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3 N Tunis ° !^ 0 !^ !^ M 3 Alge r e (Algie rs) d it Ţarābulus e rr !^ (Tripoli) an e an Laayoune (El-Aaiun) P !^ ALGERIA Al Qāhirah W e ste rn (Cairo) LIBY A EGY P T R e CABO VERDE d Nouakc hott !^ S


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1 a N

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Dakar 5 P raia !^ MALI n 1 NIGER SUDAN ERITREA de Asm e ra A GAMBIA !^ !^ !^ of BURKINA (Asm ara) lf Bam ako Niam e y Lake CHAD Khartoum Gu !^ !^ !^ Chad FAS!^O Lake GUINEA N’Djam é na Tana !^ Djibouti Ouagad ougou N !^ GUINEA-BISSAU I DJIBOUTI !^ N ETHIOP IA E Abuja !^ O B !^ !^ Fre e town G Y am oussoukro N O SOUTH Ād īs Ᾱbe ba O !^ !^ T P orto-Novo !^ O SUDAN ECA HQ A !^ R CENTRAL AFRICAN I !^ Lom é E Juba L !^ M REP UBLIC Ac c ra A !^ A C !^ CÔTE D'IVOIRE Malabo !^ !^ M Y aound é Bangui Lake O Lake UGANDA S EQUITORIAL GUINEA Albert Turkana !^ Muqd isho São Tom é O DEMOCRATIC G KENY A (Mogad ishu)

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0 !^ !^ REP . OF THE Lake !^ 0 N Kam pala Libre ville O CONGO Victoria C Kigali !^ SÃO TOMÉ AND P RÍNCIP E !^ Nairobi Brazzaville RW ANDA Gite ga !^ !^!^Kinshasa BURUNDI I N D I A N Cabind a Lake Dod om a !^ Tanganyika !^ A T L A N T I C () O C E A N Vic toria UNITED REP . OF Luand a O C E A N !^ TANZ ANIA SEY CHELLES Lake Nyasa ANGOLA !^Moroni MALAW I COMOROS Z AMBIA !^ Lilongwe !^ Lusaka (und e r Fre nc h ad m in.)

Members: S °

!^ R 5 E 1 S Harare A ° U 5 Alge Le sotho C Antananarivo 1 Z IMBABW E IQ S Angola Libe ria B A !^ W ind hoe k G Be nin Libya M MAURITIUS !^ A A Z Botswana Mad agasc ar BOTSW ANA D P ort Louis O Burkina Faso Malawi A !^ Gaborone M

!^ P re toria M Burund i Mali !^ Ré union Cam e roon Mauritania !^ !^ Maputo (Fr) Cabo Ve rd e Mauritius Mbabane Ce ntral Afric an Re public Moroc c o ESW ATINI !^ Chad Mozam bique SOUTH Mase ru LESOTHO Com oros Nam ibia AFRICA Congo Nige r Côte d 'Ivoire Nige ria De m oc ratic Re public Rwand a of the Congo Sao Tom e and P rinc ipe

Djibouti Se ne gal The boundaries and names shown and the S

designations used on this map do not imply °

Egypt Se yc he lle s 0 official endorsement or acceptance by 3

Equitorial Guine a Sie rra Le one the United Nations. S

° Eritre a Som alia 0 3 Eswatini South Afric a Final boundary between the Republic of the Ethiopia South Sud an Sudan and the Republic of has Gabon Sud an not yet been determined. Gam bia Togo Ghana Tunisia 0 500 1,000 km Guine a Ugand a Guine a-Bissau Unite d Re public of Tanzania 0 300 600 m i Ke nya Z am bia Z im babwe

30°W 15°W 0° 15°E 30°E 45°E 60°E Map No. 3979 Re v. 10 UNITED NATIONS Offic e of Inform ation and Com m unic ations Te c hnology July 2019 Ge ospatial Inform ation Se c tion