
AP English Language and Composition (AP 3) Summer Reading Assignment

Take this quiz, and choose your summer reading adventures! (You’ll select 3 authors from the attached list for your summer reading, but this chart is a good place to start.)

What fascinates you?

nature’s grandeur everything human foibles

John Muir John McPhee Annie Dillard David Foster Wallace Diane Ackerman Dave Barry Lewis Thomas David Sedaris

Where do you direct your gaze? up to the stars your inner self

the earth at your feet Ralph Waldo Emerson

E.O. Wilson

Stephen Jay Gould

medicine What will be your life’s work? fighting injustice

Rebecca Skloot Martin Luther King, Jr. Atul Gawande saving the earth technology Cornel West bell hooks Bill McKibben Rachel Carson Nicolas Carr teaching

Frank McCourt Would you rather read fiction?

Leslie Marmon Silko What’s for dinner? George Orwell N. Scott Momaday Margaret Atwood a juicy hamburger fresh asparagus Zora Neale Hurston Francine Prose Jamaica Kincaid Barbara Kingsolver Jonathan Safran Foer Peter Singer Dave Eggers

Select three authors from the list below. Read at least one work by each. At least one of the works you select should be a longer, book-length work. A collection of essays counts as a longer work. The other works you select may be individual essays or speeches.

The AP English Language and Composition course is primarily a nonfiction class that focuses on how and why an author says what he says. The authors on this list have been identified by the College Board as authors who skillfully employ language to achieve a specific purpose with a specific audience in mind.

When you return to school in August, we’ll begin by discussing the relationship between speaker, audience, and message, so as you read you should keep notes or make annotations in your books that will help you during those discussions.

Representative Authors List:

The list below has been compiled using the AP English Language and Composition Course Descriptions that have been published by the College Board over the last several years. Reading lists vary from one AP class to another, but the following authors are representative of the range and quality of reading that is expected of an AP English student.

Autobiographers and Diarists Melba Patillo Beals, James Boswell, Judith Ortiz Cofer, Jill Ker Conway, Thomas De Quincey, , , Stephanie Elizondo Griest, Elva Trevino Hart, Harriet Jacobs (Linda Brent), , Maxine Hong Kingston, T. E. Lawrence, Frank McCourt, Samuel Pepys, Richard Rodriguez, Richard Wright, Malcolm X, Anzia Yezierska

Biographers and History Writers Lerone Bennett Jr., James Boswell, Thomas Carlyle, Winston Churchill, Vine Deloria Jr., Leon Edel, Richard Ellmann, Niall Ferguson, Shelby Foote, John Hope Franklin, , , Richard Holmes, Gerda Lerner, Thomas Macaulay, , Arnold Rampersad, , Arthur M. Schlesinger, Ronald Takaki, George Trevelyan, Barbara Tuchman, Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Critics Paula Gunn Allen, Gloria Anzaldua, Michael Arlen, Matthew Arnold, Sven Birkerts, Susan Bordo, , , Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Arlene Croce, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry Louis Gates Jr., William Hazlitt, Christopher Hitchens, bell hooks, , Pauline Kael, Joyce Carol Oates, Walter Pater, John Ruskin, Edward Said, George Santayana, George Bernard Shaw, Susan Sontag, Cornel West, Oscar Wilde, Edmund Wilson

Essayists and Fiction Writers Joseph Addison, James Agee, Margaret Atwood, , James Baldwin, G. K. Chesterton, Joan Didion, Dave Eggers, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Jonathan Safran Foer, Paul Fussell, Mavis Gallant, Nadine Gordimer, Elizabeth Hardwick, Edward Hoagland, Zora Neale Hurston, Barbara Kingsolver, Jamaica Kincaid, Charles Lamb, Philip Lopate, , Nancy Mairs, Mary McCarthy, N. Scott Momaday, Michel de Montaigne, V. S. Naipaul, Geoffrey Nunberg, Tillie Olsen, George Orwell, Cynthia Ozick, Francine Prose, Ishmael Reed, Adrienne Rich, Mordecai Richler, Sharman Apt Russell, Scott Russell Sanders, David Sedaris, Richard Selzer, Leslie Marmon Silko, , Shelby Steele, Henry David Thoreau, , Alice Walker, Eudora Welty, E. B. White, Terry Tempest Williams,

Journalists Roger Angell, Dave Barry, David Brooks, Maureen Dowd, Elizabeth Drew, Nora Ephron, M. F. K. Fisher, Frances Fitzgerald, Janet Flanner (Genêt), Thomas L. Friedman, Ellen Goodman, David Halberstam, , Paul Krugman, Alex Kuczynski, Andy Logan, John McPhee, H. L. Mencken, Jessica Mitford, Jan Morris, Donald M. Murray, Susan Orlean, Rick Reilly, , Red Smith, Lincoln Steffens, Paul Theroux, Calvin Trillin, Cynthia Tucker,

Political Writers Hannah Arendt, Simone de Beauvoir, William F. Buckley, Jean de Crèvecoeur, W. E. B. Du Bois, Margaret Fuller, John Kenneth Galbraith, , Chris Hedges, Thomas Hobbes, , George Kennan, Martin Luther King Jr., Naomi Klein, Lewis H. Lapham, , Niccolò Machiavelli, John Stuart Mill, , Thomas More, , Olive Schreiner, Peter Singer, , Alexis de Tocqueville, Gore Vidal, George Will, ,

Science and Nature Writers Edward Abbey, Diane Ackerman, Natalie Angier, Wendell Berry, Jacob Bronowski, Nicolas Carr, Rachel Carson, Charles Darwin, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, , Annie Dillard, Gretel Ehrlich, Loren Eiseley, Timothy Ferris, Tim Flannery, Richard Fortey, Atul Gawande, Malcolm Gladwell, Jane Goodall, Stephen Jay Gould, Evelyn Fox Keller, Aldo Leopold, Barry Lopez, Peter Matthiessen, Bill McKibben, Margaret Mead, John Muir, Steven Pinker, David Quammen, Carl Sagan, Rebecca Skloot, Lewis Thomas, , E. O. Wilson