
i*L»TI> CHK FIVE CENTS IVoI. XXX. No. 20. CRANFORD. N. J., THURSDAY. JUNE 30, 1927 Hi fl TownsiBp Reives Bad Wreck Sunday NOTICE TO CABNIVAL Appoint Mantes of AU_In Readiness n KNTBANTH At B. & 0. Junction The following notice Is being Board of Assessors For River Carnival Qid Sewer Bonds MM •»!<* UM» >• sent out to ail entrants in in* ("rtnford Illvrr Carnival: New Board Approved by Lut Obligation for Account Sixteen Cara °' C°"l Derailed, Veur entry for. , ...... ,/.,..., COMMITTEES WIND UP ACTIVITIES AND clats hat been received nut you of Old Trunk Sewer .Con- • Blocking TrntTic and Clut- WILL GIVE GREATEST RIVER: have been eiiiered in'llw Dfflrtsl Hearing on New Bug - - itruction Paid Today. • roMruuciom " _ tering Up Freight Sid- "Souvenir Program as No —,.... SHOW YET HELD HERE. < This number mutt be/ dUpltynt Line Today. • Talking about complexions. I ing for Two Days. bow snd stern of your crtft in a Udty than, it has ever had before. There Old time reOdeats of. Cranford will could not help but notice well lighted apol and visible from Cranford Is til set for the- biggest. Healthy Ooodness, The Township Committee Tuesday have been a great nuuiy conunenu 1 both banks of Ihe river. Vou best and most gorgeous river carnival recall the building to the M't of the Bunday morning a coal train en route night rarrinl out the Intent of Uw, or- and parade ever teen on the Rahway made from time to time about the ad-tidewater tirunk sewer which hn aerimi It Is wonderfully becoming-per- may incorporate the numbert In dliiMir« «ilci|)tiHl MIIIIC time ttnee fur vertising other towns get and much from ihe mine* lo Jer»>)^ City wat your scheme of decoration or ob- River. The event has been advertised the township Unce then although the ; leclly natural, and healthy derailed on Uie Central K. R; near, ttw the. aiHMilnUnent of * ttuard of AMHM- for miles around. Newspapen through-, has-been said about hop other towns need of a new outlet is fully realised tain black and white,card* from tonfiy imnilng Prank It Swackluuner, an better known than eraoford. This E>erv tlini11 meet Healthy Good- II * O. Junction, and iu«twn heavily Mr <: j.-«aj|ini at 4lw Uhlgh out.the County a* well as New York which Is being worked but in Uie Rah- laden can were piled In a promlscUoui Uie preMMit. awtriiMTr. Cdwtrd ICvprett carnival Is expected W overcome all ncu Life l»»e» on > itMiirr Canoe ciub. ; dallies hsve published stories of Cran- way Valley Joint trunk >rwer project IKOP, over one thoutsnd fnl of track and Albert IV ( «uuw-ll fur one. t»» ford's pageant. It U expected that fully of that and put CranforeTon the map In The financing of the present trunk f—.licvantet more r«l. The nuthmg artificial about time the commudor* will «tart WM namnt .Hecretary of the Ihiardr • tlui romplexton. tracks, -all In consequence of a truck There U no doubt but Uiat the com- Cranford needS'to.**,better known and Cranford benenuod becoming loo* on one of the coal car*. down tlrmln. from Ihe Spring. • The irMilutlou by which this wat mittee* In charge have extended them- outside of its own cojiflnes. The car- remember that nut of thl* It it not put -ortr—Ttiat U why it ' Officer! Craig snd rMJ^Lttiv. de- field avenue brldie, don* alto fluoil cuinpeiiMttlun at tl.OOu selves to the limit to make thlt the nlval and river parade Is a spectacle financing was the Issue of tJO.OOO thirty It w beautiful tailed from hemlqutrtftesriook over KnlrwrlTi* will fall In at In- fnr the Berrrtary and III) |wr tiny fur biggest thing Cranford has ever done that practically no ofher town can pro-year bonds, known a* the "long ,Urm itrurtetl by the Itlvrr iHillre ttui.' Ul* other Inrmbrn of the Iliurd The H w Ood-itiveu. and how much the eceldvht anil enwrtatn If anyone along the line of advertising the town duce and for that.teaion It wems a sewer bonds:'' snd ouutde of tonulilp »»• injured? Luckily no on* was hurt •Ill bn rareful to krrp. not leu Ikiard will hsve • permiuient cl«rk at; to the world at large. It is fully part of wisdom to take advantage of omrlsla fewer yet remembered when mankind need* Oils O<»1- h»n one hundred fwt in the rear 13.000 i>er year, whow term will ri-l the natural resources right at hand to these would become due. The thirty piven Complexion. : Hevrral high rallroail officials came jf the pretwllng ?raJV» dpated that the record attendance'of out to view the wreckage, mtny of the lilrs Dneiuber al rail! year. Uie last carnival will be far outstripped put Cranford forward In a favorable years are up today and Cranford haa Keep well out frolil'iJw-tiankt - Thi' »|i|mmtriieiit of Hi* new llourd light. .;t . , . in its Sinking fund"the money to pay You can teH,*y 6net comple»n>n. Me«l cart being twisted out-of tiiap* •10I only mi the turiu. but on the by this one. At the last carnival not a 1 mean' (iiie'i iiAtural com- It kept lh« wrecker* bitty all day if Awcwort iiiarku s bli >t«p ahead single complaint was'madeto the police the bonds, the municipality many straightaway at well Thlt will In the nuttier Of aueulng property for years ago. before Mate requlmnenu (or . pliiKlon, Uie degree ol ph)U- Sunday removing Ui* damaged can, tuH only prevent running tgrouiul and, based on the experience of that CRANrOBD&OTARV CLUB ral hrallh Uie Indivldusl U and laborers spent the next day talvag uttllon. Itsiild rhangre* In vnluet time, special attention^hat been paid Prom the Plalnfleld Courier-Newt of sinking funds became operative, net in shallow toat"!', but will sUo tnd In ciMt >>f riinttructliin In tvmt ailde income to meet Ihme bondt snd enjoying- tng wlmt Mai they rould. but there It give tlie people nil tliore * bvtler yran h*t nisd* uf t|ilt a l)l« tirubli-m to policing the river and the town June J3rd wt take the following: enough left to niske II worth while to generally, Residents may be sun that A meeting at: Muhlenberg Hospital today they are (o be paid, When the pink ul pnynir&l liealtli rhsne* Hi appreciate your entry, In » letter V. W. CIoiKutl a»ked Ihai retldtnu of that vicinity, If railroad The rourte of the uarsd* will then are no fears to be entertained on was the unusual featun offered by the Cranford flnandng by the lowiuhtp It not glowing upun Uie afnclal* will let them lake It,. IIIK (|watlr- this scon ana preparations .for hand- Ptainfleld Rotary Club yesterday when admlnlstraUon ha* given Cranford ilirrk. we know Imlitictlvely be from the tiperry (Jam to the •uurne lietwwn Ortive »lrw"t and Ket- Tlie Cliemclal Oo at Springfield hat uii|ier end of McOonnell Park. lurd avenue In* n'lrrrcd Ui the -Town- ling the largest crowd ever assembled It was learned ttlat John Helns, a mem' very strong position, one evidence of tint the body I* not up lu cloned down for t week un account of In Cranford an complete. ber of the Craiford Club, was iU then, which is the payment today of ihese par. ' ' YIHI will htve only a four (mil ilp Atliirney. •hortag* of coal, a part of ilia ratulgn hesd, room- ineaaurtng from III* r.list of entries tor floats, canoes and that such a nweilng was the only bondt without any special financing or input bring for their uie: ~ W. II WUkltunii filed a Ixind for t'other unit* I* Uie pageant is u the means by which the Cranford Club refunding bring required. The total And UkeKlw. we know thai' when gunwalet uf your cmio»_ it the |6,0U0 to cover |M»MuU> ilsmitgrt - frum i of Uie committee, and Is said to could continue It* remarkable attend' in the Township Sinking Fund on Jan- our OiKKlncM doe* not lisre Hprlngfluld avenue b'ridg*. . uw of dynamite In blowing •tumpa IM>. uary 1. held against various outstanding a healthy glow. Members of the KlilrUa C'uni- the old llrnry Dryer pmivrty 'ui ' b* the largest ever. Owing to the fact once record. NT. PAtn.'« M. r that entries an coming in dally, Uie The Cranford Club, at far at U obUgaUons. was Mil.110, mllleo. Meura- II l(. llelna tiul Nprlngfleld svenim. which mrw it bring Ttiere It Munelhlng wrong with Htinday—ll a in, morning worship In It W Hmlth may to founil al tlw dnteloped at a Clulf Cnurw. Mr. Kelly committee has not divulged the list as known, holds the record for perfect at' our Ooodnest. and we liad tendance, having held thirty eight con aallil Paul's MethodUt Bptwop.1 ctmxi clubr all.'day or may be it lhi\l>l»Wr The latt man lu blam they desire to leave no one out. The TUX belter look U> our Hpirltual Church. Thecohirefttlon of the. First itumiit on_t!v» Oreyer ulsgg^m.gntli- forma of Uie program dees tomorrow aecutive one hundred per cent. meet- reached at iOranford tiff prior to Tor ye shall go out a1th Joy. and be . Heeds. ' • ••'.'. tWiytrrlan, tin Pint Methodist and Hi* Fourth «f July If yoil rruulr* ernt i'P In pierM wveral 'y>»ra tlnce. and entries will be listed up to dosing. Ings: Ward reached the* oncers of the V- • • led Vorttv with peace: the mountains Halm Paul's uniting. Tlie fiev, Iloyd Wny liirther information] The announcement of Uie ExecuUve Plalnfleld Club regarding the situation Take for Inttanrr, Cheerfulneu. Tlie hearing on ,lhe tpiillrallon of and it waa exranged to hold a portion and-the hill* shall break forth before Raymond Orrenwall, pastor of Htliit In tinier lo be In the ulDcial: the naliwsy-W,;t..U';a Uii« line for per-; —Committee stated that craft partici- • Thlt If a compleMon lliat re- Psul't, will lie the preaither. At 1 p. ill., of the meeting yesterday at the hospital you into tinging, {and all the trees of flect* a lirallhr goodnmt. program entries muit be In the mil to run through to Aldene - on pating in the parade would be Judged the field shall dap their hands."- devotlonsl mee.Uiuj of tit* Kpworth North avenue WM.annvimreil fur the In four classes: best decorated floats, order that Mr. Hem* might attend committee* handt not later tlutii and thus fluallfy. President Arthur K. Isaiah Mil I am encouraged every time I teagu*.. • . • Thursday nlglil, Juiu loth, Later JOUi.. bilura the I'ulilk Ulllltlpt II itril. most novel floats, best decorated canoes We invite you to worship, with us. On Tuesday evening at a well at Cranturd townthlp Ctimmltl«> IIM »|I- ," and most novel canoes. It was also Smith outlined the situation' low rome into contact with It, I entries will apprWotily In tlw membership at the meeting yesterday, The hour of public worship It lit m am limiiired. I am nuule' tended meeting of the Official Hoard a |)nw. provnl ill* sppllcatlun. annoanced by Uie committee that they During the months of July and Au- committee was appointed lo Investigate - Vogpect this event to exemplify Gran- and Mayor Alexander;Milne made a hsppy. I am refretltened. 1 Vourt vtry truly, tlu'lldlng ItwpMUir M«»>re reported L gust, summer union aervices will be and submit recommendation* lor lh« «] new aitd 10 alteration |*rmlU U- '"ford at IU artittlc best and now Uiat motion that the meeting, on comple- am ttrengUwned. It doet EKTHIHH COMMHTKR. tion of routine business, be moved to held under the auspices of the follow- wonders. erection of a perish lioiue. Tlie com' Oranford lUVtr Osrnlval, tu«d In June, with lolal vuliw l|M,40A. •they have received Oe majority of en- ing co-operating churches: 8t, Paul's mlllee memben are C-Cuylcr Lewl*. Kleven appllcatloiM for penult were, they say that this expectation the hospltil and continued then, which Why, I have teen some who have was done, Methodist Ipiseopal Church, the'First chairman. B. W. Chaftee, and Clyde approved. .1 be fully met with. Presbyterian Church, and the First been sick unto death. ll» C, Bell, • KngUwer polllnt rtportwl Uiat: Uw ~Th» parade on the river «nir begin A pleasant feature of this hospital :5 Methodist Episcopal Church. ' physical body sick and tired, Friday; 1 p. m, luncheon of Uie towrT/Iag pole 1* in nenl of palnUng. Sat nine o'clock and will proceed from meeting was that Rev. Philip Watters. and yet behind that physical pastor of the Pint Methodist Church. This Sunday, aervices trill be held In Ladles' AM Society at the home of Cranford Scosto II Witt eosl M0JM lo paint and »IS0 to -therdani uu Hlrentde-Brtve-to-lhe-aic- St. PaUlt M. C Church. HevTlI. H. condition' a spiritual—force- Mn; L L. Lovtland, 103 Arlington tap* and r«l luadaikl Uimt:paint ond Eastman street bridge and return, also a patient at the hospital end a Ro- Uitt radiated sunshine and road. An.Important buslnet* meeting whIM. Ttie lalUrr ws* decided on and tarlan, occupies the room next to Mr.Oreenwa)t will preach. bch entrant in the parade will be cheerf ulnesa. will follow the luncheon. MriOnllUTJ wa* atk«d to secure bid*. required to make the entire trip and Helns and thus he, too, had the bene- Mr.'OollIn* reported Ui* Ilorougli of fit of the Rotary meeting. ~ Mr. and Mrs, Albert Ooeti, of Pros- Have you ever listened to Ctierto, ness the Judge* 'stand twice The Judges Troopg Under Scoutrnaste/ Oarwood ready to pave the Cranford appointed by Mayor Aldrich an: Wm. Kenneth D. Martin, while in Wiscon- pect street, an the proud parent* of a' on the radio, early In the Call for pennant* for automobile wind «nd of Locust street and was authoris- W. Beard. Mayor of Westfleld; August sin two_ weeks ago rode 175 miles to little son.. John Frederick, who came morning? ahleldi at your garage, any SUM* In Martin Take Poaeeesion of ed -to enur contract with Oarwood u» J. StahL-Mayor of KenUworth; Conrad "makeup"' for one meeting which illus- to them oo Tuesday. June list. town or the OOM of the Oltiaen and do UK small amount ul paving necet- R. Keim, Mayor of Oarwood; A. J. trates Rotary spirit. And have you forgotten the words Chronicl*. flwy: an already to paate : of Jesus, "Be of Good Cheerf sarr to connect wjlh th* Bettor avenue Bag)ey, Mayor of Roaelle Park, and Mr. and sin. O. B. Hennessy, of IX on your windshields and not only ad- Three Day Slmy. pavsnuml. which will cott auprusi- David B. Jenkins, Mayor of Springfield. CONCERT AT HAMPTON HALL sstman stnet,. leave Saturday, July ORION O. HOPPER. JR. vertise Uie carnival but also Oranford, maUly MOO. Edward Everett has been appointed The Old Canteen Club, of New York.2nd, for a month's trip to California and Oet yours end/ put It on your wind Engineer Oolllnt reported Uiat Hanl- Commodore* ' . . gare • benefit concert at Hampton Hall shield today. Italn has no terrors for the Hoy tary sewer contlructlon auUwrlied I* Prise* offered are as follows:. For last Friday night. This waa a one- BeouU when camp season open* a* waiabout-completed and Uiat excavation the beet decorated floats, three surer man7 concert, the singer being John evidenced by in* •nttiuiiaatlo mannei for road work will begin Uilf week. loving cups for flrst, second and third. Carroll.' well-known baritone, who gave In which troopi II, III and IV ttarted CotnmlttMman Wsrner lor Uie Car- "For moat novel float*, three loving cups a generous number of songs of the bal- out last flunday despite Ihe heavy nival Committee reported all «et for for flnt, second and third. For the lad type. Many of these wen Irish downpour. Between forty and fifty Uie Klver Carnival B|ieclsl polite pro- best decorated canoes,- first price a folk songs, but other kinds were alto boyi treked to Uie camp through rain l««Uoii would be iilvrn t» all property canoe: second prtte. a radio set; third well represented. Mr. Carroll, who and under murky nkles. They did not Mr, Winter "taUil prise, camera; fourth prise, suit case: sang hen last year, has'still further appear to noUce Uw weather at all and KngliHwr CUIIIIM tlaled that esrlli ni(h prise, thermos jug:-tUtth prise, developed his voice and technique and fortunately, *fuTr arrival the tun cam* euavsled for road cuiuiirucllini belung- searchlight: seventh prin. cameras; met with a cordial reception from the out and limy had a good Urn* from the ad nrtt Ui abutting pr»|«rty own«rt eight prise, paddle; ninth prise, a canoe large audience, who listened with much tlart. ' , , j • , but Uiat r»Viu««tt thould Iw filed at back rest. For the most noval canoe, pleasure to the following program, for Tlie camp it In tucellenl condition once If moved away tuch nmU'rlal flrst prig*, radio set; second prixe, which Eva La Haye De Nike acted at Hcreena have bwn put around Uie spa-cannot be brought touk. vacuum cleaner: third prise, yearly pass piano accompanist: riou* front porch* that overioost the Hesldenl* of llerlandt !'*!» wsnted to Cranford Theatn; fourth prixe, suit -little Msry Catstdy," Old Irish; "My lake The much needed float had bten cinders placed on roads in Uiat tec- case: fifth prise, thermos bottle; sixth Thousen*. Times Beloved." Milllgan- built and wat In th* water waiting fox tlon. Mayor Aldrlrh tUI«l Uie com- pair of paddles; seventh prise. Fox: "She I* Far From the .-and." Ok) Uie boys to uie It. The canoe Uiat LteU mltlr* doet nut approve uW of cin- ,; eighth prise, a paddle; ninth Irish; "Ere the Long Roll of the Ages Beardtltw had given them wat a)f ders. QuMtlon wlwUwr or not Uio prize, back net. For the best decorated Ends," Old Irish; "The Foggr Dew." painted and launched. The outboard Beriandt Park ttreeU htvt been dedl- lawn. Ant prize, bridge lamp: second Mllligan-Fox; "Tta a Fine Day," Proc- motor that tie presented them with al :ated came up. Mayor Aldrlch said prise, electric totater. For best deco- tor; -Herself and Meself.*1 Oaul; The Uie same time had been rlggtd up andth* committee would du all puMlble.to rated house, flnt prize, electric waffle wa* chugging back and forth across the h«lp and a conference wat held after Next Market Day," Hughes: "The Oon- Uie meeting with Engineer Colllnt. iron: second prize, electric percolator. nenvara Shore." Fisher; "Water Boy." lake a few minutes after the first mem' The committee that has labored to Negro Melody; -til Black Naner." b*rs of Uie vanguard arrived. The put this event over aa the biggest thing wood* rang with the ihoute of the boy* WEEK-END TENNIK TOURNAMENT I Morris; "Deep River." Burldgh; "Ob Cranford has ever done consist* of the Miss Hannah." Orppen; TaDy-Ho.* Del and >UM quiet countryside when the The annual tennis tournament of the following: general Commuter). George Relgo: "The Bouse of Memories,' Ayi- camp Is located, took on an aspect of memben of Ihe Oranford Canoe Club K. Warner, chairman; vice chairman. ward; "Sea Peter." Inland: "The Song senrk num. A FORMKR JUVKH cAnrtVAi. W CRAICFORD , Uf* that 11 has not witnessed since a will Uke place this week-end.. The John W. Reins: secretary. Mrs. L. O. rear ago. play wilt start Saturday, July 1, and of the "Mush On." Rhys-Herbert. ELRCT OFFtCUU Frazer; treasurer, Edward L. Baden- TransoK-an ; MOVIE AND LAWM mm Rev. Xenuneth O Martin, Booutmas- conUnue over the week-end, reaching Tn Thursday evening last Integrity Ho. berg. Finance. Henry W. Wnbjnle, The marriaae of »»*—« Stryker Tnn(-> • * (oUowiisi If > Hat of prisss to bt ler and Camp Director, wa* on hand IU conclusion Monday, the «th. when V. LA. of Mr. and Mrs. •warded to those who rate first and 181 met and the following afloat* < and soon had them pitehlnc tent* the final* In both singles and * chairman: Mm W. Betas, Thomas Me- elected: Councilor. Mia Jane Parr; Meekm, Wnttam Emhung and W. J. Chairman of committees of th* V. Wm. a Tram, of Ontoo avenue, eeoond for having the tast decorated gathering wood, locaUng their steeping wlU be ran oft, A good many entries L A for the coming year have South. Cranford. and Hjabner Rye. of bouse, and likewise for to* best decs- r,Mlataeorgle,Leea; quarters and getting things In shape have been received and onlookers ate McKee. Rtver Dgcorattona, Arthur Vice Coundlor. ith. Row Otoasmen; assured tome ling exhibitions of sterling Rhutard. clsalfiuaa; Hobcrt aa follows: TlinefVii am^p s*iyil took * pasog fiatarday, rated town, for their atay. Thl* year he Is assisted mtttee. Mr*. John Pentston; attest Jane lath, at 1^* o'dadr, fa the Fifth! For the best decorated house ihe flrst Atsodaie Vksj Oounautr, Ita. Ott*t by Ronald Wltham, who I* acting ai tennis. Tlie usual high standard of a Cotant and Edward.M. Morris. Retooart; Owon, Mrs. Margaret Cranford tennis Is due for an advance Xntries. Roderick W. Smttn, chairman: Stations Committee. Mnv a K. Hues- assistant camp director, and by Allen Child Welfare Commute*,. Mm Holme*; Inside Ouard, LeRoy Rent. Frazer and Arthur Pike as eoumeUon. thl* year when this galaxy of home- Harry Hems and O. Fraaisg HaneeL City, Her. Was, U Toeker oftlrlallng frown talent clashes. ,. Park; The bride* sister Mn. LeBor T. Beta-j For the best decorated lawn the flnt hart; OutatdeOttanLJcbn WUBa; Ttwa- With ihlg array of seeioned campers te-W. J. Angus. Program. Edward ie*. u months, MM Mabtlle Attury; & McMahoo. chairman; LesBe O a.-a Little: Ttg.tietm hart, ana aasliwi of honor, and LeRoy prise Is a bridge leap, and the second and competent aastetarrfa, 9m. Martin Among entries an: Wesley Stranger, Mrs. Daniel Borr; InternaUonal i* an eJeetric toaster. Ateodaie SecnMry.BMney De Caop. U wwU gqupped lo carry on, y to a who has made the enviable record of iPobodty, Weaary A. 8tana*n enalnnan: F. Kexmbart wa* best man. Mtoi Sarah aVsaopd: These pprise s arc very -valuable and COn Tharadey evening, June fOtb, comfort to Uw mothen and fatten not losing a match thJg season, a* a i Sotter. Oeorge T, KeHy._James Doe to a death to, the taVMdfcte fam- h jML at post- member of the University of Penntrl- Oardea Commtttet, Mrs. B. M. Crocket; ily the wedding,*** very < those who win them win be more thin also to know that not ordy lg every •ad CharW* A. Wallace. Moving Picture CommttJee, Mm repaid for the time trouble they oOce to go le Omen Ottv »ag«, ttt, i. O.HCg 1*, fom «m bt tba ttfoal Osl cwMFtglTtaal CBxwsJt.tMl kg -* — TBI ft irjJIM JL. •_ 11 a. fa, but i

wb6MaotT 7 •* * "!*v


THIRD DEATTH ADDS I HORSE ON MAIL EVAN6OJHFS EDEH TO KANA6A RIDDtE ROUTE 21 YEARS EN6ULFED BY FIOOD , OM Bar Max* Still Circe Faith- are. of Ulwd MST Hlde| , ha Stt-ic Aesilii Again Dri-ca Wild AnimaL Front fiction and fact _____ I Kokomo, lod.—Tb* old bay mar* I* Lesson* Kodak. Alaska—Do tb* deep •£. I •"" •*»» •*• •"•*. to be. 20 lee* Washiaxtea worn can* *f loaeJy Ksuga IMaad tilth Gnat ta* late *f aa. is»t. w coonal strug* animal-Ilk* men who th* WhtslaalpH. larger tbaa wu tvs E.1*. ha* vntur* out tt low Ud* to prey on I *"• *b* has traveled a rural country. for July 3 attire* tnd whit* fox-farm attend- I null roat* out otKokpnta. Sbenssseea btr Wbm _ aAUL CHOSEN KINO •ou? ror th* third tlm* Is a year a I equine kin glv* way to motorlxttt river'* weis OKca. tin SettUt man'sf deatr h* addt *o tof Kang th* Norta Inh •»."'>»». aad-ab* baa tliwd an eapr sky It* shores 1 ptlu UEJBOJI TEXT—1 saaaMt ll:tt-ll| riudortddi«.Tbaa T. *Shrngvr far th,* Totollm o fUarra Kanagb aaa Ind- roarin•»« -!'_!!!."«g from .Ne*w "£Yor'I*k to Chicag*" o In* Us aod SL Laadry patti lf, P. II. Uonr*. ^ less Urn* than It take* Daisy to mak* -Again _* Acad-j OOUUEK TEXT—What doth Jsbovak »Ior» than a acor* of Aleou bar* her lltll* circuit twice • day-. driven from their baa—*.- aaya a b*d- t»«adn of tk**. bat to do JuaUr, mad le (alien victim* to- aoia* my»terlooa But Dalty dltdaln* th* ihougbt that ten W»i1a«.«, aad t* walk bumMr letla of tb* f atfnas i t!»e*aTay*sc as- wlta tkr OodT power it varlou* tiro** la recent any motor car or alrplan* could tako dety from Its WB*ltact*a taadcaar- year*, ytt rhtr* feat ben os wttneu ber plan. 8b* could almost deliver PKUtART TOPIC—Baul Btuui a th* mall alone. tora. -And Ib* d-sst«-- cnascr. try of lh* Urrlnl* dead* commuted nor number of sufferer*, tan taat vtatual baa a dew to th* malefactor* been 8b* It credited by Bin Bougbman. upon Evsngrilart aasat* la her ttaaaT found, rot-pelt poacher* do pray ber present owner, wltb having twice nrmuueoiATB AND acmon TOI« •mong Id* for Wanda, hot they rarely •aved hla Ufa, when be failed to ate "Only SJXO Arsdli lO-Oall* io Uf. Sarvloa. from Nora Scotia to IJW by .~ ". JTOOJMI PEOPUD AND ADCX.T TOP-" tlt Ih UUd fi dll fcolett Ih* Islander*, fearing dltclo*- «"!••• •« •«*• CT"»log*.g •5—O*port*aiu*a (or tMdarahlp. ^ . * . , ... I THs SHin*h/iit* *>K_i ___IBA chusetts and Brittab baysaeta to b* or* of their crime*. Tb* Aleol na- Throughout th* yean Daisy ha* scsttered over the aartk bast Dttnat tive* art peaceful men, aeldom per- pulled the same tiny aad ancient mall Tbe period of "judge* coded wltb I? !, cart'with which aha started. 8h* haa to Corsica tad Tajiaas flit**—. SassaeTa administration. Thla lesson turbed to tb* lighting point hundred of then ftoadl tkctr way as Haa Largest Slu* Fox Farm. lot! but It day* at work, and that De- sasw* na tb* transition tram' th* ml* dose I cans* aha burt a leg la tb* Us* of New Orleaos; many psaaed aa a*by the Judge* to U>* monarchy. Fora Kin.ga I* tb* bom* Just now of th* Bayou Tech*. 130 nOes wear. Tber* Ortp targett bin* foi firm In th* world. duty. ' CBanprehenslve view of tbe transition 1 they mcressed to tome- UOOOo. *ccs> The i Th* Island lie* near tbe tip of the Th* carrier.who trained Doliy la at will ba well to mak* a surrey of long aloce dead, but the horae passed pying IS pariibeav or chapters eight to eleven. Aleutian group, tbe relic of terrific to* flood spread ever their , (ubmarln* upheaval centuries ago. to succeeding carrier* without a break L Th* P*opl* Otmand a Kino v«u ••>•** *##— **|#SB*>*B ¥*»• lhV*i***S**E*I VtJiWa Ilk I • h ' ' _iS town*, sod lands. Betide* Aleuts, there .«, a few per- to£'""'" T^*. •ont descended trttm the Paranoff ei Ba.atir.1 i. th. h_«, _h» m, ^.irtM .— Their reasons for thla demand. Faithfully all* plod* arotud her _ an« ror—u of rr»U mw plorera and tbe Sluscovlsn Influence route, and when aba geU horn* abe Ond.r tli* r.tt a * (1) Samnel waa Incapacitated by I* thown In their mode of living— *M «ge; (2) the oofslthfuloes* of his •y S.LMO SCOTT WATSON or •Murwlly wValiall 411 liaug refuae* to go another atep. f lnili- ,-sri poet, Lsagfelb-r-s Beegrapa- l not reiilat Hi* Ivniptallun to pup t waa Mifiii-dby Juat two men, John bowel* of lbs sandstone formation. mo. Dalty la tkujdab all day. • fairly good. BasB. tb* AradUa trial (rr. o*). He took (he matter to " by John TruuiHUll, prob Right now Dfllrls on her annual tbe Lord In prayer. Even though Sam- Joke Into It, mi<|'th' >t twrlaratlon w«a llanrock, prealilvnt of congrraii, itiiil Bom* of th* cares ar* • mil* hack blacksmith, has me a benttasaa a1>ly will answer you In tonietlilng i ua liuahiMat Allhuugh atnrin Ulf Charloa TlioniMon; aet'fttary, "Chorlea with blgh vaulted ceilings. In these vacation. Each summer aha spend* art's blunder* In part brought on thlt this rnsblon: In -EvangeUne.- Host t tbe tttagees fer on the manner of Thomimn—never lieard of him! natural tomb* Aleut* bor* their dead, an outing lo a familiar paature. Hut tn 1TUS did rum t* stock raiaiax with tnsble be did tbe wise thing in taking "Why, Unit wna Ihe rtny that-w wrllpr, the fart retnalna Ilia each body rolled In layer after layer she'll be back at th* old grind In the U to the Lord In prayer. The Lord «veru»e American w»nld a«y. Vet for a few cattle n**.-u ^^ *, ^^ dectstwL: our freedom from Kniland, did wrlt« Ihe.nrst draft afid"the> df»k all Hint lie I* neglected by lilatory lie of-lo»»m»»weed or kelp. The dead fall. ttabla French merehaata *f Xrm Or- co—forted falm by assuring him that. when Thftiitn* Jefferson, III* author upon which he wrote It (shown above) mpprlitratloi} of Indi'itwideiiti*, wn la mill iirrsrrvKd. II la liitermtlnf l» •errelary of both tba Flrat ami Second good lt*t* of preservation. Jectloa. but tbe rejection of the king- "Pickling" in Paraffin lave up stock raJi|o( for .that linliiortat diirutni'ii) In which nnlo III.KI this ilrak was fur a lung ('nntlnviiliit roni(rr«»i'ii. Ainl It win h« whewh n Etlenne.dEtlds Bore, a '—-*»s—.i _ s—pofCod. " • '-- wild that nil mm are Iwini free 11 Wild Baauty In Bprlna- n tlnip In th<< I.II«««-««I.III of a limn who flril rend Hi* Uccluratluii lo a Saves Museum Groups discovered bow to crystal!—* II. S-mMl T*ll« of th* Mannar of njunl. Aflor he hnd written II he |irc nanml r«Killd»e, John Coolldge of group of polrloU. Acrordlnu' to on* In spring Knntga cost* off tba drab clothing of winter. Lupine*, Illlc* New Turk.—"If jou think we're from can* syrupi. They hav* th* King* klilK of great flower garden. Bra fowl by Thla first draft of the IHrUrsillon, MHin aa h* and llnnnirk liimil, alined mad* ,to b* looked at, for nothing. *Tbe route over' wfclca Lnocfelleav dealing; with them, j - • ^~! . , ',:'.- Knelnncl cdillij rend without «IMH'III('II'«, the million come to.tot the. wild rlc* v whlrh Is'often reproduced, shows nis(i llif (locuMiinl, anitfrrnd It lu u Imndfill Nohow I" . •••• •' takes Evangellne serves very| w*0 for L lie will take their son* and Then thViiirriilw* of cimgreM, H'n»Ii and schools of flati. Tb* towering Um liatidnriling of Kriinklln and of I'Tlltrmi uliu «Until around and Wl>« "CkmtrarlwIte.T added j the.J one a visitor toitay. nrteea miles beiew •cake tbea,to serve In the army .and Incton unlf KiiinMIn and John A,t,iui. cliffs ar* covered with apruce and AIIIIIM' "bo made a few uihinr c.irri'i'- Hindi' mi I'tlrnardlnary marked. 'Deft* "If J>ou think we're alive, Baton, ttouge. where, ** all kind* of hard work ou bis fjirm and all ih«.nthi-r« aljnwd l|. {After Him ther* I* t. atrang* wild beouty all- II..in In ||, Jefrcrmm laii'r jnve ij m lliereut. Aminlliur to nnotlu>r uivolint, you ought to speak." „ aad la bouse. Ue wlU make slaves tin')- rend II in I hi' proplp null around. Wild and temldouteatlraled Swup. with raalntle''——•» tsw rr—r lllcbnrd Henry I.w* and In INSV hla I hl» did not ih'cur until July 8, after Alice's dilemma would no - doubt of their daughter* alto.' linli'lH'iiili'iii !• Hall nnd tbo pntrl foxes overrun the land. swar to tn* fuout Itrillidwili pnoi'iitrd It lo Ihe Amerlcali cViinm-Mi Iniil •••nt mplM of tlio U»c- have been considerably Increased had Tller.lio awtrvnl from tn«(r r—cr—: i Ue will uke their laoda, even oju-frral and rii«h«1 .away io Hue Ihn Lured by th* natural torpid *nr- l.'hlliKMifihlral SiM'lety of inhlii, lttrnlloi(;^o; tho^Varlouj^.cjiloiiipjfi^J'eiiq^ ah* encountered- beings who ' looked »iU «nt«rla«T-U«.-Bay»a. «f ft»-- * inherited from their" faibera, I.IIMTIJ lii'll until It wns rruc-kwl," roundlnipi, th* Aleut* have become nhlrli Inter entrualeU It to tlie ruatody ayivmiia, of iiiune, jot her copy flrat, very real and almost alive, and yet qucmlne, o asd tin tliem to his favorite officers and at noun on Jut; H Thomiwn at«o4 balf-dhaed, th« w.hllo tettlera morbid, Soon w«r. lo.t in a aimisi tt araccbk Thiit, of course, l« n rnihi-r fiw "f Ilia- Imli-Ml nfflrp |n' \Va«hliiBton. were. Indubitably waiworkt, In the. -and davlons w*t«r*. -«d serraot*. Not -content with that trnii«luttoii of n rfimiMmitii American AfliT Prankllu »nd Adama hail madf on a woiMlcn pint form In tlm *tat»- until all move about a* dead living literal senia of being; completely people. , In the mummy, caves are "This bayou admla to the Tike* or be wOl lake the tenth part of th*. ldi*nj nlHntt the' Mwtorlc evcitta which hrlr rlianica'oii the lint draft, Jerf«j. IIOUM yard—II Imd Iwvn plUMtl tliero sculptured lu wax. Thla Is exactly produce that remain* and give to them. liirlilviilnlly In I7U1I to found grotesque maaka. Ikon* and ori- the Atchafalnya.' m-bere -water IBIea gave ii» our grmutmt rmtl.mul Imliduy, on WMie a mri.iiil n>pT, Inmrpciiw' what two workert at the American III. 8uni*r* Protest Dlar*g*rd*d by n« Iliflr amenitnieMta, and |irvaeute<] aatrouomer, > David IllllifUliiiuae, to ental carving*. The beach receive* a In myriads rocked on tbe slight *a- tlrt* one hundred nfiy-tlrsLantilversar)' Museum of Natural History bare done. 1 tb* P->pl* (VT. 19--!). of which U Mng oi'Mirsiiil Till over li tot'hr runilUlttee wMi-h repurtitd It obaerTo a traiwlt of Vruua—and road backwash from ninny %horea. Drift- dulatlona. and rocked for yew* aatffl .0. K. Noble and M. E. Jaeckle, con- B«riag made up their mind* they the country on July 4, 1US7, Like an .Uiirlianied lo niniroai. llm Ueclaratlmi lo a vaat crowd «|ille nil ihitt haa been written olfereit by lllrhard Henry Lee first ring the Utterly bell. Aa for th* nctlon Lltll* wonder th* stranger landing turet cannot be auccesafuily «tu'ffed "How EramrellB* got to ltayea Owl (9:1-10:10). •••"..•_. alwiut. the KiHlnrntlun of IndciM-ndputv came up for coiialderallon befo?e con- of "ringing the Liberty bell until It at Kanaga It held at a distance, and and mounted by the ordinary methods Tecbe. tbe poem doe* aot nearly re- and the signing thereof, lyw Aiuer- cracked," that mishap, however, did peering eyes watch from secret placet late. Stany swamp lanes coonsuntrate. Saul waa *ent by hit father tt «rras acting is a cvmmlttee of the of taxidermists, bar* solved the prol>- aewrik for tbe asses thtt bad w*n- trans, uiile.au ihey be professional hla- whole, The formal tote wai taken the not occur mull 1KI\ wbeu It wa. until suspicion la overcome, lero by literally pickling them In solid The Bayou Tech* parallels tbe Atrikt- toriana. have a clear-cut Idea of Ju»t being tolled for the death of Chief - On Kanata Island It I* said Irish fRlaya, but It 1* a true river *at *f **** sway. Thlt wa* quite natural.' ne»t dny. July 2. and the molutlont paramn wax. They flrtt remove all Wail* Saul and bit father were acting what did tnke place on that day. And were ti|>|iroved by a two-thirds vote Justice John Marshall. • ; ' turn Into Russians, nutalan* become trace of water from the apedmen* by the reach of swamp* and be—leredl by evrb aiiuiue the professional hlstorlttia Now. for the actual aiming of lbs Chines* and all Dually become queer Druid oaka., Th* two early cealn» af Swlylta Ihla matter, at tbe same Ume Delriatca from' m-lawire, IVnnayl- appropriate chemical mean>. arnng* Cod** aorerclca purpose wat being it, caused hy vanla mid S.iulh t'arollna voted In the IVcl.ratlon of Inde|>enilence. After primitive human being* lacking am- the little animal* In natural petition* Acadian aettlemeet wer* Otsitw—as dlffrrrnm In ihe lnli>ri>retatlon nf It had IHYII adopted on July t, an en- billon and Imbued wltb a curious de- and 8t MartlnsvDI* oa tb* bank* *f esrrted oat Although difficult to un- MfltHllv* and tlinw from New York, and soak them for several day* or derstand. God carries forth III* *or- words and phrases. Here are * few having no Instruction* from their col- grvswd copy on parclltuent tv all tlre to worship the mummies In th* weeks lo melted paraffin, until every theTeche. Now the flood baa rwaad facia and a bit of chronology which Ihe delegate* lo sign was ordered. Th* echoing caret of Neptune. St Martlntvm* for tbe On* t—sc ta e»«igs purpose without loterferloa >OIIIM, did not vote. Ko under ou* In- tissue Is thoroughly Impregnated and with •aan't freedom. * nay make the mailer rlrarrr: trrvrelatlnn. July J should be Inde- man wbo held tb* pen and formed the you cannot tell where tb* flesh end* history and swirls at tb* fast *f tfte •EvaogelbMT oak -her* her b.mlaaia Itlrhard Henry I.ee rertalnly haa iwiidcnrt day. for It wu on ih,t date letter* on Ihla copy—th* on* which la 20 Families, Kin to and the paralBn begins. landed. An Acadian deareadaat rm Mine claim to ahure Ihe title of that Hie colonies declared their Inde- prewired today In th* national tbrln* Pre-Conquest Saxons try thi* method reptile* and am- 'Author nf the IVilnrsllon of- Inde- pendence and thedeetarallou tit Inde- In. th* Library ot Congress—wa* phlblin* can M worked Into natural- tbe EraagdlB* oak. wtta ISO acres *f! Tb* Lord bad already pointed out to Loodon.—Tb* controversy a* to th* land, for a Mat* park. »|lb hla ffllow Virginian, PTLdetic* which (hev ,d(vpl(!<, thro ,, Timothy Matlack, th* beat penman istic museum groups and mad* ta Sassse* who should be king and Saul their retireaenlallvet waa Ibat written lu the, office of Chirles Thornton, sec- tallest family tr** In England reached "VThlt* to reader* of XiasMlba*' *•* "f" «oo«nted. Let at observe: Thomas Jeffirsoii. for on June T. 1170, a (llmas when A. fX Foi Dtvia. gene- "allvt- looking a* birds and fur-bear- he pr<l»ndrnl Rlatea. that ln»; are «b. In fact. If the luicrstlon of John Tbouiat UcKean of Delewar*, wbo eye* need to M touched up with • Frencbmen Inhabit th* atato: ib*> Cre- Wbe, which wonld prevent undo* solTrd rn.m all allrdant'a lo Ih. Ilrlt- «aa absent with k\ reftment In th* Mr. Davis declared tber* were SO ole*. aaUvtsi of rreacb *a4 TTnankib rWHryjketae—» Ephralm and Judah. lah Cro»ii snd that I Ad*mt had been followed, we would famlltt* who htv* direct descent from Httl. gold paint now be celebrating «o July 2 Inatead Conllnental army at the Um* of th* deacctit: rrencbatsB. wbo wer* tan *~"" ~~^~ «f ItraeL He wat slfulng on Auguit X and Matthew 8ai*a ancestry befor* th* Conquest. In mac*; tb* Saa Oos-acaa Creates. of hit personal of July i. In eoimucfltlug U| Sim wu chosen. -Th, out, wat a "i>ure declarallon of Inde- the autumn, bnt.ln November be wta thlpa of William tb* Conqueror, None ^^typtcal creo,. f-™ «. -"•- »*coud day ot J«ly, lm, will la yet bold enough to lay how Caesar** Berlin.—A n*w typ* ot violin bow, f*» by lot Samuel called pendence." It waa promptly seconded l - • - - _._^.*_ » T- "^.~*• «nes~; —sf' Jabtsb-Gntad«•»«<*u-vuaaa. to receive Instruction* from their col- peadcoc* agreed upon tbt Oual diaft. waa to wait* good tbt Declaration. H* l tn* MM tWt B u tml tton. Tba alpilflcant «tator* ot thU b*>wat al*» t MgDW M tlM««tit*» ba- iLjT_ilL_i ^Sea_5l! _w_2n__r "!___* * * «••• action on U« naRtt, rraaklla rc e *J «' *W t tt! fe — vxvtWtIf** hUtortaa. Uaa pottaat donsMUl .•' - "^ *- • ___L_^ •asv^^^*!..'^ ^^^^^ ••*»•_, SttMtl ______|t|M_|f_i_|

Tbe.tr, u «, are It aa, j•.••«;- .' |**»ves. _____a__%___Tt_^. nr. to concern Mtsalr** la ether n«b l people's affair* ta a dciicati taatter. T*t Cbretae*. a charactar •-:»*•." CRAWFORD CmZtM AMD CHROM1CUC before aba raealvad her ttsanoty dw Has Hands the Size of Hams DETROIT NEVER PARASOL AND BOA PARIS IDEA, lHE alanrarst am Mr. Deaa at Iha dew FINISHED LAST «Bd gaily referred hla u her aaotben wae waited mar, tasbed with jstov*- LACE PLAYS A WINSOME ROLE PATCHED beat bat coatroiled and looking wy Each Other Team in Ameri- ear* nnea present modes. In tb* <•> air* la a pan- of sbecr black allk ) Till tatranrlac •amasrr atrtara I or towtr-priatea aad ntsay, hKr rsbaltry. That word to lac*. Ooa •tortlnga. atrapBsd shoes, white blouse can League Been In Cellar. T STOCKINGS and dark skirt—all dlsrsrdt of Mar- gowns l*aris add* f *t aaethvr catcaaiM- simply cannot follow to tb« fmittirtia garet's. The stout m»a with gray hair nmt and aaoibsr ikla masim hi the ef fathion. without encoantfrtng lac« Noo* of th* IMni r»prv«Mittng IV at ervry turn. iftttaj. and Una, friendly would looked at way efpasM tinted fMther e»*j* aaa trttlt In tbe American lras.il* In th* bright cntorwl parawta. Wnb tkat bla hostess clearly through his glasses latt 2T years baa tnlibed In. th* c»l Tblt domlBatlon of luce la the style) OIA SANPOttO drew a long aa be took her band. senile *f fltnMMo f atrt—nrlit world nay rightfully be accepted aa Mack ellk stocking over ber lar. There ar* ao other rluba in the I* tKvnd natan t».tha fa • Ton teem quite unchanged, Ulra." htatory af the circuit that escaped nit' a oedaratlon that the moch-heraliledi slender band, looked at It womrn In the ray Frrors, rapital.aa d fMblnlialloa of tha mode la Indeed M .through ber glasses, pursed be said. ting the lower regions at least one*. Its enilron* of sawn irfona. t»ne> "Ob, do you know mother well 'Chicago Whit* Hoi tripped along at baad.- We have, nndonatedly, ea- her tlpai and shook her head. ntt* In th« colorful oxrlrh DM«PIM>* tnvd a period of picturesque styling •uul "No use, Margaret won't wear them enough for that!" she exclaimed. for £4 y*are befnr* on* of Ma teama "Well enough for whair Uerbert a *t*l**i*bte acvnttpsalnrat t« UMIin wblrb lac*, ribbon, floppy big kat doth Jtbovah again," stie-salif to herself. "So I laad>i| In last place. Tin lot felt to f*miaitt*-(«p* ummrr misiw. Dean turned to the girl. th* Inn of IP/jt. brtmmnl bita, ahrer fabric* In rtoww ao Jostlr. sad to will take them. I dont mind dams." 'A* If lo tan«.rt a tcHtrti o tints tn>I all the rbsrmlng frlvttlltlea » walk bumMr 8b* began to ply ber needle deftly. "Well enough to call ber by ber Brat Cleveland club sllpp>d ri.iwn nolr name," rharvn. ujr VNSI p«nt*ala tn a kirn t» with. tuih. l>lsy lleside her stood a work-baaket once. In 191.4 th* club. In a N«lr. t» variety ar* alx gracing UM naan lung years th< Dd committed things. She bad a 0n« ponltlon and Mlra snstched off her apron Ind Athletics of Philadelphia had h*ait office of Judge aha kept. all her money for herself, went Into the parlor. 8he lurprlwd the guest, who waa alsndlng beside 3) The desire Mlra never aiked for one penny and Try It—-it's eaay—for Joe llrown, Rookie right hander obtained from >n«. The lur- naturally Margaret, being Margaret, the phonograph Ililenlng In abstrac- tion to a record which waa )u«t play- Oklahoma City by the Chicago While Sox. Ilelug mulpinv] wttli hauda Ihs king aa their didn't offer It. Hut Mlra managed alte of batna, he ran do many unuiunl things'with hawhalla. The picture ilng who would beautifully on the small Income her Ing the lait bars of "Say. Au llevolr." At the small sound or Mini's entrance abowa hlm.gratplng sevsn league bolls in his good right wilt at the battle* (T. 2U). huihand had left ber. They aay there same time. . • -V • are forty wayt to cook an egg. Mlra he turned and looked fully at ber with r under this the reminiscence and ttnderneu the matter to Bnnford mm! have known forty-two. She wat.llke that In everything. nrouaed by the air discernible, in bis D though Sam- face. First Freak Occurrence rougbt on thla Her great object waa to keep tbe BASEBALL home for Marsurct. It win s Inrse. "Well, Mini," he laid. He led her of 1927 Baseball Season iilng in taking to the sofa and sat down betide her, a. The Lord •tonne whose upkeep was Inerentlngly ' Noni of the Atlanta Crocker* Isy NOTES expensive, but somehow Mlra kept It keeping her dishwater-soaked hand In any claims to mathematlcBl' ability ring him that. his big cool one. ' "That'a a good old Ilnb* lluth was one pitcher wiio Merely bla re- going without a ceiit of aid from any- and for that reason none of them hat (nuld always do a pretty fair Job of body. And, because she did not toko- song, lnn'HlT" he said, and murmured attempted to explain one of the «en- o of the king- under bla breath: "I laved you then, hitting. . he Mannsr of roomera or boardera. (Margaret ob- son's firnt escapes from pandora's box • . .• • ' ' . jected to having any one besides I love you yet Of course, you. know of baseball freaks. . that I've come back on your account* Kvin. In the League of Nations themselves In tha house) the neigh- It happened tlmtwlie. mil Calkin*, bors thought that her means must be I lost you once, to Joe. Tro not going there fTthe same old tendency to crab the king will to lose you again, my dear." the outfielder, was st bat with Alvarrt, at tlis umpires. ' . bltrnry In hi* ample. .In reality ahe came out even tha Cuban twlrier, faring him. Wai. every month, In unite of the fact that The rouafc had ceated. The phono- ter Gilbert wal at third, where he It ) " • -!•• »" • • ' ..,:,., ahe herself cared for tbe lawn, the graph''was grinding In* defiance of the supposed to be, " The Tigers tmv* a "good looking garden, tended the furnace and never automatic stop, j Dut the co.qpJe on : Calklnt lambasted a liner through team, with a lot of hltilug strength, tilred an hour's work for anything.. the sofa dlil not hear It They were the box with coriildorabte gumo. Al- but they haven't tin. pitching. ; only conscious of each other as they !•;: • • • • A door slammed and Margaret ran varet apparently elected to let It hit sat Uiere, looking hopefully, yet. wist- him, which Wat what hap|>ened. Tha Th* world's record for putouta st In bringing a spring freshness and fully, Into escb other's faces. flrat.baM In a ilhgla gsm« l« Tl held land*, even brightness with her. Rhe hnd.Just spheroid imarked th* Cuhanola .'pitch- sr right soundly on tiie knw, ahied off JolDtly'byCHal Chaa* abd Turn, jouea. >'ltUM Heir" faihera. "alljtliled from a car aild the stimula- , ' • •' • tion of pleasure-gave her that look of toward Gilbert who prsnred In a cou- Managtr CennltMatk. *<«n>, Km for a iwg IIRW hat* |Hir. TMi t«Ml«n fur l»r» which now rorlte officers Many Haw Converted ple of t.tepa snd picked It out of th* Iltfck IJII. t'Oilneae diamond «t«r now •ut with that buoyant happiness which always In- tsola playxi io lm|..n«nt a p*n Aa HI,U, in inlfi'Ma liarlf n.it mil; In tetnlne<1 her clear, blond beauty, air. Calkins was pounding toward playing neml-pro ban-ball In llrooklyn, quarters In th* lower regions of tha th* ctMtunw «nn«tiitjl». part of the. Failure Into Succ*u l« living watched by sevsral big Ivagua a tHKti'iiiiiM vmy, hut Iht alllar*/ •"Mother." ' the begfcn, *l've liked There would have been many 'a flrtt, and t* Walter'hurledlt to Hod at American leagu*. It seemed at If An *t9boral* dlaptay of rwra«»l« "••• IfffinM*, the ntMtirn itm* null evi a frock ail Margaret'a, although darker, thickly When the great Italian composer. limn, and the alilh plar* t»lf lnf# MHI itn in fdiihljiii. 'I'IIM one lathed, gracefully, browed, acarcely a nong. 1(111 tint rlub hat stiwrod clnr of th»y ar* Invely, An»i*r !»• m>*l un In iti« (tlr'tur* Is a lovfly Ingeum* lyiMH. line about them. Verdi, went to' study music at the • .* •••,'' Milan conservstory In bis eighteenth Reeves Making Good eighth poaltlon,- uaual It Hi* atMMhtil* «f DM all WI.II« It* full aklrt mill M-mlflllnl IKHIIIV "Herbert Dean!" aha breathed dlx- Ruperttltlnua fana appealed to the Th«JI>«lou club la lit flrat 31 yrura tuppl* ttraw with an l»»ry Ilk* ram-•t»|thaiiIiMi th* Irent] toward N normal year he was refused sdmrtunee be-- dlrecldri-of th» Kln«t»tr (N. U.) baae- ally. "•;."." •" ••"-. 7 In ihe. Aniftrlrah ioagil* loufhrd * th* ptMltton handl*. Quit* «• »oi—f ih<- v/alitljni*rMre iii*arfviinfileralily thpae canse of "lack of musical talent" nut liall club to bar incmbera of the t»»ra ordinary Is" tb* rrortwi p*r***>< of d«ia. aliout a return to tli* natural "Vea. Herbert Dean," Margaret he waa not turned atlde from his pur- bottom, "illy onrf, In llftM, Moat of from playing music. raffia or vltra to matrh tho hat. • •In line. IVitli Im* and KOWMHI laughed flippantly.. "Didn't you aee pose. He went to private teachers, • • • - llii>«e yrart III* cluli bovt>red above him} lie Just brought me borne In' and developed Into the greatest mu- Hi*, «<><:«nd ijl.vUlon, lamilng In am Many tmartly apparrlcd chiffon drvuri tiiiialltr hart a touch hla car,*_ Margarrt did not aayJhar Th* atruggle for the shortstop posi- plar* In ill ilirfiTpnt trara, sical genius that musical Italy has tion on th* Chicago American team It Mr. Dean bad called at the office to ever known. He absolutely dominated In lir.'J th* tram hit tlw cellar. It aee her employer,, who was an old apparently entirety *rt(li>d In favor of 'fivins to Ilk* Ih* slmnnphor*. for It the music of his country In hla .time. Ilunnefleld over I'rrklnpaugli. ( friend,, that Mr. Prltcher had Intro- and hla wonderful operas' are still lias iMNia holding out inert ever tlnr*, duced them and then luggested that m * • no In Wii when it wsa rrowiled Into at Slim Sanford warjutt leaving. Mr. sung wherever. In any part of the world, there-la an opera company. After an outfielder list mattered th* wtvf-nlh piece by the Chicago Wbltt Dean aee that the got home through art of hanging. on to the ball when Hox. at Mbpih the rain that threatened ber new Another example It of the great making a thueslrlug catch Is Urn* anatomist Gray who wan tin leading The only rlub that ha* now fin- spring toggery, i; • . '.'.'". enough to learn sonwrsaulta, lutieil In first pise* In tli* Anwrican authority on that subject for severs! • • • "I • didn't know ' he ever Intended generations. When it- the medical leagu* It the HI. I-nuft rluh, coming back bt.n" Mlra tald, uncon- During 1017 Harry Krnus* pitched ConnI* 'Mark't club holOn a record school he "flunked" In anatomy. AS games far th* Oakland club In th* - eclously. There are plenty of other can** of Dial It unli|ii«. H«crn tlmn have th'* "Well, he It back, for a time at Ictst. , hla earned run A'a captured tha rag, Heven limes the same sort Kut unfortunately average bulnz 3J& per gam*. lie laid lie knew yon and father, and many men get so discouraged by a bav* they fcvwilrd '<»t all rompetlton Intended to call on you. That wat failure that their, will and determina- • • ' • for tli* -ucJupfWr of lh* bitaaMnL jrby 1 asked him to supper; I knew Bob Meusel of tbe Taokees eUKtri- 1 tion are sapped and they are weak- you. would manage. * ened to the point of giving up. Tem- fM'th* Detroit farit wbea lie stels teeond. third, and horn*, while hit ^"Ob.yes.of course,"MIra murmured. poTsry failures are often nothing more Says Amateur Baseball -: "How about the stocklogsr Mar- than mistakes, and mistakes are tba teammttea were walloplsg tb* Tlgcrt. garet bent to look. —^ commonest things In tho world. That • * * Is Undergoing Change J*| think I ran repair moat of them, Is why they put rubbera on the end Lonla Almada, a young Cuban left- Tlaaenell tt undergoing a r*org*Jit- ail"that yon wUl get a lot of wear out of lead pencils. handed pitcher, hat b«rn turned over tatlon, upon amateur lines, slmllaf to those on which football, tennis, of them yet. Tula pair though—'- It I* a aad thing to aee a man by tb* Wew York OlanM to tb* Al- "Tea.. Ton lake them. I hale darns, bany (N. T.) Eastern league club un- golf and basket hall are organised, crashed la spirit by a mutate or fall- Ms). John I-. Orinttii commlwiloner by tbe way, I fancy Mr. Dean la ore. It It a matter of lo«log one's der option. Heh, dont yoar • • • of athletics from tha Wmlprn roofer- morale, as they pot It la the World *oc*. said In an address befor* Iba -He murt be-by this time. war. It la all mentat, Imaginary and A dose-op of Sob Betrea, sllllty In- Albert Illldebrand. 'who la to receive ' "And he's ever ao good loqklng. I'm flelder of the Waahldgtoo American a tryout with the Minion dab of tbe American rhyslcsl KdscaUott aaaocla- unnecessary. To* best cure for It Uon at If* Moltt**. going up to bath* and do my halr.and la to observe, to learn, bow others leegaa team. Reeves has more than Ptclllc Coatt league. Is a son of held hla own whenever called upon to Major Orifflth r*vl*w«d tha devel- <• rest a ML" get over fal(a{ea and go on stronger Oeorga Hlldeurand. famous Amsrteao M(ra pot . away her work. Sba flU la at third aad shortstop. Irague umpire, opment of baseball, wlilrh la It. "Mriy than before. The man who reads days waa play*iPln towns, rltl** snd ftaoced at the clock ind sighed. All property to his first—or second or • • • day aba had been thinking about. Bar. Joe Boley, Athlettrt' shortstop, hat rross road* throughout Amtrica," lit third—failure la the sort of man wbe lold of the period during whl Baseball fans of gaUabttry, Md. basket ball and track, htvt been grow- CnlvenUjr. of renatylranla boxing ing more rapidly without (he •Umalaa tarry parasol* tocmpM t taelr tporu af nlvrt ril KM-oply la tha latw gown fashion- aW« for evening. EachautlBg. vsr- bridall coapWjui fkeytart Jeanmjftpr ' The 1027 UptoB trophy race* will at gtorgatta art all to tha llat of dW 1 woald b* tha drarcfc to-*e.a*rrtofc(Iii «Oer, Taw elgbteen-bote courses with a - Tea r-'stattfw< •' *m#< - 'jlawrtcaa bt.held to St ntenbart YUL, on ttraUa fahrto* , ^—^^^ •fama for daytime wear art ahvwn to ' comtrict tha shoe la toaitd whao they gray, brig* tt Mack. The**, If tha years, fler- eteabaaae are being Uld mt ot> MO ttnjmrv Uftea to play en the rttt Labor day. aeeardtog to aa annwinea- XUjs*Dt*LJ*t-prti*r-^*ntato *t ehaoas bar arc leartu ftr'tteb^ waddla, trip. aerea of the Oreat rorest of Windsor^ grand* where be can fattoa hi* bai- hr fisoaton Taefat dub tor* b* a small all-over, patltra. are When tba whale abbja.'Itm pan m ispsoet* na>«. Thtea have doth to- often mad* with HeaJy pbfltod aalrbi •aea.tha bunting ground of tha kings tJagavrrag*. Ia «akte#hi*«r*ta». laa tan* ware made af weod.-'latari: y^itammt^m h* tharttrad frta* Matrons Sad their Meal af,*rhat • naif «t lac* rbJuTasV '--• - >^f-f MtoSM ' ttea^«rtofa> j»jMM,k% IPjeUratarg aanaal ahoaM ha to InutaWaiiiy Tha laca htoaat aatori Into ine ta> lu^radHadttMIiatypa. tscanar> C apaia •ra.csrrtoi at •-v- raMt«tf ,0m ,, >' ""•' ' i '>r>' r •>' '<=/ s I " -*A *


PUgrim Stroyd from unavvrs MUti TBB OKAXrOKO.CITISBll M0d«rm Ty* ol CM Cot Hi* AMD OBftOXIClE Path of Right, a$On*Man p Julin illlllagiuu waa UM of the Pil- Classified Advertisements hi cmnim trnim TSe mnimt «lrl te m«r« all»fla« liUIMM <•»» r U A. lluffmaa. aa e«rlaj bbetor grim Father*. He led a tuiuultuou* ban mar trtatoiu* Wiw ot fcl»t«f~ raobw at ran Keogh. Moat, ia the life, wad* nuncrvua «ii(uile* and dl*- THI <»A»rO«U CRBONICLR and mtUim-mlbO**. r*aaoclti« •enema* I*»» period when ar a eeevu a waM ma. ADA ouoK. loti-a Mti wai be Iwt llttirman had bettnne friendly with whether llllllnglun.'* life ahould b* NU* Baatorj liilla: UT Kank Laaajk ataww. UtftlM, polata la thra* tjp*> of Bale lu-llie-r*re, of Cuiter i»ttl« tuti-u, wlieilwr ID fact Ibe colony had Ilioo. ItM. - ».»> ' MIIU • **'««(• girl* u hit nuou fur d«Jgtu« lite fame, who wa* a priauuvr ot war at legal right to banj him; but lu the y VOL' read tliU adverlUMaeat. other ' Mlwr •"« 1-uMlabM marrlafi boud. would read war*. Adrartla. la The atorixa UMI lh> fort, tnd after *un>lderatile dlU- cud the quaallun waa.dw-lded by ei- >, >IIB m™ »»t be hen. leery ho*** baa anj.tahi* *e* rirat of tbim b* aa/i. U the «o» and CbronHHc ,N*r reevlu. THURHDAY, JUWK 30! 1W1 culty Huffman had •rh.uji'd t>> plxito p<-dleury. K, mlblwl. "»>rtlwi S«. I, •anlad. yet wilt a aala value. Adventee U who bttletea Uiat a «lrl haa UK M»M |.d .1 Onmod-WMIteM. litaa rTrwir Ui ihhi colaauj aad rsah-la o* tt. ' it ' grupli till* irader of Hie IIHIIUII trllrft*. tie waa on* of Ihe algner* of tba tarto* RCAI. K8TATK rOR 8AU fct to frtxSooi In bef »»«. Ul» a» aThe llidUn fhleftaln remili e:l at Huff- cuuiiiui't un hoard.Ihe Uayfluwcr, that li \MU* to Stm Yi«k lnN»—-For Raai,-'"far "Carre* tar Ternu Two Dalian • Teal ,u. Not ouly u»lt»»« It but «!•• as Milll V l«lll» a !•* Real." -rVnlaied R«an hai>yT%alS 1.. ' • •• -• — " * • nuu'* atudlo for li.rvr li«jr.. invlng ducunieut which ha* to often heeu the nondanT-UMe ii.M|'*a* i«" bimMar CHANrDlIU-Buaolowa. aad two faaillr Clllan aad Cbnmkte alBn. jr ir.li in «t«» Bnr-mo isi) oo old aur p HANrDlIUBuaoo. a U KulHn) «l «>• franlur* I1""" <>•*» •• uxLdiy ao. fur all I know. Uayt* bern lakvu from lli< uiiny'< iiio-io llir-iue uf orator*. Ill* family were I«I M all mu bainlbla |arlc«. H A J ••ore penlrauullll.flrr dnetltM» ttfnltl mam* maa a mighty prlurii ramp •urnplltlouMy. In !••«public figure* from the beginning of ..KUI.VMMi al a polnl on Ihe aouUxvly aide Ua*n«IU Al».. BU • bbon, OkllAX for ial».. perfect tuuwloa. naaeaahla. ood wlfe-1/ut not ux-" f Willow Avenue dleunl thereiUn weattrlUyt arvrn Apply la* Walnut Ala. (I* aunt. I-t prolonged abnen^e, the OUT lutll.ni* tlw colony, aud llila ni*u'« death at -undrxl Heel Irrl from the InlrraerUotl of aaM *t». No. S l« Ui* Ctrl, woall/ a petted fr«r» waa a de ut Willow Avenue with Uie wealerly aide THRU luu. Well aHualed. In wkiaua from The paymri/ uxiw "» W* »M.O00ooly daaftiter, review and wlUi tb« ul Maple Him! and froal aaU bxlaalat Point atatlon. Reaauoabl* prloo lo quick buyer. HOHE-MADE OASES tinny year bonaa. laiiuexl In IWJ a* part by Ainfrlini »oldltr« und i!ii liive- U» turning point lu the life uf the tettlt- m_i tlitnre (I) aiulherly al rlfbl Ul' Tenaa to huUder. UcOulre. 41 Welan .ve- MTTLI layer le* cakea. thick Ictot. note. In dea that "mooer U Ju.1 wade to t* tton waa starled b»." <*>wrul • illlea: ineiil. Yet tbe Inquiring render wtll^ivui,,w Avenu• e u»«' — — - IIUI feet nue. Laurel HUL L.-1 Iftephona Buatera latper mpa, baled, 31c per dui. -rar of Uw financing inquired In Die coo- •pent Aa a wlfetbe'dDe a wonder- r-olnl *5ll. ' ; --••»*. linle*" I layer cat™. deHrloaa Ichw. notrdr ulnicUdii or tlw< Irunk *ewcr U Import- Haln-lD-the-Fave r"ui-niiJ l« tin- funi|> wart-hfar lu'x-lnwl hlmorle* fur any • 1.13. nature. Orana*. Mortu, (iooolale. • ol •»«ll.f«rt. bul we'd both b« In and HutTi'wiii •>•• «uwn«'inil >M>'uri Inkling that auch an -Individual ever hrrlv parallel etltb Uie Arei'muree one hun- t KNT1AL AVU.NUt-IM t—l met. InfliNiUl Maule. l-UUrhe. Rote. HpeelalUe* tt aever. ant to Crenlord in more war* than Uw poorhuiu* Indde of a year or dred (loeit feet l» aald aide of WIHow Avenue Iwi) naratra tj 19* tret derl>. bacalkm food. Mra. WIMbrater BrIUo., 14 Crantord Ate. onr. Tlw. payment of a »80,000 debt U Urlirral Mill'D. . ... ' exlated. Ml ihmre (II eaaurly ahaa* eald «lde of WU- Liberal terma la buUdrra. Addrraa P. 0. Sot TH. J4KM. if wo." - "Voung UMIU," »«lil .Mii«>. tuMmilng tritbookt fur Ihe new generation ,m Avenue furly IU) feel In the Mare uf IS, C/anford. It not'an everyday occurrence In a unall And ttlrd la tba Intetlactsal (lri wbo HMll.NMNO. llorTiuau. "If you •>" Inks anciliw generally paint the i'flgrlm* u Ood- Iterrre amnunlln* approximately 14,3**. ' - can'munlty a»id «Ke fact that the mon»y < : luatato iifwo ihuwlog IL . "She baa,prlwuier of war om uf <»mp-.*ltli'>ul fearing, heroic people, who c»me to JiAIII'tL H. TOOL, SheruT. l?%aa&raHitttt*V4W t«u* nia-butuaa «»-« eeala li In hand~V jimt th* obtlgaUon It nillrrCMdllR * JlcLRAX, Butt*. Thla aplendld. development oflera-ejcepOooal M II... at cuKea and Cbronltle oSkie. li _ . and b*llrfa abvat *ir»rrtliln« IwriuUkluii from :!«• uilluiatii ur my then* *b«re* au that they mlglit war- I 121 «1 notable, for before the Stale took a 'mm nolahevum to blrfk cootroL Aa opponanltlea to baUdera and nwuuun. llnlua Avenue, NortK hand In directing municipal flnahelru •eir, )uu will fliid >our>flf In >«r)ihlp the Deity In their own way, They Will aell but al retaoubl* prkea and eitead wtta tbe'd htx* Mr data lo go to, *erluu» iroutile." •__ _ -are~eredlted with courage, penever- 1 aid to reapoiujlUe panlea. Joon W. urn yearn alnee It Iiappriwd very of t«n n;itmrr H KALK - UJU > Bon, Realura, 1 North avenue, Salt HELP WAKTBD r pollUcal meetinga, Ur pap«n on •I -liner ..re|waiMl." IliiflniiiinSW anceauce, dtrmocratldtrmorratlc Ideal*, devotloo to Hetweni Cbarlra riKHT rUaa hottatwork fh-la; nparlaaced that tueh debt* had to be refinanced •rtoiM eubjteta M prepare, rm a'ld llnry Barton, Hteve. Barton, -her chaulteura aud UiUera. with refeeeoba*. Call or refanded. Jt l« IirraUy to the credit aftprwxrd, "hut I hud «uh,, I U:>M' line duty. Hut If one dig* Into the early ifrald we wovldat be happf t«getber." iiire* oMUlv-ln tln-r'm-*.' -Nell M. ... J. rf. Irflng Company, defendant*. in. fa. HOI HI rOB SALK, Sll.llnjaailn Ht, • rdusia al Ibe naployaHtit once, lira. b. L. Berry. of thaw charted with tlw admlnUtra- record* of liyrooutb for the ttory of r'eale uf nmrujaBed preailaea. and a sun mreb; all cunremencwLi built bx 4*4- Weat Broad alreet, WeeUWd. rhooe • 'lark iu the Auwriiu John HHIUigtuii he will find that not fly virtue uf tlie alMVe-aUted writ of flarl nmhanka: dua't mlm loukln* al Ula uuiue; W»«ule|d IUI. If ' tlon of our Townnliln aftalrt that Oran- rla> to me directed I abaU aipoea fur aala lamia tu ault vuu. T-T all the Mayflower voyager* were love- puMh- Aruold. the Engll*h poet RtaJyior Phy'.elan vision. I)l«-ord hid arlien on tb* luvllfbl Katliu Tine). huueeketpln*. lacludlni laa. . tlilug to ri>llf><- huiiV-.iwUml i arwund In llw County uf Union and Bute of EXFREIS, . «ttt ahMild take pride In. the mauager of the tour admitted that ttiie younit doctor, wliti had fmvil Into on September 80. 1830.. ten year* «ft- AI'AUTUINT fur rent. Apply khmllu Unld er the arrival of the 101 colonUU off Knuwn. ahuwn and ilealtnated *on a .rertaln Ui« Co.. Aid™ aueet'tnd North Are. rhun* XrURtUI ud Uucktol. prompt aid aatlafae- Arnold** voice waa eitreiaely weak aad the bachwuwla to •w- a imllnnl Iu the n-an by blwlu a. Voprhla. ('. K., In Aunat. Cranfurd Ut. , I' lory aenlca. Hpeclal nipt I* ahara periau. hat It wa* unlikely lh*t any peraoa la dead of* atortuv nliiht. Pro'lucetown. tie had- waylaid I Ilifttt. aud nird In the unu-e of the RelUter of Auuln'a Rmreaa. at! North aveoiw,- gaav The Illver Carnival, wt for th* night young man named John Newcoroln, liw I'..mil) uf 1'uUai al RllaalieUi, New Jeraey. rfUMmUU anult aparlmenl fur llfbt huute- i-huie CrtuUnt lift. U ID* audleore ever.heard a word of roe "WeU.'nu, dw—Unit I* lo *«y. nnth rf.tlllrd. "Hertlun -N'u. 1 Property atluated al of July 4th. a* Uw time approachet. with whom he had quarreled, and »hot kecplit*; modem romrnleneea: cenUal loca- lecture*, a writer lo the Kanaai City Iu' to »s>v*k of," Mid I lie wire of the l.«r«.»Kl. Wealflrld, KnUw Culinlx. New Jeraey, tion. Urummond. U> .Nurlh Ave.W. 1-houe HAIR MACTRKSUS •MUinn blgier proportion! •and now Htar aateru. At Arnold'* Brat appear- him, >ewcomln bad- Interfered with I,, luntlnii lu New Turk Muburuan Land Cuai- 5SJI-J. U promliei to excel any prevtoua car- patient. "I had film aoak hla f«-<-t In ty, aa and by luu number* two bundrcd HRNOVATRU al yuur realdenca ellalnatea all ance to Chlckerlng haU, New Turk iliiiixt b'lllu1 water wllli a lut of inu* hi* hunting deer. The defendant ill ir ulin ISIHI and two hundred nfly (»W) rlaki. Olhrr natueaaea taken In aod re- nival. Intermit. that nr«t wa» uncer. arraigned before both grand and peUt Hlurk liny-two lit) on aald nup and more l-OK KltNT—Two rumlahed uleaaanl ruuau fur turned aaae day- Reda letlnlahad any cslor. city, every aeat waa aold at a high •rd In II, ail' I clapped * ri-d-hul |>lu» l.irlkuiarly de*ctllien>ehlencea; or Hoi aprlma rebuUL New box aprlnl* and 'lain, now hat become keen and It l» jurtee and wa* found guilty of wilful IIBIilNMNll al a IHIUII un the auulberly tide alnile ruum: aarace. 13a nruukalde' plai-e, maurvaara ruatant tniilt at factarjr prlcea. price. Onanoeey «. Pepew Introduced ter oil lit* hack, *u' unollierujiv mi W" upp. Cedar Kt. Tel. Il-U. quite »ure not only that the entile* Ibe apeaker and Arnold etepped for- murder, "by pialne and notorloua evl- >,f Wlllo* Avenue, dlatanl Iherelln wealerly al< Eallmatea freo; 35 HaUth aU*et. Kllaabrlh; will encwd tlioiif ol prerioua yean but .-hint, ati' I've put • cotiplffw hlUtcm hundred Iweutratry |ISM) feel (rum Ihe Inlrraerluin let. lawraon elMi Tl Bunaet aveaua, New- lard, lie had be«a well ad«artl«Ml I lud Iu the houw tinder lilo ariim. mi dence.--John K. Beffel lo McNaugbfa ul naul aide uf willowl w Avenue wllh tbe weatnty rUUH HINT KUT-HIUTtt rruoa u with UlUlh, , all ark; let. Mllcbetl SMI. Hervba Maltrea* Co.. Dial competition In the aeveral elanei nd to* eudlvnce waa breathleaaly Mill Monthly, '• ' . • , ttilM uf Maple Htreel and from aald brainnln* hupruTeinvulavula, rurnlal u aleaitt hheal . II* muuthth- Edward Maeale. Prop. .. U will be greater. The River Carnival a bag u' cracktHl Ire tu Iliv lui-k uf iila luint tuimlni thence II) auuUierli at r«hl ! A«2 ClaClr t I'lace. i^urner Nunnaodle. With luterxt Aruold opened Ma nerk. an' lmd Itliu' drliik a |>lht o' a.idet lo Willow Avenue one hundred (IH) feel U a unique pageant that only Cranford inanuwrlpf and hla Up* began to tu. a pulnl.', tbmrV ft) weatetly parallel wllh rLAT fur rent. 13. Union avenue. All inprove- HOOTER REPAIRS ginger tr* with a duali o' rum Iu It Modern Franklin Willow Avenue forty ill) feel to a polnl: thence nenla. KrcenUy re-modeled. Oppoalw aUUa. can produce and all iood clllaciu ahoatd nei-but not a aouad waa audible. II) nurtherly liarailel with Ihe llrat courae one HOOVBR aweep«»* frpalrtd priiaajlly. Quod Uk« a tund In making the 1937 car' Jr« a* hut a* ha could nwulli-r It. iin' I What atari* a" lightning flub, aod liundred (IV*) feet lu aald aide uf Willow Ave- anil Jitney atup. Apply Hanllary Barber Hoop; work Lluaranteed.' Jrorsierly wlut Honrer Tba audience craned neck* and putfollowed that with •ou«- )urd lilttxra what determine* the path' of a light- Itne; Ulettce (II etalerly aluUK, aald IHM of 11 L'ulun -Afmue. ur call Cranrurd *•*-!- Companly i Upover aweepera for aala. Brat . nival the fjnent ever. Poliqe arrange Willow Avenue forty (In) ten tu Uie plaint »l I ... - • . tf cUia cindllloo,: ~)II1I Nortk ueueaata , Weat band* tu ear*, but with doUwult*. one o' tli}' ning bolt through the - atmo»nh*rel Telephona Cranford 3IS-W. I njenu to liandle ilif bla crowd of vti Dome, fearlnt deafnee* had overtaken IIRUINN1NII. -i , V. J • ' •• lion wltl be complete anil then la Uttlo I haO iilro l«ka fljie or all pill* «ul A uiodeml dbKlple of Beniauuu rull HUNT— Two nximl and bath, heal fur- hem, eves looked around to **e how ™* ' """ MAUUXL M.rTIHIL,' WirruT; ' nlil.nl. all laipruvenenu. Ill per raonlh. HatMSTITOktlilO . - . cham* that there wilt be .ftnythlnl on uf a box 1 i»t on«; dny|ur a man Hull rmnklln, Dr.ia V. Itoye, BrlU»li bhya- :i Nurth Ave..K., Cranrurd. itbere were reacting to the illeoce, WIIITTKMUKR A HcLKAN. Hul'a. CLKANINQ and Dyelmj. Plrttln*. BeautlUO- tliU acore to complain of. All met1 lor cvuie aloiii: Iwllh miHl'tine Iu "t'H. an' Iclat, propuae* to en*w*f theae |jue»- but were Itaaaured by the Impttleuce _ r—111 Walnut Ave., up-to-date apart Ui* and Bulloe CoverttK. Mra. r. UUanlu- the Hlver Carnlvalf Let'a got he'a. had three or fuur «'|IwUer«. lull 1 didn't fwl Ilkr IIKKirr* HALkV-ln fbanrery ur New Jrraer. Ave.. R-. Cranrurd. Mcum, Uu Durry Mid Juul, of the ning titan'will follow the track of the ll.lween rtaukltn 1'. Lyneh. i-uwplalnaut. and ureaenl. After a few minute* h* Mid a* If!l ort lo glw niuth «' iinytiiUixv rocket, aithet duwnwtrd to the earth Mmty I-. Rrvwer and H^Nirjr II. Hrrwrr. her WORK WAHTED —«liade-Tr*e Oomml»»lon. at the ta»t Mra. Oraut. "WelCTITre, w« have huaband. uelendanM. II, It,- fw aal» «f H.KI- rUK.KK.NT—4 roomt, all Improtemenu,, IIS. TWO OeianneM tut hnuewotk. wajklaa- or try to do inurh fur hlui ufitll )<>•' or upward from the earth to tba cloud. Kn*rd pr^iataea. liulj aller a p. u. II Jud Ave.. Uarvtopd. or day wutt US Willow Are.. Ijarwoorl. » M meeting of- Die Towiulilp Oommltlee. paid to eee the llrlllih lion: we can- r»me an' aee »rr«l you M.:uk UIIK! By'virtue uf ihe al«v« alaled writ of flerl caUed attention to Uie HPglfCt of many not hear bin roar, uiet u* go home." Doctor Boy. explain* lo Popular f«rlaa tu ue dim-led 1 atiall -esiMMe fur aale by rURHISBKO ROOMS ,tO HBRT him. Then I reckoned we «>ulil uu *' Bvleuce Monthly that the track of a nullr inliiiw. al Ihe KhrrllTi ulBce In the COItrrTRNT Inokkeeper tnd tcroununi oSera property ownen In allowing weeds Mid They left the hall and *oou there waa. lilui and rrally live him aoitn'tlilu' an tiun nuuae In the CUT >i( KllaahCh. N. J . un ItlliU-CLAIUI etHatorlaUe furnblirf ruwaa. bla aervieea, either full or pan' luaa. Tele- Braaa to grow up along their aldewalkt. a atrwani of people leaving. rocket contaloa countleat elKUllled WIU.MUIUAY, TIIK «TH IIAV Or runnln* water, every eonveiiteiire. He Nurui plwne Cranford 113IL If do aouelhlu' f«r him.—Kortiea Mug*' atom* which-ere discharged a* the ex- JVLY, A. IL. IMt, : Ave. - Borne of Uieae ownen ate Crantord •iu*. . ' '.: ' it two uVltick In the arternuuu. uf aald dav WABUINO ,i- realdenU and aoine live out o! tuwn^J^ plu*lv* driver the. rocket upward, Uuaillatit Katun Tine). • ' I)MC. or two tluarUtrlr rurnlahed roatai Knowledge of whether lightning All Uial ferula kit, uleee or- parcel of Uad kllrhen prlvlleteai prlvalt faaiUyl beat real UDIRH'ei client waehtnf dona at home. tin. be aute. Die Townahlp liaa the irtgnt to Roqutlort Ch—m • Mi Uw txiUdmn aud luvroiemetiu Iberrun. deullal aedloa. Itl NorUi Union A.e. M. Kameluw. 11 Cherry St. Craaford. tf cut auch gnua and weeda and tax the The bread u*ed In lloqueforl ctieeae would follow toch an alectrlned a tuale In the fwwnalilp ul rranfurd. Unkut Archibald'* Prtmitm cbtiioel through the air, be aaya, CuuAtr, >vw Jererr, and bounded and dearrUied cmt against the property but " tliUU made of the flnrat wheat or of witt- rollowa:- - . ' LAKliK furnlahed ruum. aulubla rot I IJltlti Arvlilliiild I* uf mi 'Ini' might reveal many unknown *«U rluae lu atatloai rvrerenora raqulred. : IIS NVESINQ ahouid not be neoeatary. It ia the duty er barley, leavened with a large 1 Brclnnlni at a point In U» dlilaum llhe -NorUl Are. W. Tel. Cranford till. ••!• nature. When he I'ome" «<•!<»• «ny- uf aald parlira uf Die. Ural pan and Juno O. CXPUIRNCID pradkal aurw laay be bad and tliould be tne pleaaure of every, 1 about the nature of thunderbolt*. by day or week. Un. U Woeta. Tetephou HuaoUty of brewer * yeaat, kneaded thing he. Uoe* not ui»lfr»liinJ lie l< UUItr. two hundml and elfblrlbre* IUI) feat property owner to keep Uirlr premtan tod thoroughly baked. The crust I* northrrlv at rltht anflra rrum Uie' center line ri'NMHHKU rooai wanted, prlvata family, aud Cranfurd ll». . U eelilom tluw In atklnit for lufnrnia or. the Central Kallroad uf New Jerarjr aa filed • > apace fur ear preferred. Ueorte 0. I'ealraalh. clran and aldewaiki puaable without v : removed after etandlng a day and the tiuii. Ho wlieii, lie wa* told to filter- Ditcntlon uni Vmkr lh theOITli'w uftlle Herrelarir uf Hulr; amT'llt —Ill* -Acaua*li-«rr-r*eklkllt.--K-Y. dUconifort to padeatrlaua. crumb I* pounded la a mortar and put Hie middle line ur North Avenue aa laid out tain a visitor tur ten nilnutea, he rame l.aat auuiiuer a »*wer waa being put aitly all (Ml feet wide; Ibeim mainetkaUr LOST—nrel National Bank book No. 30JS. •way In a damp place until It I* cov- •tralght to the point that hml Inter on on the touth aide of the city. Two e»uih• ellbty.al• 'i till defreee, I _..-n.j -ave is*) RTJO WaUTWO . rindee nleaae return to flral Xallonal Bank. ered with mold. When It I* ripe ntluulfa weal, parallel •IU aald _.. 1 Walnut Ave., Cranfurd. ' Kevtied road mapn twued by the New «t«l him from the moment (he manboy* who Uved oa the corner peralited filefild amii aluul * IIhhe mliklll e line of renteNorthr Aveauelute aa, HO WKAVt.N'0-Old eameU. rav, tic, wovaa Jeraey Btau> Highway Cotnmuaon ate enough the new cheewe are thorough- had removed hl> hat. In crawling through the large pipe* fuur hundred and twenty-one and - one-tenth Inlo aealaleaa, r.vrnlWe. ,lou waarlnc nifa. UWT—Saturday. June Bin. between Locuat ly rubbed with the moldy bread, and 111.II feet; Ihenee auprllcallr north three •peclal color work. Bound Brook Km Co.. liro.e (Ml cluti. Kabway, Cranford, Roaalle.' now ready for distribution. Ml who "Mr. Jonem" he.aaked. "why la It that were to be put In the ground. .it detnea. twenty •»*• Its I mlnulea weat. 0r> Bound Brook. N. i. I'hwit Ml. EllubeUi, Mark leather bat ronulalai elolh- dralre a copy may receive.one tree ol layer* of It are put between the lay- Alvln, tbe Older, waa ao heavy he hundred and lalrtylwo and nlne-lenlha (53111 u*. Reward. Henry Cook lilauhopt BUa- er* of curd. After teveral d*y*'. pr**a- you'v* got no hair on your head?" feet le a pvlnl In Uw inl.llwi named oirUkm RXAt RSTATS WANTED belli. N. 1. I-I co»t through the mall by writing to A "Well." waa the reply. "I work *o could not run, but Itopert, the young- Hue: llienre uujinrtlcally aniUi lurtr-one (41) LOT* wailed, aaeean. N. J. Realty * Cooau. lag the cheeee* are wrapped In llnvu d.tnel Dank Dulld diiean't get a chmire to grow; my o ,e Irnlh HH.II feel Is the be*hulnf > 3M Rla HueeL ^^ Ing. Trenton Applicant* are requeued where they are *t»r*4.. rubbed with alay away from the pipe*, and he had U tb lll |IJ3« RB8TAVBANT •alt, acraped, etc, ao a* to eoable the brain* are too buny." AUNT LUCY'S Reauuraat and Lunch, under to write their name* addreean plainly "t)h." laid Archibald, Kim; itBwiilliii aakad the fereman to look after them. aew mananamt. Chlcka* dtnaer. ttandaya. to leaten delayi In deUverlea. In thUBMM to run throaga them. OM day. *oao after, while the boy* II M t M V. at., tl ••• Luncbea aerved any QARAOE FOR KEMT U|»>n htm, **o thaft why mother nuacc hour Dl OK dv, Dea (god a apecUlty. IIARARR for rent, comer of Cranford and edition for the 1KTT tnuon, the Highway doraa't grew a muitache." ware playlmj around tba pipe*, tbe I'artlea amuaandaltd. Rate* rttaonalile. M Ulubrlh A.ea. Apply Ita. D. T. MaeVlekar. .Board ha* had included the recently tareanu caaw op tnd wld: TU give AN ORBWANCa for the conalrurlkal of car- Lumda Ave. w.. auferd. N. J. Tel. .VlJ Ill Craafold Ave. i-bone Cranford Ut-R. tf No Perotf* N»r Almrtmi yo« boya )mt two minute, to getUln aklewalaa In the Tunable of Craafutd. completed Unka'ln Ine^ate tyrtam. the Be II trdakud by toe .TsmaMv CoaallM al compUaUon belnc made by W. T. The Mary goea that aevaral college eVorWoa Gmod and Bmd . •eras from Ibaxo pipe*." 111. Towathle al Craatahl bTuw Counly al OampbeU. AltracUre photograph* or prealdenti were dlaraattat what they Th* alrante thing about wwty I* Robert Jumped up, grabbed the man MOTICI OF HIAWN0 Craaford '&fo r aa yearly tana aialrlai an would do after they reUred, What rVclia* 1. Thai mean* fMtwalka ihau' aa taare el AaJattaHwt Tlaalai) Hal day of December ot each year. road view* are given on .the cover and that It doe* th* moat ularhlef whoa ajaWMl toe kneei and tboatad: "Iiun, Uld whm they do no« *«w •»!»«. ta aerotdaM* k hereby Him Ihal Ihe Board of BecUaa t. Thai the aaltry af aucb.riark be. Intcreatlng Information preeenM for would they be At far, wu Uw qsea- concetbed wlth.tbt.too*. trivial mat- nihold hloil"-IodlanaDoU. Ita ihe alaaa awl apepl*«a,llaaa adapted tarU Uuu aad II herety u. axed at Uu rale of fiMee tloa. l-owtubtb** CaalwraCnaiailwirarr thaa TevrSSTa era*-.era*-. per tear paiaU In l alal ' the autunoMlletJi on Uu mileage ot the term. Thua to worry about bad luek. or* ay reaalaue* HMWaVaVt t a ttblratttbl r awttM "Wall,' laid eae ef tbna, "I dont *«e* *r -different route*. doiiMwIk UiMlclty, dl*t|rrer«br* oeMlo- M lux uav IM)TM4 thShi IM *«eS *f *r Tlw New Jeney Cotninladon wa» th« kaow that Td be «t for aaythta* bat bant or tbo welfare of the. boy at nal- 1 know what Id like te do. NUketo £ first to inltUU U» plan of prtnUng Uie lee* (* In the army, prndewee nothing KMD btbw.boni,ta,a limdoo apart- • map* for the convenience ot traveler* bo npertateadent of aa orphan but fa|lgiM> ot'bady and *AaJ, w«er**» JahaT. Urnery. la turn aaylom. ao that I watd« aever get any ONOt cotttttklko rent to talotaaUeaUy at Lota H1J. block lit. and many other aUtea hare rioce o hit or ttutety coown>ln*/tbe cotaoy r«tevt«orttaf to.t pita worto* out adopted It. TIM high itiindard of the Wtan from Dareata." of iv-rta* that btve laltea" *t>- apart- Tw a aavrai better ambition,* •* lor tat landlord, - Oadtr aa agree- work directed Iff Ihla Board ha* \ ment lo the m»e nr throat,, the an tatat rooaaU* eabmhted to a nro*ptc- Wnlaul AnaiM, Mweea MUM and Mneala n»UoaiW^»e=coBunendaUon and the aloud aaotber. 1 want to be war. ooytng totiatlpttluR that develop* doa of a penitentiary, no alatul Mre teaaat ot ktwe>raoa apartmaot TVgROAT. JOIT MU>. MIT. legibility and accuracy of Ita map, to- from bad dietary habit*, the vacua* ft -Boat 20a. per we*k gether with 1U coonniant '-lttrh*iige> ' ' M» pwooM aUr. or *. •«, pw «Mk Makn Dark Stain light A *M««r law the writtact at Tlr UMCOHO for otory.adaWooai )WON A n*w aululluu baa bfeu found for avtM, a Betaaa.arcsltect ot tbe octorerery eUU bora la tbe botue. the pniblvoi of dirk cellar »Wpa. A flrat twtary B. Q. bM foaaa r«far- AHMtkyHSapnttitiont • •., Two week*' rent t» aavanea w attud- w* to tbe taHaMtor. Tbe bone border nf wlill* iwluttsl amund ewk Tbe ttMrtbyat wat w«rn lu aoeMtl I*t oepoatt la Ueo of two «Mtkf oo-; •tep uuikw the edg* ituud out unite cbiiM* were fitted with a device Egypt.- Aawtbyii acarab* were- hurhly ttM.oUhtr ride." Tbo MMH wtro rbldk teitaaod o email bell late a box two MMU c«*t jM»,«B4er. tk*> rotfot dearly. The failure lo pruthie artl eateeowd by Kgyptlaa *uldltr*v watt r Bclal light and tke ronmun prtrlalD Ol1 tata belief b> thai tho OOMMUB . ild Urtb noilcvf." Tbere *»a* >• eatttaa. be had dadoed. Carte**** ot aa aatyibyat will dee fMa* tc Take Command proaecuUan. ' ^ -^_ rood word*. , . - knHia ».:»ad momato aa* «**. &*sssJi -Wret of oB. bo,iMlir|i*. bo dlw* ceimaeea la Upbear ot dM«w, .'••»»• t- That aa

jvu wrttr . taM aa/tog my tnocneMttoa ef JJpM(rt«d Wife' waa • ft(iliw*r Ss-J*JK^JWI am yo«-l*efe«4J«

>-- S .'*„ . • .V*^' *-*ijv T'* L- ' ^^- . -^* THE, CRANFORO CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE. THUR3DAY, JUNE 30. 1927

ctrstnc rAiK CROWS tms fee rat up aail rrra Sprdai Kirruuto KM km* put oa ttw MIGHTY CITY I *• and U-iMed «or Ilk* nolaiun la udftUb) at aw «.blrh wtU IM M Crtym- do esarilj lhli> zAt Pxrk for July «*« nld tato a imall iHMHtgr TIM' i*|ii*«*tf*- U and imwrrful whi-n HIHW »•• new, aa anl»ml.,aDil ll^hu^ift a» If It Mtu«> The J»tnn-.'.n'; pwl U romliM In lor| ha» Ju»i lw<-n ill«v\ernl !•> the Alne^ *m»v thinking —»ihl» ft*W Jour i roftl tha*" ^f bti^iiw^ ajut danciiw| linn* Harry llrr»f) ai.il fatli.w Illl. j oat 1 ;h* navi'.ion »U*i .Uie music lroin( umn Tanfltrt*!"* OI'-wix- l»srt On-nesti-a U; d ' j i wukc lot CtatHtary a/ In* inmrn rwro j»t)ij'jr ai Hi* summer] Wrlltn. of the lom i-lly. In JliHVIIs >*r Itr.'T ui'iU." M-ii»rt MacXiie Mr Hl'ilrrth MU of the I Has ssaa «iu u» lti<- '>rl|tiu.ii Li.iiii MI .1.1. vim l. There will be tft<\t\ munlo by the |M<»I>II> »!».•<• I|I. K)Ing ••ptlai nt tint titttU** IIT J"t.u \\ttikrr Si>" » Olymptr Park Owen Hand lor il»hrll.iit In i|i»«',{ii.rlfiG' iiw upon. T>*<<. Kii^iaod Tb.-» holiday. - •' I limn tin* tuutiUr^ ti«rHiiiv Inn it-4itt-t> jfi^tu. ^r Olympic Park Is an ideal pla><* lor a >.' •'C*res» r*r picnic over tl» Fourth ih» rlt" -b»w ctnt but Walkrr rvlu^nl l.< mi.Multtr .!>>• ion.. In. Oltii'l.rj- m i,vl«U> It lias >1KU )U»I M KIHHI ih(. mirivil K< "IT n ""il' , Ant a IIUM.^TI j>nn> ngi. il.a; an> fur H Th* (Tof's »VntW;*rs j knrT'iii'm arluw r""« "ti"••! imlnj In I-t lliUill>..till|; (lUltUkM** \l.l* ~ *int# j V a ilty In -V« Vurk olty. Hiiliin'ttH. In I.'.* jiuiil. »I,H|I -mid a »I-III.II •UIII<' In Inmrr IhrlllllK Hull llonv lit Us '»D I'hfflt^li m«nufat'litri*f u^^41 It. hrla-lit. r*mril». "I «*J.»*d- li«*r.M »ti^ »nii! ""If CONCHANEV ne"ao». -rot •*1h<" Khht«r emptr* pM >oa letor. botrjr Laktt' Short Linft tlirj \ttir Un li.-f ilili'ii.ii * til «li« hvlirht In the T-'HMi vwiinrr .1 U«-n d#- IOJISE •rhs, (SoooUU. ' rvpllwl iiiai >lir v1"^1'1' ll"'"1 '" 1O' IHUn u «*». "SUnty money always asking for t«n dollars worth for * dollar nrver lake Sui«Tl»r tatts a ahwjt i!» !» rlluwl. ain't afl*r « «*!"< "' wan i Cruhnl Ai.. the Unllwl Slain vf I.IIKi lullri) Ja tertaln Iwr !•»>»>l»t> >»t "~IMr«ll wllh Ih. Tiial IW (n-w. Hi.-lniliwte) AT TH* CRANrORfi TIIKATIIK ANO HATUKDAV If reuchra ml aconotny—if* the money that asks lor a moneys worth that gels Uare and route irttln*your moneys worth In Rrel-Btron*s Caaada. 1110 mllro: |j.Ve. Mlrhlnmii *u News. •,11,1 lli» iiMinle «f (•••low a (nunlern 1 coal" , . • . •••.-. 0 —CITS Ptmcty Cai. Unit within H'f I'nltnl Slalw. >hnre Annum) llo> rthnii-r» •II-^K mil nf M«i»rjr. * loavtn,* the rn'i'« Ms ot-« mu - ->' '••— . - LZBIOH VAtXKT COM. line, 1.30). mil.«: I. ik* llunm. »lit>in ' Out in fAc. Country iif Ihelr ooltl. ogk». ii tbr t'nllrd St.ik*. •»i»f In- A »» i.f the itMe#(loiia Trlegraitrml at all seswns all n«t the BO Lake Ontario, t'ultril . Sutem, 3UR mm» «f the HimmJ I'M H'»!r jt» was. I'l-ii- .lit life In ivloiiliil 1 KtKk i'lahta. UnMliw, Veni'Utile I'lniiU, . miles; Caunil"/..Vi mile*. feateil armlra r»lrml lm« ll" lilnler rrfmoces. fill lllinn" I'll lu.) uiiui>:*'1ihft> Wl'ri) Tulip*. UaffiHllla, llyarlmlis, Crm-iu. -. . rs. B. t. Bttr». laii'laaml ihi-re hullil o""T'elilmj or (let our thililMi ll.xik of llulba. We liutKitl ilimt (nun Iliillmiil Reel-Strong Coal Co. nut iMuhv ihii'-. .not «lwt iliere w^r*,. did lh»y die mil l»ai'n« i«l» a Ihln By Lamplight »ln>«m • Amir l 26 NORTH AVE., W., CRANFORD, N. X foil, and the oil wlirn l»'«l«l ei|i«ntl> and runs uv*i ihv »IU«. The rw.nl>*! Ills lii..llo-) Ii-M <> t!u iv..,.ilcr« of th« of th» *lt* a" a r«iiH'...f.'»iU f.<|i|nn llllfONITK .aiul tMirtitT liuvf uui IH-VM wl|wd af(«i NVw Ji'rn«u(tjit II*. IUi»t),4| allclillv*. (|nn. lie Irni-o* omn-ijiliiii iif Iho H» [ of the i-Hr thil N>I: \ Phorte 832 MO, Bttt nllun. rii.- wi.k .l(w« ui'i Hi iiruprr ly ulllll rlli'tl'i ' iirl..»ln ri'tilil .IH| CRANFORO, N. J. Ir, or It Un. Uvn bmlly trlimunL lu ImiKi-r <"• •<'••:•<' M'tl.,1 «ln l> u "It ws« HM'vHviiMn-n, 11 «OIH> fti to shore MBU. tiTlur all Im. i'itii u«il in* lauiii rHllfil •UIH'r>io*l. r Iritut 7 |i,i iiKmlrra tlirlea Uler, "flu-nnlen-* ilin-hiiil,|lii» (la»«-i mv ii.ii «' ************* ••«>»•»»•»«•»»«« t»w»t»WTW mammulh eillfli-r ro-r «lo»» ««•«' i lit Bankers Title and Mortgage Emu Being HUM OH alon*, fur M"iin-Her. iiniM.lls lower, la sad n- 1 John W. Heins & Son d w col Emu l« Hie iimiHf vt • t>lrd native It rrmineit with «ol<'i auuii-vrUui nlmllil lnitt»irthp anrri*iiiMllnat niar>hir and Iho turn iirramlii* ot u^ to tin- n.|rl< Ii. It Is KlHiUt Hi I fn<( ID Guaranty Company Ttiom. a r'o'igni'-il in 'he -nn-'t}- »n sveauo, Nfw-^ hrUlii. »r A iliirk liruwu mlur. It la a > Mourn* Co.. tiiainHii-Miiw of Ihe^Ki'"""' fl«-l rviini.r. l>ui ••«•»« of win* Hi "tint the enil nf ih- ••'•vlf'h cen 11 Often unusual facilities lor sound, safe and wvrr Invntmcnt f]«*h Ak^ii^U, titiil Itn riffc* arr tMllhle. AIM 'In iiluiiin^.. In iiiciiiKul uiul rwu-nl .Inry |h» enmlre reaohoil Us liel«M A Mir. flood In first morteagos on rral r.ttate or approved value. The dlncttmi and him hair 'Ih.-i.mu )• ru|>l>lly t rumnariillv-lv «t-i"-> it-i» if« "-I- ORAMrORD MOTOR VBIU0LE BURBAD wlli HoofM- ••- IiiC Vvilnrt. between the te.r« .if vf »i-.1 l«iT— foe UU. tm officers of this company are all expertcnet-d banking men, every onr bt Anarsor »«> < WH-II Io •<. i" ' i -' am t M«f Ih Atr*. (opp, Blstloa) *T»»U*# WlOt them at prenenl a director ot a banking liluiiutton In Wetifeld cr.i. ,i bs«iisii«- I"U«IHIIII> try. manners mh r«'iiniii ofj 'M< '»i-i'" ting. IhautUca- "The ontMl'tiir nf «n»l«ii' si lt'» llin'' Irs. r. CUMIu- I|IK I'j *.'«-! !"it'n II.MII. for noililttit. They «if Ti-li'Min '<• .fi-Min'it'« »'•'• •••'•• "I-"1' Cnufor*. Ttl<- CSANFOKO TRfBT Ptonxs BANK AND |(ftrri.ni/». vt.>..-t ui.luji Hut! I* "frv«.? Iral. nII>|O-IIIMI to f.,.. rilji- Hip fad that TIUNOB HAPPEN. heart «f ihn Khiiifr-ein-'-e 'n on« IWD ~~ Robert E Crane Malcolm B. Dutclier c In ujn. BM» or .ttiiHih»r Miry pay Vor la your plumbing, sonieUines, We can't tnleMr re»ll"e «ri>|i line '•/•'- wiiii'll- Henry B. Heneman Cluster B. ki-llocn prevent the thlnta from happenlm. but Why Pay More? all lhr> ci'l.'• -I'lrll- • nil lh*lr •aln-nrlli '!«(••. «.iii>.|» hml Oeorge H. Oata Ronrall 8. Nichols we can give you such first-class work built Anakor--IIIKI IIH-I* •• •••"."••nli tn If yi>ti enn «rt tfs« aanm KOIIIIS In i|imllly nhil mrvli-n HI scvountsot offvrs William J. McKee Leigh M. Prarsall and sound materials that tli« putsi- tfte Thlrlremlt «*"' |!*(Hir*i'i'tiih r»'n t- llau. T.lf- Tfle Exprmttionilt billty of these occurnra-M wlll.be re- tlirlea 'the* were aHn.-ki'it iifclli hr the I. HoriHlimko'a I'nlnt Iliiiim at Hi M worth NATIONAL BANK OF ttiama. ai«n (IT HH- «r««l thai jmv TBIST An 'Vi|.HuiKr i. ;i itiuni; rnaa Utat much to your pi** of mind (o wlio lias a gitarahli'ii liy llin inMiiitfai-lur<-r mi inrli nillilr nf ID th* »rt linn who v H 1 the' Rlaineoe. Theti ihp •1«v«~ *••>•• up WESTFIELD iJ.'l l'li1 nnjj ^ fall us In on high grade Plumbing wurk. I'alnU slid Variilalii'a, ami nl>o IIHHIIIII ih-lln'ry . *t tun*. Mrs. slnni Idm |M-rti'iilj. )ir\-unriii(ti* lii^ Mtpltiof |t>em ,.X)M!™ttM| "t l'"e Kour fonl. if Aubrey B. Smith Bainuel Armatnmg H rrn>icultabla •.••.• • Telephone 314-4 toenlh renlnry »»>v the lam nf \ni \ •'.'•' William II. Weldon Robert A. Fklrbaim kr»r*a lavlnh heen'T i>n 'M». Theodore 1L Uidwlf Otorge W. Prutchey "As a final Irimli* hninl",''I>«I the FOR GOOD PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Medley OB. Whelpler Uoyd Thompson HESS BROS. rlt>; rt»seried narki-d .•»•! il.'l|vereil with reasonable uileoi snd workmsnihlp (uatanlsa, over In the Jimrie wtiiw ni.ini.irou> 66 ELM STREET TELEPHONE 2100 The Bonnet Box Plumbing, Hwting, Tinniitg irminiHia Inunilstnl II riiiped wlil- l|« • (all Otanlord JOI»i. Telephone SI4-J eiiulatte walla, tor* Its »'"t« fronl No. a«S5. WESTFIELD WESTFIELD Popular Prtrnl Uata thalr ahrinea. and heM II miii|v# until Natlmullluk. f •. Oalea A««>sM OKAMFORO more than-VKI yesra IHIIT. a wander I. BORODOWKO $5.00 Inr rrenflitMan fsine iinnn tl sthi pin iMnn Locust •«o«n •tlrred hl« rnmilry *!!'• •''•. spcounl nOMfT DELTVERIKI II I. Union Avsnus, CtlAXrORU 'nafont, RoMllr.' -Al*o- of II" xrealneas Hml In 11»l" I'lanif ac rauulalal tloln- A5O o 1 TOa i 11laukop> Blu- qnfeMi II train flam hv nut nf tliMur Michel DiFatio & Brother » AV5 , !rX«2. ORKBSBa-|l6jO U WM pollllral fXnla wlitrh l» inllnr il't.ln ' ' Oaaaat OoaitraeUon of alt kinds. Estimates (ladlr fnralabad. and LUfaiRXS mary. . . 4HIMX eml« s history i who eolled to Workaianahip and Haurlala OnaraaUad. »ra»o as « amrM sfsla. Htwint kQCBAEL DI FABIO oo BSOTHXR U4KAST BROAD HRIBT Telephone Cranford 10M at Borulde AT*nae, 0BABTOBD WMtltli M. t. BUT HOUM»$ of Cork I* Crutora »ni» Araoni flu vn-si oulitl*i nf new D. T. MScVlcksr. house* retjtllrwl fur men *n wurlt III' fordUt-B. If Not M new Krai eiMl Mf such, risk b*. plaater. til* f/uler three liithes arr • nu of ».•*• miri - •* - Of rotiertt*. while not In lie pln-nr ar» two Ineheo nf «ini|iri-"«iV rlmler UlSU Uk* ROASTED POULTRY railed UrxM, Itetween tlw-iu«icr*le Yet now 9XL ev^n greater' and Ux br**M Is uoe |mh of turn- WJiat a aplendld treat, and wtut • Mwd corki tltr wind* l» Imilt ml whol«»t>m»vlood IJoanted PonlUf wakaa for both cbiMrm and «rown 141* abnut a xleel fr/iye.'Hi. cork na« tola*. W« an raady to Mm youlaklsf Ik* ulact of tit* umal alrsparr u aw with tba cboftaft Vowla of tMla Hi* wall ESSEX Super-Six Mason, driaaad raadr for •ookjng. 111* cert. Mot » naoraiiditciof of ktwt, kt*pa tb* hnt la tStrtut winter >. MIT. HEATING, PLUMBING, •ad ks»p* If «•'! la sirt»iB*r, and lltose v KLEINS Hr*ad/ In •reanallan am pru»i«| r*r» METAL WORKING aa laaabsaai as ettaforublf on intl amniul. O«*r a ELECTROL OIL BURNERS m wka.aaw a* EasexSuper-SU. csnnacafaatjtilw MARKET Mr [a,. odf*d •*»» been bafll durtnf tb* a( the aelling aeasoo, wtth Am marlcrt atrspped of sT*» cat paat lw*+r» utmihn, aurtlwi' huudred and thousands of unfilled onttts od Ittod, pradaaiaB n in- awifv am unk Wffl. C Hip rn—llln of We are nowpyb^taiS showing the finest Esara valud e of aDJ tim 'e and TTt-Mta. . m. co*Mr of your prumptnest in ordering alone can in , , KrkM lite ssni- emM ma cm- ' 4 JOO«I wifi at a- evrlato fan VUU U Clrrr- IPaxtSpmlaboMtn* - ... 4-IW.Bw.wsw.rW OPTICIAN 1 truh auholto. It* batlbg iinofig IU oMMfml frl*tHl> CM «f III* **a| singers >.f lh» Hit PVS •rfcet*Jian* la oftea tueitllubed/ ta enn 219 Bmd StnaT ' nafWndkvtlte •wttlon with u«ste«l aitslra,. ««n la hta nwtbfr «te air nrtogi HwBt-Wha» uJfow You eaoo aw«s.sMi PainleMB Dentistry -W4 »#• knew that #«*>*—r »<«*' ELIZABETH N. J. Wnt Itl EUdrk AN ACTUAL FACT itotKjn r „ Opfntioa. «»,.»/ dear, aba da«« u nrn DairsUK. SsysDr.Sdiwirts wart* (Ml aoBie lime* In fnHf**. bit WMh my air mctnod tt Mfillkt tfllf,*. f»p»l»» mnffcer. John Doyle lalmpoaalbHtoburtyou. *Well,» a.14 ft* frl«M"ftlt*j "loed t can remove as man* bar* ar «l« pfOgrsin., J| Mya Ur» f VMM At*,?, i' OBJjnrOBD toetb a* Mcaaaar* at on*'Urn*. Ac*• .Jjrl* aodmiwr,"' rk*ae Oraatord ln-X daet not naUw any dUXtraoe*. Yon Au4 Own It waa up (• mothw la Bttftfoom arid Kitclm cancolo «h what a lyrie aofranu Jju., - ., /^ AtlaWtoa Ow«fcUlr (M*M not liufwV tmtiu. • >_TILING— FREE EXAMINATION OSWALD NITSCHKE, JR. LooM«^BnetuaPkt«* ftkdm api Decdnlor ' Owr** «. JUsmlWsoO ef West Tows XMa«f»Ua« a Bpatialt* iklRwpwrad saesd, Tt, aa/i b* a**at r«w aai lWaJptwl.it ta kla alti/fw t««rt •*si ARTZ1

fe?* MIK.11 '" *•»



Preparation Tim* ' (ittul Slat—man Fond , Happy Findingt Purity Counts In Ice Cream U we ere indtwt IMT» tu \0rfrct and >nr dm) IN- tntur ul • cvinjileic ear u«n ualurw. awl icnnr 0/ Wii "Littl. Jok*» tu iviiia, xiiii, phalli* tMii.i. m Our Ice Cream ha* that Ingrained Coodneaa which la>g«f, atrvofrr, u^nw* OTSintbrtU rU/lBf (MvetkaJ Jukoa ••• > r« tt.tr, wluHl UHllBH tail |»i|llL IMII agaluat wow fi l«l«iu«r.» BitihreUer Beer Canada Dry Gtnfer AW grow* upon you with continued uwi. Every ingredient tur», wo bid all Imj bnl'lr ounelre* afUf [h*( Ocraiw^aialMUMii bud l J«i s p|# • we ueejg. Ab*q)utely_Pure. . . . to U» tttnxttt wtillf w« hat* the Ituw. lomnS bli Mck on paMir wr>lc« and To equip a dun; rnprriabla ptnum bl.mu ai ruw liU rat kvl Tlir relr Peter Doltcr's Beer 1 «a« farming at Knl»i**' but lo ttikk* • BOW aad tlwo sadarwtii! •traa«« and tnt j, iKuruuic lu ilw h,>u.|< ut a d«r» parody of an and •tanllaf asrprtM*. Ou d«j wbll* b* ft lie , l.iM u lu Prince of Piben Ugcr strong teivtagr (1/ il>» Anirlo-Mitiana. to. Jtmped 00 tb« aufa» and ton Uw EarlieU Ueaiurimtntt CUquot Golden GinW Ak who Imik nni*.«|,,,t ,,r. KiigUnd. »nd ttpbolftarx lo lattari. Kim nala tl» Tin- ruiln-i I.MT.IIU, riik'iila w laid tb» r..un,i«[l,,,, ,,c Mir ItrtUnti na- Iton bad Bttt of (tnijj •»rv««, for bud?. White Rock Water SunapwiDa and Root Beer U«0. Tile AlltUt H:\,;tn IIMII» tmannll It n« infnqaaiUji h»tn*n«l thai V df w » from al«, ron.ii-u ii[,|ii»*; IIMWI. auga? •b«a l«e|>. toothed .f Il.c thumb JIUUI. tlir "liuud" ««• with JI eomfortablt nl«hli«p lived •ad aplrw. TliU Wtvrag* »rrui4«d 'He fuur .nrlir/. ntin , ihf human Seltzer, Vichy and Carbonic ContreU's & Cochrane'* ajanr»;|,|iici£ wltb pon«r awl cb»ro|wKn«. ih«r wert i«nd. HIJU ilir '.|i.ii.' hlnc IIHIIM, IU Aflgi«HaV»fiii. at«nl«(] nidi)*t>i]r fr»m thvlr •Inmbera h* aiwvv fruiu'iiu' ciid »r the thumb Water Ginger Ak bj • ataccato of platol bollrta itrlklf/i 1' tl» MIU iif thr liul fl Mat ctlllng* abovf th*lr b*ad« tad Sprue* Cultivation . M»lio( down abowera of ptaater up- Hhioric War Vtutl Th» wiwd «f ch» Kilt. «,.rii.«. »litc». to them. Oix* wh«i ont of tilt knot HoAnan'a Beverages ITO»» In 111* forr.l. of (Irlll.h t",.|im» loj companlont btramt tt'tick In • bo» The C<'i»uiuilt>n waa one or the all ela, 11 on* 0/ ill? MI"«I ciitimiiiiiljt n«-.| i •0v4n lwu«wudn Olsmarcmm k to pnll him ont. war *»-M»I» i.riirrwl b)r cuiiKrau rirlj la I7M ..I. WTOUBI of ,AI«erUu plr»- TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS SATURDAY UjatM-lala for tlif mnnlniiilnti :nf *»lr I Blamarcli aald ll'iu bopeleu to tr/ puoM. Thit Ifiw In aim i-ulltviit«j.l() I' «nd tb«t be hid bvlter t» morclfull/ rlrv-li wn» liiiiiirlinl i.ii-Jlmt HtjIUnf action to Uiejrord he I7HI, hui cuu ...iirplflfU nr «jul|i[«'f.iri'«inilnri "kill" him, for tho nnfortanat* man GROCER ffgF< nudt tucb frmotlc and dwptrato nom|H 1 WESIFIEID CAJIDY KipEN, Inc Grouchy Fmilid NapoUon •tranlea to «acab« that b« rotcotd \ Cleaning Painting* PHONE Eastman Street . hlma,lt—D»Uolt Knrt. •/OR. OITIQII ATB. AMD ALDIK IT, Uarahal (Jrwuchji «>• tli« mm T.i VIVHU AII oii ituluiliiK ilrni tak» TheV reaoder aMlKlinl by Napulooa n»n» II uilt uf (tip frmiiv und .lay no It a 239 and North Avenue UBUM^B n TELEPHONE 815 partt to hold In rh*rk thr Oprinun Mention of Pttrolnm ' .•l.tii^l(iui|N.|i«i wltti ruin «ut>-r;4ll«* of thgf trmjr uodvr lUaihrr aftn- Iho l-iHT-a •t t> rt'Mmlh a Mtii,ri tliti*- to tukv Ul dafwf at l.ljnjf. Tl.lt. Napnlmn h»|»d in Biblical Rwori, ll'v dfrl.;.n inn), tiieii I..- Kwiil) wl|m. would IKIIIV Wrllliixton wtlhnui KIID Allboutb ai • commercial propo- *l»> H tun uf I'liiimi ill,,,.ni lu |lu^ POM at U'alKrluo, bul Illurhrr rmrlied •IUQO la WMlern cltlllzoilon petro- ull-.r w.llhan-il ,..!. VHIUI-IIIV |uilul Walfrloi. luir In ll.r aftrrniMiu nt Hir leum niajr ba aald lo dale, from lisa, lll'i wlm live worn) lluiruunhlj tun ||, uiniatur* (or Imtance, In tht account of tht Iniurance policici, like everything elte, are influenced v bulldlof. of Iht tower of Uahel (Oeo. on Mnlh iitrivl «/lifii si. .tnilmny am ro»l«iil ran |w rnhnml la |«>r f,nt lo llliuieii|Nill9 «rrv twit) vMluifMi im tli* by changing condition!. New real eatate vnlue«, prop- aluiui ihiw in.'nili. 11:3) w. read "allme had they for mortar," and that great hUtorlan, tllmlaalhiir rlter. erty improvementa, additions to equipment—4>ll these Utrodota*. writing about the jear«0 B. O, tpeaks of Iht mt of bitumen thing* influence your properly risk* and your insurance la bulidlog th« wall* of Babylon, a fact The Miterable Male ; CMflnud by recent eicaratlon work. A Iroturt- wna r«vniil>. clvwi no protection. • - ;••-. ~ - "How the Worm OIIMIUIU Ita Court IS LIKE A SPOTTED FRUIT Again la the Scriptures w. are told ahlp." An> innrrlml woman rauld (Otn. 6:U) that tot ark was cor- Are you aure your insurance schedule i»n't due foTa talk ai \n\n\u i.iio-mihjpct \\\r th,(... The Good Fruit b Soon Attacked; Just So Does One •red "within ud without with pitch." KaiiNim l-'Mt-mor , reviaion? V/e shall be very glad to inspect your prop- In later tlmta. about 010 A. D, Jap- Decayed Tooth Attack a Sound One tnea. writing* contain numecoua ref- » '««» thsn twice a day, li a :«nind. : I.. ..j". ° '''.''. .' ' '. " • « ,,, • " "«h oiainlnatlon evefy six montlu at thl* and the ancient Egyptian rltet of em- lupruveiuriil on lulklug uiovle pa- offlce will prevent decay and loss of a single tooth. balming were carried ont wltb tnt aid Iroua.—Atlanta ('iinailiutl.iu. •f "alumlaf or pltcU (CopUc). Another reason why you should not neglect teeth la the Rwlty A Ituuraoc* Dap*. Drink More Milk longer you delay the more the repair bill 1« bouSd to cost Bo It to anything but economy to let your teeth "go"-not to mentton an — the Ideal Food Gnat M,n'. Pauion Ttltphont Oraaford MIB aelitaf tootn, or the various dUea»e. that develop torn diseased tor Odd Colltctiotu " WeatBtld »ttB CCHOOLaod hetlih ofi Tret examination* Dsu> Cranford Trust Vttata tgtt thai Bilk When Whlttler iru hard praated for It Nalura't gfMttal ail. money, ht took many of hhr ttchlngi i.... We 'jharge nothing for.eiamlnlng your teeth, telling you rotiad htalih food. Our to the pawnbroker (»«btaln the where- wh« it'wl'l rott. »n'thll>«: how Ion/the Work will take and pun.rkhbonUdKUkbvUd* withal-to buy win* or rare Nankin Roberts & Hirsch «o»al nd blood. Olra It to china, being a coDnoltttur of tht tor- Ooma la Today Ooatult your lwaraajt a|«B| u you would ytm Uwytt tr dot lor ; tba-xklddlta" eftw tad mtr and a collector of the latter. MASON CONTRACTORS drink It rowatlf. Par row Rotxettl devoted hlmaelf to old fur- '• tonwiiUnr* fdprotwilf. nltUrt and Japaneae bric-a-brac with 11 Plat Street ORANTORD out bottltd milk It appod Ihe pauion of the true collector. On- DR. MALLAS with tafe tu) auw *3ri&* Ike WhlitUr, howner, ht knew how li Third ATtnut OABWOOD Po~iog.PuU Milk Bold. to hang on to money and drore a hard OtM. Writ* or lb wrgaln. Ufa host, waa a combined todarubvtowUcb^ muttum and menagerie when rac- GEORGE TAFF 72 BROAD STREET ELIZABETH. N. J. aOlkUftUTOurkoao This ends all argument coona, armadllloa, aalamandtra and Punting and Carpenter Work chameleons rummaged amongat rare Open Daily 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. . B at mtnutcrlptiliooktv picture*, mutlcal PROMPTLY Monday, Wednesday and Friday until 8 P.M. as to the flat wall paint to use lostrumenta and furnlturt. ATTENDED TO Jt tr . The raccoon was Onaily disposed of M North A**,. •_ OKAMTORO LEPHONC after h* had olbbltd OF torn* of tbt pott'a manu^Hpt, and • ttbra which AUTOMOBILE PAINTING On hospital wall* .CRANFORD DMRV la the tad prortd dangerous met the to LACQTJKR a Qtroo imsa for 5 years AUGUSI THI:HMAMN (•,,,„ stma fata. There la, howtTtr, no ac- coanUng for tasttti sad to. collector ' T»l UU Jacobsen & Persson .N.J. who tptclallttd In noott.which.had HAROLD F. BENNEH VelourHnish Performed, their duty tad to*whl'c« ht attached the Danes of their former Kstlmatw Olven ROOFING lut Wen washed and tsaaata, pouotted, U not a more pt- AM* « atv eul(ar,-etrtalnly * nwr* morbid Uttt washed and washed than BotHttL-IUrket for fch MARTIN SCHAFER CONTRATORS Maaon and Coatnctor M«r«A«aW>at b ot-Omar Kharymm and fela . ORAjrroRD, •, j. Rnbtlyal (may their trlh* lacr**Mt) Kituaate* Jrnnlphad oo att «la*ast »W-WiotUgMed Ut l*am that torn* at k ^ ' Bore Kabaiytt of UM aatrooomtr Boat at PtrsU haw been, recently date** •red. A corrtapoodwt of lh« Daily OaaMt* of Slad *Utta that darlai Uw catan* «f tb* caaatriKUaa.ofa aiw fcawniB-iBt'ouiWtot at Scawaa, to uw Urkksaa' dUWct of Wad, whU*. •***• TStleat for H). fbuadattott* wet* batag —^i^. bras* CM* waa U,^»a itnootporatod) RuMiyat ar* getas «t,>mtt ny at- Ttkpboni rM'kadth*4bM«TlryMmaan>w tt Keith AT*. W. Oraaterd , AND BUILDING SUPPLES

••fI|t a*1 > ftma la a word a«fr«ai tht 1^ tost


CoHWood & Supply I I , , <

• , , »..-.-.r*-"*. ;

• >s- - ;: vv: • . ^ . •. -. _ •',.... •_ -. -. .,.. - ,•--•:• %_..


KENlUVOKTB TO CKUBBAnt urdiD3i*t6for JULT 4th WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT WONDERFUL BARGAINS AT NEW ORANGE PARK, Elaborate plans ham been drawn up JULY 41k. in*. rACT ru r*BTTT IBOTIOM OF kiHawoitra. i aad i rauiiy •*•« for the rooilnc celebration of Indepen OB riCTIONt let sale. Very lew prl«»»; easy tsrsas, Must b« s**o la be appreelatad. Board of Assessors dence Day-In the Borough of Kent!' Just what did occur on July 4, Apaly at ease, . worth. Things will start off with lTTi, to make It notable and to SPORTS bang la the morning when a parade, give us our greatest national hoU- , JAWES" ARTHUR Borough Council Fajl» headed brthe Kenllworth Flr» Depart dayf Was it the day upoo which Owa*f aad Bulldsr, aa preaalsas. Pbea* "Orsnlard 110." ment, will proceed through the streeU. we first declared our independ- BftMTt ttt aad upwards, 4 ream aad balk apartments. Adopt On Final Reading. All Uie town orgmnliatlons have been ence from England? Was It,the EJiltd h f). & Hkkok Sasal-detattiod I reams aad bet* aaly WO Invited to participate snd. the person day upon which the Continental ti«r* far sal* wili • aaarisaaat* aa« 4*uM* caraia Ordinance* to Accept Hard- nel win include the rtnt-Teacher>' Congress officially paased an In- ing Avenue and For Side- Association, the Kerulworth A. C- ;the dependence resolution? Or was It V, M. C. A. LOMES AOAW RK8VMK II. H. TKNNIR Iialian-Amerlcan Club and others. the day when that famous group The baseball team of the Young Ol.n'NDiicf at »«i« or IA«O» ro* walks On Eighth Street of men affixed their signatures to HI.M« AdAIN 1AIIS HMD AMItSMIkjl* In the aXtemoon a baby parade will the Immortal document, the Men's Club slipped Into a triple tie for The Cranford High a«nml tennis •araast •( Kaalhaarlfc, II J Go Through. occur, rtsrtlnt at S p. m, and many en Declaration of Independence r ftfth place In the Sunday School Bane- team complrtfd a highly sucrrtaful sn- Tlie ..Id Mm* of Cr»n!oni • river |m- U,,,|a fV initial,) UM itHf iw ISO rade 11 ml other rvrliU which liappened niKtva.ulx-tilit |lirn t>V IHIIH K HilllKf, tries are expected with many origina Few Americans know exactly ball League Saturday when the First MIII this yvar with a record of n» wtna ul ta %r* »f Illr ll,«IIISM iif Kmifwurlli fl!t«W )r«n *(o. and which Melted ao ideas on view. Handsome priiei will be what did take place on that day Baptist* of Elisabeth took them ovrr ami two defeats. Th* only opponent* ill I'liinii main uf \r« l.l*l Hut lia The Ordinance to change from an awarded, for the prettiest, fattest, mosi And "popular belief" about It Is a the bumpa to a score of 7-1 . Kerry, to defmt them w»r* Huromlt and At- inurh iiilerr«l *hen tlwy wer» plavnl ::i II Hi, 1.1..I. I.I,,..in,I. Assessor to an appointive Board of original: etc, entries! Also a basebal curious mixture ot fact and no- pitching his flrst game sttu-e the high lantle City and both of tlww deleala •t the New Cialiloni Tliealr*' last . |H | ••. II.|»>MI win Hill PiKh«ta lira MHIH «H>I )•* * !'•« Ul three ' Assessor*, as provided by pro- game hai been carded between the tion. What do YOU know for school srason closed, was nicked for wen bv the narrow margin of 1-1 At- niui«.'»> will be >hown a«aln at that f*iMi| Ill-lit llirra.ui i|i|* iV4r lull posed ordinance was thrown Into the Kerulworth A. C. and an unknown op- certain about Itf VveliUrn saf'tle* and larked his usual trr thn* two laaae* th* team swept thettti.. .on WislneMlsy *nd 'Iliunday, ll.lffftl ilut IAMI, anI'lMl li> |li« l'i«i- If you will read the article. lli!ir »t« discard at Tuesday*! meeting of the ponent, possibly the Park A. 0. elTecllvrness. through th* remainder of the schedule July « ami 1 l t«k« |> Borough Council when Councilman Cox tn the. evening a block dance on New- "July 4, im. Fiction and Fact." The V. M. ,p. accumulated nine sate with five straight win*. Fred Warnork. Mr Kelly, insnajri n{ the New Cran- and Morlch voted agalittt adoption on by Elmo Scott Watson. In this lout, aimnl Hint uvernlty iihon* calls u ark avenue will hold the attention of Issue of the Cltlaen and Chronicle blows out they were too scattered to be playlni number Urn* position, won sll MI«|I Mall, H*M final reading and Councilman Martink- the townspeople and this will keep go- of any use. Cranford scored their sin- t>[ tils sin»les matclwa and lost une *ert ans«eref ovltch being absent, there were bul Ing until the participants tire of this you may have on the subject and lie run In the opening frame, but In th» double* match to the New York Stork 1 to when they would they * nt *i'M ln*>r all a gala time Is you ran tell your friends who ask fourth the ElUabrtl) boy* forged ahead Exchange team. Th* mull* of the l a majority of the Council. There was promised. you Just what did occur on that and were never caught. The score: schedule In table form are gtv*n be- tutfs are very lntere«tln» aiul have Tli> At IH lml. li no protest against the proposed change historic date. CKANFORD Y. M C. low: been In tlie (Kwanslon »f Mr I^Hoy -aal raial* *ti lu lw> «nlil lint voiced at the meeting. What may lleiiiluin. of 111 North aventie. West, MB. WU AND S*A-TIOKX AT TtlE K II. E. c if. s : . Buminlt , have been behind the opposition did j Inun WIHKII Mr, Kelly |iriHi»ml tliem,' CRANFOBD TIIEATmc Oonnelty. as.-.. .. . I re M. s Atlantic Cltr •HI \*^^. nft "••th i'«f.f(, »irtt in not appear The ordinances to accept BOROUGH tlttlEM Mauv |«ri|il«. Iniig nine* tmssed away, th th«* ni«l 'il*» t>f hitr. Wl*, ao lloyer. If , 0 u c II. «.»- IlllUld* ,|!U.«I \i> *a)UI IW, t")|t-t.tef ttllli ,(«titt*l MH This Friday and Saturday at the New are seen In t!ie crowds of Cr*nford's Harding avenue and to lay sidewalk* on The Kenllaortli ma) or and council Wright, tb. . 0 o c H'S llatlin I a*-t>tnon Chaney In the Illnman. rf 0 (I c H « N, Y. Sfk Kx.., till* h I-'"I Ing without opposition. July and August Instead of twice g ill Mist tltiie A very B«HMI- fitcture of I *| Wlkander. Jb.,..... : 0 « t! II. »„.,.. lUhway. ,... . II K'ti l'r«>fi.t The lowest bid of 17M80 for the lay- name role, supported by Renee Adone month which Is the custom. 1 aa llie lliiiuiialjle Mayor" and Louise Dresser. This Is an Intense Kurfiibauull, cf. 0 0 C. II. 8 Weslfleld . .. If Ing of 830 Uneal feet or sidewalk on Jamn Arthur, Jr. president uf tlir is alw runtalninl In tlm It HM«M|-II -KHi drama of the Orient, and Chaney es- Tarbox, c -. 0 0 The Individual' rmulu are also glv*n ! the north side of Vrrnon avenue Irani Hoard of Education, «lll ask tlir roun of Ilir rlilklirii In tlir llsby I'srailr arr llerry. p . 0 0 In the single* nmU-tliea ilia games f g yj the role of a powerful Mandarin, big l»i)« mid iiltU.nnw, and Ills |ili'. Michigan avenue to Market street was at the nest meeting for a |art ot Albert. Ib 0 .0 nldod: ,. fl) J./»|*« who.. to live up to ancient custom of the regular school appropriation lute* an MO* tlrar that It is easy to T"«t»(l.t M't)u made by Carmine Ouerrtero of Oar- Uayaxtil, 31) . II u '"..••• w t M I ll.tr|li>>>, wood. This bid was accepted by the ancestors. I* forced Into the position Among the passengers »IK> sailed on trick UIMNWII out <•( llw liimd prokldml, or taking the life of his only daughter ... Waniock .- .- .1 council although Councilman Cox vot- the B 8 Van Dyke on Saturday. June I 1 /.under...... , 6 t>f course, that one ITniPMibrni tlti'lr 11*11 |l « Hlii-l It Is n thrilling and suspense filled •IHimnu^f! M kiddles: ill* stylos ol ed against It for the rrason that he 25lh, were William K C Antrobus and Illak* • '.:-, , 1 II J-.|,l.lll. 1 wished to hear the Engineer's report f Proposed ordinance No 82 calling for as they Intend to visit rrlnlum in liar P. Itelf, sa It Is hard to Irll llu> mothers Iruin tlir Ma In II II l»i.... t he lovei, even though she. herself, re- nen Hur, Court S3, of which Mr, Anlro i,l. ling beyond words. Another of Will blem or the Tribe o( lien Hur and loral team on U» II. and O. grounds, III. tt Jm was read by Councilman Cox who ad- M llelf. cf .'... »»l « liru I In- (IIIH,I»> In uiiial |>>ll Rogers travel pictures called "Hiking wished him .ton loyage this tlm» by a *-3 munt. Maiuuftr nala vocated that 3lst street from the Boule- 8 Uiinii, rt.-.:. lit I'.uri'l* Urt-H". |(i.illni i|ii'*M-il. Ill tin I 41 Through Holland" la also on the bill. A party consUUng of Mr and Mrs . Cutars U«m playKi llstlesa ball unll I uii vard to Miller's be -scarified to prevenl slilitii-iir-iinliiitila; uiiil UMIII* iilmitn u I!'t• A II Van II.I.an,| Next Wednesday and Thursday offer George McKetule. Fred MrKensle, Jos the illnlh liming, wlmi it was Uxi- tat* i if wear and tear on the buses. It wtu de- st.niiK f.nr iiH,u. tfi*. l Mm-** m• .iii-ii i rmi.Hi 4 It two fine films, besides the old films of eph McKensie. Nelson Mrrgott, Mrs W to be of any us*. The same Unit* that II Uraill «..I,,..M, cided to request bids on this work. Kcorr by Innings: • klllflll urn) hlalil) itlliii.r,! nulliill Cranford'* Baby Parade and River Car- E Mergott. Mrs William Arthur and «rn> present in tlw previous lledford. 0 1 0 J—1 • "11 I 1* .A letter was received from Engineer the MlsseKBarbara McKcnae and Ad- First Uaptist 0 0 0 3 g*nu> w«r« manilMt In Sunday's im nival held nrteen years sfo The first if) It Bauer, certifying to work done by Sam tlade Lough of Kentlwortli. lien Hub- Cranford Y, M C, I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 brogllo. that Is, too much Internal dlt- Vltale and this was turned over to the I* 'Let It Rain," starring Douglas Mac- Frrnch UaritiMon W II Hmiiliari-t Lean Thftvtj« breecy comedy of the blnger of Elisabeth and Oeorgp Pierc* HTANUINt) OF THE TEAMS Kiislon and dumb IMU* running. I I ii-iln II ,1.11,1 ,'ii>|iii| |ilil-tl>ailk HUM finance committee. A letter was also ii«i| I' f>ia>' marines, chuck All of laughs. The as- of Whltehouse, Irtt early Wednesday W. I. I'oor baa* running coat Uw locals al received from Borough, Attorney J m itur*n A ilM'a WMr, H,I- rtfukii-il nil |'.|.| ttrf.l.ml HI sociate feature Is "The Telephone Olrl, morning for Ouelph. Canada, where Hope Memorial 4 I least two runs and what th* arguing turll II 17m Hi Mil. ira-.il> in Lindabury offering the facilities of his •00 II . Marian it Nmlil, 1 M starring Madge Bellamy, with Holbrook thry mil vuit for a nrk or ten days Ttilrd Presbyterian 4 - I : ciist is dinieult to say. Weslglwn mad* mli.U l.i I:II(|I,>IMI ml nf Ni.vs II* it Wllllan M4..n.l.| office during his absence which wl 4no SJ 19 Blinn and others. The pictures or the Tlie party Ir making lh« Journey In Westminster 3 1 a cosily slip In tli* second Which coal Kllil Ntl .'Ittlllia fM lll|i|«ui| U continue until July 5 ooo l*in«a It M.i,|l "~ -' 11 3. Baby Parade and River Carnival held three cars and expect to arrive there Second Presbyterian 3 1 Iliree runs when he could have mired • ml ,S»wf.fUtiiltiiiiil* . * ll *,».!• WilliaWillUimn J 1.1(1* The Board of Freeholders granted here in Cranford fifteen years ago an this evening. • Cranford Y. M. C 1 S .400 tlie side, by touching horn* ptal#. In a tli* »\mr»\ ii*>«crl|f»i»f stituted to send them a letter of »• rlallii Him ,,uf iiil.aliui l> nf ill' that you might be amlng them. most completed, within a week The Schuman cleaned lh* bases with a nifty thanks. DIXIEH WIN EADILV Klglit-sl Nlill Imbh-sl blml mil «(I>II<>.|I William A, Arthur Company.Is build- double. Of count*, mistake* such a* lh* The Highway Committee recommend- Last Saturday afternoon the Dixie rurlng dl»uiw -bill In nlu.«iiiii< !!. SliaitlAMCI NO. II Ing the house. abotm art liable to happen and should •<* IHIHWANIS Ui iirutUa tit llw riMi ed that list street from Newark avenue r... . . t .•* ... Colored Olsnts took an Indifferent game l*«Ul« In llw l«»« i7r hui'iu, *»nij lii On Monday evening the relief com- not be Judged too harshly, but the *x to 'the Boulevard b* scarified and that 'vYbai ii t. nk III .',,. - from the Kenllworth All-Stars by t»m«-iilln« Hi- •l,(,. i| uf |>Ugu*s au mute* of the Kenllworth Volunteer Fire hlbltlon of base running on th* part of U "hot-patch" be placed on other macad- gaatli.ii. ! I, m |» |,,iiI of tbe hard garW ahead'. Koon pitched xt^K iliillrila «ni| MnwIm al<»ti# (lt# tkttnit »hU ut Hmth RigM feated at baseball by the Dixie Oiant* the AC, but was not In form, although Kl>t>tawf«Ub tUHrtl l U rf»l Alt tM Ut 4 («ifn| |hH>f«;' In the near future. basbatlU, "li.i. 'I iiilnk iimrrlnl n.ti. half of the game and held the Kenll- J of Cranford last Sunday. An account his support was nothing to cuts* 'ttt\tt, I'Hkm ( WWttf; l H*W i«fH>f/ Be It »til«in**i bf Hi* M*.»irf •hd IViMfMi Due to the Increase of traffic on the ought lu tn- imlil Km tluiea iimrc Hun. worth outfit helpless while hi* mate* M «r4ate»it *i~lU+ Mijisf sn4 *'* of tbe game will be found elsewhere In demonstration, toil Pectna sucendfd nf UM ttmmagh at KmllWfWUi. Boulevard aa a result of the new road Uw'/are mil... ilit<> cad icvi mu- scored easily, McCoy who succeeded the paper. Koon *l«o.«howed plenty of stuff and him and. went better,. Plunkett stamd 'HI tt.» ri.lrllt •••) being opened. Chief of Police Alfred to waul lisi iim-« IMS Uiao tlir' '"' as. usual in th* ftald and alw txuUed MM M IMH* f*M wul Ii tt*t*hw 6*4ir*t*4 «»•! ttflttg ut mhlrh The colored people of Kenllworth will pitched himself out of any hole* that ir##M«*l M a >wl4te Mr***, TII»~MM If'wt«" rilrin «f |lt« mrtl VardallK in a letter, requested that he - Uacln II If : nuulrrr. with the stick, Carlson and Scttuntan iHMUi.M <•>« ^arvtrli -wf lfli»4 *•*-!» fiitf IM) n h * be relieved of th* duties ot watching hold a dance at the Firemen's Hall on he got Into. TWsl v«4ir '4II4 IHfl Jfciiwfjfft 4ap44l f*i% In lantfili Friday evening. were the colorful lad* for the Droaklyn- nuMb* Itaaa lh. attain H4t ml Xmtlli ISIh tr *iJa of highway construction or ata* be pro- Cent j?i Zutdtn Cretty, pitching for the All-Stars, lt*s, amaaung five, hit* and three run* ** Ul It* Waalarir #lo> af Miiftll ISfi. MfMI H pnlwi UtHtin , Tided with another patrolman a* these Vincent M, HaUlday Has bten drawn waa wild, Issuing three free passes and twtwem them. The scon: . Ifca Ibraadi ml aVnUa-urU. Tk» aaM |»aaa fbwltna I; Tti An *X|*rt atii* Mull Inun AMI In TIKI on the sixth panel of Petit Jurors to the colored lads had little difficulty In « mm» paribvlart #Mpyiwaal aa fnAaws: IiH duti«* did not enable Wm to carry on pbuuif* Is tb* •veMm- »"lk-li' f»r * BBprOKD CIRCLES H*»* all Utoaa rtol.1 (S| l«44 k*««li S< I'lia irlth effldencyl This Matter ma re- •arv* at this term of the county court*. solving his delivery. Fuw, who came Waai. If. IS, Uu4H In Uwt Mm. U a«4 lah ruinel 1o jarry, llf ti . I \ riffiira. B. If, *m It. is, IIMHII dot Mm. l> aid ferred to the potto* fommlarinmir i Ite will aerv* from July s to 1«. 10 his relief, showed good form but was thin i.n MM it me* ul tii «i..iir> i». 'Si I- lM I#IM I X lh Mali •( X" win Ui* ,.. will to taken up at tb* next meaning of Th* can of Isidore X. Pollack, of unable to do much. As a matter of »m\A aMavalS >l»ll L Nile* • day, llw aiamo- I.* HH> Oradyvlb. '' 0 M. I n< MM «f Ilia asM strsM sksll snd labl ss afiffaaaM al lha eiM tb* mayor and council. KtoUwoth. and Charles H. Clifton, of fact the All-Stan should have been Yoos. 3b~™ .»'.—X,' 1 0 . karat,> U aaatjaaM u N>/4lnl Im ' 'ConsldenN* dUcnarlno was evoked rant Pfcasant, crashed at Stuynaant beaten much' won* than they really Carlson, if...... „—.™ 2 •r tol TMs mhU—mn slill Usa a« thm saata shall tm say tmiuwvHt r to* ca** of James Ivory, who waa rle» miio'wlitl la •i'r