
Do you suffer from ? ? strain?

Ask your doctor about neurolens® Could your be causing your symptoms? When the eyes are out of sync, or misaligned, it puts higher demand on the . This additional demand can put stress on the trigeminal - the largest and most complex nerve connected to the , and the one responsible for head and neck sensations.

“Over the course of the last year my headaches have decreased by 90%, my neck tension is almost completely gone, my eye fatigue and dryness is gone, and overall my quality of life, my mood, everything has improved greatly. It is all due to the neurolenses.” —Derek Could your eyes be causing your symptoms? The digital world has dramatically shifted how we use our vision, requiring us to see up close more frequently. With the increased demand on our visual system, the occurance of symptoms such as dry eye, headaches, neck pain, and digital eyestrain has signifigantly increased.

65% of Americans experience 1 these symptoms on a daily basis.

Headaches Discomfort with Computer Use

Tired Eyes Dry Eye Neck or shoulder Sensation pain / stiffness

Light Sensitivity Dizziness

1The Vision Council “Digital Report 2016.” http://www.thevisioncouncil.org/ digital-eye-strain-report-2016 neurolens® Measurement Device

If the neurolens® measurement device detects an imbalance in your vision, your eye doctor is one of the select few equipped to prescribe a therapeutic to treat your misalignment.

If you experience any of these symptoms, you may be a candidate for neurolenses:

Headaches You get headaches of any severity each week (even just a dull ache counts). Your headaches tend to get worse later in the day. Your headaches are generally worse at work than they are at home or on the weekends.

Stiffness or Pain in Neck/Shoulders Your neck gets stiff or sore when you work at a computer or read. This might even be from your posture. You get frequent massages/ adjustments.

Discomfort with Computer Use You feel like you are more productive at work in the morning vs. the after- noon. Your eyes get tired, burn, or get red easily when you work at a computer for long hours. The neurolens® measurement device indentifies how much your eyes are over-compensating when working at distance, intermediate, and especially near.

Tired Eyes Your eyes feel fatigued/ tired at the end of a workday. Your eyes generally feel better in the morning compared to end of the day.

Dry Eye Sensation Your eyes and/or contacts tend to dry out when you are working on a computer or reading. Your eyes progressively feel more dry/sandy/ gritty as the day goes on.

Light Sensitivity Driving at night is difficult because of glare from headlights. Fluorescent bother you in large spaces( grocery store, department store, etc.).

Dizziness Riding in a car gives you sickness. You sometimes feel a sensation of or disconnect- edness from your environment. More than just designed for computer use, neurolenses® are the first and only prescription lenses that add a contoured prism to bring the eyes into alignment. Contoured prism has been shown in studies to relieve the headaches, neck/shoulder pain and eyestrain that many people experience when using digital devices, reading or doing detail work.

Why won’t traditional lenses help my symptoms? With a traditional pair of lenses, no correction is made to fix your misalignment, which forces your visual system to constantly compensate. This added work often results in symptoms. If left untreated, symptoms are unlikely to improve on their own.

Lenses customized for your eyes neurolenses aim to relieve symptoms by bringing the eyes into proper alignment at all distances. neurolenses are digitally designed, digitally manufactured, and developed specifically to treat your symptoms. More than just lenses designed for computer use, neurolenses® are the first and only prescription lenses that add a contoured prism to bring the eyes into alignment. Contoured prism has been shown in studies to relieve the headaches, neck/shoulder pain and eyestrain that many people experience when using digital devices, reading or doing detail work.

93% of patients who have purchased neurolenses have found symptom relief.

neurolens® Contoured Prism Design

“I had a nagging, moderate at the end of most work days. After neurolenses, I could tell my symptoms were alleviated immediately.” —Jenna neurolens® technology equips doctors with a new, clinically-tested treatment option specifically designed for our increasingly digital world. As we become more dependent on digital devices and working up close, you can turn to your doctor for answers to your symptoms. To learn more about neurolens and if you are a candidate, ask your eye care provider today.

Ask your doctor about neurolens® today

Relief Is In Sight™ Visit neurolenses.com to learn more.

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