(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,472,422 B2 Kozikowski Et Al
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USOO6472422B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,472,422 B2 Kozikowski et al. (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 29, 2002 (54) ANALOGS OF COCAINE Clarke, R.L., et al., “Compounds Affecting the Central Nervous System.4.3B-Phenyltropane-2-carboxylic Esters (75) Inventors: Alan P. Kozikowski, Princeton, NJ and Analogs”,Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 16, No. (US); Gian Luca Araldi, Washington, 11, p. 1260–1267, (1973). DC (US) Clarke, R.L., et al., “In pursuit of analgetic agents. Hydro-1, 3-ethanoindeno2,1-cpyridines and homologs”,Journal of (73) Assignee: Georgetown University, Washington, Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 17, No. 10, pp. 1040–1046, DC (US) (1974). Engestoft, M., et al., “Synthesis and 5HT modulating activ (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this ity of Stereoisomers of patent is extended or adjusted under 35 3-phenoxymethyl-4-phenylpiperidines, Acta Chemica U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. Scandinavica, vol. 50, pp. 164-169, (1996). 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(56) References Cited Willcocks, K., et al., “The synthesis of 14C-3S, 4R-(4-fluorophenyl)-=3-(3.4-methylenedioxyphenoxym U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS ethyl)piperidine hydrochloride (BRL 29060A), and mecha 3,912,743 A 10/1975 Christensen et al. ........ 546/197 nistic Studies using carbon-13 labeling”, J. Labelled Compa. 4,007,196 A 2/1977 Christensen et al. ........ 546/197 Radiopharm., vol. 33, No. 8, pp. 783–794, (1993). 4,877,799 A 10/1989 Drejer et al. ............... 514/317 * cited by examiner 5,208.232 A 5/1993 Jacobsen et al. .. 514/228.2 Primary Examiner-Ceila Chang 5,760,073 A * 6/1998 Urbahns et al. ............ 514/451 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Dana M. 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(Oct. 12, 1987). 11 Claims, 10 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Oct. 29, 2002 Sheet 1 of 10 US 6,472,422 B2 Figure 1 NCO2Me MeO2C 2 C Me- C -- -------- Me-N y Me-N E 1 N s Sa '', Br Me H H w E. CO2Me 1, cis isomer (racernic) 2, trans isomer (racernic) C C M. MeO2, O.a C. - "M Mos %sers and Me-N-MeO2C f H H 1 (racemic) (-)-3, old = -56 (+)-4, or = +56 C Me-N C - "ROHOCH % C - . HOCH . F. f F (-)-9 (-)-5 (+)-6 C C AcOCH2 e. K AcOCH2 Me-N- Sesa Me-N-N F. F (-)-7 (+)-8 MeOC C MeO2C 2 C.al --ax-a--- RCs f H U.S. Patent Oct. 29, 2002 Sheet 3 of 10 US 6,472,422 B2 Figure 3 C C C MeO2C. e No e 11 16, minor SOmer 17, major somer 6a, R = n-Pr 17a, R = n-Pr 16b, R = CH2OH 17b, R = CH2OH U.S. Patent Oct. 29, 2002 Sheet 4 of 10 US 6,472,422 B2 Figure 4 CFs NS CO2Me MeC2C, MeN Me 8 NO2 CNS MeO2C, MeO2C, orsemes M 9 Me 2O NH2 X nS 2. MeO2C. -- MeO2C. ( 22a-c, X = Br, l, N3 Me 2 M L X semes MeO2C. n 23a-b, X = NHAC or NHCOOEt Me Amide analogs s Me es ZnCl, Med2C. Hiaasenees MeO2C. PoCl2(PPh3)2 Me 22 Me 24 isopropenyl derivative U.S. Patent Oct. 29, 2002 Sheet 5 of 10 US 6,472,422 B2 Figure 5 X X X Z MeO2C MeO2C. al re- it. alliame--- Me 25 26 27 4. a C Me 28 U.S. Patent Oct. 29, 2002 Sheet 6 of 10 US 6,472,422 B2 Figure 6 ---art- de racemic material f 30a, x = O, cis isoner 31a, x - O trans isomer 29, X = O and CH2 30b, X = CH2 31b, X is CH2 U.S. Patent Oct. 29, 2002 Sheet 7 of 10 US 6,472,422 B2 Figure 7 X X X n a MeO2C, -- Meoc -- Meoc, Me N 32 33 11, X = Cl U.S. Patent Oct. 29, 2002 Sheet 8 of 10 US 6,472,422 B2 Figure 8 C C HMel MeO2C, memorale MeO2C, N N 32 CT3 4. U.S. Patent Oct. 29, 2002 Sheet 9 of 10 US 6,472,422 B2 Figure 9 MeO2C. OHC R-CH-PPh3 U.S. Patent Oct. 29, 2002 Sheet 10 Of 10 US 6,472,422 B2 Figure 10 X X n R 2 HO2C. --alm-mamma- N^Yo-e, Me 45 M. 46 US 6,472,422 B2 1 2 ANALOGS OF COCAINE Several others involving Steric hindrance, distinct but over lapping sites or multiple binding Sites in which at least one This application is a continuation of U.S. patent appli is required for both cocaine and dopamine binding. In cation Ser. No. 09/056,727, filed Apr. 7, 1998, now U.S. Pat. addition, a recent Study using rotating disk electrode 6,180,648, issued Jan. 30, 2001. Voltammetry, which is capable of monitoring uptake with a 50 msec resolution, Suggests that cocaine inhibits dopamine GOVERNMENT FUNDING uptake uncompetitively while competitively blocking Na' and Cli binding to the carrier. While these data have not The invention described herein was made with U.S. been validated using other experimental approaches, they Government support under grant DA11546 awarded by the further Support the idea that the cocaine and dopamine National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Drug binding Sites are unique. Abuse. N-Ethylmaleimide (NE) is capable of inhibiting about PRIORITY OF INVENTION 95% of the specific binding of Hmazindol, and the effect of 10 mM N-ethylmaleimide is completely prevented by 10 This application claims priority under 35 U.S.C. S119(e) 15 luM cocaine, while neither 300 uM dopamine nor from U.S. Provisional patent application Ser. No. 60/042, d-amphetamine afforded any Significant protection. 775, filed Apr. 7, 1997. Furthermore, a recent Study of the Structure of the dopamine transporter revealed that aspartate and Serine residues lying BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION within the first and seventh hydrophobic putative membrane Cocaine abuse is one of the greatest concerns of the Spanning regions were critical for dopamine uptake, but leSS American public today, and has therefore become a focus of so for HICFT (WIN-35428) binding. For example, medical, Social and political leaders. Cocaine is one of the replacement of the serine residues at positions 356 and 359 most addictive Substances known, and addicts may lose their in the Seventh hydrophobic region by alanine or glycine ability to function at work or in interpersonal Situations. reduced HDA uptake, whereas HICFT (WIN-35428) Drug dependence and the great profits that are made 25 binding was less affected. More recent experiments with DA throughout the distribution network of cocaine have fueled and NE transporter chimeras show that transmembrane a rise in drug-associated crime in the United States and in domains 6-8 determine cocaine binding while domains Colombia. Although the incidence of casual cocaine use has 9-12 plus the carboxy tail are responsible for DA binding decreased Substantially in the last few years, the number of affinity.