ALLER-=W00DWATiI>7 NEW DIBECT MAILS, IcCLENAHAN TEtlS A Chatham wedding which will in­ SOCIAL AFFAIRS PROGRAM FOR Owing to recent change ma_U,o by JOHN SPARG0 terest a host of Summit folk is that ol the Lackawanna Railroad aiid the Miss Hannah Tracy Woodward, sister Government Postal authorities, Sum­ iEUaAS TR of Mrs. James J. Allen, and Mr. George OF THE WEEK MEMORIAL ftAY mit has a new direct mail lrom New AT MEN'S F0RU1, Albert Allen, ol Ilobokcn. The cere­ York, arriving here at 4.51, For years A large audience was present, on mony will be periormed to-morrow Kirrhdny Party at "Italkeith." The only public events planned for the last important mail arrived in John Spargo, hailed as one of the Monday evening in Lincoln school to afternoon at four-thirty o'clock, by Memorial Day will be a patriotic serv­ Summit on the train arriving here leading Socialists of the world and Rev. Walker Gwynne, D.D., rector After the rain of Monday the skies shortly before 4.30. The" carriers hear Dean Howard McClenahan, of cleared for a few hours,- long en­ ice in Lincoln School, on Monday eve­ member of the National Executive Princeton University, tell of his re­ emeritus of Calvary church, of this used to leave the olfice at' 4.50, but Committee of the Socialist Party, " ough to make Tuesday a beautiful ning, under the auspices of the Hoard cent trip through Belgium. In his in­ city. If the weather permits, -the with the schedule which went into spoke before an audience of about ceremony will be solemnized on the day, and to permit the giving of a effect this week, the carriers leave at troductory 'remarks, Mr. Hamilton W. party in honor of the eighth birthday of Trade. The address of the evening eighty men last evening* at the Men's Mabie, who presided, told of the great beautiful lawn at the home of the will he delivered by Itev. Wm. H. Mor­ fi.10 for delivery in the central'part Forum. Wm. Scotiold Day presided bride's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. of little Miss Meredith Wilson, daugh­ of the city. The mail is^also open at .opportunity which*this country was ter of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Cade Wil­ gan, D.D., pastor of Calvary Methodist i over this last session of the Forum lor meeting in carrying on its humani­ and-Mrs. James J. Allen, on Passaic the olfice at 5.10. the present season. avenue, Chatham. The bride is the son, on the lawn of "Dalkeith," t&ie Episcopal church, New York City. Dr. tarian work in behalf of the Belgian Wilson's beautiful home on Spring­ Two new east bound direct mails Mr. Spargo began his address by people. ITe emphasized the generos­ daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Morgati is well known by many Sum­ to New York have been added since win Porter Woodward, who resided field avenue. The children, their par­ outlining briefly the various kinds of ity that had been shown and gave as mit people as a splendid orat©r. There Postmaster Baldwin came into otllce: for a number of years in Summit. The ents and friends who were present, socialists and then said that in spite „' an instance the fact that Lincoln enjoyed, a number of delightful fea­ will he singing of patriotic songs hv One closes at 9 a. m., going on the of the many varieties ot socialists they school had been donated free for the groom is a nephew' of Mr. J. J. Allen. ft L'li tram: and the other clones at -- tures in addition to the many games the entire audience and two numbers are_all—agreed -on one central—fnnda- evening, that the janitor had contri­ Mrs. Allen will be her sister's ma­ usually played at little tolks' parties. 11.4fi going on the l^.Oti tram, mental program. buted his services and that Dean Mc- tron, of honor, aud_Woodward Allen, a Miss Mildred MacCutcheon and Miss will be sung by the Dincoln School "Most of the misunderstanding thai Clenahan was «lso giving oT his time. nephew of the .bride, will be the best Helen Jameson danced a scarf dance. choir, composed of boys and girls in ilKH. DOWN AHLEltK. obtains in the world in regard to man. The other members oT th,e wed- Dean McClenahan was scut to Bel- A Russian folk dance was given by the seventh and .eighth grades of Lin- Socialism, is due to the Socialists jtiug party will be James Julius Allen. -^gium-by his university to inake-an-in^- MTSS Ma-nley-.—Miss Margaret—Jame­ coln school, under the direction of Word, was received here yesterday themselves—in-not stating- their—ease- Jr., Thomas, Musgruve Allen, and vestigation of conditions there. lie son as the Gypsy Queen, told fortunes Miss Margaret K. Barnes, Supervis­ of the death of MrsTlDoriinie "WoitY properly." Ethan Allen, nephews of the bride. or ot Music in the Public Schools. entered Belgium about October 1st, in a tent. Among those present were: Ahlers, wite of Carl Aiders, of the The first definition which he with x The wedding will be a very small; Chauncey S. Hickok, 2nd, will preside Honleyurd, which occurred at Battle and was -there until about February Mis W'm F. \dam, Tohn and Ricbaid '\d.ini. few friends evolved in Jjondon was quiet affair. Among the guests from at the piano. Creek, Mich , on Wednesday, May 2G. 1st -of this year. He had been given Mr' F. H. Adam.s, -Mr. and Mi, Clat-eim stated" as folknvs: "Socialism means Summit will be: Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Beriv, lleatnce.-ltti ry. Mrs Daniel Bmki. The invocation will he made by Rev. The body is being brought lo Summit -letters of introduction lrom promin­ the collective ownership- and control von Duhn, Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. lami s. \nni's, and Cufcrnaii Biuke, Mis Minol 'c Morgan, pastor of the Cen­ and the funeral service will he held ent Germans in- this country to the R liinl. Mi and Mis I'lancis II Beifjen, under a democratic government of all von Duhn, Miss von Duhn, ~W[m. von tral Presbyterian church. Rev. Wil­ at .her late residence here German military authorities in Bel­ Mis Calhoun Ci.IJIIII, Theodoi.i and Manan at i.::o the means ot production, distribution Duhn, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Craipii, Mrs. W. V Totes, Maiv, Billy and bur V. Mallalieu, pastor of the Summit o'clock, Sunday .afternoon gium and alter considerable difficulty Rev. and exchange." lie saul that later he Twomblyr Miss -Twomblv;—Mr. and Kei'vc CiilL'Sr Mis Fiedeiitk X Guwpi'tthwail, Methodist 1'Jpiscopal church, will pre­ Philip J. Kteininefz, Jr., rector ol Cal- he managed "to obtain from the Ger­ 1't'KKy '"id Cnw pel tins ait, Mt,s Wm. Jl.„ modified this definition by adding to Mrs. ('has. R. Bard, Mr. and Mrs. side. vary churcli, will olticiate. man military heads the courtesy of He Forest, hli/aheth Leipti Blown, Mi s F. rhc iii- it a clause which eliminated any oi the use of an automobile, a chauffeur George J. Ferry. A mong the l\ Do in, Alice and Pli asantim Doan, Mis. Members of the O. A. R. of Summit, teri'ient will be private. prom- 71 the means of production, such as a and .footman* and a German university, incut out-of-town guests ;ire: iii'iinjjl Da\, Ivlitha Dnv, Mis I'lulni Fains Now Providence, Chatham and Mill- Mrs. Ahlers lias resided in -Summit Judge HHitlKjrfFhrltp and Gmdon F,i, nsu m (h Mis lack knife, that'can be used onlv bv burn, will have seats of honor in the about three years. She is survived, man as an interpreter. James F. Minturn.-Dr. and Mrs. Theo.' R CjSSr.iInioi e. Kobi 11 Gilmuti Di and Mis and for Die individual owner. RiilitSlTimill, lis Tl.imill, Mrs Geo II. Dan tronl of the ball. As thei-e is no G. A. besides her husband, bv three chil­ Dean JMcClcnahan drew a splendid Leinmerz, of Jersey City; Mr. and "Socialism thjes not come to do Mrs. Wm. Wiggins, QI" New York; foi tli™ I'll/, ili< ih GIDIL'C, Nil hoi l-s ..u»l Noil R. Post in this section n is difficult lo dren, her lather, Nicolay de Wolff,-two I word picture of Belgium, the calm, Dinfnilli. Ahs D I,. Hindi, the Misses II inn. away-with private properly, hut aims obtain the names of J he \e1ernns, and sislers, Miss Joliaime de Wolll, a I peaceful, industrious community that Judge and Mrs. Wm. "R7 Coddington, Mis. Aillnu V. Jameson. Maifjaiil and I1LII.II to make it more universal, more gen­ lamo'iin. Mis,. ( has T li-nl.s Mis Manure an invitation is i xtended through, the teacher m the public schools, and the German army found when it mar­ of Plainlield; State Commissioner of eral," said Mr. Spargo. '-Perhaps it Education and Mrs. Calvin R. Ken­ lliilninn the Misses Ileilnian. Mis Win. I Herald tor the old soldiers lo be pres­ Mrs. Ida Pontoppidian, u brother. ched iulo that little country last sum­ li.-nc-n. Miss Clacks ]td\rv, Mrs |',u 1 ei D conti'iiiplates sonic Kind of a Icveling- ent on Monday evening. Otto de" Wolff, ol Oakland place, and mer. He also ably described the dall; Dr. and Mrs. 'Addison B. Po- Kim.' Mis. Hleaiiol knur. \11 s. ]' Walli i (lovvn process, an coii.-i lii.-irirm move- land, Miv-aml Mrs. J. Garth Col-ema-n ICl'/abrt-h, I- nil;- —The—IUM\IV (irgtiivi-Kml—PnhKa-i-c-p-rV^U— a hroHwv-l-'uul d.' Wolll, m—Iiriti'dr —bcauty-aiul unprcsslveiTess ot tile Uor- T I.j wreili'L'.—MT~S—Y\ 'Uli'l—Linhv h/ah( 1 uient." man army as it entered the country. of Newark; Rev. and Mrs. J. I). ciine and WalUi_ Lihbv Mi Wm IT L.i'v- ley Chapter S. A. II., has accepted an Columbia M i s. •"-•"*? -<3<5M>.-i^t»™— "Cntil then- is ei|ual < banco On the invasion of their country by Faulks, Miss Faulks, fimory Faulks, rLiire, Ir , Fully and Ailetn aw 11 nrf, invitation to be presenf^-snia"" it is for t.eo \\ M.icl iitLlieun, Mi- Mildud Mas Heath of 11 r. Norman Scliultz's Hitter. c\ery child ),«,,•„ j the world the Germans a million Belgians went of Chatham; Col. and Mrs. T. B. Lan- Guti hi on. Mis T. ]' Minui, Vnnii thought that lrom ft_)rly ly-±-ft.v of tin- nl0 we • and I shall not know the possibility oi out of the country and became relu- rlon, Prof. Thompson IT. Landon, of IILIL'H M( in I I , Mi .mil Mis H II Mi \ lli-ti i Sons will he on hand. On MontUn.'onh a week alter the in­ Di !• 'Twidddl I dub 'I wuhlill Ih' D L .dividualism." "Socialism stands fo r gecs to Holland, France and England. Bordentown; Mrs. Alexander Ballen- Yomms Mi- Olivn P, Mi n ill. I ail. oliwi, All citi/enrf who wish lo do honor death of her husband, Laura Schultz Two thirds ot^ this number arc still tine, Miss Elizabeth Allen, of Ilobo­ katheiiuo Mm ill. Mi nml Mi- U in IS to the (lei)arted heroes of the Nation Barnes, widow ol the late Edward , equal opportunity," said Mr. Spargo. guests of foreign countries. In every kcn; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Case Rav- .Miles, p.,IK Miks. Mi ami Mi il.umlK.n will he well ome at this service Harding Barnes, died at her honie'iii ,"F\ei\oiic believes in that. But its W M.ibit, Alis Kuiliiii M Maiilcv, tin , not enough to say it with our lips. sense of the phrase the speaker said nolds, of Whippanv; John Scott Davi­ Misses Manli v. Mis rnnsl Dwsse] North. The roll of honor of Civil War Vet Grand Rapids, Mich. She was a sis­ that the invaders truly "lived upon the son, Passaic; Miss Jane Woodward, All. and Alls. KoIIo ()|'den Garni and George crans in Summit is steadily decreasing ter of Norm an Schultz, of Prospect ' What -ire we doing with our lives*. country." 'l/he terrible circumstances Worcester, Mass. O'Slua, AIis M U Snvib i Knbeit and as elsewhere, buLthere arc a lew well- street, tins city. The funeral was Socialism means the right of every which the Belgians have faced is em­ Phyllis Snvilii. .Mis I'lulip I StL-inmet7, h , child to be well-boru into the world: TTommeism and Hcitiiir Steiimii t/. Alls T. kiKwn and respected citizens on the J held at her late home in Grand Rapids, phasized when it is known that in \shly S[i.1iks, F.le.inor Sparks, Aliss Katt- list including: Former Postmaster Wednesday alternoon, and the inter­ the right ot every mother to bring her normal peaceful times that country Miss Cndoo'ft WeddiiifrNext Wednes­ Somcis, ATis. Wm. Van C isc, Fdilh Van Gist, Alfred M. Jones, Assessor Stephen R ment will be in Fairmount Ceme­ baby into the world in serenity of raised only about one fifth of its food ATr-, C. A Woodhull, Mi and Mi & Win mind and soul." day. WmiilhtiH, F.Ii^abeth and I-ml Wnoilhull I Muller, Col. Benjamin P. Holmes, tery here next week. Air. Schultz has and other supplies. To-day the only t'lilKnd Woodhull, Gliifiud, Althta, Dorothy Marcus Bartlett, Frederick refers, been m Grand Rapids lor three weeks, "No man is big enough to be master food that goes into the country for The marriage of Miss Laura Ethel YVoodhuTl. on account of Mr. Barnes' illness, hut of another man's bread. Without Cadoo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William MeMane, IT. I?. Markham, and the consumption of the Belgians goes —o— James II. Soplu'r. not expecting his sister's death. Mrs criticising the individual but the sys­ in under the American flag- Alexander Cadoo, Jr., of Parmley Shower ami umr Party tor Tw« wg?> fl^>^u> Stephen P. Nash, Mr. Schultz's daugh­ tem, Rockefeller's position is an Dean McClenahan compared the city place, and Mr. John Harold Hen- THE SI'JtISidi DANCE. ter, of Short Hills, was in Grand Rap­ anomaly m a Democracy." of Liege with that of Trenton, He drickeon, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Brides. ids last week. Mr. Schultz and Miss "If we can break the economic Schanck Hendrickson, of Keyport, said we might imagine the large A very pleasant surprise "was given TII«M> Opposed to Suffrage Hold Large Schultz, who has also been with her bands that now bind society," said the manufacturing city of Trenton situ­ N. J., will be solemnized on Wednes­ last Saturday afternoon at the home Dance- Uood rrogram. father, are expected home to-day. speaker, "there will come a great ated on a river, suddenly cut off with­ day evening, June second, at eight of Mrs. Robert Ilallan, on Springfield spiritual deliverance. The next great out yearning and surrounded by hos­ o'clock in Calvary church. The cere­ avenue, in honor of Miss Florence The Spring Dance given last Friday CAKl/rON ACADEMY. advance spiritually must come as a. tile u'rmy and we might have some mony will be performed by the rector, Duhden and Miss Ursula Nelson. Af­ evening in Nippon Hall was a great result of this material, problem." idea of the conditions in this Belgian Rev. Philip J. Steinmotz, Jr. Miss ter several tables of five hundred had success and was undoubtedly the CoiMiiienceiiieiit Exercises Xext Week. In reply to a question from II. 1<7 city. Cadoo will be attended by her sister. been played and refreshments served largest affair of its kind ever held Eleven graduates. Webbe, Mr. Spargo felt that co­ Sarah Elizabeth Cadoo, , as maid of a miscellaneous shower was given the there. The dance was given under the All through his talk the speaker operative agricultural groups would honor. Miss Marion Gordon Mills, ot two young ladies, whose weddings are Carlton Academy Commencement emphasized the- fact that seven mill­ auspices of the Summit branch of the eventually take the place of the in­ Brookline, Mass., a senior in Welles- to take place next month. Among Association Opposed to Woman's Suf­ Exercises will be held next Friday dividual farmer as the most likely ion people still remain in Belgium ley„iCollege, will be the bridesmaid. and have .as a sole source of supply those present were: the Misses Jean frage. The guests were received by morning. Kleven young men are to solution. In regard to a question as Eleanor Evans, of Jersey City Heights. Ovens, Ethelyn Rutan, May De- Mrs. Hamilton W. Mabie, Mrs. Thomas receive diplomas as follows: George to Socialism and the single tax idea, only that food and clothing which a cousin of the "bride, will be flower goes to them through the American Groodt, Margaret Alleman, Ruth Alle- n. Adams and Mrs. Francis H. Ber­ H. Casgrain and Norbert Sullivan ot Mr. Spargo believed in the taxation of girl. The best man will be Cecri Still- man; Mrs. B. P. Hains, Mrs. Alex. gen. The hall was attractively decor­ Detroit; Cyril and Reginald Sloane of land values but says they are of ne­ Belgium Relief Committee. Not one well Ackerson, of Keyport, a brother bit of food has been given or sold to Thomson, Mrs. F. E. .Luhdeii, and Mrs. ated with dogwood, spring flowers New York; Robert E. Snilfin ol this cessity not a sufficient re-adjustment of Senator II. E. Ackerson, Jr., of the Belgians by the Germans. When K. E. Onstead, of Montclair. The and greens. The number of persons city; Kenneth Battie of Murray Hill; of social ills. Monmouth County. The' ushers will the Germans entered the country "fiOO" prize was won by Miss Nelson. present was unusually large consid­ James K. Spellman of Anaconda, Mr. Spargo gave as his immedia_t_e every bit of industry stopped. The be Henry Truax- Hopkins, Leon The decorations were in pink, green ering the very stormy evening^ _/ Mont.; Victor de Wysocki of Asbury program the creating of the desire speaker said that in his opinion the Schanck, of Keyport; Herbert Sher­ and white. Very pretty souvenirs Dinner was served to about forty'of Park; William E. Walsh of WestlieldL;_ among the people for that central German officers at first were inclined man Burling, and Stephen Girard were given each guest. fifty of the guests in Kanzalu's tea James A. Quirke of Waltham, Mass.; thing, the collective ownership, and; to re-open the industries and thereby Kent, of Summit. Chauncey S. Hie- The dates for the weddings of these room on the first floor previous to the and Clifford J. MoCoraiick of New then the formation of the agency to' help the people of the country, but kok, 2nd, will preside at the two young ladies were decided upon dance and supper was served there Brunswick. bring that about which he gave as the V that when this was announced in the organ. A reception will be held this week. Miss Nelson will be mar­ after the dancing contests. The address to the graduates will be Socialist party. Mr. Spargo thought German papers the labor leaders of at the home of the bride's par­ ried to Herbert L. Buckley, on Satur­ In the waltzing contest first honors made by Paul Fuller of New York, that government ownership of rail­ Germany protested so strongly that ents, at 5 Parmley place, immediately day, June 19th. Miss liuhden'will be went to Miss Adele Taylor and Lem­ whose subject will be "School Work ways would come first; this would the scheme was abandoned and noth­ following the ceremony. Miss Cadoo married to Mortimer Nelson, on Sat­ uel Skidmorc. In the fox trot the and Life Work." Medals for scholar­ •bring into line the coal and iron ing has been heard of it since. is a graduate of Kent Place School, urday, June 26. prize was won by Miss Cornelia Og- ship and athletic proficiency will be mines. class of 1909, and Wellesley College, —o—• den and Clinton S. Van Cise. Miss awarded. When all the people become Social­ The speaker told of the remarkable class of 1913. A small tea in honor of Miss Laura Ogflen and Gilmer Hadra won the On Krulav afternoon a baseball ists according to Mr. Spargo, the in­ spirit displayed by the Belgians in the Hlthel Cadoo, who is to be married next lucky number cake. The judges were: game between Carlton and St. Bene­ centive to pile millions will fade face of this awful calamity. Two Miss Crawford's JKiifruKement Wednesday evening, was given on Mrs. George H. Danforth, Miss Ruth dict's Prep, will be played, closing the away. Asked what he would do itV things he noticed in this spirit were: Wednesday afternoon, by Mrs. Fred Keller, Chas L. Poor, and W. Chaun­ team's successful season. Announced. under the present system, 10,000 men. lirst, a friendish hatred for the Ger­ W. Clift at .her" home, 35 De Forest cey Coles. The annual academy field meet will depended upon the one maiwat the mans, and in reference to one another Miss Dorothy Crawford, daughter of avenue. Those receiving with Mrs A sopranp_solo, "Autumn," by Weil, be held on Thursday. _ The officials head, Mr. Spargo thought he %ad bet­ a beautiful spirit of helpfulness. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Crawford, of Ridge, Clift and Miss Cadoo, were Airs. John was sung1 by Mrs. Arthur E. Jameson. will he: Starter, 'Harold G. Terwill- ter reckon with fact that he can't al­ Throughout his trip the Dean said road, gave a small bridge on Satur­ W. Clift, Mrs. Alexander Cadoo, Jr., Miss Ruth Keller, of -Brooklyn, ap­ iger; judges, John—A. Ford, Mr. Cas­ ter the system, and stay on the job. (hat he saw many instances of the day last, for Miss Dorothy McKee, and Miss Sarah Cadoo.' All those as peared in a dance "To a Wild Rot,e," grain and Mr. Quirke; timers, Mr. "Which country is more fully carry­ work of the German army in its rav- who has been in New York for the sisting were brides-elect: Miss Mav and a pastoral. Mrs. Jameson sang, Sullivan and Thomas Adikes; clerk ot ing out the Socialist program," was * a.ges upon the country. Traveling past year. After the guests had fin­ Cullen, of Roonton; the Misses Dor­ "Spring," to which Miss Keller couise. J Francis Holland. The prizes asked, as Mr. Spargo was about to back over the line of cities which were ished playing, Miss Crawford an­ othy Nixon, Dorothy Carman, Helen danced. One of the most popular will consist of silver and bronze med­ leave lor his train. "The United marched through by the German army nounced her engagement to Mr. Harry Chrysta], Carrie Arnold,] and Ger­ numbers on the program was a French als and blue ribbons lor both the Slates has the best opportunity," was on the first days of the invasion, the T. Hamilton, of Naeozari, SonoTa, trude Leach, of Summit. Those who serenade sung by Mrs. Ruthven A senior ami junior groups. his reply. speaker said that he found that iour- Mexico, Where he is Assistant Gen­ poured were: Mrs. Florence White, of Wodell, of New York Cilv, and danced ——.«o-<^»>-Csi— — fifths of the houses were to-day noth­ i eral Manager..of the -Mocteznma Cop­ New York City; Mrs. Robert De II. by her sister. Miss Lois Tage, both in | Strikers and Strike-liresikers Tmlieted. ITHLIC MltltAliY NOTES. ing but masses of brick and mortar. per Company's properties, belonging Class, of Morristown; Mrs. Wm. M. costume. The closing number ol the As an aftermath of the rioting dur- At the very beginning of his trip to' the Phelps Dodge Company.' Mr. Van Cise, Mrs. Ralnh C. Porter. Mrs program was a charming old fasliiou- mt; the strike at the Summit SilJ5_^!o.± i host who enjoyed hearing Mr. through Belgium he said_that he_saw Hamilton was graduated--at-"Yale in Robert E. Ferry, Mrs. Chauncey S in one pla"ce~a small herd of sheep and ed dance by Miss Dorothy Doty, of indictments were returned by the .Tolih Spargo speak at "th e Men's For- 1904 and Miss Crawford at Vassar in Hickokj 2nd. Miss Ruth Carman and Maplewood \ more delightful pro­ grand jury, at IClizabetli, this week, urn last night , as well as any- persons that for the rest of the time that he 1911. The weddmg will probably Miss Mary Lavery served sherbet. was traveling over the country he gram of dancing and music has no[ against two stnke-breakers and five interested in socialism—both for and take place in the fall. The decorations were of Killarnev been given in Summit this season strikers. Two indictments were against -may be glad to know the fel­ never as much as saw a single cow or roses, bride roses, bridal wreath, and any other food-supplying animals. —«*5^-^Oc*—&n* Those on the committee of ,ii-:uihc- found against John Madenic, whom lowing books on the subject are to be; iris. The guests were more especially ments were: Mrs. W. F. Adam. Mrs the strike leaders allege is a profes­ had at the Public Library: When he went into the country the Members of Home (liirden Club. the friends of Miss Cadoo. ^ speaker confessed a lcelm** of skep­ Ruford Franklin, Mrs. W. Chauncey sional gunman. The indictments 101 v, _R,. _I_—Socialism;. Gr^hamo,- The rionie Garden Club of the L. 11. —o—„ Coles. Mrs. Wm. T. Wisner, 2nd. and charge M.ideme with having carried Stewart - Where Socialism Failed; ticism, in fact one ol slight hostility, Nature League are growing potatoes to the work of the Belgian relief com­ In honor of Miss Caroline Alc- Mrs. G. H. Danforth. concealed weapons and with assault Guvot, Yves—Socialist ic Fallacies; in their individual gardens this year. Faiian, whose engagement has recent­ Saba Balish, president of the weav­ LcRossignol, J E. Orthodox Social­ mission l>nt on coming out of the T\vo inspectors have been appointed country he-said that he could find not ly been announced, an auction bridge Dr. JIUYCII Lectures on India. ers' union and leader of the strikers, ism; London Municipal Society—Case for each grade. The inspectors and v,as.given by Miss Elizabeth Jones at 1 Against Socialism; Mallock, W. IF.— enough words to express adequately first lecture which Rev. ,Dr. also was indicted on a charge ol as­ members of the club are as follows: her home in Hillcrest avenue on The Critical Examination of Socialism; his praise of this body. Haven has delivered since his sault. LniLolu School- InsncLttiis /111 Kr:»le, Tnhn Tuesday afternoon. Among those Wm. I. Scudder, V. D. — Socialism and Char­ sliuim.ikor, Rodney Kimli.ill; 6th grade, Will­ _tnp, practically around the Mike Cassatelv, another striker, is Briefly then, the speaker outlined present were: the Misses Ruth Ber­ recent acter; Skelton, " O." " D.—Socialism; iam Tnislow, Nicholas Dnufoid; -1ifl gi.iflc, was given by him on Tuesdav one of" those against whom an- in­ the processes with which the com­ Walter Pniini. Nelson M.iylierrv; 4t1i riarlo, gen, Margaret and Gertrude Dods- world, Spargo, John—Bitter Cry of the Chil­ evening in the Pariah House of the dictment was found, lie was charged mission carries on its work of rii.u lei Cravfliin, Willis Fott; Brook Smith, worth, Freda Frost, Kathleen and dren; Syndicalism, Industrial Union­ chairman Members, Tulin ShewmaKei, KoJ- Summit Methodist Episcopal church, with having assaulted Rev. Paul Kas- transferring food and supplies from Christine Nelson, Janet Wallace, ism and Socialism; Socialism; Webb*. ncv Kimball Jas TTamil, Paul ^ Viccl.nul, before an audience of about three hun­ ,-sar, the Syrian priest who acted as ad­ -this country to the sufferers in that Lomse TI.Vo, " ITclcn M> l'l.ito," Plfrrsdii- Angelica Haigh, Mildred Itadra, Melli- Sidney—Socialism and Individualism : dred persons., His subject was, "In­ viser to the strike-breakers. Marion country. He gave statistics showing tine Doan, William Truslmv, Nicholas cent Whitlock, Alice and Hilda Os- Wilson, W. L.- -Menace of Socialism. l)jufu, Adolnh Hrtliificl. Pctei characteristic of the good Doctor. The and Mrs. Frank Wight, Mr. and Mrs. lecture was illustrated by stereopti- . ' - morrow for the summer. The hotel' tion," said the speaker, "would be wip­ Mc. Crink. Tolin Caesar, Edward Seott, Arthui t orchestra will begin its daily con­ ed off the earth if America stops her Moll, William Waljfnarnery, Louise Giant, Romeyn Berry, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. con pictures which had been loaned by Mr. and Mrs Ruprecbt are the par­ Thomas O'Tlara, Daniel Byrne, Richaid Sliap Vincent, Dr. and Mrs. Chas. S. Hardy, ents of Miss Ruprecbt, art supervisor certs «n Saturday, June G. relief work." ter. riiiliu Van Wyck, Frank Bell., Wm some good friends of Dr. Haven's. A Mr,, and Mrs. George B. Seeley, Mr. little later he expects to have the of the Summit Public Schools. There have been two conquests in O'lfara, Caroline Jarofano, Harriet Topping, Parker W. Page, of Edgewood roa

a^s^rl^:;kaftsMat^,^i J , •_:.\ T^Seski jjhlw*^' »C""J-i Kfrrf* JjLU- .... --•-„.,•,(,:ojC -.;. , 'J. THE SUMMIT HERALD, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1915.

SPLENDID YEAR'S WORK. Report of Summit Branch, Uiilyer§al Summit Millinery Shop Sunshine Society—-Officers Elected. The annual meeting of the Summit 10 Maple St. Summit, N. J, EMEMBER that, old Mend of yours, MAY 28, 1915. branch of the Universal Sunshine So­ Volume 4. Number 28, ciety was held. Tuesday afternoon, May the one the boys alwaysJiked to meet, 26, at Miss J. Budd Shafer, Beekman We have a splendid selection of sum­ EDITORIAL STAFF. eastern frontier of France. Here's roatkr- The following officers were mer hats trimmed and untri'mmed at the "good fellow," the "free spender"? elected fiSr the coming year: Presi­ how It came about. greatly reduced prices, Hats made and Editor-in-chief..,,,,,,,.. Allan Carman dent, Miss Astfalk; 1st vice-president. I was at that time at a little village Miss' J. Budd Shafer j 2nd vice- trimmed with good style/ also hats How is Ms widow earing her living Contributing Editor ...„„AIoh JPott named Chevrecourt, or something llkel -that,— just--behind .the-French— lines, prejWejitj^Mls^^ATOe^Jtfaxshj secret remodeled_our jlpeciajty^Jt Girls' Athletics and Senior,,...... J..„..„„„\ suUtlns-beeause; _I was not allowed to tary, Mrs. Wm, Bell; and treasurer. and a living forter-ehildren^ ...,„„„.„...... ^Margaret tDhrfstal see any real action, and cursing the' Miss Edith Robertson, Boys' AthietlCB..,,,...... Pliillp Drabble censor. "•.•.. During the last year there" have = Of courser^ou don^ intend to have Junior and Soclai.„„„„...„.JU[flry Austin I was standing, In tills unhappy been eigliteeff""m'e¥Erflgi""or~fEi"™Sun- Sophomore and "Sparks" „ ...,„„.„„„. frame of mind,; before the little Hotel shine Society. The society lias had t ArtlttlBAN enrolled an active membership of anything like that happen to your widow, ...... _.™. «Nat»» Anion de V-ille, when I heard a cheery hall, P and who should come running out but thirty, six of which members have en­ HCoiixe of CJrooci Slioeft and that's why you are^going to insure, 5reshman.«.„.„:....:...... JameB TruilQW Melson Lackeye, my old college chum, tered the society during this year. Faculty Oritic....i™C™.;„ Mr, Anflrews in the uniform of the Foreign Legion. At a meeting held February 16, It But, don't delay. fiuperintandent of Schools.,....,., , -Archie," said he,,"You're the very was resolved to limit the membership All the new and latest man I want. I'm in command of one to "thirty, and to have a waiting Hat ;...,„„„„...„.„...... ,Cltoton S. Harsh for prospective members. At this Spring Styles at of these armored motor-cars, and one - - Secretary of Board.„,„Helen L, Collins of my men has fallen-sick; I want you time it was alfao "decided to form a Assistaut Secretary....Harold Dorgoval to take his place." society of associate members for for­ S Maple Street EDITORIAL. "Well, old man," said I, "I'd jump mer members of the Sunshine Society, at the chance, but 1 happen ,to be a who have found it impossible to re­ Summit, N. J. We would urge those who are going correspondent at present, and my main active members. At present to college to study carefully the cours­ paper especially cautioned me not to there are enrolled three associate members, Miss Mary Woodelton, of 11 es of the institution which they wish nBi'9t*p''t"t"^"9'»9i>9^^ join the army." Elkins Park, Pa.; Miss Marion Rob­ FORREST F. DRYDEN, President to enter, and see if the path which "O, that doesn't matter," replied they must follow there docs actually ertson, of Summit; and Miss Amy Nelson, "I'll take you along as a sort Stanford, of Ipswich, Mass. i Qlit Fl©^ers bring them to the destination which of 'super temporary,' you know." »nrf they seek. "Well," said I, "when do we start?" This year the Sunshine Society has become a member of the Associated | Fresh at the Greenhouses | "Aha!" he 'shouted, "I knew you It would nive this Company much pleasure to'have you visit the Prudential Exhibit- SENIOR NOTES,. wouldn't fail me. Come along, we Charities. Last May, $25 was don­ f Cut Flowers, Palms, Ferns, etc., f ated to the Town Improvement Asso­ on Life Insurance and Public Welfare, Palnijo of MW"» and Metallurgy, Panama- start right now!" | Wedding Decorations and 1 It has been decided to have & Class ciation for- the City^ Playground, and Pacific Exposition, San Fr.uioisco. - - l_ As we walked thro the quaint streets wa3 i Designs a Specialty 1 —Orator, -and Mr.—Betts has- been ap­ T-^if noFheVtWnlrtii^how "out-oT^f^" Biven to plaster and_ tiuLa pointed to the said office, and will place the soldiers with their modern roonrand provide'a rug lor the Neigh­ give an oration on Class Day. equipment seemed in these dreamy borhood House, North Summit. 1MACDONALD THE FLORIST j The time draws near to graduation old surroundings. After walking for The annual fair was held in the and every one is gottftrg-ready to make about five minutes we came to a large Y. M. 0. A. on November 30. The j 5 SATRE ST., SUMMIT, N- J j their, last sprint. The last hurdle, square in which were about a hun­ proceeds of which amounted to I Telephone Orders Receive | the examinations, will be jumped next dred armored automobiles of the latest $197.97. Seven bountiful Thanksgiving week, and then wo wait patiently till dinners were donated this year to de­ • Prompt Attention ^k pattern. They were covered with steel ••».0»-^-y »*—<•• iff,^,^,,p,,g^iB,fi.grta..fl.. "June 18th, dawns, when we may call and each carried a Maxim gun in a re­ serving families. ourselves alumni. • volving turret. Nelson threaded.his In December, $25 was given to the PLANNING TO' HOVE ? ¥ —o — way thro these until he came to his Association for Improving the Condi­ .

J i'4*U*VAj.MMMttfML rft.^BluUL'tfUlll • **&**-* a ni* —****\-A •>-*"•* -ll — .'>«». I ^iM^MM^M^ ^T» rVtrwfc-uVi v- THE SUMMIT HERALD, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1915.

DR. H. W. RYMAN, We plucked the following as they nearly an hour for the conditions to wafted over our heads in the grand­ improve. Travis proposed to his op­ x>R. R. C. VREEL-AND, stand at last Sunday's gamo from a ponent that they call it off and settle DENTISTS! group of regular "city fellers," who it Sunday under normal conditions. FOURTH WIN FOR ST. TERESA'S. would seo the Rambler A. C. pitcher This Marston could not do, as he had Wulff Building, Summit, N. J. register a no- no-run game: an engagement to play at Baltusrol. Office Hours: / In an interesting exhibition, St. Ter­ "Some more pie for you, kid." 405 Springfield Avenue Summit, N. "Pepper up, pepper up, old kid." CANOE BROOK COUNTRY CLUB. % A. M. 8.30 to 12; P.M. 1 to 5 esa's B. B. C. annexed its fourth game out of a total of five contests thus far ' "Make him hit a sit-down, old boy." , Telephone 1081—1082 In the Birdie Contest last Saturday DR. CIIAS. It. RIYELEY, this season, when the Rambler A. C, "Dat-a-boy; dat-a-hoy." of Newark, was successfully operated" "Easy Charlie, you're better 'n he at Cano-D Brook Country Club, the first DENTIST, on Sunday afternoon on the church is, kid^-. four were: F. A. Steele, 10 points; W. > Old Reliable Groeer Office Hours: 8.30 to 12 m; athletic Held. The church lads tallied "Shovel 'em "across, kid, shovel 'em E. P. Moore, R. F. Decker, L. D. \ . 1 to 5.30 p. m. six runs to two for the Ramblers. But across." Hughes, 9 points each. for an error apiece for Ahorn and "Ah, two and nuttin'; make 'em In the second-round "for the Spring Office, 404 Springfield Avenue, Reynolds, the Newark rovers wouldn't cut ovor, kid." Cup the results were as follows: Class Summit. N, J. have scored at all. "Lot him rub, he aint goin' no A.—R. R. Bamber defeated J. H. Hig^ test Goods It will be recalled that the Rambler place." son 6 and 5; J. P. Whitlock defeated PAYNE ELECTRIC CO. A. ('. took part in opening the season "Slough it over you, Charlie, slough M. It. Reeves, 3 up; M. Lester defeated on the church campus Sunday, "April it over," and to the batter; "step into F. A. Solwedel, and G. T. Dunlap de­ ENGINEERS and CONTRACTORS, 18. On that occasion at the conclus­ it and smash it, you!" But with all feated Allan Eggers, both by default. Install and Repair ion of the entertainment the homo these instructions and gems of en­ Class B.—All matches were defaulted. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL boys had the large end of a 7 to 4 couragement poor Charlie as many Since Saturday however, H. V. Office, 15 Woodland Avenue, score. Sunday's meeting was decid­ another twirler has done, failed. Carrere played G. II. Hummel in the Summit, N. J. edly more to the liking of the au­ finals, winning 1 up. Phono No. lfi—Residence Con. dience for it was marked throughout With games scheduled for the suc­ There will be a busy week-end at ^ " "' ' ' " _ ' •••••• ^ ' •' ' —*••• L by better baseball and real good base­ ceeding Sundays with Millburn, Chat­ the club this week owing to the holi­ day. On Saturday the program calls SEILER & KENTZ ball at frequent intervals. There ham, Madison, Dover, and the T. A. were but a pair of errors marked B. S., of Newark,-Manager Murphy has for 18 hole medal play, first four net SUCCESSORS TO OABL J. BEIT.ER down against each team. There were provided for some real entertainment scores to play at match play on Mon­ Civil Engineers and Surveyors two double plays neatly exocuted by for the fans hereabouts for, the next day for prizes. On Monday morning Landscape and Topographical Pengitore, Moboa and Ahern. two months. s at flag contest, 18 holes, is scheduled, J to put in our "Burbank" Vegetable and Garden The big joy time came for the —o— and in the afternoon a four ball four­ : : ,: Engineers : : : some will be played. All day there VOST OFFICE BLDG., SUMMIT, N. J. church chaps and their supporters , In Murphy at third aud^Pengitore at short, Manager Murphy, has two of the will be a match vs. par, 86 holes. seeds and many other kinds. Telephone Connection when in the fourth round with but a lone tally registered to the credit of best all-around players in their class E. P. BURROUGHS & SON the home squad and the visitors with in the ranks of semiTprofessional Complete stocks Rakes, Hoes, Spades, Forks, Wheel­ two in the score bo.ok, two of the' baseball. These youngsters are in the UNDERTAKERS church team on base and' two gone, game every minute, no chance is toco rfr barrows, Lawn Mowers and etc. Charley Murphy, the clever third sta­ great for them and when they fail it's The Pure 478-480 Springfield Ave., Summit tion guardian, up and hammered out not because they fear to make an er­ UNO'S Unadulterated ^ Telephone 259 a homer, adding just three runs to the ror nor because of lack of effort. Both y lonely _one. Charley,. needless_t0^re= are dependable with the stick, espec- ITALIAN OLIVE OIL »?C HARDWARE AND. port, was cheered right h'eartily. ially fast on the base ~ paths and in Imported in lull measure tins HOUSEFURNISHING STORE 4 In the opening round the Rambler's covering ' their respective stations Best for salads-Best for cooking mound man, C. Morback, was as wild their territory- is unlimited. These Summit, N. J. as an unbroken colt. lie sent Pengi­ lads should- go higher in baseball and Cheaper than butter ©tCi!J£ISS=i 1 tore and Reynolds on their way on they doubtless will. Quart 75/ , Pint -40/ - 2 Pint 25/ four bad ones to each of> them. Pen­ Mori? money cannot buy REALTY CO. gitore tallied on Conway's clout to W. Clark, who covered the left field n better oil centre. Madigan and Ahorn fanned garden for the Maple wood Lacka­ and Murphy lifted one to Mayer at wanna League ^teain last seasop and Ask (or free booklet third. who played with 'Millburn and a team . Freeman, which ended all square 12-1446 Bank Street Summit, N. X Pengitore to Ahern; MOboa to Ahern; at the eighteenth green, the semi-final E. l HOLMES AGEN sacrifice hit, Parkinson, 1; stolen "base, round for the Baltusrol cup played TVIurphy, 1; Pengitore, 1; Reynolds, 1; last Saturday resulted in easy vic­ For FRESH Flowers, Right 29 MAPLE STREET, F. Morback, 1; McGowan, 1; Ford, "1^ tories for the winners. W. L. Gary Prices and Prompt Delivery. Parkinson, 2; umpire, Mr. Paul Moli­ beat Marshall Geer, 5 up and 3 to play. Opposite Union Place, tor; time, lhr. 35min. In the upper bracket, A. T. Hunting­ COLONIAL FLOWER SHOP ton won by default from O. J. S. Fra- SUMMIT, N. J. CARLTON WINS. zer, and Dr. John R. Shannon was 3 383 SPRINGFIELD AVE., up on A. R.- Allen in a match which SUMMIT, N. J. Princeton Prep Falls Before Local terminated on the sixteenth green. School Boys. The initial round for the Taylor eup,JWhicll_will he _c_ontested for each Qn Wednesday Carlton won its - - FIRE- INSURANCE eleventir~sfraignt game "by defeating Saturday until "sixteen players have; Princeton Prep 5-0. Although the qualified at the rate of one each Sat­ Does Not Prevent field was wet, both teams handled the urday, began Saturday with a tie be­ ball well. The game was one of the tween Harold Hasbrouck and E. H. best seen on the Carlton field thin Byron, who turned in net scores of FIRE year. To-morrow Carlton plays the 77 each. New York Military Academy at Corn­ An additional number on the Bal­ But protects you against a catastrophe wall, N. Y. Following is the score by tusrol schedule is a morning and af­ that strikes one insured man out of Innings of Wednesday's game: ternoon match play competition for thirty. The Company offering that r. h. e. women at eighteen holes listed for protection must be investigated. Does Princeton ..000000000 a. 2 3 Tuesday. Play for the Baltusrol cup will continue to-morrow with the it pay its claims fairly, cheerfully, with­ Carlton .... 00101201x C G 2 Batteries,—Princeton Prep, Fallon semi-finals and on June 5 with the de­ out quibble and without attempting to and White; Carlton, Casgrain and ciding round. An eighteen hole medal get out of an honest obligation, That is Walsh. play competition for members rated at the kind of insurance we sell. o——- 15 or below in the handicap list, is scheduled for Monday, Decoration BASEBALL, SINGLES BRIEFLY Day, with another competition for the BEAUTY AND SANITATION ND let your smile be reflected in your BULLETINED. HICKS BROS. duffers—those who are rated at 16 or go together in every up-to-date bath­ voice, so that it may be carried out over over. Opposite Station, SUMMIT.N. J. To-morrow the Y. M. C. A. team will room. Beauty In-materials and final go to Union and play the Union A. C. The biggest event of the golfing sea­ effect and sanitation in securely the telephone wires to pile up good will and Telephone Coll 5 J. —o— son in the United States will occupy closed traps and plumbing in sight. good business for you among friends and busi­ ~ Mr. Ross Trengrove and his hired the Baltusrol course from June 15 to Let us look over your —Real Estate and Insurance help from Newark, the Speedway 18 inclusive. This competition will PLUMBING. ness associates everywhere. A. C, which represents Millburn, bring together the best of tho Ameri­ when in our city, will be Manager cans, and, in all likelihood, the best of Murphy's guests—Sunday afternoon. tlLe_foreigners. mium mimm —When you Telephone—Smile'--is-a- - - Sunday, April 25, Mr. Trengrove's Marstoh Wins ait Garden City. m SPRINGFIELD AYE., SUHMriir formula -that you can apply to your For Good Upholstery and employees were downed by a count of After a series of hard-fought match­ Cabinet Work 7 to 4. Sunday, May 9, Mr. Tren­ es, Maxwell R. Marston, of Baltusrol, Telephone 250-E, telephone conversations to the ever in* grove's Speedways walloped the won the chief cup in the Invitation - " Telephone 278 in Summit and vicinity - creasing satisfaction of yourself and -church -team—11- to -7^—Sunday after­ tournament- at tire Garden City "Gulf M. GARAFANO; President Let JOSEPH ZEIGNER noon ye rubber game! Club last Saturday, defeating Walter P. ABATE, Treasurer of those with whom you talk. furnish you with estimates. J. Travis, in the final. The sweets of Garafano Construction Co. Workmanship and satisfaction Monday morning at 10 and Monday victory were missing, however, be­ The Voice With the Smile Wins guaranteed. p. ,m. at 3.30, suffragettes, antis, Re­ cause Travis defaulted after playing Incorporated publicans,- Democrats, Progressives twelve holes. GENERAL CONTRACTORS 45-19 &kL and Socialists, boys and girls, in fact At that time Marston stood 2 up and JOSEPH ZEIGNER everyone in this community Is cor­ looked like a winner. The reason for Concrete Wort a Specialty. Grading HEW YORE TELEPHONE COMPANY dially bid to witness meetings on the :•&• 472 SPRINGFIELD AVENUE the default on Travis's part was the ana Mason Wort. Laborers Fur- Tel. 250-W Summit, N. J. Tulip, street battlefleld and St. Ter­ violent storm, that at-times was blind­ nlshed by the Day A. A. VESCEHTrS, Xocal Commercial Manager, --{&«' esa's athletic Held, between the Y. M. ing. Marston stood 1 down at the ANTIQUE FURNITURE. C. A. baseball team and St. Teresa's turn and before starting the home- Office 477 Springfield Avenue, Summit, "N". J. B. B. C. 20 SAYRE STREET, SUMMIT, N. J. •- ,* -r - „ o Branch Office ward "journey tho contestants waited' TAYLOR AVE., HACKENSACK, N. J. 4 THE SUMMIT HERALD, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1915.

ua fail to remember ..the privilege and 12.15 to 12.50. Subject: "The Peace honor that conies to us through this That Passeth Understanding." Sun­ THE SUMMIT HERALD association. These thoughts came to THE LOCAL CHURCHES day School at 10 o'clock. Zbe Conducts a General Official Taper of City :tnd County. us as we listened to Mr. Mabie Rive •—o—• one of his unique, masterly addresses .Summit Methodist Episcopal"'Church. At the Baptist church next Sunday, Banking Busime S3 JOH.V W. CLIL'T, Managing Editor and in Introducing Dean McCleiiahau, on "Honoring the Past," will be the the Rev. Holla Hunt, of Shelburne Monday evening'In Lincoln school. Ho Proprietor. subject ol" Rev. W. V. Mallalieu's ser­ Falls, Mass., will preach. frequently does Mr, Mabie preside at mon Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. At _ Authorized to act as Kxequt- Furn W. I'LII'T, Editor. Summit gatherings that it has come this service the pastor will also speak Acting Governor Walter E. Edge ,or; Administrator, Guardian, to he considered almost a customary to the children on "The Beauty of and Senator W. T. Read, were the lht,ncA Kvcry KKIDAY AFTERNOON fiom matter. It is a pleasure for us to re­ Springtime." His theme at 8 p. m., principal speakers at the dollar din­ Trustee Registrar and Trans­ the Oflioe, 37S SprniK'icld Avenue. mind Summit folk of their rare good will be "The Message to Garcia." ner of the Republican City Central fer Agent, Telephone 1100. fortune in being able to c-mnl Mr. The final meeting of the season of Committee at, Klizabeth last night. A Republicm Newspapoi Devoted to the In- Mahie as friend and fellow-citizen. the young people will be held Sunday There was a good attendance and Interest paid on Deposit sub­ feu-it .if the City, County jnd St.ite. evening at 7.15 p. m. in the Parish much enthusiasm. Ceorge J. Stewart, ject to cheque. House. Patriotic hymns will be sung president of the club was toastmaster, SUBSCRIPTIONS: "Few executives, we think have and the subject will be appropriate to Former Judge Robert Gary, of Jersey IjitoMSjLaUowed on Time De­ One Veai - $1.50 been more vigilant than Gov. Brum­ Memorial .Day. City, and former Congressman (mas. Six Months ; :...-. :. .75 posits at Biper cent, per annum, baugh, in detecting legal unsoundness The pastor has planned a series of N. Fowler, of Elizabeth, also made ad- Three Months 4{J in bills coming before him, _But by .dreiiscs^ _ At_the_g.uesls'_table besides Single Copies OS short-sermons for the Sunday even=. _,-•.,_. j •••beginning monthly and payable -IJntprrfi—at—thr Post Office. Summit- N.™J., as far the most striking feature of his. ings during" June and July, 011 "The the speakers were Senator C. H. P'' .• ' • quarterly " Second-Class Matter. veto messages has been the consistent Beatitudes, of Life."_ The subjects Pierce, Assemblyman Pierson, former ; manner in which he has subordinated each week will be: June G, "The Way Senator E. R. Ackerman7~and Register -——- -—-—^-—- — --— ~Q^fg-gpp^gj£ j5o"xeTtiTrenMnT FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1915. individual and special interests to the to Wealth;" June 13, "The Paradox of of Deeds Frank II. Smith. Summit policy of safeguarding the general Tears;" June 20, "The True Super­ was represented by a delegation at Burglar Prpof "Vault at 85,00 welfare and human rights, ( man;" June 27, "Our Greatest Need;" the dinner. per avinum. To the new residents or visitorsL In /'This tribute to a Republican (Ipv- July 4, "Spiritual Reciprocity;" July Summit: Wo welcome you to"Suiniiflt ernor comes, not from a Republican 11, "Insight in Life;" July 18, "The Capital $ 100,000,00 Storage Vaults for si'lvar- and ask (hn( you 'phone or call on us organ, but from the Philadelphia Making of Peace;" July 25, "The ^ • ware", jewelry, etc* In regard to any question about our "North American," a Progressive of School of Hard Knocks." My. the Progressives." Yet only last No­ —o—- - Surplus 100,000.00 vember this same Brumbaugh was "Bfiginjiintfothis Sunday, the Sunday IUU UUUVU accused of being tarred with the Pen­ .sclfool' oPffia East Summit Methodist _•-.""•____ ' YOUR ACCOUNT WOULD^ rose stick. The change suggests one church-will meet for the summer sea­ of the strongest weapons that the Re­ son at 9.45 a. m. instead of 3 p. in. The Resources 1,700,000.00 BE APPRECIATED The tumult and the publican party has against its desert­ pastor. Rev.' J. Adams Gakes will ers—the demonstration that it is still "preach Sunday on the following shouting dies, able to produce leaders whom they themes: 11 a. m., "The Gospel of Dis­ .cannot, except upon the ground of satisfaction;" 8 p. m., "The Nation's The captains and the. mere partisanship, refuse to endorse. Debt to Her Veterans.", kings- depart, For the Republicans the moral is that • —o— the way to make victory possible is In the Central "Presbyterian church .- Still stands thine an­ to put forward the right kind.of men." at 11 a. m., Sunday,, the Rev Henry W. --^N. *Y. "Eveniiig_U©st."-. Frost wijl preach, and at 4.30* p. in., cient sacrifice, the Rev. Elljnwood A._Frost, in the An humble and a con­ absence of the pastor, who is to , Legislation looking to greater uni­ preach at Lafayette College. An illu­ "Its an ill wind trite heart.. formity in the administration of the strated lecture on the Salvation Army dilleront offices of surrogates in New will be given in the chapel on Sunday - Kipling Jersey is expected tp result at the next at eight o'clock, by IJrigadier George that blows nobody session of the Legislature as the out­ F. Casler, "of Newark. His theme will |nAn\ opportunity "to convince you that we § come of the first conference of- those be "The Salvation Army Around the good," the housewife officials held at Bridgeton last Satur­ World." Air offering will be leceivedv |::serye.y,QuJtJift,.be?t,whenJt comes to supply^ I day Among the county surrogates Karl Kumm, Ph.D., General Secretary MEMOIUAh DAY. present at the meeting, ''which was of the Soudan Missidn, Africa, an ex­ thinks when she presided over by Chancellor Walker, plorer, and' author of note, will ad­ I ing your wants for coal—that we give you the fj It is a rare and delightful oppor­ as surrogate, general, were George T. dress the monthly missionary serv­ learns that we are tunity to have Memorial Day fall on Parrot, of Union county. ice on Wednesday evening in the 1 most prompt deliveries ancTthat our coal is § Sunday this year, for it gives on jmi- chapel, phasis lb the religious side of the day. - o-- doing It seems important that the spiritual Tile rains of the last two, weeks 1 cleanest and best, one trial. is sufficient to 1 significance of this annual event Rev. J. W. Knapp, pastor of St. r have about destroyed the dogwood John's English Lutheran Church, will should be brought j)iit Ihis year w ilh blossoms, but they will be followed | convince you. Why not let us h%ve your |. an preach next Sunday morning, on "The ore emphasis tha-a-m recent yuaru. Mnsclr-by the .luue loses.—Ah cad v NTTTTC—Birth."—Sernmii ' topic for -tlYF And it seems imperative that the d;fy the buds ol the roses are bursting, and evening discourse, "Our Palriols' i order todayT should be used in a way that will soon our city will be clothed with Memorial." bring out again an intimate under­ the; e gorgeous flowers, the most pre­ FaHicrwAsmire standing ,~of the things it is intended 3 —o— at valent, oi which, probably, are the Christian Science services arc held J.o co-n-iiemoivLe. . ramblers. Summit is justly famed for at 13 Beechwood road, every Kundav In recent years Memorial Pay has its wonderful growth of dogwood and morning at 11 o'clock. The subieel 01" beeifoWSttrved in a rather perfunctory pink and crimson rambler roses. • the lesson-sermon for next Sunday is. way, as all regular annual festivals "Ancient and Modern Necromancy, tend to be with the procession of lliu alias-Mesmerism and Hypnotism, de­ year.:, l.ul cown ar the core of th >igs TIMETABLE CHANGES. nounced." Sunday school is held at it still touches the national heart 9.45 a. m. Our wagon will call if you whether the memory is the . stronger Xo« Laclunvrtniia Timetable in Effect _-- o- - for the Blue or the Gray. Perhaps Last Sunduj. All Souls' church, usual service' this year, with the association of the Sunday, May 30, at 11 o'clock. Dr -awful de-^tinotion 'of human life on The now Lackawanna time table Doan will preach. Subject: "Just Be­ TiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiFiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu^ the battlefield? of Europe, the tin3- will which went into effect last Sunday has ing Human." The uuartet will sing be celebrated with more solemnity comparatively few changes effecting "God's Love Eternal." by Neidlinger. than it might otherwise be accorded. Summit. There are a number of minor Mr. Flindell will sing "It is Enough," The Enterprise Laundry Of course the legal holiday will be changes made in the arrival time of from Elijah. Lecture-Discussion from observed on Monday. Summit has trains in New York via. the ferry. One never had any real community observ­ change of importance, however, is that ^Hn., niJULSEi ance of this holiday, but this year, tlic- of the 9.22 a. m. express to Newr York, Board of Trade has arranged for a which is now scheduled 4 minutes Summit New= Jersey public meeting in Lincoln School, at later or 9.26, arriving at Newark 9.50, which fitting tributes will be paid to Hoboken 10.00. In the afternoon the NOW OP1N the nation's heroes. Let us all enter east bound mail train will leave Sum­ • UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT -deeply into the spirit of the Memorial mit twojninutes earlier than previous­ to those who have blazed the trail for ly or 3.33. Of the west bound .trains Practica.lly *,JN-ew; House the nation's progress, as it will be there is practically 110 change in the The house has been entirely renovated inside and celebrated both on Sunday and Mon- morning schedule. In the afternoon fday, that we may not only honor thc- the Saturday special previously leav­ SAVE $1 OR $5 outside, and many additions and improvements made past but gain a clearer understand­ ing New York at 12.30 is now sched­ ing of the work which lies in the uled at 12.30; Hoboken at 12.45, New­ during last three months. immediate future for our nation, and ark 1.00, Summit .1.22. In the evening Excellent Location, Cuisine unsurpassed. our personal relation to that work as the train leaving Hoboken at 9.35, ar­ ON A WATER HEATER citizens of the great Republic. May riving at Summit at 10.32, has been our hearts be given a new inspiration put back on the schedule on which' it \ of patriotism by the Memorial Day of was run for years previous to last fall, that of leaving Hoboken at 9.30 and arriving at Summit 10.27. Hot Water is a necessity in every Te ephons m On the Sunday schedule one morn­ WAOENSEICS ' *Q "Many of our subscribers have been ing train eastward has been added, household. It is in demand every day. • greatly inconvenienced by failing to leaving Summit 7.30, Newark 7.58, Ho­ Charles Wagenseirs .^p receive the Herald upon their return boken 8.12. The Sunday afternoon home from vacatioli trips. This is east bound express has been changed The way to insure having a supply SUMMIT £ . caused by the following circum- to leave Summit at 5.18 instead of 5.15, of hot water on hand when wanted is, . stances: subscribers frequently leave arriving in Hoboken at 5.55 instead of MODEL BAKERY, ^ -a forwarding address with the local 5.52. An additional Sunday evening to install a Gas Water. Heater. post office; the post office does not train has been added to leave Summit THIBREAD OFQUALmf HlghGradt Baked Goods ^Z?/| forward newspapers but returns at 7.01, arriving at Newark at 7.41, same to the newspaper office, accom­ Hoboken 7.5G. The 8.58 Sunday eve­ From May 29, to June 7, exclusive, panied by the forwarding address; the nings has been changed to 8.25, ar­ 466 Springfield Avenue :•: Summit, New Jersey newspaper is re-addressed and sent riving at Newark 9.07, Hoboken 9.22. we will make a special offer on Gas Water to the subscriber direct each week The" 11.17 Sunday evenings has been thereafter; when the subscriber re- changed to 10.47, arriving at Newark Heaters---on every heater of the coil or . turns the post office is notified, but 11.28. Hoboken 11.42. Also on Sunday .the newspaper is not notified and the evenings the last train east bound has boiler type sold, we will allow reduction paper continues to the vacation ad­ been changed from 12.00 to 11.50. THINK IT OVER _• dress. Sometimes delays of two or West bound on Sundays two trains of one dollar, and on every automatic in­ three weeks occur before this matter have been added, 0110 leaving Hoboken lL's.a "hot" subject and re- "' is straightened out. Several of our ai 7.45 a. m., arriving at Summit 8.45 stantaneous heater sold, we will allow a subscribers have had this experience a. m.; another leaving Hoboken at quires deliberation. recently. The summer season always 5.00 p. m., arriving at Summit 5.48. reduction of five dollars, from the regular "ljrhigs an increase in this confusion. The train leaving Hoboken Sunday If our subscribers would remember to evening at 10.45 lias been changed to prices. ^"BUYiyOUR COAL HERE leave their summer addresses with the 10.30~and is due-at Summit"aTT172S: "_Heraid_of f i"ce_direct, a ml -to-noli f y t Ins - In regard—to—the- - Lackawanna's For winte_r_fires_thaL_warrn== office also of their return to Summit, llirough""se"rvi"ce "to" Buffalo" and "the \ This saving can be-effected only on- this trouble would be eliminated. west the Chicago Limited west bound your house, our coal does which has been stopping 011 _signal at orders placed before the close of business, Summit at 2.55 for passengers west of the business. Contract now Without attempting to be critical, Stroudsburg is according to the new June 7. but simply looking the facts in the time,table not scheduled to stop at It's cheaper. ...^^face, we feel that the Common Coun­ Summit even on signal. It is under­ Small monthly payments, or 5 per cil has made a mistake in not clean­ stood however, through the efforts of ing out the gutters. The business local officials of the railroad, that this cent, discount for cash. houses in the central section of the train will stop at Summit on signal to city were asked by circular letter from take passengers for Buffalo and the T. I. A. this week to clean their points west thereof only. F<$r pass­ Telephone 6 Summit, N. J. gutters, and the dirt was collected on engers wishing to go to points east of Wednesday by wagons provided by the Ruffalo,. via. this train may take the association. The women have the train at Morristown at 3.10. PUBLIC SERVICE GAS COMPANY best of intentions but this proceedure is a, mistake. There is no reason vfhy the city should not clean.the gutters BATES TO REMEMBER. in the centre of the city, at least two or three times a month. If there is Memorial Day. Patriotic meeting in not enough in the street appropria­ Lincoln School, 8 p. m. K • H. SOTHBRN tion a sum sufficient should be added. Friday, June 4*— All Souls' This action this week has given Church, lecture by Rev. C. S. Thomas Summit another bit of the worst kind on Billy Sunday. fOf advertising to the outside world, to Monday, June 7—Kent Place Com­ which we have been subjected at vari- mencement Exercises. Tuesday, June 8—Board of—Trade, HE MORRIS COUNTY SAVINGS "I never could see why any ar­ — ioua_" a severe njol tht et opas thte twprido eyears of thos. Iet last meeting of season. MORRISTOWN, N. J, BANK who have come to love Summit and Friday, June 11—Garden -Party, 4 gument should benecessary to estab- ^ working to advance its interests, to 7 p. m., at "Beacon Hill." COMMENCED BUSINESS APRIL 1, 1874 to haveduch matters elaborated upon Wednesday, June 16—High School DEPOSITS Interest starts SURPLUS in/the metropolitan papers. .lllasa Day_JSxfirciaea. Bxayton School, $5,0000,00.00 first of-ea&h-raonth lish a simple act of justice like the Thursday, June 17—High School $470,000.00 lerson Guy'Minton, Horace G. Wolf Commencement Exercises, President enfranchisement of women/' Summit 1B very fortunate in having Friday, June 18—Closing Public Vice-President. Sec'y and Treas. Hamilton W, Mabie as a resident. Mr. Schools. MANAGERS Manie's fame as a speaker,and writer Friday, June 18—High School Al­ Philip II. Hoffman Philander B. Piersor Henry C. Pitney, Mr. Is world-wide. He is actively inter­ umni Dance, Lincoln School. Eugene S. Burke Francis S. Hoyt George w. Stickle ested in so many of the movements Saturday, June 19—Lawn Fete, at Guy Minton Alfred Elmer MiUs • Jobn H. Bonsall Adv. that are of the" best, and for the best "Crest Acres," by Y. P. S. of StvJohn'a Correspondence Solicited .good of the community, that many of Church.- THE SUMMIT HERALD, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1915.

Rev. Carey S. Thomas, of Millhurn, Mrs. Hannah F. Flynn, oi 87 Summit will lecture in All Houls* • church on avenue, who underwent an operation NOTES OF THE CITY Friday evening, June 4, at S.15 p. m. at St, Mary's Hospital, Brooklyn, re­ SOCIAL AFFAIRS THE Subject: "Does Billy Sunday Preach cently, has returned to her home. W. N- Iliggins and kunily, of New the Gospel of Jesus Christ?" York City, have removed lu 22 Wal­ Marsh Alesbury, son of Mr. and OF THE WEEK nut street. The store of the Co-operative Char­ Mrs. William Alesbury, of Springfield ities at 495 Springfield avenue will avenue, will graduate next Thursday (Continued-lrom Page One.) SUMMIT, NEW JERSEY W. B. Weatherbee and taimly, ol remain open during the summer everv lrom Franklin-Marshall Aeademv, % Walnut street, removed this -i_eek to day from 11 to I. Clothing of all Lancaster, Pa. kinds very much needed. Mrs. Francis II. Bergen entertained Assets - > $700*000/ Millington. A. C. riazoii, of Mountain avenue, a dinner party, last Friday evening Interest on Deposits Subject to Check f Real estate olfices of Hiclis Bros., Two special benefit performances has rented his house for the summer before the Spring Dance, in honor ol Til. ('. Holmes Agency, Ifotchltiss Jobs of "The Thief," Henri Bernstein's to John Curry and family, of Brook­ Miss Caroline McFarlan, whose en­ Co., Eugene C. Pierson, and Eugene great play, were given yesterday af­ lyn. Mr. Hazen and his family will gagement to^ Mr. Gordon Bunker, of Interes,t at the rate of 3 1-2 per cent Jobs, will be closed all day Memorial ternoon and evening in the Lyric The­ leave next week, to spend some time , was recently announced. per-annum paid on Savings Deposits,— Day, May 31st. atre, for the benefit of the Woman's in Sussex county. Among those present were: Miss Mc­ Institute. Farlan, Miss Bergen, Miss Page, the Safe Deposit Boxes In our—Fire and A judgment was given by Judge Rev, F. C. Doan and Parker D. King Misses Dodsworth, Miss Jones and Burglar Proof Vaults torent at 15.00 David in the District Court this week. The Board of School Estimate will have returned from the American Miss Moran; Messrs. Gordon Bunker, per annum and up of $330.82, to Muchmore & Hotchldos, meet this evening to consider the-bud­ Unitarian Association meeting. held__in Roger Jones, B.ert de Camp, Vernor Ltd. of Summit in a suit on contract get recently adopted by the Board of Boston, -this week. Mrs. Philip V. R. Henry, Ruford Franklin, Edward against Michael Garalano. Education. The Board is composed of Van Wyck, the third delegate from Willis, Charles Moran, Jack Currier. We invite your Banking Account and offer Mayor-Bergen— Gouncilmen White-and- All-Souls' Church-is still in_Boston —o— The Sigma Theta Chi Club of the Corbin, and Messrs. Pealo and Mor­ Mrs. David II.- Judson, of Oak Ridge all the facilities of a conservatively managed gan of the school board. The High School Alumni Associa­ Baptist church will hold a cake and avenue, gave a small whist party : food sale in the store formerly known tion will hold its annual reception and Tuesday afternoon. Those present Bank.'" .', •.••." :"'" ' ' '' •"' '".'.. .. "•''••' as the Nippon, 465 Springfield avenue, The holiday week-end promises to dance to the graduating class, on Fri­ were: Mrs. J. J. Lane, Mrs. F. E. Luh- '.'.'', DIRECTORS.- Saturday morning, May 29. be particularly gay at the West End day evening, June 18th, in Lincoln den, Mrs. M. M. Rutan, Mrs. W. F. • CORRA N. WILLIAMS; President Country Club. On Saturday evening Auditorium. The semi-annual busi­ Brinning, Mrs, Fred Brown, Mrs. W. This evening, at 8 o'clock. "An Ideal there will bo a picnic supper at the ness meeting of the Association .will be S. Bird and Mrs. J. W. Sloane. WILLIAM DARLING, Vice President J, F, HAAS Summer Vacation," will be the subject club house. On Monday there will be held on Tuesday evening June 14, also —o— ,C. P. BASSETT E.S. VotfiY of an -illustrated talk by Mr. .George a small tennis tournament, men's in Lincoln School. - The engagement was announced JOHN D. HOOD, Cashier F. Sutherland in the Farish "House of singles, followed in the evening by a sometime agox in New York of Miss the Methodist Episcopal church. picnic supper and danco. Among those dining at the Manor Adaline S. Runyon, daughter of Mr. There will be no" charge for admission. Farm Tea House during the wcek( and Mrs. D. R. Runyon, who formerly The office of Eugene Jobs reports were: Mr. and Mrs. O'Shaughnessy, lived, in West Summit, to Mr. Daniel Fiddio Coloremo, of Orchard street, the sale this "week for the Prospect Mr. and Mrs. Kaufman, and Mr, and C. Marcellus, of New - York. Miss who is said to be a hopelessly bad boy, Hill Co., of a plot of 125 feet on the Mrs. Onativia, of Short Hills, and Mr. Runyon, who attended the public guilty of numerous larcenies, and.also easterly side oi' Lenox avenue, lo Mrs. Freeman, of Morristown. On Satur­ schools in Summit, expects to be mar­ of mutilating the desks of School No. Josephine Kirk, who recently sold her day Mrs. Washington, who is making ried early next year. 2, was. sent to Jainesburg Reform house on Badeau avenue. Mrs. Kirk such a success of the Tea House, will —o— Neither the June Bride nor School last Friday, by the county au­ plans to build on her new property giye^ a birthday luncheon in honor of Mrs. Arthur Edward Jameson, ' oi thorities. in the near future. " her sister, Miss Elizabeth Osborne, of 677 Springfield avenue, has issued in­ New York. Over the holiday week­ the Commencement-Girl have As the successor of M. J. Kenny, who vitations for a musical and tea to bo The Excise Board will nreet next end, Westei-velt's orchestra will fur­ given at Jier home on Friday, June 4th, resigned recently as a member of the Wednesday evening at S o'clock, to nish music for dancing. ,we forgotten. Board oi Health) it is reported that in honor of Mrs. Lotta Mills Hough, consider two -.applications: first to of New York City. A musical pro­ Mayor Bergen has appointed Col. Allan. transfer the hotel' license oi" the Hal­ The annual meeting of tho Union "B. Wallace, of Woodland avenue. Col. gram will be rendered by Mrs. Jame­ cyon House from RobU J.-Murphy to County S. P. C. A. was held Tuesday son's sister, Mrs. Hessie D. Waiters, Wallace served on the Board of Health John E. Schwab, of Roselle; second afternoon, at the home of Mrs. S. R. and Arkady Boiirstin, a young Rus­ , several years ago. His appointment the granting ol" a wholesale liquor •Mullen on the Boulevard. Officers sian violinist. will probably be confirmed by the Com­ license to Aron-Klauber Co., -Luc. were elected as follows: President, mon Council next Tuesday evening. "Robert S. Holt; 'vice-presidents, 'A. F. —o— Dr. David E. English, of Springfield Libhy and John W. ('lift; secretary, This evening a recital will be given The Rev.' E. Elias Jackson wishes avenue, physician at the Arthur Home Mrs. Robert S. Holt; treasurer, Ed­ by Miss Helen Baker Chrystal, pian­ through the Herald to thank those for Blind Babies on Pine Grove ave- win G. Hotehkiss. Mrs. 1 tarry Card ist, and Leonard G. Bender, tenor, at who have encouraged him by their nucr delivered an address at the was made a,member of the executive the home of Miss Chrystal, 9 De- subscriptions toward the Fountain seventeenth annual convention of the -committee in place of Miss Grace C. Forest avenue. Miss Ellen C. Davis church building fund. He will con­ Sunshine Society in Brooklyn last Porter who is in Europe, and Theo­ will be the accompanist. Miss Ohrys- tinue the canvass until $3,000 is rais­ week. His subject was "Home "Versus dore Beck fills the position on the tal's numbers will include: Kinder- ed. Mr. Jackson states that in event Institution Training for the Blind." committee formerly held by Mr. Clift. scenen (Scenes from Childhood) 422 Springfield Avenue, Summit, N, J, thr- ninonnt. is not rnised by July_30_L Elmer Day was again named as the Schumann; Mazurka, Chopin; "Wid- and the effort cease* 'the sum raised —Rev lttclRii'd'KUii Grayr-M-.—D., who society's agent. Mr. Holt emphasized "nTuiTg,"—Schmnairrr=L-rszt-; "Witches will he put in the bank and held until with his father, resided in Summit the need of additional funds to carrv Dance," MacDowell. Mr. Bender will sufficient is raised. some thirty-five years, ago, died yes­ on the work is growing every year. sing: "I)u bisl wie erne Blume," Schu­ terday morning at his home in llazen, mann; "Nur wie die Sehnsucht A Stereopticon Lecture will be giv­ Warren County, N. J., where he was kennt," Tchaibow-ky; "Longing" en in the Central Presbyterian pastor of the Hazen Presbyterian Put/, ' T( a i, ' P.uikigh, Rose in the. chapol, Sunday, May 30th, at. 8 p. m., Church. In his early life he was a Bud,' 1 ostei A,ia ' RubmsUnf and 200 pictures will be shown, touch-" physician arid was also a medical mis­ RS0NAL MENTION foi pooi lumbc l Dew lie ol too minj ing briefly on the social, relief, slum, Morning ' Sp< aks sionary, in India. He was 03 years —o— knot holes, ind pooi <>.i un in the wood rescue, heathen, mission and temper­ of age. ••"..-, ! Om stock of lumbc l his been selected ance work "The Salvation Army Mrs. Henry Beste, of Brook Couit Miss Scott ol Edg< niont a\uiue is round the world." Illustrated songs • Returning last Sunday, evening left today for. Saratoga Spring! N Y entci t lining j.1 auction budpe this il- by oui cs-peiic need buyu to put }ou •will be sung by Mrs. Brigadier Casler, from an automobile fide, Mrs. Elea­ Uinoon m n02 Springfield ave­ approved brands—those consid be entertained next • Thursday even­ as the date on which Papio will be nue, left this week to spend about ing, at the home of George V, Much- sentenced by Judge Connolly. • four months at Ocean Grove. •ered by physicians and nurses to 707—805' Broad Street, more, the president of tho Chapter. be best. Buy your next here. Joseph P. Tumulty, President Wil­ Mr. E. Woodward Allen, of Chat­ Founded 1849 This will be known as the chapter .....»..«..»..•..•••»•• ..e..a..a'.t..9<-*"*"».»*"*"4..«..a»V"D, son's secretary, has sent the following ham,' will graduate from Kingsley ..•"•••••-•••••-•"•"•"•"••••** ..0..fl..B..»"P"*'-O"«'-»"»"*"»" meeting, at which time the charter for letter to Rev. Frank C. Doan, pastor the local society will be delivered by School, Essex,Falls, next Wednesday. of All Souls' Church, acknowledging Ho will enter Cornell in the fall. ROGERS' PHARMACY the officers of the State Society. The the resolution adopted by the church first annual church service of the lo­ in connection with the President's cal chapter is being arranged for Sun­ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Halls, Jr., of Corner Springfield Avenue note to Germany following tho Luli- "Sunset," accompanied by Miss Sadie day afternoon, June 20th, in tho Cen­ tania disaster: "The President Kas ' Ss Beechwood Road. tral Presbyterian church, when the Hancock, of Madison, left to-day on asked me to thanks- JU for your kind a ten days' trip to Boston by auto. chaplain of the chapter, Rev. Minot C. message and to 4* -*re you of his deep Telephone 74. Morgan, will preach the sermon. It appreciation of \our generous expres­ While attending the Unitarian Con­ SUMMIT, - - NEW JERSEY. is planned to make this a most im­ sion." pressive and inspiring service. Repre­ vention in Boston, this week, Parker Women's- Street and Porch Dresses, sentatives from the State Society and Mr. and Mrs. V. Vicari and family, D. King visited his sister, Mrs. Na­ other nearby chapters will be pres­ who have resided in Union place for thaniel M. Doten, of Dorchester, Mass. Crepe-de-Chine Waists, Lace Vestee's and ent. nearly twenty years, will remove —~———^——— ^ about July 1 to their new house now Miss Mary Hazell, of Beechwood Sets, in a large variety at Moderate Prices. The Lawn Foto to be given under nearing completion in Montview road. road and Miss Klraa Hedden, of West- Do you want the auspices of the Young People's The family expects to be in their new Orange, left to-day for Baltimore to Complete line of Boy's Wash Suits, Society of St. John's English Lutheran home soon after the return of their attend their class re-union at Goucher Church on the evening of June 19th, daughter, Miss Mary Vicari, who will College. Health Jnsuran promises to be a very brilliant- affair. graduate in June from Smith Colle""3. Rompers and Infants' wear. """Crest-Kcres," the home—oi~MTr"a"nu" Miss Vicari will take a post-graduate Mr. and Mrs. John Dey_ and family, Order Sfour Milk From Us Mrs. C. H. C. Jagels, will be trans­ course in the college next year for of Hobart avenue', and Billy Darling, "The Kayser" Silk Glove 50c to .$1.28. formed into a veritable fairy-land. A the M. A. degree.- ^ son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Darling, left * * .* * Camp-fire Supper -to be served under yesterday for Maine where they will Insure your Health at the Embroidering Materials. the trees will precede the two-act Plans are being perfected for the spend the next two nionths. rairy extravaganza, "Titania;"^r~7eTy- first commencement—exorcises -of -the rate of 3 3-4 cents a glass -€. B., American Lady,W. B. and Nemo_ Corsets. pleasing little play which will un­ Nurses' Training School of Overlook Xavier Benziger, of Beekman Ter­ Avoid Epidemics and grave doubtedly be highly appreciated by all Hospital, to be held t in Lincoln race, who will be married to Miss Agency for Staten Island Dyeing Est. •who will be-present. —Tickets may—bo J_uditorlum, Thursday e'vening, June Geraldine King on June 10, gave his risks had by applying to Mr. Howard Smith, 24th. Rev. Minot C. Morgan will be bachelor~dinner last nfgh"t~~a1r-thTr-As-- 87 Pine Grove avenue, or from any master of ceremonies, and the address tor. THE NOE FARM, Inc., other member of the society. The will bo.delivered by Dr. B. H. Hamill. -•supper will be "a la carte," at reason­ The eight graduates are: Emma Bear, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Jacohsen and Certified Milk and Cream R. C. HE able prices, and It Is hoped that many Elizabeth Pollock, May Simmons, Elsie family, formerly of New England ave­ 398 Springfield Ave., Summit, N. J. •will take advantage of this "Camp-fire Rosentretter, Hedwig Hunsdorfer, Vio­ nue, have closed their New York Madison, N. J. Tel. 343 M. Supper," which will be served from let Kent, Eva Whalley and Marie home and gone to their summer home Tel. 33-J Madison. six to. half .past seven-o'clock. Brown. at Seneca Falls, N. Y. THE SUMMIT HERALD, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1915.

OFFICIAL'MINUTES OF THE HOARD OF icgard to the movable" hnd>;e;r-over the Eliza CIIOSEN FREEHOLDERS bcth River, near the mouth thereof. The regular monthly meeting of the Theie is now a diawhi hlge' over the Eli/a- THE MOST MODERN ' AND SUMIT STOBE WORKS' J-. Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County bcth River at South 1'iont street, wlnch JOHN J. McCLURE &. SONS, Props. of Union was held at , the Courthouse, was built in 1871. Tl>«-*-hridge is in good lilizaheth, N. J., on Ttliifsilay, May <)T-1')1J, condition considering its age and use•, and SANITARY METHODS r .it 2.30 P. M. The meelim£ was called to with pioper care' eould be made to last for order by Director Caily with all inenihers several years.' The fact, howeveu^ljiat, the present. -increasing motor truck traffic is such"'thai ARE USED BY your committee lias fears for the safety ot On motion liy Freeholder Willnu the ie.ul- tins budge. Vour. committee and the inK of the minutes of meeting of Apiil 1, county enguieei aie of tile opinion that a 1915,i were dispensed with, and they were load ot seven tons crossing this bridge is approved as per printed copies on memheis* about the safe limit of load for the budge. desks. As a matter of fact motoi tt ucks aie using COMMUNICATIONS. this brielge whuh weigh, taking truck and Mis. Charle-i \V. J)odd and family ac­ load together, possibly ftcn to twelve 'tons, knowledge with giateful appreciation your Votir committee is convinced tlr.Tt-- this is HILL CITY BAKERY kind expiession ot sympathy. too gieat a luael to pass ovei tins btidge with On motion by Freeholder McMane this" safetv. communication "was received and uuleicd About seven years ago this Bnanl of plac'dd on hie. Freeholdeis, foicsecing the need foi a lelief A communication was tcccivcil making a budge lo the old South Front stieet budge, complaint about the handling of Elizabeth ci cited a^-UTt" Inidgc over the Elizabeth drawbridwes by Captain Alfied Post. River at South Fust stieet. This bridge Bread, Rolls, Cakes, Pies On motion by Fieeholder Wilbur this was elected on moflei n lines and is of heavy communication was received and lefened construction. It is capable -rrf taking -a forty to'the Elizabeth drawbridge committee. ton stieet cai if necessaiy. The countv of and Pastries A communication was received on behalf Union has maintained tins btidge and it is of Miss Violet Miller, of Weatfield, making in first-class shape to-day. The trouble, how elaim afiainst the County for damaKes by" her ever, with the use of this biidgc is the -.fact FRESH EVERY DAY automobile, wlncli went into a hole in the street that the streets leading up to it arc not on Febutary 23, last, ori Westfield avenue,, and are not suitable for anything hut 1 Monumental and Building Rosellc Pari;, the lightest trailic. The use of this biidge On motion by Freeholder Wilbur this is tlieiefoie, to a eertain extent, lost by itMhini communication was received and referred to of the approai lies not being in good condition. 373 SPRINGFIELD AVENUE Granite Wnnlr Bluestone LL right. Don't get excited. Just get us in a hurry and your the county rnad committee and county at­ Youi committee is of the opinion that the Marble Limestone torney. Boatd of Woiks of the city of Elizabeth trouble will bo ended. A broken water pipe is nothing if you Mayor II, W. Evans, of Westfiekl, in a com­ should take steps at once to macadamize 01 SUMMIT, "N J- munication called attention to the bad yeon- otherwise pave in a substantial manner the. 294-290 PARK AVENUE. Phone 47-M dition of the granite block pavement beneath approaches to the South First slteet bridgJ' know how to repair it. Wo know how. We do a big repairing busi­ the ljfflrond bridge on Westfleld avenue, West- so that the biidge will take tin- liafl'ie to Next Door to Summit Trust Co, which it is entitled and so that the yeiy field. heavy traffic could at all timcS he sent over On motion by Freeholder Wilbur this ness and strive always to givo the best satisfaction, and that includes the biidge. If tins action wei e taken the communication was received' and referred South Fiont sticit biidge would he relieved to the county road committee. to such-ah extent as to have, without doubt, the lowest price commonsurs/fowrth first class work. We fulfill con­ A notice of the Tenth 'Annual Conference a much longer life than is possible under on the Weights and Measures of the United present conditions. Your cummittte would tracts. Ask for our figures. Then remember our reputation. States at the Bureau of Standards, Washing therefoie recommend the adoption of this JOHN R. CROOT, ton, D. ('., May 20 28, and inviting the County I evolution hv this board and would lecom Sealer of Weights and Measures to attend, mend that a copv of this lesohition be for accompanied by a letter from Isaac Srelev, warded by the clcik of this board to the Board SAHITMY ~ §»LUlfl&Bfi@ Supeiiutendent of Weights and Measures, re­ of Woiks of (he city of Elizabeth. oo *pfry fry E}.* *|4 r|i *^* ty t^l U \^ questing an appropi iatiou of $5(1 to covt r the Steam & Hot Water Heating expense of bis attendance tit the Conference, On motion by Freeholder flennessy this On motion by Freeholder Wilbur this report1 was received and oidcred placed on communication was' received and ordeied file atni"the recommendation contained theiein Tin & Sheet Metal Work placed orT file and iifty dollars ($50) ,re^ was on Ioil call adopted unanimously. ijuestcd was on roll call appropi iated. Rcpoit of committee on cuK-nt nOai the A request frenn the Mavoi and Council of Brewer properly on Chestnut ,sti cct, Westtichl. PLUMBING, HEATING, and METAL WORK Kenilwoilh TCnrough,_ i_u lefeienee lo the Board of Fieeholdeis: Jobbing Promptly Attended placing of a on Eighth stieel, was Gentlemen — Vour committee . on this woi k 387 Springfield Ave. Telephone 27! Summit, N. J. read. would lesjiectfully icport that it has examined , to—Estimates Furnished On motion by Freeholder 'Kiouse this com­ the site of the work and- is of tin opinion munication was received and oideie G AND IIKATING. Gentlemen- Votir auditor lespcrf fully le- of $100. The chances are one in a hundred jKirls: "I have, examined'' the hooks and On motion by Frefholder Within thi-* ii vourheis of the surrogate, shcrili, lrgistcr >t your ffettlnK.better Plumbing worU poit was leeeived and mdiied placid on file, SIIKRIFF'S SALIC—In Chanceiy of New Jci" and county clerk for the month of M.ijch, and I lie 1 econifiletidations contained tllL'I <_'U) ,se\. Uclwitn Niini Seal, nmplainant, and lone by other hands than ours. Why, 1915, and find same ate coirect. The net it were difficult to find a "safe and reliable remedy for the were on loll call adopted unanimously. Fduaid M. Sehuinii, U al., defendants. Fi. bother experimenting? We always da receipts aie: Surrogate, $°ol,53; shriilf, $1,- Board of Fieeholdeis: fa. for sale of mottgaged premises. ailments due to irregular or defective action of the stomach, 447.10; register, $1,_'0K 38; county cleik, honest, "conscientious work, and do Gentlemen- Vour committee ou soldieis' By \iitne of the above-slated writ oT fiei i $575.42. P.ENJAAII.V KINO, Auditor. liver or bowels. These ailments- are likely to attack giaves and headstones icspi ctfidly pieselit facias to me dhecled I shall expose for sale not charge the mammoth prices that On motion hv Freeholder Wilbur this lepoit the following applications for the hunal ex­ by public "vendue, at the sheiifl's oltiee in the most Plumbers do. For estimating on was receivi-d and oidcred pkiccd on file. anyone; likely, too, to lead to worse sickness if not relieved. penses of veterans of the Civil Wai, viz.: Courthouse, m the rity of hli'/ahetli, N. T., on Board of Freeholders. any kind of Plumbing or Heating,, give 1. Amelia Bowman, 319 West Ft out stieel, WKUNF.SDAY, TTTI-; SF.CONT) DAY OF • entlemeii—Vour auditoi I cpectf nlly Je­ Plainfiehl, for the burial expenses of her hus­ us the first opportunity. ts: I have examined the books and JUNK, A. T). 1"015, band, William T,. Bowman, late Company ]'., it two o'clock in the afternoon of s-nd day. elmrs—0-f—OH*—s-uFR >ftat^i~ -rep.i ste i •, -hli-tH-itf. TfsT Reyjiiicnr, "I'tniisTlvarriar Veteiair—VTTJ- counLy_ clerk for the month of April, all ti.iel in parei-1 of lands arid premises, situ­ nut* ers. ate, lying and being m the city of Summit, 5, and find same are coirect. The net J. Prccilla Lewis, Ilaydock street fin ieai), rec.(> ;; register, $l,88fi.43: county clerk, band, Andc-ison Lewis, late Company 11, 11th in The.Herald? $473.35. BENJAMIN KINO. Auditor. of intersection of the southeilv line of Spiiug- are famous the world over, for their power to correct these Regiment, and Company G, 13th Kenimciit, U. held avenue with the easteilv line of High PlnmMnff, Tinning & Metal Working On motion by Fieeholder Wilbur tins IC- $. Colored 'Tnfantry. troubles certainly and safely. They cleanse the system, purify port was leeeived and ordeied placed on street; thence running south two defrices twen­ UNION PLAGE. SUMMIT, N. J. 'Both of these cases having been investigated ty-tin ee minutes wesl along the said easteily the blood and act as a general tonic upon body, brain and nervea. file. by the supeivisor and found worthy of lelief, Board of Freeholders. line of High street one hunilitd and forty- Indigestion, biliousness, constipation might, indeed, cause you pro­ we recommend that the sum of fiftv dull.-iis seven and eighty-two hundicdths feet to an Gentlemen—Votir committee on jail in­ ($S0) he granted to each of the above named irun pin in the centre line of the brook in the longed suffering and expose you to danger if Beecham's Pilla spection would resprctfully report that thev applicants. rear of the pi onuses 'heiehy conveyed; thence have examined the jail, also the warden's The Picture and Art Shop On motion by Fieeholder Wilbur this repoit north eighty-nine degrees thirl v-si\ minutes books. Number of prisoners in custody was received and ordered placed on file and cast one hundred and fortv six and seventv- Apnl 1, fi7; number in custody May on roll call adopted unanimously. ^ saiel brook to an irftn pin in said centre line Water Colors 1, 1915, 85; number days' board, month of Repot t of committee on Russell road cul­ of said brook; thence north two-degrees twen­ The Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World. April, 2,495. Maintenance—Groceries, etc., Nature Prints veit, Fanwood. ty-three minutes east one hinlrlreH~anJ^ .seventy- Sold everywhere. In boxes, XOc.f 2§c, $419.09; salaties, $423.33; cost per prisoner Board of Fieeholders: —•+• two and forty-two hundredths feet to an iron per day, .3376. Artists' Supplies Gentlemen—Your committee on the above- pin in the southerly line of saiT Springfield On motion by Freeholder Wilbur this re- named work would report that it has exam­ avenue; thence south degrees twelve Frames and Pictures port was received and ordered placed on ined the site. When the culvert was built a minutes west along the said southerly line file. few years .ago it was constructed at the of said 'Springfield- avenue one hundred and Books and Stationery Probation Office of Union County. grade of tire "ditch. Last year, however, Mr. fifty feet to the point or place of beginning. Tally and Dinner Cards Elizabeth, N. J., May 1, 1915. H. C. Lockwood, the owner of the adjoining GKORGlC C. OTTO, Sheriff. tH col,nt t0 Statement, ^Mftnris^-asked- ^ y lower this culvert CORRA N. WILLIAMS, Sol'r. Kqdatesy-P-hota-Supplies April t to balance ,$71.SO '" so that certain houses would be better drained malO 4tM EDJ&SH Fees, $12.92 May 1, 1915, to cash, ofiice fines than at present Your committee informed Waterman Fountain Pens received to date. 7.25 Mr. Lockwood that if he lowered the ad­ Greeting Cards for all occasions -$7S.7S joining ditch so that the water would not SHERIFF'S SALE—In Chancery of New Jer­ Fines collected due Essex and stand in the culvert, the county would pro­ sey. Between The Camfield* Building and Hudson counties $74.50 ceed to lower the culvert floor to meet the Loan Association, of Newark, N. T-,. com­ W. SCHULTZ Fines collected from Union county grade of the ditch. . plainant, and Peter Winn, et al., defendants. 4 25 Your committee found that Mr. LOCKWOOII Fi. fa. for sale of mortgaged premises. 383 Springfield Avenue probationers " $78.75 NEW MAY 28th and 29 th had lowered the ditch leading out of the Bv virtue of the above-stated writ of fiei i C. W. IRWIN, Chief Probation Officer. culvert and your committee would tnerefore facias to me directed I shall expose fet* sale On motion by Freeholder Wilbur this re­ recommend that„lhis culvert be lowered so hy public vendue, at the sheiiff's office in the port wai received and ordered placed on that the flow line-of the-eulvert-will be IS to Courthouse, in the city of Klizaheth, N. J., on file 18 inches below its present grade—the cost WEDNESDAY, THK NINTH DAY OF * STORAGE Country Life- Exposition The Committee to settle with the County of the work not to exceed the '-um of $100. JUNE, A. D. 1915, _ __ Collector, reported that they had examined BURTON P. HALL, CHARLKS A. SMITH, at two o'clock in the afternoon of said day, For Household Furniture. Over the Main Waiting Room of the his books together with his vouchers, bonds D. F. HENNESSY, Committee. all that tract or parcel of lands and prem­ Clean, Separate, Locked Rooms and Safe and coupons paid to March 23, and found same On motion by Fieeholder Wilbur this re­ ises, situate, lying and being in the Township Deposit Boxes. to agree, and correct in every detail. port was received and ordered placed on of Union, in the county of Union and State of LOWEST INSCEANC15 KATES IN On motion by Freeholder Wilbur this re­ file and the recommendations contained New Jersey: Beginning at a point in the Grand Central Terminal, N. Y« €. port was received and ordered placed on therein wcie on roll call adopted unani­ westerly line of Miller street, dibtant two UNION COUNTY. file- „ ,» - mously. hundred feet southerly from the southerly line Report of the committee on i ailing along of Springfield avenue; thence running along Local moving, and to and from city, in closed Report (of the Umion vCounty Mosquito padded vans. Dead Storage for Automobiles. Extermination Commission. lerusalem road. said westerly line of Miller street fifty feet; Board of Freeholders: ' EXPRESS AND TRUCKING. A full sized eight room California Pine Bun­ Disbursements, thence westerly at right angles to Miller Gentlemen—Your committee on this v ork street,.one hundred feet; thence running north­ Inspectors' salaries...., £ 34fi.6R Automobile Service. would lespectfully repoit that they have ex­ erly and parallel with Miller street fifty feet, Inspectors' expenses „?2'^A galow will be displayed. amined this site and are of the opinion that and thence running easterly and paiallel HOLLAND'S EXPRESS, Prop, Office salaries 235.00 G this boaid should erect a railing -o that with the second course one hundred feet to Salt marsh ditching \i'M passersby along the road may be protected Office, 11 Beeclrwood Road 57 6b the westerly line of Miller street, the point Our real estate booths are full of interesting Inland ditching 16.1- 5 fiom danger, there being at present a deep and place of beginning. Being lots Nos. llfi Office expenses 134.78 pocket or lavinc' alongside of the road, and H7, as shown on revised map of Vauxhall literature and information as to suburban homes for Equipment and transportation 15.71 which creates a dangerous condition for Ten ace of Swezy Realty Company, made Miscellaneous passersby. Your committee would, therefore, November 23, 1W8, by Richard Henser, C. K., rent and for sale. 'potalb $1,465.71 recommend the constiuctioii of a guard-rail Matawan, N, J.,' which said map is filed in FRANK BRENN On motion by Freeholdei Wilbur this re­ about 100 feet long at one side of thc'ioad, the office of the register of Union county. port wis received and ordeied placed on the rost not to exceed the sum of $50, GEORftEC C. OTTO. Sheriff. Homes for everybody, from the Bungalow to the file. ItURTON P. HALT,, CIIARLF.S A. CITAS. F. IIF.KR. Sol'r. ' Board of Freeholders. SMITH, D. F. HRNNF.SSY, Committee. mal7 4tM . EDJ&S1J Fees, $11.90 Harness, Blankets, Mansion. Gentlemen -Your committee on countv • On motion by Freeholder Wilbur this re­ roads would repoit that, several requests poit was received and oidcred placed on EXECUTOR'S SETTLEMENT— Notice is have been leeeived fiom L. W, Naylor, the file and the lecommeiidalions contained hereby given, that the account of the sub­ borough of Ketiilwnrth, and others request­ therein were on I oil call adopted unani­ scribers, executors of Alfied B. Ayei s, de­ Saddles, Whips. Remember the Date, May 28th and 29th. ing the Board of Chosen Freeholders to coii- mously. ceased, will be audited and stated hy the Sur­ | struct a county roael thiongh Keiiilworlh boi- Report by committee on .Mam stieet cul­ rogate, and lepoiteel for settlement to the- Or­ OUgli. verts, Springfield. •" phan's Court of the County of Union, on Fri­ Admission Free Your committee would report that owing Board of Freeholders. day, the eleventh day of Tune next. Auto and carriage trim­ to the inability of this county and otbei Gentlemen—Your committee would repoit Dated May Sth, I")1S. counties to sccuie State aid monies during that they have visited the site of this woik ALONZO CHURCH, ming in all its branches the past two years, much of the woih and find that the township of Spi ingiield is )ANE MARTTN AYERS. about to pave with amiesite I planned to be done previous to this date the entile CHURCH S HARRISON, Proctors, length of Main street, ftom Mouis avenue 1 has not yet been done. A large pait of the o a w S w Fees, $4.20 The Robert E. Farley Organization to Millbiuii line. - " ~ 1 work planned for 1915 cannot be accoill- 1 Youi committee would recommend the con- Baby Carriage Wheels Re-tired. Robert E. Farley, Pres. plished owinn to- this-lack of assistance from stun lion of a new cast iron culveit about 80 ESTATE OF AGNES WHITE HOLT, de­ the State. . feet in -length anoss Main >(ree_l_ at Mouis ceased. 1 Thetc remains, therefore, a number ot old avenue with two inlets thereto; also the Pursuant to the older of Geoi ge T, Pai rot, Country Life Exposition. Grand Centre! Terminal I county roads, wlitPhV-hav*" hcvn planned to construction of a new east iiroii covered Surrogate of the County of Union, made on COUNBH be constucted or reconstructed, but which wnik culvert across Main stieet at the low point the application of the undersigned, executor of has not yet heen done. of grade near Methodist Chuich, together said deceased, notice is hereby given to tlie New York City ! It is true that the borough of Keiiilworlh with a suitable pipe from the end of (he creditors of said deceased to exhibit to the sub­ Park & Chestnut Ave's., is the onlv municipality m the rnuiity which culvert down the sidewalk of Main stieet to scriber under oath or affiimation their claims has no county road tunning through it. the present ditch. This latter culveit to be anel demands against the estate of said de­ Summit, N. J. Your committee would repoit, however, ceased within nine months fiom the fifth day about 45 feet in length and the pipe to be 1 that because of existing conditions, as above about 100 feet in length Tlie-tolal cost ot of-Alav, -I'll ), or they will be forever barred srt_forth, it is their—opinion that nothing can both culverts and pipe not to excel d the sum from piosornting or itinviiing the same be done by the county of Union this vcai of $500. against the Sllbsci ilici" toward the* construction of a new county PF/PlCIt IT. MICTSKL, KLSToN PARRY, PTULETUS H. HOLT, road in the borough of KeniUvoith. NOAH WOODRUFF, Committee. It is requested thai the clerk of this On motion by Freeholdei Wilhui this ic­ ROUNDS, HATCH, DILLINGHAM &' " lEVILLE 1. RUTAN boaid send a copy of this repoit to the bor­ port was leeeived and oideicd placed on file DEBhVOfSK, I'roctois, -v** fiilBi ough clerk of the borough of Keiiilworlh and 62 Cedai St., New Yoik, N, Y. ' ' and the i econmieiidatioiis contained therein another cflpy""lo T,. W. Naylor, secretary of were on loll call adopted unanimously. o a w 'J w Fees, $11.10 IRlliFBSitl the Kcnilwoith "Realty Ooiporalinn, 41. Park Report ot committee on culvert at Scmll JOyLf* U.I7^II»f J.1 Row, New Yoik City. iRlilroiIi aveiufc' and Burchfield street Cranfoid, ii.M POULTRY," TOME AND On motion by Fieehohlei Krotise this re­ ESTATE OF MARY S. WRTGHT, D-eeased. on (ltamagc matters at Center Street, Gar port Was leeeived and ordered placed on Pursuant to the order of George T. Par­ wood. rot, Suriogale of the County of Union, made PR0DU0E file. 15o.ii (I of Fieeholdeis: Repoit of committee on diainage conditions on the application of the undersigned E\ccu* Gentlemen—Your committee on the above at Ten ill toad, near St. Nicholas Boulevard, trices of said deceased, notice is hereby given BBBVaBBBB named work would respectfully i epoi t -hat it hetween the city of Plain field and the "Boiough to the cieditois of said deceased to exhibit Jni_s_exj>iuincd the situation in each case and of _Fanwood._ to the- subscribers under oath or affirmation 59 - makes tlie following i eoommcndalions: their claims and demands against the estate u Board of Freeholders. Tt is reconimcnelcd that a new casl iron ALWAYS THE BEST Gentlemen—Youi committee on this work of said deceased within nine" months from rovel ed culvert be constructed in the soulhei- the Twenty-ninth day of March, 1915, or would respectfully report" that it has v.isited ly gutter of South avenue across Buichfield the site and examined the conditions. they will be forever barred fiom prosecuting street, the size to be 10 inches by 16 inches, or recovering the same against the subscribers. " This matter has been before the committee and the length to be 5"i feet fi inches—the of this board and other members from time MARY E. COCGESTTALL, rost of this work not to exceed the sum of LILLIAN R. KELLE.Y, 38! Springfield Avenue to time for several years. $150. While your committee recogniyeel the bad Tt is also iccommended that four Insins lCxecutrices. conditions of drainage at this point, your and inlets be constructed at the hiidge on LUM, TAMBLYN & COLYER, Proctors. committee is of the opinion, however, that Centre stieet," Garwood, at a cost not exceed- Newark, N. J. the matter cannot be rectified by the county. mg the sum of $100. o a w 9 w Fees $11.10 Tf the conditions had resulted in damage to WALTER BROS., GEO. G. T1CLLICR, ELSTON DARBY, the county culvert or to the county road, the Committee. Dealers In county might possibly be in a position to On motion • by Freeholder- Krouse *his report YOU NEED THIS GREAT NERVE force a remedy. No such damage, however, is was received and ordered placed on file and TONIC. apparent Your committee is of the opinion Veal, Mutton, Lamb & Pofk the recommendations contained therein weie For Over-Eating, Drinking. Smoking or Over­ that the adjoining property-owners in Fanwood on oil c,all adopted unanimously. work of any Kind Causing Neivousness, Borough, if they have been damaged, must Report of committee on Baltic street bridge, secure redress through a civil_ suit against J — Elizabeth. TAKE TONOLINE TABLETS. - Oysters, Clams and Fish the owne~rii of the lantls in the city of Buard of Freeholders. Plainfield, where the ditch was filled in and Druggists everywhere are having a big sale Choice of Routes Going anSHeturning Gentlemen—Your committee on this work these days because the people who have tried the pipe laid. would respectfully report that bids were GAME AND VEGETABLES The county attorney' has heen .consulted them know that they tone up the entire system received on May S for this bridge and the and impart vigor and energy into run-down about this matter, and he has advised the work was awarded to the F. R. Long-W. G. IN SEASON committee that the situation is as described people in a few days, and because they are For Further Information and Pullman Reservations Broa,dhurst_Co., of— Ilackcnsark-,—N, j„ who guaranteed to do_ exactly as advertised, and all herein. _- L _ - were the lowest bidders at $36,843. yiattf committee would recommend that a druggists arc authorized by the maker to re­ SPRINGFIELD AVE, SUMMIT Your committee would ask that this ac­ copy of this icport he sent to the clerk of fund the purchase price if anyone is dissatis­ tion he approved by this.board, Phones 22A-227 Consult Local Agents or Write the Borough of . Fanwood for the information fied with the first box purchased. TOSEPII PERRY "W. F. MARST-T, PETER of residents of the borough affected by this Tf you feel blue, have lost confidence in your­ TC^TCTSELT- D. "fr " IIENNESSY, ^WTIC matter. self, *are~etespondent, we3lr-and-ttred~oi.ft,*a box FAIRMOUNT CEMETERY BOURDON, Committee. On motion by Freeholder Hall this report of Tonoline Tablets is all vou need. On motion by Freeholder ITeimessy this J. L. HOMER was received and ordered placed on file. Finest preparation for headaches, nervous report was received and ordered 'placed- on H. MUCHMOBE. President. Report of committee on Elizabeth Draw­ troubles, poor blood, kidney and liver com­ file and on roll call the action of the com­ 717-W bridges. plaints, malaria, neuralgia, trembling and loss mittee was approved. WM. H. LtfM, Treasurer Tel. DIVISION PASSANGER AGENT Board of Freeholders. of appetite. They never fail to end constipa­ 616-M Report of committee on new bridge over Gentlemen—Your committee on Elizabeth tion, j FRANK MEAD, Secretary Tel, Passaic River at Berckley Heights on county 733-W drawbridges wish to draw the attention of Tonolino Tablets cost $1.00 for a 50-days' road. J. TJ. SNOOK. SuperintendentTeh 672-W FIREMEN'S BLDG., Cor. Broad and Market Sts., Newark, N. J. the Board of Chosen Freeholders "'and also treatment. Mail orders filled, charges prepaid, Board of Freeholders. R. OflWiN, at Cemetery.... Tel. of the Board of Works of the city of Eliza­ by. The American Proprietary Co., Boston, beth to ceitain conditions which exist with Gentlemen—Your committee on this work Mass. CHATHAM, N. J. THE SUMMIT HERALD, FRIDAY, MAY 28,* 19H5.

W(W]ort that the Morris County "Board the competitive examinations; that the sal of I-"i fcholders has now consented to the aiy pioposeil to be paid be fifteen hundred =F jcbuildinK of this bridge and construction of dollais (1,500) per year, and a furnished .1 :ie\v concrete arch bridge which is con- dwelling for the warden, including fuel, light Y NOT/BUYi-IN. .SUMMIT?" Mtlcivrl to be ni-ccssjiy at this jiomt he- and wnt " We carry the "Mac No Glare Lamp Bulb" in Automobiles, commercial, with chauffeur John T. MoGralh , $236, $19(); The Summit (t fluualeiit to one-horse wagon) .20 Heiald, $4..50; Homy R. Palmer, $1.5.95; L. \\ stock, all sizes, - Automobiles, commeicial with chauffeur Loizeaux, $4.K(>, $38.26: The Weldon ConfTnct- .40 iilg Co, All.41; Rosaiio Mannino, $3; A, W. FULL WEIGIIT THIS IS THE COAL (equivalent to two-hoise wagon) 1 These bulbs are indorsed by the the state com­ Wagons with extiaordinaiy loads by special Stiles, $19 75; Villa Bros. Consfiuetion Co , that is so popular among housekeep­ agreement. $ I 80. Js guaranteed If you buy Ice of ers. It's almost "pure carbon, is free missioner and meet the requirements of the law. i And be it fuither lesolvod that the afoie- Public Grounds and Buildings—New York ua.- We serve all our customers from slate and dirt and leaves but a said schedule go into effect June 1, 1°15, and Telephone Co, $103 43; Western Union Tele­ with absolute fairness and small residue of ashesl, i If you have to continue until the fuither order of this graph, $33; Heniy P. Vandcveie, $2 1; II W. Automobile Blue Books for 1918 are boaid. Haves, $11; MrMamis Bros., $106.25; Hark TUBE ICE never used -this Coal send for a ton W. A. KOUTtDON, irKNRY TCROUSK, S. llardware Co., $34."2; W. II. llulsLmipei, at once. Don't postpone until cold •just out, We carry all six volumes In P. T. WITJIUft, 1). F. 1TF,NNF,SSY, WILL­ $28; Morev^LaRue Co., $10; The TTikh burnt The office will be glad to hear weather sets in, when the prices go IAM J. THOMPSON, Committee. Co., $.S-5Q;. Tlii- Idi/aheth Gas Light Co., On motion by Freeholder Wilbur this le- $9(j.75, $7""1)5"r F1i7ahct1i fCIcc. Supply Co., of any Inattention. up. stock. pm t was received and ordered placed on file $9.45; Won ell Mfg. Co., $75; Mulford Coal & and the recommendations contained theicin Lumber Co., $94 78; Kirby Stack Tlardviare Co., were on roll call adopted unanimously, $8 40; T'.uimac Mfg. Co., $5; Joseph Bauer, Summit & Madison Ice Company NEW BUSINESS. $16d.79; John "Coutad, $10; Brucklacher P.y Freeholder Daibjr: Bros., $40.40: The Fli/.abeth Ice Co.. $105.80; MANUFACTURERS and DEALERS in AI DEALERS Resolved, That a committee of three be The But net Co., $64 65; New York Telephone Hygiene Ice S0 tn Coal & Wood appointed to examine a bridge on Mountain Co., $100.87; The F;li>abetlitown Water Co., avenue, (Mountainside^ to consider Ahe $178.08; Public Service F.lectiic Co., $245.15, ^Office and Factory: 103 Park Avenue advisability of widening same on both sides, $243.25. SUMMIT -GARAGE:----. Stationer'v—F. O. Ballaid, $20; Elliott- and report at a subsequent meeting the prob­ 1 able cost of same; also same committee to Fisher Co., $3.17; Rahway Pub. Co., $23.50; Branch OfficerBanroad Ave., Madison, N. J. Summit Tel. 329 UNION PLACE, OFF, D.f L. & W. STATION, investigate the location of an iron pipe on Cox Printing Co., $4.50, $12 75; Colby & Mc­ Ncwr Providence road, Mountainside, N. J., Cowan, $50, $7.50; Fuller link Co., $12.10; near Potluck, to consider replacing the iron liliznbeth Novelty Co., $82 89; Underwood pipe with cost of iron top culvert, and to Typewriter Co., $1; Remington Typewnler report hack the cost of the work. Co., $7; Underwood Typewriter Co., $3.50, On motion by Freeholder Wilbur this reso­ $12 25, $1.25. lution w.a.s adopteel unanimously. Publications—Elizabeth Daily Journal, The diiector appointed as saiel committee $43.50; Ctanford Citi/cn, $37.50; The Ciaii- Freeholders Darby. Peny and Bourdon. ford Chronicle, $37.50; Summit Record, Ry Freeholder Jones: $58 95; The Westfield Leader, $25; Standaid 'Resolved, That a committee of three be ap­ Publishing Concern, $25; livening Times, pointed to examine- the bridge ^ver creek on $12.50; Elizabeth Revue, $37.50. Central avenue, New Providence, the commit­ Jail—R. T. Potts, $8.26; The Hildebrant 1 11 tee to report at a subsequent meeting of Co., $161.16; Tl. Garrison, $11.39; W. Tubbs, this board as to the advisability of construc­ $5.40; A. W. Erxlehen, $61.75; Henry J, tion of same, and together with the probable Schmidt, $.13.64; Dr. It. R. Livcngood. ^li.33; f ! BUY JUST GAS^ cost of the work. Tames Tohnson, $3.29; T; F. & II. C. Sayre, On (notion hy Freeholder Randolph this $3.40; Central Beef Co., $7.73, $136.78. resolution was adopted unanimously. The Incidentals —W. R. Codington, $50; Tames director appointeel as said committee Free­ W. Fink, $25; N. R. Leavitt, $2.02; A. W. : holders Jones, Hall and Marsh. Briggs, $23.84; Henry Leahy, $15; F. W. By Freeholder Perry: Westcott, $58 25; T. L- Bauer, $51.41; Pre- "KfNDARD Motor Resolved, That-a committee of three be ap­ cilla T.Cjivis, $50; Amelia Bowman, $50; N. R. pointed to examine and report as to the ad­ Leavitt, TpSO; Thomas Jardine, $2. visability and probable cost of the new hridge County Roads—Kolesch & Co., $24; C. H. over stream on Holmes place, Westfield. Winans Co.. $166.91; C. II. Winans Co.,'.so much On motion by Freeholder Wilbur this reso­ $76,92, $1,197.15, $7.24, $1,314, $1,142.40; J. L. lution was adopted unanimously. The direct­ Bauer, $224.50, $111, $169.50: Commonwealth a or appointed as said committee Freeholders Ouairy Co., $141.67; L. B. High, $400.74; H. Perry, Thompson and Marsh. Donald Holmes. $113 60; Fiank H. Smith, better than just gas" By Freeholder Teller: $1.76; The Summit Herald, $14.20;' F. R. Resolved, /fhat a committee of three be Beniman, $10; A. W. Bruggs Blue Print appointed to examine the bridge on Brook- Shop, $34-55; Elizabeth Daily Journal, $15.12, side place, Garwood, and report at a subse­ $10 92, $77.34; William Kline, $206.85, $415.53, that it is worth' while to , quent meeting of this board as to the ad $222.13; & Delaware Oil Co., LOOK FOR THIS SIGN visibility and probable cost of extensions to $304.02; Engineering Niws $21.60; The Wel­ said hridge. don Contracting Co., $300.83, $199.03, $1,330, On motion bv Freeholder Wilbur this reso $5,03, $392.2R, $81.72, $16.61, $263.32, $11.52; be particular when you lution was adopted unanimously. The di- A. J. DcRaismes, $29; Haitman Bros,, $5.60; tector appointed as said committee Ftecliolders Benjamin King, $3. Teller, Doane and Trembley. Lunacy—The New Jersev Slate Hospital By Freeholder McMane: $18 47; N. ]. Slate Hospital, Gre\stone, $3,30o.44; N. J. Statt Where are 'having your tank ; Resolved, That a committee of three be : Village for Epileptics, appointed with power to rebuild the pres­ $l,041.n5. ent hi ick aich culveit at the intersection Tax Board—Library Bureau $'!0.6 5, of Mountain and Vine Ciovc avenues, in the Children's Guardians—N. J. State Boaid of Children's Guardians, $21.66. STANDARD filled. city of Summit. This culvert is in danger­ ous condition" and in older to avoid a Law Library—Rynier Veghte, $3; New- &(, possible damage suit against the county we Fersey Law Jouir'il Pub. Co , $10; Jacob MOTOR GASOLINE should rebuild at once. The estimated cost Hessler's Sons, $14.85; The Banks Law Just gas" makii> trouble in the of the work will be approximately six hun­ Publishing Co., $19.50; West Pub. Co. $49.50; and dred dollars. Lawvers' Co-operative Pub. Co., $11 Rynier On motion by Freeholder Doane this reso­ Veghte, $2.20. POLARINE form of constant carburetor adjust­ lution was oil roll call adopted unanimously. Registers—Edward Bauer, $32,35; Charles The director appointed as said committee Free­ Bauer, $4.84. Oil and Greases can holders McMane, Mejsel and Tones. Surrogate—George T. Parrot, $62.96. ments necessitated by varying Bv Freeholder Noah Woodruff: Sheriff—George C. Otto, $920.74. Whereas, the borough of Roselle Park is Record Books and Repaiis—C. R. Oliver be obtained now engageel in pavinp Walnut street-and & Co., -$65; Robert Tv. Lh.yd, $7.50; Stand­ T,ocusl street, in Roselle Park borough, and ard Publishing Concern, $55.31; The Henry gradesof fuel. "just gas " makes _ Whereas, -there is a need of the construc­ Cook Tiiiitshop, $10. tion of certain culverts in certain cioss streets Members' Pay—W. H. Randolph, $34; W. at once while the grading woik is going on Marsh, $3(5; D. II. Trembley, $26; Elstoil further trouble in the' form of and before the pavement is laid; therefore Daihy, $30; W. A. Bourdon, $30; T. Ilervey he it Doane, $50; John WoodiufT, $8; George G. Resolved, That new cast iron culverts be Teller $44; Noah Woodiuff, $48; Tobn N. cylinder carbon. Much of the' constructed as follows: Cadv, $44; Burton P. Hall. $28; S. P. T. Two new cast iron culveits acioss Walnut Wilbur, $14; William I. McMane, $50; D. F. SUMMIT street at Webster avenue, each to he 37 feet Ilemiessv, $44; Joseph Perry, $54; Charles carbon trouble that comes to the jn length. A. Smith, $52; John C. Meycrholz, $30; Peter Collins' Garage Two cast iron covered culverts to be con- 11. Mcisel, $54; BrBadfoid Jones, $50; Henry structcel across Walnut street at Colfax ave- Krouse, $52. repair man is caused by the use of nue, each to be 60 feet in length. - Committee Expenses—-D. II. Trembley, $3.15; Summit Auto Co.» Two new east iron culverts to be con- Chas..A. Smith, $22.25; Noah Woodiuff, $12.85; structcd in gutter lines of _Clay avenue, east Tobn N. Cadv, $6.57; D. 11. Hennessy, $3.50; Summit Garage Co. an inferior and varying gasoline. of present culverts, in Walnut street, each Burton "P. Hall, $38,50; William Gah'hett, $6; to be 12 feet bv 6 inches in length. S. P. T. Wilbur, $10.85; L- V. Ilersh & Anderson's Garage One new culvert across Locust street at Bro., $4.50; Henry Krouse, $33.10; W. A. Butler avenue about 50 feet long. Bourdon, $23.80; Elsfon Darby, $6.25; J. Her- Rideout's Garage Standard Motor Gasoline is a straight- The total cost of the seven culveits not vey Doane, $5.'|52; George G. Teller, $3.35; to exceed the sum of $900. A' committee I. McMane, $10.20; Peter 11. Meisel, distilled, homogeneous product—every of three to be appointed with power to ex­ 17.15; Joseph Perry, $16.20; Bradford Tones, L. J. Crosby ecute this work. 11. On motion by Freeholder Wilbur this reso­ Sealer Weights—Isaac Seeley, $125, $30; Summit Hardware Co. drop like every other drop. It is absolutely lution was on roll call adopted unanimously. Walter L. Tacker, $22.75. The director appointed as Bald committee Bonnie Burn Construction—Tiibus S; Massa, Arthur Manser uniform wherever you buy it, and it is Freeholders N. WoodiufT, Smith and Meiscl, $58.85. By Freeholder Teller: Bonnie Burn Maintenance—A. M. Drake, Resolved, That a. committee of three be $120.77; William F. Williams, ,$6.50; Meyer cheaper because there are more miles in a appointed to examine the drainage condition Bros., $7.04; E- P- Baylor, $37.58; William on - Eighteenth street, near the Boulevard, in MacMurray, M. D., $4.60; New York Telephone NEW PROVIDENCE gallon. 1 the Borough of Kenilworth—the committee to Co., $23.85; Thqmas West & Co., $2.60; L- F. report at a subsequent meeting of this hoard Ilersh & Bro„ -'$24, $24, $24, $24, $20.70; A. M._Gxiffen. $9Jii^_R._T. Potts, $65.29; Ti. — as to the-advisability—of constructing a-euIveitT O. C. Dickinson-- Use Polarine,—die Starrdafd~Oil "" \ together with the probable cost of the work. Landrelh Seed Co., $16.97; John E. Runnells, $40.36; William R. Codington, $124.80; James On m.otion by Freeholder Wilbur this reso­ Stanley, $10.38; J. D. Loueaux Co., $5,; John C. E. Blatt lution was adopted unanimously. The director for Motors. Obtainable wherever Median Ik Son, $113.40; Woolston & Buckle appointed as said committee Freeholders Tel­ Co., $14.10; American Oil Co., $29.47; Thomas ler, J. Woodruff and N. Woodruff. M. Kipple Callahan & Son, $15.75; Sunhright Farms, you see the . "Standard Motor Resolution by committee on Rahway draw­ $9-3-r-^lh:abcth -Hardware-Co.-,- $15.56;- Com­ 1 bridges. mercial Mills & Elevator, $68.52; Lewis Mfg. ^7 Gasoline Service Station ' sign. Resolved, That the committee on JRahwav Co., $2.25; Geo. Fatumos, $22.10; Bonnie Burn drawbridges be authorized to have installed Sanatorium, $56.63; Edward L. Hand, $55.38; an electric motor on the Lawrence avenue The Ivany Co., $39.60; The Kny-Scheerer Co., drawbridge for the operation of same—the $24.22; C. R. R. Co., of New Jersey, $64,57; cost of work not to exceed the sum of $750. Swift & Co., $580.13, $5.80, $13; Shriener On motion by Freeholder Krbuse this reso­ Bros., $17.18; McKesson & Robhins, $27.30; lution was on roll call adopted unanimously. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Commonwealth Water & Light Co., $191.85; Bv Freeholder Krouse: William M. Walsh, $12.52. Whereas a vacancy has occurred in the Bridges—-James 15. Gano, $1,000; Bernard office of jail warden in this county" by rea­ (New Jersey) Doyle, $51; W. Lusten, $10; J. L. Bauer. $24. son of the death of Charles W. Dodd; _and Rahway Avenue Properly—The Town ,Water Whereas, It is desirous that said position Co., $30. should be filled, and the filling of said po­ Widows' Pension—$1,186.96. NewJereey sition being - under jurisdiction of the Civil Service Commission by this State; therefore On motion by Freeholder Krouse the di­ be ifM- rector declared the board adjourned until Resolved, That it Ji th'e - opinion of this Thursday May A3, at. 10 A. M, J< I board that said position should be filled by| > J. EDW. ROWE, Clerk. THE SUMMIT HERALD, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1915.

mini plays the principal part, that of EOR RENT, UNFURNISHED—Up to dale sm ;Bs^s^gs!.ir. JLU'IM Maurice />rachard, the dock laborer frame residence with barn and outbuildings, SHORT I11UL0 who rose, to be Samson of finance, Classified Advertising less than mile fiom Summit station, on plot 131K450 feet; high elevation, house has large with a terrific power and at times hall, pailor, dining-room, library, kitchen and with a primordial ferocity that is pos­ 11IFD. pantiv, six sleeping looms, bath and toilet, SOCIETY NOTE S Mrs Doris Alders, (nee ik U'nlll), Alav Joth, steam heater, gas and electiic light, city o ^?^yv<^ itively stunning. at Battle Creek-, Mich. Scums will lie held at hti late residence, 10/ Ilnulcv.ud, at water, sewei, etc., line shade; garden con tains hue fruit trees and large kitchen gai Mrs. Aubrey Martin entertained in­ 1.30 „p. m. Sunday, May ,i0, Intel mi nt private. den; rent $H5 per month. K. C. Holmes i IMPORTERS -GROCERS formally at bridge on Friday evening FRESH EGGS, Agency, Summit, N. J. 24tt ' of labt week. Her guests wore Mr. and White Leghorn Egys direct from our TUTOR—ICxpeiu-iud teacher clesues sumim r Hail and Tclcpliuno OrderH lit'ceive Prompt Altrntloii Mrs. Andrew Smith, - Mr. and Mrshennery, t more than three days work, Cluldien of pi unary-aiid kindi-i fallen EOR RENT -A desiiable__dmible loom with I ' Id. Deliveries J'Yiday and Saturday. ^ajje pirfeiied; i cfcreni es. Apply" "Is.. M, good hoaid; 3 windows; bath and toilet on | Floyd Jolfcrson, Mr. and Mrs. John R ." lleiaid Oitice. same floor. W. T. Da$, 16 Norwood ave. ih Stewart, 3rd, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur FAITOUTE BROS. 22 If ' Manice, Mr. William Uyrd. riAJsTO TUNING. Specials for Friday, and Saturday Fmin AND 1'OITL'I RY FARM Will save you money on tepaiiing. All calls TO LET—Small semi di-iacbed bouse, nc.n —o— Ballusrol Road. Te). 484promptl y attended to. Tel. 433, Summit, or station, 6 looms, bath, steam heat; line ai Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart, 3rd, gave addtcss W. J. COBB. 23 Elm street. iic. cellai ; low rent. "Attractive," i.m Closed all Day Monday, Memorial Day a small dinner last Saturday evening Herald 70tf at the Manor Farm Tea House in Sum­ EMPLOYMENT OFETCF— Work foi men and Ground Pink Granite women by "d.iy oi month. Mitt bell & Cum FOll SALE OLIVE OIL—BARTON & GUESTIER mit.. Their guests were. Mr. and. Mrs. minus, 5J Chestnut avenue, Summit. Phone •195-M. 31tf B.trlon s- -Jos, "Campbell's 20 kinds. STORAGE AND MOVING—The largest and n uc. Merely require heating to be con­ Richardson Jiallau, formerly of Provi­ Landscape Gardener and General best equipped warehouse and stoiage build linn, :{.»0; Vi-sallon tins .. 2.00 dence, R. I„ but now of New York. Miss ing jn Summit. Moving by our experienced FORD, '14, with Pi mi Lunoiisini .mil r< gu verted into an appetizing disli for Contractor ku totiiing toil Id i new, H.isili migiiilii, Van < amp's Milk—Van Camp':', luncheon or supper. J)c the can; 3 Strong Is a daughter of the late Mr. service, in auto vans. Summit Express Co.. Railroad avenue 29tf big batgain. MiEIwie and M,n shall. Pine Sterilized Uncoloreil, "Tnsweeiened tins for * .... 2,">c and Mrs. Benj. Woodhull Strong of this Street, Mouistown, V I".. Th.iin d'M ? Kvaporateil Milk. Lar^f tins, city, and is a sister of Mrs..Howard H. t U_RNITURK repaiied and put in first-class Laundry Soap—Colgate's Octa­ GARDENS AND LAWNS condition at Joseph Zeigner's, Upholsterer EOR S \LE— Hand Punting Pi ess and t\ pc speoial Kc Henry, of New York, Mrs. Daniel R and Cabinetmaker, 472 Spiingfield avenue, \pplv Btnj. P. Holmes. Small tins, special tv gon. A high-grade laundry soap; Fearing, of Newport and Miss Marion CARED FOR Summit, N. J. Tel. 2S0-W. 27tf does . tlie work ea&ilj ; 7 cakes EOR SALE—V handsome fumt dooi, solid Vanilla Sale—McMona^le & U<>K- R. Strong. The wedding will take MONEY to loan on bond and Mortgage ui oak, pi lie glats opening, with side lights for . , 2.">c place in the coming autumn. improved Summit Real Estate in amount-- ,to match, will be sold at half oiiginal cost V give-n . IMcc—l^nciost quality extra large luncheon on*Monday in honor of Mrs. to the cn'ditois ol saitl deceased tat\lnbi1 to in .nizo and with delightful flavor; Grape i\uts, the pkg Me Edward McViekar. - - „ SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. , WORK is ssanted foi a man with family of the subseubti untlti oalli or alln m.ititm'Hit n excellent for boiled or steamed ric^ Maple Corn Clakes, pkg <>C tbiet small (hiidicu. lie is temperate .mil tliims intl ditnanils against the i-nlt ol --aitl —o—• tlttta eil williin nine1 nnuiths titon tin t\stntv or for rice- pudding. !)<' lb , 'A King Oeorge Cei cal, pkg 10c Mr. and Mrs. Henry 'Van Liew will a good woiker. Can. drivt oi woik about JOHN J. TODD, pku e Tpplv to Coopctathc Charitit s, P>T fifth tlav of Mav, 191s, ,u tins will he for for 2.'ir Susleno Hulled Oats, pkg He give a large plume near Miv-Van Liew's SIM uiL>hehl avenue Phone 30 W, oi Rnj/tis' is t r bailed fiom pi oset iitmg oi ittovering tin Rolled Oats (in bulk), 3 lbs. 2i{«- Manager. phai macy. saine against the substiiliei Cocoa Opal Brand, in glass jars, factory in Paterson on Saturday, Dec­ J \\TE "\I SIMS, Post ToastICS, pl, n lined, good educa coas. Has line flavor and strength. ' Tipo Tcji The flavorv tea in tin. twenty. Music will be supplied by a Telephone 341. tion; CU nograpln r. Anssvei b> letter, "P ti a w 9 w Pees $ 1 I II) _LkU£-pwU-ul,- nt^t, ]a-Ew — i^- one-pound \ellow hag, rronounced -bail fl-durtng-thrrirmcheon. —^~ X ," cart-Herald. dehghttul b> those who enjov Cev BUN'RED ROCKS and S C While Leghorn One-pound, net, jars 2ilc WANTED—\ few days rnoie ot plain jewinc" Chitks (lots ol 1D) ,mtl molbti hi n '$100 Two-pound, net, jars Ion Teas. The lb. :}5c Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Manice will en­ Tel 424 ,U. Leghorn Ycailmcs ntiw la\iog tsO tents tertain a house party at their house in Coffee—Value; roasted fresh tarh, l.nge, hcallhv, f11 e lauge stork; 114 Cral) Meat Cirni, crisp, selected Bay Head, N. J., over the holiday and WANTED--S'^: or sevintoom huu'-c, fuiui-li ecc l"}f.Iieis ineiibatoi (1014) pt t feet con daily in Ihe bean, ground or pul­ ed, foi summer; West Summit pit lined tlilion, $15 00. Summit P. O. P.os 17S Crab Meat. Kqual to the fresh verized. Specially priced: week-end. Their guests will be Mr. and Apply "Bos: 33," Summit lleiald. Phone 365 M. Mrs. John Stewart, 3rd, Mr. and Mrs. rrah or lobster, k'xcellent for sal- E. X. C. M. Blend', lb . 25c Floyd Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew HFJ.T*—All nationalities; day worker, butler, ails. Largo tins, 4;ic; small Maracaiho, lb . . - ' lftc cooks. Sclmvler Agency, Phone 160 W. FOR SALIv-Ahont 170 acies, highest part of tins - 25c the Mountain, adjoiniiig-SummiL_I-4 of Sum­ Smith and the Messrs. Rutherford 25 tf Uo>al "D" Blend, lb 19c Lawrence and Charles Dietrichson. mit piices. W. G 1'fckham, \\'?-stficld) N. 7- Korima Coffee m I-]h. sanitary fHAOt |vi/\rtl\ H^L.i^* i"fc.nE_LJ PHILIP SINAORA—Lawns, "Gardens, and .1,' 36 Pure Lard— Unusually fine; ab­ Furnaces caied foi; also contracting, grad solutely pure; excellent foi trying tins. A delicious, satislving colfee; The most successful suffrage enter­ ing, and general work; 15 Union Place, EOR SALE—Laige, attractive residence; near and all forms of baking. The lb. l*5c, 1-lb " Hie tainment of the season wtsfehelc] at the Summit. Telephonelepllptl e 24 R. station; 11 rooms, attic; solarium; sleeping porch; latge lot; at bargain; will rent. Salmon- Columbia River, Sal­ Short Hills Club on Tuesday evening, EOME WORK WANTE.NT^D -— Housecleaning, white "Spacious," Herald office. 20tf Castile Sou])—-House of Decker mon. A popular fish. Largo tins, May 25th. A very interesting lecture washing, lawns, gardens, furnaces taken care FOR SALE—Fifty loads horse and S loads Brand. A Ct^stil'el"feoap of very su­ special, 2,'Jc; small tins, special, He dealing with the suffrage question was SAYS of, varnish and polish floors, grading, con­ cow, manure; also SO loads top soil. Hol­ perior grade. Cut in cakes of con­ crete and cement work. Frank Scaless, P. land's Express, office, 15 Beechwood road. Alaska Salmon, Im,-.-V? "• . CWc' delivered by Mrs. Mason, of New York, he has been appointed authorized O. Box 8; residence, 42 Railroad avenue. 30tf venient size. 6 cakes for 55c; the during the early part of the evening. resident dealer for THE ROYAL 37tf cake , - 10c Baking Kaisins— Seeded and Dancing followed. The music, which FOR SALE—Good work horse, 1,100 lbs; two cleaned, large, thin skin and juicv, TAILORS, widely known as America's Tonmtoes—Choice quality Can­ .-was of the host, was supplied by Mar­ _toji wagor\^, Eatmw make; rubber tired run­ the 1-lb. pkg . Jtfc snappiest custom tailors. TO M5T about. Apply to N. Kelley & Sons, Chatham ned Tomatoes; large No. 0 sanitary- kers orchestra. Among those present Their collection of woolens is of 29tf Grape .Inice- Dr. Welch's pure were Mr. and Mrs. William Dudley, Mr. tins; doz., 1.00; tin, 5)c great magnitude and the ROYAL PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOM, 49 Glen and unfermented; refreshing, nour­ and Mrs. George DuVivier, Mr. andGUARANTEE protects you. wood place. FOR SALE—-Summit, N. J. 5 acres, concrete Butter—Choice Table Butter; a house, 14 rooms, all improvements; barn, ishing and palatable. A delicious Mrs. George Eyer, Mr. and Mrs. Mar­ Economy and efficiency will be ex­ butter of good flavor and at an at­ cooling beverage. shall Geer, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hack, TO LET—Rooms, with or without hoard, in shade, fruit; fine location and surroundings; emplified to the fullest extent. If in Sacrifice, $21,500. E. C. Holmes, Summit. tractively low price. The lb . 32c Quart bottles 15c Mr. and Mrs. George Hull, Jr., Mr. and private residence, with all conveniences doubt where to place your order for Ideal location; elevated, pleasant surround­ 20tf Tumi Fish—Tender and delicious Pint bottles 25c Mrs. Floyd Jefferson, Mr, and, Mrs.- ings; reasonable, 49 Overlook road. a summer suit, dispel- ii^and-give him a SPECIAL SALE—Roll top desk, 2 mahogany •white " meat. Appetizing when 4-oz. bottles . 10c Tracy Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. trial. PALM BEACH SUITS for men MODERN, ATTRACTIVE HOUSE, located , chairs, 1 mahogany revolving chair, 2^side served plain or with mayonnaise Bur-k'-diic .lellj Served with- "^aufman, Mr. and Mrs. Francklyn at No. 5 and 9 Shady&ido avenue, seven boards, 2 buffets, 2 brass beds, y white and women are hot weather specialties. dressing. cream cheese; it makes a delicious Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. George Leslie, By the way—he does DRY AND rooms; all improvements. Will decorate to enamel bedSj_4 round dining tables^f leather Mr. and Mrs/William McKim, Mr. and suit tenant. 'I erms very reasonable. N. M. bottom dining "eW'rs. lot kitchen •'chairs, lot 7-oz. tins l*2c combination ; the glass, special, 20c STEAM CLEANING of every descrip­ Bullard, 478 Spiingfield avenue. small pallor tables! ijumriTfTi'lLUCtion Rooms, Mrs. L. U. Matlhy, 2nd, Mr. and Mrs. 13-oz. tins . . 20c 1 tion, makes quick deliveries and tho IS-JJ^echwood road. _ 24tf Octagon Cleanser—Colgate's Oc Victor Mapes, Mrs. Aubrey Martin, Mr. charges are indeed moderate. TO LET—Semi-detached house, newly dec­ Zap—Prepared cereal for wash­ tagon Scouring Cleanser. This ex­ and Mrs. Stephen Nash, Mr. and Mrs. orated; $17 per month; also 4, 5 or 6 rooms, ing purposes; makes clothes as Flannel trousers a big factor. $12, $13 and $14 per month. Van Dyke, cellent cleaning powder is free Michael O'Shaughnessy, Mr. and Mrs. white as snow; makes skin soft as -• For Top-notch Service Try 246 Morris avenue. 33tf from all injurious ingredients; 6 Harold Payson, Mr. and Mrs. John velvet. The pkg., 5c; 6 for 25c tins, 25c; each 5c Rainier, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Richard^ FOR RENT—Private garage; 52 DeEorest son, Mr. and Mrs. Tell Schreiber, Mr. GEORGE C. . avenue; $5.00 per "month. 31tf Gardner's 'Drugstore Cheese—Finest New York State Tryphosa -Rich's Tryphosa; a PHONE 410-J. 10 BEECHWOOD RD. and Mrs. Andrew Smith, Mr. and Mrs. STORE WANTED on Maple street Spring Whole Milk Cheese; makes delic­ delicious gelatin dessert; pure fruit John Stewart, 3rd, Mr. and Mrs. Rem- field avenue, or Beechwood road. Addicss ious Welsh Rarebit; the lb, 23c flavor; the pkg. 9e; 3 pkgs. for 25c "E.," care Summit Herald. (Successor to Weber & Co.) sen, Mr. and Mrs. Albln Swenson, Mr. PJtOPOSAXS FOB CULVERT. Hams—Sugar cured, tender and PruiiCN — California Prunes, and Mrs. Arthur Terry, Mr. and Mrs. • Sea]e4 proposals will be received by the HOUSE TO LET—Seven large rooms; laim | juicy. meaty, thin' skinned and of excel­ Perry Trafford, Mr. and Mrs. NatCommitte. e of the Board of Chosen Freehold­ dry, bathroom, electric light, steam heat, Tel. 91. Night Tel, 1051 ers of the County of Union at the Court House, Lb. lent flavor. Tyler, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Walley open attic; can be seen on Satuiday; key ICliT-ahotli, N. J„ at 2.30 on June 1st, 1915, with Mrs. Coles, Madison avenue, West Sum Kxcelsior Brand Size 20 to 30, the lb. ... - .. 20c Williams. for the following described work. New reinforced concrete culvert, SO feet in mit, N. J. Burke's, Philadelphia 21c Size 40 to GO, the lb. . I3c length by 4 feet span over hrook across Moun­ Ferris, Trademark . 21c Size CO to 70, the lb lie tain avenue at Tine Crnvc avenue, Summit, FOR RENT--West Summit, coiner Mountain A RELIABLE and Division avenue, 6-room cottage, 4 acres Each bid must be accompanied tivith a onti land, large garden plot, 70 fruit trees, fied chock for $50.00, ;is required by the sped- chicken houses, asparagus beds, etc. $20. hcjitions. C. S. Wchbe, 796 Broad Street, Newark, FAMILY DRUG STORE cCLENAHAN TELLS Plans and specifications for thK work m.iy N. J. 31 tf he ci.imttied at the office of thr man of & ,uo» the Committee, William J. McMnne, V) Beech FOR RENT—Small unfurnished floor in pi i- With Moderate Prices. OF BELGIAN TR wood road, Summit, N. J. vate house, suitable foi housekeeping, di* Stores at Orange, East Orange, West Orange, Brick Church, Bloomfield . The right is rrscivcd by the Committee to lightfully located, six tinnuli-s from depot Montclair, South OraTige, Maplewood, Summit and Newark. Mail * (Continued from Page One.) rejpot any or all bids as may be deemed bet.t "M. f,.," lleiald Office, city. for the interest of the County o£ Union. and 'Phone Orders Filled Promptly. JACOB L. BAUtiR, We deliver promptly all over faumtnll, i j , %i ii '••!- ,iii"-'"i'-7¥'ii'i. : -'fi"i'fi -'i' -*••'•' of Americans whose devoted services * County Ljnginccr. TO RENT—House 27 descent avenue. had earned the undying gratitude and Twelve looms and two baths, hot water heat­ Short Hills and vicinity. love of the Belgian people. "No other SEALED PROPOSALS. ing and electric lighting. Apply to W. D, No extra charge. nation," said he, "has over shown Riiggs, 77 Prospect stiect, Summit. N. J. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 24-tf what real generous giving means and STCALKD PKOPOSAT.S will be^ received by what humanitarian principles can the Common Council of the City of Sum mit at 8 p. m , Saturday, June '5, 1015, and bring about." opened at the last named hnui, .it a. public At the close of this talk, stereopti- meeting of the said Common Council to be held at tin- said lime at the City TI all, in the City con views of scenes in Belgium, show­ of Summit, for ihe sweeping of road, ing the devastation of the country and for the pi essure application of hot asphaltic were, thrown upon the screen, the surfacing, over or undei all patches, and then over the total area, of about thiity thousand $^_ pictures having been supplied by the (30,000) square yaids of loads, within the Citj -JVIoxiis Turnpike,- opp. Summit AVenue. Belgium relief commission at 71 limits, and for the spreading nf stone screen Broadway. Brief annotations were nigs, at the late of about *15 to 10 pounds per 1 Summit, N. J. Telephone 1040 Summit = squaie yald of suiface, aflei the asphaltic given on each picture by Mr. Thomas application lias IK en made. B. Adams. Mr. Adams not' having The Asphalt must lie strictly in conformity been familiar with the subjects of the with specifications. NEW JERSEY'S SAFEST-PLAYHOUSE 1 Tea Dancing Daily | pictures led in two or three instances No hid will be consideicd unless made on PROGRAM CHANGED DATLY ,- ALWAYS THE BEST proposal blanks furnished l>v Iht City Kn to rather humorous situations which gineer. I r Home-made Cakes and Ice Cream = were duly appreciated by the audi­ Kach inopos^al must be enclosed in a sealed ence. When pictures of the food envelope propel Iv endoised with the name of MONDAY, MAY -31st,—EXTRA SPECIAL | Chicken Dinners to Order | the bidder and of the impiovcinent and di boxes were thrown upoiuthe screen, rected to the Common Council of the City of —BIG SPECIAL HOLIDAY PROGRAM— Mr. Adams took the opportunity to Summit. The World Film Corporation Presents 1 Broilers, Squabs and New Laid Eggs from | call attention to the fact that these Hiddeis will state theii pi ices in wilting a* HER well as in figures. boxes could bo purchased at anyone All work'ieferred to in this notice must be LILLIAN RUSSELL ™ NEATEST SUCCESS of the-local- grocers and—shipped- di­ completed-on or hefore the-e-v'prration of twenty­ 9? rect to Belgium without the cost of mo) walking days from the date of the con­ u anor tract TSidders must specify thai they will hinr' IED " niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii shipping. He told of the number of themselves to complete said work within said boxes that had been ordered from time. By George Broadhurbt and George V. Ilobart. A Master production of "Summit already and expressed the" The plans and specifications of the wot I; c\n be examined at the olfice of the City Kn the famous racing play in, 5 Acts hope that in a short time 1,000 ofgineer , in the Citv Tfall, Summit. 1 —ALSO— , ESTABLISHED 1889 these boxes would have been sent Said proposals must he accompanied by a Thc Man who is makin lh0 from this city. certified check ot cash for five per cent, of the total amount of bid. If certified check CHARLES CHAPLIN Naiion Lautrh in " " is furnished it_ shall be mafic payable to the City of Summit without reseive. THE MASQUERADER" FAMOUS Sl'AKS AT THIS LYRIC. Surety bonds for the sum of $1,000 00 will SUMMIT'S BIST fflMKEI he required of the successful bidder. . MATINEE l°c 15° and 25c The Common Council of the City of Summit a Lillian Russell, ffm, Faraum mid Chus. reserve to themselves the right to accept or EVENINCI,' '(All' Seats Reserved) 25c reject any proposals for the above woi_k,_as^ Clinplin Billedfor-N^xt Wecfe they may deem "best for the interests of the —Removed:H;o-462—Springfield—Avenue — citv. ^WEDNESDAY, JUNfi~2iid--Vaudeville Da^ The big_ holiday program arranged Bidders and sureties are - herehy notified for Monday, May 31st, at this -fi'ouse that the bond, or bonds to be given for the For the Convenience of Patrons. will include Lillian Russell in "Wild­ faithful execution and perfottnance of said public work shall first be approved as to suf- •" 5 All Star Acts S""" ~ fire," a Ave act photo production of the ' ficicncy_lLy_ tho Common Council, -and-no-coti~ Telephone 310_ Springfield.Avenue^^ummit, N. J. famous racing play that" was Miss tract shall be binding on the city or become Russell's greatest stage success. effective- or operative until such bond is so Lionel Barrymore and a notable cast approved. 3 Hour Show By direction of the Common Council of the Together with Photo Plays. support thid famous star. Charles City of Summit. * Chaplin 'in "The Masquerader," to­ FREDERICK C. KKNTZ, gether with other films, make up a City Clerk. FRIDAY, JUNE 4th—Masterpiece Day IS Maple Street, Summit, N. J. hill of great merit. Alexander Blair, City Engineer. WILLIAM FOX PRESENTS HENRI BERNSTEIN'S. MASTERPIECE Wednesday, June 2, another big Tel. 248, 2 per cent, discount on weekly bills vaudeville program will be given— fll. LOUISE GREENE ' "SAMSON" (Not a Biblical Play) Photoprraphcr five high class acts together with WITH photo, plays, make up a three-hour Special attention given Home Por­ CA If you are looking for Quality, Reasonable program. trait and child photography. We make - WILLIAM FARNUM GRE1S ACTOR • Friday, June 4,* America's most pictures to suit you and guarantee all Prices* Prompt Service, you will find them popular actor, William Farnum, will work. IN THE TITLE ROLE he presented in Henri Bernstein's STUDIO: A Play of .TREMENDOUS FORCE and sustained dramatic action with here. . masterpiece "Samson," in five acts. climax following climax in startling secession. This Is a play of tremendous force and 148 Speedwell Ave* Morristown, N. J. Producfd by Edgar Lewis in 5 Acts. Regular Friday Prices Closed all day Monday. sustained dramatic action, Mr. Far- Tel. TOT^W. Morristown, N. J. J