..' ',.. WELLEK LIBRARY LECTURES YRive:rsity af GalifarRia, IrviF\~ '~n$)~ru MAY 16-18-19.1988 University Professor of English. Directo~ U.C.Humanities SPONSORED by Research Institute THE CRITICAL THEORY INSTITUTE lecture Series: IIA Reopening of Closure: Organicism Against Itself' Monday - '1:30 "The Figure in the Renaissance Poem as Bound and Unbounded" Wednesday - '1:30 "The Typological Imagination and Its Other: Prom Coleridge to the New Critics" , Thursday - '1:30 "Stricken by Metaphor: Some Thematic Consequences" For Information call UCI UNIVERSITY CLUB 17141 85G-5583 A BXBLXOGRAPHY ON MURRAY KRXEGER On the occasion of the 8th Wellek Library Lectures 1888 Previous Wellek Library Lectures Harold Bloom: The Breaking of the Vessels (1981) Perry Anderson: In the Tracks or Historical Materialism (1982) Frank Kermode: Forms of Attention (1983) Jacques Derrida: Memoires (1984) J. Hillis Miller: The Ethics of Reading (1985) Jean-Francois Lyotard: Peregrinations: Law~ Form. Event (1986) Louis Marin: Pascalian Propositions for Today (1987) A CHECKLIST OF WRITINGS BY AND ABOUT MURRAY KRIEGER: A Selected Bibliography Compiled by Eddie Yeghiayan Writings by Murray Krieger 1949 Review or Charles Tennyson's Alrred Tennyson. Christian Science Monitor (June 30. 1849):11. Review or David Dortort's The Post or Honor. Christian Science Monitor (May 13, 1848):20. Review or Jean Bloch-Michel's The Witness. Christian Science Monitor (October 6, 1949):15. Review of Ramon Jose Sender's The Sphere. Christian Science Monitor (l1ay 24, 1948): 18. Review or Walter Van Tilburg Clark's The Track or the Cat. Christian Science Monitor, (June 11, 1949):22. 1950 "Creative Criticism: A Broader View or Symbolism. " Sewanee Review (Winter 1950), 58(1):36-51. "The Unliterary Criticism or Determinism. 1I Review of' Alex Com.f'ort • s The Novel and. Our Ti~. Western Review (Summer 1950). 14(4):311-314. 1951 UMeasure ror Measure and Elizabethan Comedy. II PJ1LA (June 1851), 66(4):775-784. 1952 "Critics at Work." Review of' John Crowe Ransom. ed.• The -2­ Kenyon Critics.. Western Review (Summer 1952) ~ 16(4):325-328. "Toward a Contemporary Apology ¥or Poetry. .. Ph. D. Thesis. Ohio State University, 1952. See abstract in Dissertation Abstracts (June 1958), 18(6):2142-2144. 1953 "The Ambiguous Anti-Romanticism o¥ T. E. Hulme." EL.H (March 1953). 20(1):300-314. The Prob1_ of' Aesthet.ics: A Rinehart. 1953. 1955 "Benedetto Croce and the Recent Poetics o¥ Organicism." Co~atiV& Literature (Summer 1955), 7(3):252-258. 1956 "Dover Beach and the Tragic Sense o¥ Eternal Recurrence." University of' Kausas City Raview (AutUIDD 1956). 23 (1): 73-79. The New AP010gists £'or Poetry. Minneapolis~ MN: University o¥ Minnesota Press. 1956; London: OX£ord University Press. 1956. Contents: Pre¥ace:vii-x. Introductory:3-2B. Section I The Creative Process: Science. Poetry. and the Imagination: 30-110. 1 T. E. Hulme: Classicism and the Imagination: 31-45. 2 T. S. Eliot: ExPression and Impersonality: 46-56. 3 I. A. Richards: Neurological and Poetic Organization: 57-63. 4 The Requirements o¥ an Organic Theory or Poetic Creation: 64-76. 5 The Organic Theory: Support and Derection:77-BS. 6 The Uniqueness Or the Poetic Imagination: 90-110. Section II The Aesthetic ObJect: Science. Poetry. and Language: 111-163. 7 I. A. Richards: Some Tools ror an Organic Criticism: 113-122. 8 The Transrormation or Richards: A Contextual Theory or the Aesthetic ObJect:123-139. S The Contextual Theory: Further Qualirications -3­ and Counter-Qualirications:140-155. 10 A Note on the Objectivity or value: 156-163. Section III The Function or Poetry: Science, Poetry. and Cognition:165-201. 11 Some Older Theories about Poetry and Truth:167-181. 12 Some Conditions ror an Apology:182-201. 1957 "Critical Theory. History and Sensibility." Review of" Rene Wellek's The Historyof!' Criticis., 1750-1950. Vol. 1, The Later Eighteenth Century; Vol. 2, The Ro~tic _e. Western Review (Winter 1957), 21(2):153-159. Review of" Robert M. Browne's Theories of!' Convention in Conte..,orary Allerican Criticia.. I"LN (November 1957), 72(7):551-553. 1958 "Critical Dogma and the New Critical Historians." Review or William K. Wimsatt's and Cleanth Brooks' Literary Criticisa. Sewanee Review (..January-March 1958), 66 ( 1 ) : 161-177. "Tragedy and the Tragic Vision." Kenyon Review (Spring 1958), 20(2):281-299. 1959 "Conrad's Youth: A Naive Opening to Art and Lire." College English (March 1959). 20(6):275-280. "The Dark. Generations or Richard III." Criticis. (Winter 1959), 1(1):32-48. 1960 "Recent Criticism. 'Thematics.' and the Existential Dilemma." Centenial. Review of! Arts and ScieDCa (Winter 1960). 4(1):32-50. A condensed version of" the f"inal chapter or The Tragic Vision: Variations on a The.:. in Literary Interpretation (1960), The Tragic Vision: Variations on a The.:. in Literary Interpretation. New York.. NY: Holt. Rinehart and Winston. 1960. Contents: -4­ Preface: xix-xxiv. 1 Tragedy and the Tragic Vision:1-21. 2 Rebellion and the "State of Dialogue":22-49. 1 The Huguenot Anti-Ethic of Andre Gide:22-37. 2 The State of Monologue in D. H. Lawrence: 37-49. 3 Satanism. Sainthood. and the Revolution:50-85. 1 Andre Malraux: Rebellion and the Realization of Self:50-72. 2 Ignazio Silone: The Failure of the Secular Christ: 72-85. 4 Disease and Health: The Tragic and the Human Realms of Thomas Mann: 86-113. 1 The End of Faustus: Death and Trans­ figuration: 87-102. 2 The Magic nountain: The Failure of "Spirituel" Mediation: 102-113. 5 The World of Law as Pasteboard Mask: 114-153. 1 Franz Kafka: Nonentity and the Tragic: 114-144. 2 Albert Camus: Beyond Noentity and the ReJection of the Tragic:144-153. 6 Jospeh Conrad: Action, Inaction. and Extremity: 154-194. 1 The Varieties of Extremity: 164-179. Heart of DarkuBss:154-165. Lord .Ii.: 165-179. 2 Victory: Pseudo Tragedy and the Failure of Vision: 179-194. 7 The Perils of "Enthusiast" Virtue: 195-227. 1 Melville's "Enthusiast": The Perversion of Innocence:196-209. 2 Dostoevsky's Idiot: The Curse of Saintliness: 209-227. 8 Recent Criticism. "Thematics." and the Existentialist Dilemma: 228-268. 1 Recent Criticism: Formalism and Beyond:229-241. 2 "Thematics fI: A Manichaean Consequence: 241-257. 3 A Pseudo-Christian Consequence and the Retreat from Extremity:257-268. 1961 "Afterword." In Joseph Conrad's Lord .Ii•• pp. 309-317. New York. NY: New American Library. 1961. "Afterword." In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The I"Ial"ble FaUD; or~ The Ro.ance of nonte Deni. pp. 336-346. New York. NY: New American Library. 1961. "Contemporary Literary Criticism: Opening Remarks," and "General Discussion on Contemporary Literary Criticism." In Hazard Adams, Bernard Duffey, et al .• eds., Approaches to the -5­ Study of Twentieth-Century Literature, pp. 107-113, 114-122. Proceedings of the Conference on the Study of Twentieth-Century Literature, First Session, May 2-4, 1961, held at Michi.an State University. East Lansing, HI: Michisan State University Press, 1961. "The 'Frail China ..Jar' and the Rude Hand of Chaos." Centennial. Reviev of .Arts and. Science (Spring 1961>. 5(2): 176-194. Review of E. M. W. Tillyard's The Epic Strain in the English Novel. JE6P (April 1961), 60(2):311-314. Review of Robert Boies Sharpe's Irony in the Dra.a: An Essay on I..,ersonation. Shock and Catharsis. .IE8P (..Jul y 1961), 60(3):550-552. 1962 "After the New Criticism." )"II sBCh~tts Reviev (Autumn 1962). 4(1):183-205. "Contextualism Was Ambitious." ..Journal. of AlErlethetics aDd Art Criticis. (Fall 1962), 21(1):81-88. "Conrad's Youth: A Naive Opening to Art and Life. II In Lee Steinmetz. ed.• Analyzing Literary Works: A Guide ~or Collese Students, pp. 106-112. Evanston, IL: Row, Peterson, 1962. See "Conrad's Youth: A Naive Opening to Art and Life" (1959). "Dostoevsky's Idiot: The Curse of Saintliness." In Rene Wellek. ed., Dostoev&ky: A Collection oE Criti~ EeaaYB, pp. 39-52. Englewood Cliffs. N..J: Prentice-Hall, 1962. See The Trasic Vision: Variations on a ~ in Literary Interpretation (1960), Chapter 7, #2:209-227. Review of ..Joseph Warren Beach's Obsessive Iaag..; Syllbolis. in Poetry of the 19300s aDd 1940·s. .IE8P (April 1962), 61(2):448-461. Review of Richard Foster's The Rev ~ics: A Reappraisal oE the Nev Criticisa. Crit.icis. (Fall 1962). 4 (4): 368-372. 1963 "Every Critic His Own Platonist. II CEA Chap Book (Supplement to the CEA Critic (December 1963>. 26(3)]:25-28. -6­ The New Apolog1.sts f!or Poetry. Bloomington.. IN: Indiana University Press. 1963. A paperback reprint or the edition published by the University Or Minnesota Press in 1956. Includes a new prerace. "Tragedy and the Tragic Vision." In Laurence Anthony Michel and Richard Benson Sewall. eds.• Tragedy: nDdern ~ in Crit1.cis... Pp. 130-146. Englewood. NJ: Prentice-Hall .. 1963. See ·'Tragedy and the Tragic VisionII (1958).. and The Tr8ll1.c Vision: VariatioDB on a ~ 1.n L1.terary Interpretato1.on (1960). Chapter 1:1-21. 1864 "Critical Historicism: The Poetic Context and the Existential Context." In Leon Edel. ed.• Literary History and Literary Critic1.s.. pp. 280-282. Acta Or the 9th Congress or the International Federation ror Modern Languages & Literatures [FILLM), August 25-31. 1963.. held at New York University. New York. NY: New York Univeresity. 1964. "The Poet and His Work--and the Role Or Criticism. II College English (March 1964). 25(6):405-412. A Window to Criticis.: Shakespeare's •Sonnets , and nodern Poetics. Princeton. NJ: Princeton University Press; London: Oxrord University Press. 1964. Contents: Prerace: vii-ix. Part I The Mirror as Window in Recent Literary Theory: 1-70. 1 The Resort to "Miracle" in Recent Poetics: 3-27.
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