Arxiv:1105.1514V3 [Astro-Ph.CO] 7 Jul 2011

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Arxiv:1105.1514V3 [Astro-Ph.CO] 7 Jul 2011 An analytic approach to baryon acoustic oscillations Francesco Montanari∗ and Ruth Durrery D´epartement de Physique Th´eorique,Universit´ede Gen`eve, 24 Quai E. Ansermet, 1211 Gen`eve4, Switzerland (Dated: October 30, 2018) The fitting formula for the location of the first acoustic peak in the matter power spectrum is revised. We discuss the physics that leads to baryon acoustic oscillations: the recombination history, the tight coupling approximation and the velocity overshoot effect. A new fitting formula is pro- posed, which is in accordance within 5% with numerical results for a suitable range of cosmological parameters, whereas previous results yield deviations of up to (15 − 20)%. The crucial improvement turns out to be the accuracy of the recombination history. Keywords: Cosmological large scale structure, tight coupling, velocity overshoot, baryon acoustic oscillations. I. INTRODUCTION Thomson scattering, which couples electrons and pho- tons, is much more rapid than the expansion of the uni- verse t H−1, where t = (σ n )−1 is the photon Before recombination the Universe is dense and highly s s T e scattering time scale (i.e. the mean time between Thom- ionized, and baryons and photons are tightly coupled by son scatterings) and H−1 the expansion time scale of Thomson scattering. The pressure of the Cosmic Mi- the universe. Here σ is the Thomson cross section and crowave Background (CMB) photons opposes gravita- T n is the number density of free electrons. Since scat- tional collapse and leads to acoustic oscillations. In fact, e tering is rapid compared with the travel time across a during this phase, the amplitude of perturbations in the wavelength, we can expand the perturbation equations baryon density cannot grow, but they oscillate with a in powers of the Thomson mean free path λ = t =κ _ −1 slowly decaying amplitude. After recombination, baryons s s over a wavelength λ / k−1, i.e. k=κ_ , whereκ _ = aσ n decouple from radiation and the oscillations are `frozen T e is the differential optical depth. To the lowest order we in'. Because baryons represent a significant fraction obtain the tight coupling approximation (TCA) [12]. A of matter, cosmological perturbation theory [1] predicts more rigorous definition and treatment of the TCA can that these acoustic oscillations of the baryons (BAO's) be found in [13], while [14] analyzes the second-order ap- are imprinted on the late-time matter power spectrum, proximation in the inverse Thomson opacity expansion. leaving features analogous to the acoustic peaks in the In [15] formulas for the TCA to second-order are derived CMB power spectrum. The BAO's have indeed been ob- independently and tested. These results are implemented served in the large scale galaxy distribution [2{4], and by the Class Boltzmann code. they are one of the main observational goals of recent and upcoming surveys. It can be demonstrated that at large scales the trans- Numerical calculations of the recombination history fer function is governed by density perturbations, which are available thanks to, e.g., the Rico [5] or the Rec- oscillate roughly like a cos (ks) where s is the sound hori- fast [6] codes for the recombination history. The lat- zon at decoupling, see e.g. [16] and the Appendix D of ter, in particular, is the default model used in the Camb [1]. However, the corresponding velocity perturbation Boltzmann-solver code [7]. It does reproduce the results dominates in the small scale limit. When the oscillations shown in [6] and is a fast approximation to the detailed are released at decoupling, baryons move kinematically calculations described in [8] with some updates discussed according to their velocity and generate a new density in [9] and with the Compton coupling treatment of [10]. perturbation [11]. This `velocity overshoot' effect is re- The numerical calculation of the recombination history sponsible for the fact that the transfer function, for suf- is much more time expensive than employing analytical ficiently large ks, actually behaves like sin (ks). arXiv:1105.1514v3 [astro-ph.CO] 7 Jul 2011 approximations or fitting formulae, like the ones used In this paper we derive a fitting formula for the loca- by [11] which are an improvement of the fits presented in tion of the peaks and troughs in the matter power spec- Appendix D of [1]. Nevertheless, an accurate computa- trum by matching the solutions for the matter density tion of the recombination history turns out to be a sig- perturbation before and after decoupling. We obtain a nificant step for the evaluation of the location of troughs form which is consistent with the one proposed in [11] for and peaks in the transfer function. the position of the first peak. However, our fit is tested At early times, before recombination, baryons and pho- considering recent cosmological parameters and it uses tons behave as a single `tightly coupled' fluid because an improved recombination history. The latter turns out to be an important amelioration which lets us achieve a significantly better accuracy than the previous fit. Even though one can compute the positions of these peaks nu- ∗Electronic address: merically with the help e.g. of Camb-code, we believe yElectronic address: that an analytical fit has its merits as it helps us to see 2 immediately what effect a variation of cosmological pa- B. Tight Coupling Approximation rameters will have and since it gives us a better under- standing of the physics involved. Here we derive an analytical solution for the baryon The paper is organized as follows. In Section II we density perturbation in the tight coupling approximation review the physics leading to BAO: the ionization history, (TCA) in first order perturbation theory using the WKB the TCA and the velocity overshoot effect. In Section III approximation valid for a slowly varying R, inside the we give the fitting formula and we compare the results (γb) sound horizon at decoupling given by s ' cs ηdec. Here with [11]. We state our conclusions in Section IV. Some c(γb) is the sound speed of the baryon-photons fluid (de- details of the derivations are moved to an Appendix A. s fined in appendix A, Eq. (A5)), and ηdec is the decoupling time. Hence, we must keep in mind that this approxima- tion is valid only for sufficiently large k. For the range of II. BARYON ACOUSTIC OSCILLATIONS our interest this is fine since acoustic oscillations concern relatively small scales, of the order of 100h−1 Mpc [2]. We perform our calculation in the uniform curvature We review the physics leading to BAO, in order to gauge, the differences between the variables calculated highlight the main results that allow us to locate the in different gauges is small on sub-horizon scales [19]. peaks and troughs in the transfer function. Furthermore, all the physical observables must be indeed We use the notation of [17]. In particular, t denotes gauge invariant. So, in terms of the density perturbation the cosmic time and η conformal time such that adη = in the uniform curvature gauge, Dg [17], the general tight dt, where a is the scale factor. An over-dot indicates coupling solution for the baryon density perturbation is a derivative w.r.t. the conformal time ( _ ) ≡ d/dη (). given by (see appendix A for a derivation) We also use of the notation R ≡ 3ρb=4ργ , where the subscripts b and γ label the energy density of baryons and 1 1=4 D(t:c:) (k; η) = D(in) cos (kr ) photons, respectively. Our reference model is a ΛCDM gb gb 1 + R (η) s Universe. −E (k; η) ; (1a) where " A. Ionization history Z η 2 + R (ζ) E (k; η) = (1 + R (η))−1=4 dζ 3=4 0 (1 + R (ζ)) In [6] a calculation of the recombination of H, He I, # and He II in the early Universe is developed which is im- sin [kr (η) − kr (ζ)] × s s k2Ψ(k; ζ) : (1b) plemented in the publicly available code . The (γb) Recfast kc (ζ) methodology is to calculate recombination with as few s approximations as possible. One of the main improve- D(in) = (3=4)D(in) is determined by the adiabatic initial ments with respect to previous calculations is that it gb gγ condition and Ψ (k; η) is the Bardeen potential [19]. We takes into account that the population of excited atomic have introduced the (comoving) sound horizon r (η) ≡ level depart from an equilibrium distribution. Indeed, s R η dζcγb (ζ), i.e., the distance that a wave can travel in a recombination is not an equilibrium process. Simplified 0 s time η. During the tight coupling phase the baryon den- analytical calculations or approximate fitting formulae sity perturbations undergoes harmonic motion following for the recombination history are too crude to give good roughly a cosine mode with an amplitude that decays in approximations for the location of peaks and troughs in −1=4 the matter transfer function as we will discuss in xIII. time as (1 + R (η)) . To show that this solution follows a cosine mode, a Recfast models hydrogen and helium atoms as effec- simple analytical approximation of the Bardeen potential tive three-level systems, including some artificial correc- Ψ(k; η) can be obtained by writing the Bardeen equa- tions via conveniently chosen fudge factors [9]. An alter- tion in the case of adiabatic perturbations for a mix- native approach is the Rico code [5], which smoothly ture of perfect fluids (photons, baryons and CDM). On interpolates the ionization fraction on a set of pre- super-horizon and sub-horizon scales one finds [19], re- computed recombination histories for different cosmolo- spectively, gies.
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