Working to Contract and Working to Rule
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UCU dispute 2011 Working to contract and working to rule Guidance for UCU branches and members Starting on 10 October, 2011 the union is This is not straightforward. Academic contracts asking members to abide by the terms of are highly flexible and often vague. Local their contracts (including their obligation to agreements covering workload vary markedly. perform their duties in an efficient manner), but However, we have provided guidance in as to do no more than that; and in particular to: much detail as possible, as well as links to local contracts, agreements and policies below. l to work no more than their contracted hours where those hours are expressly General stated, and in any event not to exceed 1. What is the dispute about? the maximum number of hours per week The USS employers have imposed an stipulated in the Working Time Regulations inferior, two tier system which will see new starters receive much lower benefits; l to perform no additional voluntary duties, reduce protection of our pensions against such as out of hours cover, or covering for inflation and reduce the amount staff colleagues (unless such cover is contractu- receive if they are made redundant. ally required) The proposals have been opposed by l to undertake no duties in breach of health USS members in two referendums, and and safety policies or other significant by UCU members in two industrial action employer’s policies ballots, but the employers have insisted on imposing them without further negotia- l to set and mark no work beyond that work tion. which they are contractually obliged to set and/or mark The employers initially proposed to UCU that all staff should be placed on the in- l to attend no meetings where such atten- ferior 'career average' terms now to be dance is voluntary on the part of the offered to new starters. There is little member. doubt that unless we fight for our pen- 1 Working to contract and working to rule: guidance for members sions now, they will seek to move existing If you are a member of UCU, you are USS members onto the inferior terms too expected to support the call to work to over the next few years. contract, and any other such future calls for action made by the union. UCU, like The objective of the action is to persuade other trade unions, does not allow any the employers to sit down with the union exemptions from the call to action. to and negotiate in good faith an agree- ment based on UCU’s counter-proposals, 4. On what mandate has the union called tabled earlier this year, or which compen- the action? sates USS members for any detriment. In a legal ballot covering all UCU mem- bers in the sixty-seven institutions, 78% 2. Why has the union chosen to work to of UCU members who voted supported contract? taking action short of a strike. The ballot Without our efforts universities would material said that if members voted for cease to function properly. As UCU’s action the union would put in place a pro- Leading Counsel observes, universities gramme of ‘sustained industrial action’ survive because staff do over and above which would definitely include action what is strictly required by their con- short of a strike consisting of a range of tracts. This often means working long actions including “refusing to work be- hours to get marking done; covering yond your contract; withdrawal of good teaching for other colleagues; performing will; boycotting of the external examina- administrative tasks beyond those they tions process; targeting admissions pro- were originally employed to do and many cedures including open days; boycotting other things that staff do to ensure their aspects of student assessment and exam- institutions run effectively. inations; boycotting research administra- tion; refusing to provide cover for absent The point of this action is to say to our colleagues; and weekend working.” employers: until such time as you will negotiate properly with us, we will not be As a member of UCU, you are therefore “going the extra mile”. During a consulta- expected to take part in the action. tion exercise, a substantial majority of branches and local associations asked 5. What action is the union asking its us to consider working to contract or members to take? working to rule. Starting on 10 October, 2011 the union is asking members to abide by the terms UCU will try this tactic first and will only of their contracts (including their obliga- move to further escalating action if the tion to perform their duties in an efficient employers either refuse to resume manner), but to do no more than that; negotiations or impose punitive and and in particular to: unfair deductions on members taking part in the working to contract action. l to work no more than their contracted hours where those hours are expressly 3. To which UCU members does the action stated, and in any event not to exceed apply? the maximum number of hours per A list of the institutions covered by the week stipulated in the Working Time ballot is here: Regulations l to perform no additional voluntary 5736&from=5710 duties, such as out of hours cover, or 2 Working to contract and working to rule: guidance for members covering for colleagues (unless such l Bring test cases on behalf of all mem- cover is contractually required) bers to recover any deductions made unlawfully. l to undertake no duties in breach of health and safety policies or other In extreme cases where this escalation significant employer’s policies fails to persuade an employer not to make unfair deductions for working to l to set and mark no work beyond that contract, members will be invited to seek work which they are contractually an international academic boycott of their obliged to set and/or mark institution by other staff. l to attend no meetings where such 9. How long will the union give the "working attendance is voluntary on the part of to contract" action to bring the employers the member. back to the negotiating table? The vote for industrial action allows the 6. Is the union's “work to contract” action union to call further action if the employers based on legal advice? refuse to negotiate. In that case, the union Yes. The union has drawn up these plans will halt the working to contract action in acting on the advice of Leading Counsel. order to organise rolling strike action within each institution with different groups of 7. Can I have my pay deducted when I staff taking turns to take action in order to participate in the UCU action? cause maximum disruption. If you are performing your normal duties but not undertaking activities over and If that in turn does not produce a break- above that, the employer has no justifica- through in the dispute, the union will tion for deducting your salary. UCU will consider more serious action short of a challenge any attempts to make deduc- strike, including a boycott of the Research tions from staff who are following the Excellence Framework, other internal work to contract. administrative processes, and of student assessment. 8. My employer seems to be taking a hard line. What happens if they ignore UCU's 10. Will students be affected by this working legal advice and threaten to deduct to contract action? monies from my salary? The union has chosen our action carefully It is true that university employers are far in order to minimise disruption to stu- more hard line than other public sector dents. Only where we are faced either employers such as schools and hospitals with a employers who refuses to negoti- with regard to making deductions for par- ate or one who implements an unfair, ticipating in action short of a strike. We draconian pay docking policy will the believe there is no justification for making union escalate to action which, regret- deductions from staff who are fulfilling tably, would have a high impact on stu- their normal duties but if the employers dents. seek to escalate the dispute in this way, the union will take the following steps: 11. Do I have to tell my employer that I am taking action? l Halt the working to contract action and The working to contract action begins on bring forward with immediate effect 10 October. You should NOT tell your rotating departmental strikes. employer about your participation in this action BEFORE that date. 3 Working to contract and working to rule: guidance for members Once the action has begun, if you are 14. What hours should I work if I have no asked in writing by an appropriate person contractual hours in my contract or any (Line manager, HR etc), you should an- local workload agreement? swer truthfully that you are participating You should undertake your normal con- as follows: tractual duties and work your normal hours but not take on additional duties. I confirm that I am participating in current If you are asked to take on additional du- industrial action organised by UCU, in the ties, seek advice from the union. How- form of “working to contract”. UCU ever, under no circumstances should you advises me that because I am fulfilling work more than the average 48 hours in all reasonable contractual duties, the any 7 day working time period laid down employer should not make any unautho- in the Working Time Regulations. rised deductions from my salary. 15. What do the Working Time Regulations 12.