aluminium tubes Engineering Congress and Exposition 12-18 November 2010, Canada

Heymann R Ferreira HC 2010 Using tree structures to International IEEE 978-1-4244-5010-7 resynchronise permutation Symposium on Power codes Line Communications and its Applications. 28-31 March 2010, Brazil

Hobbs J 2010 From practice to discipline On Making: RC-VIAD 978-620-49738-1 Integrating Approaches to Practice-Led Research in Art and Design. 15-16 October 2010, Johannesburg

Houreld NN Sekhejane PR Abrahamse H 2010 Low intensity laser irradiation 8th International Medimond 978-88-7587-597-8 stimulates healing in Congress of the World stressed models Association of Laser Therapy (WALT) 25-28 September 2010, Norway

Ionescu D 2010 HIV/AIDS impact on student life INTED 2010: IATED 978-64-613-5538-9 International Technology, Education and Development Conference 8-10 March, Spain

Ionescu D 2010 Strategy for engineering INTED 2010: IATED 978-64-613-5538-9 education of woman in International South African Technology, Education underprivileged communities and Development Conference 8-10 March, Spain

Jacobs C Roodt G 2010 Key predictors in a model of Pan-Pacific Conference PPBA 1-931649-26-X agent performance in XXVII: Managing and contact centres Competing in the New World Economic Order 31 May-2 June 2010, Indonesia

Jalama K Coville NJ Hutchings GJ 2010 Effect of the addition of Au on a The 3rd Technology Khon Kaen University 976-616-7 Co/Al2O3 catalyst for use in the and Innovation Fischer-Tröpsch Reaction for Sustainable Development International Conference 4-6 March 2010, Thailand

Jalama K Jewell L Muzenda E 2010 Reduction of cobalt The 3rd Technology Khon Kaen University 976-616-7 Belaid M Fischer-Tröpsch catalyst and Innovation Mollagee M using synthesis gas for Sustainable Ntuli F Development International Conference 4-6 March 2010, Thailand

_47 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Conference Proceedings



Jordan D Clarke WA 2010 Detecting scene obstruction 21st Annual University of Cape 978-0-7992-2470-2 in a monocular industrial Symposium of the Town computer vision based Pattern Recognition measuring system Association of South Africa (PRASA) 22-23 November 2010, Stellenbosch

Joseph M 2010 Using participation and IST-Africa 2010 IIMC 978-1-905824-15-1 participatory approaches Conference to introduce ICTs into rural Proceedings 19-21 communities May 2010, Durban

Joubert M Roodt G 2010 The generic management Pan-Pacific Conference PPBA 1-931649-26-X process conceptualised as a XXVII: Managing and value chain Competing in the New World Economic Order 31 May-2 June 2010, Indonesia

Kajee L 2010 Digital safe spaces: a critical 17th International Common Ground 1447-9494 take on two digital moments Conference on Publishers Learning: The International Journal of Learning

Kanakana MG Pretorius JHC Van Wyk B 2010 Lean six sigma framework to IEEE The 17th IEEE 978-1-4244-6483-8 improve throughput rate International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 29-31 October 2010, China

Kennedy C Goldman GA Bounds MM 2010 The use of consultants versus The SAIMS 22nd South African Institute 978-086-810-4652 independent strategy formation Annual Conference: of Management for small and medium business: A Discourse on Scientists preliminary findings the Influence of Management. Does it matter? 12-15 September 2010, Grahamstown

Kimemia DK Annegarn HJ Makonese T 2010 Characterisation of domestic International Cape Peninsula 978-0-9814311-2-3 Molapo V biomass combustion Conference on University of Robinson J technologies used in Setswetla, Domestic Use of Technology Alexandra Township, Gauteng Energy 29-31 March 2010, Cape Town

Kruger D Araujo M 2010 Case-study based comparison 13th International University of Minho 978-972-99179-4-3 of protection coatings available Conference on for reinforced concrete Polymers in Concrete ICPIC 2010 11-12 February 2010, Portugal

Kruger D Van der 2010 Development of an ultra- 13th International University of Minho 978-972-99179-4-3 Westhuizen M lightweight thin film polymer Conference on modified concrete material Polymers in Concrete ICPIC 2010 11-12 February 2010, Portugal

Kruger S Pretorius L 2010 An assessment of different ASME International ASME 978-0-7918-3879-2 boundary conditions in a Heat Transfer naturally ventilated venlo- Conference 8-13 type greenhouse August 2010, USA

Kruger S Pretorius L 2010 The effect of time-varying ASME International ASME 978-0-7918-3891-4 wind direction on the indoor Mechanical climate of a naturally Engineering Congress ventilated greenhouse and Exposition 12-18 November 2010, Canada

Kumar N Shukla M Patel RK 2010 Finite element modelling Proceedings ICTACEM Cygnus 978-93-80813-03-5 of erosive wear in abrasive 2010 5th International jet machining Conference on Theoretical, Applied Computational and Experimental Mechanics 27-29 December 2010, India

Laughton PA 2010 World data centres in e-science Proceedings of Cape Peninsula 978-0-620-48797-9 the 12th Annual University of Conference on Technology World Wide Web Applications 21-23 September 2010, Durban

48_ L−L


Lautenbach G 2010 A cross sectional survey to ED-MEDIA 2010 AACE 1-880094-73-8 explore the e-maturity of World Conference schools in Gauteng Province, on Educational South Africa Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications 29 June - 2 July 2010, Canada

Lavarack T Coetzee M 2010 A web services security The 5th International IEEE 978-0-9564263-6-9 policy assistant Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2010) 8-11 November 2010, England

Lavarack T Coetzee M 2010 Considering web services Proceedings of the IEEE 978-1-4244-5495-2 security policy compatibility 2010 Information Security for South Africa (ISSA 2010) Conference 2-4 August 2010, Johannesburg

Lee VH Clarke WA Roodt Y 2010 A new adaptive colorisation 21st Annual University of Cape 978-0-7992-2470-2 filter for video decompression Symposium of the Town Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa (PRASA) 22-23 November 2010, Stellenbosch

Leibstein J Findt AP Nel A 2010 Efficient texture classification 21st Annual University of Cape 978-0-7992-2470-2 using local binary patterns on a Symposium of the Town graphics processing unit Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa (PRASA) 22-23 November 2010, Stellenbosch

Leung WS Ehlers EM 2010 Fraud detection in Proceedings of the Delft University of 978-90-5155-060-3 virtual worlds 8th International Technology Symposium on Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering - TMCE 2010 - Vol.1 12-16 April, Italy

Lewis MP Ogra A 2010 An approach of geographic 18th International IEEE 978-1-4244-7302-1 information system (GIS) for Conference on good urban governance Geoinformatics 18-20 June 2010, China

Lingenfelder D Thomas A 2010 Stakeholder inclusiveness in 9th International MATE 978-953-246-109-1 sustainability reporting at South Conference on ZSEM African mining companies Corporate Social SRRNet Responsibility 16-18 June 2010, Croatia

Lodya JAL Seda T Strydom AM 2010 Characterisation of Fe/C International IOP Publishing 1742-6596 Manzini SS catalysts supported on Al2O3, Conference on SiO2 and TiO2 Magnetism (ICM 2009) 26-31 July 2009, Germany (Published February 2010 - in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series)

Lombard F 2010 A 'statistical' derivation of the Proceedings of SASA 978-0-620-48705-5 price of a call option the 52nd Annual Conference of the South African Statistical Association for 2010 (SASA 2010) 10-12 November 2010, Potchefstroom

Lomberg M Rupprecht SM 2010 The application of modifying 4th International SAIMM 978-1-920410-07-0 factors to the Merensky Reef Platinum Conference: and UG2 chromotite layer, Platinum in Transition: Bushveld complex "Boom or Bust" 11-14 October 2010, Sun City

Lubbe I 2010 Factors affecting prospective The SAIMS 22nd South African Institute 978-086-810-4652 students' choice when choosing Annual Conference: of Management a higher education institution in A Discourse on Scientists South Africa the Influence of Management. Does it matter? 12-15 September 2010, Grahamstown

_49 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Conference Proceedings



Luneta K Makonye P 2010 Learner mathematical thinking Proceedings of the University of KwaZulu- 978-92-990043-8-8 on Grade 12 introductory 18th Annual Meeting Natal differentiation: an analysis of of the Southern errors and misconceptions African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology - Crossing the boundaries 18-21 January 2010, KwaZulu-Natal

Madyira DM Bhamjee M 2010 Comparative study of the Proceedings of IASTED 978-0-88986-848-9 performance of displacement the 3rd ISASTED vs conventional ventilation African Conference using CFD on Modelling and Simulation 6-8 September 2010, Botswana

Magano D Gouws FE 2010 The relationship between Proceedings of The Platinum Press 978-1-86822-580-4 a disadvantaged home the 2009 Annual environment and the emotional Conference of the self-concept of adolescents: life Education Association orientation perspective of South Africa, EASA: Education: Making every voice count 13-16 January 2009, KwaZulu-Natal Published in 2010

Makube T 2010 Regulating energy demand and Putting a price on ERC 978-0-7992-2357-6 consumption in South Africa: is carbon. Economic carbon pricing sufficient? Instruments to Mitigate Climate Change in South Africa and Other Developing Countries 23-24 March 2010, Cape Town

Mallick K Coyanis M Witcomb M 2010 In-situ generation of Nanotech 2010: NSTI 978-1-4398-3401-5 Erasmus R paramagnetism during Technical Proceedings Strydom A polymerisation of the 2010 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference & Expo 21-24 June 2010, USA

Maluleke M Marnewick C 2010 Project reviews as a best PMSA Conference Project Management 978-1-920017-48-4 practice in multinational 2010: Review, Reflect, South Africa organisations - a case study Renew: 6th Biennial National Conference and Exhibition 6-8 September 2010, Johannesburg

Manuel RM Shlyagin MG Miridonoy SV 2010 Location of vibrational 4th European SPIE 978-0-819-480835 Meyer J disturbance using a serial array Workshop on Optical of identical low-finesse fibre Fibre Sensors 8-10 Fabry-Perot interferometers September 2010, Portugal

Maphalle ST Roberts R Nieuwenhuizen 2010 Perceived barriers experienced International University of 978-0-86970-677-0 C by township small, micro Conference on Johannesburg and medium enterprise Entrepreneuship entrepreneurs in Mamelodi and Small Business Development 27-28 January 2010, Soweto

Marnewick C Labuschagne L 2010 Benefits management PMI Research & Project Management 978-1-935589-13-6 in practice: an Education Conference Institute exploratory investigation 2010: Defining the Future of Project Management 11-14 July 2010, USA

Marnewick C 2010 Is there a light at the end of the The SAIMS 22nd South African Institute 978-086-810-4652 tunnel regarding IT projects? Annual Conference: of Management A Discourse on Scientists the Influence of Management. Does it matter? 12-15 September 2010, Grahamstown

Marnewick C Labuschagne L 2010 Linking project benefits PMSA Conference Project Management 978-1-920017-48-4 to strategic objectives: an 2010: Review, Reflect, South Africa exploratory investigation Renew: 6th Biennial National Conference and Exhibition 6-8 September 2010, Johannesburg

50_ M−M


Mawanga P Laubscher RF Janse van 2010 The effect of high speed Sustainable Fraunhofer Institute 978-3-942267-04-5 Rensburg N machining on the surface Production for integrity of certain Resource Efficiency titanium alloys and Ecomobility Manufacturing Colloquim (ICMC) 29- 30 September 2010, Germany

Mearns KF 2010 Using sustainable tourism International Tshwane University of 978-0-620-46397-3 indicators to determine the Conference: Global Technology sustainability of community- Sustainble Tourism based ecotourism ventures in 15-19 November 2010, Southern Africa Nelspruit

Meyer E Berndt A 2010 Service quality dimensions: the The SAIMS 22nd South African Institute 978-086-810-4652 case of an independent school Annual Conference: of Management A Discourse on Scientists the Influence of Management. Does it matter? 12-15 September 2010, Grahamstown

Millard D 2010 Analysing key challenges you 5th Legal, Security International 978-87-991395-8-6 will face when entering the and Privacy Issue Association of IT microinsurance market Conference (LSPI), Lawyers (IAITL) the 4th International Trade Law Conference (ITLC) and the 1st International Private Law Conference (IPLC) 2-5 November 2010, Spain

Mollagee M 2010 Prediction of exposure levels 6th International Common Ground 1832-3669 in an uncontrolled toxic Conference on Publishing gas release Technology, Knowledge and Society 15-17 January 2010, Germany (Published in the International Journal of Technology)

Moloto S Buckley S 2010 The acceptance of technology- The Proceedings Academic Publishing 978-1-906638-56-6 based knowledge management of the International Limited Reading UK systems by knowledge workers Conference on Information Management and Evaluation 25-26 March 2010, Cape Town

Mostert P Petzer DJ De Meyer CF 2010 Comparing service failure Global Business GBATA 1-932917-06-3 and service recovery in South and Technology African, United States and Association: 12th Irish restaurants Annual International Conference 5-9 July 2010, Mpumalanga

Mostert PG Petzer DJ De Meyer CF 2010 Customer complaint behaviour: The SAIMS 22nd South African Institute 978-086-810-4652 an exploratory study among Annual Conference: of Management restaurant patrons A Discourse on Scientists the Influence of Management. Does it matter? 12-15 September 2010, Grahamstown

Mpinganjira M 2010 Proactiveness towards barter Global Business GBATA 1-932917-06-3 trading: role of attitudes and Technology Association: 12th Annual International Conference 5-9 July 2010, Mpumalanga

Muzenda E 2010 An investigation into the WASET 2010: Academic Science 1307-6892 effects of water quality on International Research flotation performance Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 28-29 September 2010, Netherlands

Muzenda E Mollagee M Belaid M 2010 Computerised feasibility The 3rd Technology Khan Kaen University 976-616-7 Ntuli F studies and design of and Innovation Jalama K absorption systems using the for Sustainable UNIFAC group contribution Development method for activity International coefficient calculation Conference 4-6 March 2010, Thailand

_51 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Conference Proceedings



Muzenda E Afolabi AS 2010 Effect of oxygen and micro- WASET 2010: Academic Science 1307-6892 cracking on the flotation of low International Research grade nickel sulphide ore Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 28-29 September 2010, Netherlands

Muzenda E Afolabi AS 2010 Effect of temperature on WASET 2010: Academic Science 1307-6892 specific retention volumes International Research of selected volatile organic Conference on compounds using the gas Chemistry and liquid chromatographic Chemical Engineering technique revisited 28-29 September 2010, Netherlands

Muzenda E 2010 Phase equilibrium of volatile WASET 2010: Academic Science 1307-6892 organic compounds in International Research polymeric solvents using group Conference on contribution methods Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 28-29 September 2010, Netherlands

Muzenda E Belaid M Mollagee M 2010 Phase equilibrium of volatile The 3rd Technology Khon Kaen University 976-616-7 Ntuli F organic compounds in very and Innovation Jalama K dilute aqueous and polymeric for Sustainable Kabuba J systems using the Development UNIFAC model International Conference 4-6 March 2010, Thailand

Nieuwenhuizen C 2010 The profile of business The SAIMS 22nd South African Institute 978-086-810-4652 management academics at Annual Conference: of Management universities in South Africa A Discourse on Scientists the Influence of Management. Does it matter? 12-15 September 2010, Grahamstown

Njenga K Mohapi M 2010 BEE trends and competencies in 4th IDIA Conference: Monash South Africa 978-0-620-47590-7 informatics: IT governance and Exploring Success the BEE scorecard and Failure in Development Informatics: Innovation, Research and Practice 3-5 November 2010, Cape Town

Njenga K Brown I 2010 The case of improvisation in E-Government, Springer 978-3-642-15345-7 information security E-Services & Global risk management Processes: Joint IFIP TC 8 and TC 6 International Conference EGES and GISP 2010 20-23 September 2010, Australia

Nyembwe K De Beer D Bhero SW 2010 A conceptual framework for 24th Annual SAIIE- SAIIE 978-0-86970-686-2 the manufacturing of tooling Conference 6-8 by metal casting in refractory October 2010, moulds and shells produced by Gauteng rapid prototyping (rapid casting for tooling)

Opper A 2010 Undoing architecture On Making: RC-VIAD 978-0-620-49738-1 Integrating Approaches to Practice-Led Research in Art and Design 15-16 October 2010, Johannesburg

Papageorgiou E De Bruyn H 2010 Fast forward to a standard Proceedings of the 5th Academic Publishing 978-1-906638-75-7 business information system: European Conference Limited strategic business management on Innovation and tool for businesses in Entrepreneurship South Africa 16-17 September 2010, Greece

Paschen S Winkler H Nezu T 2010 A nisotrophy of the Kondo International IOP Publishing 1742-6596 Kriegisch M insulator CeRu4Sn6 Conference on Hilscher G Magnetism (ICM Custers J 2009) 26-31 July 2009, Prokofiev A Germany (Published Strydom AM February 2010 - in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series)

52_ P−P


Paton D 2010 The book arts as a community On Making: RC-VIAD 978-0-620-49738-1 of practice: some thoughts Integrating on the research project a Approaches to manifesto for the book, what Practice-Led Research will be the canon for the artists' in Art and Design book in the 21st century? 15-16 October 2010, Johannesburg

Perez M Rubin DM Marwala T 2010 A population-based incremental 2010 IEEE 26th IEEE 978-1-4244-8680-9 Scott LE learning approach to Convention of Stevens W microarray gene expression Electrical and feature selection Electronic Engineers 17-20 November 2010, Israel

Perez M Rubin DM Marwala T 2010 The fuzzy gene filter: an 23rd International Springer 3-642-13032-1 Scott LE adaptive fuzzy inference Conference Featherston J system for expression array on Industrial Stevens W feature selection Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems 1-4 June 2010, Spain

Petzer DJ Mostert PG Steyn TFJ 2010 Attitudes of South African and The SAIMS 22nd South African Institute 978-086-810-4652 United States students towards Annual Conference: of Management marketing practices: a country- A Discourse on Scientists of-origin (coo) perspective the Influence of Management. Does it matter? 12-15 September 2010, Grahamstown

Phetla TP Muzenda E 2010 A multi-stage sulphidisation WASET 2010: Academic Science 1307-6892 flotation procedure for a low International Research grade malachite copper ore Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 28-29 September 2010, Netherlands

Phetla TP Muzenda E Belaid M 2010 A study of the variables in the WASET 2010: Academic Science 1307-6892 optimisation of a platinum International Research precipitation process Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 28-29 September 2010, Netherlands

Postma D 2010 Being critical of technology: ECIS 2010: 18th ECIS 978-0-620-47172-5 an ant perspective European Conference on Information Systems: IT to Empower 7-9 June 2010, Pretoria

Postma D 2010 The politics of technological Proceedings of Academic Publishing 978-1-906638-56-6 design and implementation the International Limited Conference on Information Management and Evaluation 25-26 March 2010, Cape Town

Preller K 2010 Critical possibilities for On Making: RC-VIAD 978-620-49738-1 the encoding of labour in Integrating photography-based painting Approaches to Practice-Led Research in Art and Design 15-16 October 2010, Johannesburg

Prentice JSC 2010 The RK1GL2X3 method for WASET 2010: Academy Science 2070-3724 initial value problems in International Research ordinary differential equations Conference on Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Conference 29-31 January 2010, Cape Town

Pretorius L Pretorius JHC 2010 A systems dynamics case The 5th IEEE IEEE 978-1-4244-6566-8 study of competing optical International storage technologies under Conference on market uncertainty Management of Innovation and Technology 2-5 June 2010, Singapore

_53 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Conference Proceedings



Prinsloo ARE Alberts HL Strydom AM 2010 Electrical and thermal transport International IOP Publishing 1742-6596 properties of Cr-Si alloy Conference on single crystals Magnetism (ICM 2009) 26-31 July 2009, Germany (Published February 2010 - in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series)"

Ramdass KR Kruger DJ 2010 Assessment of the reasons IEEE The 17th IEEE 978-1-4244-6481-4 for failure and critical success International factors implementing CI Conference on Projects: case study results Industrial Engineering from the South African apparel and Engineering and manufacturing industry Management 29-31 October, China

Ramdass KR Kruger D 2010 The effect of time variations in 24th Annual SAIIE SAIIE 978-0-86970-686-2 assembly line balancing: lessons Conference: learned in the clothing industry Sustaining South in South Africa Africa's Global Competitiveness after 2010 6-8 October 2010, Gauteng

Ramdass KR 2010 Service quality in academia: a Proceedings of PICMET 1-890843-22-9 South African experience PICMET 2010: Technology Management for Global Economic Growth 18-22 July 2010, Thailand

Ramdass KR 2010 The impact of assembly line The SAIMS 22nd SAIMS 978-086-810-4652 balancing within the clothing Annual Conference: industry in South Africa A discourse on the influence of management. Does it matter? 12-15 September 2010, Grahamstown

Reddy L Alberts HL Prinsloo ARE 2010 Scaling of spin-density-wave International IOP Publishing 1742-6596 Strydom AM effects in the quantum critical Conference on (Cr86Ru14)1-xVx alloy system Magnetism (ICM 2009) 26-31 July 2009, Germany(Published February 2010 - in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series)

Redlinghuis A Rensleigh C 2010 Information protection when Proceedings of Cape Peninsula 978-0-620-48797-9 using internet banking services the 12th Annual University of and products Conference on Technology World Wide Web Applications 21-23 September 2010, Durban

Robbertse JL Lombard F 2010 Maximum likelihood estimation Proceedings of SASA 978-0-620-48705-5 for fractional gaussian noise the 52nd Annual Conference of the South African Statistical Association for 2010 (SASA 2010) 10-12 November 2010, Potchefstroom

Robinson J Pemberton- Makonese T 2010 Heterogeneous stove testing International Cape Peninsula 978-0-9814311-2-3 Pigott C Annegarn H protocols for emissions and Conference on University of thermal performance Domestic Use of Technology Energy 29-31 March 2010, Cape Town

Robinson P Walters B Clarke WA 2010 Sharpening and contrast 21st Annual University of Cape 978-0-7992-2470-2 enhancement of atmospheric Symposium of the Town turbulence degraded Pattern Recognition video sequences Association of South Africa (PRASA) 22-23 November 2010, Stellenbosch

Roodt Y Roos H Clarke WA 2010 Text segmentation and 21st Annual University of Cape 978-0-7992-2470-2 recognition in Symposium of the Town unconstrained imagery Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa (PRASA) 22-23 November 2010, Stellenbosch

Rupprechts M 2010 Safety considerations in Hard Rock Safe Safety SAIMM 978-1-920410-07-0 underground logistics - a look Conference: Zero at vertical, horizontal and in- Harm 4-6 August 2010, stope transportation systems Johannesburg

54_ S−T


Saxena KK Upadhyay AK Shukla M 2010 Evaluation of mechanical Proceedings ICTACEM Cygnus 978-93-80813-03-5 properties of carbon nanotube 2010 5th International reinforced polymer Conference on composite using molecular Theoretical, Applied dynamics simulation Computational and Experimental Mechanics

Shlyagin MG Castro LAA Manuel RM 2010 Long-range multiplexed sensors 27-29 December 2010, SPIE 978-0-819-480637 Miridonox SV based on identical Bragg India Proceedings gratings with ultra- of SPIE: Smart low reflectivity Sensor Phenomena, Technology, Networks and Systems 2010 8-10 March 2010, USA

Siddiqui TU Shukla M 2010 Experimental investigation International CMaS 2067-9288 and optimisation of Kerf Conference on characteristics in abrasive Manufacturing waterjet trepanning of thick Systems 11-12 Kevlar-Epoxy composites November 2010, Romania

Siddiqui TU Shukla M 2010 Modelling of depth of cut in 9th Asia-Pacific Transtech Publications 978-0-87849-267-1 abrasive waterjet cutting of Conference on thick Kevlar-Epoxy composites Advances in Materials Processing (APCMP2010) 7-10 June 2010, Australia

Simpson Z Janse van Van Ryneveld M 2010 Developing students as ASME International ASME 978-0-7918-3891-4 Rensburg N higher-order thinkers: analysing Mechanical student performance against Engineering Congress levels of cognitive demand in a and Exposition 12-18 material science course November 2010, Canada

Sondezi-Mhlungu Adroja DT Strydom AM 2010 Inelastic neutron scattering and International IOP Publishing 1742-6596 BM Kockelmann W specific heat CeCuGe Conference on Goremychkin EA Magnetism (ICM 2009) 26-31 July 2009, Germany (Published February 2010 - in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series)

Steyn P Du Toit ASA 2010 Just-in-time delivery of Proceedings of Academic Publishing 978-1-906638-71-9 knowledge at a technology- the 11th European Limited oriented enterprise Conference on Knowledge Management 2-3 September 2010, Portugal

Strydom AM Sondezi- 2010 Magnetic ordering in International IOP Publishing 1742-6596 Mhlungu BM hexagonal PrCuSi Conference on Magnetism (ICM 2009) 26-31 July 2009, Germany (Published February 2010 - in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series)

Tait BL 2010 Secure biometric multi-logon Global Security, Safety Springer 978-3-642-15716-5 system based on current & Sustainability. authentication technologies 6th International Conference, ICGS3 2010 1-3 September 2010, Portugal

Taub M 2010 The distance in-between On Making: RC-VIAD 978-620-49738-1 Passages & The Merensky Integrating Project: replicating practice as Approaches to research and affecting inter- Practice-Led Research modality as reflexive operations in Art and Design for practice-led research in the 15-16 October 2010, creative arts Johannesburg

Tchokonte MBT du Plessis P Kaczorowski D 2010 Electrical and thermodynamics International IOP Publishing 1742-6596 Strydom AM properties of RE8Pd24Sn Conference on Magnetism (ICM 2009) 26-31 July 2009, Germany (Published February 2010 - in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series)"

Thwala WD Phaladi MJ 2010 Small and medium size CIB 2010 World CIB 978-1-905732-91-3 contractors in South Africa: Congress 10-13 May Fifteen years of learning 2010, England

_55 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Conference Proceedings



Tolnai A Von Solms SH 2010 A virtualised environment The 5th International IEEE 978-0-9564263-6-9 security (VES) model for a Conference for secure virtualised environment Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2010) 8-11 November 2010, England

Tolnai A Von Solms SH 2010 Managing some security risks 5th International IEEE Conference 978-0-7695-4236-2 related to the deployment of Conference on Publishing Services multifarious authentication Broadband, Wireless and authorisation in a Computing, virtualised environment Communication & Applications 4-6 November 2010, Japan

Tolnai A Von Solms SH 2010 Securing the cloud's core Fifth International IEEE Conference 978-0-7695-4236-2 virtual infrastructure Conference on Publishing Services Broadband, Wireless Computing, Communication & Applications 4-6 November 2010, Japan

Tolnai A Von Solms SH 2010 Securing the core virtual Proceedings of Cape Peninsula 978-0-620-48797-9 infrastructure to ensure a the 12th Annual University of secure cloud computing Conference on Technology environment World Wide Web Applications 21-23 September 2010, Durban

Van der Merwe Clarke WA 2010 An examination of weighted 21st Annual University of Cape 978-0-7992-2470-2 JW cost aggregation methods for Symposium of the Town local stereo matching Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa (PRASA) 22-23 November 2010, Stellenbosch

Van Tonder P Kruger D Jones B 2010 Fluorinated nano-fibres Proceedings of the Rilem Publications 978-2-35158-096-7 and corrosion 2nd International Symposium on Service Life Design for Infrastructure 4-6 October 2010, Netherlands

Van Tonder P Kruger D Shihambi M 2010 Tensile strength of nano-fibre Proceedings of the Rilem Publications 978-2-35158-096-7 reinforced concrete 2nd International repair material Symposium on Service Life Design for Infrastructure 4-6 October 2010, Netherlands

Van Trotsenburg S Laubscher RF 2010 The effect of high speed Proceedings GCCE 978-0-7972-1322-7 machining on the surface International integrity of certain Conference on titanium alloys Competitive Manufacturing (COMA) 3-5 February 2010, Stellenbosch

Venter E Pretorius JHC Kock RG 2010 Evaluation of assessment 14th International IEEE 978-1-4244-7245-1 methods used to analyse Conference on measured power quality Harmonics and Quality performance within the South of Power 26-29 African context September 2010, Italy

Verwey S 2010 Re-conceptualising the role of 4th Biennial Academy of World 978-0-9752272-3-7 the communication professional Conference of the Business, Marketing within a post-modern Academy of World & Management organisational paradigm Business, Marketing Development and Management Development 12-15 July 2010, Finland

Viljoen JMM Blaauw PF 2010 Do waiters get their fair Economics Themes Athens Institude 978-960-6672-86-6 share? Case study on working I - Publication of the for Education and conditions of waiters in 3rd International Research Kempton Park (South Africa) Conference on Economic Theory, Policy and Applications 4-7 August 2008, Greece (Published in 2010)

Von Solms SH 2010 The five waves of information 25th IFIP TC 11 Springer 978-3-642-15256-6 security - from Kristain International Beckman to the present Information Security Conference, IFIP/Sec 2010 20-23 September 2010, Australia 56_ W−Z


Wilkens G Menasce D Meyer J 2010 Dynamic modelling of the solar 25th International IME 978-0-620-46582-3 power available for a solar Conference of CAD/ powered, unmanned aerial CAM Robotics and vehicle in flight Factories of the Future13-16 July 2010, Pretoria

Wolmarans JLP 2010 Immanent transcendence in a Proceedings of the University of South 978-1-86888-65-55 post-foundational religion: an 16th Conference Africa impossible dream? of the South Africa Science and Religion Forum (SASRF) of the Research Institute for Theology and Religion 2-3 September 2010, Pretoria

Xing B Gao W-J Nelwamondo FV 2010 Ant colony optimisation for 2010 IEEE World IEEE 978-1-4244-6917-8 Battle K automated storage and Congress on Marwala T retrieval system Computational Intelligence 18-23 July 2010, Spain

Xing B Gao W-J Battle K 2010 Ant stigmergy shop floor 2010 IEEE IEEE 978-1-4244-6587-3 Marwala T control architecture for International Nelwamondo FV intelligent product orientated Conference on manufacturing system Systems, Man and Cybernetics 10-13 October 2010, Turkey

Xing B Gao W-J Battle K 2010 Artificial intelligence in reverse 21st Annual University of Cape 978-0-7992-2470-2 Marwala T supply chain management Symposium of the Town Nelwamondo FV Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa (PRASA) 22-23 November 2010, Stellenbosch

Xing B Gao W-J Battle K 2010 Can ant algorithms make 2010 IEEE IEEE 978-1-4244-6587-3 Marwala T automated guided vehicle International Nelwamondo FV systems more intelligent? Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 10-13 October 2010, Turkey

Xing B Gao W-J Nelwamondo FV 2010 Cellular manufacturing system 2010 IEEE World IEEE 978-1-4244-6917-8 Battle K scheduling under fuzzy Congress on Marwala T constraints: a group Computational technology perspective Intelligence 18-23 July 2010, Spain

Xing B Gao W-J Battle K 2010 Intelligent travel route planning 2010 IEEE IEEE 978-1-4244-6587-3 Marwala T for bridge crane type of International Nelwamondo FV material handling equipment in Conference on cellular manufacturing Systems, Man and Cybernetics 10-13 October 2010, Turkey

Xing B Gao W-J Nelwamondo FV 2010 Storage and retrieval machine World Automation World Automation 1-889335-42-8 Battle K travel route planning strategy in Congress - WAC 2010 Congress Marwala T an automated material 8th International handling environment Symposium on Manufacturing and Application (ISOMA) 201019-23 September 2010, Japan

Xing B Gao W-J Nelwamondo FV 2010 Swarm intelligence in cellular World Automation World Automation 1-889335-42-8 Battle K manufacturing: application Congress - WAC Congress Marwala T of hybrid ant system to 2010 International manufacturing cell machine Symposium on layout problem Soft Computing for Industry (ISSCI 2010)19-23 September 2010, Japan

Xing B Gao W-J Nelwamondo FV 2010 Two-stage inter-cell 1st International Springer 978-3-642-13494-4 Battle K layout design for cellular Conference, ICSI 2010: Marwala T manufacturing by using ant Advances in Swarm colony optimisation algorithms Intelligence 12-15 June 2010, China

Xing B Gao W-J Nelwamondo FV 2010 Part-machine clustering: the 7th International Springer 978-3-642-12989-6 Battle K comparison between adaptive Symposium on Neural Marwala T resonance theory neural Networks (ISNN 2010) network and ant colony system 6-9 June 2010, China

Zhu H Nel AL Clarke WA 2010 An extended pricing model for IEEE International IEEE 978-1-4244-8502-4 wireless oligopolies Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 7-10 December 2010, Macau

_57 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Journal Articles


UJ ACCREDITED RESEARCH OUTPUTS CLAIMED 2010 - JOURNAL ARTICLES YEAR, AUTHORS VOLUME ARTICLE TITLE JOURNAL CITATION INDEX & ISSUE Abbot P Goosen X Coetzee J 2010 Vol 8(1) Developing and supporting SA Journal of Human Resource South African Journals coordinators of structured Management mentoring schemes in South Africa

Abdel-Ghaffar KAS Ferreira HC Cheng L 2010 Vol Correcting deletions using linear IEEE Transactions on Information Theory ISI Journals 56(10) and cyclic codes October

Aberts W 2010 Vol Substantive and procedural South African Law Journal IBSS Journals 127(2) facets of honest concurrent use in South African trademark law

Abrahamse H Houreld NN Muller S 2010 Vol Fluence and wavelength of low Medical Technology SA South African Journals Ndlovu L 24(2) intensity laser irradiation affect December activity and proliferation of human adipose derived stem cells

Adroja DT Hillier AD Deen PP 2010 Vol Long-range ordering of reduced Physical Review B ISI Journals Strydom AM 82(5) magnetic moments in the spin- Muro Y gap compound CeOs2Al10 as Kajino J seen via muon spin relaxation Kockelmann WA and neutron scattering Takabatake T Anand VK Stewart JR Taylor J

Aguinis H De Bruin GP Cunningham D 2010 Vol 9(4) What does not kill you Academy of Management Learning ISI Journals Hall NL December (sometimes) makes you stronger: & Education Culpepper SA productivity fluctuations of Gottfredson RK journal editors

Agumba JN Fester FC 2010 Vol Participation in formal mentoring African Journal of Business Management ISI Journals 4(10) August programmes in the South African construction industry: a perspective of new knowledge workers

Alberts HL Prinsloo ARE Strydom AM 2010 Vol 322 Electrical transport and specific Journal of Magnetism and ISI Journals heat of a Cr+2.2 at% Al single Magnetic Materials crystal

Alberts W 2010 Vol The (positive) right to use a Stellenbosch Law Review South African Journals 21(3) trademark: the Kurt Geiger case

Alberts W 2010 Vol The scope of the fair dealing De Jure South African Journals 43(2) defence to copyright infringement in Australian law

Alexander PA 2010 Vol Class, subjectivity and South African Review of Sociology South African Journals 41(3) parochialism: a reflection and an introduction

Alexander PA 2010 March Rebellion of the poor: South Review of African Politcal Economy IBSS Journals Vol 37(123) Africa's service delivery protests - a preliminary analysis

Allie J 2009 Vol Benadeling van leerders Journal for Language Teaching South African Journals 43(1) June en opvoeders in laerskole in Eldoradopark: 'n psigolinguistiese/neurofilosofiese perspektief

Amory A 2010 Education technology and hidden Educational Technology & Society ISI Journals Vol 13(1) ideological contradictions January

Apon L Smit N 2010 Vol 2 Does a right to be appointed Journal of South African Law ISI Journals exist for designated groups? The boundaries of employment equity: revisited

Arderne C Kruger GJ 2010 Vol E66 Ethane-1,2-diammonium Acta Crystallographica Section E - ISI Journals dibromide: a redetermination Structure Reports Online at 100 K

Auriacombe CJ 2010 Vol Survey research: critical Journal of Public Administration IBSS Journals 45(3) considerations for questionnaire September construction

Baard N Thomas A 2010 Vol 8(1) Teleworking in South Africa: SA Journal of Human Resource South African Journals employee benefits and challenges Management

Bailie R Gutzmer J Strauss H 2010 Vol Sulfur isotope characteristics Mineralium Deposita ISI Journals Stüeken E 45(5) June of metamorphosed Zn-Cu McClung C volcanogenic massive sulfides in the Areachap Group, Northern Cape Province, South Africa

58_ B−B

YEAR, AUTHORS VOLUME ARTICLE TITLE JOURNAL CITATION INDEX & ISSUE Bailie R Gutzmer J Rajesh HM 2010 Vol 119 Lithogeochemistry as a tracer Lithos ISI Journals of the tectonic setting, lateral integrity and mineralisation of a highly metamorphosed mesoproterozoic volcanic arc sequence on the eastern margin of the Namaqua Province, South Africa

Baker A 2009 The importance of constructive Journal for Language Teaching South African Journals Vol 43(2) analysis in foreign language December learning with specific reference to Zulu-speaking learners of German

Barnhoorn IEJ Van Dyk JC Pieterse GM 2010 Vol 73 Intersex in feral indigenous Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety ISI Journals Bornman MS freshwater Oreachromis mossambicus from various parts in the Luvuvhu river, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Barrie GN 2010 Vol 3 Die soewereiniteit van die Britse Journal of South African Law ISI Journals parlement in 2010: is dit steeds soos Dicey dit uitgespel het?

Barrie GN 2009 Vol 34 Status of treaties entered South African Yearbook of South African Journals into with indigenous peoples International Law predating modern state practice

Barrie GN 2010 Vol 4 The constitutional crisis of the Journal of South African Law ISI Journals 1950s revisited

Beekman L 2010 Vol Taking hands with a farm- Education as Change ISI Journals 14(S1) school community in a career development project with a university department

Behrens KG 2010 Exploring African holism with Environmental Values ISI Journals Vol 19(4) respect to the environment November

Belyanin GA Rajesh HM Van Reenen DD 2010 Vol 95 Corundum + orthopyroxene American Mineralogist ISI Journals Mouri H ± spinel intergrowths in an ultrahigh temperature Al-Mg granulite from the Southern marginal zone, Limpopo Belt, South Africa

Bergman MM 2010 Vol 4(3) On concepts and paradigms in Journal of Mixed Methods Research ISI Journals July mixed methods research

Berndt AD Saunders SG Petzer DJ 2010 Vol Readiness for banking Southern African Business Review South African Journals 14(3) technologies in developing December countries

Beukes A-M 2010 Vol Opening the doors of education: Language Matters ISI Journals 41(2) language policy at the University of Johannesburg

Beukes MP 2010 Die paringspel van polariteite Tydskrif vir Letterkunde ISI Journals Vol 47(1) Autumn

Beukes S Nolte AGW Arries E 2010 Vol Value-sensitive clinical Health SA Gesondheid South African Journals 15(1) accompaniment in community nursing science

Bilchitz D 2010 Vol 125 Do corporations have positive Theoria: A Journal of Social and IBSS Journals December fundamental rights obligations? Political Theory

Bilchitz D 2010 Vol Is the constitutional court South African Law Journal IBSS Journals 127(4) wasting away the rights of the poor? Nokotyana v Ekurhuleni metropolitan municipality

Bilchitz D 2010 Vol The Ruggie framework: an Sur - International Journal on IBSS Journals 7(12) June adequate rubric for corporate Human Rights human rights obligations?

Blaauw PF Bothma LJ 2010 Vol 8(1) The impact of minimum SA Journal of Human Resource South African Journals wages for domestic workers in Management Bloemfontein, South Africa

Blanco G Rajesh HM Gaucher C 2010 Vol 180 Reply to the comment by Sánchez Precambrian Research ISI Journals Germs GJB Bettucci et al on: "Provenance Chemale F of the Arroyo del Soldado Group (Ediacaran to Cambrian, Uruguay): implications for the paleogeographic evolution of southwestern Gondwana" [Precambrian Res. 171 (2009) 57-73]

Boatwright JS Tilney PM Van Wyk B-E 2010 Vol Taxonomy of wiborgiella Systematic Botany ISI Journals 35(2) June (crotalarieae, fabaceae), a genus endemic to the greater Cape region of South Africa

_59 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Journal Articles


YEAR, AUTHORS VOLUME ARTICLE TITLE JOURNAL CITATION INDEX & ISSUE Bonga-Bonga L 2010 Vol Monetary policy and long-term International Business and Economics IBSS Journals 9(10) interest rates in South Africa Research Journal October

Bonga-Bonga L 2010 Vol The assessment of market risk Journal of Applied Business Research IBSS Journals 26(6) premium in South Africa November -December

Botha DM Petzer DJ 2010 Vol 7 Marketing challenges faced by Journal of Contemporary Management South African Journals South African banks expanding into other emerging markets

Botha I 2010 Vol A comparative analysis of the South African Journal of Economics ISI Journals 78(2) June synchronisation of business cycles for developed and developing economies with the world business cycle

Botha MM 2010 Vol The protection of whistle-blowers Obiter South African Journals 31(3) in the fight against fraud and corruption: a South African perspective

Breet L Myburgh C Poggenpoel M 2010 Vol The relationship between South African Journal of Education ISI Journals 30(4) the perception of own locus November of control and aggression of adolescent boys

Brits RM 2010 Vol A correction to "adjugates in Proceedings of the American ISI Journals 138(8) banach algebras" Mathematical Society August

Brüning EM Brando M Baenitz M 2010 Vol Low-temperature properties of Physical Review B ISI Journals Bentien A 82(8) CeRu4Sn6 from NMR and specific Strydom AM heat measurements: heavy Walstedt RE fermions emerging from a Steglich F Kondo-insulating state

Buckley S Du Toit ASA 2010 Vol Academics leave your ivory Educational Studies ISI Journals 36(5) tower: form communities December of practice

Büscher B 2010 Vol Anti-politics as political strategy: Development and Change ISI Journals 41(1) neoliberalism and transfrontier conservation in Southern Africa

Büscher B 2009 Vol 37 Connecting political economies Energy Policy ISI Journals of energy in South Africa

Büscher B 2010 Vol Derivative nature: interrogating Third World Quarterly ISI Journals 31(2) the value of conservation in "boundless Southern Africa"

Büscher B 2010 Vol Seeking 'telos' in the Environment and Planning A ISI Journals 42(3) 'transfrontier'? Neoliberalism and the transcending of community conservation in Southern Africa

Buntman F Buntman B 2010 Vol ‘Old Synagogue’ and apartheid South African Historical Journal ISI Journals 62(1) court: constructing a South African heritage site

Burger KM 2010 Vol 15 The 'visual spectacle' of soap Communitas: Journal for Community South African Journals opera and reality television Communication & Information Impact

Burgoyne AR Meijboom R Muller A 2010 Vol E66 Bis(dicyclohexyl- Acta Crystallographica Section E - ISI Journals Owaga phenylphosphine) - Structure Reports Online (Omondi) B silver(I) nitrate

Burgoyne AR Meijboom R Muller A 2010 Vol E66 trans-Carbonylchloridobis[tris(4- Acta Crystallographica Section E - ISI Journals Owaga chlorophenyl)phosphane] Structure Reports Online (Omondi) B rhodium(I) acetone monosolvate

Burke A Austin T-L 2010 Vol Early identification of borderline The Social Work Practitioner-Researcher South African Journals 22(3) personality disorder: a study of November abused adolescent girls

Burke A 2010 Vol The abuse of social science Journal of Public Administration IBSS Journals 45(3) research for political gain: the September apartheid system as case study

Burke A Austin T-L 2010 Vol The problem of identifying and Journal of Psychology in Africa ISI Journals 20(2) diagnosing adult attention deficit hyperactive disorder (AADHD): results and implications of a South African study

Burnett C 2010 Factors influencing the African Journal for Physical, Health South African Journals December recruitment of students for Education, Recreation and Dance Supplement university sport: the case of University of Johannesburg, South Africa

Burnett C 2010 Networking in the sport African Journal for Physical, Health South African Journals December delivery system in South African Education, Recreation and Dance Supplement universities

60_ B−C

YEAR, AUTHORS VOLUME ARTICLE TITLE JOURNAL CITATION INDEX & ISSUE Burnett C 2010 Profiling South African African Journal for Physical, Health South African Journals December universities for service delivery to Education, Recreation and Dance Supplement the sport industry

Burnett C 2010 Sports-related research trends at African Journal for Physical, Health South African Journals December South African universities Education, Recreation and Dance Supplement

Burnett C 2010 Student versus athletes: African Journal for Physical, Health South African Journals December professional socialisation in flux Education, Recreation and Dance Supplement

Burnett C 2010 Vol The role of the state in sport for African Journal for Physical, Health South African Journals 16(1) March development: a South African Education, Recreation and Dance scenario

Burnett C Peters CK Ngwenya P 2010 The special needs of student- African Journal for Physical, Health South African Journals December athletes in track and field: a case Education, Recreation and Dance Supplement study analysis

Burnett C 2010 Trends in sport participation at African Journal for Physical, Health South African Journals December South African universities Education, Recreation and Dance Supplement

Burnett-Louw C 2010 Vol Sport-for-development South African Journal for Research in ISI Journals 32(1) approaches in the South African Sport, Physical Education and Recreation context: a case study analysis

Buys A 2010 Vol Athi-Patra Ruga and the politics Critical Arts: A Journal South-North South African Journals 24(3) of context Cultural and Media Studies November

Buys A 2010 Vol 9(1) Black out Art South Africa South African Journals Spring

Calitz JC 2010 Vol Historical overview of state Fundamina: A Journal of Legal History South African Journals 16(2) regulation of South African insolvency law

Calitz JC Boraine A 2010 Vol 4 Some consequences of the Journal of South African Law ISI Journals National Credit Act 34 of 2005 on the proof of claims in insolvency law

Campbell A Bolton MA 2010 Vol 16 The Vhembe filter: a product for Image and Text South African Journals rural South Africa

Cao S Mishra R Pilla S 2010 Vol 82 Novel chitosan/gold- Carbohydrate Polymers ISI Journals Tripathi S MPA nanocomposite Pandey MK for sequence-specific Shah G oligonucleotide detection Mishra AK Prabaharan M Mishra SB Xin J Pandey RR Wu W Pandey AC Tiwari A

Cassa AM Van Zyl JE Laubscher RF 2010 A numerical investigation into the Urban Water Journal ISI Journals effect of pressure on holes and cracks in water supply pipes

Cassim FHI 2010 The challenge of treasury shares Acta Juridica South African Journals

Cassim FHI 2010 Vol The Companies Act 2008: SA Mercantile Law Journal South African Journals 22(2) an overview of a few of its core provisions

Ceruti C 2010 Vol One class or two? South African Review of Sociology South African Journals 41(2) The labour reserve and 'surplus population' in Marx and contemporary Soweto

Chabeli MM 2010 Vol Concept-mapping as a teaching Health SA Gesondheid South African Journals 15(1) method to facilitate critical thinking in nursing education: a review of the literature

Cheng L Ferreira HC Ouahada K 2010 Vol Moment balancing templates for IEEE Transactions on Information Theory ISI Journals 56(8) August spectral null codes

Chereni A Palmary I 2010 April Social development and The Social Work Practitioner-Researcher South African Journals Special migration in South Africa: Issue directions for further research in the region

Chetty E Gillan WDH 2010 Vol The short-term effects of PMMA South African Optometrist South African Journals 69(4) and RGP contact lens wear on keratometric behaviour: a pilot study

Chetty E Gillan WDH 2010 Vol The short-term effects of South African Optometrist South African Journals 69(2) PMMA contact lens wear on keratometric behaviour: results for a single keratoconic cornea

_61 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Journal Articles


YEAR, AUTHORS VOLUME ARTICLE TITLE JOURNAL CITATION INDEX & ISSUE Chiloane GE Mayhew W 2010 Vol 8(1) Difficulties encountered by Gender and Behaviour IBSS Journals black women entrepreneurs in accessing training from the small enterprise development agency in South Africa

Clark C Burnett C 2010 The impact of football on the African Journal for Physical, Health South African Journals December socialisation of female student- Education, Recreation and Dance Supplement athletes in South Africa

Clark C Burnett C 2010 Upward social mobility through African Journal for Physical, Health South African Journals December women's soccer Education, Recreation and Dance Supplement

Cloete GS 2010 Vol From learning about to Administratio Publica South African Journals 18(1) April learning to be: outcomes- based public administration and management teaching and learning in a complex democratic developmental state

Cloete GS Habtemichael 2010 Vol Complexity thinking in the Politikon ISI Journals F 37(1) April fight against corruption: some perspectives from South Africa

Coetsee D 2010 Vol The role of accounting theory in Meditari: Accountancy Research South African Journals 18(1) the development of accounting principles

Coetzee AM Du Rand JA 2010 Vol A spirituality and "ethos Ekklesiastikos Pharos South African Journals 92(21) of circumcision" for the contemporary church

Coetzee E 2010 Vol Can the application of Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal IBSS Journals 13(3) human rights of the child in a criminal case result in a therapeutic outcome?

Coetzee W Johl CS 2009 Monitoring the standard Journal for Language Teaching South African Journals Vol 43(2) of a grade 12 English first December additional language reading, comprehension, summary and grammar paper

Collins K Van Breda AD 2010 Vol Academic support for first-year Social Work: A Professional Journal for South African Journals 46(1) March social work students in the Social Worker South Africa

Combrink A Irwin N Laudin G 2010 Vol High prevalence of hookah SAMJ South African Medical Journal ISI Journals Naidoo K 100(5) May smoking among secondary school Plagerson S students in a disadvantaged Mathee A community in Johannesburg

Conradie W Goranko V Vakarelov D 2010 Vol 8 Algorithmic correspondence and Journal of Applied Logic ISI Journals completeness in modal logic. V.Recursive extensions of SQEMA

Cook CA Smit NJ Davies J 2010 Vol Hemoproteids (apicomplexa: Journal of Parasitology ISI Journals 96(6) haemoproteidae) from South African tortoises (cryptodira: testudinidae)

Cornelius E 2010 Vol Plain language as Southern African Linguistics and Applied ISI Journals 28(2) alternative textualisation Language Studies

Corrigall M 2010 Vol Displacing and deflecting Critical Arts: A Journal South-North South African Journals 24(3) otherness: the subversion of Cultural and Media Studies November the dichotomised framework of the self and other in Lawrence Lemaonana’s Last Line of Defence

Corrigall M 2010 Vol 9(1) Re-imagining the self Art South Africa South African Journals Spring through colour

Corrigan BM Kneen M Geldenhuys CJ 2010 Vol Spatial changes in forest cover Southern Forests ISI Journals Van Wyk B-E 72(1) on the KwaNibela Peninsula, St Lucia, South Africa, during the period 1937 to 2008

Crafford D Avenant- 2010 Vol Bioaccumulation of non-essential Water SA ISI Journals Oldewage A 36(5) trace metals in tissues and organs of Clarias gariepinus (sharptooth catfish) from the Vaal River system - strontium, aluminium, lead and nickel

Croucamp P 2010 Vol Kompetrende regime-voorkeure Journal for Contemporary History South African Journals 35(3) en die nasionale verskiesing van December 2009 - die Thabo Mbeki-regime vis-a-vis die Jacob Zuma-regime

Curlik I Strydom AM Reiffers M 2010 Vol Point contact properties of Acta Physica Polocia A ISI Journals 118(5) R3Pd20X6 (R=La, Ce; X=Si, Ge) November cage compounds

62_ C−D

YEAR, AUTHORS VOLUME ARTICLE TITLE JOURNAL CITATION INDEX & ISSUE Czaun M Nelana SM Guzei IA 2010 Vol 363 An investigation of Cu(II) and Inorganica Chimica Acta ISI Journals Hasselgren C Ni(II)-catalysed hydrolysis of Håkansson M (di)imines Jagner S Lisensky G Darkwa J Nordlander E

Daemane ME Van Wyk B-E Moteetee AN 2010 Vol Checklist of ferns and seed plants Bothalia ISI Journals 40(2) of the Golden Gate Highlands National Park, South Africa

Das S Gupta R Kabundi A 2010 Vol The blessing of dimensionality Journal of Housing Research IBSS Journals 19(1) in forecasting real house price growth in the nine census divisions of the US

Dawson MC Buchner M 2010 Vol The cost of belonging: exploring Citizenship Studies ISI Journals 14(4) August class and citizenship in Soweto's water war

De Bruin GP Oelofse E 2010 Vol Factor and item response SA Journal of Industrial Psychology South African Journals 36(2) theory analysis of the protean and boundaryless career attitude scales

De Klerk ON Ankiewicz P Gross E 2010 Vol Poor communities as corporate Communicatio: South African Journal for South African Journals 36(3) stakeholders: a bottom-up Communication Theory and Research November research approach

De Swardt E Van Vuuren SF Van Zyl RL 2010 Vol Implementing a technology Acta Academica South African Journals Van Wyk B-E 42(3) learning programme in a school for learners with special educational needs: a case study

De Villiers BJ Tilney PM Van Wyk B-E 2010 Vol 129 Antimicrobial and antimalarial Journal of Ethnopharmacology ISI Journals activity of cussonia species (Araliceae)

De Villiers BJ 2010 Vol The taxonomic significance of leaf Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society ISI Journals 164(3) anatomical characters in Cussonia November and related genera (Araliaceae)

De Villiers DS 2010 Vol 3 Old "documents", "videotapes" Journal of South African Law ISI Journals and new "data messages" - a functional approach to the law of evidence (Part 1)

De Villiers DS 2010 Vol 4 Old "documents", "videotapes" Journal of South African Law ISI Journals and new "data messages" - a functional approach to the law of evidence (Part 2)

Deen PP Strydom AM Paschen S 2010 Vol Quantum fluctuations and Physical Review B ISI Journals Adroja DT 81(6) the magnetic ground state of Kockelmann W Ce3Pd20Si6 Rols S

Desai A 2010 Vol After the rainbow: following Review of African Political Economy IBSS Journals 37(123) the footsteps of the May 2008 March xenophobic violence

Desai A 2010 Vol Between the push and the shove: African Studies ISI Journals 69(3) the re-making of an African world December class city

Deshmukh A Kinage A Kumar R 2010 Vol 29 An efficient heterogeneous Polyhedron ISI Journals Meijboom R catalytic system for chemoselective hydrogenation of unsaturated ketones in aqueous medium

Deshmukh A Kinage A Kumar R 2010 Vol 333 Heterogenised Ru(II) Journal of Molecular ISI Journals Meijboom R phenanthroline complex for Catalysis A: Chemical chemoselective hydrogenation of diketones under biphasic aqueous medium

Deshmukh A Prashar AK Kinage AK 2010 Vol Ru(II) phenanthroline complex Industrial and Engineering ISI Journals Kumar R 49(23) as catalyst for chemoselective Chemistry Research Meijboom R hydrogenation of nitro-aryls in a green process

Desormeaux WJ Haynes TW Henning MA 2010 Vol 158 Total domination critical and Discrete Applied Mathematics ISI Journals stable graphs upon edge removal

Desormeaux WJ Haynes TW Henning MA 2010 Vol 310 Total domination stable graphs Discrete Mathematics ISI Journals upon edge addition

_63 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Journal Articles


YEAR, AUTHORS VOLUME ARTICLE TITLE JOURNAL CITATION INDEX & ISSUE Dirks PHGM Kibii JM Kuhn BF 2010 Vol 328 Geological setting and age of Science ISI Journals Steininger C April australopithecus sediba from Churchill SE Southern Africa Kramers JD Pickering R Farber DL Mériaux AS Herries AIR King GCP Berger LR

Dlamini NL Mbianda XY Szucs Z 2010 Vol Synthesis and characterisation European Cells and Materials ISI Journals Zeervaart J 19(1) of bisphosphonate conjugated carbon nanomaterials as potential treatment of secondary bone cancer

Dlamini NP Mamba BB Mulaba- 2010 Vol The effect of silica concentration Water SA ISI Journals Bafubiandi AF 36(4) July on the biosorption of Cu2+ and Co2+ from aqueous solutions mediated by strains of bacillus

Dockrat MAE Patel BAS 2010 Vol The pronunciation of the hidden Journal for Semitics South African Journals 19(2) U - an evaluation of the Ilahabadi and classical views

Dodd A 2010 Vol 8(3) A sensual relationship Art South Africa South African Journals Autumn

Dos Santos MAO 2010 Vol 4(1) Benefits derived by a major Journal of Transport and South African Journals November South African retailer through Supply Chain Management collaboration and innovation within its supply chain

Doyle AH 2010 Vol 55 Unhappily ever after - the Akroterion South African Journals December problem of Helen in Odyssey 4

Doyle AH 2010 Vol Monstrous motherhood and Ekklesiastikos Pharos South African Journals 92(21) its mythological antecedents – Clytemnestra in libation bearers

Dressler W Büscher B Schoon M 2010 Vol From hope to crisis and back Environmental Conservation ISI Journals Brockington D 37(1) again? A critical history of the Hayes T global CBNRM narrative Kull CA MacCarthy J Shrestha K

Drotskie A Herbst FJ 2010 Vol 7 The total customer Journal of Contemporary Management South African Journals experience as a sustainable strategic differentiator

Du Plessis P Majam T 2010 Vol Mixed method research - Journal of Public Administration IBSS Journals 45(3) a new paradigm? September

Du Plooy J Roodt G 2010 Vol Work engagement, burnout and SA Journal of Industrial Psychology South African Journals 36(1) related constructs as predictors of turnover intentions

Du Rand JA 2010 Vol Nearly neglected narratological Ekklesiastikos Pharos South African Journals 92(21) markers in the dramatic narrative of the Book of Revelation

Du Toit ASA Strauss AC 2010 Vol Competitive intelligence and Mousaion South African Journals 28(2) Africa's competitiveness: what's happening in South Africa?

Dunbar-Krige H Pillay J Henning E 2010 Vol (Re-)positioning educational Education as Change ISI Journals 14(S1) psychology in high-risk school communities

Dundu M 2010 Vol Proposed partial resistance Journal of the South African Institution ISI Journals 52(2) factors for the design of of Civil Engineering October welded structures

Durand JF Meeuvis J Fourie M 2010 Vol 6(1) The threat of mine effluent to the Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in South African Journals July UNESCO status of the Cradle of Southern Africa Humankind world heritage site

Dyubhele N Le Roux P Mears R 2009 Vol 8(2) Constraints to the economic Indilinga: African Journal of Indigenous South African Journals December activities of women in rural areas Knowledge Systems

Ejigu EK Lacquet PM 2010 Vol Design of reproducible polarised Journal of Optics ISI Journals 12(3) and non-polarised edge filters using genetic algorithm

Ejigu EK Lacquet PM 2010 Vol The use of a genetic algorithm in South African Journal of Science ISI Journals 106(7/8) optical thin film design July/Aug and optimisation

64_ E−G

YEAR, AUTHORS VOLUME ARTICLE TITLE JOURNAL CITATION INDEX & ISSUE Esberg J Kirseboom K Knudsen H 2010 Vol Experimental investigation of Physical Review D ISI Journals Thomsen HD 82(7) strong field trident production Uggerhoj E Uggerhoj UI Sona P Mangiarotti A Ketel TJ Dizdar A Dalton MM Ballestrero S Connell SH

Farber L 2010 Vol Africanising hybridity? Toward Critical Arts: A Journal South-North South African Journals 24(1) March an Afropolitan aesthetic in Cultural and Media Studies contemporary South African fashion design

Ferreira E Strydom J Nieuwenhuizen C 2010 Vol 7 The process of business Journal of Contemporary Management South African Journals assistance to small and medium enterprises in South Africa: preliminary findings

Ferreira ML Smit NJ Davies AJ 2010 Vol Gnathia grutterae sp. Zootaxa ISI Journals 2718 nov. (crustacea, isopoda, gnathiidae) parasitising representatives of the balistidae, labridae and tetraodontidae from Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Filippou F 2010 Vol The Ottoman occupation of the Ekklesiastikos Pharos South African Journals 92(21) Greek-European territories and the question of the land-registers Η οζωκαληθή θσρηαρτία ζηολ εσρωπαϊθό ειιαδηθό τώρο θαη ηο γαηοθηεηηθό θαζεζηώς Fore S Mbohwa C 2010 Vol 8(3) Cleaner production for Journal of Engineering, Design South African Journals environmentally conscious and Technology manufacturing in the foundry industry

Fosso-Kankeu E Mulaba- Mamba BB 2010 Vol 35 A comprehensive study of Physics and Chemistry of the Earth ISI Journals Bafubiondi AF Marjanovic L physical and physiological Barnard TG parametres that affect bio- sorption of metal pollutants from aqueous solutions

Fosso-Kankeu E Mulaba- Mamba BB 2010 Assessing the effectiveness of a Minerals Engineering ISI Journals Bafubiondi AF Marjanovic L biological recovery of nickel from Barnard TG tailing dumps

Fosso-Kankeu E Du Preez H Jaqals P 2010 Vol 8(4) Health implications of Journal of Water and Health ISI Journals lipopolysac-charide endotoxins in domestic container water used by rural households in South Africa

Fouché PSO Vlok W 2010 Vol Water quality impacts on African Journal of Aquatic Science ISI Journals 35(1) instream biota of the Shingwedzi River, South Africa

Frendrup A Henning MA Randerath B 2010 Vol 97A On a conjecture about inverse ARS Combinatoria ISI Journals Vestergaard PD domination in graphs

Frenkel R MacKenzie C 2010 Vol Conceptualising 'post- English Studies in Africa ISI Journals 53(1) May transitional' South African literature in English

Furner J 2010 Vol 124 Tacit consent without Theoria: A Journal of Social and IBSS Journals September political obligation Political Theory

Gaffoor S Cloete GS 2010 Vol Knowledge management in South African Journal of South African Journals 12(1) local government: the case of Information Management Stellenbosch Municipality

Gillian WDH 2010 Vol Tear biochemistry: a review South African Optometrist 69(2)

Goddard W Henning MA 2009 A characterisation of cubic Graphs and Cominatorics ISI Journals Vol 25(5) graphs with paired-domination November number three-fifths their order

Govender M Rogerson CM 2010 Vol 8(1) Volunteer tourism: an emerging Commonwealth Youth and Development South African Journals element of youth travel in Africa

Govender U Eiselen RJ 2010 Vol The impact of time allocated to Management Dynamics South African Journals 19(2) management activities on output Bestuursdinamika efficiency in the public sector

Graham L 2010 April Developing a Southern African The Social Work Practitioner-Researcher South African Journals Special research agenda on youth: Issue reshaping the paradigm

Gray BL 2010 Vol Making art in the wrong place: Critical Arts: A Journal South-North South African Journals 24(3) violence and intimacy in Speak Cultural and Media Studies November English To Me

_65 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Journal Articles


YEAR, AUTHORS VOLUME ARTICLE TITLE JOURNAL CITATION INDEX & ISSUE Gray CM Loubser S Kriel C 2010 Vol Immunology for clinicians: a Science ISI Journals Mercer M 329(5999) 'Trojan Horse' approach Brookes H September

Gray S 2010 Vol The Koodoo on our Kar(r)oo: Journal of Literary Studies South African Journals 26(2) June reclaiming and editing our literary heritage

Greenfield R van Vuren JHJ Wepener V 2010 Vol Bacterial levels in the Nyl River African Journal of Aquatic Science ISI Journals 35(1) system, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Grobler R 2009 Vol Learning motivation and time Acta Academica South African Journals 41(4) concept of learners from low socio-economic environments

Groenewald G 2010 Vol 7(3) Afrikaans as lingua franca in LitNet Akademies South African Journals December Namibie, ca. 1800-1920

Groenewald G 2010 Vol Slavery and the church in the South African Journal of Cultural History South African Journals 24(2) Stellenbosch district during the November eighteenth century

Gupta R Kabundi A 2010 Vol Forecasting macroeconomic Journal of Forecasting ISI Journals 29(1-2) variables in a small open January- economy: a comparison between March small-and large-scale models

Gupta R Kabundi A 2010 Vol 9(7) Forecasting the real US house International Business and Economics IBSS Journals July price: principal components Research Journal versus Bayesian regressions

Gupta R Kabundi A Modise MP 2010 Vol Has the SARB become more Economic Change and Restructuring IBSS Journals 43(3) effective post inflation targeting?

Gupta R Kabundi A Ziramba E 2010 Vol The effect of defence spending Defence and Peace Economics ISI Journals 21(2) April on US output: a factor augmented vector autoregression (favar) approach

Guro M Weber E 2010 Vol From policy to practice: South African Journal of Education ISI Journals 30(2) education reform in Mozambique and Marrere Teachers' Training College

Guse T Harvey C 2010 Vol Growing up with a sibling with Disability & Society ISI Journals 25(3) May dwarfism: perceptions of adult non-dwarf siblings

Guse T 2010 Vol Positive psychology and the SA Journal of Industrial Psychology South African Journals 36(2) training of psychologists: students' perspectives

Guy BM Beukes NJ Gutzmer J 2010 Vol Paleoenvironmental controls South African Journal of Geology ISI Journals 113(2) on the texture and chemical September composition of pyrite from non-conglomeratic sedimentary rocks of the mesoarchean Witwatersrand supergroup, South Africa

Guzei IA Spencer LC Miti N 2010 Vol E66 {Bis[2-(3,5 dimethylparazol- Acta Crystallographica Section E - ISI Journals Darkwa J 1-yl-κN2)-ethyl]amine-κN} Structure Reports Online chloridopalladium(II) chloride 0.25 hydrate

Guzei IA Spencer LC Yankey M 2010 Vol E66 Bis(2-hydroxyethanaminium) Acta Crystallographica Section E - ISI Journals Darkwa J tetrachloridopalladate(II) Structure Reports Online

Guzei IA Spencer LC Ainooson MK 2010 Vol Constructor graph description Acta Crystallographica Section C - ISI Journals Darkwa J C66 of the hydrogen-bonding Crystal Structure Communications supramolecular assembly in two ionic compounds: 2-(pyrazol- 1-yl)ethylammonium chloride and diaquadichloridobis (2-hydroxyethylammonium) cobal(II) dichloride

Guzei IA Spencer LC Ainooson MK 2010 Vol Intramolecular hydrogen bonding Acta Crystallographica Section C - ISI Journals Darkwa J C66 in dichloridobis (3,5-di-tert-butyl- Crystal Structure Communications 1H-pyrazole-κN2)cobalt(II) as a consequence of ligand steric bulk

Haarhoff J Vessal A 2010 Vol A falling-head procedure for the Water SA ISI Journals 36(1) measurement of filter January media sphericity

Habib A 2010 Vol The state of the nation and its Administratio Publica South African Journals 18(3) public service in contemporary September South Africa

Hadfield KA Bruce NL Smit NJ 2010 Vol Redescription of the monotypic Zootaxa ISI Journals 2437 genus cinusa schioedte and meinert, 1884 (isopoda, cymothoidae), a buccal-cavity isopod from South Africa

66_ H−H

YEAR, AUTHORS VOLUME ARTICLE TITLE JOURNAL CITATION INDEX & ISSUE Hampwaye G Rogerson CM 2010 Economic restructuring in the Urban Forum IBSS Journals Vol 21(4) Zambian copperbelt: local November responses in Ndola

Hanson S Patel L 2010 Linking the circles of violence: Practice: Social Work in Action IBSS Journals Vol 22(1) woman and child abuse in the February same family system in South Africa

Hardy Y Steeb W-H 2010 Vol Genetic algorithms and International Journal of Modern ISI Journals 21(11) optimisation problems in Physics C November quantum computing

Hardy Y Steeb W-H 2010 Vol Vec-Operator, Kronecker product International Journal of Algebra and ISI Journals 20(1) and entanglement Computation February

Harris WF 2010 Back- and front-vertex powers of Optometry and Vision Science ISI Journals Vol 87(1) astigmatic systems January

Harris WF 2010 Vol Cardinal points and Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics ISI Journals 30(4) generalisations

Harris WF 2010 Vol Generalised magnification in South African Optometrist South African Journals 69(3) visual optics. Part 1: magnification as linear transformation

Harris WF 2010 Vol Generalised magnification South African Optometrist South African Journals 69(4) in visual optics. Part 2: magnification as affine transformation

Harris WF 2010 Vol Nodes and nodal points in lines in Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics ISI Journals 30(1) eyes and other optical systems

Harris WF 2010 Vol Optical axes of catadioptric South African Optometrist South African Journals 69(3) systems including visual, purkinje and other nonvisual systems of a heterocentric astigmatic eye

Harris WF 2010 Vol Special rays and structures South African Optometrist South African Journals 69(2) in general optical systems: generalised magnifications associated with the fundamental properties

Harris WF 2010 Vol Symplecticity and relationships South African Optometrist South African Journals 69(1) among the fundamental properties in linear optics

Harris WF 2010 Vol Transferences of heterocentric Optometry and Vision Science ISI Journals 87(10) astigmatic catadioptric systems October including purkinje systems

Harris WF 2010 Vol Visual axes in eyes that may be Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics ISI Journals 30(2) astigmatic and have decentred elements

Hattingh JH Jonck E Joubert EJ 2010 Vol An upper bound on the total Journal of Combinatorial Optimisation ISI Journals 20(3) restrained domination number October of a tree

Hattingh JH Jonck E Joubert EJ 2010 Bounds on the total restrained Graphs and Cominatorics ISI Journals Vol 26(1) domination number of a graph January

Hattingh JH Joubert EJ 2009 Restrained domination in claw- Graphs and Cominatorics ISI Journals Vol 25(5) free graphs with minimum degree November at least two

Hattingh JH Joubert EJ Jonck E 2010 Vol 82 Total restrained domination in Utilitas Mathematica ISI Journals Plummer AR July unicyclic graphs

Heimann A Johnson CM Beard BL 2010 Vol 294 Fe, C, and O isotope compositions Earth and Planetary Science Letters ISI Journals Valley JW of banded iron formation carbonates Roden EE demonstrate major role for Spicuzza MJ dissimilatory iron reduction in ~2.5 Beukes NJ Ga marine environments

Heinzmann C Bergman MM 2010 Vol Social exclusion and poverty Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Soziologie IBSS Journals 36(3) between theory and empiricism: Revue Suisse de Sociologie- Swiss mapping two social Journal of Sociology science constructs

Henderson WJ 2010 Vol “This is life”: transcience and carpe Ekklesiastikos Pharos South African Journals 92(21) diem in Palladas of Alexandria

Henderson WJ 2010 Vol 55 The classical association of South Akroterion South African Journals December Africa: February 1979 - January 1981

Hendrickx B 2010 Vol The Peloponnesos after 1204: Ekklesiastikos Pharos South African Journals 92(21) questions on its role in the development of Hellenism and Greekness

Hendrickx B Molefe T 2010 Vol Dona Beatriz (Kimpa Vita): some new Ekklesiastikos Pharos South African Journals 92(21) considerations on her role and death in the kingdom of Kongo

_67 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Journal Articles


YEAR, AUTHORS VOLUME ARTICLE TITLE JOURNAL CITATION INDEX & ISSUE Hendrickx T 2010 Vol How "inhuman" was the Serbian Ekklesiastikos Pharos South African Journals 92(21) despot of Ioannina, Thomas Preloubovitz (1367 - 1384)? Πόζο „απάλζρωπος‟ ήηαλ ο _έρβος δεζπόηες ηωλ Ιωαλλίλωλ, Θωκάς Πρειηούκποβηης (1367-1384); Henning MA 2010 Vol 310 An upper bound on the paired- Discrete Mathematics ISI Journals domination number in terms of the number of edges in the graph

Henning MA Löwenstein C Rautenbach D 2010 Vol 158 Disjoint dominating and total Discrete Applied Mathematics ISI Journals Southey J dominating sets in graphs

Henning MA 2010 Vol 310 Erratum to: "local edge Discrete Mathematics ISI Journals domination critical graphs" [Discrete Math. 161 (1996) 175-184]

Henning MA Kazemi AP 2010 Vol 158 k-tuple total domination in graphs Discrete Applied Mathematics ISI Journals

Henning MA Yeo A 2010 Vol Strong transversals in SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics ISI Journals 24(4) hypergraphs and double total domination in graphs

Henrico R Smit N 2010 Vol The contract of employment in Obiter South African Journals 31(2) labour law: obstacle or panacea?

Hochfeld T Mupedziswa R Selipsky L 2010 April The social development approach The Social Work Practitioner-Researcher South African Journals Special in social work education in Issue Southern and East Africa

Hoffmann WA Myburgh CPH Poggenpoel M 2010 Vol The lived experiences of Health SA Gesondheid South African Journals 15(1) late-adolescent female suicide survivors: "A part of me died"

Hon E 2010 Vol 30 A ceramic pedigree Ceramics-Technical ISI Journals

Hoogenraad- Verhoef G 2010 Vol Die Suid-Afrikaanse Historia Journal of the Historical IBSS Journals Vermaak S 55(2) sakegemeenskap se rol ten Association of South Africa November opsigte van politieke mobilisering in die aanloop tot 'n nuwe Suid- Afrika, 1980-1992

Hopmann KH Stuurman NF Muller A 2010 Vol Substitution and isomerisation Organometallics ISI Journals Conradie J 29(11) of asymmetric β−δiketonato rhodium(I) complexes: a crystallographic and computational study

Houreld NN Sekhejane PR Abrahamse H 2010 Vol Irradiation at 830nm stimulates Lasers in Surgery and Medicine ISI Journals 42(6) August nitric oxide production and inhibits pro-inflammatory cytokines in diabetic wounded fibroblast cells

Houreld NN Abrahamse H 2010 Vol Low intensity laser irradiation Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics ISI Journals 12(12) stimulates wound healing in diabetic wounded fibroplast cells (WS1)

Howatson G 2010 Vol 20 The impact of damaging exercise Journal of Electromyography and ISI Journals on electromechanical delay in Kinesiology biceps brachii

Hues H Morgan KE 2010 Vol The raising of the flag in Education as Change ISI Journals 14(1) July 'Volkstaat' Orania: perspectives on a school ceremony

Hulley IM Viljoen AM Tilney PM 2010 Vol 76 Ethnobotany, leaf anatomy, South African Journal of Botany ISI Journals Van Vuuren SF essential oil composition and Kamatou GPP antibacterial activity of pteronia Van Wyk B-E onobromoides (asteraceae)

Human MP 2010 Vol A return to the picturesque: Journal of Literary Studies South African Journals 26(1) March reading the landscape in Lettie Viljoen's Landskap met vroue en slang

Hutchinson AM Stuart AD Pretorius HG 2010 Vol Biological contributions to SA Journal of Industrial Psychology South African Journals 36(2) well-being: the relationships amongst temperament, character strengths and resilience

Ingham SA Van Someren Howatson G 2010 Vol Effect of a concentric warm-up Journal of Sports Sciences ISI Journals KA 28(13) exercise on eccentrically induced November soreness and loss of function of the elbow flexor muscles

Jackson NR Erasmus RM Hearne GR 2010 Vol 81 Simplified manual fabrication Review of Scientific Instruments ISI Journals of cubic-zirconia gem anvils for extended energy-range spectroscopic studies to routine high pressures of 100-150 kbar (10-15 GPa)

68_ J−K

YEAR, AUTHORS VOLUME ARTICLE TITLE JOURNAL CITATION INDEX & ISSUE Janse van Ferreira HC 2010 Vol Design and evaluation of a dual IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery ISI Journals Rensburg PA 25(2) April impedance-adapting power-line communications coupler

Jarbandhan DB Viljoen K 2010 Vol A pro-poor approach to local Administratio Publica South African Journals 18(3) economic development (LED): September constraints and challenges

Jasper M 2010 A framework for recognition Journal of Nursing Management ISI Journals Vol 18(6) of prior learning within a September Postgraduate Diploma of Nursing Management in South Africa

Jooste K Van der Vyfer Van Dyk A 2010 Vol Implementing the nursing Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery South African Journals M 12(1) process in gynecology wards in Namibia

Jooste K Chabeli MM Springer M 2010 Vol The health care needs of the Health SA Gesondheid South African Journals 15(1) physically disabled patient in a home-based care environment: implications for the training of ancillary health care workers

Jorge A 2010 Vol Failed synallagmatic contracts: Stellenbosch Law Review South African Journals 21(2) appraisal of the maxim "The party who has control and can insure against the loss should shoulder the risk."

Josipovic M Annegarn HJ Kneen MA 2010 Vol 171 Concentrations, distributions Environmental Monitoring and ISI Journals Pienaar JJ and critical level exceedance Assessment Piketh SJ assessment of SO2, NO2 and O3 in South Africa

Kabamba P 2010 Vol 'Heart of darkness': current Anthropological Theory ISI Journals 10(3) images of the DRC and their September theoretical underpinning

Kabuba J Huberts R 2009 Steam extraction of essential Canadian Journal of Chemical ISI Journals Vol 87(6) oils: investigation of process Engineering December parametres

Kabundi A Loots L 2010 Vol Patterns of co-movement South African Journal of Economics ISI Journals 78(4) between South Africa and December Germany: evidence from the period 1985-2006

Kajee L 2010 Vol 6(2) A construct of learner autonomy GYAN - Journal of Education IBSS Journals January- in online communities June

Karataglidis S Henniger KR Richter WA 2010 Vol 848 Proton scattering observables Nuclear Physics A ISI Journals Amos K from Skyrme-Hartree-Fock densities

Kasapidis DN 2010 Vol The Catholic community of Ekklesiastikos Pharos South African Journals 92(21) Santorini during the beginning of the 20th century as witnessed by an unknown/ unpublished request regarding the electron of a Bishop in 1906

Kaselowski E Von Solms B Von Solms R 2010 Vol Municipalities and information Journal of Public Administration IBSS Journals 45(2) June technology governance - towards a strategic planning framework

Katsaidonis G 2010 Vol The most important reforms of Ekklesiastikos Pharos South African Journals 92(21) the Greek educational system and today's perspective Οη ζεκαληηθόηερες κεηαρρσζκίζεης ηοσ ειιεληθού εθπαηδεσηηθού ζσζηήκαηος θαη ε ζεκερηλή προοπηηθή Kellner A Jooste K Jacobs W 2010 Vol Perceptions of clients regarding Curationis South African Journals 33(2) family planning service delivery in a clinic of the Greater Johannesburg Metropolitan Council

Keshav V Potgieter N Barnard TG 2010 Vol Detection of vibrio cholerae O1 Water SA ISI Journals 36(2) in animal stools collected in rural areas of the Limpopo Province

_69 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Journal Articles


YEAR, AUTHORS VOLUME ARTICLE TITLE JOURNAL CITATION INDEX & ISSUE Khalyavin DD Hillier AD Adroja DT 2010 Vol Long-range magnetic order in Physical Review B ISI Journals Strydom AM 82(6) CeRu2Al10 studied via muon spin Manuel P relaxation and neutron diffraction Chapon LC Peratheepan P Knight K Deen P Ritter C Muro Y Takabatake T

Khumalo NM Meijboom R Muller A 2010 Vol E66 Di-μ-thiocyanato-bis[bis(tri- Acta Crystallographica Section E - ISI Journals Owaga p-tolylphosphine)silver(I)] Structure Reports Online (Omondi) B 0.35-hydrate

Kirshner J 2010 Vol Migrants' voices: negotiating Latin American Perspectives ISI Journals 37(4)(173) autonomy in Santa Cruz July

Klee J 2010 Vol 60 "Die verwesenliking van 'n New Contree South African Journals November Afrikanerdroom": die stigting van die Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit, 1955-1968

Knight C 2010 Vol 124 Justice and the grey box of Theoria: A Journal of Social and IBSS Journals September responsibility Political Theory

Knobloch H-J 2010 Vol Kumpfmüller, Hauptmann, Oxford German Studies ISI Journals 39(1) Büchner und die psychologie: Zu Michael Kumpfmüllers Roman Durst

Koortzen P Oosthuizen 2010 Vol A competence executive SA Journal of Industrial Psychology South African Journals RM 36(1) coaching model

Korf L 2010 Vol An ageing anachronism: DF Malan Kronos South African Journals 36(1) as prime minister, 1948-1954 November

Krause RWM Mamba BB Dlamini LN 2010 Fe-Ni nanoparticles supported on Jounal of Nanoparticle Research ISI Journals Durbach S Vol 12(2) carbon nanotube-co-cyclodextrin February polyurethanes for the removal of trichloroethylene in water

Krecek RC Moura L Lucas H 2010 Vol 172 Parasites of stray cats (felis Veterinary Parasitology ISI Journals Kelly P domesticus L., 1758) on St Kitts, West Indies

Kritzinger E Von Solms SH 2010 Vol 29 Cyber security for home users: a Computers & Security ISI Journals new way of protection through awareness enforcement

Kruger GHJ 2010 Vol 7(1) Verskille in nieverbale kognitiewe LitNet Akademies South African Journals March vermoëns van eentalige teenoor tweetalige meisies

Kubare M Haarhoff J 2010 Vol Rational design of domestic Journal of Water Supply Research and ISI Journals 59(1) biosand filters Technology-AQUA

Ladzani W Smith NJ Pretorius L 2010 Vol Benchmarking SMME's Acta Structilia South African Journals 17(1) management performance in the build environment of Gauteng Province, South Africa

Landsberg C 2010 The foreign policy of the Zuma South African Journal of IBSS Journals Vol 17(3) government: pursuing the International Affairs December 'national interest'?

Landsberg C 2010 Vol South Africa's transformational Africa Insight IBSS Journals 39(4) March approach to global governance

Lautenbach G 2010 Vol Expansive learning cycles: South African Journal of South African Journals 24(5) lecturers using educational Higher Education technologies for teaching and learning

Law-Viljoen B 2010 Vol ‘Bang-Bang has been good to Theory Culture and Society ISI Journals 27(7&8) us’: photography and violence in December South Africa

Law-Viljoen B 2010 Vol The intimate violence of Diane Critical Arts: A Journal South-North South African Journals 24(3) Victor’s "Disasters of Peace" Cultural and Media Studies bNovember

Le Roux LE Avenant- 2010 Vol Checklist of the fish parasitic African Journal of Aquatic Science ISI Journals Oldewage A 35(1) genus Cichlidogyrus (Monogenea), including its cosmopolitan distribution and host species

Leatt AN Jeannerat C Erlank N 2010 Vol Public faith and the politics of Journal for the Study of Religion South African Journals 23(1&2) faith: a review essay

Leonard L Pelling M 2010 Vol Civil society response to Environment and Urbanisation ISI Journals 22(2) industrial contamination of October groundwater in Durban, South Africa

70_ L−M

YEAR, AUTHORS VOLUME ARTICLE TITLE JOURNAL CITATION INDEX & ISSUE Lewis M Holtzhausen N Taylor S 2010 Vol 57 The dilemma of work-integrated Town and Regional Planning South African Journals December learning (WIL) in South African higher education - the case of Town and Regional Planning at the University of Johannesburg

Lia RP Traversa D Laricchiuta P 2010 Vol 169 Efficacy of an in-feed formulation Veterinary Parasitology ISI Journals Dantas-Torres F containing ivermectin for the Paradies R control of intestinal strongyles in Alvinerie M captive zebras (equus burchelli Krecek RC (Gray, 1824)) Otranto D

Lier GE 2010 Vol A correlated reading between a Journal for Semitics South African Journals 19(1) poem from Genesis Rabbah and a Targumic rendering from Neofiti I

Lombard M Parsons I 2010 Vol Fact or fiction? Behavioural and South African Archaelogical Bulletin ISI Journals 65(192) technological reversal after 60ka in Southern Africa

Lombard M Phillipson L 2010 Vol Indications of bow and stone- Antiquity ISI Journals 84(325) tipped arrows in use 64 000 September years ago in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Long HS Tilney PM Van Wyk B-E 2010 Vol 76 The ethnobotany and South African Journal of Botany ISI Journals pharmacognosy of olea europeae subsp. africana (oleaceae)

Lotter HPP 2010 Vol Refashioning Rawls as a true Politikon ISI Journals 37(1) April champion of the poor

Louw N Dunbar-Krige Fritz E 2010 Vol Weaving a circle of care' around Education as Change ISI Journals H 14(S1) families affected by HIV and AIDS

Luke R Walters J 2010 Vol 4(1) The economic impact of South Journal of Transport and Supply South African Journals November Africa's international airports Chain Management

Lukhele LP Krause RWM Mamba BB 2010 Vol Synthesis of silver impregnated Water SA ISI Journals Momba MNB 36(4) July carbon nanotubes and cyclodextrin polyurethanes for the disinfection of water

Lyman G Lombard F Nel M 2010 Vol 110 Bias testing of The Journal of Southern African Institute ISI Journals Steinhaus R June cross-belt samplers of Mining and Metallurgy Bartlett H

Mabuza EM Poggenpoel M Myburgh C 2010 Vol Perceived basic needs and Curationis South African Journals 33(1) resources for the elderly in the peri-urban and rural communities in the Hhohho region in Swaziland

Madhuku M Gxawu D Connell SH 2010 Vol 405 Muon spin relaxation in synthetic Physica B ISI Journals Machi IZ type Ila diamond grown by high- Keartland JM pressure and high-temperature King PJC (HPHT) synthesis

Magau MD Roodt G 2010 Vol 8(1) An evaluation of the human SA Journal of Human Resource South African Journals capital bridge framework Management

Magee AR Van Wyk B-E Tilney PM 2010 Vol 76 A taxonomic revision of the South African Journal of Botany ISI Journals Downie SR South African endemic genus dasispermum (apiaceae, apioideae)

Magee AR Calviño CI Liu MR 2010 Vol New tribal delimitations for Taxon ISI Journals Downie SR 59(2) April the early diverging lineages of Tilney PM apiaceae subfamily apioideae Van Wyk B-E

Magee AR Van Wyk B-E Tilney PM 2010 Vol Phylogenetic position of African Plant Systematics and Evolution ISI Journals Downie SR 288(3-4) and Malagasy Pimpinella species September and related genera (Apiaceae, Pimpinelleae)

Magobe NBD Beukes S Muller A 2010 Vol Reasons for students' poor Health SA Gesondheid South African Journals 15(1) clinical competencies in the primary health care: clinical nursing, diagnosis, treatment and care programme

Magoro MD Masoga MA Mearns MA 2010 Vol 5(2) Traditional health practitioners' International Journal of African IBSS Journals November practices and the sustainability Renaissance Studies of extinction-prone traditional medicinal plants

Mahlambi MM Malefetse TJ Mamba BB 2010 Vol b-Cyclodextrin-ionic liquid Journal of Polymer Research ISI Journals Krause RW 17(4) July polyurethanes for the removal of organic pollutants and heavy metals from water: synthesis and characterisation

Maina JN Jimoh SA Hosie M 2010 Vol Implicit mechanistic role of the Journal of Anatomy ISI Journals 217(5) collagen, smooth muscle, and elastic tissue components in strengthening the air and blood capillaries of the avian lung

_71 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Journal Articles


YEAR, AUTHORS VOLUME ARTICLE TITLE JOURNAL CITATION INDEX & ISSUE Maina JN West B Orgeig S 2010 Vol Recent advances into Physiological and Biochemical Zoology ISI Journals Foot NJ 83(5) understanding some aspects Daniels CB of the structure and function of Kiama SG mammalian and avian lungs Gehr P Mühlfeld C Blank F Müller L Lehmann A Brandenberger C Rothen- Rutishauser B

Maistry SM Ramdhani J 2010 Vol Managing tensions in a South African Journal of Higher South African Journals 24(4) service-learning programme: Education some reflections

Malan CPN 2009 The performance of the right to Law, Democracy and Development South African Journals Vol 13(2) have access to social security November

Malherbe J Fantozzi A Kapalle U 2010 Vol Tax amnesties in the Bulletin for International Taxation IBSS Journals Iannucci C 64(4) 2009 tax landscape Olivier L Traversa E Gill T Utumi ACA Ruiz MAG Makhlouf G Schindler CP

Malherbe C Wepener V Van Vuren JHJ 2010 Vol Anthropogenic spatial and African Journal of Aquatic Science ISI Journals 35(1) temporal changes in the aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages of the lower Mvoti River, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Malherbe EFJ 2010 Vol 1 Algemene stemreg dalk steeds Journal of South African Law ISI Journals nie algemeen genoeg nie

Malherbe EFJ 2010 Vol 4 Parlementêre prosedure as Journal of South African Law ISI Journals demokratiese instrument: inagneming van provinsiale standpunt in parlementêre besluitneming

Malherbe EFJ 2010 Vol 3 Taal in skole veroorsaak nog 'n Journal of South African Law ISI Journals slag hoofbrekens

Mallick K Witcomb M Erasmus R 2010 Vol Electrical and optical properties Journal of Applied Polymer Science ISI Journals Strydom AM 116(3) May of polyaniline with a weblike morphology

Mallick K Witcomb M Scurrel M 2010 Vol 494 Paramagnetic polyaniline Chemical Physics Letters ISI Journals Strydom AM nanospheres

Mamba BB Nyembe DW Mulaba- 2010 Vol The effect of conditioning Water SA ISI Journals Bafubiandi AF 36(4) July with NaCI, KCI and HCI on the performance of natural clinoptilolite's removal efficiency of Cu2+ and Co2+ from Co/Cu synthetic solutions

Mamba SM Mishra AK Mamba BB 2010 Vol 77 Spectral, thermal and in Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular ISI Journals Njobeh PB vitro antimicrobial studies and Biomolecular Spectroscopy Dutton MF of cyclohexylamine-N- Fosso-Kankeu E dithiocarbamate transition metal complexes

Marais IE 2010 Vol Individual versus structurally Africanus: Journal of Development South African Journals 40(2) racist schools: ethnographic Studies findings at two previously Afrikaans primary schools in Johannesburg

Marais IE 2010 Vol Together in their school Education as Change ISI Journals 14(1) July Gemeinschaft - faithfully: An ethnographic study

Marchand MJ Pieterse GM Barnhoorn IEJ 2010 Vol 26 Sperm motility and testicular Journal of Applied Ichthyology ISI Journals histology as reproductive indicators of fish health of two feral fish species from a currently DDT sprayed area, South Africa

Maritz J 2010 Vol Follow-up of mental care users by Journal of Psychology in Africa ISI Journals 20(1) nurses in the primary care setting in South Africa

Maritz J 2010 Vol Nurses' experience of the early Journal of Psychology in Africa ISI Journals 20(2) identification of depression in the primary care setting of South Africa

72_ M−M

YEAR, AUTHORS VOLUME ARTICLE TITLE JOURNAL CITATION INDEX & ISSUE Marnewick C Labuschagne L 2010 Vol 10 A conceptual framework to Acta Commercii South African Journals improve the delivery capability of an organisation

Martinek M Sonnekus JC 2010 Editio Friedrich Karl von Savigny Fundamina: A Journal of Legal History South African Journals specialis (1779-1861) – die lewe en werk van ’n beduidende Duitse juris en sy belang ook vir die Suid- Afrikaanse reg

Marx B Voogt TL 2010 Vol Audit committee responsibilities Meditari: Accountancy Research South African Journals 18(1) vis-à-vis internal audit: how well do top 40 FTSE/JSE listed companies shape up?

Marx B Lubbe D 2010 Vol 8(3) The role of the audit committee in Journal for New Generation Sciences South African Journals supporting the external auditor's independence and effectiveness

Mashoko L Mbohwa C Thomas VM 2010 Vol LCA of the South African Journal of Environmental Planning ISI Journals 53(6) sugar industry and Management September

Master S Bekker A Hofmann A 2010 Vol 182 A review of the stratigraphy Precambrian Research ISI Journals and geological setting of the palaeoproterozoic magondi supergroup, Zimbabwe - type locality for the lomagundi carbon isotope excursion

Maule WJ 2009 Continuing professional Medical Technology SA South African Journals Vol 23(2) development (CPD): reflective December practice and personal portfolios: the United Kingdom (UK) experience

Maule WJ 2010 Vol Neurological features of systemic Medical Technology SA South African Journals 24(1) June lupus erythematosus

Maurin O Chase MW Jordaan M 2010 Vol Phylogenetic relationships Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society ISI Journals Van der Bank M 162(3) March of combretaceae inferred from nuclear and plastid DNA sequence data: implications for generic classification

Mavunga G 2010 Vol The use of Shona as the medium Language Matters ISI Journals 41(1) of instruction in the first three grades of primary school in a Tonga-speaking community - teachers' and parents' perceptions

Mbara TC Nyarirangwe Mukwashi T 2010 Vol 4(1) Challenges of raising road Journal of Transport and Supply South African Journals M November maintenance funds in developing Chain Management countries: an analysis of road tolling in Zimbabwe

Mbohwa C 2010 Vol 4(1) Humanitarian logistics: Journal of Transport and Supply South African Journals November review and case study of Chain Management Zimbabwean experiences

McAuley M 2010 Vol 55 Ambiguus sexus: epic masculinity Akroterion South African Journals December in transition in Statius' Achilleid

McDonald Z 2010 Vol 8(3) Legitimate practice constructs African Identities IBSS Journals August a contemporary muslim identity in South Africa: the case of the Tabligh Jamaat in Johannesburg

Mears R Biyase M 2010 Vol Comparison of the income and Journal of Public Administration IBSS Journals 45(3) expenditure patterns of selected September rural communities in the Nwanedi River basin with poor townships in Soweto

Mears RR Blaauw PF 2010 Vol Levels of poverty and the poverty Acta Commercii South African Journals 10(1) gap in rural Limpopo

Meijboom R 2010 Vol 695 Asymmetric activation of dialkyl Journal of Organometallic Chemistry ISI Journals zirconocenes

Meijboom R Dhirori P Mavunkal IJ 2010 Vol Synthesis and characterisation Journal of Coordination Chemistry ISI Journals 63(1) of [Ru3(CO)12-nLn](L=P(OiPr)3; January n=1,2,3) and the "Star of David" disorder in bis- and tris- substituted products

Mestry R Schmidt M 2010 Vol Portfolio assessment as a tool Education and Urban Society ISI Journals 42(3) March for promoting professional development of school principals: a South African perspective

Metz TH 2010 Vol A dilemma regarding Journal of Philosophy of Education ISI Journals 44(4) academic freedom and public accountability in higher education

Metz TH 2010 Vol African and Western moral Developing World Bioethics ISI Journals 10(1) theories in a bioethical context

_73 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Journal Articles


YEAR, AUTHORS VOLUME ARTICLE TITLE JOURNAL CITATION INDEX & ISSUE Metz TH 2010 Vol For the sake of the friendship: Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political IBSS Journals 57(4) rationality and relationship as Theory grounds of beneficence

Metz TH 2010 Vol 9 Human dignity, capital Journal of Human Rights IBSS Journals punishment, and an African moral theory: toward a new philosophy of human rights

Metz TH 2010 Vol Recent work in African ethics Journal of Moral Education ISI Journals 39(3) September

Metz TH Gaie J 2010 Vol The african ethic of Ubuntu/ Journal of Moral Education ISI Journals 39(3) Botho: implications for research September on morality

Midgley J 2010 April Global debates and the future of The Social Work Practitioner-Researcher South African Journals Special social development Issue

Mieta SIK Potgieter N Sobsey MD 2010 Vol Optimisation of methods for Water SA ISI Journals Barnard TG 36(2) the collection and detection of bacterial pathogens from diarrhoeal human faecal samples using a novel stool

Millard D 2010 Vol 3 For whom the bell tolls … Journal of South African Law ISI Journals interplay between the law of delict and social security law in three modern compensation systems

Mishra AK Mishra SB Mamba BB 2010 Vol Synthesis of silicon carbide European Cells and Materials ISI Journals Krause RW 19(1) nanowires from a hybrid of amorphous biopolymer and sol- gel derived silica

Mishra SB Mishra AK Khan MA 2010 Vol 8(3) Decolourisation of pulp and Environmental Chemistry Letters ISI Journals September paper mill effluents using heat- treated coal: a comparison with activated charcoal

Mishra SB Langwenya SP Mamba BB 2010 Vol 35 Study on surface morphology and Physics and Chemistry of the Earth ISI Journals Balakrishnan M physicochemical properties of raw and activated South African coal and coal fly ash

Mitchell LJ Groenewald G 2010 Vol The pre-industrial Cape in the South African Historical Journal ISI Journals 62(3) twenty-first century

Miti SN Guzei IA Nelana SM 2010 Vol 13 Bis(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl) Inorganic Chemistry Communications ISI Journals Darkwa J alkanones and their reactivity with [PdCl2(NCMe)2]: Isolation of bis(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1- yl)propan-1-one palladium(II) chloride and C-H activation of propanone linker

Mlambo SS Van Vuren JHJ 2010 Vol Accumulation of hepatic African Journal of Aquatic Science ISI Journals 35(1) Hsp70 and plasma cortisol in Oreochromis mossambicus following sublethal metal and DDT exposure

Moggi-Chechi J Menter CG Basson R 2010 Vol 58 Early hominin dental remains Journal of Human Evolution ISI Journals Grant B from the plio-pleistocene site of Drimolin, South Africa

Mokae ML Van Vuren JHJ Pieterse GM 2010 Vol Exfoliative liver cytology in African Journal of Aquatic Science ISI Journals 35(1) Oreochromis mossambicus as a bio-assessment tool for aquatic pollution

Moloto N Moloto MJ Coville NJ 2010 Vol 10 The study on the time Journal of Nanoscience and ISI Journals Sinha Ray S dependency and the stability of Nanotechnology cobalt sulphide nanoparticles under an electron beam

Moore LA Hussey M Ferreira JT 2010 Vol Review of photokeratitis: corneal South African Optometrist South African Journals Wu B 69(3) response to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure

Morgan B De Bruin K 2010 Vol The relationship between the South African Journal of Psychology ISI Journals 40(2) June big five personality traits and burnout in South African university students

Morgan KE 2010 Vol Scholarly and values-driven Historical Social Research - Historische ISI Journals 35(3) objectives in two South African Sozialforschung school history textbooks: an analysis of topics of race and racism

74_ M−N

YEAR, AUTHORS VOLUME ARTICLE TITLE JOURNAL CITATION INDEX & ISSUE Morgan KE 2010 Vol Reflexive grappling with theory South African Historical Journal ISI Journals 62(4) and methods of text analysis: December race and racism represented in history textbooks

Motsi MC Moteetee AN Beaumont AJ 2010 Vol 23 A phylogenetic study of Pimelea Australian Systematic Botany ISI Journals Rye BL and Thecanthes (Thymelaeaceae): Powel MP evidence from plastid and nuclear Savolainen V ribosomal DNA sequence data Van der Bank M

Mpedi LG Millard D 2010 Vol Bridging the gap: the role Obiter South African Journals 31(3) of micro-insurance in a comprehensive social-protection system in South Africa

Mpedi LG 2010 Vol The proper law of the individual International Journal of Comparative IBSS Journals 26(3) labour contract: some Labour Law and Industrial Relations September perspectives from Southern African private international law

Msagati TAM 2010 Vol Hollow fibre supported Bulletin of the Chemical Society of ISI Journals 24(2) liquid membrane extraction Ethipodia of diphenylhydramine, chlorpheniramine and ketoprofen in pharmaceutical products

Msila V 2010 Vol 48 Rural school principals' quest Journal of Education South African Journals for effectiveness: lessons from the field

Mtumane Z 2010 Vol Dialogue in S.A. Dazela's Izono Tydskrif vir Letterkunde ISI Journals 47(2) Spring zakho ziya kukujikela

Mtumane Z 2010 Parallelism in G.V. Tydskrif vir Letterkunde ISI Journals Vol 47(1) Mona's Uvulindlela Autumn

Mtumane Z 2009 Vol The use of idioms in V. Magadla's Journal for Folklore Studies South African Journals 19(2) Isazela Sidl' Umniniso

Muller A Meijboom R 2010 Vol E66 trans-Dichloridobis[tris(4- Acta Crystallographica Section E - ISI Journals methoxy-phenyl)phosphane] Structure Reports Online palladium(II) toluene solvate

Muller A Meijboom R 2010 Vol E66 trans-Dichloridobis{[4- Acta Crystallographica Section E - ISI Journals (dimethylamino)-phenyl] Structure Reports Online diphenylphosphane}palladium(II)

Murray J 2010 Vol 7(3) "Dit kom daarop neer dat ek nie LitNet Akademies South African Journals December vergete was nie": die vroulike liggaam, gender en geweld in Suid-Afrikaanse slawenarratiewe

Murray J 2009 Vol Accused by the place and face Literator South African Journals 30(3) of the other: negotiations with December complicity in the work of Antjie Krog and Yvonne Vera

Murray J Tshabangu B Erlank N 2010 Vol Enhancing participatory Politikon ISI Journals 37(1) April governance and fostering active citizenship: an overview of local and international best practices

Murray J 2010 Vol Gender and violence in South African Historical Journal ISI Journals 62(3) Cape slave narratives and post-narratives

Murray J 2010 Vol The 'recidivist tongue': Social Dynamics: A Journal of the Centre ISI Journals 36(3) embracing an embodied for African Studies language of trauma

Muzenda E Belaid M Ntuli F 2010 Vol Measurement of infinite dilution Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering ISI Journals 27(5) activity coefficients of selected September environmentally important volatile organic compounds in polydimethylsiloxane using gas - liquid chromatography

Mvula B Moore TJ Abrahamse H 2010 Vol Effect of low-level laser Lasers in Medical Science ISI Journals 25(1) irradiation and epidermal growth factor on adult human adipose- derived stem cells

Naicker N Mathee A Barnes B 2010 Vol The prevalence and health Southern African Journal of South African Journals Naidoo S 25(4) implications of violence in Epidemiology and Infection Swart A impoverished communities in Johannesburg

Naidoo K 2010 Vol 84 Intergenerational life histories: Agenda IBSS Journals women's contrasting experiences of marriage and childbearing in a rural enclave

Narunsky-Laden S 2010 Vol Cultural economy in post- Critical Arts: A Journal of South-North South African Journals 24(1) transitional South Africa Cultural and Media Studies

_75 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Journal Articles


YEAR, AUTHORS VOLUME ARTICLE TITLE JOURNAL CITATION INDEX & ISSUE Narunsky-Laden S 2010 Vol Popular writing in post- English Studies in Africa ISI Journals 53(1) May transitional South Africa as an agency of socio-cultural change; or, 'Meet Mzanzi's Mr and Mrs New Black'

Naude F Rensleigh C Du Toit ASA 2010 Vol Using the open web as an South African Journal of South African Journals 12(1) information resource and Information Management scholarly web search engines as retrieval tools for academic and research purposes

Ndlovu T Arotiba OA Krause RW 2010 Vol 5 Electrochemical detection International Journal of ISI Journals Mamba BB of o-nitrophenol on a Electrochemical Science poly(propyleneimine)-gold nanocomposite modified glassy carbon electrode

Neels JL 2010 Vol Consumer protection legislation Obiter South African Journals 31(1) and private international law

Neels JL 2010 Vol 1 Ewigdurende oorsaak. Die Journal of South African Law ISI Journals perpetua causa-vereiste by erfdiensbaarhede: behoefte van die heersende erf en geskiktheid van die dienende erf (Deel 1)

Neels JL 2010 Vol 2 Ewigdurende oorsaak. Die Journal of South African Law ISI Journals perpetua causa-vereiste by erfdiensbaarhede: behoefte van die heersende erf en geskiktheid van die dienende erf (Deel 2)

Neels JL 2010 Vol 4 External public policy, the Journal of South African Law ISI Journals incidental question properly so- called and the recognition of foreign divorce orders

Negrello M Hopwood R Leeuw LL 2010 Vol The detection of a population of Science ISI Journals + 86 other 330(6005) submillimeter-bright, strongly author November lensed galaxies

Nel D 2010 Vol Governance of political risk in Administratio Publica South African Journals 18(4) order to attract foreign direct November investment

Nel D 2010 Vol An integrated systems overview Journal of Public Administration IBSS Journals 45(3) of higher education, research September and innovation

Nel WP Van Zyl G 2010 Defining limits: energy Applied Energy ISI Journals Vol 87(1) constrained economic growth January

Nguyen PH Na M Dao TT 2010 Vol 20 New stilbenoid with inhibitory Bioorganic and Medicinal ISI Journals Ndinteh DT activity on viral neuraminidases Chemistry Letters Mbafor JT from Erythrina addisoniae Park J Cheong H Oh WK

Niemand CJP 2010 Vol Information seeking habits of South African Journal of South African Journals 12(1) information and knowledge Information Management management students: a University of Johannesburg case study

Nishimiya Y Tsunogae T Santosh M 2010 Vol 114 Sapphirine + quartz corona Lithos ISI Journals around magnesian (XMg ~0.58) staurolite from the palghat- cauvery suture zone, southern India: evidence for high-pressure and ultrahigh temperature metamorphism within the Gondwana suture

Njiro E Compagnoni 2010 Vol 7 Institutions providing services Journal of Contemporary Management South African Journals M to small micro and medium enterprises (SMMEs) in South Africa

Ntuta NP Schurink WJ 2010 Vol 8(1) Towards sustaining performance SA Journal of Human South African Journals in a Gauteng secondary school Resource Management

Nyadzayo MW Roberts- 2010 Vol 7 A theoretical analysis of the Journal of Contemporary Management South African Journals Lombard M mediating role of customer relationship management performance on customer retention in South African motor dealerships

Nyembe DW Mamba BB Mulaba- 2010 Vol 21 The effect of Si and Fe impurities Desalination and Water Treatment ISI Journals Bafubiandi AF September on the removal of Cu2+ and Co2+ from Co/Cu aqueous solutions using natural clinoptilolite as an ion-exchanger

76_ O−O

YEAR, AUTHORS VOLUME ARTICLE TITLE JOURNAL CITATION INDEX & ISSUE Oduntan OA Clarke-Farr P Hansraj R 2010 Vol Awareness of the phototoxic South African Optometrist South African Journals Carlson A 69(3) effects of sunlight among South African university students

Ojwach SO Darkwa J 2010 Vol 363 Pyrazole and (pyrazol-1-yl)metal Inorganica Chimica Acta ISI Journals complexes as carbon-carbon coupling catalysts

Olawale F Roberts- Herbst G 2010 Vol 4(7) An investigation into the impact African Journal of Business Management ISI Journals Lombard M July of the usage of debt on the solvency of SMEs in the Buffalo City Municipality, South Africa

Oldewage A Everts L 2010 Vol 126 Argulus japonicus: sperm transfer Experimental Parasitology ISI Journals by means of a spermatophore on carassius auratus (L)

Oliver P Mpinganjira M 2010 Vol 7 Use of barter trade in the South Journal of Contemporary Management South African Journals African media industry

Olivier DK Shikanga EA Combrinck S 2010 Vol 76 Phenylethanoid glycosides from South African Journal of Botany ISI Journals Krause RWM lippia javanica Regnier T Dlamini TP

Olivier L 2010 Vol Capital gains tax consequences Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse IBSS Journals 73(2) May of the discharge of debts: Romeins-Hollandse Reg conflicting judgements?

Olivier L 2010 Vol Constitutional review of SARS's De Jure South African Journals 1(43) power to collect outstanding income tax

Olufunso FO Herbst G Roberts- 2010 Vol 4(4) An investigation into the impact African Journal of Business Management ISI Journals Lombard M April of the usage of debt on the profitability of small and medium enterprises in the Buffalo City Municipality, South Africa

Omar KB Barnard TG Jagals P 2010 Vol 9(4) Development of a competitive African Journal of Biotechnology ISI Journals January PCR assay for the quantification of total Escherichia coli DNA in water

Omar KB Barnard TG 2010 Vol The occurrence of pathogenic Water SA ISI Journals 36(2) Escherichia coli in South African wastewater treatment plants as detected by multiplex PCR

Onani MO Motswainyana Iwuoha EI 2010 Vol E66 Chlorido{N-[2- Acta Crystallographica Section E - ISI Journals WM Darkwa J (diphenylphosphanyl)- Structure Reports Online Lalancette RA benzylidene]-2-(2-thienyl) ethanamine-κ2N,P} methylpalladium(II) dichloro- methane hemisolvate

Opper A 2010 Vol 9(2) The art of being public Art South Africa South African Journals Summer

Oskolski AA Sokoloff DD Van Wyk B-E 2010 Vol False paracarpy in seemannaralia Annals of Botany ISI Journals 106(1) July (araliaceae): from bilocular ovary to unilocular fruit

Oskolski AA Van Wyk B-E 2010 Vol Wood and bark anatomy of Plant Systematics and Evolution ISI Journals 288(3-4) Centella: scalariform perforation September plates support and affinity with the subfamily Mackinlayoideae (Apiceae)

Oskolski AA Rossouw AS Van Wyk B-E 2010 Vol Wood and bark anatomy Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society ISI Journals 163(1) May of Steganotaenia and Polemanniopsis (tribe Steganotaeniae, Apiaceae) with notes on phylogenetic implications

Osman R Petersen N 2010 Vol Students' engagement with British Journal of Educational Studies ISI Journals 58(4) engagement: the case of teacher December education students in higher education in South Africa

Otto JM 2010 Vol 2 Die oorbelaste skuldverbruiker: Journal of South African Law ISI Journals die Nasionale Kredietwet verleen geensins onbeperkte vrydom van skulde nie

Otto JM 2010 Kennisgewings kragtens National Journal of Contemporary Roman IBSS Journals Vol 73(1) Credit Act: moet die verbruiker Dutch Law February dit ontvang?

Otto JM 2010 Vol 1 National Credit Act, Journal of South African Law ISI Journals ongeoorloofde ooreenkomste en meevallertjies vir die fiscus

_77 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Journal Articles


YEAR, AUTHORS VOLUME ARTICLE TITLE JOURNAL CITATION INDEX & ISSUE Otto JM 2010 Vol Notice in terms of the National SA Mercantile Law Journal South African Journals 22(4) Credit Act: wholesale national confusion. Absa Bank Ltd v Prochaska t/a Bianca Cara Interiors; Munien v BMW Financial Services; Starita v Absa Bank Ltd; First Rand Bank Ltd v Dhlamini

Otto JM 2010 Editio The history of consumer credit Fundamina: A Journal of Legal History South African Journals specialis legislation in South Africa

Otto JM 2010 Vol The incidental credit agreement Journal of Contemporary Roman IBSS Journals 73(4) Dutch Law November

Ouahada K Ferreira HC 2010 Vol On the generating function SAIEE Africa Research Journal South African Journals 101(4) and its application to ternary December line codes

Owaga (Omondi) B Meijboom R 2010 Vol B66 Concomitant polymorphic Acta Crystallographica Section B - ISI Journals behaviour of di-μ-thio-cyanato-κ2 Structural Science N:S;κ2S:N-bis[bis(tri-p- fluorophenyl-phosphine-κP) silver(I)] Paluncic F Ferreira HC Clarke WA 2010 Vol A variable length approach to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory ISI Journals 56(10) moment balancing October

Papageorgiou E De Bruyn H 2010 Creating strategic value through Electronic Journal of Information IBSS Journals Vol 13(1) executive information systems: an Systems Evaluation January exploratory study

Papakonstantinou 2010 Vol Birth, marriage and death: Ekklesiastikos Pharos South African Journals MN 92(21) the ritual of the court of the Komnenoi Γέλλεζε, Γάκος, Θάλαηος: Σο ησπηθό ηες ασιής ηωλ Κοκλελώλ Parker AJ Veldsman TH 2010 Vol 8(1) The validity of world class SA Journal of Human South African Journals business criteria across Resource Management developed and developing countries

Patel L 2010 April Pointers for future research on The Social Work Practitioner-Researcher South African Journals Special gender and care in voluntary Issue organisations in South Africa

Patel L De Wet T 2010 Vol Urban poverty in Johannesburg: Social Development Issues: Alternative IBSS Journals 32(2) implications for policy, planning Approaches to Global Human Needs and community development

Patel P Marwala T 2010 Vol Caller behaviour classification International Journal of Neural Systems ISI Journals 20(1) using computational intelligence methods

Paton D 2010 Vol 81 The imagistic test in de Arte South African Journals Jonathan Safran Foer: tracing unconventional texts from Kerouac to the artist's book

Paul BS Bhattacharjee 2010 Vol Time and angle of arrival IETE Journal of Research ISI Journals R 56(6) statistics of mobile-to-mobile November communication channel -December employing dual annular strip model

Pentz DC Hofsajer IW 2010 Vol Evaluation of a quasi-coaxial COMPEL ISI Journals 29(6) printed circuit board transformer

Perchuk LL Moiseeva EI Belyanin GA 2010 Vol High temperature Doklady Earth Sciences ISI Journals Van Reenen DD 431(2) polymetamorphisms in the central zone of the Limpopo granulite complex (South Africa): structural and petrological evidence

Peters FW Kotze A Van der Bank FH 2010 Vol 90 Genetic profile of the locally Small Ruminant Research ISI Journals Soma P developed meatmaster sheep Grobler JP breed in South Africa based on microsatellite analysis

Petersen N Henning E 2010 Vol Design refinement tools for a Perspectives in Education ISI Journals 28(4) teacher education curriculum: the December example of a service learning course

Petzer DJ Mostert PG 2010 Vol Country-of-origin product image Acta Academica South African Journals 42(2) and willingness to purchase vitamin supplements

Phadi MM Manda O 2010 Vol The language of class: Southern South African Review of Sociology South African Journals 41(3) Sotho and Zulu meanings of 'Middle Class' in Soweto

Phaswana E 2010 Vol Learners councillors' perspectives South African Journal of Education ISI Journals 30(1) on learner participation

78_ P−R

YEAR, AUTHORS VOLUME ARTICLE TITLE JOURNAL CITATION INDEX & ISSUE Pickering R Kramers JD Partridge T 2010 Vol 59 Re-appraisal of the stratigraphy Journal of Human Evolution ISI Journals Kodolanyi J and determination of new U-Pb Pettke T dates for the Sterkfontein hominin site, South Africa

Pickering R Kramers JD 2010 Vol 5 U-Pb dating of calcite-aragonite Quaternary Geochronology ISI Journals layers in speleothems from hominin sites in South Africa by MC-ICP-MS

Pienaar M Beukes A-M 2010 Vol Uitdagings en struikelblokke Southern African Linguistics and Applied ISI Journals 28(3) by die vertaling van Language Studies die FIT internasionale- vertaalterminologielys in Afrikaans

Pienaar M 2009 Vol Die sekuriteitswag, my Journal for Language Teaching South African Journals 43(1) June finansiële adviseur

Pieterse GM Marchand MJ Van Dyk JC 2010 Vol 26 Histological alterations in Journal of Applied Ichthyology ISI Journals Barnhoorn IEJ the testes and ovaries of the sharptooth catfish (clarias gariepinus) from an urban nature reserve in South Africa

Pillay J Ragpot L 2010 Vol Violent schools in violent Education as Change ISI Journals 14(S1) Gauteng: where the right to learn has to be defended

Pongrácz P Petőcz G Shaw M 2010 Vol 695 Platinum complexes of Journal of Organometallic Chemistry ISI Journals Williams DBG 2-diphenylphosphinob- Kollár L enzaldehyde-derived P-alkene ligands and their application in the hydroformylation of styrene

Praekelt HE Germs GJB Kennedy JH 2010 Vol Late ediacaran glaciation South African Journal of Geology ISI Journals 113(1) March in Southern Africa and its glacioeustatic record: a reply to Zimmerman's comments on praekelt, germs and Kennedy (2008)

Pretorius HG 2010 Vol Resolving the dilemma between Acta Academica South African Journals 42(1) corporal punishment and human rights in South Africa

Pretorius HG Pfeifer N 2010 Vol Group art therapy with sexually South African Journal of Psychology ISI Journals 40(1) March abused girls

Pretorius HG Halstead- Morgan B 2010 Vol The lived experience of losing a Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology South African Journals Clerk J 10(1) May sibling to murder

Pretorius M Botha I 2010 Vol 2(2) Direct versus indirect forecasting African Finance Journal IBSS Journals of the defined real exchange rate of South Africa

Prinsloo ARE Derrett HA Hellwig O 2010 Vol 322 Influence of growth morphology Journal of Magnetism and ISI Journals Fullerton EE on the Néel temperature of CrRu Magnetic Materials Alberts HL thin films and heterostructures Van den Berg N

Prinsloo MW 2010 Vol 1 Strafregtelike aanspreeklikheid Journal of South African Law ISI Journals op grond van 'n rugbybesering aan 'n opponent toegedien

Ragel FC Du Plessis P Strydom AM 2010 Vol 71 Kondo behaviour of the solid Journal of Physics and Chemistry ISI Journals solution (Ce1-xLax)PtGa of Solids

Ramdhani J Nkoane M 2010 Vol Why sticks and carrots are only South African Journal of South African Journals 24(3) for animals: an exploratory study Higher Education on self-worth in higher education

Ramnarain U 2010 Vol A report card on learner African Journal of Research in South African Journals 14(1) autonomy in science Mathematics, Science and investigations Technology Education

Ramnarain U 2010 Vol Grade 9 science teachers' and Education as Change ISI Journals 14(2) learners' appreciation of the December benefits of autonomous science investigations

Raubenheimer H 2010 Vol On quasinilpotent equivalence of Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal ISI Journals 60(3) finite rank elements in banach algebras

Rautenbach IM 2010 Vol 3 Cancellation clauses in bank- Journal of South African Law ISI Journals customer clauses and the Bill of Rights

Rautenbach IM 2010 Vol 4 Means-end rationality in Journal of South African Law ISI Journals Constitutional Court judgements

Rautenbach IM 2010 Vol 2 Overview of Constitutional Journal of South African Law ISI Journals Court decisions on the Bill of Rights - 2009

Rautenbach IM 2010 Vol 1 Private arbitrasie en die handves Journal of South African Law ISI Journals van regte

_79 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Journal Articles


YEAR, AUTHORS VOLUME ARTICLE TITLE JOURNAL CITATION INDEX & ISSUE Ray SC Ghosh SK Chiguvare Z 2010 Vol Electron field emission of silicon- Japanese Journal of Applied Physics ISI Journals Palnitkar U 49(11) doped diamond-like carbon Pong W-F thin films Lin I-N Papakonstan- tinou P Strydom AM

Rebelo M Smylie C MacIntosh S 2010 Selected physical attributes African Journal for Physical, Health South African Journals Lombard R December of male soccer players: a Education, Recreation and Dance Supplement comparative analysis

Redlinghuis A Rensleigh C 2010 Vol Customer perceptions on internet South African Journal of South African Journals 12(1) banking information protection Information Management

Roberts- Holland R Lam B 2010 Vol 7 An interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Management South African Journals Lombard M exploration of design and marketing integration

Roberts- 2010 Vol 4(4) Employees as customers - an African Journal of Business Management ISI Journals Lombard M April internal marketing study of the Avis car rental group in South Africa

Roberts- 2010 Vol 7 Recruiting in a travel consulting Journal of Contemporary Management South African Journals Lombard M environment - exploring applied practices

Roberts- Steyn TFJ 2010 Vol The referral-marketing practices Communicare: Journal for South African Journals Lombard M 29(1) July of travel agencies: an exploratory Communication Science in study of word-of-mouth Southern Africa communication in the travel agency industry in the Western Cape

Roberts- 2010 Vol 10 The supplier relationship Acta Commercii South African Journals Lombard M practices of travel agencies in the Western Cape Province - what is the status quo?

Robertson CA Abrahamse H 2010 Vol The in-vitro PDT efficacy of a Lasers in Surgery and Medicine ISI Journals 42(10) novel metallophthalocyanine December (MPc) derivative and established 5-ALA photosensitising dyes against human metastatic melanoma cells

Robinson D 2010 Vol Alan Paton's literature and the English Academy Review South African Journals 27(2) teaching of social justice

Rogerson CM Rogerson JM 2010 Vol "One of a kind" South Africanus: Journal of South African Journals 40(2) African craft: the Development Studies developmental challenges

Rogerson CM 2010 Economic governance and the Urban Forum IBSS Journals Vol 21(4) local business environment: November evidence from two economically lagging provinces of South Africa

Rogerson CM Rogerson JM 2010 Improving the local business Development Southern Africa ISI Journals Vol 27(4) environment of Johannesburg October

Rogerson CM 2010 In search of public sector-private Urban Forum IBSS Journals Vol 21(4) sector partnerships for local November economic development in South Africa

Rogerson CM Rogerson JM 2010 Local economic development Development Southern Africa ISI Journals Vol 27(4) in Africa: global context and October research directions

Rogerson CM 2010 Local economic development in Development Southern Africa ISI Journals Vol 27(4) South Africa: strategic challenges October

Rogerson CM 2010 Vol Resetting the policy agenda for Journal of Public Administration IBSS Journals 45(2) June urban agriculture in South Africa

Rogerson CM 2010 Vol 57 Re-thinking the role of regional Town and Regional Planning South African Journals December development funds in South Africa: reflections on international experience

Rogerson CM 2010 Vol The enterprise of craft: Acta Academica South African Journals 42(3) constraints and policy challenges in South Africa

Rogerson JM 2010 The boutique hotel industry in Urban Forum IBSS Journals Vol 21(4) South Africa: definition, scope November and organisation

Roux C Burnett C 2010 The extent to which students with African Journal for Physical, Health South African Journals December disabilities are included Education, Recreation and Dance Supplement in elite sports at higher education institutions

80_ R−S

YEAR, AUTHORS VOLUME ARTICLE TITLE JOURNAL CITATION INDEX & ISSUE Rubin A 2010 Vol Short-term variation in ocular South African Optometrist South African Journals 69(1) anterior chamber angle using Scheimpflug photography

Sadie YA 2010 Vol Women and peace-building in the Strategic Review for Southern Africa IBSS Journals XXXII(1) Democratic Republic of Congo June

Sadomba W Helliker K 2010 Vol Transcending objectifications and Journal of Asian and African Studies IBSS Journals 45(2) dualisms: farm workers and civil society in contemporary Zimbabwe

Salmon L Fourie J 2010 Vol How Mapula fell through the Education as Change ISI Journals 14(S1) cracks in her community school: A failing environment in a "high- impact social setting"

Sato K Santosh M Tsunogae T 2010 Vol 95 High P-T phase relation of American Mineralogist ISI Journals magnesian (Mg0.7Fe0.3) staurolite composition in the system FeO-MgO-Al2O3- SiO2-H2O: implications for prograde high-pressure history of ultrahigh-temperature metamorphic rocks

Saunders SG Petzer DJ 2010 Vol The interrelationship between Management Dynamics South African Journals 19(1) service quality, satisfaction and behavioural intention by customer stage in the service delivery process

Scherzinger K 2010 Vol "A deep fold in the grain of Scrutiny 2 South African Journals 15(2) things" - mourning in Don DeLillo's Falling Man

Scherzinger K 2010 Vol The Jouissance of influence: Journal of Literary Studies South African Journals 26(1) March being and following the writer in Michiel Heyns's The Typewriter's Tale

Schmid J 2009 (70) Subjectivities in South African Transformation IBSS Journals child welfare discourse

Schmid J 2010 Vol Norms and standards in youth The Social Work Practitioner-Researcher South African Journals 22(1) March justice: the gap between practice guidelines and policy frameworks

Schoeman CH Botha I Blaauw PF 2010 Vol Labour conflict and the South African Journal of Economic ISI Journals 13(3) persistence of macro and Management Sciences underemployment in South Africa

Schrimer S Chaudhary L Yan S 2010 Vol The state and scope of the Economic History of Developing Regions IBSS Journals 7 other authors 25(1) economic history of developing regions

Schurink E 2010 Vol Participatory action research Journal of Public Administration IBSS Journals 45(3) as tool for sustainable public September governance

Schurink E Auriacombe 2010 Vol Theory development: enhancing Journal of Public Administration IBSS Journals CJ 45(3) the quality of the case study as September research strategy in qualitative research

Schurink W Schurink E 2010 Vol Outcomes-based evaluation Administratio Publica South African Journals 18(2) June within a systems perspective: moving beyond a theory-of- change to system change reform in public governance

Schurink W 2010 Vol The importance of theorising in Journal of Public Administration IBSS Journals 45(3) proposal writing September

Scott-Macnab D 2010 Vol 3 The Medieval Boar Neuphilologische Mitteilungen ISI Journals CXI and its Haslets

Scott-Macnab D 2009 Vol 19 Sir John Fastoff and the diverse Southern African Journal of Medieval South African Journals affinities of the medieval lancegay and Renaissance Studies

Scott-Macnab D 2010 Vol The Hunttyng of the Hare in the Anglia: Zeitschrift für ISI Journals 128(1) Heege Manuscript Englische Philologie

Seitanidis A 2010 Vol The revaluation and the retrieval Ekklesiastikos Pharos South African Journals 92(21) of the manual of history (6th Demotic - primary) of 2006/2007 in Greece: commentary and propositions Η αλαζεώρεζε θαη ε απόζσρζε ηοσ εγτεηρηδίοσ ηζηορίας ηες _η΄ Γεκοηηθού ηο 2006-07 ζηελ Διιάδα: _τόιηα θαη προηάζεης

_81 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Journal Articles


YEAR, AUTHORS VOLUME ARTICLE TITLE JOURNAL CITATION INDEX & ISSUE Seligman J Gravett S 2010 Vol Literacy development as 'a Education as Change ISI Journals 14(1) July marginalised pedagogical service enterprise' or as social practice in the disciplines?

Sey J 2010 Vol 8(4) A grassy, rectangular church Art South Africa South African Journals Winter

Sey J Dubin S 2010 Vol 9(1) Final whistle Art South Africa South African Journals Spring

Sey J 2010 Vol 9(1) The South African question and Art South Africa South African Journals Spring the aesthetics of disappearance

Sey J 2010 Vol The trauma of conceptualism for Critical Arts: A Journal South-North South African Journals 24(3) South African art Cultural and Media Studies November

Shani I 2010 Vol Mind stuffed with red herrings: Acta Analytica-International Periodical ISI Journals 25(4) why William James' critique for Philosophy In The Analytical Tradition December of the mind-stuff theory does not substantiate a combination problem for panpsychism

Sharma AK Mishra AK 2010 Vol 47 Microwave induced β− International Journal of Biological ISI Journals cyclodextrin modification of Macromolecules chitosan for lead sorption

Shein ML Crous F Schepers JM 2010 Vol Positive states in relation to SA Journal of Industrial Psychology South African Journals 36(2) entrepreneurship orientation

Shumbula PM Moloto MJ Tshikhudo TR 2010 Vol 106 Dichloro(Bis[Diphenylthiourea]) South African Journal of Science ISI Journals Fernandes M (7/8) cadmium complex as a precursor for HDA-capped CdS nanoparticles and their solubility in water

Simpson Z Van Ryneveld 2010 Vol Defining the 'literacy gate': South African Journal of South African Journals MB 24(5) analysis of the literacy Higher Education requirements of professional engineering registration

Singh C Surujlal J 2010 Vol Risk management practices of South African Journal for Research in ISI Journals 32(1) high school sport coaches and Sport, Physical Education and Recreation administrators

Singleton J Verhoef G 2010 Vol Regulation, deregulation and Business History ISI Journals 52(4) July internationalisation in South Africa and New Zealand banking

Sinwell L 2010 Vol The Wynberg Concerned Urban Forum IBSS Journals 21(2) May Residents' disempowering court victory

Sinwell L 2010 Vol Conceptualising direct action Politikon ISI Journals 37(1) April as a form of participation in development: a South African case

Sinwell L 2010 Vol 74 The Alexandra Development Transformation IBSS Journals Forum (ADF): the tyranny of invited participatory spaces?

Sinwell L 2009 Vol Undermining S'Swetla residents South African Review of Sociology South African Journals 40(2) through participation: towards the abandonment of institutionalised participatory processes?

Smit B Fritz E Mabalane V 2010 Vol A conversation of teachers: in Australian Educational Researcher ISI Journals 37(2) August search of professional identity

Smit N Mpedi LG 2010 Vol 1 An update on labour law Journal of South African Law ISI Journals developments from the South African courts: January 2008 - October 2009

Smit N Fourie E 2010 Vol Extending protection to atypical International Journal of Comparative IBSS Journals 26(1) workers including workers in the Labour Law and Industrial Relations informal economy in developing countries

Smit N Mpedi LG 2010 Vol 14 Social protection for developing Law, Democracy and Development South African Journals countries: can social insurance be more relevant for those working in the informal economy?

Smit N 2010 Vol 1 Towards social justice: an elusive Journal of South African Law ISI Journals and a challenging endeavour

Smith AJB Beukes NJ Gutzmer J 2010 Vol Litostratigrafiese South African Journal for Science South African Journals 29(3) korrelasie van yssterryke & Technology September sedimentêre gesteentes in die argaïese Witwatesrand- Mozaanopeenvolging: implikasies vir vroeë afsettingsomgewings op aarde

82_ S−S

YEAR, AUTHORS VOLUME ARTICLE TITLE JOURNAL CITATION INDEX & ISSUE Smuts L 2010 Vol Careers with sociology: South African Review of Sociology South African Journals 41(1) evidence from UJ

Snyders AJ Janse van Ferreira HC 2010 Vol M-FSK carrier gain adjustment IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery ISI Journals Rensburg PA 25(2) April for improved power-line communications

Snyman AE 2010 Vol 40 Writing the self and the French Studies in Southern Africa South African Journals promotion of inter-cultural change in curricula for French as a foreign lanuage L’écriture de soi pour promouvoir l’interculturel en classe de FLE:“les racines en Afrique, les feuilles sur l’univers"

Snyman JL Flachbart K Gabani S 2010 Vol Magnetocaloric effect in Acta Physica Polocia A ISI Journals Reiffers M 118(5) geometrically frustrated Shitsevalova N November magnetic compound HoB12 Siemensmeyer K Strydom AM

Sonnekus JC 2010 Vol 3 Die rei vindicatio en verjaring Journal of South African Law ISI Journals - of nie

Sonnekus JC 2010 Vol 1 Grense aan kontrakvryheid vir Journal of South African Law ISI Journals eggenote én voornemende eggenote? (Deel 1)

Sonnekus JC 2010 Vol 2 Grense aan kontrakvryheid vir Journal of South African Law ISI Journals eggenote én voornemende eggenote? (Deel 2)

Sonnekus JC 2010 Vol 3 Huweliksgevolge eindig in die Journal of South African Law ISI Journals reël met ontbinding van die huwelik?

Sonnekus JC 2010 Vol 1 Onwaardigheid vir erfopvolging Journal of South African Law ISI Journals én versekeringsbegunstiging

Sonnekus JC Martinek M 2010 Vol Rudolf von Jhering (1818-1892) – Fundamina: A Journal of Legal History South African Journals 16(2) lewe en werk van ’n groot Duitse juris en sy invloed ook op die Suid-Afrikaanse reg

Sonnekus JC 2010 Vol 2 Terugvordering van skenkings Journal of South African Law ISI Journals van voormalige skoonkinders en leerjongens

Sonnekus JC 2010 Vol 4 Verlengde onderhoudsaanspraak Journal of South African Law ISI Journals vir langslewende gade geen onbedagte meevaller vir erfgename van aanspraakmaker nie

Sonnekus JC 2010 Vol Verryking van die eienaar by Stellenbosch Law Review South African Journals 21(1) nie-uitoefening van habitatio en versorgingsverpligtinge jeens eie ouer as bewoningsreghebbende

Southey J Henning MA 2010 Vol 8(3) Graphs with disjoint dominating Central European Journal ISI Journals June and paired-dominating sets of Mathematics

Southey J Henning MA 2010 Vol 310 On a conjecture on total Discrete Mathematics ISI Journals domination in claw-free cubic graphs

Spreen C Vally S 2010 Vol Prospects and pitfalls: a review of Comparative Education ISI Journals 46(4) post-apartheid education policy November research and analysis in South Africa

Spreen CA Vally S 2010 Outcomes-based education and Southern African Review of South African Journals Vol 16(1) its (dis)contents: learner-centered Education (SARE) September pedagogy and the education crisis in South Africa

Stanz K Greyling J 2010 Vol Turnover of nursing employees in SA Journal of Industrial Psychology South African Journals 36(1) a Gauteng hospital group

Steeb W-H Hardy Y 2010 Vol 65a A chaotic map and data Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section ISI Journals communication A-A Journal of Physical Sciences

Steeb W-H 2010 Vol 81 Diabolic points and entanglement Physica Scripta ISI Journals

Steeb W-H 2010 Vol 7(3) On two hierarchies of systems of International Journal of Geometric ISI Journals nonlinear differential equations, Methods in Modern Physics first integrals, nambu mechanics, and painlevé property

Stein C Makkink AW Vincent-Lambert C 2010 The effect of physical exertion Prehospital Emergency Care ISI Journals Vol 14(1) in chemical and biological January personal protective equipment on physiological function and reaction time

_83 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Journal Articles


YEAR, AUTHORS VOLUME ARTICLE TITLE JOURNAL CITATION INDEX & ISSUE Steinhoefel G Von Horn I 2010 Vol 74 Deciphering formation processes Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta ISI Journals Blanckenburg Konhauser KO of banded iron formations from F Beukes NJ the Transvaal and the Hamersley Gutzmer J successions by combined Si and Fe isotope analysis using UV femtosecond laser ablation

Stephen J 2010 Vol 9(2) Writing on walls in Woodstock Art South Africa South African Journals Summer

Stewart S Modiba M 2010 Vol 50 Investigating policy at a practical Journal of Education South African Journals level: challenges in translating the new curriculum for teachers in South Africa

Steyn PD Du Toit ASA 2010 Vol Investigating the potential for South African Journal of ISI Journals 41(2) June the development of a just-in-time Business Management knowledge management model

Stiebler R Timma BL Oliveira PL 2010 Vol 40 On the physico-chemical and Insect Biochemistry and ISI Journals Hearne GR physiological requirements of Molecular Biology Egan TJ hemozoin formation promoted Oliveira MF by perimicrovillar membranes in Rhodnius prolixus midgut

Stoev S Dutton MF Njobeh PB 2010 Vol Mycotoxic nephropathy in Food Additives and Contaminants ISI Journals Mosonick JS 27(1) Bulgarian pigs and chickens: Steenkamp PA complex aetiology and similarity to Balkan endemic nephropathy

Strauss AC Du Toit ASA 2010 Vol Competitive intelligence skills Aslib Proceedings ISI Journals 62(3) needed to enhance South Africa's competitiveness

Strauss AC Du Toit ASA 2010 Vol 7 Skills shortages and Journal of Contemporary Management South African Journals competitiveness in South Africa: the need for competitive intelligence skills

Strümpher DJW Eiselen RJ Meiring D 2010 Vol Validating measures of Journal of Psychology in Africa ISI Journals Phalatse JS 20(1) psychological well-being by contrasing samples employed in hazardous and less hazardous work

Strydom AM 2010 Vol Anteferromagnetic ordering and European Physical Journal B ISI Journals 74(1) March metamagnetism in PrCuSi

Strydom AM 2010 Vol CeCu3Al2: Incoherent Kondo, or Physica Status Solidi B ISI Journals 247(3) March non-Fermi liquid?

Strydom AM 2010 Vol CeRu2Al10: anomalous magnetic Journal of Low Temperature Physics ISI Journals 159(1-2) ordering and its field stability April

Strydom AM Peratheepan P 2010 Vol Magnetism and electronic Physica Status Solidi-Rapid ISI Journals 4(12) correlations in the iron aluminides Research Letters RFe2Al10(R= Y, Yb)

Strydom B Ferreira JT 2010 Vol Optical lenses and magnification South African Optometrist South African Journals 69(1) in archery

Strydom B Ferreira JT 2010 Vol The role of vision and visual skills South African Optometrist South African Journals 69(1) in archery

Strydom HA 2010 Vol 4 The security council and North Journal of South African Law ISI Journals Korea's 2009 nuclear test

Strydom HA 2009 Vol 34 The responsibility of international South African Yearbook of South African Journals organisations for conduct arising International Law out of armed conflict situations

Suna M Dockrat MAE Janse van 2010 Vol Al-Tawbah 9:24. Lexical Journal for Semitics South African Journals Rensburg FJ 19(2) comments by ten consecutive classical interpreters (tenth to sixteenth century)

Surujlal J Singh C 2010 Vol Internship as a mechanism for South African Journal for Research in ISI Journals 32(2) professional preparation of sport Sport, Physical Education and Recreation management personnel: an empirical study of students' perceptions

Swanepoel E Strydom JW Nieuwenhuizen 2010 Vol An empirical analysis of a Southern African Business Review South African Journals C 14(1) April private company's corporate social investment in SMME development in South Africa

Swanevelder ZH Surridge AKJ Venter E 2010 Vol Limited edosymbiont variation Journal of Economic Entomology ISI Journals Botha A-M 103(3) in diuraphis noxia (hemiptera: aphididae) biotypes from the United States and South Africa

Tager M 2010 Vol The Black and the Beautiful: Critical Arts: A Journal of South-North South African Journals 24(1) perceptions of (a) new Cultural and Media Studies Generation(s)

84_ T−T

YEAR, AUTHORS VOLUME ARTICLE TITLE JOURNAL CITATION INDEX & ISSUE Taub M 2010 Vol The practical epistemology in South African Theatre Journal South African Journals 24 Special seeing oneself while listening to Issue others

Tchokonté MBT Tshabalala KG Du Plessis P 2010 Vol 71 Magnetic substitution in CeIn3 Journal of Physics and Chemistry ISI Journals Kaczorovski D of Solids

Tchoula Tchokonté Du Plessis P Kaczorowski D 2010 Vol 150 Magnetic, electrical and Solid State Communications ISI Journals MB Strydom AM thermodynamic properties of RE8Pd24In

Tembwe I Ngila JC Kgarebe B 2010 Vol 55 Electrochemical studies of the Electrochimica Acta ISI Journals Darkwa J nickel catecholate complexes for Iwuoha E detection of sulphur dioxide gas

Tennant SL 2010 Vol 4 A default notice under the Journal of South African Law ISI Journals National Credit Act must come to the attention of the consumer unless the consumer is at fault

Terblanche U Hawkins Evans Abrahamse H 2009 Vol Effect of low level laser therapy Medical Technology SA South African Journals DH 23(2) on human skin keratinocytes

Thomas A Bosch-Venter A Boninelli I 2010 Vol Addressing the nursing shortage South African Journal of South African Journals 34(1) at Netcare: a new remedy or the Labour Relations same prescription?

Thomsen HD Esberg J Abrahamse H 2010 Vol Distorted coulomb field of the Physical Review D ISI Journals Boninelli I 81(5) scattered electron Andersen KK Lund MD Knudsen H Uggerhøj UI Sona P Mangiarotti A Ketel TJ Dizdar A Ballestrero S Connel SH

Thornhill C 2010 Vol Local government democracy in Administratio Publica South African Journals 18(4) Africa: fact or fiction? November

Thwala WD 2010 Vol Community participation is a African Journal of Agricultural Research ISI Journals 5(10) May necessity for project success: a case study of rural water supply project in Jeppes Reefs, South Africa

Thwala WD 2010 Vol The land question and African Journal of Agricultural Research ISI Journals 5(25) sustainable development in South December Africa: issues and challenges

Tolstikhin I Kamensky I Trakanov S 2010 Vol 74 Noble gas isotope sites and Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta ISI Journals Kramers J mobility in mafic rocks and olivine Pekala M Skiba V Gannibal M Novikov D

Towell A Nel WE 2010 Vol Pre-operative education Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery South African Journals 12(1) programme for patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery

Tregenna F 2010 Vol How significant is intersectoral Industrial and Corporate Change ISI Journals 19(5) outsourcing of employment in October South Africa?

Triegaardt J Kaseke E 2010 April Social security and human rights The Social Work Practitioner-Researcher South African Journals Special in Southern Africa: challenges Issue and research priorities

Tsehloane T 2010 Vol The tragic and the comic: Sello English Studies in Africa ISI Journals 53(1) May Duiker's and Niq Mhlongo's contrasting visions of post- apartheid society

Tsunogae T Santosh M 2010 Vol Sapphirine quartz assemblage Geological Journal ISI Journals 45(4) July- from the Southern Granulite August Terrane, India: diagnostic evidence for ultrahigh- temperature metamorphism within the Gondwana collisional orogen

Tsunogae T Santosh M 2010 Vol Ultrahigh-temperature Geological Magazine ISI Journals 147(1) metamorphism and January decompression history of sapphirine granulites from Rajapalaiyam, southern India: implications for the formation of hot orogens during Gondwana assembly

_85 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Journal Articles


YEAR, AUTHORS VOLUME ARTICLE TITLE JOURNAL CITATION INDEX & ISSUE Twala B Cartwright M 2010 Vol Ensemble missing data Intelligent Data Analysis ISI Journals 14(3) August techniques for software effort prediction

Twala B 2010 Vol Handling out-of-sequence Electronics Letters ISI Journals 46(4) data using model-based statistical imputation

Twala B Phorah M 2010 Vol Predicting incomplete gene Pattern Recognition Letters ISI Journals 31(13) microarray data with the use of October supervised learning algorithms

Ulriksen M 2010 April A review of comparative methods The Social Work Practitioner-Researcher South African Journals Special of social policy research in the Issue global south

Van Breda A 2010 Vol Possible selves: group work with Practice: Social Work in Action IBSS Journals 22(3) June young people in a South African township

Van der Linde G Fischer JL Coetzee PP 2010 Vol Multi-element analysis of South African Journal of Enology ISI Journals 31(2) South African wines and their and Viticulture provenance soils by ICP-MS and their classification according to geographical origin using multivariate statistics

Van der Linde K Luiz S 2009 Vol Aspects of the cross-listing SA Mercantile Law South African Journals 21(5) of securities

Van der Linde KE 2010 Vol 3 Die korporatiewe sluier: is daar Journal of South African Law ISI Journals lig voor in die wapad?

Van der Linde KE 2010 Vol 2 Share repurchases and the Journal of South African Law ISI Journals protection of shareholders

Van der Walt H Muller A Staples RJ 2010 Vol E66 (Ferrocenylthiophonato-κS)- Acta Crystallographica Section E - ISI Journals Van Zyl WE (triphenylphosphane-κP)gold(I) Structure Reports Online dichloromethane monosolvate

Van der Walt H Muller A Van Zyl WE 2010 Vol E66 Triethylammonium O-3β-cholest- Acta Crystallographica Section E - ISI Journals 5-en-3-yl (4-methoxyphenyl) Structure Reports Online dithiophosphonate

Van der Walt SC Du Plessis T 2010 Vol Age diversity and the aging South African Journal of Libraries South African Journals 76(1) librarian in academic libraries in & Information Science South Africa

Van der Walt SC Du Plessis T 2010 Vol Leveraging multi-generational South African Journal of South African Journals 12(1) workforce values in interactive Information Management information societies

Van der Van der 2010 Vol Student-teachers' interpretation Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe ISI Journals Westhuizen GJ Merwe MP 50(1) March and use of learning theory concept

Van der Roodt A Meijboom R 2010 Vol 29 Equilibrium and kinetic studies of Polyhedron ISI Journals Westhuizen HJ reactions of [MnN(H2O)(CN)4]2- with monodentate ligands and the molecular structure of [MnN(NCS)(CN)4]3-

Van der Roodt A Meijboom R 2010 Vol 29 Kinetics of thermal Polyhedron ISI Journals Westhuizen HJ decomposition and of the reaction with oxygen, ethene and 1-octene of first generation Grubbs' catalys precursor

Van der Meijboom R Schutte M 2010 Vol 49 Mechanism for the formation Inorganic Chemistry ISI Journals Westhuizen HJ Roodt A of substituted manganese (V) cyanidonitrido complexes: crystallographic and kinetic study of the substitution reactions of trans-[MnN(H2O)(CN)4]2- with monodentate pyridine and bidentate pyridine- carboxylate ligands

Van Niekerk E Ankiewicz P De Swardt E 2010 Vol A process-based assessment International Journal of Technology and ISI Journals 20(2) framework for technology Design Education education: a case study

Van Niekerk H Mostert H 2010 Vol Expropriation of unused old Stellenbosch Law Review South African Journals 21(1) order mineral rights: the court has its first say

Van Niekerk RL Rzygula R 2010 The perceptions and occurrence African Journal for Physical, Health South African Journals December of sexual harassment among male Education, Recreation and Dance student athletes with male coaches

Van Niekerk RL 2010 Understanding the barriers to African Journal for Physical, Health South African Journals December and reasons for physical exercise Education, Recreation and Dance among university students

86_ V−V

YEAR, AUTHORS VOLUME ARTICLE TITLE JOURNAL CITATION INDEX & ISSUE Van Staden M Smit N 2010 Vol 4 The regulation of the Journal of South African Law ISI Journals employment relationship and the re-emergence of the contract of employment

Van Tonder DM Mouri H 2010 Vol Petrology and geochemistry South African Journal of Geology ISI Journals 113(3) of the granitoid rocks of the September Johannesburg dome, central Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa

Van Vuuren LJ 2010 Vol Industrial psychology: goodness SA Journal of Industrial Psychology South African Journals 36(2) of fit? fit for goodness?

Van Wyk B-E Burke A Mannheimer C 2010 Vol 76 A new species of polemanniopsis South African Journal of Botany ISI Journals Magee AR (apiaceae) from Namibia Tilney PM Rossouw AS

Van Wyk B-E Du Toit Boatwright JS 2010 Vol 76 A revision of the genus bolusia South African Journal of Botany ISI Journals (Venter) M (fabaceae, crotalarieae)

Van Wyk B-E Tilney PM Magee AR 2010 Vol 76 A revision of the genus glia South African Journal of Botany ISI Journals (apiceae, tribe heteromorpheae)

Van Zyl G 2010 Vol 8(1) Does employee remuneration SA Journal of Human South African Journals dispersion in the South African Resource Management economy enhance labour productivity? The Gauteng manufacturing industry as a case study

Van Zyl TL Ehlers EM 2010 Vol Signal-Regulated Systems Complexity ISI Journals 15(6) and Networks

Venn C 2010 Vol Aesthetics, politics, identity: Critical Arts: A Journal South-North South African Journals 24(3) disaporic problematisations Cultural and Media Studies November

Venter AJ 2010 Vol Die Pes van Presidensialisme : Journal for Contemporary History South African Journals 35(3) n' argument oor die moontlike December hervorming van die verskiesing van die president in Suid-Afrika

Venter JA Fouche PSO Vlok W 2010 Vol Current distribution of the African Zoology ISI Journals 45(2) southern barred minnow, October Opsaridium peringueyi (Pisces: Cyprinidae), in South Africa: is there reason for concern?

Versfeld DJ Vinck AJH Ridley JN 2010 Vol Constructing Coset Codes with IEEE Transactions on Information Theory ISI Journals Ferreira HC 56(12) optimal same-symbol weight December for detecting narrowband interference in M-FSK systems

Versfeld DJ Ridley JN Ferreira HC 2010 Vol On systematic generator matrices IEEE Transactions on Information Theory ISI Journals Helberg ASJ 56(6) June for Reed-Solomon codes

Vilakati GD Mishra AK Mishra SB 2010 Vol Influence of TiO2-modification Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic ISI Journals Mamba BB 20(4) on the mechanical and thermal Polymers and Materials Thwala JM December properties of sugarcane bagasse- EVA composites

Viljoen F Dobbe R Harris J 2010 Vol 118 Trace element chemistry of Lithos ISI Journals Smit B mineral inclusions in eclogitic diamonds from the premier (Cullinan) and finsch kimberlites, South Africa: implication for the evolution of their mantle source

Viviers H 2010 Vol Psalm 137:Perspectives on the Verbum et Ecclesia (online) South African Journals 31(1) (neuro-) psychology of loss

Viviers H 2010 Vol Religion, 'body' and the control Ekklesiastikos Pharos South African Journals 92(21) of the Afrikaner-mind

Voegelin AR Nägler TF Beukes NJ 2010 Vol 182 Molybdenum isotopes in Precambrian Research ISI Journals Lacassie JP late Archean carbonate rocks: implications for early earth oxygenation

Von Veh K 2010 Vol 81 The UNISA art gallery: an old de Arte South African Journals collection and a new curator. Karen von Veh talks to Bongani Mkhonza

Voogt TL 2010 Vol An exploratory study of the focus Meditari: Accountancy Research South African Journals 18(1) areas of South African top 40 company CFOs

Vorster C Greeff L Coetzee PP 2010 Vol 63 The determination of 11B/10B South African Journal of Chemistry ISI Journals and 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios by quadrupole-based ICP-MS for the fingerprinting of South African wine

Vosloo C 2010 Vol 16 Towards local identity in South Image and Text South African Journals African architecture

_87 UJ RESEARCH REPORT 2010 Journal Articles


YEAR, AUTHORS VOLUME ARTICLE TITLE JOURNAL CITATION INDEX & ISSUE Wa-Kalenga MK Garbers-Craig 2010 Vol 110 Investigation into how the Journal of the South African Institute of ISI Journals AM August magnesia, silica and aluminium Mining and Metallurgy contents of iron ore sinter influence its mineralogy and properties

Watney MM 2010 Vol 2 Gebrekkige territoriale jurisdiksie Journal of South African Law ISI Journals by die aanhoor van 'n strafsaak in die laerhof

Watney MM 2010 Vol 4 Some comments on entrapment Journal of South African Law ISI Journals

Webb W 2010 Vol Promoting ethical culture in Administratio Publica South African Journals 18(4) pursuance of a virtuous November public service

White FA 2010 Vol Deepening democracy: a farm Journal of Southern African Studies ISI Journals 36(3) workers' movement in the September Western Cape

Williams DBG Lawton M 2010 Vol Drying of organic solvents: Journal of Organic Chemistry ISI Journals 75(24) quantitative evaluation of the efficiency of several desiccants

Williams DBG Simelane SB Lawton M 2010 Vol 66 Efficient tetrahydropyranyl and Tetrahedron ISI Journals Kinfe HH tetrahydrofuranyl protection/ deprotection of alcohols and phenols with Al(Otf)3 as catalyst

Williams DBG Lawton M 2010 Vol 317 Metal triflates: on the question of Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: ISI Journals Lewis versus Brønsted acidity in Chemical retinyl carbocation formation

Williams DBG Cullen A Fourie A 2010 Vol 12 Mild water-promoted selected Green Chemistry ISI Journals Henning H deacetalisatison of acyclic acetals Lawton MC Mommsen WT Nangu P Parker J Renison A

Wittmayer JM Büscher B 2010 Vol 38 Conserving conflict? Transfrontier Human Ecology ISI Journals conservation, development discourses and local conflict between South Africa and Lesotho

Wolmarans JLP 2010 Vol Transitioning from childhood Ekklesiastikos Pharos South African Journals 92(21) to maturity: a rereading of the Resurrection of Jairus' daughter (Mark 5:21-43)

Yeboah EMO Majinda RRT Kadziola A 2010 Vol Dihydro-ß-agarofuran Journal of Natural Products ISI Journals Muller A 73(6) sesquiterpenes and pentacyclic triterpenoids from the root bark of osyris lanceolata

Zacharopoulou E 2010 Vol Diocletian and the Nobades: Ekklesiastikos Pharos South African Journals 92(21) a critical approach to the historical testimony of Procopios Γηοθιεηηαλός θαη Νοβάηες: Μηα θρηηηθή προζέγγηζε ζηελ ηζηορηθή αλαθορά ηοσ Προθόπηοσ Ziedler D Dubery IA Schmitt-Kopplin 2010 Vol Lipopolysaccharide mobility in Molecular Plant Pathology ISI Journals P Von Rad U 11(6) leaf tissue of arabidopsis thaliana Durner J