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YISITORS'ieeco: D and GUIDE MANN DONE IS & SONS WEDDING GOLD WATCH I NEWEST END BEST. Real Gold Self-fitting Bracelet) ,IMITEI> with Jewelled Lever Watches LOWEST POSSIBLE PBIC ES. FROM /- EACH. GUARANTEED,60 Wm. Brnford & Son, Wm. Bruford &Son aoU m itlu and BBvermitl ■*, YISITORS’iEECO: D AND GUIDE ■utboune and Zxeter. ■ I ' j ,• , v. j \ i 100, Terminus-rd., Eastbourne Tielephohb : 22ar, E astbourne. EA8TBOURNE, 8ATURDAY, AUGU! ILISHBD 1856, PRICE ONE PENNY THE EA8TBOUI NH ASTBOU 0 0 L L E G HE LADIES' COLLEGE, iCHOOL OF COM MARY H. COOPER . T i s T i c C o u r t D r e s s m a k e r . T GHASSINGTON ROAD, EASTBOURNE. .rehouses II. F N V N N 8 B Y BO THE DUKE OF DITTO] A Day School for the Daughters of Gentlemen, wthand. Typewriting, Book-keetlng. Principals: SNING GOWNS at Moderate Prices Head Master! ’ Geography. Arithmetic, ClvU 8 srri Latest Creations in FETB and MISS HITCHCOCK akd MTSS ORAKB Languages. The BHV. V.i S. W l i i l i (Successors to Miss Dea Rnellea) Visited/ ORIGINAL LND EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS Assisted by a large Staff of Resident and Visiting I idlviduai Tuition. DAYS WASHING Masters and Mistresses. The Bobool la a FIR ’-GRADE SCHOOL tor the Bona Pnpils prepared, if desired, for the Preliminary, Junior, Telephi a t 78*, of Gentlemen. Senior and Higher Cambridge Local Examinations, also NNE’8 ROAD, Boyfc are prepared fc iepnlyer«ltlee, the Army, Nav ROAD EASTBOT and Civil Services, Pi salons and Commercial Life, Of Frenoh Professors in London and for the Examination LIBMORB by the Associated Board of the Royal Academy of Muds There are special A r and NAvr Clabsbs. and Royal College of Music. For Prospectus and irmatSm as to reoent Suooeese FEW PENNYWORTH Students desirous of pursuing theirstudles after leaving de to the Hkad Mabtcb. School may Join Advanoed Classes in English Literature ipulsory for the whole School. and History, Frenoh, German, Latin andMathematdOe. ■mngementa for Day Pn « III. SLOOOMBE), Hockey, Net-ball and Tennis Clubs. H acres of Playing Weld n Gil dredge Park. Bohool Frenoh Library. ”1 L0 VELLYj- KEBPLESTONE A FEW BOARDERS ARE RECEIVED. BOROUGH S 0 H ( 8ION MERCHANTS & GROCERS, Scholarship—open to girls under H—tenable at the UPPER AVENUE, EAffl BOURNE. BTAVELHY road. MEADS, EASTBOURNE. Ladies College for three years j examination io oooneo- TOWN HALL, HA0TBOVRNB. Tde ihone N&fttt, j WITH THE tlon with this held in January of every year. School lor Girls (PreparatH^smA fin ishing)* Private School for Boys. WINE8, SPIRITS MINERAL WATBBSr N B— 1The Principals are at home to see Parent lire . V. H. Browne Bud Mjfei Tf**-**1*) B. A, on Fridays between tho hours of 2.90 and 4.30 p.m. Old Olenlivet WMskey, & /- per line Old Tawney Port, 86/- & 42/- per dozen. 3/6 4 1 REENOROFT-ELLESMERB, lusive. N E W JAM S. A n fob Pbicb Lira. G 1. SPENCER ROAD BOTTLED FRUITS, TniPBoni !•>. Eastbourne Gas Company, (Late of 32, The Avenue). GEORGE’S SCHOOL (UPPERTON), Home School for the Daughters of Gentlemen. KISS LLOYDS has removed to more commodious IOTB INTENDED FOR I I 10, Sussex Gardens. premises and is prepared to reoeive an lnoreased ihJeets of Instruction inch d number of DAILY PUPILS. In Seoondary Schools and. ii i la paid to Commercial &ul SMALL GLASS FOR THE CHILDREN Far Proepeotua apply Hbai> A OF GBNTLEPEOPLB ONLY CHARLES BREACH, Telephone No. 835. Is held at 8, GRANGE ROAD. EASTBOl /^RANVILLE HOUSE, (3AUDICK ROADi Pupils oan be prepared for the Cambridge Preliminary MADE BREAD, Examination. D U CATION QMMlTTEE U MEADS,; EASTBOURNE. , I Builder, Contractor i id Sanitary Plumber. • . V,. • - Residential, Prb*>aratory and Finishing BeglnnerTare received. i Girls’School. References from Parents of Pupils. ART SCHOLARSHIPS: PARTS OF THE TOWN DAILY. West End Building Works, Meads, Residence: 1, Matlock-road, Meads Principals—MRS. 0. H, de la MOTHS and Apply, Miss E. Clbathsb. Total Valuei £110. MRS. NELSON FOLEY. RSc. (Lend.) Ian ESTIMATES GIVEN FOE ENEEAL SOUSE REPAIRS. of the Ladles' College, Cheltenham. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO n o c k m a r o o n SCHOOL r Valuable FREE SCH0SCHOLARSHIPS,’tenablel 1 r 8HIPS,” tenable aat Ohuroh-fctrMt Assisted by f well-qualified Staff IAIN AGE. AND HOUSE SANITATION. and KINDERGARTEN UNIOIPAL SCHOOL OF A IT, are OPEN TO House beautifully situated In Its own Grounds. Good KFO R GENTLEMEN’S CHILDREN, ETITION in September nett, Tennis Courts and playing Field. Recreation and ENYS ROAD, EASTBOURNE. are who are about to leave I he Elementary and Gymnasium Room (SO fh long). Iwyary Schools; Students ^atat the EvonlngEvening SchoolsSchools; : Principals - - - The Missus Skmplb, ' itioes to the local trades and professions; and Special Advantages for ;Musto and Modern Languages. HOUSE IONS Girls 4 to 14 years; Boys 4 to 8 years. Intending to become Art Teat hers, are eligible to Prospectus and references, on application. Visitors’ Children reoelved. No Boarders. Lessons In the Garden (weather permitting). fail particulars see Art School Prospectus, obtain- \t*ragt of whit \ large underground Concrete Tank, have !roin the Education Secretary, Town Hall, SAVIO.UR’jS CHOIR SCHOOL, MDME.EME'LIE PpTRELLI, R.A.M. EASTBpUBNE MARTI (Op London) v BOYS ARE TAKEN AGE OFEIGAt . _ (Late pupil of Signor Randegger) m a x MODERN SCHOOL of LANGUAGES, per Annum. Prlma Donna Opera and Principal London Conoerts, L im ited A tn Bobby db Co.'s Anode. 40, T< rminus-road. iM LAUNDRY CO., .RSHiPSi some t Internal and External Decorations. RECEIVES PUPILS for LESSONS In SINGING FRENCH, GERMAN, ITALIAN, SPANISH, and VOICE CULTURE (Italian Method). HOAD, EASTBOURNE. or Business Lite, ESTIMATES FREE. ENGLISH, RUSSIAN, CLASSICS, HEBREW, other Information e pply ORAIG-Y-DON, 9, DUKE’S DRIVE, EASTBOURNE. &c. WARDEN. Also at Messrs. Clift’s, Giidredge-road, and Tana* Moderate. Native Teachers. Trial Lesson Free, ensuring the i Highest Glass of Work for Families, Lodging Messrs. Hermitage 3c Sons, TerminnB-road. '/ Houses, t r Hotels. 'j; j ’Phone Sac. Principal—L. di LAVALLAZ, Dr- Lia ISS BALL 3, L.L.A., MILLER DANCING AND CALISTHENICS. SPACIOUS OPEN DRYING GROUND. S,, CORNFIELD TERRACR Under Royal Patronage. A. EL STYLER, 1, S i lvkhdale-ro ad. Letters ehoufi he addreeeed “ MM H ta , Sanitary Steam Laundry, Latimer-road, Eaetboume. ' Successful it Examination Work, H I Medalist of Society of Arts, Builders. Deco: IS S ELEANOR RATOLIFFB, as Ootinty Modem Language Instru COACHES BACKW. ,RD _PUPILS_____ 1 OR TAKES M 19 years Assistant to MRS. WORDSWORTH, FRENCH, GERMAN and I 'ERANTO, SPECIAL SUBJEC 3 WITH STUDENTS In Every Description of Building and 1 Will resume her CLASSES at the Grand Hotel, Saturday, Oct 2nd. at 2.43: Juveniles, 11 o’clook. At Devonshire English, Latin, Spanish t , Italian s or Schpola. Special attention to Dr Park, Wednesday afternoons, 3.30, Got. 6th; Baby Class, taught by up-to-date v Rxfsbhmoes. 11 o’clock. Private Lessons at any time. Private Lessons or small Classes. Office and Works: 75, TIDES ILL ROAD, EASTBOURNE Apply—ALLANDALB, COOMBB ROAD, CROYDON. sitting IGNORINA VI A N S (Professoreasa dl Lingua Italtana Lau DANCING AND DEPORTMENT. id views. Under Boval Patronage. MANN nell’ University dl Roma) fT having been reported that MI8S LUCY MONEY. WARDROBES. L WAY is giving no Teaching, she begs to Bay that CENTRAL GUM ASIUM, QIVRS LESSONS IN IT ; is not correct, and that she will be RESUMING HER In Schools and Families. French Lessons e MONEY. WARDROBES, LASSES in the SAFFRONS ROOMS on SATURDAY, CORNFIELD ROAD. Eattboi ictober 2nd, at Three p>m. \ . nur.ttor. roProf w .. GEORGEvaajouci nRABEY a u u x (late)y Sergk- For terms, &o., apply Hratherdink, 4, Mat Instructor ELM. Coldstream Guards, Schools attended. Private Lessons given. inch of Physical Education carefully 1 For Particulars address— ted teachers. Ladies and J lvenlles t fM "ONE.’ Pawnbrokers, Jewellers and General Sa WnSTWAT, WE8T-TBBRA0E, BABTBOURNB. supervision of Mrs. Gross c Rahbt M. GRAHAM SCHOFIELD; id. Tor particulars apply a the Gym 46, SEASIDE ROAD (opposite the Colonnade), EASTBOURNE. JOWhyB ON SALE a L&rp Assortment of N) lYAMember of the Incorporated Sodetyof Mnslrfansl, '-FOOTBALL, HOCKEY, GOLF, Ac. MODELLING Jewellery, Silver Plate, Electro-plated Good " GIVES LESSONS IB SINGING, VOICE DEVELOP­ Spectacles, all kinds of 1 lal Instruments, Books, &o,, &o. MENT AND PIANOFORTE PLAYING. B , N. COLLINS’ SPCRT8 SHOP, ioe with private! . Distinctive and successful method. Preparation for Cash Advanced on every.deeeription of Property. et' and Gentlemen's Wardrobes Purchased, for Prompt Cash. all Musioal Examinations. Testimonials from well-known A SOUTH STREET (Neai Town Hall), GRATIS AND POST FREE. pupils and in dasa Musical Critics. ^ Blouse Pat(em a a Speciality. / f EASTBOURNE PARTIES WAITED ON AT !Y TIME AT . OWN RESIDENCE. The Lad res' Choir resume their Rehearsals for Wat FMtonlaoal Orkketar EaatbonnieaO., tatl-tq. ____ CORNFIELD TERRAOB Fund Conoert Jan. 19th. Vacancies for a few voloos. Particulars from Miss Mina Hudson, Willoughby House, Station-parade: or Clift’s Studio, 4, Gildredp-e-road. AND PAINTING CLASSES, HOTCHKISS SON. £5 PREPAID ORDERS ptRIAGE PAID TO AN MISS MARGARET BEN THE BEST AND F GUIDE BOOK Patronised by Royalty.1 NGINEERS;-----------bnao, Mm ixj..WEIGHTS!,j tt RAILWAY STATION ! ENGLAND OB WALES. Beatrice Maloobn and Mr. A ihensteim) HOLDS PATTERN MAKE SB, LUTE CLASSES at THE tO, BATH ROAD 5TSK THE GYMNASIA f s t , .OKSMITHS AND BOILER MAKERS, (nest to « , GROVE ROAD), and School op Physical Education, And Repairers of all kinds of Ma binary such as Hours da&y 10—4 and pn Tn YORK ROAD, Eastbourne (near Town Hall), TeL 917, —Mt pjn. AMBERS’ GUIDE TO EASTBOURNE, mm, Go* & W ater Engines, H ydraulic L ifts, <S>c.
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