State Higher Educational Institutions of Iowa
DEPARTMENTOF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF EDUCATION BULLETIN, 1916, NO. 19 II Ii ( STATE HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS OF IOWA A REPORT TO THE IOWA STATE BOARD Cr EDUCATION OF A SURVEY MADE UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION WASH1NCITON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1916 ERRATA. SO. Mange 68,000 innext to last lineto 72,000; change9,900 to 10,600. 43. Totalexpenditures, University "fIowa, shouldread$1,017,805.72, insteadof $1, 017, 806.72. 44. Totalexpenditures, Iowa StateCollege, shouldread $1,462,684.25,instead of $1,461,684.25. 45. Expendituresfor extension and industrialservice, StateCollege, shouldread $449,348.74, insteadof $449,348.79. 84. Line5 sholuilcriad, " Departmentof the Interior,"instead of"Department of Agricult 189. Omit (d)under "Utilizationof Buildings." Same changeas on p. 44. 4 ADDITIONAL COPIES OP THIS ITIILICATION MAY DE PROCURED PROM THENUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENT/I GOVERNMENT PRINTING urncs WANDINGToN, D.C. AT S CENTS PER COPY CONTENTS. Page. Letter of transmittal 5 Introduction 7 Chapter I.Higher education in Iowa, with incidental reference to 0 public secondary education 15 Chapter. II. Expenditures of Iowa State institutions of higher education_ 38 Chapter M.Duplication and the principle of major lines 48 Chapter IV.Graduate work 59 Chapter V.Liberal arts work in the Iowa State College 66 Chapter VI. Extension work 75 Chapter VILDuplication of work in psychology and education 78 Chapter VIII.Home economics In the three State educational institu- tions 83 'Chapter IX.Subcollegiate work 88 Chapter X.Courses in journalism__ 93 Chapter XI.Courses In commerce or a school of commerce 96 Chapter XII.A study of the use of buildings at the Iowa State institu-.
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