
90°W 75°W 60°W 45°W 30°W


MEXICO AND THE Nassau Gulf of La Habana Pue rto Ric o () BAHAMAS British Virgin Is. Turks and Caic os Is. U.S. Virgin Is. Me xic o DOMINICAN Anguilla CU BA REPUBLIC Sint Marte e n Caym an Is. Santo HAITI 1 5

Port-au-Princ e Dom ingo ° Be lm opan N

N ° Basse te rre 5 BELIZ E St John’s 1 Kingston AND NEVIS ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA at Guate m ala Montse rr Rose au Guad e loupe Te guc igalpa DOMINICA Caribbean Castrie s SAINT LUCIA Brid ge town San Salvad or Managua Kingstown Curaçao Aruba St Ge orge ’s SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES San José GRENADA Panam á Carac as Port of A T L A N T I C VENEZ UELA Ge orge town Param aribo O C E A N G S Bogotá F Caye nne U U re Y R n A IN c N h A A G M u E ia n

Q uito a °

0° 0

Galapagos Is.

P E R U B R A Z I L P A C I F I C Lim a O C E A N

La Paz Brasília S °

5 B O L I V I A 1


5 °

Suc re S


Antigua and Barbud a Jam aic a PARAGUAY Arge ntina Baham as Me xic o Asunc ión Barbad os Ne the rland s Be lize Nic aragua Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Panam a Canad a Paraguay Pe ru ECLAC HQ Colom bia URUGUAY Costa Ric a Re public of Kore a Santiago Saint Kitts and Ne vis S Cuba ° Bue nos Aire s Monte vid e o 0 E

3 Dom inic a Saint Luc ia Dom inic an Re public Saint Vinc e nt and the L

I 3

Ec uad or Gre nad ine s A R G E N T I N A 0 ° El Salvad or Spain H S Franc e Surinam e C Ge rm any Trinid ad and Tobago Gre nad a Turke y Guate m ala Unite d Kingd om of Gre at Britain and Northe rn Ire land Haiti Unite d State s of Am e ric a Hond uras Uruguay Italy Ve ne zue la (Bolivarian Re public of) Associate members: Anguilla Guad e loupe Aruba Martinique

Be rm ud a Montse rrat 0 500 1,000 km British Virgin s Pue rto Ric o Caym an Island s Sint Marte e n *

S Falkland

° 0 250 500 m i


4 Curaçao Turks and Caic os Island s (Malvinas) Fre nc h Guiana Unite d State s Virgin Island s

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. *A dispute exists between the Governments of and the of and Northern concerning sovereignty over the (Malvinas).

105°W 90°W 75°W 60°W 45°W 30°W 15°W Map No. 3977 Re v. 6 UNITED NATIONS Offic e of Inform ation and Com m unic ations Te c hnology Nove m be r 2019 Ge ospatial Inform ation Se c tion