Key Elements for the Design of a Wine Route. the Case of La Axarquía in Málaga (Spain)

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Key Elements for the Design of a Wine Route. the Case of La Axarquía in Málaga (Spain) sustainability Article Key Elements for the Design of a Wine Route. The Case of La Axarquía in Málaga (Spain) Elena Cruz-Ruiz 1 , Gorka Zamarreño-Aramendia 2,* and Elena Ruiz-Romero de la Cruz 2 1 Department of Economics and Business Administration, University Málaga, 29013 Málaga, Spain; [email protected] 2 Department of Economic Theory and Economic History, University Málaga, 29013 Málaga, Spain; [email protected] * Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +34-607-91-40-68 Received: 1 September 2020; Accepted: 4 November 2020; Published: 6 November 2020 Abstract: The design of enotourist routes represents an opportunity for the sustainable development of rural territories. This qualitative study was structured in three parts to reach a cohesion model representing the academic literature, visitors, and winemakers. This research focused on the region of La Axarquía in Málaga (Spain) because of its wine and tourist tradition. In relation to the methodology, this study used content analysis techniques for the analysis of both the relevant literature and the questionnaires completed by all the winemakers of the territory, 60 tourists who visited the wineries, and the 10 most representative agents linked to the tourist development of this region. The findings provided a model with the elements to be taken into account in the creation of a wine route or itinerary in any destination of the world. The application of this model will contribute to the creation of new tourist policies that can move towards efficient progress of the region. Keywords: sustainability and development; wine routes and tourism; model design; wineries; heritage and culture; rural tourism; Málaga (Axarquía) 1. Introduction Economically profitable and sustainable activities should be part of the new models for the development of rural territory based on different patterns of tourism demand. In this sense, it has been observed that there is a rejection of standardisation and a growing interest in local products such as wine and gastronomy [1,2]. Particular consideration should be given to origin-linked wines, which are now transforming the experience of this tourist segment [2,3]. The 2008 crisis has had a negative impact on many towns and villages in Spain. Many regions need to boost their development and recover their identities. Heritage and landscape wealth along with services are gaining significance in the context of the current thrust towards sustainable development [4–6]. Wines with appellation of origin contribute to generating quality tourism [7,8], making possible other additional incomes to the agricultural community [9] and representing an interesting way for the development of rural territories [10]. The origin of wine routes in Spain is unknown, since wine has been a basic good in the Mediterranean culture, and circuits around quality wines have always existed [4]. Recently, the 25th anniversary of the beginning of the wine tourism model created by the Spanish Association of Wine Cities (ACEVIN) was commemorated. This association works with the Ministry of Industry and Commerce and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food in order to promote the culture and wine tourism. It currently has 30 certified routes, constituting a model of public and private collaboration [11,12]. Sustainability 2020, 12, 9242; doi:10.3390/su12219242 Sustainability 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 21 Sustainability 2020, 12, 9242 2 of 19 Early studies have their origin in certain areas widely known for their wines. As an example we can mention the cases of La Rioja [13,14], the Jerez area [14], Aragón [15], the County of Huelva [8], Early studies have their origin in certain areas widely known for their wines. As an example we the Canary Islands [16], Marco de Jerez-Sherry [17,18], Montilla–Moriles [19–22], Ribera del Duero can mention the cases of La Rioja [13,14], the Jerez area [14], Aragón [15], the County of Huelva [8], the [23,24], Valencia [25], Ribeiro [26], and Málaga [10]. Canary Islands [16], Marco de Jerez-Sherry [17,18], Montilla–Moriles [19–22], Ribera del Duero [23,24], There is a growing interest among tourists in products that preserve the environment and the Valencia [25], Ribeiro [26], and Málaga [10]. landscape [27]. These products are gaining a prominent role in the economy of rural environments There is a growing interest among tourists in products that preserve the environment and the due to their ability to revalue the destinations, thanks to their emotional, identity-related, landscape [27]. These products are gaining a prominent role in the economy of rural environments due environmental, and recreational richness [28–30]. Additionally, the services associated with wine to their ability to revalue the destinations, thanks to their emotional, identity-related, environmental, tourism should take into account the opinions of wine tourists. For this reason, their identification and recreational richness [28–30]. Additionally, the services associated with wine tourism should take will be crucial for the success of the entire experience. In this way, they generate value at multiple into account the opinions of wine tourists. For this reason, their identification will be crucial for the points before, during, and after the winery visit [31]. success of the entire experience. In this way, they generate value at multiple points before, during, and The research is focused on the province of Málaga and, more specifically, on the region of La afterAxarquía the winery (Figure visit 1). [The31]. potential of the wine routes is of great value, and their origins date back to PhoenicianThe research and Roman is focused times. on Other the province outstanding of M featálagaures and, are more the region’s specifically, culture, on thelandscape, region ofand La Axarquhistoryí a[11]. (Figure Its 1wines). The are potential protected of the with wine the routes designation is of great of value,origin andMálaga their (MPDO), origins date Sierras back de to PhoenicianMálaga, and and Pasas Roman de Málaga, times. integrating Other outstanding the three featuresdesignations are the into region’s a single culture, Regulatory landscape, Council. and historyThis [11 ].region Its wines has its are own protected identity with within the designationthe framework of origin of the MMálagaálaga (MPDO),Designation Sierras of Origin de Má [32]laga, andand Pasas can benefit de Má fromlaga, a integrating tourist projection, the three because designations of its proximity into a single to the Regulatory eastern Costa Council. del Sol [33]. FigureFigure 1. 1.Map Map ofof thethe regionregion ofof AxarquAxarquíaía (M(Málaga,álaga, Spain). ETRS89 ETRS89 UTM UTM 30S. 30S. Source: Source: Authors. Authors. ThisThe regioncreation has of its an own enotourist identity ro withinute as the a factor framework of revitalisation of the Málaga of the Designation rural territories of Origin is [an32 ] andopportunity can benefit for from sustainability a tourist projection,and development. because The of its aim proximity of this article to the is eastern to provide Costa an del approach Sol [33]. to the elementsThe creation that are of anbasic enotourist in the development route as a of factor the rural of revitalisation territory dedicated of the to rural viticulture. territories For isthis an opportunityreason, this forcase sustainability study analysed and development.the academic Theproposals aim of thisand articlethe responses is to provide to the an approachinterviews to theconducted elements with that the are different basic in thestakeholders. development There of ar thee tourists rural territory who spontaneously dedicated to viticulture.visit certain Forspaces this reason,due to thisthe attraction case study of analysed their wineries, the academic wines, proposals and heritage. and theIn this responses sense, it to is the necessary interviews to propose conducted a withmodel the that diff erentincludes stakeholders. the most important There are elements tourists whofor the spontaneously creation of an visit enotourist certain spacesroute where due to the the attractioncriteria of of efficiency, their wineries, profitability wines, and and sustainability heritage. In thisprevail. sense, it is necessary to propose a model that includesFrom the there, most it important will be observed elements whether for the these creation elements of an exist enotourist in La Axarquía, route where and if the they, criteria in the of eopinionfficiency, of profitability the experts, andconstitute sustainability an opportunity prevail. to create an itinerary. First, to structure our proposal, a studyFrom of there, the elements it will be present observed in the whether academic these literature elements was exist carried in La Axarquout. Second,ía, and the if interviews they, in the opinionrevealed of the the needs experts, and constitute opinions anof opportunitya group of stak to createeholders an itinerary.made up of First, winery to structure representatives our proposal, and apolitical study of and the social elements leaders. present Finally, in thethe academictourists visiting literature these was cellars carried were out. interviewed Second, thewith interviews identical revealedquestions the to needstest if andthis opinionsconjunction of aof group interests of stakeholderscould exist between made up the of demand winery and representatives the offer of the and politicalwine tourism and social product. leaders. Finally, the tourists visiting these cellars were interviewed with
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