THE CASCADE RECORD Published in the Interests of the Boundary and Christina Lake Mining Districts •
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>JH( I 0» THE CASCADE RECORD Published In the Interests of the Boundary and Christina Lake Mining Districts •. VOL. I. CASCADE, B. C, JULY i, 1899. No. 34. ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• lion has been.fully worked out and; agreed upon by all concerned. JOHN QIRARD WAS KILLED The next few weekB will undoubt edly Kee some developments of an interesting nature. The C. P. R. Struck by a 12x12x11 Batter Post on the will not permit tbe Great Northern Sutherland Creek Bridge. Engineers Working Between Northport and the Gateway City. to take away its Boundiry trade, that it has spent millions to ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••»•••••••••••••• secure, and vet it might make some Since D. C. Corbin withdrew his contract for construction would be concessions if it was permitted to HE LIVED ONLY FIFTEEN MINUTES application to the Dominion par let at an early date. In fact, it get into Eureka camp, and possi liament for the Kettle River Val has been reported as let. but such bly further on into the American ley railway charter, suddenly and is not the case up to this writing. Okanogan. Happened Last Tuesday Morning—Victim Wai most unexpectedly in April, the Instead, the engineers have con a Single Young Man, who Came from Am* business men of the Boundary tinued their lines on up towards GRAND FORKS-COLUMBIA SQUABBLE. prior, Ontario. country have been guessing as to Midway and Carson, and much the real cause therefor and its re speculation has been rife as to the Those Who Broke Into the Big Hotel Are Held sults. It was given out that Mr. intent of all this preliminary work. for Trial. An unfortunate accident happen Corbin had come to the conclusion The latest information is that the Monday and Tuesday Justices ed Tuesday morning, at one of the that he really had little chance of route to Carson is preferred. McGregor, McCallum and Rochus Sutherland creek bridges, thiee securing favorable action on the As it is well known that the C. sen heard at Columbia the case miles fri m town, by which one application ut this session, but P. R. would not, with any sort of against MeVsrs, Sutton, Gault, Kel man, James Giraid, lost his life. there are those who believed, and satisfaction, after its hard fight to ly and Mills, f< r breaking into the About.8 30 o'clock, a 12x12x11 still believe, that the actual reason keep the Corbin line out, see the Columbia hoiel some 10 days ago. batter pot-t was being placid in po of the withdrawal was something Great Northern make an attempt The defense wus that the act was sition, when it was noticed to start entirely different. In fact, it was to tap the rich and growing trade done by virtue of a ebattle mort to fall. Giraid, who was near it, whispered about that the Great of the Boundary country, it is be gage given by Mrs. Fred Brown, jumped as he thought to safety, Northern, which was known to be lieved in many quarters that a but the prosecution showed that but the heavy timber struck him behind Mr. Corbin in his endeavor deal of some sort has been made the building was not in her posses on the back and head. A messen to build a railway into the Bound with Jim Hill's road in this con sion at tbe time, but was held by ger was sent post haste to town, ary, had in reality made an agree nection; but up to the present the t"wnsite owners. • three miles away, for surgical aid, ment with the C. P. R., in regard nothing is given out by which an After line consideration by the but before he got back the poor to the Boundary business. Just intelligent understanding of the justices, the defendants were bound fellow had expired. He died with what this agreement was, however, situation can be arrived at. over for a hither court, in the sum in 15 minutes after the accident. has not leaked out definitely, and Surveying Towards Cascade. of $1200 eiieh. Tbe bondsmen who Girard was a young man of 27 those who were informed on the qualified were Messrs. Manley, years, single, and a native of Arn- subject were as mum as oyster.*. Now another important factor is Cummings, Davev, Biden and oth- prior, Ontario, where his people Corbln'g Objective Points. to be reckoned with. Parties of '»wi»^>f'Gi«nd Fork*. Tbi.= case.has live He was well thought of by surveyors are now in the field he> little interest. bis fellow bridge carpenters and When Mr. Corbin started to tween Northport and Cascade, run employers, having worked on (his buibl his road from Spokane iu ning location lines. This is not structure three or four weeks, and 1889, his objective point was being done for fun. They are BONDED THE CANNON BALL before that on tbe Porcupine creek through the Boundary country, to working quietly, and are not giv bridge. The funeral was held the the American Okanogan, the plan ing out their object. A railway same afternoon, Coroner Smith not being to cross the Columbia river line from Northport would cross Christina Lake Group fill be Developed deeming an inquest necessary. On at or near Marcus, and thence up the Columbia river on the iron At Once. the bridge work was suspended the tha valley of the Kettle, through bridge, run down the river to the rest of the day. Cascade. Every one of his pre Little Dalles, then up Flat creek, This is only the second fatality liminary surveys were over this near Pierre's lake, the striking the that has occurred on Porter Bros, route, and he expected to have the MR. R. DALBY MORKILL IS THE MAN Deep creek pass, and so direct to bridge work, who have heen con road in operation to the Boundary Cascade. It is said there is little structing bridges and trestles on by the fall of 1892. But hard or no trouble in finding satisfac Is Located on Baker Creek, Gave $50 Assays this line for ten months. No blame times came on in the states, and tory grades on this route, and they and Has a Forty-Foot Shaft. is attached to any one in either Corbin's roan could not pay even are being found. A large number cat^e. the interest on the bonded indebt of so-called prospectors, probably edness for years. Then the Slocan 150 or more, are now in different Word was received this week that Some of the Checks Recovered. excitement induced him to build to camps of the Deep creek valley. the Cannon Ball group of claims, Mike Kelly tried to dispose wf Nelson, and later, when Rossland They are not believed to be pros near the mouth of Baker creek, has some of the bank aid tine 'hecks rose, to that, famous camp. So, pectors, however, and certainly en been bonded by R. Dal by Morkill in Gladstone Monday night, that for the time being the projected joyed excellent health before com for a syndicate of capitalists, and were stolen from the Divide hotel Boundary branch was left in ing there. As we go to press Mr. that systematic development will a couple of weeks since. J. H. abeyance. This was substantially Bowen, who owns a ranch just be inaugurated at once. This will Graham, the owner, was notified the situation up t" a little over a across the line, reports that a num be good news for owners of Chris and came at once to the scene. year ago. when Corbin made his ber of parties of Great Northern tina lake properties, vbo have all He sent for Constable Darraugh, fight at Ottawa for the Kettle river engineers are working near his along been confident that the mag of Cascade, but when the latter charter and was defeated. Then place, across the river. nificent showings would attract arrived at Gladstone Tuesday in 1898, Mr. Corbin sold hissystem It therefore appears as if the C capital,. night at 10 o'clock, he foui d that to the Great Northern. All this P. R. had made some arrangement Thp Cannon Ball group was lo no attempt bad been made by the, time the C. P. R. had heen extend with the Great Northern, hy which cated in 1896 by Eugene Short, of Gladstoneites to hold Kelly, aid ing its lines in Southern Kootenay a railway would be permitted to Spokanp. and has been examined be had departed, Mr. Graham and was reaching out in every di reach Cascade from the Columbia by several exnprts, among them be- and Mr. Darraugh were both ve y rection for business. Whpn Cor- river, in return for permitting the inp Mr. M< rkill, the recent pur mad men, although the former re hin's application for a charter was 0. P. R to get into Republic camp chaser. The property has a 40-foot covered some of th» checks. made in the winter of 1898, and By huilding the road to Cascade shaft, and assays of nearly $fi0 in wan defeated, the C. P. R. made an the Great Northern would tap a gold, silvtr and lead have been ob Repairing Dewdney Trail. explicit promise of a road into the number of mines en route, ready tained. Tbe lead on tbe surface is James Kirkup, brother of the Boundary country. That promise to ship to the Northport smelter, over eight feet in width. As the gold commissioner, was camped is now being kept, and will soon be and at the same time the Great new railway line runs through the near the lake early this week with an accomplished fact.