DR.M.SARWAR ZIA Assistant professor anatomy RMU OVERVIEW consists of  Testes  Genital ducts  Accessary sex glands  Functions of testes:- Production of spermatozoa Secretion of testosterone Actions of testosterone  Actions of dihydrotestosterone Genital ducts & accessary sex glands Testes

Testes derived from three sources  Intermediate mesoderm  Mesodermal  Primordial germ cells Decent of testes

At approximately 26 weeks testes descend Gubernaculum Cryptorchidism Orchioplexy Maintenance of temperature of testes in the . Countercurrent heat exchange mechanism . Sweating . muscle . Cremaster reflex Testes

 Tunica vasculosa  Mediastinum testes  Testicular lobules (250)  Seminiferous  Interstitial loose connective tissue  Interstitial cells (Leydig)  Straight tubules  Rete testes

Seminiferous tubules

Each Seminiferous is . 50 cm long (30 to 80 cm) . 150 to 250µm in diameter Seminiferous epithelium Tunica propria (peritubular tissue)

 Spermatogenic cells

 Sertoli cells Sertoli cells

. Structure . Sertoli cells junctional complexes  to Sertoli cell junctional complexes  Sertoli cell to junction  Sertoli cell to basal lamina Sertoli cells functions  Provide support ,protection and nutrition to developing spermatogenic cells  Exocrine and endocrine secretion . Androgen binding protein(ABP) . Inhibin . Mullerian inhibiting substance (MIS)  Phagocytosis  Establish blood testis barrier which protects the haploid male germ cells from immune system of the body

Blood – testes barrier Tunica propria

• Also called peritubular tissue • Multilayered connective tissue which lacks fibroblast • Composed of 3 to 5 layers of myoid cells and collagen fibrils • Excessive thickening in early life is associated with infertility Interstitial cells (Leydig)

 Large and polygonal  Eosinophilic  Contains lipid droplets  Lipofuscin pigments  Have all features of steroid secreting cells  Secrete the testosterone


A process by which spermatogonia develop into mature Begins shortly before puberty Continues throughout the life Phases of Spermatogonial phase  phase () Spermatid phase ()


A process by which undergo extensive remodeling and transform into spermatozoa Spermiogenesis include . Formation of . Condensation and elongation of nucleus . Development of flagellum . Loss of much of the Phases of spermiogenesis

. Golgi phase . Cap phase . Acrosome phase . Maturation phase

Structure of mature

. Mature human sperm 60µm . parts • Head 5x3x1 µm

• Tail  Neck (connecting piece)  Middle piece 7µm

 Principal piece 40µm

 End piece 5µm Structure of mature sperm Intratesticular ducts

 Straight tubules  Rete testes Straight tubules

. Initial part is lined by sertoli cells . Main segment is lined by simple cuboidal epithelium . Outer to basal lamina is loose CT

Lined by simple cuboidal epithelium Testis (low magnification) Testis (higher magnification) Extratesticular duct system

Efferent ductules  Ducts deferens  Efferent ductules

. About 20 in number . Derived from . Connects the rete testis with duct of epididymis . Coni vasculosae (6 to 10) . Efferent ductules are coiled about 15 to 20 cm long Efferent ductules

 Lined by pseudostratified columnar epithelium  Groups nonciliated cuboidal cells alternating with ciliated columnar cells  Thin circular layer of smooth muscle out side basal lamina  Interspersed among the smooth muscle are elastic fibers


 Crescent shaped organ  Measures 7.5 cm long  Location  Measurements 4-6m  Parts of epididymis . Head . Body . Tail Functions of Epididymis

. Storage of spermatozoa . Transportation of spermatozoa towards the ducts deferens . Reabsorption of most of the fluid that leaves the testis . Spermatozoa acquire the motility in the epididymis . Phagocytosis of degenerated sperms and extra cytoplasm . Spermatozoa become more cylindrical in duct of epididymis Epididymis

Lining of Duct of epididymis  Principal cells  Basal cells  Outer to epithelium are circularly arranged smooth muscles in head and body  In the tail three layers of smooth muscles  Outer the smooth muscles is loose connective tissue Epididymis

Ductus(Vas) deferens

 Longest part genital duct system  Course  Ampulla of  Ejaculatory duct  Structure  Lumen narrow longitudinally folded  Pseudostratified columnar epithelium  Sparse Stereocilia  Lamina propria rich in elastic fibers  Three muscle layers(1 to 1.5 mm)  Adventitia Loose CT  In ampulla mucosa shows extensive folding  Muscle layer become thin  Ejaculatory duct no smooth muscle (Jonquiere's)

Ampulla of ductus deferens Ejaculatory ducts Accessary sex glands

• Paired Seminal vesicle • gland • Paired Bulbourethral glands

 Paired elongated highly folded tubular exocrine glands  Measurement 15 cm long  Location Seminal vesicles

Structure:-  Mucosa . Pseudostratified columnar epithelium . Lamina propria  Smooth muscles . Inner circular . Outer longitudinal  Adventitia is formed by fibroelastic connective tissue Seminal vesicles Seminal vesicles


 Largest accessary sex gland  Location  Measurements 2cmx3cmx4cm  Weight 20 grams  Consists of 30 to 50 branched tubuloalveolar glands  Arrangement . Mucosal glands 5% . Submucosal glands 25% . Main glands (Peripheral) 70% Prostate

 Openings of prostate glands Prostate

Zones of prostate=-  Transition zone  Central zone  Peripheral zone Clinical correlation

Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) . Transition zone of prostate is involved . Is present in 50 % males above the age of 50 years . Is present in 95 % males above the age of 70 years . Leads to compression of urethra causing difficulty in micturition Prostatic cancer

. Peripheral zone of prostate is involved . One of most common form of cancer in man . Prostatic specific antigen (PSA) . Prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) . Normal level of PSA 4ng/ml . If level is 4 to 10 ng/ml the risk of cancer is 25% . If level is above 10 ng/ml the risk of cancer is is greater than 67% Microscopic structure of Prostate gland Compound tubuloalveolar gland lined by simple columnar or pseudostratified columnar epithelium Capsule Septa Indistinct lobes Fibromuscular stroma Corpora amylacia (prostatic concretions) Corpora amylacea (prostatic concretions) . Small spherical concretions . 0.2 to 2 mm in diameter . Contains mainly deposited glycoproteins and sulfated Glycosaminoglycans particularly keratin sulfate . Number and size increase with age . No physiological and clinical significance

Bulbourethral (Cowper’s) glands

 Paired glands  3 to 5 mm in diameter  Located in urogenital diaphragm  Ducts open in the initial part of penile urethra  Compound tubuloalveolar gland  Secretions are mucus in nature  Capsule  lobules  Secretory acini are lined by simple columnar epithelium  Septa rich in smooth muscles


• Histology A Text And Atlas Michael H Ross 5th Edition. • Basic Histology Text and Atlas by Luiz Carlos Junqueira 12th Edition • Medical histology by Liaq Hussain Siddiqui 5th Edition • Google Search results for images.