Towards Next-Generation Peer-to-Peer Systems Magnus Kolweyh aka risq University of Bremen
[email protected] Kolweyh Towards Next-Generation Peer-to-Peer Systems Motivation Present an overview of interesting P2P systems Offer some knowledge out of P2P science Discuss novel implemented approaches and concepts Show some current measurement studies Inspire developers Ask the usual P2P suspects Kolweyh Towards Next-Generation Peer-to-Peer Systems Roadmap Science vs. Peer-to-Peer P2P generations Challenges and concepts Current trends in file sharing Services for Peer-to-Peer systems Example: Data Mining Prospects Kolweyh Towards Next-Generation Peer-to-Peer Systems Science and Peer-to-Peer ....or how to survive as an evil file sharing PhD student... Anthill Don't touch too much file Suprnova dead ? one sharing..illegal content please Kolweyh Towards Next-Generation Peer-to-Peer Systems P2P Generations ?! Old school File sharing Phones Napster Arpanet Gnutella Bulletin Boards Edonkey Messenger Distributed computing ICQ Zetagrid M$ and AOL crap SETI@HOME ..awkward !! ..any ideas ? Kolweyh Towards Next-Generation Peer-to-Peer Systems Let's think of services Communication File sharing Distributed computing Scalability Reliability Anonymity What are the next services ? Kolweyh Towards Next-Generation Peer-to-Peer Systems Peer-to-Peer Communities Boards Community basis Files Kolweyh Towards Next-Generation Peer-to-Peer Systems Free riding Adar/Huberman 20% host 98% of all content 60-70% peers don't share Kolweyh Towards Next-Generation Peer-to-Peer