' i*L»TI> CHK FIVE CENTS IVoI. XXX. No. 20. CRANFORD. N. J., THURSDAY. JUNE 30, 1927 Hi fl TownsiBp Reives Bad Wreck Sunday NOTICE TO CABNIVAL Appoint Mantes of AU_In Readiness n KNTBANTH At B. & 0. Junction The following notice Is being Board of Assessors For River Carnival Qid Sewer Bonds MM •»!<* UM» >• sent out to ail entrants in in* ("rtnford Illvrr Carnival: New Board Approved by Lut Obligation for Account Sixteen Cara °' C°"l Derailed, Veur entry for. , ...... .,/.,..., COMMITTEES WIND UP ACTIVITIES AND clats hat been received nut you of Old Trunk Sewer .Con- • Blocking TrntTic and Clut- WILL GIVE GREATEST RIVER: have been eiiiered in'llw Dfflrtsl Hearing on New Bug - - itruction Paid Today. • roMruuciom " _ tering Up Freight Sid- "Souvenir Program as No —,.... SHOW YET HELD HERE. < This number mutt be/ dUpltynt Line Today. • Talking about complexions. I ing for Two Days. bow snd stern of your crtft in a Udty than, it has ever had before. There Old time reOdeats of. Cranford will could not help but notice well lighted apol and visible from Cranford Is til set for the- biggest. Healthy Ooodness, The Township Committee Tuesday have been a great nuuiy conunenu 1 both banks of Ihe river. Vou best and most gorgeous river carnival recall the building to the M't of the Bunday morning a coal train en route night rarrinl out the Intent of Uw, or- and parade ever teen on the Rahway made from time to time about the ad-tidewater tirunk sewer which hn aerimi It Is wonderfully becoming-per- may incorporate the numbert In dliiMir« «ilci|)tiHl MIIIIC time ttnee fur vertising other towns get and much from ihe mine* lo Jer»>)^ City wat your scheme of decoration or ob- River. The event has been advertised the township Unce then although the ; leclly natural, and healthy derailed on Uie Central K. R; near, ttw the. aiHMilnUnent of * ttuard of AMHM- for miles around. Newspapen through-, has-been said about hop other towns need of a new outlet is fully realised tain black and white,card* from tonfiy imnilng Prank It Swackluuner, an better known than eraoford. This E>erv tlini11 meet Healthy Good- II * O. Junction, and iu«twn heavily Mr <: j.-«aj|ini at 4lw Uhlgh out.the County a* well as New York which Is being worked but in Uie Rah- laden can were piled In a promlscUoui Uie preMMit. awtriiMTr. Cdwtrd ICvprett carnival Is expected W overcome all ncu Life l»»e» on > itMiirr Canoe ciub. ; dallies hsve published stories of Cran- way Valley Joint trunk >rwer project IKOP, over one thoutsnd fnl of track and Albert IV ( «uuw-ll fur one. t»» ford's pageant. It U expected that fully of that and put CranforeTon the map In The financing of the present trunk f—.licvantet more r«l. The <fsr.uiig gun will b» nwl and three year*, roapectlvety, In the a manner that will hsjre It* effect for torn up and a mountain of coal, some iOJMO visitors will be hen on the sewer was a strain on the community 900 tuns, (tiled mainly on the freight at nine u'clirk ilmrp. at which order immnlr Mr. Hwarklmmcr ulii Fourth to witness Uie display. years to come. * at the time but it wa* carried through Ttirre u> nuthmg artificial about time the commudor* will «tart WM namnt .Hecretary of the Ihiardr • tlui romplexton. tracks, -all In consequence of a truck There U no doubt but Uiat the com- Cranford needS'to.**,better known and Cranford benenuod becoming loo* on one of the coal car*. down tlrmln. from Ihe Spring. • The irMilutlou by which this wat mittee* In charge have extended them- outside of its own cojiflnes. The car- remember that nut of thl* It it not put -ortr—Ttiat U why it ' Officer! Craig snd rMJ^Lttiv. de- field avenue brldie, don* alto fluoil cuinpeiiMttlun at tl.OOu selves to the limit to make thlt the nlval and river parade Is a spectacle financing was the Issue of tJO.OOO thirty It w beautiful tailed from hemlqutrtftesriook over KnlrwrlTi* will fall In at In- fnr the Berrrtary and III) |wr tiny fur biggest thing Cranford has ever done that practically no ofher town can pro-year bonds, known a* the "long ,Urm itrurtetl by the Itlvrr iHillre ttui.' Ul* other Inrmbrn of the Iliurd The H w Ood-itiveu. and how much the eceldvht anil enwrtatn If anyone along the line of advertising the town duce and for that.teaion It wems a sewer bonds:'' snd ouutde of tonulilp »»• injured? Luckily no on* was hurt •Ill bn rareful to krrp. not leu Ikiard will hsve • permiuient cl«rk at; to the world at large. It is fully part of wisdom to take advantage of omrlsla fewer yet remembered when mankind need* Oils O<»1- h»n one hundred fwt in the rear 13.000 i>er year, whow term will ri-l the natural resources right at hand to these would become due. The thirty piven Complexion. : Hevrral high rallroail officials came jf the pretwllng ?raJV» dpated that the record attendance'of out to view the wreckage, mtny of the lilrs Dneiuber al rail! year. Uie last carnival will be far outstripped put Cranford forward In a favorable years are up today and Cranford haa Keep well out frolil'iJw-tiankt - Thi' »|i|mmtriieiit of Hi* new llourd light. .;t . , . in its Sinking fund"the money to pay You can teH,*y 6net comple»n>n. Me«l cart being twisted out-of tiiap* •10I only mi the turiu. but on the by this one. At the last carnival not a 1 mean' (iiie'i iiAtural com- It kept lh« wrecker* bitty all day if Awcwort iiiarku s bli >t«p ahead single complaint was'madeto the police the bonds, the municipality many straightaway at well Thlt will In the nuttier Of aueulng property for years ago. before Mate requlmnenu (or . pliiKlon, Uie degree ol ph)U- Sunday removing Ui* damaged can, tuH only prevent running tgrouiul and, based on the experience of that CRANrOBD&OTARV CLUB ral hrallh Uie Indivldusl U and laborers spent the next day talvag uttllon. Itsiild rhangre* In vnluet time, special attention^hat been paid Prom the Plalnfleld Courier-Newt of sinking funds became operative, net in shallow toat"!', but will sUo tnd In ciMt >>f riinttructliin In tvmt ailde income to meet Ihme bondt snd enjoying- tng wlmt Mai they rould. but there It give tlie people nil tliore * bvtler yran h*t nisd* uf t|ilt a l)l« tirubli-m to policing the river and the town June J3rd wt take the following: enough left to niske II worth while to generally, Residents may be sun that A meeting at: Muhlenberg Hospital today they are (o be paid, When the pink ul pnynir&l liealtli rhsne* Hi appreciate your entry, In » letter V. W. CIoiKutl a»ked Ihai retldtnu of that vicinity, If railroad The rourte of the uarsd* will then are no fears to be entertained on was the unusual featun offered by the Cranford flnandng by the lowiuhtp It not glowing upun Uie afnclal* will let them lake It,. IIIK (|watl<m »f ttatu* otllie old w»tt>r- this scon ana preparations .for hand- Ptainfleld Rotary Club yesterday when admlnlstraUon ha* given Cranford ilirrk. we know Imlitictlvely be from the tiperry (Jam to the •uurne lietwwn Ortive »lrw"t and Ket- Tlie Cliemclal Oo at Springfield hat uii|ier end of McOonnell Park. lurd avenue In* n'lrrrcd Ui the -Town- ling the largest crowd ever assembled It was learned ttlat John Helns, a mem' very strong position, one evidence of tint the body I* not up lu cloned down for t week un account of In Cranford an complete. ber of the Craiford Club, was iU then, which is the payment today of ihese par. ' ' YIHI will htve only a four (mil ilp Atliirney. •hortag* of coal, a part of ilia ratulgn hesd, room- ineaaurtng from III* r.list of entries tor floats, canoes and that such a nweilng was the only bondt without any special financing or input bring for their uie: ~ W. II WUkltunii filed a Ixind for t'other unit* I* Uie pageant is u the means by which the Cranford Club refunding bring required. The total And UkeKlw. we know thai' when gunwalet uf your cmio»_ it the |6,0U0 to cover |M»MuU> ilsmitgrt - frum i of Uie committee, and Is said to could continue It* remarkable attend' in the Township Sinking Fund on Jan- our OiKKlncM doe* not lisre Hprlngfluld avenue b'ridg*. uw of dynamite In blowing •tumpa IM>. uary 1. held against various outstanding a healthy glow. Members of the KlilrUa C'uni- the old llrnry Dryer pmivrty 'ui ' b* the largest ever. Owing to the fact once record. NT. PAtn.'« M. r that entries an coming in dally, Uie The Cranford Club, at far at U obUgaUons. was Mil.110, mllleo. Meura- II l(. llelna tiul Nprlngfleld svenim. which mrw it bring Ttiere It Munelhlng wrong with Htinday—ll a in, morning worship In It W Hmlth may to founil al tlw dnteloped at a Clulf Cnurw. Mr. Kelly committee has not divulged the list as known, holds the record for perfect at' our Ooodnest. and we liad tendance, having held thirty eight con aallil Paul's MethodUt Bptwop.1 ctmxi clubr all.'day or may be it lhi\l>l»Wr The latt man lu blam they desire to leave no one out.
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