National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped VISUAL STIMULATION ACTIVITIES FOR INFANTS AND TODDLERS A GUIDE TO PARENTS AND CAREGIVERS DR. AMAR Jyoihi PERShA Ms. K.R.NAWVi National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped (Ministryof Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India) Manovikasnagar, Secunderabad - 500 009, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA. Grams : MANOVIKAS Phone : 040-27751741 Fax :040-27750198 E-mail :
[email protected] Website : VISUAL STIMULATION ACTIVITIES FOR INFANTS AND TODDLERS Authors : Dr. Amar Jyothi Persha, Ms. K.R. Nawvi Copyright 2004 National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped Secunderabad - 500 009. All rights Reserved. ISBN 81 89001 02 7 Designing Ramana Chepuri, Ramesh Chepuri, Ramaswamy, Secunderabad - 500 003. Ph : 040-55762484 Printed by : Sree Ramana Process Pvt. Ltd., Secunderabad - 500 003. Ph : 040-27811750 ,&ii1iti iiiificti icçiIii FP-1T1 (i1 1TfTftrr Icl1,'T NATIONALINSTITUTE FOR THE Dr.L. GOVINDA RAO MENTALLYHANDICAPPED irector (Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India) FOREWORD This book is an outcome of the project titled "Development of stimulation activities for visually impaired infants and toddlers". Studies show that there are six lakh children born with visual problem each year, among them almost 80% have a residual visual capacity. The visual system gives us a variety of information about the environment, which is necessary for learning and acquiring skills for daily living. Vision is the sense that reveals the mystery of the world to the child. The eyes are the outgrowth of the brain and they parallel the development and growth of the brain in the first few months of life. Visual system matures rapidly as the brain does in these early years of life.