TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR, NO, 35. M EEIMX AETERNOO^-MAY 28, 1915 $1.50 EER YEAR, ALLER-=W00DWATiI>7 NEW DIBECT MAILS, IcCLENAHAN TEtlS A Chatham wedding which will in­ SOCIAL AFFAIRS PROGRAM FOR Owing to recent change ma_U,o by JOHN SPARG0 terest a host of Summit folk is that ol the Lackawanna Railroad aiid the Miss Hannah Tracy Woodward, sister Government Postal authorities, Sum­ iEUaAS TR of Mrs. James J. Allen, and Mr. George OF THE WEEK MEMORIAL ftAY mit has a new direct mail lrom New AT MEN'S F0RU1, Albert Allen, ol Ilobokcn. The cere­ York, arriving here at 4.51, For years A large audience was present, on mony will be periormed to-morrow Kirrhdny Party at "Italkeith." The only public events planned for the last important mail arrived in John Spargo, hailed as one of the Monday evening in Lincoln school to afternoon at four-thirty o'clock, by Memorial Day will be a patriotic serv­ Summit on the train arriving here leading Socialists of the world and Rev. Walker Gwynne, D.D., rector After the rain of Monday the skies shortly before 4.30. The" carriers hear Dean Howard McClenahan, of cleared for a few hours,- long en­ ice in Lincoln School, on Monday eve­ member of the National Executive Princeton University, tell of his re­ emeritus of Calvary church, of this used to leave the olfice at' 4.50, but Committee of the Socialist Party, " ough to make Tuesday a beautiful ning, under the auspices of the Hoard cent trip through Belgium. In his in­ city. If the weather permits, -the with the schedule which went into spoke before an audience of about ceremony will be solemnized on the day, and to permit the giving of a effect this week, the carriers leave at troductory 'remarks, Mr. Hamilton W. party in honor of the eighth birthday of Trade. The address of the evening eighty men last evening* at the Men's Mabie, who presided, told of the great beautiful lawn at the home of the will he delivered by Itev. Wm. H. Mor­ fi.10 for delivery in the central'part Forum. Wm. Scotiold Day presided bride's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. of little Miss Meredith Wilson, daugh­ of the city. The mail is^also open at .opportunity which*this country was ter of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Cade Wil­ gan, D.D., pastor of Calvary Methodist i over this last session of the Forum lor meeting in carrying on its humani­ and-Mrs. James J. Allen, on Passaic the olfice at 5.10. the present season. avenue, Chatham. The bride is the son, on the lawn of "Dalkeith," t&ie Episcopal church, New York City. Dr. tarian work in behalf of the Belgian Wilson's beautiful home on Spring­ Two new east bound direct mails Mr. Spargo began his address by people. ITe emphasized the generos­ daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Morgati is well known by many Sum­ to New York have been added since win Porter Woodward, who resided field avenue. The children, their par­ outlining briefly the various kinds of ity that had been shown and gave as mit people as a splendid orat©r. There Postmaster Baldwin came into otllce: for a number of years in Summit. The ents and friends who were present, socialists and then said that in spite „' an instance the fact that Lincoln enjoyed, a number of delightful fea­ will he singing of patriotic songs hv One closes at 9 a. m., going on the of the many varieties ot socialists they school had been donated free for the groom is a nephew' of Mr. J. J. Allen. ft L'li tram: and the other clones at -- tures in addition to the many games the entire audience and two numbers are_all—agreed -on one central—fnnda- evening, that the janitor had contri­ Mrs. Allen will be her sister's ma­ usually played at little tolks' parties. 11.4fi going on the l^.Oti tram, mental program. buted his services and that Dean Mc- tron, of honor, aud_Woodward Allen, a Miss Mildred MacCutcheon and Miss will be sung by the Dincoln School "Most of the misunderstanding thai Clenahan was «lso giving oT his time. nephew of the .bride, will be the best Helen Jameson danced a scarf dance. choir, composed of boys and girls in ilKH. DOWN AHLEltK. obtains in the world in regard to man. The other members oT th,e wed- Dean McClenahan was scut to Bel- A Russian folk dance was given by the seventh and .eighth grades of Lin- Socialism, is due to the Socialists jtiug party will be James Julius Allen. -^gium-by his university to inake-an-in^- MTSS Ma-nley-.—Miss Margaret—Jame­ coln school, under the direction of Word, was received here yesterday themselves—in-not stating- their—ease- Jr., Thomas, Musgruve Allen, and vestigation of conditions there. lie son as the Gypsy Queen, told fortunes Miss Margaret K. Barnes, Supervis­ of the death of MrsTlDoriinie "WoitY properly." Ethan Allen, nephews of the bride. or ot Music in the Public Schools. entered Belgium about October 1st, in a tent. Among those present were: Ahlers, wite of Carl Aiders, of the The first definition which he with x The wedding will be a very small; Chauncey S. Hickok, 2nd, will preside Honleyurd, which occurred at Battle and was -there until about February Mis W'm F. \dam, Tohn and Ricbaid '\d.ini. few friends evolved in Jjondon was quiet affair. Among the guests from at the piano. Creek, Mich , on Wednesday, May 2G. 1st -of this year. He had been given Mr' F. H. Adam.s, -Mr. and Mi, Clat-eim stated" as folknvs: "Socialism means Summit will be: Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Beriv, lleatnce.-ltti ry. Mrs Daniel Bmki. The invocation will he made by Rev. The body is being brought lo Summit -letters of introduction lrom promin­ the collective ownership- and control von Duhn, Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. lami s. \nni's, and Cufcrnaii Biuke, Mis Ch.us- Minol 'c Morgan, pastor of the Cen­ and the funeral service will he held ent Germans in- this country to the R liinl. Mi and Mis I'lancis II Beifjen, under a democratic government of all von Duhn, Miss von Duhn, ~W[m. von tral Presbyterian church. Rev. Wil­ at .her late residence here German military authorities in Bel­ Mis Calhoun Ci.IJIIII, Theodoi.i and Manan at i.::o the means ot production, distribution Duhn, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Craipii, Mrs. W. V Totes, Maiv, Billy and bur V. Mallalieu, pastor of the Summit o'clock, Sunday .afternoon gium and alter considerable difficulty Rev. and exchange." lie saul that later he Twomblyr Miss -Twomblv;—Mr. and Kei'vc CiilL'Sr Mis Fiedeiitk X Guwpi'tthwail, Methodist 1'Jpiscopal church, will pre­ Philip J. Kteininefz, Jr., rector ol Cal- he managed "to obtain from the Ger­ 1't'KKy '"id G.uol Cnw pel tins ait, Mt,s Wm. Jl.„ modified this definition by adding to Mrs. ('has. R. Bard, Mr. and Mrs. side. vary churcli, will olticiate. man military heads the courtesy of He Forest, hli/aheth Leipti Blown, Mi s F. rhc iii- it a clause which eliminated any oi the use of an automobile, a chauffeur George J. Ferry. A mong the l\ Do in, Alice and Pli asantim Doan, Mis. Members of the O. A. R. of Summit, teri'ient will be private. prom- 71 the means of production, such as a and .footman* and a German university, incut out-of-town guests ;ire: iii'iinjjl Da\, Ivlitha Dnv, Mis I'lulni Fains Now Providence, Chatham and Mill- Mrs. Ahlers lias resided in -Summit Judge HHitlKjrfFhrltp and Gmdon F,i, nsu m (h Mis lack knife, that'can be used onlv bv burn, will have seats of honor in the about three years. She is survived, man as an interpreter. James F. Minturn.-Dr. and Mrs. Theo.' R CjSSr.iInioi e. Kobi 11 Gilmuti Di and Mis and for Die individual owner. RiilitSlTimill, lis Tl.imill, Mrs Geo II. Dan tronl of the ball. As thei-e is no G. A. besides her husband, bv three chil­ Dean JMcClcnahan drew a splendid Leinmerz, of Jersey City; Mr. and "Socialism thjes not come to do Mrs. Wm. Wiggins, QI" New York; foi tli™ I'll/, ili< ih GIDIL'C, Nil hoi l-s ..u»l Noil R. Post in this section n is difficult lo dren, her lather, Nicolay de Wolff,-two I word picture of Belgium, the calm, Dinfnilli. Ahs D I,. Hindi, the Misses II inn. away-with private properly, hut aims obtain the names of J he \e1ernns, and sislers, Miss Joliaime de Wolll, a I peaceful, industrious community that Judge and Mrs. Wm. "R7 Coddington, Mis. Aillnu V. Jameson. Maifjaiil and I1LII.II to make it more universal, more gen­ lamo'iin. Mis,. ( has T li-nl.s Mis Manure an invitation is i xtended through, the teacher m the public schools, and the German army found when it mar­ of Plainlield; State Commissioner of eral," said Mr. Spargo. '-Perhaps it Education and Mrs. Calvin R. Ken­ lliilninn the Misses Ileilnian. Mis Win. I Herald tor the old soldiers lo be pres­ Mrs. Ida Pontoppidian, u brother. ched iulo that little country last sum­ li.-nc-n. Miss Clacks ]td\rv, Mrs |',u 1 ei D conti'iiiplates sonic Kind of a Icveling- ent on Monday evening. Otto de" Wolff, ol Oakland place, and mer.
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