Residential Property Transactions: April 2021
11 May 2021 | 1100 hrs | 087/2021 The number of fi nal deeds of sale relating to residential property during April 2021 amounted to 1,130, an increase of 540 deeds when compared to those registered a year earlier. In April 2021, 1,430 promise of sale agreements relating to residential property were registered, an increase of 1,161 agreements over the same period last year. Residential Property Transactions: April 2021 Cut-off date: Final Deeds of Sale 4 May 2021 In April 2021, the number of fi nal deeds of sale relating to residential property amounted to 1,130, an increase of 540 deeds when compared to those registered a year earlier (Table 1). The value of these deeds totalled €228.4 million, 91.6 per cent higher than the corresponding value recorded in April 2020 (Table 2). With regard to the region the property is situated in, the highest numbers of fi nal deeds of sale were recorded in the two regions of Mellieħa and St Paul’s Bay, and Ħaż-Żabbar, Xgħajra, Żejtun, Birżebbuġa, Marsaskala and Marsaxlokk, at 150 and 143 respectively. The lowest numbers of deeds were noted in the region of Cottonera, and the region of Mdina, Ħad-Dingli, Rabat, Mtarfa and Mġarr. In these regions, 13 and 32 deeds respectively were recorded (Table 3). Chart 1. Registered fi nal deeds of sale - monthly QXPEHURIUJLVWHUHGILQDOGHHGV - )0$0- - $621' - )0$0- - $621' - )0$ SHULRG Compiled by: Price Statistics Unit Contact us: National Statistics Offi ce, Lascaris, Valletta VLT 2000 1 T. +356 25997219, E. Promise of Sale Agreements In April 2021, 1,430 promise of sale agreements relating to residential property were registered, an increase of 1,161 agreements over the same period last year (Table 4).
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