EMERITI Newsletter Fall 2020 UCLA Emeriti Association, Our 53Rd Year Vol
UCLA EMERITI Newsletter Fall 2020 UCLA Emeriti Association, Our 53rd Year Vol. 34, No. 1 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE UCLA will continue to confer emeritus/a status on all retiring members of the Academic Senate, Dear Fellow Emeriti, Re- it is believed that this criterion should be com- tired Librarians, and mon to all the UC campuses. Letters in support Spouses: of a return to the original language identifying criteria for conferral of emeritus/a status were I know I speak for most sent to the Chair of the Academic Council, rep- of you, when I say that resenting all UC Academic Senates, who formal- UCLA has been an im- ly requested return to the previous wording. portant part of our lives, both professionally and A second issue was a proposal from the Office personally. The Emeriti of the President to consolidate a number of Association, which repre- emeriti/retiree health plans into a new plan. UC sents retired faculty, li- Emeriti and Retiree Associations did not feel brarians, and their spous- that they had been adequately consulted. This es, fosters continuing connections between issue was raised at a meeting of the Regent’s UCLA colleagues through its newsletter, and, Health Services Committee. The Council of UC normally, through after lunch programs, quar- Emeriti Associations (CUCEA) and Council of UC terly dinners, and an annual arts & crafts fair Retiree Associations (CUCRA) protested this (the current pandemic has required that events perceived lack of adequate consulation. As a now be virtual rather than in-person). The pro- result, the new plan replaced only one of the grams are interesting and informative, whether previous health-care plans and is considered a it be about a career in astrophysics, the current test for possible future changes in emeriti/ political situation in Turkey and the Middle retiree health-care plans.
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