"Best Historic Locations in "

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16 Locaties in uw favorieten

Piazza De Ferrari "City's Main Square"

Located on the edges of the old city, this is historically the first large square to have been built in Genoa, in the period between the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century. For the citizens, it represents the real city center, where you meet to go shopping, to have a drink, to attend civic events, or to take a quick dip in the bronze fountain by Robertaderoberto to take the edge off the summer heat, or to celebrate sporting triumphs. Buildings which face onto the square include the Palazzo Ducale with its frescoed facade, the Teatro Carlo Felice, the Palazzo dell'Accademia, the Palazzo della Nuova Borsa and the Via XX Settembre, main artery of the city for both traffic and pedestrians, also leads off the square.

+39 010 557 2903 (Tourist Information) Piazza De Ferrari, Genua

Mura della città "The Longest City Wall in Europe"

The original city centre, in the Castello area, was closed off by a circular wall in the 9th century. Substantial remains of this wall can be seen under Piazza Sarzano and in Via Tommaso Reggio, and in the Chiostro dei Canonici di S. Lorenzo. The second wall, dating back to 1155-61 is called "del Barbarossa" and was built to protect the city, which had grown by chensiyuan substantially since the construction of the earlier wall, from the threat of an invasion by the German Emperor. Some remains of this wall can be seen near the Carignano Bridge, as well as at the two gates which allowed entrance into the city, the Porta Soprana o di S. Andrea to the East (the road to ) and the Porta dei Vacca (or of S. Fede) to the West (towards France). The city expanded towards Carignano Hill, Castelletto Hill, and the Pré zone. Between 1320 and 1347 the new boundary wall was built, it was then developed and extended along the coast during the 16th century. These walls are largely preserved and are still visible near Piazza della Vittoria (in the background, behind the caravels), the Parco dell'Acquasola, and Corso M. Quadrio (the marina wall). The bulwark which defended the city from the sea dates back to the same period, as is the Porta Siberia (or del Molo).

+39 010 868 7452 Via Tommaso Reggio, Genua

Genoa Cathedral "Genoa's Iconic Cathedral"

This church, dedicated to S. Lorenzo became the city's cathedral in the 5th-6th Century CE. The construction of the cathedral, which can be said to have lasted for centuries thanks to artists from Pisa, Lombardy and France, gave rise to an interesting mixture of styles, especially visible in the black and white facade. The inside is made up of three naves flanked by VillageHero by columns and reclaimed roman capitals, and owes its current appearance to the refurbishment carried out after the fire in 1296. The frescoes were done by L. Cambiaso and G.B. Castello il Bergamasco. The sober dome by G. Alessi and the presbytery are also from the same period. Everyone from Genoa knows the story of the bomb that sits at the beginning of the right hand nave. On February 9, 1941 it hit the cathedral destroying part of the casing, but remaining miraculously unexploded.

+39 010 557 2903 (Tourist www.visitgenoa.it/en/cath [email protected] Piazza San Lorenzo, Genua Information) edral-san-lorenzo

Maria di Castello "Dominican Church"

Maria di Castello was first built around 650 AD in the early fortified area of the city. It was rebuilt by Pre Lamica masters at the beginning of the 12th century. Since 1441, when it was taken over by the Dominican fathers, it has undergone regular redecoration. The Predicatori brothers made the complex into one of the most important centers of humanist by Davide Papalini thought. The church has three naves lined with granite columns with reused Roman headbands. It has valuable vaults, decorated with 15th- century decorations which replace the original medieval trusses. It has numerous frescoes, paintings, altarpieces, sculptures and wooden groups. There are noteworthy canvasses by D.Piola, B.Castello, A.Lomi; a venerable medieval, wooden Christ figure and the remains of the holy Jacopo da Varagine (Varazze), who was the author of the Golden Legend. The marble entrance of the Sacristy was built in 1452. This graceful room has been made even more precious by the 18th-century walnut furnishings. The museum area in the convent is reached from here.

+39 010 25 4951 www.diocesi.genova.it/documenti.p Salita Di Santa Maria Di Castello 15, hp?idd=203&parrocchia=138 - 26k - Genua

Centro Storico "Through Genoa's Historical Center"

If you are holidaying in Genoa, you must include Centro Storico as the main attraction of the city. This old port town is dotted with brilliant historical monuments and attractions preserved with mysteries of the past. To get the feel of a time conserved within these walls you must explore the alleys and squares, shops, museums and palaces. You can go by chensiyuan on a walking tour or take a bike ride or an open-top bus trip as the secrets unravel before your eyes. There are many routes, including Via Garibaldi or Strada Nuovo, the oldest street of the town, which is the center of the appeal with marvelous residential buildings.

+39 010 557 2903 (Tourist www.visitgenoa.it/it/centro-storico Via Garibaldi, Genua Information)

Area del Porto Antico "Historic Port With Never-ending Attractions"

The layout of the whole area and the various architectural constructions in the Old Port, have now become a perfect example of the coexistence of old buildings and modern edifices. The salvaging and refurbishment of the historic port and of the old town center nearby, have all helped in the re- establishment of the tourist trade within the city. The new "marinaro" area by 9843405 is constantly brought to life through sound, light and color and has various attractions dedicated to free time and culture. Therefore, Genoa is no longer solely a city of art, but also a seaside town offering fun and relaxation. A must is a trip on the Bigo, the rotating panoramic lift which offers a view over the entire city.

+39 010 248 5711 www.portoantico.it/ Porto Antico, Genua Via Giuseppe Garibaldi "A Walk Through History"

Designed by Bernadino Cantone in the 1550s, Via Garibaldi is one of Genoa's most picturesque avenues, and has been used model for subsequent expansions throughout the city. The street spans the distance been Piazza Fontane Marose and Piazza della Meridiana, lined with palazzi built between the 16th and 18th Centuries for some of the city's by Pimlico27 most wealthy families. In true Genoese style, the palazzi are all richly decorated within, and face onto leafy courtyards, enhanced by lily ponds, frescoed walls and terraces. Several of these are now public buildings that are open to visitors, while others have been preserved as museums. Via Garibaldi is also renowned for its many restaurants, gelaterias and bookstores.

+39 010 557 2903 (Tourist www.visitgenoa.it/en/stra [email protected] Via Garibaldi, Genua Information) da%20nuova

Via Balbi "A Road for a Family"

Conceived at the beginning of the seventeenth century as an imitation of the Strada Nuova (Via Garibaldi), this road was in fact built for a single family, the Balbi, who owned the entire area. The Balbi decided to create their "district" here, having increased their fortunes dramatically after the beginning of the silk trade, due to a sequence of entrepreneurial activity by chensiyuan abroad (in Anversa and Spain), after having arranged several marriages of convenience with other rising families. To achieve this, they commissioned the architect Bartolomeo Bianco to build several of their sumptuous palaces, as well as to design the streets named by them. In an urban regeneration which took most of the seventeenth century, several residences were constructed: the Palazzo di Gio Francesco Balbi, that of Giacomo and Pantaleo Balbi, today the Palazzo Balbi Senarega of the , the Palazzo of Francesco Maria Balbi, that of Stefano Balbi, later Durazzo, which today houses the Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Reale and the Falcone Theatre, the Palazzo of Gio Agostino Balbi now named Cattaneo Adorno, the church of and Frances Saverio and the Jesuit College, today the Palazzo dell'Università and university library, and finally St Charles' church.

+39 010 868 7452 Via Balbi, Genua

Commenda di Pré "An Old Refuge for Crusaders and Pilgrims"

This building was founded around 1000AD as a hospital, or as a refuge for the crusaders who had been sent to the Holy land. Afterwards, it became a shelter for pilgrims going to Jerusalem or Santiago di Compostela. It is attached to the neighbouring Church of Giovanni di Pre'". The three level open gallery gives the building its character. The "Commenda" has kept by Davide Papalini some of its medieval features. There are spherocubical headbands on the ground floor. On the middle floor there is 15th century wooden flooring which is decorated with prints. On the third floor there are wonderful frescoes with battle insignia and coats of arms from the nobility, as well as the part of the building which belonged to the apartment of the Knight commander. It's interesting to note that up until 1731 people could only go into the two churches of S.Giovanni through the Commenda. This was administered by the Jerusalemite Knights (and from 1420 by the Knights of the Order of Malta). It has never been understood however what criteria were needed to be allowed admittance into each of the churches. (perhaps it was divided by gender, or, more probably, according to the wealth of the pilgrim). Visits are possible on special occasions and by appointment.

+39 010 557 4096 Piazza della Commenda 1, Genua Albertis Castle "Museum In A Neogothic Castle"

Albertis Castle, built between 1886 and 1892 for Capitan E. D'Albertis is a true architectural splendor. The captain donated it to the city on his death together with the ethnographic, archaeological and marine collections that he had put together during his many journeys to Africa, the Americas, and Oceania. It bears witness to the fashion for romantic gardens in this by Twice25 e Rinina25 period which were particularly popular in Genoa. A visit to the castle will also give you a chance to see the exhibit models of ships, yachts, nautical instruments and photographs.

+39 010 272 3820 www.museidigenova.it/it/c castellodalbertis@comune. Corso Dogali 18, Genua ontent/castello-dalbertis genova.it

Villa Del Principe "Genoa's Pride"

The stunning palace is one of the most notable landmarks of the city. Built in the center of picturesque gardens, admiral Andrea Doria resided here for a significant number of years. Today, Villa Del Principe is a venue that can be hired for concerts, recitals, poetry readings, banquets, private parties, business meetings, seminars, product launches and other events. by Fabiola Elle Most popular are the classical concerts which include mind blowing performances from string quartets, jazz ensembles, orchestras and symphonies. The interiors are stunning and laden with frescoes, decorative ceilings and furniture which exude an old world charm. During summers, events are held outdoors on the spacious terrace.

+39 010 25 5509 www.visitgenoa.it/en/villa-del- Piazza del Principe 4, Genua principe

Lighthouse of Genoa "The Symbol of Genoa"

This is known throughout the world as the emblem of Genoa. The Lanterna was built in 1543 on the site of an earlier lighthouse. It has always kept the seafaring people safe, enabling them to direct their boats towards a safe harbor. The 120 meter (394 feet) tower is in all Genoese's hearts, and when they see it they know that they are at home. Considered by Mstyslav Chernov as the world's third oldest lighthouse, a visit to Genoa is incomplete without a tour of this iconic lighthouse.

+39 349 280 9485 www.lanternadigenova.it/ [email protected] Rampa della Lanterna, Genua

Monumental Cemetery of Staglieno "Iconic Cemetery"

Cimitero Monumentale di Staglieno is one of the most interesting cemeteries in Italy and is visited by many foreign tourists. It owes its fame to its amphitheater on the slopes of the hill and the continuous succession of monumental buildings and little woods. It was created by G.B.Resasco by Rob Oo in successive phases since the middle of the 19th Century. It is dominated by the Chapel of the Intercession (or Pantheon). Here are all the headstones of the famous people of the city. There are sculptures and architecture throughout the galleries, tree-lined avenues and in the English and Jewish cemeteries. They are a sample of art from the second half of the 19th Century.

+39 010 557 6843 www.cimiterodistaglieno.it/ Piazzale Reasco, Genua Abbazia di San Fruttuoso "Boat Trip to a Historic Marvel"

De strenge façade van één van de oudste kloosterkerken van Ligurië beheerst de baai van San Fruttuoso.

by chensiyuan

+39 0185 77 2703 www.fondoambiente.it/ fai.sanfruttuoso@fondoam Via San Fruttuoso 18, biente.it Camogli

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