Saccharum Munja Roxb. Digested with Sulphuric Acid
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S Saccharum munja Roxb. digested with sulphuric acid. The hy- drolysate contains % of fermentable Synonym S. sara Roxb. sugars,viz.glucose,xylose,galactose S. bengalense Retz. and rhamnose. Erianthus munja Jesw. Dosage Root—– g for Family Gramineae; Poaceae. decoction; – g powder. (API, Habitat Throughout the plains and Vol. III.) low hills of India. Ayurvedic Munja, Bhadramuja, Vaana, Shara, Sara, Raamshara. Saccharum officinarum Linn. Siddha/Tamil Munjipul, Munjap- Family Gramineae; Poaceae. pullu. Habitat Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Folk Sarpata. Punjab. Action Refrigerant. Useful in English Sugarcane, Noble Cane. burning sensation, thirst, dyscrasia, Ayurvedic Ikshu, Dirgha-chhada, erysipelas and urinary complaints. Bhuurirasa, Morata, Asipatra, Madhutrna, Gudamuula, Trnarasa. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of In- dia recommends the use of the root in Unani Gannaa, Naishakar. dysuria, giddiness and vertigo. Siddha/Tamil Karumbu, Nanal. The stem is a good source of furfural Action Cane Juice—restorative, (yield .%, dry basis). It yields .% cooling, laxative, demulcent, (on dry weight) of reducing sugars diuretic, antiseptic. Used in general when digested with sulphuric acid; glu- debility, haemophilic conditions, cose, xylose, galactose and rhamnose jaundice and urinary diseases. have been identified in the hydrolysate which contains .% fermentable sug- The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of In- ars. (It can be used as a potential source dia recommends the juice of the stem of alcohol.) in haemorrhagic diseases and anuria; In Kerala, Saccharum arundinaceum and the root in dysuria. Retz. is used as Shara for dysuria, dis- Sugarcane juice contains surcose eases due to vitiated blood, erysipelas, (–% of soluble solids in the juice), leucorrhoea and piles. The grass is glucose and fructose. Non-sugar con- known as Raamshara in North India. stituents present in the cane juice are It can also be used for the production carbohydrates other than sugars. As- of furfural (yield .% dry basis) and paragine and glutamine are promi- yields .% of reducing sugars when nent amino acids in the juice. Other 568 Saccharum spontaneum Linn. amino acids include alanine, gamma- Ayurvedic Kaasha, Kandekshu, amino butyric acid, aspartic and glu- Shvetachaamara. tamic acids, glycine, leucine, lysine, Siddha/Tamil Naanal, Pai Karumbu. serine and tyrosine. The presence of phenylalanine, histidine, valine, pro- Action Plant—cooling, astringent, line, threonine and arginine, pipecolic diuretic, galactagogue. Used in the acid, methionine and tryptophan has treatment of burning sensation, also been reported. dysuria, dyscrasia, kidney and Aconitic acid constitutes about bladder stones, dysentery, bleeding three-fourths of the total carboxylic piles. Root—diuretic, galactagogue. acid present in the juice. Vitamins present in the juice are: Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothe- recommends the root in calculus, dy- nic acid, biotin, and vitamin D; en- suria and haemorrhagic diseases. zymes include diastase, invertase, lac- Dosage Root—– g powder. (API, tase, peroxidase, tyrosinase. Vol. III.) Phenols in the cane juice are mainly polyphenols from tannin and antho- The Five-Grassroots (Tripanchmuu- cyanin from the rind. la) of Ayurvedic medicine contain ex- Cane juice contains glycolic acid tracts of S. munja, S. officinarum and which improves skin complexion as it S. spontaneum. The compound is pre- has antiwrinkle effect, prevents scaly scribed as a diuretic. growth and increases natural collagen and elastin in the skin. Enzymes present in the seeds in- clude large quantities of diastase and Saccolabium papillosum Lindl. invertase. Family Orchidace. An ester, vanilloyl--O-beta-D-glu- S coside, has been isolated from the Habitat The outer range of bagasse. Himalayas from Uttar Pradesh The leaves contain alpha-amylase eastwards to Sikkim and Assam. and glutathione-S-transferase. Ayurvedic Naakuli (substitute), Dosage Stem—– ml juice; Vrkshaadani (var.). rootstock—– g for decoction. Folk Raasanaa, Naakuli, Gandha- (API, Vol. IV.) lataa. Action Roots—used for rheuma- tism. Saccharum spontaneum Linn. Family Gramineae; Poaceae. An alkaloid and a bitter resin has been reported in the plant. Habitat Throughout India. Roots are used as a substitute for English Thatch Grass. Sarsaparilla (Hemidesmus indicus). Salacia macrosperma Wight. 569 Sagittaria trifolia Linn. Folk Ingali (Maharashtra), Modhuphal (Bengal), Cherukuranti Synonym S. sagittifolia (Kerala). Hook. f. (non L.) Action Roots—used in diabetes. Family Alismataceae. Also used for amenorrhoea, Habitat Throughout the plains of dysmenorrhoea and genito-urinary India. and venereal diseases. English Old world Arrowhead. The root bark contains proantho- Folk Chhotaa Kuuta, Muyaa cyanidins, consisting of monomer- (Bengali). ic leucopelargonidin, its monomer, Action Plant—discutient, anti- dimer and tetramer; triterpenoids galactagogue, astringent, anti- (friedelin and its derivatives), mangi- inflammatory. Tuber—used for ferine, phlobatannin, and glucosidal cutaneous diseases. Leaves—pow- tannins. der dusted in pruritus; mashed with The stem yielded gutta, dulcitol and molasses used in sore throat and proanthocyanidin consisting of dimer inflammation of the breasts. of leucopelargonidin. The plant contains a diterpene, sagit- Dosage Root—– ml decoc- tariol, beta-sitosterol, its glucoside and tion. (CCRAS.) hentriacontanone. The diterpenes, tri- foliones A, B, C and D, inhibited his- tamine release from rat mast cells. The bulbs contain sandaracopimar- Salacia macrosperma Wight. ic acid which suppressed the immune Family Hippocrateaceae; Celas- function of animal T-cells. traceae. Habitat The Western Ghats, from S Salacia chinensis Linn. Konkan southwards. Folk Lendaphala (Maharashtra), Synonym S. prinoides DC. Anakoranti (Kerala). Family Hippocrateaceae; Celas- traceae. Action Root—decoction is given after parturition. Leaves—applied Habitat Alarge,climbingshrub to eczema. or small tree occurring throughout India, including the Andaman A decoction of the roots of S. grandi- Islands. flora Kurz, synonym S. longifolia Hook. English Saptrangi. (the Andamans) and S. macrophylla Blume, synonym S. flavescens Kurz and Ayurvedic Saptachakraa, Swarn- S. ovalis M. Laws. (Konkan and the An- muula, Saptarangi. damans) is also given after parturition. 570 Salacia oblonga Wall. ex Wight & Arn. Salacia oblonga Air-dried plant contains .% ash; Wall. ex Wight & Arn. a high percentage of sodium and chlo- ride ions (sodium ., chloride Family Hippocrateaceae; Celas- .%). The plant is a source of traceae. alkaline earth (called Sajji), used for Habitat Rain forests of Western extracting sodium carbonate. Ghats from Konkan to Kerala. Folk Chundan (Tamil Nadu), Ponkoranti (Kerala). Salix acmophylla Boiss. Action Root bark—used for the Family Salicaceae. treatment rheumatism; also for Habitat Sub-Himalayan tracts from gonorrhoea, swellings and skin Uttar Pradesh westwards ascending diseases. Plant—mildly antiseptic. to an altitude of , m. Ayurvedic Jala-vetasa. Action Bark—febrifuge. Salacia reticulata Wt. Family Hippocrateacea; Celas- traceae. Salix alba Linn. Habitat Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala. Family Salicaceae. Habitat Folk Ekanyakam, Koranti (Kerala, North-western Himalayas, South India), Anukudu-chettu up to an altitude of , m. (Andhra Pradesh) English White Willow, European Action Plant—mild antisep- Willow. S tic. Root bark—used against Ayurvedic Jalavetasa. gonorrhoea, skin diseases and in- Unani Bed Saadaa. flammations. The root bark exhibits hypoglycaemic activity. Folk Vivir (Kashmir). Action Analgesic, anti- inflammatory, febrifuge. Used for rheumatic inflammation, Salicornia brachiata Roxb. painful muscles, spondylitis, Family Chenopodiaceae. lumbago, sciatica, neuralgia, gout and fever. (In , chemists Habitat Sea coast from Bengal to identified salicylic acid in the Gujarat. bark. Afterwards, synthesized it as Folk Kohlu (Andhra Pradesh). acetylsalicylic acid, aspirin, in .) Action Ash—used in mange and Key application In diseases itch. accompanied by fever, headache, Salix caprea Linn. 571 rheumatic ailments. (German phenolics—triandrin, salicin, gallocat- Commission E.) The British Herbal echol, catechol. Pharmacopoeia reported anti- inflammatory action. The British Herbal Compendium additionally Salix caprea Linn. reported analgesic, antipyretic, antirheumatic and astringent Family Salicaceae. actions of the willow bark. Habitat Kashmir, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. The bark contains phenolic glyco- sides; salicin, picein and triandrin English Sallow, Goat Willow, with esters of salicylic acid and salicyl Common Willow. alcohol, acetylated salicin, salicortin Ayurvedic Vetasa, Vaanira, and salireposide; tannins; catechin; p- Vidula, Vanjula, Vaanjulaa. In coumaric acid; flavonoids and polysac- Kerala Homonoia riparia Lour., charides. Euphorbiaceae, is used as Vetasa or Salicylic acid inhibits prostaglandin Jalavetasa. production, relives pain and brings Unani Bed Mushk. down fever. Action Distilled water from flow- ers—cordial, stimulant; externally applied to headache. Stem and Salix babylonica Linn. leaves—astringent. Leaves—decoc- Family Salicaceae. tion used as febrifuge. Bark and twigs—astringent, applied to piles. Habitat North India, along the Ash of wood—used in haemoptysis; banks of rivers nad water-courses. mixed with vinegar, applied to piles. English Weeping Willow. Alkaloids, glycosides and saponins