Everyone can achieve Air Balloon Hill Primary School Hillside Road, St George, Bristol, BS5 7PB Everyone can learn 0117 903 0077 Everyone belongs [email protected] Newsletter 20 12th February 2021

In this week’s newsletter: Hello,

The end of another term has arrived and I am sure that we are all grateful for a little respite  COVID reporting over from the current challenges of school life. I would like to say a huge thank you to the staff at Air the holiday Balloon who have worked so hard these last six weeks to keep the learning going for chidlren at  Music News school and at home. It has not been easy but I think they’ve done a fantastic job.

 The Bristol Post - I would also like to say thank you to all of you. Our parents and carers have also worked hard to Mother’s Day Messages keep their children engaged in their learning this term. I know that managing your child’s learning as well as keeping everything going at home and at work is not easy. You have all been  CBBC YouTube Channel brilliant at making sure your children are logging in and taking part in lessons as well as  World Book Day 2021 encouraging them to complete all of their work. You each deserve to be congratulated and thanked for your efforts and I do so most sincerely.

This current way of schooling will change but I cannot say when. There will be some further guidance (possibly on Monday) but certainly by 22nd February about the wider reopening of schools. As always, I will let you know how Air Balloon will manage such changes as soon as I can but we should all anticipate some children continuing with the blended-learning model until at least March 8th.

But put that at the back of your mind for now. Enjoy your half term. Stay safe, and I’ll see you next term.

Thank you,

Tim Browse

COVID reporting over the holiday We have set up our online form for parents to let us know of any COVID symptoms or test results that may occur over the holiday. Please do continue to let us know so that we can take the necessary action. You can complete the form by clicking here. It is also available on the school website.

Music News We are very pleased to announce that we are able to start a Zoom choir for children in key stage 1 (years 1 and 2). This would run on Thursdays from 3.45-4.15pm and your child would take part from home. There will be lots of action, fun and longer songs to learn from memory to keep you on your toes! We will send a link out at the beginning of next term for those who are interested in taking part. All you need to take part is a computer, lap-top, ipad or phone.

Miss Sadler & Mr Harris

Stratos Galley - Term 4 We will be keeping our existing menu until Easter. When we return on Monday 22nd February, we will be using week one of the current menu.

1 The Bristol Post - Mother’s Day Messages

The Bristol Post are offering FREE Mother’s Day messages.

The messages will appear in The Bristol Post's special Mother’s Day supplement and online at www.bristol.live on Friday 12th March and will comprise a simple greeting or poem of approximately 20 words.

How To Book

Book online by visiting: www.bristol.live/mothersday This will take you straight to the page you need.

The final deadline for placing messages will be Tuesday 9th March at 11am. However, they would highly recommend getting your notices to them as soon as possible so they can ensure there will be enough space in the supplement.

CBBC YouTube Channel If you are looking for entertainment at half term or outside of home-schooling hours now we’re in lockdown, we would like to inform you that CBBC have made an exciting revamp to the CBBC YouTube Channel. Videos that are suitable for 5-11 year olds are uploaded daily. All the top CBBC brands are included, with a wide range of genres from factual shows, news, dramas and comedy to entertainment. Programmes include Horrible Histories, , Newsround, The Next Step, Saturday Mash-Up, Operation Ouch, the Playlist, , Heirs of the Night and Jamie Johnson. They are also welcoming back in the brilliant new programme My Mum . If you are interested, please subscribe to www.youtube.com/cbbc - (it’s obviously completely free to subscribe!) and don’t forget to watch CBBC live each day on the BBC iPlayer.