Dps Bokaro Students Excel At National, Zonal Level In Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan Exam JNS I Bokaro: Exhibiting exceptional performance, three students of DPS Bokaro secured ranks at National and Zonal level in Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan (VVM) 2020-21 – a national programme for educating and popularising science.

In this coveted exam Kumar Anmol of Class VII bagged National Rank 3 whereas Rishi Divya Kirti of Class XI and Aryan Kumar of Class VIII secured rank I from the East Zone. Kumar Anmol, the winner of the National level VVM is titled ‘Himalayan’. The final examination for VVM was held virtually due to the pandemic in the last week of May, 2021. The results for the same were declared yesterday. The winner of the National Rank will be awarded with a cash prize of Rs. 10,000 and the other two Zonal Rank holders will be awarded with Rs. 5000 each. Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan (VVM) is a national programme jointly organized by Vijnana Bharati, NCERT and Vigyan Prasar with the objective to identify keen knowledge seekers in Science and then nurture them for higher level of science education. Principal, DPS Bokaro A.S. Gangwar congratulated the successful students and expressed his happiness on this achievement. He said “This programme helps in identifying the talent in the field of science and promoting the scientific acumen among the students. I wish them the best for the future.”

‘तेरे कौन से रंग में डूबूं कान्हा, कुछ बोल बता िदखा मुझको…’ # ‘िबन धन के िवद्वान भी, पात नहीं सम्मान…’ बोकारो। अिखल भारतीय सािहत्ियक संस्था राष्ट्रीय किव संगम के झारखंड प्रांत इकाई द्वारा गूगल मीट पर काव्य लहरी-2 कार्यक्रम का आयोजन िकया गया। राष्ट्रीय किव संगम के प्रांतीय अध्यक्ष व समाजसेवी सुनील खवाड़े की अध्यक्षता व दुमका िजला इकाई अध्यक्ष रोिहत अम्बष्ट के संचालन में आयोिजत इस काव्यगोष्ठी में बोकारो से किव डाॅ रणजीत कुमार झा, कवियत्री क्रांित श्रीवास्तव, धनबाद से मनोज वर्णवाल अंजान, मंजु शरण, रांची से कल्याणी झा, प्रवीण िसन्हा पिरमल, रामगढ़ से डाॅ रजनी गुप्ता, संदीप पाठक, देवघर से स्मृित भारती, जितन कुमार, हजारीबाग से डाॅ राजीव दास, मोना बग्गा, पलामू से पूजा शुक्ला, राम प्रवेश पंिडत, जमशेदपुर से नवीन अग्रवाल, िवजय नारायण िसंह, दुमका से नवीन चन्द्र ठाकुर, श्रृष्िट रौशन, जामताड़ा से राम स्वरुप, मयुरेश, राघवेन्द्र िसंह ने काव्य पाठ िकया। बोकारो के डाॅ रणजीत कुमार झा ने दोहे ‘रस िबन जस मधुदण्ड है, रस िबन जस पय नीर/रस िबन तैसे होत है, विनता योगी वीर/धन ही के सब पूछत हैं, धन ही करे सब मान/िबन धन के िवद्वान भी, पात नहीं सम्मान’ सुनाकर वाहवाही ली तो कवियत्री क्रांित श्रीवास्तव ने ‘तेरे कौन से रंग में डूबूं कान्हा, कुछ बोल बता िदखा मुझको/तेरे इंतजार में बैठी हूं, आ हाथ पकड़ के िरझा मुझको’ सुनाकर सबकी दाद पाई। अन्य िजला इकाईयों से भी किव-कवियत्िरयों ने भक्ित, प्रेम, देशभक्ित व मानवीय भावनाओं से ओत-प्रोत रचनाएं सुनाकर सबकी प्रशंसा पाई। अध्यक्षीय भाषण में प्रांतीय अध्यक्ष सुनील खवाड़े ने काव्यगोष्ठी में किव-कवियत्िरयों के उत्साहपूर्ण भागीदारी पर प्रसन्नता जताते हुए इसे हर सप्ताह आयोिजत करने की आवश्यकता बताई। उन्होंने कहा िक समाज में जन-जागरण लाने में किवयों की महती भूिमका रही है और राष्ट्रीय किव संगम ‘राष्ट्र जागरण धर्म हमारा’ ध्येय को लेकर आगे बढ़ रहा है। सभी के सकारात्मक सहयोग से संगठन और आगे बढ़ेगा। कार्यक्रम के दौरान सुप्रिसद्ध युवा किव राष्ट्रीय किव संगम के राष्ट्रीय मंत्री सह झारखंड प्रभारी िदनेश देवघिरया, प्रांतीय उपाध्यक्ष उदय शंकर उपाध्याय, पंकज झा, प्रांतीय महामंत्री सरोज कुमार झा, सोशल मीिडया सहयोगी पीयूष राज, बोकारो महानगर अध्यक्ष अरुण पाठक, बोकारो िजला इकाई अध्यक्ष िवद्या भूषण िमश्र, सुनील िसंह सिहत िविभन्न िजलों के अध्यक्ष, महासिचव व सदस्य उपस्िथत रहे।

A Migrant Worker From Bokaro Dies In Malaysia JNS: A migrant labour, resident of Penk Panchyat under of has died in an accident at Malaysia.

Hiralal Mahato (34) was engaged in transmission line work since 2016, died after falling from a height on 14 June. At the time of accident he was working on a tower, informed his colleague over the phone to the relatives of the deceased. After the Harilal’s death, the company officials kept the other laborers who were working there in captivity. They took them in a room and locked the doors so that their (Harilal) relatives could not get information about his death, he said. Two days later, when they were freed the labours to join the work, two of them informed about the incident to Harilal’s relatives over phone, informed Bhimlal Mahato the brother of the deceased. “Even after 12 days of the death of my brother we yet the get his body to perform the last rite,” added Bhimlal. Bidiya Devi the wife of the deceased along with family members appealed Jagarnath Mahato the Education Minister , for help after apprising him about the incident. The Education Minister has assured for co operation to the victim’s family.

Jsca, Sail-Bsl Inks Mou For International Cricket Stadium In Bokaro Ashis Sinha I JNS: Bokaro soon to get an international cricket stadium; It would be the third international stadium in Jharkhand.

Jharkhand State Cricket Association (JSCA) signed a lease agreement with SAIL- (BSL) on Friday, which has paved the way for constructing an international cricket stadium by JSCA in Bokaro. Amarendu Prakash, Director in-charge BSL, Amitabh Choudhary, the former secretary of the BCCI and the former Director of the ICC, Nafees Akhtar, JSCA, and Sanjay Sahai, Secretary JSCA, were signing the leasing agreement between SAIL-BSL and JSCA. Under this arrangement, the SAIL-BSL has transferred 20.17 acres of land to JSCA for 33 years to construct an international cricket stadium at Bokaro. The said land on lease to JSCA is located on the south of National Highway-23 at Mauja-Narkara and south-west of the Vistapit College, informed an official. “A renewal provision based on the terms and conditions of the lease and other approvals by SAIL Board members is also included under the Lease Agreement,” added the official. It is noteworthy that in January 2018, JSCA had requested to allot land to SAIL-BSL for the construction of an international cricket stadium in Bokaro. BSL forwarded this proposal for approval of the SAIL Board and Ministry of Steel, and after getting all necessary approvals, further action was initiated. Both parties also completed all other formalities before signing the lease agreement. Addressing the media on occasion, Amarendu Prakash said it’s a proud moment for all of us; “this proposed International Cricket Stadium in Bokaro would also help cultivate local cricketing talent,” added. Speaking on the occasion Amitabh Choudhary said the proposed International Cricket Stadium in Bokaro will be state-of-the-art in terms of facilities and will have a seating capacity of about 25,000 people. Dps Bokaro Students Make Their Mark In ‘International French Exam’ JNS: Bringing laurels to DPS Bokaro, students Gracy Raj, Riddhima Sujata Kumari, Divyansha Ananya Spriha, Darshwana Nandini have cleared A2 level in French Word Power (FWP) examination organised by Québec Gov. Office , Canada while Sadhvi Jha, Gracy Raj, Riddhima Sujata Kumari, Isha Raj, Vaidansi, Sweksha Sharma, Ridhima Mishra, Tanya Pandey, Ayushi Sinha, Vidushi Singh, Apurva Shandilya, Sarah Sayeed, Shaily Jaiswal, Aditya Raj and Sneha Singh have cleared A2 level certification in Concours Romain Rolland (CRR) examination by Alliances Francaise, Rouen (France). Every year this examination is conducted by Québec Gov. Office, Canada and Alliances Francaise, Rouen (France) at two levels i.e. state and national. This year the examination was conducted from November 2020, the results of which were declared recently. The objective of the exam is to examine the students’ overall understanding of the language and not just their memorization skills. These examinations assess the students for different levels like A1, A2, B1 and B2 levels. Level A1 is meant for students of classes V and VI whereas level A2 is meant for students of classes VII and VIII and level B1 is meant for students of classes IX and X. Expressing his happiness on the accomplishment of the students, Principal, DPS Bokaro A. S. Gangwar said that such examinations are a great opportunity for students to get an International certification. “I wish them success in future,” added Gangwar.

Iit Ism Students Bring Laurels To The Nation At International Competition Arma, Usa Ashis Sinha I JNS: Once again, the IIT ISM students made their mark across the world. A five- member team of the third-year (B Tech) mining engineering students of IIT- ISM brought laurels not only to their institutions, but also the country by securing the third position in the Student Design Competition (SDC)-2021 of American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA). The team named “Stabilizers” compromising Madhav Singhal, Amara Venkata Sai Srujan, Battula Sreeshma, Anjali Atreyi, and Nimmagadda Sravani under the guidance of Professor Rabindra Kumar Sinha has finally secured the third prize in the “ARMA Student Design Competition 2021”, informed a Public Relations Official of IIT ISM, Dhanbad. The American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA), USA is a professional and international engineering and scientific society, which promotes vibrant interaction among rock mechanics professionals, Academia and Industry in the area of rock mechanics and Geomechanics. The “ARMA Student Design Competition 2021” was organized by the University of Kentucky, USA and Virginia Tech ARMA student chapters, USA, and sponsored by ARMA, the University of Kentucky and ITASCA Consulting Group, informed the official. This was a tough competition on a global level in which 167 participants attended the initial FLAC/Slope Webinar held on 9 April this year. Later 40 teams from 29 universities from 17 countries registered for the competition out of which 21 teams from various countries could submit their entry, she said. “Thereafter, only six teams were selected in the first round for presentation of their design and finally, our team moved to the third position,” she added. Expressing pleasure on the achievements of their students Professor Sinha said, “It’s one of my dreams which have come true”; it is a stepping stone towards fulfilling my dream to take IIT(ISM) to greater heights by mentoring the students to make a global presence. “The team was really hard-working toiling day and night to design the mine,” he Sinha. At present very few universities are in the elite club of the ARMA Students Chapter. I am in the process of playing a pivotal role in the opening of the “ARMA Students Chapter” in the Department of Mining Engineering, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad, where IIT(ISM) can make its presence felt globally to improve the ranking of the Department and the Institute, said Professor Sinha. “The team Stabilisers have shown keen interest to work with the Department in setting up the ARMA Student’s chapter,” he added. The team thanked Professor Rajiv Shekhar, Director of the Institute and Faculty Member of IIT(ISM) for encouragement, building a competitive ecosystem, carving out creativity, new ideas and innovation amongst the students and providing a platform to achieve this milestone. Professor Arvind Kumar Mishra, Head of the Department of Mining Engineering congratulated the Team of the students for this stupendous achievement and thanked them for the hard work put in by them under the mentorship of Professor Rabindra Kumar Sinha. “This is the first time in the history of IIT(ISM) that students have brought laurels to the Institute through ARMA Competition highlighting the global presence of IIT(ISM). This will provide an international platform for real-life problem exposures, guidance, interaction, and will help in the international exchange of students and grabbing opportunities for international internships and jobs,” added Mishra. Bokaro Revamping ’s Much-Desired Sports Ecosystem # International sports event “e-enzymes for life” to be held in India at Bokaro

Ashis Sinha I JNS: In view of the sports technical proposal, “e-enzymes for life” gets a node from GAC to organize in India. Duo to Coronavirus pandemic this would be conducted in virtual mode for the first time in India. Alister Dalrymple, Director (Strategy) of IOC-backed GAC, while interacting through virtual mode with SAIL, BSL’s Director in-charge Amarendu Prakash, has given in-principal approval to organise the event “e-enzymes for life” in India. This much-awaited international VC made the first partner city of Bokaro proud and concluded cordially with total commitment to promoting sports adhering to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to make the world a better place to live through Sports. “e-Enzymes for life” would be a unique sport and well-being-related curriculum of people of all age and sex groups, informed Jaideep Sarkar International Coach & Lead Officer, Global Active City (GAC) Bokaro. “It helps in building a strong desire and motivation towards sports and well-being. In an Indian sports ecosystem, there is dire need of this system which is yet to be cultivated for a better sporting yield,” added Jaideep. Director-in-Charge, SAIL, Bokaro Amarendu Prakash, performed the welcome address by focusing the responsibility and commitment of Bokaro towards total Sports Development and praised the role of the GAC program. He insisted that with the multidimensional aura of sports, Bokaro is on the move to become a Sports City in the days to come. During the interaction Amarendu with the strong support of his team accepted both the important programmes to be hosted in India at Bokaro in close cooperation with the global bodies soon. The report of the GAC programme at partner city Bokaro since the year 2020 added by new initiatives of SAIL in 2021 was projected by the lead Officer Jaideep, which was appreciated by the global authorities and forwarded to UNESCO for the needful through the Indian headquarter of UNESCO. Michael Gross projected the Global Active City pathways with clearing GAC’s philosophy and pointed out the appreciable measures & initiatives taken by India’s first partner city Bokaro during this critical period. Dalrymple elaborated the ways & measures for a stronger partnership offering the program of “e-Enzymes for life” and “World Active Cities Congress 2021” (virtual mode) to Bokaro in India to be attended by UN, IOC, and all the network cities across the World. The interaction was held between the apex global authorities of the United Nations, International Olympic Committee supported Global Active City (GAC) and SAIL, BSL participated by Amarendu Prakash, Director in Charge, SAIL, Bokaro Steel Plant (BSL), Sameer Swarup, Executive Director, Personnel & Administration, SAIL BSL, B.S. Popli, Chief General Manager, Town Administration, SAIL BSL, Subhash Rajak, In charge Sports, SAIL-BSL; Jaideep Sarkar, International Coach & Lead Officer, GAC, Bokaro; Philipp P. Muller Wirth, Executive Officer & Observer, UNESCO, Sports & Youth; Gabriel Messmer, President, Evaleo & Global Active City programme, supported by IOC: Alister Dalrymple, Director (Strategy), GAC; Michael Gross, Director ((Projects), Evaleo & Global Active City programme; A. Watzlawick, Manager, Partnership Development Manager, Evaleo & Global Active City programme.

Esl Celebrated International Yoga Day With Students Of Prerna Center JNS: ESL Steel Limited observed International Yoga Day virtually under its Project Prerna in association with Patanjali Yog Samiti. More than 150 students took including the children of Vedanta ESL Archery Academy and Vedanta ESL Skill School also enthusiastically participated in the program.

ESL often encourages students to participate in such programs to maintain their health. Through the virtual yoga program, the students were exposed to the strong effects of yoga which not only improves mobility and function but also contributes significantly to our social, mental and physical development. Also, it was told that Yoga is a discipline that teaches us how to balance our body, mind and soul. Yoga was also shown by the children during the program. Simultaneously, ESL is celebrating Yoga Week among its employees and all stakeholders to highlight the importance of Yoga and make Yoga an integral part of their lives. Mehul Chauhan, CEO, Sustainable Development Foundation, said on the occasion that ESL is a good initiative taken by CSR in the times of Corona, which will not only increase the awareness of Yoga among the people but also improve their health. |” Speaking on the occasion, Ashish Ranjan, Head Community Relations, ESL Steel Limited said, “It is heartening to see that the students of Prerna Center are participating in these activities, through which they are being taught how to stay healthy and safe. | Doing yoga is very beneficial for our body, I request all the students to do yoga daily so that they will remain healthy. I am grateful to the CSR team who organized this competition and thank all the children who have made this event a success. Various asanas were performed by Shri Pankaj Kumar Prajapati (Yoga Guru-Patanjali, Bokaro, Jharkhand) present in the program, which were shared by the children and teachers. The CEO of Sarthak Sustainable Development Foundation, Team CSR, Team Sarthak, 13 children of Prerna Centre, students of Vedanta ESL Skill School and Vedanta ESL Archery Academy were also present at the event.

Dps Bokaro Celebrates International Day Of Yoga JNS: Bokaro: With the aim to create awareness of the importance of yoga for humanity and healthy living, DPS Bokaro celebrated International Day of Yoga on Monday.

On this occasion, students performed Yoga and various asanas during a live session which was organised by the school through virtual mode based on the theme ‘Yoga at Home, Yoga with Family ‘. Speaking on the occasion, Principal, DPS Bokaro, A. S. Gangwar highlighted the benefits of Yoga in one’s life and said that Yoga has its positive outcomes of relaxing the mind and strengthening the body which helps us to rediscover ourselves and teaches us to be joyfully curious about the inner world. He added that during this pandemic crisis regular practice of Yoga asanas will help in boosting the immunity Gangwar stressed that Yoga –the ancient physical, mental and spiritual practice makes us feel active, energetic and positive. “We all should make Yoga an integral part of our life,” he urged. Celebrating Yoga Week, an Inter-Class Quiz competition was also organized for classes VI to VIII. The school also conducted a live session on ‘Yoga asanas’ for the parents which were widely appreciated by the parents. राष्ट्रीय किव संगम के प्रांतीय काव्य लहरी कार्यक्रम में किवयों ने प्रस्तुितयों से बांधा समां बोकारो। अिखल भारतीय सािहत्ियक संस्था राष्ट्रीय किव संगम के झारखंड प्रांत इकाई द्वारा शिनवार की देर शाम गूगल मीट पर पारस्पिरक िमलन सह काव्य गोष्ठी कार्यक्रम काव्य लहरी का आयोजन िकया गया। कार्यक्रम में मुख्य अितिथ के रूप में राष्ट्रीय किव संगम के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष जगदीश िमत्तल तथा िविशष्ट अितिथ के रुप में एसबीआई के अवकाशप्राप्त महाप्रबंधक एस के अग्रवाल उपस्िथत थे। राष्ट्रीय किव संगम के प्रांतीय अध्यक्ष समाजसेवी सुनील खवाड़े की अध्यक्षता व प्रांतीय महामंत्री सरोज झा झारखंडी व संगठन मंत्री सह कार्यक्रम संयोजक राकेश श्रीवास्तव नाजुक के संचालन में आयोिजत इस कार्यक्रम में िविभन्न िजलों से 100 से अिधक किव-कवियत्िरयों ने िशरकत की। कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत देवघर से पंकज झा ने संस्कृत में मंगलाचरण सुनाकर की। कार्यक्रम में बोकारो महानगर व िजला इकाई की भागीदारी भी प्रशंसनीय रही। बोकारो महानगर इकाई के प्रितभािगयों का पिरचय अध्यक्ष अरुण कुमार पाठक ने कराया जबिक बोकारो िजला इकाई के प्रितभािगयों का पिरचय अध्यक्ष िवद्या भूषण िमश्र ने कराया। बोकारो महानगर से अध्यक्ष अरुण पाठक, महासिचव ब्रजेश बृजवासी, डाॅ रणजीत कुमार झा, कवियत्री डाॅ िनरुपमा झा, करुणा कािलका, गीता कुमारी गुस्ताख, कल्पना झा, क्रांित श्रीवास्तव, बोकारो िजला इकाई से अध्यक्ष िवद्या भूषण िमश्र, महासिचव नीतेश सागर, रवींद्र रिव, रजनी मल्होत्रा नैयर, सुनील िसंह, ममता िसंह, टीडी नायक, नरेन्द्र प्रताप िसंह शािमल हुए। रजनी मल्होत्रा नैयर गीत, करुणा कािलका ने गजल ‘कोई दीपक जलाते तो कुछ बात थी..’, डाॅ िनरुपमा झा ने ‘अभी उम्मीद बाकी है’ सुनाकर सबकी दाद पाई। राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष श्री िमत्तल ने इस आयोजन में सािहत्यकारों की उपस्िथित पर प्रसन्नता जताते हुए कहा िक देशभर में जहां कहीं प्रितभाओं व आयोजन क्षमता की बात होती है तो वे हमेशा झारखंड का उदाहरण देते हैं। उन्होंने इस गोष्ठी को वर्चुअल कार्यक्रमों में संख्या व गुणवत्ता की दृष्िट से सर्वोत्तम बताया। श्री िमत्तल ने कहा िक झारखंड इकाई में अद्भुत क्षमता है। सुप्रिसद्ध युवा किव राष्ट्रीय किव संगम के राष्ट्रीय मंत्री सह झारखंड प्रभारी िदनेश देवघिरया ने झारखंड इकाई की उपलब्िधयों को रेखांिकत िकया और भावी योजनाओं पर प्रकाश डालते हुए प्रांतीय अिधवेशन 12 अगस्त को देवघर में आयोिजत करने का प्रस्ताव िदया िजसपर सबने अपनी सहमित दी। राष्ट्रीय महासिचव व सुप्रिसद्ध किव अशोक बत्रा ने अंतर्राष्ट्रीय राम वन गमन काव्य यात्रा पर आयोिजत होने जा रही प्रितयोिगता के बारे में िवस्तृत जानकारी देते हुए इसमें अिधक से अिधक लोगों की प्रितभािगता पर बल िदया। िविशष्ट अितिथ एस के अग्रवाल व बसंत िमत्तल ने भी अपने संबोधन में आयोजन की सराहना करते हुए हरसंभव सहयोग की बात कही। अध्यक्षीय भाषण में प्रांतीय अध्यक्ष सुनील खवाड़े ने कहा िक ‘राष्ट्र जागरण धर्म हमारा’ इस ध्येय को लेकर संस्था कार्य कर रही है और इसके िलए कभी संसाधनों की कमी नहीं होने दी जायेगी। संस्था की गितिविधयों को और बढ़ाने के िलए प्रांत इकाई की बैठक हर तीन महीने पर होगी। धन्यवाद ज्ञापन विरष्ठ उपाध्यक्ष उदय शंकर उपाध्याय ने िकया। कार्यक्रम का समापन किव व गायक अरुण पाठक द्वारा ‘वंदे मातरम्’ के गायन से हुआ।