The Companion

j Issue 8 May 1998 Dear l&P I thought you should see this, which is the cover of the solicitors' weekly journal, the Law Society Gazette from 17 December 1997. Check out the cartoon figure second from left in the picture - he is Geoff Hoon' minister in the Lord Chancellor's department and a big Deis fan . As you can tell, the Deis are well know~ a~o~gst solicitor~, and have been ~entioned twice in previous edi_tions of the same journal. I'm not sure if this 1s a good thmg! Not necessarily the type of fame I would wish for them ... Keep up the good work Victoria Kitcatt -Ashford, England · (Ed. No_te: _Thanks for sending this in, Victori~. By the way, at least I [Anna] have not yet seen the Deis appearing ,n any of my accountancy magazines (!} but maybe one of our subscribers knows better?]

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • : l j 1 - •- .A, ~~ -~. .:.1 ~ r-· f ~.

Movers and shakera· Once the party's over these merry revellers will be back doing battle on !he big lssues IOI' solicitors. Happy Christmas' COi/er photo by Diane Deecii.en About Infidels & Popstars I The Editors are: ANNA BARWICK - BOURNEMOUTH ENGLAND [email protected] I KELLI SMITH - NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, USA [email protected] DARREN HOLMQUIST - PORTLAND, OREGON, USA darren@spiritone .com Please feel free to con.tact any .of us ~t the e-m~I ~~d.resse~ above or at either of the _s~bs7ription add~. sses _found I on page 8. For the most comprehensive Del Am1tn mfonnation on the WWW please v1s1t Ahson Bellach s official Del Amitri Web Site at You can now access both sites and the A&M site through: ©1998 IDfl~III & PHllll'S

Page 2 t j

EDITORS NOTE: A&M PRESS RELEASE: NASHVILLE, USA - We decided to approach things DEL AMITRI CHOSEN TO RECORD a little differenUy for this issue. We've received some OFFICIAL WORLD CUP SONG really amazing photographs from fans over the last few years. We've used many of them in past issues Team Scotland is delighted to confirm that Glaswegian but there is really no way to capture their brilliance in band Del Amitri will be recording the Official Scottish ( our black and white issues. So, we decided to cut World Cup "FRANCE ·ga• anthem. This is contrary to back the number of pages so we could do a full color reports that appeared in the Scottish press last poster for you. We hope you like it. Keep sending weekend . us your great pictures so we can do another one! The song, entitled 'Don't Come Home Too Soon•, So What's New .... was written by Del Amitri frontman late last year, echoing his own personal hopes for the • European summer festivals live dates: team this Summer. Once heard by Team Scotland, the song - though still in demo fonn - was immediately 20 June - Hurricane Festival, Scheessel, Gennany selected as the track that best evoked the nation's I21 Ju. ne - Midsummer Festival, Erfurt, Germany aspirations for the toumamenl 04 July - Mitfyns Festival, Denman< .A UK and European tour is likely in Proactive Sports Management ltd, the Official IOctober/November. There are no current plans marketing Agent for Team Scotland added: "We are for a US tour. delighted to be involved in the Official Team Scotland record for the World Cup France '98 with Del Amitri. • "Don't Come Home Too Soon" is due for release Having listened to the song we believe it brings to life on 25 May, with the Greatest Hits to follow the hopes of all Scotland fans, and will prove to be a in July, a provisional release date set for 6 July. is tremendous success.• It is likely that the first on sale will feature a limited edition b-sides album. The song is going to be recorded in Scotland next .A&M (US) has confirmed that the Greatest Hits week, and will feature Will (The Verve's "Urban Ialbum will be released in the U.S. and will include Hymns") Malone on strings. "Don't Come Home Too two new tracks, "Don't Come Home Too Soon· Soon·, will be available as a single on A&M Records and another as yet undecided. The label in mid-May and will also feature on the offrcial World anticipates that the U.S. release will coincide Cup ·gs compilation album to be released by Sony in closely with the U.K. release date (i.e. August) . the run-up to the tournament in June. • The concert in Paris, referred to in some Scottish In the meanwhile, Del Amitri are putting the finishing papers, is unlikely to happen. touches to a "Best or compilation - to include "Don't Come Home Too Soon• and another brand new song THE l&P DIARY - to be released by A&M in July of this year. This will 12 March. ITV News: an interview with Justin be the band's fifth album for the label, and will also as part of a feature on the English and Scottish feature a host of band favourites like "Kiss This Thing Wortd Cup songs. Goodbye", •Always The ·, "Spit In The Rain", "Driving With The Brakes On" and "Here And 25 March. Simon Mayo, BBC Radio 1: First play Now•. of "Don't Come Home Too Soon·, plus interview with Justin and the Scotland team on The Net the same day. Del.Am itri t-s hi rts 27 March. Trial By Night. STV: This featured a debate on the suitability of "Don't Come Home • The t-shirts still available are: Too Soon· as the Wortd Cup song, and included Album (SOSP W. Backprint) Navy (L) a very brief snippet of an interview with Justin. Album (SOSP W. Backprint) Burgundy (L} SOSP (W. Tour Dates) Black (L) 17 April. BBC Radro 1 Breakfast Show, from NEC Birmingham: Interview with Justin by Zoe Ball Send £5 plus £1 .50 p&p UK, £2 p&p Europe, and played "Don't Come Home Too Soon." £3 p&pAustralia, to the U.K. subscription address 17 April. Never Mind The Buzzcocks, BBC2: (p.7) or in the U.S./Canada send $15 (U .S.) or Justin was on the pop music quiz. They won .... credit card info to the U.S. address {p.7).

Page3 l&P Readers ' Letters Dear l&P, I have managed to unearth evidence spooky Dear l&P, connections between the Deis song "Fred Partington's I have Just returned from. ~our weeks in Australia whe~e Daughter" and real life events. There was a Lucy I had vanous opportunities to ask about the bands Katherine Partington who disappeared in Cheltenham popularity there. People I met personally knew the in 1973. Ms. Partington, niece of novelist Sir Kingsley name and some titles from previous albums. In HMV Amis, was last seen going for a bus in Pittville , and Blockbuster m Sydney the last three albums were Cheltenham on December 27, 1973. The third year available, priced reasonably, maybe twenty-five dollars, Exeter University student was 21 at the lime. Ms . and as prominently displayed as they ever are here, Partington was returning to Gretton, near Gloucester namely in the A to Z sections. An intensive police investigation into her disappea~ance yielded no traces . But four years ago the wife of One guy in HMV said that SOSP did pretty well when alleged House of Horror mass killer Fred was charged released (with the two extra tracks) and that the band with her murder, and later convicted. I wonder if Justin is well-respected as a live band. Obviously there is Currie wrote the song back in 1989 with the a market out there and I think a tour would be very disappearance of Ms. Partington In mind? well received Andy Hutchinson On my return to the UK I saw "Not Where It's At" being Leeds, England sold in Marks & Spencer as part of a compilation CD called "Mellow Sounds - The Gentler Sound of Dear l&P, Contemporary Rock·, or something to that effect. I thought I would make a few comments on 1997. That CD comes hot on the heels of another typical 1) LOVE the album - Some Other Suckers Parade . Chnstmas compilation CD, "The Greatest Rock Songs 2) FOUR Del gigs last year - Liverpool Royal Court, of the Sixties, Seventies, Eighties and Nineties·. "Not Manchester Academy, Preston Guildhall, York Where It's At" was included on this CO. Barbican. By far the best gig was Liverpool_and not Emma Dick because it's my home town but because Liverpool Liversedge, England love the Deis and no other audience can sing [Ed Note· It would be interesting to hear from our ·oownfall" quite as well and I should know after 20 Australian subscribers what their thoughts are on something gigs around the country. The Manchester Emma's letter!!) gig came a close second. The other gigs were good but the venues were poor and lacked atmosphere. Dearl&P, 3) Superb b-side on CD single "Not Where It's At." Before receiving your fanzine I considered myself a 4) Slightly perturbed to be forced to buy three cop!es Del Amitri fan Got the CDs, videos, t-shirts and of "Some Other Suckers Parade" to collect the live posters See them at every opportunity. Having read tracks . 7 issues now, I realise that as I do not know the band 5) Converted at least ten of my friends to Del fa~s . members inside out and every word of every song, I 6) Like everyone else disappointed at Deis marketing . can~ot obviously be a full fan. Am I Just a fan in they deserve better. I honestly think, Anna, you ~nd training or am I a fan and you are obsessed anoraks? your colleagues/friends at l&P could do a better Job Love your stuff - keep 1t up! Ron Taylor Torrance Hugh Prescot, England Irvine, Scotland Dear l&P, t Thank you for the November issue and also for the pencil, ii ~as a welcome surprise I'm enclosmQ a ca., - ,._ photo of my friend , Val, and I with ' the boys, minus lain, I think he must w have taken the photo, it's all a bit of a blur now, like a dream We were lucky enough to meet them on November 11th in Newcaslle Thanks so much, guys, we really enjoyed it and the concerts were fantaslic. Gill Olds Hartlepool, England Page4 began to follow in the same pattern of all of the Athens Del Boys Provide Backup on bands that were around during that time pertod , playing Drew Young release Hide Out With Me frat parties, riding around in a c~ap stinky v~n. playing {Ed. note from Kelli ... I had the good fortune to meet for $50 and beer, and occass,onally opening up for Drew at a New Orleans Music Conference a few years Del Amitri, always a treat to be in their dressing room ago. We became friends and kept in touch where they had better and more plentiful beer. professionally. It wasn't until many months later that I have since moved to New Orleans. So when the we somehow realized we had something Del Amitri Del boys were playing al the House of Blues fast in common loo ... strange how Delfans surface when summer we got stinking drunk and I asked if they you least expect it. So, I'm very happy to introduce would like to play on my record . To my surprise they you to another great Del Amitri fan ... who also happens said ·yes• . So the next day Justin and lain stayed to make music I think you 1II like ... ] behind and we recorded two of my songs, ·shudder" My Del Amitri Story... and •Love and Politics". We recorded at Ultra Sonic Studios with Steve Reynolds engineering. Justin sang by Drew Young backgrounds and played bass and lain played The Deis and I met in Athens , Georgia in the mid-80s guitar. I was so nervous. Here I was in the studio during the "Whistle Stop Tour· days. I was a student with these two guys that I had looked up to for years. at the University of Georgia during the hey day of the What if they thought I was horrible. But I had already music scene there . There was a cool record store sent them the tape and they knew what they were called Wuxtry that all of the cool rock 'n' roll guys used getting into. Well it went off without a hitch. They left to worl< at. I was a bit in awe of the whole thing because the next day and I went to NYC about three weeks I had never really been in a band. Well, we had a rule later to finish up the record. I recorded there with in our house that on Friday you could not come home Shane Faber (Digable Planets, Lisa Stansfield) . without beer and a new record. So I was looking for Two more songs, "3 Martini Genie• and "Hide Out a new record one particular Friday. The guy behind With Me" were sent as roug.h mixes to Justin in the coun~er was playi!19 th is really cool sounding and he just did his thing. He did a great job record ~1le I was w~lk1ng around . I kept thinking that and sang some very wild vocals on the tapes ... I like the music I was heanng was the coolest music in the them a lot. world. I asked the guy who it was and he said "Del Amitri." Well I had to buy it right then and there. I paid The release date of the record is May 10th. I am four dollars for the record because the label had only getting the band ready to hit the road this summer. sent a promo copy. I bought the promo copy and my l&P Review roommates and I wore that record out. I had all of my friends singing along for months. I refused to let Drew Young - Hide Out With Me {CS Music} anybody copy the record so they had to go out and The album itself is a great listen. A little bit of Finn buy their own copy. Brothers mixed in with Marc Cohn. With the voice of a songwri_ter, Drew takes you on a personal tour of On the back or the record there was an adddress that autobi?9raphi~al so~gs, voyeristic songs, and songs said 'if you would like any more info please write,· that b~ng you _mto his ~ood and emotion. The songs etc. Well, I had never written to a fan type thing but on which Justm and lam appear are: "Hide Out With lo and behold after I wrote a letter and told them that Me", "Shudder·, "3 Martini Genie", and "Love And I thought theirs was the best record that I had ever Po_litics'. If you like strong male voices, great acoustic heard, I received a hand written letter from them g~Ita_r pl~yi~. and J~stin and Iain's playing and singing, thanking me. They sent along a prn and a poster as this 1s disc 1s definitely for youf [Darren Holmquisij well. Months later I received a letter from Barbara their How to order: manager, telling me that the Deis were doing ~ tour Drew Young • Hide Out With Me of America with no label support, no gear, and no (CS Music 919) da.te~ booked. She asked me if I could help them. I $10 + $2 S&H for U.S/Canada orders (please said sure" and got them a gig at the Uptown Lounge. add an additional $2 for overseas orders). I scrou"Qed up money, a keg, and instruments. It was Send check or money order ($U.S. funds only) a great time and I got to play on 'Brown Eyed Girl" payable to: ihey ended up staying in Athens for a few days anci Drew Young/ CS Music f struck up a tryendship with them. We spent the next 2316 Esplanade Ave. t~w Y~ars wnting back and forth and I would travel to New Orleans, LA 70119 e s ows where they were playing near my home crecht card orders through Joe's Grille: 1 started a band called Ruben Kln.caid and w~ or 1-800-688•4212

Page 5 Del Amitri on the Internet by Darren Holmquist We know that this article will anger a few of you who The Complete Del Amitri Discography has the covers think we refer to the internet too much already. Face and some sound clips to all 1he Del Amitri singles. it folks, the internet is here to stay and there is some But, this site takes the Discography one step further amazing mfonnation to be found within it. The reason than the University Of Del Amitri. It lists all the promo for this article is that we've had many requests from discs and foreign country releases. An important site subscribers about where to find information and other when you need to know what the cover of the Medicine Del Amitri fans online. So, here are some of the best promo looked like! This site also uses frames . places we know. (http://duk

Most everyone knows about the Grandmommy of The Opposite View is a large Del Amitri discussion them all , Alison's Official Del Amitri Webpage. It was mailing list. If you don't know what a mailing list is, the first, and is the one by wh ich all others are here it is in a nutshell. You want to send an email to measured. It contains song lyrics, fan concert reviews, everyone on the list; you address it to one address, and a large library of published articles, both large and everyone on the mailing list gets a copy. It's mass and small. The site was first designated "Official" by mailing to just Del Amitri fans. A very useful tool when Del Amitri themselves, then later by A&M Records. A you need questions answered. It's also a great way •must see." ( to meet other Del Amitri fans . This list is also available in a daily digest version for those of you who don't ii I I · · The OJfi~al • •· want to receive each individual message as it is sent. f -- 1, ., ··· _.i. .• De• 1':m tr1 (http:f/www.angelftre com/de/oppositeviewflndex.htmQ . l,. . , . .: !-we l f , ,, I ; , .• Site Infidels And Popstars deserves a mention, I suppose! . ' .• tdq:-. . - Ln.'.-.Nr. The place where prospective subscribers can check !,oi(__ _ out articles from past issues, sign up, and even pay w. for their subscriptions! ( = ' The www.delamitri .com site is a links page maintained 1 . • --- ID...... c.:-.i by the editors of l&P. It features links to several - -· i . ··--!·-. ....~1.£6.oc)JII ~ · . · i ·., r/•~1- : different Del Amitri official sites. You can also sign up for the mailing list. This is a different kind of mailing list than the Opposite View, however. This mailing The Del Amitri Fan Arena is based in the UK. The list will send you an email only when something pages feature a large collection of photos taken by important is announced, and is a way for A&M , JPR, Kevin, the page creator, himself. It has a bulletin and the band themselves (if they ever decide to) to board, updated news and a trading post. reach a large number of fans all at the blink of an eye. ( (http://www.delamitri.com1

The Del Amitri Backpage is designed to pick up where If xou're on AOL, you might want to stop in and say the Official page leaves off. With links to commercial "h1" to the people in the Del Amitri folder. The folder sites that sell Del Amitri eds, a collection of photographs can be found through the following cha in : taken by fans, a small memorabila section, Del Amitri keyword: MMC; folder. Rock/Pop; folder. General quizzes, several pieces of Del Amitri humor, as well Rock; folder. Del Amitri. as news and rumors, and a new !isling of all the dates and towns Del Amitri has played . There are other pages, A&M's Del Amitri site for ( example. It doesn't have much, and sends you to Alison's Official Del Amitri Webpage for ~ore University Of Del Amitri is a library of sorts. It contains information. For a full listing of Del Amitri websites, the covers lo most all the Del Amitri singles and albums go to The Official Del Amitri Webpage and then to the it has lyrics to every song known to have been released' Links page within it. photos, artict~s and e_ss~ys on the history of the band: as well as bnef descnptions of all the videos. This site Now, if you're new to the Internet, don't be shy. uses frames, so if your browser can't handle frames Become familiar with the different sites, and use them don't bother. (http:1/members tripod com/-UofDAri as a haven in the dark days between releases!

Page 6 sifieds-del-classifieds-del-classifieds-del-cl IQ COLLECTOR: Interested in trading tapes of live shows, radio appearances, etc. Wnte to Mike Gomoll at : td [email protected] or in care of your l&P subscription address. m '6 WANTED· CD singles . Pre - album Terry Hills, 15 Croft Avenue, Charlton Kings, I-'• 1 Cheltenham, Glos., GL53 8LF, England . H, r-1 WANTED: CO singles to buy or swap. I have spare copies of Driving With The Brakes On 581 005-2 and ~­ CD Tell Her This 581 215-2. Contact: Neil Murrin, tel +44 (0)1395 277819. '2a 'd WANTED: Medicine CD singles, part 1 and 2. Please contact Stuart Hamilton, 8 Foxglove Way, Nursery rn ~ Fields. Brant Road, Lincoln, LN5 9XF , England. I 'tJ MITCH KERR would like to hear from fans anywhere in the world who have tapes _of conc.erts, radio sessions P.. CD or TV appearances. Material from 1983 to present available to swap only. Wnte to htm at 49 Townhead (I) •n Street, Strathaven. ML 10 60H, Scotland, or e-mail him at [email protected]. f--1 11-1 PENPAL WANTED: Del Amitri fan seeks other non-anoraky Del Amitri fans for penfriendship. Anyone, any 6 ·r-1 age. Hugh Torrance, 14 Williamfield Grove, Irvine, KA12 SSE, Scotland. f--1 (Q m IDisc/a;mer, Buy/trade at your own risk. We do our best to check everything out but /&P and H's editors assume no A> ftS legal responsibility for transactions made through these classified ads.J m to-tep-spa1i1ss~to-1ap-spa1i1ss~t~-tap-spa111s

Subscriptions Notice:

UK EUROPE us OTHERS 1 ISSUE OF INFIDELS & POPSTARS £1.50 £2.00 $ 4.00 N/A 4 ISSUES OF INFIDELS & POPSTARS £5.00 £6 .50 $12.00 $17 .00* • for subscnbers in the •others• category, please send subscription in fo and payment in U.S $ to the U.S. address below I • if you are interested in back issues, please let us know with your subscription.. we 'II let you know when we reprint send subscriptions to: UK &. Europe: USA &All Others: make cheques (£sterling only) payable to: make checks & m.o. (US$ only) payable to ' 'Infidels & Popstars' 'Infidels & Popstars' 'Infidels & Popstars' 'Infidels & Popstars' P.O. Box 2799 P.O. Box 121241 Bournemouth BH7 6ZG ENGLAND Nashville, TN 37212 U.S.A.

You can also mail away for more information on Del Amitri to this address: P.O. Box 141, Uddingston, Glasgow, G111 HW, SCOTLAND

Special Ulanks from all the Editors go to the ro11owing people who keep us informed about all things in the wortd of Del Amltri .. and without whose input and support this publication would be impossible: ALISON BELLACH (USA), CAROLINE BELLACH (USA), DOUG BROWN (USA), TERESA & DOUG COUCH (USA), ANDREW DOUGLAS (N IRElAND), MICHAEL GOMOLL (UsA), JERE GOUGH (USA) KAREN NESBITT (CANADA) BOBBI RICHARDSON · (USA), LORI ROYAL-GORDON (USA), TAIRE RUFFING (USA), DAVID SllLS (USA) , MAGNUS THOME (SWEDEN), DAVID WARTIK (USA), A&M RECORD$ (US & UK), JPR MANAGEMENT, PROGRESSIVE GLOBAL AGENCY Extra speci~I thanks from the eddo,rs to Copycraft Printers in Lubbock, Texas, U SA for their excellent work printing our Del Amitn' posters wh,ch are mcluded free with this Issue (while stocks lsstJ, and to everyone who contributed the photos The Editors would also like to thank the following people who have cootnbuled to this issue: VICTORIA KITCATT (UK) DIANE DEECKEN (UK) EMMA DICK (UK) HUGH TORRANCE (SCOTlAND) ANDY HUTCHINSON (UK) RON TAYLOR (UK) I GILL OLDS (UK) DREW YOUNG (USA)

Page 7 Infidels & Pop stars PO Box 2799 PO Box 121241 Bournemouth Nashville BH76ZG TN 37212 England USA

l&P Update - Friday 1 Mav 98

These are the confirmed Del Amitri summer dates:

12 June Glasgow Green, Scotland Hurricane Festival, Scheessel, Germany Midsummer Festival, Erfurt, Germany Barcelona, Spain Zaragoza, Spain Madrid, Spain Mitfyns Festival, Denmark As always these dates arc subject to change ......

Don't Come Home Too Soon - the single Due for release on 25 May in the UK Track Jisting: CDl: CO2: Don't Come Home Too Soon Don't Come Home Too Soon Kiss This Thing Goodbye Don't Come Home Too Soon (instrumental) Always (single mix)


Don 1t Come Home Too Soon Three Little Words Paper Thin Don't Come I Jome Too Soon (i11 slrnmcntnl)