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Yrive:Rsity Af Galifarria, Irvif\~

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WELLEK LIBRARY LECTURES YRive:rsity af GalifarRia, IrviF\~

'~n$)~ru MAY 16-18-19.1988 University Professor of English. Directo~ U.C.Humanities SPONSORED by Research Institute THE CRITICAL THEORY INSTITUTE

lecture Series:

IIA Reopening of Closure: Organicism Against Itself'

Monday - '1:30 "The Figure in the Renaissance Poem as Bound and Unbounded" Wednesday - '1:30 "The Typological Imagination and Its Other: Prom Coleridge to the New Critics" , Thursday - '1:30 "Stricken by Metaphor: Some Thematic Consequences" For Information call UCI UNIVERSITY CLUB 17141 85G-5583 A BXBLXOGRAPHY ON MURRAY KRXEGER

On the occasion of the 8th Wellek Library Lectures


Previous Wellek Library Lectures

Harold Bloom: The Breaking of the Vessels (1981) Perry Anderson: In the Tracks or Historical Materialism (1982) : Forms of Attention (1983) Jacques Derrida: Memoires (1984) J. Hillis Miller: The Ethics of Reading (1985) Jean-Francois Lyotard: Peregrinations: Law~ Form. Event (1986) Louis Marin: Pascalian Propositions for Today (1987) A CHECKLIST OF WRITINGS BY AND ABOUT :

A Selected Bibliography

Compiled by Eddie Yeghiayan

Writings by Murray Krieger


Review or Charles Tennyson's Alrred Tennyson. Christian Science Monitor (June 30. 1849):11.

Review or David Dortort's The Post or Honor. Christian Science Monitor (May 13, 1848):20.

Review or Jean Bloch-Michel's The Witness. Christian Science Monitor (October 6, 1949):15.

Review of Ramon Jose Sender's The Sphere. Christian Science Monitor (l1ay 24, 1948): 18.

Review or Walter Van Tilburg Clark's The Track or the Cat. Christian Science Monitor, (June 11, 1949):22.


"Creative Criticism: A Broader View or Symbolism. " Sewanee Review (Winter 1950), 58(1):36-51.

"The Unliterary Criticism or Determinism. 1I Review of' Alex Com.f'ort • s The Novel and. Our Ti~. Western Review (Summer 1950). 14(4):311-314.


UMeasure ror Measure and Elizabethan . II PJ1LA (June 1851), 66(4):775-784.


"Critics at Work." Review of' John Crowe Ransom. ed.• The -2­

Kenyon Critics.. Western Review (Summer 1952) ~ 16(4):325-328.

"Toward a Contemporary Apology ¥or . .. Ph. D. Thesis. , 1952. See abstract in Dissertation Abstracts (June 1958), 18(6):2142-2144.


"The Ambiguous Anti- o¥ T. E. Hulme." EL.H (March 1953). 20(1):300-314.

The Prob1_ of' Aesthet.ics: A Rinehart. 1953.


"Benedetto Croce and the Recent Poetics o¥ Organicism." Co~atiV& Literature (Summer 1955), 7(3):252-258.


"Dover Beach and the Tragic Sense o¥ Eternal Recurrence." University of' Kausas City Raview (AutUIDD 1956). 23 (1): 73-79.

The New AP010gists £'or Poetry. Minneapolis~ MN: University o¥ Minnesota Press. 1956; London: OX£ord University Press. 1956. Contents: Pre¥ace:vii-x. Introductory:3-2B. Section I The Creative Process: Science. Poetry. and the Imagination: 30-110. 1 T. E. Hulme: Classicism and the Imagination: 31-45. 2 T. S. Eliot: ExPression and Impersonality: 46-56. 3 I. A. Richards: Neurological and Poetic Organization: 57-63. 4 The Requirements o¥ an Organic Theory or Poetic Creation: 64-76. 5 The Organic Theory: Support and Derection:77-BS. 6 The Uniqueness Or the Poetic Imagination: 90-110. Section II The Aesthetic ObJect: Science. Poetry. and Language: 111-163. 7 I. A. Richards: Some Tools ror an Organic Criticism: 113-122. 8 The Transrormation or Richards: A Contextual Theory or the Aesthetic ObJect:123-139. S The Contextual Theory: Further Qualirications -3­

and Counter-Qualirications:140-155. 10 A Note on the Objectivity or value: 156-163. Section III The Function or Poetry: Science, Poetry. and Cognition:165-201. 11 Some Older Theories about Poetry and Truth:167-181. 12 Some Conditions ror an Apology:182-201.


"Critical Theory. History and Sensibility." Review of" Rene Wellek's The Historyof!' Criticis., 1750-1950. Vol. 1, The Later Eighteenth Century; Vol. 2, The Ro~tic _e. Western Review (Winter 1957), 21(2):153-159.

Review of" Robert M. Browne's Theories of!' Convention in Conte..,orary Allerican Criticia.. I"LN (November 1957), 72(7):551-553.


"Critical Dogma and the New Critical Historians." Review or William K. Wimsatt's and Cleanth Brooks' Literary Criticisa. Sewanee Review (..January-March 1958), 66 ( 1 ) : 161-177.

"Tragedy and the Tragic Vision." Kenyon Review (Spring 1958), 20(2):281-299.


"Conrad's Youth: A Naive Opening to Art and Lire." College English (March 1959). 20(6):275-280.

"The Dark. Generations or Richard III." Criticis. (Winter 1959), 1(1):32-48.


"Recent Criticism. 'Thematics.' and the Existential Dilemma." Centenial. Review of! Arts and ScieDCa (Winter 1960). 4(1):32-50. A condensed version of" the f"inal chapter or The Tragic Vision: Variations on a The.:. in Literary Interpretation (1960),

The Tragic Vision: Variations on a The.:. in Literary Interpretation. New York.. NY: Holt. Rinehart and Winston. 1960. Contents: -4­

Preface: xix-xxiv. 1 Tragedy and the Tragic Vision:1-21. 2 Rebellion and the "State of Dialogue":22-49. 1 The Huguenot Anti-Ethic of Andre Gide:22-37. 2 The State of Monologue in D. H. Lawrence: 37-49. 3 Satanism. Sainthood. and the Revolution:50-85. 1 Andre Malraux: Rebellion and the Realization of Self:50-72. 2 Ignazio Silone: The Failure of the Secular Christ: 72-85. 4 Disease and Health: The Tragic and the Human Realms of Thomas Mann: 86-113. 1 The End of Faustus: Death and Trans­ figuration: 87-102. 2 The Magic nountain: The Failure of "Spirituel" Mediation: 102-113. 5 The World of Law as Pasteboard Mask: 114-153. 1 Franz Kafka: Nonentity and the Tragic: 114-144. 2 Albert Camus: Beyond Noentity and the ReJection of the Tragic:144-153. 6 Jospeh Conrad: Action, Inaction. and Extremity: 154-194. 1 The Varieties of Extremity: 164-179. Heart of DarkuBss:154-165. Lord .Ii.: 165-179. 2 Victory: Pseudo Tragedy and the Failure of Vision: 179-194. 7 The Perils of "Enthusiast" Virtue: 195-227. 1 Melville's "Enthusiast": The Perversion of Innocence:196-209. 2 Dostoevsky's Idiot: The Curse of Saintliness: 209-227. 8 Recent Criticism. "Thematics." and the Existentialist Dilemma: 228-268. 1 Recent Criticism: Formalism and Beyond:229-241. 2 "Thematics fI: A Manichaean Consequence: 241-257. 3 A Pseudo-Christian Consequence and the Retreat from Extremity:257-268.


"Afterword." In Joseph Conrad's Lord .Ii•• pp. 309-317. New York. NY: New American Library. 1961.

"Afterword." In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The I"Ial"ble FaUD; or~ The Ro.ance of nonte Deni. pp. 336-346. New York. NY: New American Library. 1961.

"Contemporary : Opening Remarks," and "General Discussion on Contemporary Literary Criticism." In Hazard Adams, Bernard Duffey, et al .• eds., Approaches to the -5­

Study of Twentieth-Century Literature, pp. 107-113, 114-122. Proceedings of the Conference on the Study of Twentieth-Century Literature, First Session, May 2-4, 1961, held at Michi.an State University. East Lansing, HI: Michisan State University Press, 1961.

"The 'Frail China ..Jar' and the Rude Hand of Chaos." Centennial. Reviev of .Arts and. Science (Spring 1961>. 5(2): 176-194.

Review of E. M. W. Tillyard's The Epic Strain in the English Novel. JE6P (April 1961), 60(2):311-314.

Review of Robert Boies Sharpe's Irony in the Dra.a: An Essay on I..,ersonation. Shock and Catharsis. .IE8P (..Jul y 1961), 60(3):550-552.


"After the New Criticism." )"II sBCh~tts Reviev (Autumn 1962). 4(1):183-205.

"Contextualism Was Ambitious." ..Journal. of AlErlethetics aDd Art Criticis. (Fall 1962), 21(1):81-88.

"Conrad's Youth: A Naive Opening to Art and Life. II In Lee Steinmetz. ed.• Analyzing Literary Works: A Guide ~or Collese Students, pp. 106-112. Evanston, IL: Row, Peterson, 1962. See "Conrad's Youth: A Naive Opening to Art and Life" (1959).

"Dostoevsky's Idiot: The Curse of Saintliness." In Rene Wellek. ed., Dostoev&ky: A Collection oE Criti~ EeaaYB, pp. 39-52. Englewood Cliffs. N..J: Prentice-Hall, 1962. See The Trasic Vision: Variations on a ~ in Literary Interpretation (1960), Chapter 7, #2:209-227.

Review of ..Joseph Warren Beach's Obsessive Iaag..; Syllbolis. in Poetry of the 19300s aDd 1940·s. .IE8P (April 1962), 61(2):448-461.

Review of Richard Foster's The Rev ~ics: A Reappraisal oE the Nev Criticisa. Crit.icis. (Fall 1962). 4 (4): 368-372.


"Every Critic His Own Platonist. II CEA Chap Book (Supplement to the CEA Critic (December 1963>. 26(3)]:25-28. -6­

The New Apolog1.sts f!or Poetry. Bloomington.. IN: Indiana University Press. 1963. A paperback reprint or the edition published by the University Or Minnesota Press in 1956. Includes a new prerace.

"Tragedy and the Tragic Vision." In Laurence Anthony Michel and Richard Benson Sewall. eds.• Tragedy: nDdern ~ in Crit1.cis... Pp. 130-146. Englewood. NJ: Prentice-Hall .. 1963. See ·'Tragedy and the Tragic VisionII (1958).. and The Tr8ll1.c Vision: VariatioDB on a ~ 1.n L1.terary Interpretato1.on (1960). Chapter 1:1-21.


"Critical Historicism: The Poetic Context and the Existential Context." In Leon Edel. ed.• Literary History and Literary Critic1.s.. pp. 280-282. Acta Or the 9th Congress or the International Federation ror Modern Languages & Literatures [FILLM), August 25-31. 1963.. held at New York University. New York. NY: New York Univeresity. 1964.

"The Poet and His Work--and the Role Or Criticism. II College English (March 1964). 25(6):405-412.

A Window to Criticis.: Shakespeare's •Sonnets , and nodern Poetics. Princeton. NJ: Princeton University Press; London: Oxrord University Press. 1964. Contents: Prerace: vii-ix. Part I The Mirror as Window in Recent : 1-70. 1 The Resort to "Miracle" in Recent Poetics: 3-27. 2 Contextualism and Its Alternatives: 28-70. Part II The Mirror as Window in Shakespeare's Sonnets: 72-190. Introductory: 73-79. 1 The Mirror Or Narcissus and the Magical Mirror or Love:80-117. 2 Truth VB. Troth: The Worms or the Vile. Wise World: 118-139. 3 State. Property. and the Politics Or Reason:140-164. 4 The Miracle Or Love's Eschatology and Incarnation: 165-190. Part III The Power or Poetic Errigy:191-218. The Power or Poetic Errigy:191-218.


"Belier. Problem or." and "Meaning. Problem or." In Alex -7­

Preminger, ed., Encyclopedia o¥ Poetry and Poetica. pp. 74-76. and 475-479. Princeton. NJ: Princeton University Press. 1965.

"Contextualism and the Relegation of Rhetoric. II In Donald Cross Bryant, ed., Papers in Rhetoric aDd Poetic. pp. 46-58. Conference on Rhetoric and Poetic. November 12-13. 1964. held at the . Iowa City. IA: University of Iowa Press. 1965.

"The Discipline of Literary Criticism." In John C. Serber. ed., The College TeachiDR oY EDRlish. pp. 178-197. New York. NY: Appieton-Century-Crofts. 1965.

lITragedy and the Tragic Vision." In Robert W. Corrigan, ed., Tragedy: Vision aDd FOMa, pp. 19-33. San Francisco: Chandler. 1965. See "Tragedy and the Tragic Vision" (1958). and The Tragic Vision: Variations on a The.. in Literary Interpret;.ation (1960), Chapter 1:1-21.


"Critical Historicism: The Poetic Context and the Existential Context." Orbis Litterarua (1966). 21(1):49-60. A revised and expanded version of a paper delivered a.t the 9th Congress of FILLM at New York University in August 1963. See "Critical Historicism: The Poetic Context and the Existential Context" (1964).

liThe Existential Basis of Contextual Criticism. II Criticis. (Fall 1966). 8(4):305-317.

"l1easure ¥or l'Ieasure and Elizabethan Comedy. tt In Rolf Soellner and Samuel Bertsche, eds.• n&asure ¥or l'Ieasure: Text. Source, aDd Criticis.. pp. 91-99. Boston. MA: Houghton Mif'f'lin, 1966. See ul1Basure for nsasure and Elizabethan Comedy" (1951).

Edited. Northrop FrY8 in ttodern Criticis.. Selected papers f'rom the English Institute. September 7-10. 1965. New York. NY & London: Columbia University Press.. 1'966. Includes a f'oreword:v-vii. and an introductory essay by Murray Krieger "Northrop Frye and Contemporary Criticism: Ariel and the Spirit of' Sravity":1-26

IITragedy and the Tragic Vision." I'tid'Wfty (Summer 1966). 27:2-25. See ttTragedy and the Tragic Vision" (1958) .. and The Tragic Vision: Variations on a The_ in Literary Interpretation (1960). Chapter 1:1-21. -8­

The Tragic Vision: Variations on a ~ in Literary Interpretation. Chicago, IL & London: Press. 1966. A paperback reprint of the edition published in New York by Holt. Rinehart and Winston in 1960.


"Ekpbrasis and the Still Movement of Poetry; or. Laokoon Revisited. at In Frederick P. W. McDowell. ed.• The Poet as Critic. pp. 3-26. Conrerence on the Poet as Critic. October 28-30, 1965 held at the Iowa Center for Modern Letters. University of Iowa. Evanston. IL: Press. 1967.

The Play and Place of Criticisa Baltimore. MD: Johns Hopkins Press; London: Oxford University Press. 1967. Contents: PreFace: vii-ix. 1 The Play and Place of Criticism:3-16. [See "The Poet and His Work--and the Role of Criticism" (1964).J I The Play of Criticism:17-128. 2 The Innocent Insinuations of Wit: The Strategy of Language in Shakespeare's Sonnats:19-36. 3 The Dark Generations of Richard 111:37-52. [See "The Dark Generations of' Richard III II (1959), J 4 The "Frail China Jar" and the Rude Hand or Chaos: 53-68. [See "The 'Frail China Jar' and the Rude Hand of' Chaos" (1961).] 5 Dover Beacb and the Tragic Sense of Eternal Recurrence:69-77. [See "Dover Beacb and the Tragic Sense of Eternal Recurrence" (1956).] 6 The Marble Faun and the International Theme:79-90. (See "'AFterword" (1961),] 7 From Youtb to Lord ~i.: The Formal-Thematic Use of' Marlow: 91-104. [See "Conrad's Youtb: A Naive Opening to Art and Life" (1959). and IIAFterword" (1961), ] 8 The Ekphrastic Principle and the Still Movement of Poetry; or, Laokoon Revistted:l05-128. [See "Ekpbreais and the Still Movement of Poetry; or, Laokoon Revisted II (1967).] II The Place of Criticism:129-251. 9 The Disciplines of' Literary Criticism: 131-148. [See liThe Discipline of Literary Criticism" (1965).] 10 Joseph Warren Beach's Modest Appraisal: 149-152. [See "Review of Joseph Warren Beach's Obsessive l.ages: S~lis. in Poetry of the 1930as and 1940's" (1962).] 11 Contextualism Was Ambitious:153-164. [See IIContextualism Was Ambitious" (1962).] -9­

12 Contextualism and the Relegation of Rhetoric:165-176. [See "Contextualism and the Relegation of Rhetoric" (1965>' ] 13 Critical Dogma and the New Critical Historians: 177-193. [See "Critical Dogma and the New Critical Historians" (1958>'] 14 Platonism. Manichaeism. and the Resolution of Tension: A Dialogue:195-218. [See "Every Critic His Own Platonist" (1963).] 15 Northrop Frye and Contemporary Criticism: Ariel and the Spirit of Gravity: 221-237. [See Northrop Frye in Modern Criticis. (1966).] 16 The Existential Basis of Contextual Criticism: 239-251. [See "The Existential Basis of Contextual Criticism" (1966).]

A volume of collected essays reprinted--occasionally in original form. sometimes slightly revised. sometimes considerably rewritten or supplemented. The essay "The Innocent Insinuations of Wit: The Strategy of Language in Shakespeare's Sonnets," pp. 19-36, appears here for the first time.


"Bleak. House and The Trial." In Jacob Korg, ed., Twentieth Century Interpretations of Bleak House: A Collection of Critical Essays, pp. 103-105. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1968. See The Tragic Vision: Variations on a The.a in Literary Interpretation (1960), Chapter 5, #1:138-140.

"Conrad's Youth: A Naive Opening to Art and Life." In Michael Timko and Clinton F. Oliver, eds.• 38 Short Stories: An Introductory Anthology, pp. 49-57. New York. NY: Knopf. 1968. See "Conrad's Youth: A Naive Opening to Art and Life" (1959 ).

"The Continuing Need for Criticism." Concerning Poetry (Spring 1968), 1(1):7-21.

"Ek.phrasis and the Still Movement of Poetry; or. Laok.oon Revisited." In James Calderwood and Harold E. Toliver. eds., Perspectivas on Poetry, pp. 323-348. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. 1968. See "Ekphrasis and the Still Movement of Poetry; or, Laokoon Revisited" (1967). and The Play and Place of Criticis. (1967), Chapter 8:105-128.

"The 'Frail China Jar' and the Rude Hand of Chaos." In Maynard Mack, ed., Essential Articles for the Study of Alexander Pope, pp. 301-319. Revised and enlarged edition. -10­

Hamden. CT: Archon Books; London: Macmillan.. 1968. See "'The Frail China Jar' and the Rude Hand or Chaos" (1961). and The P1ay and P1ace or Critici.. (1967) .. Chapter 4: 53-68.

"Jacopo Mazzoni. Repository or Divine Critical Traditions or Source or a New One?" In Rosario P. Armato and John M. Spalek.. eds.. ~e~ Epic to the -Epic Theater- or B~: Essays in CO~a&iV8 Litera&ure.. pp. 97-107. 1st Comparative Literature Conference. July 6-7. 1967. held at the University or Southern Calirornia. Los Angeles. CA: University or Southern Calirornia Press. 1968.

ULiterary AnalySis and Evaluation--and the Ambidextrous

Critic. II ContelllPOrary Literature (SUJIIID8r 1968). 9(3):290-310. Revised version or this essay appears in L. S. Dembo. ed.• Criticis.: SpeculatiV8 and ADalyt;.ica1 EaeaYB. pp. 16-36. Madison. WI: University or Wisconsin Press. 1968.

"The Varieties or Extremity: Lord. .1i-. If In Norman Sherry and Thomas C. Moser.. eds... -Lord. .Ii.-; An .AutboritatiV8 Ten. pp. 437-447. New York. NY: Norton. 1968.


liThe Critical Legacy or . or. the StraD8e Brotherhood or T. S. Eliot. I. A. Richards. and Northrop Frye... Southern Raview N.S. (SpriD8 1969). 5(2):457-474.

"Eloisa to Abe1ard.: The Escape rrom Body or the Embrace or Body." Eighteenth-Century Studiae (Fall 1969) .. 3 (1): 28-47.

"Mediation. LaD8uage.. and Vision in the Reading or Literature." In Charles S. Singleton. ed... Interpretation: Theory and Practice. pp. 211--242. Baltimore. MD: Johns Hopkins Press. 1969.


(With Allen Tate.) "American Criticism.. Recent." In Joseph T. Shipley. ed... Dictionary or World Literary Ter.a. pp. 371-374. Revised and enlarged edition. Boston. MA: Writer. 1970.

"The Dark Generations or Richard. III. It In Melvyn D. Faber. ed.• The Dasisn Within; Psycboa...lyt;.ic -.-....::bas to Shakespeare. pp. 347-366. New York. NY: Science House. 1970. See liThe Dark Generations or Richard. III" (1959). and The Play and Place or Critici•• (1967) .. Chapter 3:37-52. -11­

"Dover Beach and the Tragic Sense of Eternal Recurrence. II In Jonathan Middlebrook, ed., nfttthew Arnold: -Dover Beach.­ pp. 15-23. Columbus, OH: Merrill, 1970. See "Dover Beach and the Tragic Sense of Eternal Recurrence II (1956), and The Play 8Dd. Pl.ace of! Crit;.ici_ (1967), Chapter 5:69-77.

"'The 'Frail China Jar' and the Rude Hand of Chaos." In John Dixon Hunt, ed., Pope: -The Rape of! the Lock.- A Casebook, pp. 201-219. Nashville. TN: Aurora, 1970. See II'The FraiI China Jar' and the Rude Hand of Chaos II (1961). and The Play aDd Place of! Critici•• (1967). Chapter 4:53-68.

"The Innocent Insinuations of Wit: The Stratesy of Lansuage in Shakespeare's Sonnets." In James L. Calderwood and Harold E. Toliver. eds.• Essays in ~ Critici_. pp. 101-117. Enslewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. 1970. See The Play and Place of! Critici•• (1967). Chapter 2: 19-36.

"The Meanins of Ishmael's Survival." In Herschel Parker and Harrison Hayford. eds.. ttoby-Dick ... Doubloon: Eaaa:3IB and. Extracts. 1851-1970, pp. 270-271. New York, NY: Norton. 1970.

"l1easure Yor I"IENIsure and Elizabethan COlJIBdy. II In Georse L. Geckle. ed.• TWBntieth Century J:nterpretationa of! I'IINIaure Yor ~ure: A Collection oY Critical Eaaa~. pp. 104-106. Englewood Cliffs. NJ: Prentice-Hall. 1970. See "l1easure Yor l"IENIaure and Elizabethan COlJIBdyll (1951).

"l1urd.er in the Cathedral: The Limts of Drama and the Freedom of Vision." In Melvin J. Friedman and John B. Vickery. eds.• The Shaken Realist: EeaaYB in I'Iodern Litera...ure in HoDOr of Frederick ~. HoYf.an. pp. 72-79. Baton Rouse. LA: Louisiana State University Press. 1970.

"The State and Future of Criticism: The Continuins Need for Criticism." In Brom Weber. ed.• SeI'llB8 aDd Senaibili.... y in TWBntieth-Century Wri.ti._: A ~heri.... i.n na-ry of! lli.lli._ Vaa O·Connor. pp. 1-15. Carbondale. IL & Edwardsville. IL: Southern Illinois University Press; London: Feffer & Simons. 1970. Revised version of liThe Continuins Need for Criticism" (1968).


The C18lB8ic Vision: The Ratreat Yroa E:x.treJaity in I'Iodern Literature. Baltimore. MD & London: Johns Hopkins Press, 1971. -12­

Contents: Prerace: ix-xiv. Introduction: 1-80 1 Theoretical: The Tragic Vision and the Classic Vision: 3-52. [See "Mediation. Language. and Vision in the Reading or Literature" (1969),] 2 Historical: The "Drab" Vision or Earthly Love: 53-80. [See "The Continuing Need ror Criticism" (1968).] Part I The Retreat rrom Extremity Through the Worship or Bloodless Abstractions:81-145 3 "Eloisa to Abelard": The Escape rrom Body or the Embrace or Body: 83-103. [See Eloisa to ~lard: The Escape from Body or the Embrace of Body" (1969). ] 4 The Cosmetic Cosmos or The Rape or the Lock:l05-124 5 Samuel Johnson: The "Extensive View" or Mankind and the Cost of Acceptance:125-145. Part II The Retreat rrom Extremity Through the Embrace or the Natural Human Community:147-252 6 William Wordsworth and the Felix Cu1pa:149-195. 7 Ada. Beds and the Cushioned Fall: The Extenuation or Extremity: 197-220. 8 Postscript: The Naive Classic and the Merely Comic: 221-252. Part III The Retreat rrom Extremity Through the Acceptance or the Human Barnyard:253-309 9 The Human Inadequacy or Gulliver. Strephon. and Walter Shandy--and the Barnyard Alternative: 255-285. 10 The Assumption of" the "Burden" or History in All the ~ng·s HBn:287-309. Part IV The Retreat rrom Extremity Through an Alternative to Sainthood:311-362 11 The Light-ening of the "Burden" or History: Light in ~t:313-336. 12 Murder in the Cathedral.: The Limits or Drama and the Freedom or Vision: 337-362. [See Murder in the Cathedral: The Limits or Drama and the Freedom or Visi on" (1970).] Epilogue: 365-367.

"The Existential Basis or Contextual Criticism." In Hazard Adams. ed.• Criti~ Theory Since Plato. pp. 1224-1231. New York. NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. 1971. See "The Existential Basis or Contextual Criticism" (1966). and The Play and Place of Criticis. (1967). Chapter 16:239-251.

"Fiction. Nature. and Literary Kinds in Johnson's Criticism or Shakespeare." Eighteenth-Century Studies (Winter 1971). 4 (2) : 184-198.

"Mediation. Language. and Vision in the Reading of -13­

Literature." In Hazard .Adams.. ed., Critical Theory Since Plato. pp. 1231-1249. New York. NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. 1971. See "Mediation. Lansuage. and Vision in the Readins oE Literature" (1969).

IlReply to Robert Kalmey. H EighteeDl;.h-C8n1;.ury Studiea (Winter 1971-1972). 5(2):318-320. Reply to Robert Kalmey IIRhetoric. Lansuaae. and Structure in E10isa to .Abe1ard." Eightean1;.h-CeDt;ury St;udi._ (Winter 1971-1972). 5(2):315-318. which comments on Murray Krieaer's "Eloisa to .Abelard: The Escape Erom Body or the Embrace oE Body" (1969).

"Tragedy and the Tragic Vision." In Robert W. Corriaan. ed.• Tragedy: A Critical AntboIOBY, pp. 762-775. New York. NY: Houghton ~EElin. 1971. See "Tragedy and the Tragic Vision" (1958). and The Traaic VisioD: VariatioDB on a The_ iD Literary IDterpret.atioD (1960). Chapter 1:1-21.

"Die Tragodie und die Tragische Sehweise." In Volk.mar Sander. ed., Traaik ODd Traaodi.e, pp. 279-302. Darmstadt: Wissenchaftliche BuchgesellschaEt. 1971. German translation of "Tragedy and the Tragic Visionll (1958) .


Review of Monroe C. Beardsley's The Poaaibi1ity oE Criticisa. Eng1ish J....ansuaae No1;._ (September 1972) .. 10 (1 ) : 75-77.


liThe Critic as Person and Persona." In Joseph P. Strelka. ed., The PersoDB1ity of the Critic. PP. 70-92. Yearbook oE Co~ative Critici... 3. University Park. PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1973.

"Dover Beach and the Tragic Sense of Eternal Recurrence. II In Jacqueline E. M. Latham. ed.• Critics OD ~t;heu Arnold: RaadiD8B in Literary Criticis•• pp. 40-47. London: George ~len and Unwin. 1973. See "Do'\/'&r Beach and the Tragic Sense oE Eternal Recurrence II (1956), and The P1ayand P1ace of Critici•• (1967). Chapter 5: 69-77.

"Introduction." In The Editor as Critic and the Critic as Editor. pp. iii-vi. Papers read by J. Max Patrick and Alan -14­

Roper at a Clark Library Seminar. November 13, 1971. Los Angeles, CA: William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, UCLA, 1973.

"Mediation, Language, and Vision in the Reading of!

Literature. II In Gregory T. Polletta. ed., I8&..... in Conte~orary Literary Critici... pp. 685-613. Boston, HA: Little, Brown. 1973. "See "Mediation, Language, and Vision in the Reading of! Literature" (1969).

Visions oE E:xI;re.o.ty in IkIdarn Literature. Vol. 1 .. The Tragic Vision: The ConErontation ~ ExtreJa1ty; Yol.. 2 .. The Cl.assic Vision: The Ret~~ fra. E:xI;~~y. Baltimore, NO & London: ~ohns Hopkins University Press. 1973. Paperback reprints of! The Tr8Ric Vision: Variations on a The.." in Literary Interpretation published in New York by Holt, Rinehart and Winston in 1960, and The Cl._ic Vision: The Ret~t Eroa E:xI;....s.~y in Jtodern Literat.ure published in Baltimore. NO and London by the ~ohns Hopkins Press in 1971. Includes a new "Pref!ace" by Murray Krieger entitled "Pref!ace to Visions of! Extremity in Modern Literature," in Vol. 1 The Tragic Vision: The ConEron~at.ion ~ E:xI;reai~y. pp. vii-xvi.


"Contextualism. " In Alex Preminger, ed' 1I Prioceton Enc~lopedia ~ Poetry and Poetics, pp. 929-930. Revised and enlarged edition. Princeton, N~: Princeton University Press, 1974.

"Fiction and Historical Reality: The Hourglass and the Sands of! Time." In Literature and History, Pp. 43-77. Los Angeles, CA: William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, UCLA, 1974. Paper read at a Clark Library Seminar, March 3, 1973.

"Fiction, History, and Empirical Reality." Critical. Inquiry (December 1974), 1(2):335-360. A quite dif!f!erent version of! this paper was delivered at the Clark Library Seminar on Literature and History, March 3, 1973, with the title "Fiction and Historical Reality: The Hourglass and the Sands of! Time. II

"6eof!f!rey Hartman." Review of! Geof!f!rey H. Hartman's Beyond Fo....ui_: Literary Eaaa1Ia 1966-1970. Cont."or8rY Literature (Winter 1974), 15(1):141-144.


" 'Humanist Misgivings about the Theory of! Rational Choice': -15­

Comments on David Braybrooke." "Literature. Vision. and the Dilemmas of Practical Choice." "Preliminary Remarks 100 the Discussion of My Paper," and uA During-the-Colloquium Playful Postscript; or. a Satisf'action." In Max Black.. ed.• Prob1_ of' Choice aDd Decision. pp. 53-67. 398-431. 441-448. and 578-586. Proceedings of' a CollOQuium held in Aspen. Colorado on June 24-26. 1974. co-sponsored by 10he Cornell Universi10y Program on Science, Technology. and Socie1oy, and the Aspen Institutoe f'or Humanistic S1oudies. I1ohaca. NY: Cornell University Program on Science. Technology and Society • 1975.


"Introduction: A Scorecard f'or the Critics." ContslIIIIPOrBrY Literature (Summer 1976). 17(3):297-326.

"Poetics Reconstructed: The Presence vs. the Absence of' the Word." Nev Literary History (Winter 1976), 7(2) :347-375. A considerably reduced version of' 10he f'inal chap10ers of' ThEtory of' Critici_: A Tradition and. Its SlJIB1;aa (1976).

"Reconsideration--The New Critics. II Nev RePQb1ic (October 2. 1976). 175(14):32-34.

"Shakespeare and the Critic's Idolatry of the Word." In 6. Blakemore Evans. ed.. Shakeapaa.J"'8: Aspects of' Inf'1t8DCa, Pp. 193-210. Harvard . 7. Cambridge. MA 8 London: Press, 1976.

tiThe Theore1oical Contributoions of ." In Henry Regnery. ed... Viva Vi'VIIMJl ~ in HODOr of' E1iaeo Vi'Vlla. Oil thEt Oc:caeion of' His SeveDt.y-Fifth Birthday. JWY 13. 1976. pp. 37-63. Indianapolis. IN: Liberty Press, 1976.

Theory of Critici••: A Tradition and Ita Syata.L Baltimore. MD 8 London: Press. 1976. Contents: PreFace: ix-xiv. Part I The Problem: The Limi10s and Capacities of' Critical Theory:1-64. 1 The Vanity of' Theory and I10s Value: 3-8. 2 Preliminary Questions and Sugges10ed Answars:9-37. 3 The Critic as Person and Persona:38-64. [See "The Critic as Person and Persona" (1973)'.) Part II The Humanistic Theoretical Tradi1oion:65-175. 4 The Deceptive Opposition Between Mimetic and ExPressive Theories:67-97. 5 Form and the Humanistic Ae.thetic:98-148. (See "The Critical Legacy of Matthew Arnold,; or, the S10range Brotherhood of' T. E. Eliot. I. A. Richards. and Northrop Frye" (1969).] -16­

6 Fiction, History. and Empirical Reality: The Hourglass and the Sands or Time:149-175. [See "Fiction and Historical Reality: The Hourglass and the Sands or Time" (1974). and "Fiction. History. and Empirical Reality" (1974). ) Part III A Systematic Extension: 177-245. 7 The Aesthetic as the Anthropological: The Breath or the Word and the Weiaht or the World:179-206. 8 Poetics Reconstructed: The Presence or the Poem: 207-245. [See "Poetics Reconstructed: The Presence VB. the Absence or the Word" (1976).]


Edited (with L. S. Dembo.) Directions for Critici••: Structure1i.. and It. ~ter~iV8B. M8dison. WI: University or Wisconsin Press. 1977. Murray Krieger's opening essay "Introduction: A Scorecard ror the Critics." pp. 3-32. with the other articles in this volume. appeared originally in Conta.porary Literature (Suamer 1976). 17(3), See "Introduction: A Scorecard for the Critics" (1976).

The New ~108i.t& for Poetry. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1977. Reprint or the 1956 edition published by the University or Minnesota Press.

Theory of Critici••: A Tradition and It. S~te.L Baltimore, NO: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1977. A paperback reprint or the edition published by the Johns Hopkins University Press in 1976.


"Literature as Illusion. as Metaphor. as Vision. II In Paul Hernadi. ed.• What Is Literature? pp. 178-189. Bloomington. IN: Indiana University Press. 1978.

"Thoeries about Theories about Theory of Critici... " Bu11etin of the tti.d~t ttodarn ~ a..ocietioD (Spring 1978), 11(1):30-42.

"Truth and Troth. Fact and Faith: Accuracy to the World and Fidelity to Vision." .lourne1 of Co~iva Literature and Aesthetics (Vishvanatha KaviraJa Institute. Orissa. India> (1978), 1(2):51-58.

"Truth and Troth.. Fact and Faith: Accuracy to the World and -17­

J:"idelity to Vision." Literary ....azi_ (Irvine) (December J78) : 3-5.


"Literature va. Ecriture: Constructions and Deconstructions in Recent Critical Theory. II Studies in the Literary I.aai~ion (Spring 1979), 12(1):1-17.

Poetic Presence and I11ueion: ~ in Critica1 H1atory and Theory. Balti.ore~ no & London: Johns Hopkins University Press. 1979. Contents: Preface: xi-xv. I Critical History: 1-135. 1 Poetic Presence and Illusion I: Renaissance Theory and the Duplicity of l'1etaphor:3-27. [See "Poetic Presence and Illusion I: Renaissance Theory and the Duplicity of l'1etaphor" (1979). 2 Jacopo Mazzoni. Repository of Diverse Critical Traditions or Source of a New One?:28-38. [See "Jacopo Mazzoni .. Repository of Divine Critical Traditions or Source of a New One?" (1968). J 3 Shakespeare and the Critic's Idolatry of the Word: 39-54. [See "Shakespeare and the Critic's Idolatry of the Word" (1976).] 4 Fiction. Nature. and Literary Kinds in Johnson's Criticism of Shakespeare:55-69. [See tlFiction. Nature. and Literary Kinds in Johnson's Criticism of Shakespeare" (1971>') 5 "Trying ExPeriments upon Our Sensibility": The Art or Dogma and Doubt in Eighteenth-Century Literature: 70-91. 6 The Critical Legacy of Matthew Arnold; or. The Strange Brotherhood of T. S. Eliot. I. A. Richards. and Northrop Frye:82-107. [See "The Critical Lea8.CY of Matthew Arnold; or. the Strange Brotherhood of T. S. El iot.. 1. A. Richards. and Northrop Frye" (1968). ) 7 Reconsideration--The New Critics: 108-114. [See "Reconsideration--The New Critics" (1976).] 8 The Theoretical Contributions of Eliseo Vivas: 115-128. [See "The Theoretical Contributions of Eliseo Vivas" (1876).] 9 The Tragic Vision Twenty Years A¥ter:128-135. II Critical Theory:138-322. 10 Poetic Presence and Illusion II: Formalist Theory and the Duplicity of Metaphor:139-168. [See "Poetic Presence and Illusion II: Formalist Theory and the Duplicit y of Metaphor II (1979). J 11 Literature versus Ecriture: Constructions and Deconstructions in Recent Critical Theory: 168-187. -18­

[See "L.iterature vs. Ecriture: Constructiohs and Deconstructions in Recent Critical Theory" (1979). ] 12 L.iterature as Illusion~ as Metaphor~ as Vision: 188-196. (See "L.iterature as Illusion, as Metaphor, as Vision" (1978),] 13 Theories about Theories about Theory or Criticis.:197-210. [See "Theories about Theories about Theory of Critiei_" (1978).] 14 A Scorecard for the Critics:211-237. [See "Introduction: A Scorecard f"or the Critics" (1976). ] 15 L.iterature, Criticism, and Decision Theory:238-269. [See Max Black, ed.• Probleaa or Choice and Decision (1975).] 16 Mediation, L.anguage. and Vision in the Reading of" L.iterature:270-302. [See tlMediation, L.anguage, and Vision in the Reading of' L.iterature" (1969).) 17 L.iterary Analysis and Evaluation--and the Ambidextrous Critic:303-322. [See "L.iterary Analysis and Evaluation--and the Ambidextrous Critic" (1968).]

Chapters 5 and 9 appear here f"or the f'irst time.

"Poetic Presence and Illusion I: Renaissance Theory and the Duplicity of" Metaphor." Critical Inquiry (Summer 1979). 5 (4) ; 597-619.

"Poetic Presence and Illusion II: Formalist Theory and the Duplicity of" Metaphor." Boundary 2 (Fall 1979), 8(1): 95-121. For diagraMS inadvertently excluded f'rom this article see "Errata. tI Boundary 2 (Winter 1980), 8(2):367-368. and Poetic P~nce and Illusion: Essaya in Critical History and Theory (1979), Chapter 10:139-168.

liThe Recent Revolution in Theory and the Survival of' the L.iterary Disciplines." In The State of the Discipline,. 1970s-1980s. pp. 27-34. New York. NY: Association of" Departments of English. 1979. A special issue of' the ADE [Association of Departaants of English] Bulletin (September-November 1979), 62.

"Reply to Norman Friedman." COllllP8l"'ati~ Literature Studies (September 1979). 16(3):262-264. See review by Norman Friedman of" Theory of Critieis.: A Tradition and Its Syate. (1976) in Ca.parati~ Literature Studies (June 1979), 16(2):165-167.


"An APology f"or Poetics." In Ira Konigsberg, ed.• -19­

A.arican Criticisa in the Post-Structur~ist ARe. pp. 87-101. Michiaan Studies in the Humanities. 4. Papers presented as part or a Symposium in Critical Theory held in 1979-1980 at the University or Michiaan. Ann Arbor. HI: University or Michiaan Press. 1981.

Arts on the Le\ll81: The F~l or the Elite Ob.iec~. Knoxville. TN: University or Tennessee Press. 1981. Contents: Prerace: vii-ix. 1 The Precious ObJect: Fetish as Aeethetic:3-24. 2 Literary Criticism: A Primary or a Secondary Art?: 27-48. 3 Art and Artiract in a Commodity Society:51-71.

"Criticism as a Secondary Art." In Paul Hernadi. ed.• What Is Criticisa? pp. 280-295. Bloominaton. IN: Indiana University Press. 1981. A condensed version or Arts on the Le\ll81: The F~l or the Elite ObJect (1981>. Chapter 2:27-48.

"Traaedy and the Traaic Vision. II and "The Traaic Vision Twenty Years Arter." I n Robert W. Corriaan. ed." Traaedy: Vision and Fora. pp. 30-41. 42-46. New York. NY: Harper & Row. 1981. See "Traaedy and the Traaic Vision" (1958), The Traaic Vision (1960). (1973) Chapter 1. pp. 1-21, and Poetic Presence and IIIWlion: Eaeaya in Criti~ History and Theory (1979). Chapter 9. pp. 129-135.

It 'A Wakina Dream': The Symbolic Alternative to Alleaory." In Morton W. Bloomfield. ed.• ~leaory. ~h. and S~. Pp. 1-22. Harvard Enalish Studies. 9. Cambridae. MA & London: Harvard University Press. 1981.


liThe Arts and the Idea or Proaress. t. In Gabriel A. Almond. Marvin Chodorow and Roy Harvey Pearce. eds.• Progress and Its Discontents. pp. 449-469. Papers based on a Conference sponsored by the Western Center or the American Academy Or Arts and Sciences. held in February 1979. in Palo Alto. California. Berkeley. CA. Los Anaeles. CA & London: University or California Press. 1982.

"Feodor Mik.hailovich Dostoevski." In Laurie Lanzen Harries. ed.• Ninet;.eeJd.h-CeJd.ury Literat;.ure Critici_. 2: 199. Detroit. MIT: Gale Research, 1982. See The Traaic Vision (1960). (1973>, pp. 209-227.

"Poetic Presence and Illusion II: Formalist Theory and the -20­

Duplicity of Metaphor." In William V. SP!,Ulu;.. ?aul A. Bove and Daniel 0 'Hara. eds.• The ~tion of TexIPua.lity: Str8t_i_ of Read.i.DR in Conte~rary a..rican Critici_.. pp. 95-121. Bloomington.. IN: Indiana University Press.. 1982. See "Poetic Presence and Illusion II: Formalist Theory and the DuPlicity of Metaphor" (1979). and Poetic P~nce aDd IIIl.Bion: EaslQB in Critical History aDd Theory (1979).. Chapter 10. pP. 139-168.

"Presentation and Representation in the Renaissance Lyric: The Net of Words and the Escape of the Gods.·· In John D. Lyons and Stephen G. Nichols. eds.• ~...is: Froa ~rror to n&thod. Augustine to DBB~_. pp. 110-131. Hanover. NH: University Press of New England. 1982.

"Theories about Theories about Theory of Critici... I. In Paul Hernadi. ed... The Horizon of Literature. pp. 319-336. Lincoln. NE: University of Nebraska Press. 1982. See "Theories about Theories about Theory of Critici_" (1978). and Poetic P~nce and IIIl.Bion: ~ in Critical History and TheOry (1979). Chapter 13. pp. 197-210.

Teoria Criticii: Trad.i.tie si sista.L Introduction by Radu Surdulescu. Bucharest: Univers. 1982. Romanian translation by Radu Surdulescu of Theory of Criticis.: A Tradition and Its Sl'Bt_ (1976>'

TeoriJa Kritike. Introduction by Nikola KolJevic. Belgrade: Nolit. 1982. Serbo-Croatian translation by Svetozar M. Ignjacevic of Theory of Criticis.: A Tradition and Its S~ (1976).


"Both Sides Now." Nev Orleans Review (Spring 1983) .. 10(1):18-23.

"I. A. Richards. I. In Sharon R. Gunton. ed.• Conta.porary Literary Critici_•• 24:391-392. Detroit. MI: Gale Research.. 1983. See The Nev Qpol.oaists for Poetry (1956). Chapter 3. Pp. 57-63.

"In the Wake of Morality: The Thematic Underside of Recent

Theory. II Nev Literary History (Autumn 1983). 15 (1): 119-136.

"Literary Theory in the University: A Survey.·' Nev Literary History (Winter 1983). 14(2):432-433.

"A Matter of Distinction: An Interview with Murray Krieger." Conducted by Richard Berg. Nev Orleans Review -21­

(Spring 1983). 10(1):48-62.

"Northrop Frye. II In Sharon R. Gunton. ed.• Cont8lllPOrar'Y Literary Critici••• 24:223-225. Detroit, MI: Gale Research. 1983. See "Northrop Frye and Contemporary Criticism: Ariel and the Spirit of Gravity" (1966). and The Play aDd P~ace or Criticia. (1967). Chapter 15. pp. 221-237.

"Orpheus .It G~1ICk.: The Deceivina Gratifications of Presence." Theatre .Journal (October 1983). 35(3):295-305.

Lit.erary Theory. Irvine. CA: University of California. Irvine. 1983. Distinguished Faculty Lecture delivered on February 24. 1983.


"The Ambiguities of Represent.ation and Illusion: An E. H. Gombrich Retrospective." Criti~ Ioqui.ry (December 1984). 11(2):181-194.

"A Humanity Within the Huma.nities: Literature Among the Discourses. II .Journal of Literary Critici•• (Allahabad. India> (Summer 1984). 1(1).

liThe Literary Privilege of Evaluation." In Joseph P. Strelka. ed.• Lit.erary Theory and Crit.ici~ Faetacbrift in Honor of Rene Wallek.. Part I: Theory. pp. 369-391. Berne. Frankfurt & New York. NY: Lang. 1984.

"Literature VB. Ecriture: Constructions and Deconstructions in Recent Critical Theory. II In Victor A. Kramer, ed., Allerican Critics at IIIork: E-.-iaat;.ioD& or ContelllPorary Literary Theory. Pp. 27-48. Troy. NY: Whitston. 1984. Revised version of "Literature VB. Ecriture: Constructions and Deconstructions in Recent Critical Theory" (1979).

"Post-Hew-Critical Fashions in Theory." Indian .Journal. or AlillrEtrican St..u._ (ASRC. Hyderabad. India) (July 1984). 14(2):189-206. This is a revised version of remarks delivered at the American Studies Research Centre in Hyderabad. India on January 31. 1984.

"Words about Words about Words: Theory. Criticism.. and the Literary TeX'l:#. II EIcad_= Bulletin of AAIJP (l1arch-April -22­

1984), 70(1):17-24. The article is adapted ¥rom the Distinguished Faculty Lecture delivered at the University o¥ Cali¥ornia. Irvine on February 24, 1983. See Words ebouI;. Words about Words: The ...... aDd -Wly. or Literary Theory (1983).


"Optics and Aesthetic Perception: A Rebuttal." Critical Inquiry (March 1965). 11(3):502-506.


"An Apology ¥or Poetics. II In Hazard Adams and Leroy Searle. eds. Critical Theory Sioce 1965, pp. 534-542. Tallahassee. FL: University Presses o¥ Florida. Florida State University Press. 1986. See "An Apology ¥or Poetics" (1981).

"Both Sides Now." In Bruce Henricksen, ed.• ItLJrray Krieaer and Conta.porary Critical Theory. pp. 42-55. Irvine Studies in the Humanities. New York. NY: Columbia University Press. 1986. See "Both Sides Now" (1983).

"Murray Krieaer at Konatanz: A Colloquy Chaired by Wol¥gang Iser." (Participants: Murray Krieaer, Ulrich Gaier. Anselm Haverkamp. Wolrgang Iser, Hana Robert Jauss. Jurgen Schlaeger. Gabrielle Schwab.) In Bruce Henricksen.. ed., ItLJrray Krieaer and Conta.porary Critical Theory, pp. 231-270. Irvine Studies in the Humanities. New York, NY: Columbia University Press. 1986.

"Literary Invention and the Impulse to Theoretical Change; •Or Whether Revolution Be the Same'. ,. New Literary HistorY (Autumn 1986), 18(1):191-206.

"Presentation and Representation in the Renaissance Lyric: The Net or Words and the Escape o¥ the Gods. It In Richard Machin and Christopher Norris.. eds.• POBt-Struct~ist Randi... oF Eng1ish Poetry. pp. 20-37. Cambridge: Cambridae University Press. 1986. See "Presentation and Representation in the Renaissance Lyric: The Net or Words and the Escape o¥ the Gods" (1982).


Editor. -23­

SubJect/Text/History. Introduction by Murray Krieger. Irvine Studies in the Humanities. New York, NY: Columbia University Press. 1987.

"Introduction: The Literary, the Textual. the Social." In Murray Krieger. ed.• The Ai._ of Represent.ation: SubJect/Text/Hist.ory. pp. 1-22. Irvine Studies in the Humanities. New York. NY: Columbia University Press. 1987.


Words about. Words about. Words: Theory... Criticisa. and the Literary Text. Baltimore. NO & London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988. Contents: Pref'ace: ix-xii. I Theory and Insitutions: Critical Movements and Academic Structures: 2-104. 1 Words about. Words about. Words: Theory. Criticism. and the Literary Text:3-19. [A revised version of' Words about. Words about. Words: The 'Ylat and 'Why' of Literary Theory (1983) . See "Words about Words about Words: Theory. Criticism. and the Literary Text" (1984).] 2 The Arts and the Idea of' Progress:20-42. [See "The Arts and the Idea of' Progress" (1982).] 3 From Theory to Thematics: The Ideological Underside of' Recent Theory: 43-63. [A substantially revised version or "In the Wake or Morality: The Thematic Underside of' Recent Theory" (1983).] 4 Literary Invention, Critical Fashion. and the Impulse to Theoretical Change.; "Or Whether Revolution Be the Same": 64-89. [See "Literary Invention and the Impulse to Theoretical Change; 'Or, Whether Revolution Be the Same" (1986).) 5 A Meditation on a Critical Theory Institute:90-104. II Critical Positions: Selr-def'inition and Other Derinitions:105-203. 6 An Apology ror Poetics: 107-119. [See "An Apology f'or Poetics" (1981).] 7 A Colloquy on "An Apology f'or Poetics":120-152. [See "Murray Krieger at Konstanz: A Colloquy Chaired by Wolrgang Iser It (1986).] 8 The Literary Privilege or Evaluation:153-171. [See "The Literary Privilege or Evaluation" (1984). ] 9 An E. H. Gombrich Retrospective: The Ambiguities or Representation and Illusion:172-192. (See "An E. H. Gombrich Retrospective: The Ambiguities of' Representation and Illusion" (1984).) 10 "Both Sides Now": 193-203. [See "Both Sides Now" -24­

(1983) • (1986).] III Reconsideration of Special Texts for Special Reasons: 206-288. 11 Presentation and Representation in the Renaissance Lyric: The Net or Words and the Escape or the Gods: 207-225. [See "Presentation and Representation in the Renaissance Lyric: The Net or Words and the Escape or the Gods" (1982).] 12 A Humanity in the Humanities: Literature among the Discourses: 226-241. [See "A Humanity Within the Humanities: Literature Among the Discourses" (1984). ] 13 The Conversion rrom History to Utopia in Shakespeare's Sonnets: 242-255. 14 Orpheus ~t Gluck: The Deceiving Gratiric(a)tions of Presence: 256-270. [See "Orpheus ~t Gluck: The Deceiving Gratifications or Presence" (1983).] 15 "A Waking Dream": The Symbolic Alternative to :271-288. [See "'A Waking Dream': The Symbolic Alternative to Allegory" (1981).]

To Be Published.

Translation of "Literary Analysis and Evaluation--and the Ambidextrous Critic" (1968) into German to appear in Jurgen Schlaeger. ed., Kritik in der Krise? Zur Funktion Literaturwissenchaf"t in dar l1oderne. See Poetic Presence and Illusion: Essays in Critical History and Theory (1979), Chapter 17. pp. 303-322.

"Poetry as Art. Language as Aesthetic Medium." In Douglas Bolling. ed. Literature and the Arts. Art and . New York. NY: Haven.

"'Trying ExPeriments upon Our Sensibility': The Art or Dogma and Doubt in Eighteenth-Century Literature." In Alan Roper. ed.. Augustan t1yths and I10dern Readers. Berkeley. CA 8 Los Angeles. CA: University or Calirornia Press. See Poetic Presence and Illusion: Essays in Criti~ History and Theory (1979). Chapter 5, pp. 70-91. -25­

Selec~ed. Cri~ical ReEereDC88 ~o tlurray Itri_r aDd. Hi.....i~1._

Abdulla, Adnan K. Ca~harai. in Li~erature. pp. 89" 92-96. 139n6. 142n5" 148nn22" 23. 143nnS. 10" 11. 20. 21 .. 22 .. 23. Bloomington. IN: Indiana University Press. 1985.

Ackerman.. Stephen J. liThe Vocat.ion of Pope's Eloisa. II S~ud.i_ in EDIIliab Li~erature 1600-1900 (StDDer 1979)" 19(3): 446-448.

Adams .. Hazard. "Cont.elDPorary Ideas of Lit.erat.ure: Terrible Beauty or Roush Beast.?" In Murray Krieger and L. S. Dembo. eds., Directions for Critici..: Struct~i.. aad I~ Al~erDll~iVll!:ll8" pp. 55-56 .. 70. 83. Madison.. WI: Universit.y of" Wisconsin Press. 1977.

------"Int.roduct.ion. 1I In Hazard Adams and Leroy Searle. eds.• Cri~ica1 Theory Since 1966. pp. 5 .. 19. Tallahassee. FL: Universit.y Presses of Florida. Florida Stat.e Universit.y Press. 1986.

------"Introduction: The Gent.le Behemot.h; or .. The Illusionist. of Truth; or. The Bourgeois (with a Trace of Exist.entialism) Gentilhomme; or, The ExPerienced Uncle Toby; and. finally.. Practical Kriegerism. II Mev Drl&aJMJ Review (Spring 1983>, 10(1):5-7.

------"Introduction: The Gent.le Behemoth." In Bruce Henricksen, ed.• MUrray Kriaaar and CoDk."Drary Critica1 Theory" pp. 1-18. Irvine Studies in the Hu.anities. New York. NY: Columbia Universit.y Press, 1986.

------Phi1oaophy or ~he S~~ic For.., pp. 355. 444n47. Tallahasee. FL: Universit.y Presses of Florida, 1983.

------Review of Murray Krieger's The Mev Apologi.t. for Poe~ry(1956). Alleriean Scholar (Sprina 1959), 28(2):226-228.

------Review of Murray Krieger's Theory of Critici••: A Tradition and Ita S~t.a. (1976), New Rapublic (November 27" 1976). 175(22):30.

------Review of Murray Krieger's A ~Ddov to Cri tici••: SlvWeepeere·. •SoftlllllBt.- aDd...... rIIi Poetics (1964). Cri~icis. (Sprina 1965). 7(2):190-193.

Adams, Hazard and Leroy Searle. "Murray Krieger. II In Hazard Adams and Leroy Searle.. eds., Critical Theory Since 1965. pp. 534. Tallahassee. FL: Universi~y Presses of Florida. -26­

Florida State University Press. 1986.

Adkins. A. W. H. "Divine and HUJIIan Values in Aeschylus' Sevan AKaiD&t. Thebes... Ant.ike UDd. ..Ill..... (1982) • 28 ( 1 ) : 38n24.

Adorno. Rolena. "Visual Meditation in the Transition rro. Oral to Written ExPression." IJIaw Schol.... (1986). 10(1-2):190. 196.

AIiIosin.. MarJorie. "Una bruJa novelada:: La Qui._ral.e de I'1agdalena Petit. It ChIIaqui.: Raviat.e De Li...... Lati~ricene (Nove.mer 1982)" 12(1):: 11.

Allan.. Derek W. ItThe Psyeholoay or the Terrorist: Tchen in La Condition 1M_IDe. If Itot;t;inah_ P ...... St.ud.I._ (May 1982). 21(1):48. 64n4.

Allen. Michael J. B. "Shakespeare Man Descending a Staircase: Sonnets 126 to 154." Sb.._ ...... Survey (1978). 31: 128nl.

Altieri. Charles. .Act and Qualit.y: A n.ory DE Lit.r....y l'IeaniDR and lit niat.ic UDdenrt....I .... PPM 311n3. Amherst. 1'1A: University o¥ Massachusetts Press. 1981.

"Organic and HUJIIanist Models in Some English Bildungsroman." ..Journal or 6eDBrel Ed:ucllt;ion (1971). 23 (3): 238n4.

------"Presence and Rererence in a Literary Text: The Example o¥ Williams' 'This is Just to Say'." Criticel IlIIIIUir. (Spring 1978). 6(3):510n20.

Anderson. Reed. "Tragic Con¥lict and Progressive Synthesis in Buaro ValleJo's En Ie ardi.D..... oacurict..l. to Syaposiu. (Spring-Su..er 1976). 29(1-2):10. Iln3.

Andrews, Michael Cameron. ··Sincerity and Subterfuse in Three Shakespearian Sonnet Groups." Shall_II••• ~rly (Autumn 1982). 33(3):316n9.

apRoberts. Ruth. ItAnthony Trollope.·· In Georae H. Ford" ed." Vict.orian Fict;ioD.: A Secolld Guide to 8& ••8l1"cb. PPM 162. New York. NY: Modern Languaae Association or America. 1978.

Armstrong. Paul B. tll1urray Krieger.·' In Gregory S. Jay. ed.• nodarD. a.&rican Crit.ice SiDCB 1966. PPM 213-220. Dictionary o¥ Literary Biography. 67. Detroit. HI: Gale Research. 1988.

Arnavon. C. Review of l1urray Kriager 's The ..... ~1G&ia~ -27­

'.etry (1956). Etwlee AQalai_ (July-September 1958) .. 11 (3) :274-275.

Arnold.. Aerol. Review of Murray Krieaer's A Window to Criticis.: Shak...... ·s 'SOIlD81:Pe' aDd IIDderD Poetics (1964). Persona1iat (Summer 1965). 46(3):401-403.

Atk.ins. G. Douglas. "Pope's Poetry and the Reader's Responsibilities. ft Coll.ese Literature (Spring 1982). 9(2) :92. 96n33.

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