Index to Volume 106, 1994
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Wilson Bull., 106(4), 1994, pp. 789-811 INDEX TO VOLUME 106, 1994 BY KATHLEEN G. BEAL This index includes references to genera, species, authors, and key words or terms. In addition to avian species, references are made to the scientific names of all vertebrates mentioned within the volume and other taxa mentioned prominently in the text. Common names are as they appear in the volume unless otherwise specified. Reference is made to books reviewed, and announcements as they appear in the volume. Aborn, David A., Correlation between raptor discors, 494, 502 and songbird numbers at a migratory platyrhynchos, 416, 551-552, 553, 684, stopover site, 150-l 54 685, 741, 746, 759 abundance rubripes, 552, 553, 746 of wading birds relative to fluctuating wa- spp., 503 ter levels, 719-732 strepera, 684 Accipiter cooperii, 458, 459, 573 Anderson, Stanley H., see Conway, Courtney striatus, 565-567, 573 J., William R. Eddleman, and ~ Acrocephalus scirpaceus, 2 Anderson, Ted R., Breeding biology of Actitis macularia, 96 House Sparrows in northern lower Aebischer, N. J., see Birkan, M., G. R. Potts, Michigan, 537-548 -, and S. D. Dowel1 Andigena cucullata, 607 age Anianiau, see Hemignathus parvus identification of Hemignathus munroi, announcements 421430 to members of the Wilson Ornithological Agelaius phoeniceus, 155, 156-162, 457, Society, 45 458, 459 Anthony, J. Erskine, Atlas of breeding birds Aguon, Celestino Flores, and Sheila Conant, of the Maritime Provinces, reviewed, Breeding biology of the White- 578-580 rumped Shama on Oahu, Hawaii, Anumbius annumbi, 117 31 l-328 Anthus rubescens, 392-399 Aimophila aestivalis, 697 Antpitta, Crescent-faced, see Grallaricula li- cassinii, 366-380, 696 neifrons Aix sponsa, 551-552, 687 Ochre-breasted, see Grallaricula flaviros- Akepa, see Loxops coccineus [caeruleiros- tris tris] Ochre-fronted, see Grallaricula ochraceif- Akiapolaau, see Hemignathus munroi rons Amakihi, Common, see Hemignathus virens Peruvian, see Grallaricula peruviana Ammodramus caudacutus, 697 Rufous, see Grallaria rufula henslowii, 3545, 697 Apapane, see Himatione sanguinea leconteii, 697 Aquila chrysaetos, 272-288 maritimus, 697 Aratinga aurea, 769 savannarum, 39, 366-380, 697 Archaeopteryx, 409, 410 Amphispiza bilineata, 366380 Archilochus colubris, 54 Anairetes agilis, 169 Ardea herodias, 719-732, 744, 746 Anas acuta, 494, 552, 679-688 Ardeotis kori, 763-765 americana, 679-688 nigriceps, 763 clypeata, 684 Arenaria interpres, 96, 43 l-447 crecca, 494 melanocephala, 400-403 789 790 THE WILSON BULLETIN l Vol. 106, No. 4, December 1994 armadillo, southern three-banded, see Toly- brood amalgamation peustes matacos in Dendrocygna autumnalis, 563-564 Arremonos rufivirgatus, 366-380 comfort Astrapia mayeri, 523, 528 of Oreophasis derbianus, 357-365 Astrapia, Ribbon-tailed, see Astrapia mayeri copulatory Atlapetes torquatus, 597 homosexual mounting by male Tachy- Auriparus flaviceps, 366-380 cineta bicolor, 555-557 Avocet, American, see Recurvirostra amer- on ground for prolonged interval in icana Panterpe insignis, 573-574 awards and grants daily movement NABS research awards, 455 of Colinus virginianus broods in south- North American Bluebird Society, 447 ern Texas, 148-150 Aythya affinis, 552, 679-688 drinking americana, 495, 502 methods in Ardeotis kori and Lophotis collaris, 494-507, 684 ruficrista, 763-764 valisineria, 495, 501, 502, 684 dust bathing Babbler, Ferruginous, see Trichastoma bi- of Oreophasis derbianus, 357-365 color feeding Gray-breasted, see Malacopteron albogu- grit selection by Passer domesticus and lare Colinus virginianus, 689-695 Scaly-crowned, see Malacopteron ciner- of Picoides borealis nestlings by unre- eum lated female, 557-559 Short-tailed, see Malacocinela malaccen- use of Pygoscelis adeliae carcasses by sis Catharacta maccormicki, 26-34 Bailey, Stephen I?, review by, 775-776 foraging Barber, Theodore Xenophon, The human na- by staging Grus canadensis, 62-77 ture of birds, reviewed, 580-582 by woodpeckers in a bottomland hard- Bat-bet, White-mantled, see Capito hypoleu- wood forest, 242-257 cus of Charadrius wilsonia in northeastern Barker, Michael E., see Ewins, Peter J., Mi- Venezuela, 299-3 10 chael J. R. Miller, -, and Sergej of Oreophasis derbianus, 357-365 Postupalsky site selection and behavior by Himan- Barrantes, Gilbert, First description of the topus mexicanus, 508-513 nest and eggs of the Sooty-faced use of bait and lures by Butorides stria- Finch, 574 tus, 567-569 Bartramia longicauda, 96 use of wings by woodpeckers, 408-411 Baskett, Thomas S., Mark W. Sayre, Roy E. nesting Tomlinson, and Ralph E. Mirarchi, beneath or in Pandion haliaetus nests, Ecology and management of the 743-749 Mourning Dove, reviewed, 185-l 86 double brooding in Picoides borealis, bear, polar, see Thalarctos martimus 403-408 Beehler, Bruce M., see Davis, William E., double nesting attempt by female Parus Jr., and - carolinensis, 569-57 1 behavior of Paradisaea raggiana, 522-530 adoption of Pseudoseisura lophotes, 106-120 of Rissa tridactyla chicks by foster par- parental care ents, 289-298 tradeoffs and constraints in Tyrannus alarm calls tyrannus, 668-678 deceptive use by Sitta carolinensis, 573 redirected INDEX TO VOLUME 106 791 copulation by male Quiscalus major, body 770-77 1 composition sex-related movement of Aythya collaris, 494-507 of adult Falco tinnunculus rupicolus, mass 145-148 of Aythya collaris, 494-507 sleeping size in Dendrocygna viduata, 759-762 relationship to territory location for stranger than fiction Tympanuchus phasianellus, 329- prolonged copulation on ground in Pan- 337 terpe insignis, 5733.574 Boiga irregularis, 167 Quiscalus quiscula predation on adult Bollinger, Eric K., and Eric T Linder, Re- passerines, 174-175 productive success of Neotropical mi- time budget grants in a fragmented Illinois forest, of Bucephala clangula brood hens, 549- 46-54 554 Bombycilla cedrorum, 458, 459 vigilance Bosman, Ruth M., see Lombardo, Michael in Dendrocygna viduata, 759-762 P, -, Christine A. Faro, Ste- wing-flashing phen G. Houtteman, and Timothy S. in Nesomimus macdonaldi, 559-562 Kluisza Bergman, David L., Post-hatch brood amal- Brachyramphus marmoratus, 565-566 gamation by Black-bellied Whistling- Branta canadensis, 494-507, 743-749 Ducks, 563-564 canadensis minima, 272-288 Bertram, Brian C. R., The ostrich communal canadensis moffitti, 272-288 nesting system, reviewed, 183-l 84 Brauning, Daniel W., Atlas of breeding birds Best, Louis B., and James P Gionfriddo, Ef- in Pennsylvania, reviewed, 180 fects of surface texture and shape on Brauning, Daniel W., review by, 578-580 grit selection by House Sparrows and breeding biology Northern Bobwhite, 689-695 asynchronous hatching in Sturnus vulgar- Bibby, Colin J., Neil D. Burgess, and David is, 448455 A. Hill, Bird census techniques, re- double brooding in Picoides borealis, viewed, 176- 177 403404 Bird of Paradise, Crested, see Cnemophilus dynamics of ovarian follicles in breeding macgregorii ducks, 679-688 King, see Cicinnurus regius egg laying and incubation in Mergus mer- Magnificent, see Cicinnurus magniticus ganser, 757-759 Raggiana, see Paradisaea raggiana of Ciccaba virgata and Ciccaba nigroli- Superb, see Lophorina superba neata, 629-639 Birkan, M., G. R. Potts, N. .I. Aebischer, and of Copsychus malabaricus on Oahu, Ha- S. D. Dowel1 (eds.), Perdix VI. First waii, 3 1 l-328 international symposium on partridg- of Passer domesticus in northern lower es, quails and francolins, reviewed, Michigan, 537-548 584 parental care in Tyrannus tyrannus, 668- Birkhead, Tim, Great Auk Islands, reviewed, 678 772-773 Brigham, R. Mark, see Zurowski, Kevin L., Blackbird, Red-winged, see Agelaius phoen- and ~ iceus Brisbin, Lehr, see McAlpine, Susan, Olin E. Blem, C. R., reviews by, 417, 418, 575 Rhodes, Jr., Clark D. McCreedy, and Bluebird, Eastern, see Sialia sialis Bluethroat, see Luscinia svecica svecica Britcher, Jacqueline J., see Rossell, C. Reed, Bobwhite, Northern, see Colinus virginianus Jr., ~ 792 THE WILSON BULLETIN * Vol. 106, No. 4, December 1994 British Ornithologists ’ Club, Avian system- fuscicollis, 94, 95, 96, 431447 atics and taxonomy, reviewed, 575 himantopus, 94, 97 Brittingham, Margaret C., see Egan, Erica mauri, 94, 96, 400-403 S., and - melanotos, 97 Bruning, Donald, review by, 183-I 84 minutilla, 94, 95, 96, 102, 400403, 431- Bubo virginianus, 565, 744, 746 447 Bubulcus ibis, 5.55, 556 pusilla, 78-90, 94, 95, 96, 102, 431447 Bucephala clangula, 549-554, 758 Campephilus melanoleucos, 409 islandica, 552 Campylorhynchus bmnneicapillus, 366-380 Bulbul, Hairy-backed, see Hypsipetes crini- rufinucha, 162-165 ter Canvasback, see Aythya valisineria Yellow-bellied, see Criniger phaeocephal- Capito hypoleucus, 22 US Caracaras, Chimango, see Milvago &mango Bunting, Indigo, see Passerina cyanea Crested, see Polyborus plancus Lark, see Calamospiza melanocorys Cardinal, Northern, see Cardinalis cardinalis Painted, see Passerina ciris Cardinalis cardinalis, 54, 366-380, 733-738 Burgess, Neil D., see Bibby, Colin J., sinuatus, 366-380 -, and David A. Hill Carduelis tristis, 54, 458, 459 Burtt, Edward H., Jr., Julie A. Swanson, Bra- Carpodacus mexicanus, 573 dy A. Porter, and Sally M. Water- Carter, Harry R., and Michael L. Morrison house, Wing-flashing in mocking- (eds.), Status and conservation of the birds of the Galapagos Islands, 559- Marbled Murrelet in North America, 562 reviewed, 584 Bustamante, Javier, see Travaini, Alejandro, Caryothraustes canadensis, 733-738 Jose A. Donazar, Olga Ceballos, humeralis, 733-738 Martin Funes, Alejandro Rodriguez,