Tuesday, ."""arch 2.0, 1"":"" Phalguna 29 .•IIH (SA!(\


( Seventh SC.. iOD )

(Yol. XXV eomairu NOI. 21-.10)


Priel : R.I. z.oo CONTENTS

(Fifth Series, Volume XXV, 7th Session, 1973i

No. 21, Tuesday, March 20, 1973!Phalguna 29, 1894 (Saka)

Oral Answers to Questions I COLUMNS

·Starred Questions Nos. 383 to 385, 387 to 389, 392 and 400 1-23 Short Notice Question NO.5

Written Answers to Questions :

Starred Questions Nos. 381, 382, 386, 390, 391, 393, to 399

Unstarred Questions Nos. 3756 to 3843 and 3845 to 3955

Statement correcting reply to USQ No. 1028 dated 21-11-1972 191 Calling Attention to Motter of Urgent Public Importance- Reported police inaction in apprehending culprits harassing inmates of Miranda House Hostel .191-95, 382-412

Paper laid on the Table. 195

Message from Rajya Sabha 195-96

Business Advisory Committee Twenty-sixth Report

Union Territories Taxation Laws (Amendment) Bill-Imroduced Re. Strike by Working Journalists, etc.

Statement reo Letter of Resignation by Minister of Tourism and Civil Aviation (Dr. Karan Singh) 198-200

Supplementary Demands for Grants (General), 1972-73 200-15 Shri K. R. Ganesh . 201-202

Arpropriation Bill, ~ and Passed 21 5-16

Supplementary Demands for Grants (Railways), 1972-73 216-45 Shri J agadish Bhattucharyya 219-2I

·The sign + marked above the name of a 1\1ember indicates that the question was actuallv asked on the floor of the House by that Member. 3891 L ~ (ii)

COLUM!,\S Shri V. B. Tarodekar 221-25

Shri Indra;it Gupta 226-32

Dr. Laxminarain Pandeya 233-38

Shri Mohd. Shafi Qureshi 238-44

Appropriation (Railways) Bill, 1973-Introduced alld Passed 245-47

Demands for Grants (Railways), 1973-74 . 247-68, 370-82

Shri Dinen Bhattatharyya 253-58 Shri Arjun Sethi 258-6J

Shri Ramavatar Shastri 324-33

Shri Dharamrao Afzalpurkar 333-36

Shri Chandra Bhal Mani Tiwari 336-40

Shri Krishna Chandra Pandey 340 -44

Shri Piloo Mody 345-46

Shri Ra;deo Singh 347-52

Shri R. V. Bade 352 -55 Dr. Ranen Sen . 35c-58

Shri M. Ram Gopal Reddy 358-62 Shri P. G. Mavalankar 362-68

Shri Shivanath Singh 370-76

Shri S. D. Somasundaram 376-79 Shri Sadhu Ram 379-82

Orissa Budget, 1973-74-Presenled 368-70

Shri K. R. Ganesh 368-70 Supplementary Demands for Grants (Orissa), 1972-73 -Statement presented . 370

5hri K. R. Ganesh 37 0 LOK SABHA DEBATES I 2

LOK SABHA (Fig Hes in tnll!) 6. Gujarat 978 7· Haryana 769 Tuestiay, March, 2.0 1973/PluJlguna 2.9, 1894 8. Andhra Pradesh (SaJuJ) 769 9· 10. Rajasthan 615 Th, £Ok SOOha mit at EIIIfJ", of ,116 Clock. II. Orissa 707 [MR. SPEAKER in th, Chair] 12. Punjab 697

ORAL ANSWERS TO QUI!STIONS 13· MY80re 615 Bada of AUocadoD of Willi: to Stat" 14· Tamil Nadu 6150 15· Kerala I2.S5 ·383. SHRI ANADI CHARAN DAS : Goa, Daman & Diu 2.0% Will the Minister of PETROLEUM AND 16. CHEMICALS be pleasedto state: 17· Dadra & Nagar Haveli Chandigarh (a) the basis of allotting wax quota to 18. different States; and 19· Pondicherry , 22 Himachal Pradesh 82 (b) the annual quota of wax fixed for 20. each State by the Central Government? 21. Jammu & Kashmir , 103 22. Assam , 492.0 THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM AND CHEMICALS (SHRI D.K. 23. Nagaland 718 BOROOAH) : (a) and (b). The allocation 24· Arunachal Pradesh • IS4 of paraffin wax to the different States was 25· Manipur IS4 initially fixed on the basis of the actual 26. Tripura 272 consumption of this product during 1970. Thereafter this allocation has been progres- 27· MeghaIaya 769 sively enhanced with improvements in 2.8. Andaman & Nicobar 20 indigenous availability. The 1973 State- Laccadive. wise allocation of paraffin wax is Placed on 29. the table of the House. 30. Mi20ram 10I

STATBMl!NT TOTAL. Statement showing alloration of Paraffin Wax for th' y,ar 1973 SHRI ANADI CHARAN DAS : Mr. (Figures in tonnes) Speaker, Sir, may I know from the hon. I. Delhi 3142 Minister of Petroleum and Chemicals 2, Uttar Pradesh 3483 whether it is a fact that there are varioul industries in Orissa State which are depen- 3. West Bengal 9368 dent upon Paraffin Wax, which have been 4· Bihar 152.1 closed, or are likely to be closed due to short 5· Maharashtra • 7995 supply of wall t 3 MARCH 20, 1973 OraZ Answers

SHRI D. K. BOROOAH • There government to produce paraffin wax in miabt be industries in Orissa which depend refineries which at present do not produce upon wax, but there are certaln industries paraftin wax ? in other States which are bigaer in size and therefore require more wax. SHRI D.K. BOROOAH: Yes, Sir. The only refinery which produces paraffin wax SHRI ANADI CHARAN DAS : May at present is Digboi refinery. We BIle I ~ whether it is a fact that OrIssa is trying to produce slack wax at Barauni. not getting its fixed quota in time ? The idea is that we should go in for pro- duction of wax in some other refineries SHRI D.K. BOROOAH: I have no inlcuding Barauni, Haldia and Lubeo i 1 information on that point. Plant in Bombay

SHRI R. BALAKRISHNA PILLAI : -n to ~ ~ it ~ ~ In the statement it is said that the paraffin ~ ~ flfi m ~ l!>"r f1r.n" "r ~ to the small manufacturers of candles was ~ ? itself nearly 5,000 tons but the government " . have allotteed only 1255 tons. Will gov- ~ ~~ ~ ernment consider their request for allotment ~ ~ ~ l'!l<'r ~ ~ of more ";ax at least this year for saving the ;;it small scale industries ? ~

THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM SHRI O.K. BOROOAH : Survey of AND CHEMICALS (SHRI O.K. BORO what? OAm: (ia) and (b). A fixed platform SHRI K_ MALLANNA: Survey VlT ~ ~ ·our engineers had also participated. ;ffim CI"IfT ~ I ftn<: ~ ~ ~ 'Ii1: ~ SHRI K. MALLANNA: My question ~ ~ ~ ~ '1fT ~ Was Whether the survey had been conducted ;;rr ij'iIT ·or not, and if so, tie estimated cost? ~ ~ ~ ;j'ffi'liT ~ ~ I 7 Oral Answers MARCH 20, 1973 Oral Answers g

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iii om: if ~ ~ . SHRIMATI MAYA RAY: Will the ~~~ ~~~~~ hon. Minister kindly tell us what encourage- ment is being given to our boys to acquire ~ 'liT ~ iii'mr Ci"if; 4500 ~ know-how indigenously in this field? ..,...q.h" r.ft ~ ~ I SHRI D.K. BOROOAH : They worked SHRI B.V. NAlK : Sin<.e oil is one of with the Russian experts in erecting the our very important items of production platform and alao exploring in Aliilbet. besides steel, cement and fertiliser, and we So far as this new item is concerned, our are the weakest in oil, which is not denied, endeavour is to see that our boys are trained and since the total amount involved here i. also alongside the foreign experts. not more than Rs. 14 crores and every year we keep on importing crude worth more Purchase of Geaeratora from Foreiga. than Rs. ZOO crores in this critical area of Cowatriel production where national self-sufficiency -385. SHRI B.S. BHAURA : Will the is a must, will the Minister give us an Minister of O~ AND POWER assurance that the import of materials will be pleased to state : not be decided on theoretical grounds of (a) the number of generators purc.ilased eelf-reliance in 80 far as this item of strategic from foriegn countries during the last ~ technology is concerned? years; SHRI D.K. BOROOAH : Yes, that is (b) the names of the States to which exact!} what we are doing. these generators were given; and SHRI HARI KISHORE SINGH: (c) whether fifty generators purchased From the reply, it seems we are depending from foreign countries are lying ~ entirely on Japanese know-how in this in the States of Punjab; anj if so, ~ reason s regard. Has any study been made by therefor? Government to ascertain what are our requirements regarding off-shore drilling THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE and from how many .other sources we can MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND get this help to ~ our dependence on POWER ~ BALGOVIND VERMA) : Japanese know-how? (a) to (c). A statement is laid on the Table of the House. SHRI D.K. BOROOAH : We are not depending entirely on Japanese know-how. STATEMENT We have only bought a platform from Japan . which has been manufactured for us in (a) and (b). collaboration with some of the American Name of the Brief detail5 Country of experts in Japan. board Import ---_ .. _------SHRI P.M. MEHTA: Is it a fact that 1 2 3 the offshore drilling carried out against Punjab (i) 4 units of 4400 U.S.S.R. expert ad vice at Aliabet has failed and the State kV A each diesel platform erected there at a huge expenditure Electricity generating sets. has become redundant ? Is there any pro- Board posal under consideration to shift the platform (ii) 5 units of 1450 Czecho- to some other site ? kVA each diesel ~ generating sets. SHRI D.K. BOROOAH: It is not a -(Iii) I8 units of G.D.R. fact that exploration at Allabet was done 1100 kV A each against expert advice. It was done on diesel generating expert advice. Secondly, it is a fixed sets. platform which cannot be Wled elsewhere escept by dismantlini. .One aet transferred'to Manipur. 9 Oral Answers PHALGUNA 29, 1894 (SAKA) Oral Answers Ie)

'SHRI B. S. BHAURA: It is not re- 2 3 lated to Puniab only. What about other **(iy) Four alter- U.K. States ? nators of 700 kW SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA 27 each for coupling were imported by Punjab and two units with the indige- wcre imported by Maharastra Electricity nous diesc.I C!n- Board. These are the only sets which gines manufal:- have been imported so far. tured by M s Garden Reach SHRI B. S. BHAURA It is not so ~ according to the statement. Now, may

Maharashtra 2 units of 120 L ~ Poland J know frUin the hon. Minister whether it State turbogenerators is a fact-and you, Mr. Speaker, must also Electricity for Koradi Ther- be knowing it-that thert: was an editorial Board. mall'ower Statinn in the Tl'i:'I"'c and other newspapers in Extension. Punjab which, published the news that 50 generators were imported by the Punjab * .tThc:sc were transferrcJ two each to Electricity Board and they are lying Salal Pmiect (Jammu & Ka:;hmir: and Mani- pur Government. untilised? May I know whether the han. Minister is aware of the fact [hat these (C,' Out (If 2(1 gcnerat\1:'<-; imported by genera!.lrs al e there and they J",. ;1ot being thl.' Puriiah ~ Llcctridty BuarJ. 20 have utilised there? airl':lJy b('cn commissioned. The remaining six '.3 fr"m U.S.S.R. and 3 fr,'m G.D.RJ SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA arl' under ~ s(ages l)f erection and think that the information that the han. are likely it' be L~ L Sl'on. l\1ember is giving frllm the newspapers is not c\)rrect. In ftict, only ~ generators Parts for one set from U.S.S.R. have have been actually imported by Puniab, and recently ~ and the remaining two sets as a matter of fact, they arc setting up 41 are under final stages of erection. In the generators in the State, I:; out of them are ~ \11 C;.D.R. st't5. thfC'': c,)uld not be indigenously made. Therefore, to say that commissioned du-: tJ certain foundation so many were imporkd and they are lying defects which h:lve now hecn rectified. without any usc there ~ n.lt correct. 1 ],'nr one set, snme parts also need replace· may tell him that most of I hem have been ment. L ~ Only six ~ and theL e were somt defects and they ;He being set SllRI R. S. HHAUR.'\ : Kindly sec my right and are also being cJrnmissil.mc ..i very ~ The .1I)s\.\:cr given is not a proper early. aflSW(,r. I asked al'h)ut ~ tutal number. He h.J.s n:)1 answl.:n:d iL. ~ L I know whe- SHRI B. S. BH,\T;RA : I want tll ther the sc:s w;1i(1l have h..:e:l tran"ferred ki10\\" w,ll:thcr it i:-, nlH a fact that ~ one t.1 Man;nur and then four, two to the generators are lying unutili;cd '.\'ith the State Salal prnjc('[ and two to Manirur, wcre Ele·:tricity Board in Puniab. There was transf:.:rrcd by the Centre or t:1(.' S . .ltes, anJ neWs to that effect and ~ kilows it .. why this transfer has been made :' Nobody has O ~ it. MR. SPEAKER : You asked about SHRI HAl.GOVIND VERMA the number of generators purchased from Sir, so far ~ the :1011. Menlber's remark is foreign countries. Concerned, namely, that the quC'stion has not ~ answc-red. I think it is nl)t correct THE MINISTER OF IRRIGATION I am Saying that in all 27 set, were imported AND POWER (DT K. L. RAO): What . hy PUnjab: and out of the 27, one has been tht" hon. Member S lid was c,)rrect ~ that was tl'ansferred to ~ the situatio 1 a few months ago. About six u OrAl Amwers MARCH 20, 1973 Oral AflBtDers ~ moDihs bact, it was so. But ~ R. SPEAKER Andhra Pradesh is the crisis came in. IS Indigenous sets were busy in more important matters. commissioned and zo sets which were imponed sets have also boen commissioned. SHRI P. G. MAVALANKAR : The Six of the sets are yet to be commissioned. statement refers to Punjab, Maharashtra, Jammu and Kashmir and Manipur. May I SHRI PRABODH CHANDRA: May know whether other States not mentioned had I know from the hon. Minister why these asked for generators and whethet their reo sets were allowed to remsin idle for months together and it was only during the crisis quests had been declined ? that an effort /las been made to set them in MR. SPEAKER: The sCOpe of the order? If they had been set in order from question is very limited. the days when they had been commiuioned there would have been no crisis of electricity DR. K. L. RAO : A number of States at all. have asked, Haryana, West Bengal, U. p. DR. K. L. RAO: Crisis or no crisis U. P. had asked for some more machines the sets purchased should be utilised, but some of the imported machines and these are ~ some of them remained un- in various stages of processing; some have utilised. Why they have remained idle, been sanctioned, some not. The question is I myself, could not know. (Interruptio,,) about impons that is why those were not After all, these Machines are with the State included in that answer. Governments. The State Governments reo quested for the import and therefore, they SHRIP. G.MAVALANKAR What were inported. These generators are not about Gujarat ? erected as if in one place; they are erected in a number of places. Once it is brought to DR. K. L. RAO : If it is not mentioned ournotice that additional power is required in the statement, it means they have not by them, then we enquire; and then we found asked for this. that some of tbem were already lying idle. SHRI PILOO MODY : In vie" of the SHRI G. VISHWANATHAN : In fact that our electric generation has been view of the acute power shonage facing very largely hydel, is there any shift in Gov- the country, I want to know from the hon. ernment,s thinking because of the recurrent Minister whether there is any comprehensive problems we have with the monsoons? Will pia. to import generators for the use of all thermal generation now replace hydel gene· the other States which are suffering from power shortage ? ration?

DR. K. L. RAO It is not generally DR. K. L. RAO : The position is hyde- allowed. It is only in exceptional cases 40 and thermal 60 per cent. It is an eco- where it is necessary to expedite them, Or nomic mix; it has a lot of advantages. It is when particular conditions are there, then an accident that all over the country, failure only we allow them to be imported. Other. of rainfall happened this year. A number of wise, generally import is not 91lowed. reservoirs had gone a half empty all over the country; such ~ situation had not developed SHRI M. RAM GOPAL REDDY: The over a hundred yoars. Hydel is actually hon. Member Mr. Bhaura said that he is planned for 90 per cent availability and we from Punjab and I say that the hon. Minis take a lot of precautions and for ninety yeurs ter is from Andhra Pradesh. There is ~ out of 100 years they must function. This mention of Andhra Pradesh in this question year it is true it had been a bad show. Hydel about generators. I want to know whethc ~ are not everywhere, they are only in Andhra Pradesh does not require generator! Himalayas or the Western Ghats and we are or there is no demand from the State. trying to take up the ~ economic ones. L ~ ~ Oral Answer" 13 2\1, (S4KA) .Aaclhra Prau.h Power Uaitl A8'ected the sub-station and generationa stations • . by iADtl-Mulid Rales AgltadoD Their services however could not be utilised to operate the generating stations as the supe- .387. SHRI P. K. DEO : Will the visory staft" were also on strike. During that Minister of IRRIGATION AND POWER period,they were mainly in charge of security be pleased to itate : of the stations. Similarly, when Telengana (a) whether during violent incidents in employees went hn strike in the month of various parts of Andhra Pradesh following February, 1973, Andhra Pradesh were work- .anti-Mulki Rule agitation, power UDits were ing and power was supplied to Telcngana also seriously affected ; region from Andhara region. During thia perion alBO, army personnel helped to the (b) whether the power units have extent possible in the operation of the 8ub- now been handed over to the army for super_ stations. Generation stlltions however vision and control ; and could not be operated due to the superviory (c) if so, the reaction of Govemment in staff being on strike and only ~ this regard ? measures were provided by them during this period. THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE SHRI P. K. DEO : I have not got the MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND statement ; it is difficult to ask a supple- POWER (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA): mentary. (a) to (c). A statement is laid on the Table of the House. MR. SPEAKER: TRY to invent some Statement N ext question. (a) In the wake of anti-mulki rules agita. SHRI PILOO MODY: Other people tion, there have been no incidents of violence might be allowed. affecting power houses in Andhra Pradesh. MR. SPEAKER : I looked around ; none However, employees of Andhra region went stood up. on strike from 6th to lith January, 1973 and employees of Telengana region went on MecdDc of IncUan And Nepal_ T_. strike on 5th and 6th February, 1973· During RegarcIlq Supply IUld DisttoibudoD the strike periods, assistance of army person_ of Petroleum iD Nepal nel was sought for and they were deployed ·388. SHRI BHOGENDRA JHA : with a view to guarding the various gene_ SHRI D. P. JADEJA : rating stations and lub-stations. Will the Minister of PETROLEUM (b) and (cl. These power units were not AND CHEMICALS be pleased to state : kept under the supervision and control Of ~ a meeting of Indian and Army personnel. The assistance of army Nepalese teams was held recently to negotiate personnel were taken only for the period matters ~ supply and distribution when the employees went on strike. of Petroleum and lubricants in Nepal During this period, there has been no and damage to any of the power installations. (b) if so, the results achieved ? The workers and officers of the Electricity THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM Board from Andhra and Telengana regions AND CHEMICALS (SHRI D.K. went on strike on two different occasions BOROoAHf: ~ When Andhra Pradesh employees went ~ ~~ ~ strike during the month of January, Telen- was held to discuss the proposal of the Nepal g.na employees were working and power from Oil Corporation to finalise the import oi Telengana region was supplied to Andhra petroleum oil and lubricant products from Region. During that period , army person_ , and also to take over the interna I nel Were deployed ~ the purpose of guarding distribution and marketing of these product s IS OrCl Answers MARCH 20, 1973 Oral AnBtDer, 16

in Nepal. Certain proposals have been SHRI D.K. BOROOAH: ~ 'is worked out and these are presently under the for the Nepal Government to decide. They consideration of the two Governments. will take over the distribution of oil from all these three foreign oil companies. It is a. SHRI BHOGENDRA JHA : In view matter about which we clOnot do anything. of the fact that we are interested in the deve- lopment of Nepal in every direction, parti- SHRJ N.K.H. SALVE: We are' cularly in petro-chemicals, I want to know ourselves facing an acute shortage of crude •. whether there has been any aspect of the I want to know whether the Government are problem where Nepal had sought something out to get crude at whatever price we can' from us which we have not been able to from the foreign country. In view of the' ao::ept. and if so, \vhat is it ? fact that it is going to be a drain on our foreign exchange, whether we are goillg to export' SHRI D. K. BOROOAH : In this these products to Nepal. If ..., whether we connection, the Nepal Government had are likely to get payment in fore.igp ex, taken a decision that all imports of oil pro- change? durn would be canalised through the State- owned Nepali Oil Corporation. The SHRI D. K. BOROOAH : Sir, Nepal' Government of Nepal has also decided that buys 50,000 tonnes of petroleum products. internal distribution and marketing of oil That represents only o· 23% of our internal products in Nepal should be undenalcen by consumption. So, it is not a drain on our the Nepal Oil' Corporation. consumption in this country.

The two decisions ha\'e been taken by SHRI N.K.P. SALVE I meant urain, the Nepal Government within their sovereign on our foreign exchange. right. We carmot, in ~ way, object to SHRI D. K. BOROOAH : Rut. Sir, these decisions. it has been agreed that if Nepal wants tn. SHRI BHOGENDRA JHA .: It is buy additional oil from us they may pay' a very welcome sign that the Nepal in the convertible currency. Whatever it Government wants to handle this matter. ~ the question of paying in foreign exchange does not arise here. I want to know whether these foreign oil MR. SPEAKER. Dr. Laxminarain, companies are also having any say in the Pandeya. matter of distribution and other things ; whether the Govermnent of India is also ~~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ considering that only our Indian Oil ~ poration deals with Nepal Government ~ -a''Ao'T "T. and not by the foreign oil campanies. * 3 8 9. wro "f'fRIlTlfGf !fjn: SHRI D. K. BOROOAH : No. The om ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ Nepal Government have not mRde any dis-

THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM Glycrine is produced as a by-product 0 f . \NO CHEMICALS (SHRI D. K. splitting up of fats and oils, 30ROOAH): (a) to (c), Infonnation is )eing collected and will be laid on the Table ,f the House, SHRI BHAGWAT JHA AZAD: May ~ ~ ~ : ~ I now whether the. Government have no ~ lii;fT ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ information about the ruling price of the· commodities mentioned in the question, . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I 21 \iT whether the prices have gone up or not or· ~ ~~ ~ ~ .w.r ~ f'fi about their scarcity ? ~ mn ~ it ~ ~ ~ SHRI D, K, BOROOAH: Both, 'W ~ ;q't;: ~ t;TR q-mq;;'f 1ft SHRI BHAGWAT JHA AZAD : In ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ Cfifi it m<: that case, are we to understand that tho iIR 1ft ~ ~ ~ fifi ~ ~~ ~ Government does not keep in touch with : ~ : t;TR ~ !Qn1' ~ ~ : ~ 'fiT., mrn: it ~ .mr ~ ~ ~ ;:rTfhr 2 I ~~ ~ lflfT 'fr I ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ,,' ? ifi<: ~ ~~

II{T tq IfiTOCf ~ : 1l'R'fTIt ~~ SHRI D. K, BOROOAH: About these· particular items, we are collecting the in. ~ 'IilfrIT ~ '3tf ifiT ~ 'fiT lim t f'fi formation. if ~ ~ 'fiT ~ ~ ~ ~ t;TR lI1l' CfT w if \iT m

. Paymat of HIre c:barps of two boata SHRI D. K. BOROOAH: Ordershad ~ -M-JCII,Il finD '" 0"" H.G.c. been ~ for two ships 00 ~ Shipyard, but they will supply the ~ , -39%. SHRI PARIPOORNANAND only in 1974 or 1975. In the meanwhile;' for ·PAINULI: W'IIJ the Minister of· PETRO- dealing with the Japanese platforms we need LEUM AND CHEMICALS be pleased supply boats. So, for this period we have to IIate : to hire the supply boats for transport of (a) whether the O. & N. G. C. is payill& materials as well as crew. Without· these, for the past two months Z-4OO dollan per day we could not function in the offshore and as hire charges to an American firm for work with the Japanese platforms. obtaining two supply boats which remain in . disuse; SHRI PARIPOORNANAND PAINUU: My question has not been answered. (b) whether the 7500 dollars have already I wanted to now whether it is a fact that there been paid as trIID8port charges to reach the was no timdy response to the offer of Hindus- . two supply boaU from U.S.A. to Bombay tan Shipyard by the O&NGC at lbat and 35,000 dollars to be paid later ; and time?

(c) the reasons wh the supply boats could SHRI D. K. BOROOAH: I could not be had indigenously? not tell you thaL But certainly Hindustan Shipyard has agreed to build these two THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM ships and they arc being fabricated. AND CHEMICALS (SHRI D. K. BOROOAH): (a) Yes; Sir. The ONGC MR. SPEAKER : The hon. Member is paying, since December 17, 197z, dollars says that Hindustan Shipyard offered to z400 per day (less a rebate of dollars zo per make these ships boot there was no response day) 811 hire charges to an American firm from the O&NGc. fOr two supply boats. Of this Zo% Is payable in rupees. One of the two boats h8B been SHRI D. K. ~O OO : The used for some time for clearing material Hindustan Shipyard is building these two from the fixed offshore platform in the ships. A1iabct structure and the other has not been uicd. SHRIPARIPOORNANAND PAINULI: It is true that the Hindustan Shipyard is (b) A total sum of Ir' 83 lakhs approxi- building these two ships. But the orde r mately as per contract has been paid for was placed much later. Is it a fact that th e ~ the two boats from U.S.A. to order on Hindustan Shipyard was placed Bombay. not at the time when the quotation was made but much later ? (c) An order was placed by the Com- mission with the Hindustan Shipyard SHRI D. K. BOROOAH I require Limited for two supply boatI which are notice for that question. expected to be delivered some time by the end of 1974/early in 1975. Till that time the SHRI PARIPOORNANAND PAINULI: Commission had no option but to charter The hon. Minister ststed that one of the hire these boats. boats has been used for some time past fo r clearing material and the hire charges come SHRI PARIPOORNANAND PAINULI: to $960 per day. What were the terms May I know whether tmders were invited offered by O&NGC for hiring American from Hindustan Shipyard also, and if so, is ships and why could those ships not be used? it not a fact that there was no timely response Would the hon. Minister make a probe into from the ONGC to the offer made by the matter and fix responsibility on the Hindustan Shipyard? officers responsible for the shady deal ? Oral Anstller. PHALGUNA 29, 1894 (SAKA) Oral Answers

SHRI D. K. BOROOAH : I do not SHRI D. K. BOROOAH : What I said, 19rce with the hon. Member that it is a shady was that ~ hiro ~ 0: th:j" ~ leal. The Japanese platform WIllI ordered wOlild be less than t.1! compensatio; that Ind it WIllI to come this month. But since we would be getting from the Japanese ts performance was not good, we said we firms. AIl soon as we get the Japanese vould not accept it. So, every day the platform, we would t>e able to utilize these apanese firm Mitsubishi is to pay us IS,Sao boats. IS compensation. Therefore, the compensa- COilatracdOil or over-brldp at ...~ ion we are getting is much higher than the SOllth CeDtrai RaIl".y ~ charges to the ships. "Ji"'...- MR. SPEAKER: I think that shoul<1 .400• SHRI ANNASAHEB O~ lot have been mentioned there. KHINDE: Will the Minister of RAIL- WAYS be pleased to state: SHRI D. K. BOROOAH: The prob- em is that there is delay in getting the plat- (a) when the work of constructing the, 'orm from Japan. Therefore, we have not Railway over-bridge at Mitaj on Miraj- )een able to utilize them for the purpose for Kolhapur line, South Central Railway is, vhich they have been chartered. But, as expected to be completed; : pointed out, although we are paying them (b) whether there is no effective co- ubstantial rent every day, we are also to ordination between the agencies engaged ~ more than that by way of compensation In carrying out the works on the over-bridge, rom the Japanese finn. and the approach roads; and SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA : Since (c) what steps are being taken to ensure t was necessary to go over to a foreign source that the completion of both the works .. )f hiring these boats, may I know whether synchronises with each other? ~ tenders were called for in this respect lnd the charges quoted by this particular THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS 'l.merican firm were the lowest or no global (SHRI L. N. MISHRA) : (a) The work :enders were called for ? is likely to be completed by 30-6-74.

SHRI D. K. BOROOAH require (b) and (c). There is effective co- lOtice for that. ordination between the Railways and the State Government through periodical SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA : This coordination meetings and review of the pro- ~ surely arises out of the main gress of the work at site. ~ We are spending a big amount is rental for these boats. Surely, he must SHRI ANNASAHEB GOTKHINDE: mow whether global tenders were issued or It fs stated that the work is likely to be ~ What kind of functioning is this ? completed by the enrl of June, 1974. May SHRI D. K. BOROOAH : Notice is I know from the hon. Minister which ~ required for the ~ reasons the informa- the date mentioned in the agreemen t tion i. not with me. entered into with the contractor by which the construction work of the over-bridge MR. SPEAKER He can send it later was to be actually completed and whether on. the contractor has asked for the extension SHRI PRABODH CHANDRA : The of the stipUlated period? Minister said that the hire charges will be SHRI L. N. MISHR.A: I have no ~ than the cost price ofthese tWO boats. knowledge about the extension of time. M.R. SPEAKER: That happens some- But this much I say that the work was sanc- n es· • tioned on the 23rd December and the work, Oral Answers MARCH 20, 1973 Oral Answers 24

· was lstarted on 18th January, that is, SHRI B. K. DASCHOWDHURY ·within a month. The State Government The hon. h-linister's reply seems to be has also started the work. About 60 pc more tactical than objective. The vanaspati • cent of the work is completed. It is ex- manufacturers are l'sing the rapeseed pected that it will be completed by June, oil, the bigger seed oil, as an ingredient 1974. for manufacturing vanaspati oil. May T know SHRI ANNASAHEB GOTKHINDE: whether it is a fact that, over and above May I know in what manner the elIee- thlt, on 1St March 1973, the ,·ar.aspati '"tin coordination is being maintained with manufacturers of Gujarat had been allowed the B & C Department of the State Govern- to use IS per cent mustard oil for the manu- ~ ~ is c,urying out the w0rk of tI-:.e facture of vanaspati, and if so, what are · approach-road subsequently? Is there the reasons for allowing these vanaspathi · any difficulty in starting the approach-road manufacturers of Gujarat to use both · work on the city end of the over-bridge ? rapeseed oil and also mustard oil or refined mustard oil for the manufacture of "anaspati SHRI L. N. MISHRA : There is a completely ignoring the claims of mUlltard · coordination ~ consisting of the oil mills, groundnut oil mills, the small representatives of the Maharashtra Govern- scale oil mills of West Bengal? The Govern- ment and the Railways. They meet every ment of India's decision has thrown 15,000 quarterly and discuss the problems. So far, people out of the joh. there has been no difficllty as regnds the approach-road w:lrk. PROF. SHER SINGH The in- MR. SPEAKER : Now, I am going formation of the hon. Member that we to the seconj round and calling the absent have allowed 15 per cent use of mustard Members again. I find all these Members oil in Gujarat is wrong. From 1St March, ·are absent. We then take up the Short we have just permittd the vlll1Upati Notice Question. manufacturers to L~ mustard oil. No percentage has been fixed. They can SHCRT NOTICE QL'ESTION use it. I can gi ve the figures. After 1st March, when this permission was given, Purchase of Muatarcl Seeda by in Gujarat, not even one tonne of mustard Vana.pad Manufacturer. of oil has been used. We get returns from GuJarat to Create Sca"dty all vanaspati factories. The reports re- cei vcd from 48 OUt of 60 factories in pro- S.N.Q. 5. SHRI B. K. DASCHOW- duction show that, during the first week DHURY: Will the Minister of AGRI- of March, only 3II tonnes of mustard oil ·CULTURE be pleased to state: were purchased by the vanaspati factories (a) w!lether Vanaspati manufacturers of in the north zone, and 97 tonnes in the east- Gujatat are purchasing mustard seedS in ern zone. There were no purchases in .large quantities from all available markets any other zone. That means, in western 'for manufacture of refined musturd oil and zone, under which Gujarat falls, there thereby creating scarcity in mustard oil has been no purchase of any mustard oil ·dealing ; and for use in vanaspati. During the second week of March, purchase of only 113 tonnes (b) if so, the steps taken by Govern- by four factories in the northern zone has ment? so far been reported. This is all the must- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN tard oil that has been used. ·THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE '(PRO)'. SHER SINGH): ~ No, Sir. SHRI B. K. DASCHOWDHURY: The hon. Minister has not answered my (b) Does not arise. first question. What ,are the reasons fo Oral An,stDers PHALGUNA 29, 1894 (SAKA) Oral Answers

'aJlowiD:: the vanaspati manufacturers to -5 or 10 or 15 per cent. They. may, us e use rapeseed oil, the bigger seed oil, the a small amount. As I said,. only about ·,oyabeen oil, along with mustard oil? 300 tonnes have h

nop. SHER SINGH And that is production. Therefore, more niiistard being crushed by these small gh.Jnis. We seed is available now. The production is are not stoPPing them. That also continues. 20 to 21 lakh tonnes as against 14 to IS' "I'e will also continue giving rapeseeds lalth tonnes of last year. There is DO con-- for beini crushed by these gh.Jnis. We trol. So, mustard seed is freely available have not stopped il. in the market. It can be bought by mill- owners and they can crush. As I said SHRI B. K. DASCHOWDHURY the rapeseed is imported. from Canada. What is the quantity that he is giving This is made available to these mills and From 6000 tonnes they have reduced they are crushing them. it to 2000 tonnes. Is it a fact or not What are the reasons for reducing it ? DR. RANEN SEN : What is the peice of mustard oil in the whole of the eastern re- PROF. SHER SINGH : Last year, gion, not only in West Bengal? because the production of mustard seed' PROF. SHER SINGH: I am grring the was less, so we were making more rapeseeds figuxes. On 26th of February the notification available. We supplied them .j ~~ t '""rs was issued. The price at that time was evny ml'nth of the ~ ~ Rs. 5750 per tonne. On the ISth and 16th from Canada. Now, because this ,'ear in this month it has come to Ri. 53SO. the mustard crop is very good. we are thmking That is. it has come down by Rs. 400 a ton· of utilising a part of the rapeseeds that we are getting from Canada for vanaspatj SHRI BHAGWAT JHA AZAD: It has to stabilise the prices and because we do gone up in the whole of the eastern region. not have imported oil and we will need It has not come down. The price has gone more foreign exchange if we want to import up. more oil...... (1nurruptions), SHRI PILOO MODY: Either the Minister MR. SPEAKER : Please do not is misleading the House or the Members make it a debate. are misleading. We must have a correct reply. DR. RANEN SEN: (a) Is it known to DR. RANEN SEN : Every year it has the Minister that the Bengal oil mill-owner s gone up. are making representations for more than a year and demanding from the Government SHRI PRIYA RANJAN DAS MUNSI: Is of India more m"stard seeds and rape- it a fact that Bengal Oilmills Association seeds? has made a representation to the Ministe r for more rapeseed? Have they also pointed (b) Is it also known to the Government out about scarcity of mustard seed in West that in view of the shortage of mustard Bengal market? The Minister say. that seeds and rapeseeds in West Bengal, the there is lot of production. But, may I know prices of all oils, particularly, of mustard the actual facts? May I know what is the oil have gone up from Rs. S to Rs. 8 pet availability and what is the rate of produc- kg. That is the current price prevailing tion with reference to the Bengal market ? in Calcutta. If the Minister is aware of these two facts, may I know whether the PROF. SHER SINGH: I have received Government propose to take to bring the representation in which they say : down the rrices of mustard oil by supplying "When the vanaspati industry has already more mustard seeds and more rapeseeds, been allotted the above quanitity of imported seeds, the Central Government's decision or, is there any olher alternative thought to put their nOSe in the mustard oil sector by th e Government ? is really surprising. As a result of this de- PROF. SHER SINGH: As I said earlier cision the prices of mustard seeds all over mustard seed is available in large quantities India registered an increase of about 15 to- this year especially because of increased 20 per cent during ¥te last two weeks .. n· 29 Oral Answers PHALGUNA 29, 1894 (SAKA) Oral Answers

This is the letter which they have sent to PROF. SHER SINGH: As for giviq Members of Parliament and to us also· rapeseed to the millownen for being C1"1IBbedo This is an exaggerated version. The prices even if a part of it is made available to the have not gone up by 15 to 20 percent. vanaspati factories, we are thinking of givm, I have given the figures. (/lIIerruptions) that rapeseed for being crushed by these millowners so that they may not go out of SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: We are in- employment •••• terested in the retail prices for the con- sumers. SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA : My spe- cific question is whether the allotment waS PROF. SHER SINGH: During the last reduced or not. two weeks the prices have come down by PROF. SHER SINGH : We do not make Rs. 400 per ton. (Intemlprions) allotment to the mills. MR. SPEAKER: You are quoting in SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: Does h. tons. They are quoting the retail prices. not make allotment of the imported seed s ? Instead of going into the controversy it is much better you tell them that you will look PROF. SHER SINGH : We make allot into it and if you discover they are right you ments to the State and not to the mllls. should come OUt wan a statement Isler on SHRI INDRA]IT GUPTA: Has he rather than getting into controversy and reduced it or not, as far as West Bengal taking so much time of the House. is concerned ? SHRI PRIYA RANJAN DAS MUNSI : PROF. SHER SINGH: Yes, on 28th He has not replied to my question. February, we had given them 2000 tonnes PROF. SHER SINGH : The question of rapeseed .... raised by the hon. Member was whether SHRI INDRA]IT GUPTA : Instead we have received any representation from the of how much? mill owners. Yes, we have received and PROF. SHER SINGH: Instead of 4000 their demand is they should get more seeds tonnes. We are examining the whole situa- for crushing and we are making rapeseeds tion, and if the prices of mustard oil go up available to them. We are also keen to see we can also think of•.•• that nobody gets unemployed. Mustard leedS are available and rape seeds will also SOME HON. MEMBERS : The prices have gone up. >e given to them. PROF. SHER SINGH : Now, the new SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA : May I crop has started arriving, and the prices have mow whether it is a fact or not that the stsrted going down .... ll10tment of Canadian rapeseed to the West 3enga1 mills has been cut down or reduced ? SOME HON. MEMBERS : The prices 'econdly, may I also know whether it is are not going down. lOt a ract that the moment the notification PROF. SHER SINGH : I have got f 26th February was issued and it was these figures from the Financial Express nown that a portion of the mustard oil would We are examining the whole question. If e diverted to the vanaspati manufactUrerS, the prices of mustard oil go up, we can re- he operators in the market have seen to it consider the whole thing, and we can give lat mustard seed and mustard oil go un- more rapeseed and we can then forgo the .erground so that prices are put up, and use of mustard oil. We are examining the Ihether it is not a fact that as a result of this, whole situation, and if the prices still go up, luring the last two or three weeks, the re- then we can use cheaper oil. We are eD.- li! price which the consumer has actually mining the whole situation with a view to o pay in Bengal, in Calcutta and the eastern seeing whether the situation warrants giving egian has shot up by Rs. 3 or 4 per k.g. as more rapeseed or withdrawing permission to result of this policy ? • use mustard oil. We are examining it. :891 L.S.-2 I ? 31 Oral Answers MARCH 20, 1973 Oral Answers

-n it i\'I'fT ~~ ij- oil was going to break down. I want to m ,..,,: know :whether that is a fact. I also want to ~ ~ i-1{Tiff ~ ~ it know whether it is a fact that he has accused QTIf ~ mr ;;it ~ ~ ~ ~ the Central GO\'ernment that without giving ~ ~~~~ IW'qTtf the Well( Bengal Government or the Miniatet there any information, suddenly, out of the ~ ~~ I ~ ~ 4000 metric tonnes of rapeseed that was t fit; 'f1: ~ ~ ~~ ~ lfiliU it being supplied to West Bengal for being to ~ 'qTtf it ma;fr prouucer of oil in West Bengal is lOins to suffer because of non-competitive prica? ~~~ ~~ O How is the hon. Minister talking of a bwnper ~~~~ .. ~ .. crop ? Even when there was a very good ~~ ~ ~ crop, the production was only 14000. to i I SOOO metric tonnes, and this year it will not be more than 16,000 to 17,000 tonnes. So, -n 'l..... : RfefwHl if; ~ on what basis does the bon. Ministet say that * crop will be good, when the oilseeds have ~ ~~ ~~~~ I the not come into the market yet? On what MR. SPEAKER : There can be no point basis does he say that in view of the prospects of order during question-hour. of a bumper crop, he has diverted rapeseed for vanaspati production? SHRI PRIYA RANJAN DAS MUNSI: May I submit to the bon. Minister that he PROF. SHER SINGH : I could under- may make a tour of the market in ordet to stand only parts of his que8tion, He has know the retail price, either tomorrow or made an insinuation that I had made a false the day aftet ? statement, I resent it very much. What- ever I said is correct, and I stand by it. SHRI SAMAR GUHA : I accuse the hon. Minister who has deliberately misled this House by quoting false figures and a falae SHRI PRIYA RANJAN DAS MUNSI: lltlltement and a false report on the price of I did not say that he had made a false state- oil, and as a result, he has no right to sit here ment, but I say that his statement is in- but he should resign. Just two days before, correct. (Interruptions). Shri Kashikanta Moitra, the hon. Ministet of West Bengal had said in a press confer- PROF. SHER SINGH : Now, let hon. ence that in West Bengal, 133 oil milia were Members please listen to me .... (Inter- going to close down and that the GoVetnment ruprioru). were going to close down the supply of mustard oil from the ration shop and as a MR. SPEAKER : Let hon. Memben result the whole rationing System for mUlltllfd please listen to the hon. Minister. 33 Written Answers PHALGUNA 29, 1894 (SAKA) Written Answers 34

SHRI DINEN BHATTACHARYYA : SHRI SAMAR GUHA: He n"" not One tin of m1l8tard oil is being sold at Rs. answered my questions. I put so many IS to Rs. 16 ... . (lnterruPtionl) questions. He should answer at least some. SHRI S. M. BANERJEE : On a point PROF. SHER SINGH: You can vuy well of order. Just now the hon. Minister said imagine how rnu, the figures given by my hon. that that some of the prices quoted h( re are friend is. He said in Delhi mustard oil is quoted wrongly. A controversy is created. salling at Rs. IS per kilo (Interruptions)' We have not 9uoted wrongly. We have SHRI DINEN BHATTACHARYYA: ~ ill that even in the Super Market and Per a 2-kilo tin. (Interruptions) n the North Avenue Market the price of Kanodia mustard oil per 2 kilos is Rs. IS' 50. MR. SPEAKER: Please listen to him. It has gone up by Rs. 2. You appoint a Parliamentary Conunittee. I am prepred PROF. SHER SINGH : He said Rs. IS to purchase a tin and place it before you a kilo' Please check the record. or on the Table of the House. I will bring the cash memo also. '11 PI';r.r qii : ~ ~ MR. SPEAKER : No, no. ~ ~ ~ "fli m- m;rcr ~ ~ SHRI SAMAR GUHA : I asked three ~~ ~~ ~~~ .. ~ very relevant question, first about the state- ment made by the West Bengal Food vaftt ~ : i\'e qrq- q,r""lI it if minister, second .that the whole rationing ~ cn:'AiT ;ro f<'f'lfT ~ flfi ~ ;;Wr ~ system in West Bengal is going to break down, mv:r ~ ""mI' ~ I ~ ltiTf aT

PROF. SHER SINGH: Are you allowing "" ~ 'wmn : ~ ~ ri't him? .;f mlfT ~ 1 ~ MR. SPEAKER : I am not a1Iowing him. SHRI S. M. BANERJEE : Let some- PROF. SHER SINGH : I am answering body go 10 Super Market and find out what it. Please listen. I have received a telex a 2-kilo1iill·costs. It is is Rs. IS. message from the Food Minister of West Bengal. lPaOF. SHER SINGH: The figures that I pve are from the Financial Ex press. These AN HON. MEMBER: When? 11ft day-to-c',ay figures on the basis of .... , . PROF SHER SINGH: Last week. I can (Im'mI/>tions) I am giving the wholesale. give the date. I received a telex message price (ImerraptUms) I have already said from the Food Minister, without quoting any from what source I got the figures. I will rice-{Interruptions) He did not quote any check up again and see whether these are price as such. He said prices are going sky- Correct. high. {Interruptions) Please listen to me. MR. SPEAKER: You better cheek up and Then he said that the millers may go out ~ the House. Call attentiall. of employment. These are the two things he Shri Shalhi Bhushan. pointed out. I gave a reply to the telex 35 Written Answers ; MARCH 20, 1973 Written Answers 36 message the III:xt day, or two days after that ~ ~ 1959, 18 fua'Rr<, and I pointed out that after IS t March, the ~ prices have now 8tarted going down. (1,.- 1 959 iIft "'"I1L pr 'IT I m-: it urruptions) P1eue listen to me. Why ~ ~ it ~ ft:r:rr 'IT fiir ~ ~ don't you listen to me ? In the reply, I have ~ ~ ~~ also mentiOlll:d that we are examining the Ii\Tifr ~~ ~ ~ whole queation. But we have not taken a rnr fifnfr final decision. We have ~ given permis- mr m7fttr iIft srro:'ir it ~ aor cr'fT sion for the use of mustard oil, and we are ~ lffi;tT. CfqT ~ iii f<;rC!; examining what effect it will have on the ~~ ~ prioes. We are examining the whole thing. As for the millowners' association, I have written to the Minister that part of the rape- ~~ ~~~ seed for crushing, as it was being made ~~ ~ available to them before. will be made avail- able to them, and we are keen that they ~~ should Dot get unemployed. We have sent reply to them to day ~ from the * 382. "" ~ '"'" ~ : iflIT ~ Miniater. ~ ~ ~ i!IT !1q"f ~ fit; :

WRIITEN ANSWER TO QUESTION ( Iii ) ifQT '{'r'I mR' ;tT lfi1T rn cm;r ~ if ~ ~ ~ itr ~ itr ~ 1fmIW ~~~ itt;if1 ~ ~ iIft ~~ ~~~ ~ ltr '!f'!IM ~ ~ ~ ~ .WUqilffii ( li" ) ~ ~ 1fA ~ lit ~ * 381. "" ~~ ~ 1fT ql.f'ryq fiflqr ifIfT ~ f;;rn-iJ B ~ ~~ ~ 1fi4'of.. 41 iIft ~~ mt; Q"R 'foTT fit; : rn (if) ~ ~ m- ~ ~ it ~ ~ ~ ('Ii) 'I'!fT ~ it ~~ ~ ? ~ ~ m 'JI1"'{cmr ~ f.flfli ~ ifTlf ~ n:'I' ~ ~ ;r;rrt ~ ; ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : (It) ;;iT ~ fmt flrof\" (19) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f.f1 2 5- 2- 7 3 iIft WilT tT;'t::i" ~ lfIT If>T m rNr ~ ~ m7fttr ~ ~ mif '!1<:-l mr ~ ~ it ~ it ;; <:'J it ~ 1f!,T 'tif<:OT ~ '*m fit; ~ alIT ~ ~ ~ if;,ff'f ~ 18 Sff'!'"fu

  • :rq- 4 3) ~ f.f1l1T "3"iJ ~ ltr Sf,,· ~ ~ ~ I fcrf4ifc Ifqr ~ ? ~ ~ if; ~ m-n:: ~~ ~ "3"pTif'iW ~ ~ liillf 'fiT f'i§ ~ ~ I ~ ~ <:mQ'Of Qt(""W\'oitro _WI) : ('Ii) ~ ~ ~ ~ (lI') 29- 1-7 3 'fir ~ If>Pt;ft ,.ft '<:fUSlii{ tTll1"l" If>lmw;; ~ m<: ~~ it

    ~~ ~~ ~ ~ EstelUlioD of Kamala Balan Bandh (11") up to Agarcbat 2 5-2-7 ~ ~ it ~ *390. SHRI RAM BHAGAT PASWAN ; ~ ~ ~ m<:r I 2 6 ~ "fT1/f q'Wf Will the Minister of IRRIGATION AND POWER be pleased to state ; ~ fcrftfiTff, '!fuf.,.,q 'fiT !;l'ro 3 (a) whether Governm!nt are aware that ~ m., ~ Wi

    (a) whether Government's attention has (b) if so, the nat :ro of complaints received been drawn to the reported ~ by the and ClIItwhile Chairman of the Railway Volun- tary Help Committee regarding his ticketless (e) whether the Commission has conducted travel; and any enquiry in this regard and if so, the result thereof? (b) if so. the reaction of Government thereto? THE MINISTER OF LAW, JUSTICE AND COMPANY AFFAIRS (SHRI H.R. THE DEPUTY MINISTER THE IN GOKHALE) : (a) Yes, Sir. MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS ( SHRI MOHO. SHAFI QURESHI): (a) The (b) The Commission has directed ~ attention of the Government has been drawn Director of Investigation to make a prelimi- to the statement of the ex-Chairman of the nary investigation under section 11 of the Railway Voluntary Help Committee report- M.R.T.P. Act and the investigation by the ed as a news item in the Hindustan Times of Director is not yet completed. 2Sth January, 1973· (c) Does not arise. (b) In his reported statement mentioned in part (a) of the questionl Shri Sahu had stated that tickets had not been issued at Delay ill Completion of Balra Sbd Bombay although,- reservation and tickets had Hydro Project (H. P.) been asked for and that when they entrained at Bombay Central and asked the Conductor "394. SHRI VIKRAM MAHAJAN to make tickets for them, he did not make Will the Minister of IRRIGATION AND them. Reservation for Shri Sahu in 1St class POWER be pleased to state : and Smt. Sahu and their ~ daughters in 3rd class was asked for on the authority of (a) whether Baira Siul Hydro-Projecr SlIri Sahu's pass No. 3963 on 9-1-73. The (H.P.) was expected to be completed by 1974 pass was not produced when reservation was but is now likely to be delayed; and asked for as Shri Sahu was reported to be in a meeting and the pass was stated to be with (b) if so, the reasons therefor and the him. Whe they entrained at Bombay steps being taken to expedite the completion Central, the Sleeper Coach. T. T. E. (not of the project ? the Conductor as reported) was asked to look after the family on the journey. He THE MINISTER OF IRRIGATION was not asked to make tickets for them. AND POWER (DR. K. L. RAO) : (a) The first unit of the project originally Enquiry into Complaint .gainllt Tyre scheduled for commissioning in I974 is now Malluiac:turing Companle. ill Illdia expected to be commissioned in 1975. I

    ·393· SHRI N.K. SANG HI: Will the (b) There has been initial delay due to Minister of LAW, JUSTICE AND COM- lack of approach roads, bridges, difficult site PANY AFFAIRS be pleased to state: and working conditions and difficulty in ; recruitment of experienced officers and staff for posting in remote areas. Himachal Pradesh (a) whet! er the Monopolies and Restrictive Government &Ie beinr expedited to complete ~ practices Commission has received the approach roads and ~ 41 Written Answers PHALGUNA 29, 1894 (SAKA) Written Answer. 42

    Employment of Local Men in Talcher THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM Fertilizer Factory AND CHEMICALS (SHRI D. K BOROOAH) : (a) Rs. 609' 14 lakhs upto ~ SHRI SHYAM SUNDER 31st March, 1972. MOHAPATRA: Will the Minister of PETROLEUM AND CHEMICALS be pleased to state : (b) Rs. 126· 2S'lakhs upto 31st March, 1972, (8) whether there has been any agitation for employment of local men in Talcher (c) The objective of this undertaking is Fertiliser Factory, Orissa; and to substitute partially the import of Sulphur (b) the total number of people of Orissa and the pricing of pyrites would, therefore employed in this factory, grade-wise have to be linked with the Sulphur price'. At the present price of Sulphur in the World market, which is pitched low, the Undertaking THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM may not find it easy to break even. However AND CHEMICALS (SHRI D. K. BOROO- with the increase in the off take of pyntes AH): (a) Some representations have been the losses to the Undertakir.g should pro- received in this hehalf. gressively !!o down. (b) The total numher of people from Orissa employed in the various categories in Talcher Payment of Compen8ation to Share- is as under :- holden of Companies

    Class 1 22 ·,97. SHRI Y. ESWARA REDDY Class II 13 Will the Minister 'of LAW, JUSTICE AND COMPANY AFFAIRS be Class III 126 pleased to refer to the ~ given to Un- Class IV starred Question no. 5584 and on 22nd December, 1972 regarding payment of com- pensation to Shareholders of cempanies and 233 state :

    (a) whether allY decision on the demand made by the National Forum of Shareholders Lo•• es incurred by Pyrites, Phosphates that the compensation payable to Companies and Chemicals Limited after they are takan over by Government should be paid directly to the shareholders' .396. SHRI K. S. CHAVDA: Will the has since been taken ; and Minister of PETROLEUM AND CHEMI- CALS be pleased to state : (b) if so, the brolld outlines thereoP (a) what is the equity investment of Gov- ernment in Pyrites, Phosphates and Chemi- THE MINISTER OF LAW, JUSTICE oals Ltd. ; AND COMPANY AFFAIRS (SHRI H. R· (b) What are the total losses incurred by GOKHALE) : (a) and (b). The sugges- his undertaking upto 31st March, 1972; tion for making any provision for payment 0 f nd compensation directly to shareholders will be taken into consideration while drafting any ec) when this undertaking is expected to legislation which purports to nationalise or eak eVen and show prf,fit ? a ke-over an industry or undertaking. • 43 Written Answers MARCH 20, 1973 Written Answers 44

    ~ ~ ~ ,.cj'j'jqfrilif "" wfn structures have been located in Tripura The extent to which they are oil-bearing ~~~ would be known only afrer they are tested through deep drilling. The ONGC has * 398. '" ~~ ~ WA'Q': lFtf already started drilling at one of the struc- fimf ~ Rttt'!: ;j;:r) ~ ~ 'tiT ~ tures, namely, at Baramura where operatiens ~ . are still in progress.

    ( Itl ) tT ~ ~ ..~~ ti ~~ ~ ~ om{ IJT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; q'R 3756. '" ~ ~ m,; : ~ i" ~ ~ orn'R

    THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS (b) if so, the salient features of the pia (SHRI L. N. MISHRA): (a) Yes. and the place where it is proposed to be ins- talled and by what time it is likely to be ins- talled; and (b) One person has been arrested. The modus op4ra"di of this Organisation is to (c) the extent of Japanese technical know- hood-wink railway officials into permittinl how that the pla.ot is likely to entail and how hem to check ticketless passengers, wit!'! far the machine and equipment requirements ulterior motives. for the contemplated Aeryl Plant would be met indigenously? Employment of People of Bihar In Sindrl Fertilizer Plant THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND 3758. KUMARI KAMLA KUMARI CHEMICALS (SHRI DALBIR SINGH): Will the Minister of PETROLEUM AND (a) Yes, Sir. CHEMICALS be pleased to state:

    (a) whether the people of Bihar are not (b) The plant will be capable of producing getting employment in the Fertilizer Plant in 12,000 tonnes per year of Acrylic Fibre with Sindri; denier range from 1.5 to 15. The fibre will be produced for the first time in the country and (b) if so, the reasons therefor ; and will partly substitute imported wool and can (c) the total number of class III & class be blended with other natural or synthetic !I employees who are employed in Ferti- fibre. The plant will be established under lizer Plant in Sindri ? Indian Petrochemicals Corporation Limited at Baroda, as one of the down-stream unitl THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE of Gujarat Petrochemicals Complex and is MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND scheduled to be completed in 1975. CHEMICALS (SHRI DALlHR SINGH); -(a) No Sir. ee) The Technical know-how from Japan will include the following :- (b) Does not arise. (i) Fully detailed description of process,' (c) The position as on 31-12-1972 is as (ii) Heat and material balance. -under: (iii) Process and engineering Bow dia- Category Total Employees gram and specifications of equip- number of from the ment and materials for the Project. employees State of Bihar (iv) Design data required for process design of the reactor. Cassll The know-how also includes information Class III 5060 on conversion of Low to Top, manufacture of high shrinkable staple fibre and exchange of Import of an Acryl Plant from Japan by technological improvementl for a period of Petro-Chemical CorporadOD five years after the plant start up. IPCL . Ltd. personnel will be trained In Japan in plant operation, maintenance and market develop- 3759. DR. H. P. SHARMA: Will the ment. MinIster of PETROLEUM AND CHEMI- -eALS be pleased to state : The estimated expenditure on machinery (a) whether the Petro-Chemical Corpora- and equipment for the entire . plant is Rs. tion Ltd. propose to import from Japan a JO·3 crares, out of which about Rs. 3 crorea 3' 7 billion yen worth ..... cryl Plant; will be on QCCOUI\t of indigenous equipment. • Written Answers MARCH 20, 1973 Answers 47 Written offt- II1'OSI Removal ofWorbbop IIIld District ~ slatistics are available, the Dlbruprh _ of RaUwa)'S from ~ area in MadhYa Pradesh was 1.47 in the nullton ha.; the gross area irrigated KAKOTI: Will 3760. SHRI ROBIN in that year was 37.22 million ha. pleased to country the Minister of RAILWAY S be Cb) and (c). The Fifth Plan programmes state: Government of remove have DOt been aent up by the (a) whether there is any proposal to Pradesh. New Irrigation/multi_ Railway workshop and Railway Madhya the present sponsored by Madhya Pra- at Dibrugarh town; purpose schemes ofIiceII at present situated follows:_ desh and awaiting clearance are as and (b) if so, the reasons therefor? Basin Project Estimated Bene- IN THE cost. fits. THE DEPUTY MINISTER Rs. in in lakh (SHRI MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS lakhs. ha. and (b). MOHD. SHAFl QURESHI) : (a) of division- For realisation of full benefits Narmada Bargi 6623 3'30 Frontier a1isation introduced on the Northeast that Narmadasagar IlI33 2'47 Railway from 1-5-1969, it is essential should be offices of all divisional officers Onkareshwar 7730 2'65 head quarters so that located at the divisional Sulcta 16 through 632 0' decision makiDg could be expedited avoiding Sone coordination at the divisional level Bansagar 12600 2'46 otherwise result. With delays which would Mahanadi Hasdeo Bango 5892 2'58 and their this object in view, cenain offices at Dibrugarh have Godavari Upper Wain- 16'02 0'68 std presently 1o<:ated ganga. divisional ultimately to be shifted to the Tinsukia. headquarters at Lumding or the dispute is expected to be is, however, no proposal to: shift The Narmada There paving the way for from Dibrugarh. settled in the near future, Railway workshop basin. ~ clearance of the projects in that on the It IS also expected that the ditferenccs of Laad in Madhya Pradah States in Irriptioll Sone waters will be settled by the the Upper the ,near future. The clearance of SHRI RANABAHADUR SINGH: a settle- 376I. Wamganga Project will have to await Minister of IRRIGATION AND which Will the ~ of the Godavari water dispute, POWER be pleased to slate: by a Tribunal. IS now under adjudication land in the comments (a) the percentage of irrigated The replies of the Slate to land the Hasdeo Madhya Pradesh to the entire irrigated sent in September 1972 on in the COWltry ; (Bango) Project are awaited.. (b) the broad outlines of major irrigation pending ~ ""'" ....; projects relating to Madhya Pradesh ~ ~ it; mA'f in the with Central Government for inclusion ~ Fifth Five Year Plan ; and ~ ~ ~ Madhya 3762. .n (c) the names of projects relating to in con- ~ ~~ ~~ ~ rn Pradesh pending because of dispute nection with the Sone Water? flf; THE ~~ THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN ~ '3'm: ~ ~ AND MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION ~ ~ Ifr.t ~ qr.fT : II>'t ~ mr.ft POWER (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA) for which ~ ~ ;n;r ~ ~ '1h: (a) In 1969-70, the latest year 49 Written Answers PHALGUNA 29, 1894 (SAKA) Written Answers So

    (II") ~ ~ it ~

    3764. ~ ~ lI!'iMl'If: 't\'r ","('flf q ;Jqq.«t ('1i' ~~ !flIT i'l 'ti'iT rn ~~ ('fi) ~ m fit; : • it 493 ~ ~ ~ qr-ft it; ~ 'l m (li") W ~ it ~ 'l ~ ~ 't\'iI' "imrq q ~ ~ ('1i' ~ ~ ~ 'l>'l ;;mfT ~ I ~ ~ : ('fi) ~ m it ~ 59 3 ~ ~ ~ qr-ft if; ~

    (li') ~ ~ If<: ~ 'fiT qr;:ft ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iii if'l 'ti'iT fit; : i rn ~ iii ~ qr-ft

    (li") ~ ~ it ~ im:r 'l ~ ~ ~ (li') ~ ~ ~~ gm? ( li" ) tj'f.f 'fiT qr-ft it; if<'fT 'l>'l ~ if;crn ~ ~ ~ 't\'r "'"""' " ~ ('1i' ~ ~ ~ ~

    (v) m 21.74 ~ mlli'l" 'fiT.m ~ I ~ if Iti'tt 'IT&T ;;"iT ~ 'iT I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t!ilit If,T ~ 'liT ifffiln ~ I ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q ~ Qti( "'" ~ ~ "r am 395 if; ~ mr.n • .m. 34l "" ~ ~~ 12-2-19 7 3 'fir:wn:T!:l ~ 8 ij; ~ it t1;'f. iITl1m ~ ifi7 ft.nrr ~ I mIT 3766. ~ l{Ifo ~ ~ IflfT ~ fir.ffi If,T ~ ~ ;r@ ~ ~ I i" "'" lI1[ ~ ~ !'lIT ~ fir. : (ij) ~ ~ ~ ifm ('fi) W ~ 1973, ~ ~ ~ ;;mIT I t ~ q(:f ~ if Wlim ~ ~~~ mvT

    ~ ~ if ~ ~ ~ (b) whether the Government of Madhya ~ (lti) ~ (til:) Pradesh have approached thc Central m Government in this respect; and (i) 12-2-1973lf,T ~ 4 ~ ~ mmr ~ ~~ mrr'R ;fo· (c) if 50, the reaction of thc Central 341 qq ~ t mrt ~ t ~ Govcrnment thereto ? ~ ;hol),'lioi\"o ~ I ;;r.r ~ :;r.r ~ ?:iT cit ~ fiffim;r ~ ~ THE DEPUTY MIt'lISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND ~ ~~ ~~ POWER (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA) : ~ ~ ~ t ~ t!!IT (8) to (c). Govemmeu.t of Madhya Pradesh ~ pl<: ~ m;: ~ <'11m 'liT f.rm" have submittcd a proposal which providc9 for ~ I ~ ~ ~ • power station in Tons Vallcy down stream of "Chachai falls" under the Van Sagar Pr0- ~ 'f1: ~ l'11:t I ~ ~ m'42554 ject. The Government of Uttar Pradesh ~ 'liT ~ ~ ~ ~ and Bihar had objectcd to the Van Sagar ~~~~ ~ ~~ Scheme as proposed by Government of q<::;m ~ 'liT ~ t!ilit ~ lfI1IT Madhya Pradesh. Efforts continue to be ~ ~ madc to cvolve proposals lICCCI'table to the tfIff "qq;f 'fiii if if ft;m three Statcs and it is hoped that the States ~ I ~~ ~ ~ ~ will arrive at a 8Cttlcmed. in the ncar futurc. S3 Written Answers PHALGUNA 29, 1894 (SAKA) Written AnswerB S4

    RalI"ay LInes during FIfth Five YftII' (iii) Suitable adjustment upwards of fares Plan and freight structure applicable to the newly constructed line whicb in common I parlance 3768. SHRI S. M. SIDDAYYA: Will is called "inflation of chargeable mileage"; and the Minister of RA ILWAY S be pleased to state: (iv) Levy of fares and freight on a discon- tinuous basis so as to be a set-off against (a) what are the new Railway lines that telescopic structure ot standard fares and are proposed to be taken up during the Fifth freight. Five Year Plan in each of the Railway zonea in the country; Conversion of BllDplore Cluamara- (b) the criteria for the selection of tbe new ,alUlpr Metre Gauce Line into Broad lines; Bnd Gauge

    (c) whether the regional imbalance will be 3769· SHRI S. M. SIDDAY¥A: Will mitigated by putting up the lines in the in- the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to dustriallyand economically backward regions state: of the country , (a) whether the metre gauge line between THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Bangalore and Chamarajanagar will be con- MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS(SHRI MOHD. verted into a broad gauge line; SHAFI QURESHI): (a) A decision about (b) if so, when; and the new 1ines likely to be taken up would be taken during the formulation of the proposals (cl if not, the reasons therefor? for the 5th Pian which is still in progress.

    (b) and (cl. Under extant rules, new lines THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN HE should be financially remunerative, yielding MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI a return on the capital investment of 6.75% MOHD. SHAFI QURESHD. (a) to (c) •. by the conventional method and 10% by the Survey for the conversion of the discounted cash flow method, unless they are section Bangalore Chamarajanagar from M.G. required for strategic reasons. By and large, to B. G. is in progress. Further action will only those lines serving the establishment of be taken as soon as the results of the survey heavy industries, exploitation of mineral and are known and examination thereof, comple- natural resources, expansion of port facilities. ted. etc. fulfil the criteria of financial remunera- tiveness. However, for construction of new Coat of Conetruc:tion of Chikkahole rail lines required for the developmental Dam in Mysore State purposes, in backward regio"s of the country, a new approach is under consideration on 3770. s..HRI S. M. SIDDAYYA: Will the following basis:- the Minister of JRRJGATIGN AND POWER be pleasedtostate : (i) Exemption, full or partial, from pay- ment of dividend liability to the General (a) the total cost of construction of the ,Revenues during the period of construction Chikkahole dam in Chamarajanagar taluk, and for a specific number of yearos after com- Mysore district, Mysore State; pletion and opening to traffic; (b) whether any Central aid was given for its construction; (ii) Participation of State Governments or local authorities, in reducing the cost of cons- (c) wbether any estimate has been made truction by giving the land and labour con- either by the State Government or the Cen· ent of construction free of cost; tral Government, regarding the dmage caused Written Answers MARCH 20, 1973 Written Answers 55 by the bursting of the dam on the 8th De- RecopItlon of UDlonl of Railway Em- ploY"' and traDBfer of their Otllce cembe " 1972; and Beareril (d) if 80, the main fe.tures thereof?


    (el whether in order to transfer an office No. of human live. lost 13 bearer of any recognised Union, Government have to take the consent of the Union con- No. of cattle lost 1282 cerned and whether, when consent is not Cropped area affected. 37ZO hectares. given, the decision of General Manager is final? Damage. to 35 irrigation ~ 44 communication .vorks and 3 school DEPUTY MINISTER IN 1'HE buiUings. Rs. 37.29 1akh. THE MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI Total damage as MOHD. SHAFl QUARSHl): (a) Yes, Sir· assessed Rs. 2561akhs (b) The unit for recognition of Unions is the Zonal Railway. The A.l.R.F. and N.F.I.R. are Federations of Unions recog- nised on Zonal Railways and have been given negotiating facilities at the All India level. 3771. .n 1f.".... W11IT: W ~~~~ ~~ (e) The prior consent of the Union is no t It>'t !i'IT ~ fit; ~ 0'1ti ~ ozrr- required; but the proposal for the uansfer 0 I qtfu1 ~ ma- 'F" ~ ~ the office bearer of the recognised Union is to 1970 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fiI;a;i be communicated to the Union concerned to enable the Union either to represent to the ~ OO~ ~ authorities against the uansfer or to arrange for the work of the Union rofficial concerned ~~~ QnIrq if ~ being entrusted to another peroson. In case ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ of disagreement about transfer at lower level, the Union can take up the matter to ~~~ ~~ the General Manager, whose decision shalJ ~ h,. finAl. 57 Written Answers PHALGUNA 29, 1894 (SAKA) Written Answers 58

    Request by the Chief Minister of Tamil control in Assam, West Bengal and Bangia. Nadu to the CeIltra1 Government to desh areas and also for providing new irri- restore to the State ItI orlglnalltrength gation and navigation facilities there; of 41 Lok Sabha seate (b) whether Bangladesh Government have been consulted regarding the matter; and 3773. SHRI P. A. SAMTNATHAN: Will the IMinister of LAW, JUSTJCE AND (e) if so, the outcome of the study and COMPANY AFFAIRS be pleased to state: consultation with -the Government of Bangla- desh ? (a) whether the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu has asked the Union Government to THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE restore to the State its original strength of MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND 41 Lok Sabha seats allotted after the 1951 POWER (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA) : census: and (a) to (c). The concept of linking the Brahma- putra with the Ganga is pan of the overall (h) if so, the reaction of the Union Go- concept of the National Water Grid on vernment thereto? which office studies have 80 far been made and which has yet to be pursued. "lll' MINISER OF STATE IN THE MI iISTRY OF LAW, JUSTICE AND ,:OMPANY AFFAIRS (SHRI NITIRAJ ~ ~ if ~ fiwnn.r.t SINGH CHAUDHARY) : (a) Yes, Sir. ~ ~~ ~~ ~...

    (b) Ankles 81 and 82 of the Constitution, 3775. sn ~ ~ W'": ~ as they stand at present, do not permit the f«.-rf .m:"fiR!.

    ~ ~ ~ !liT ~ Comp.... t reprdjq aal_ of Labour ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ it aacl uJe ofRaUway material ~ ~ ~~~ 3n7. SHRI MAHADEEPAK SINGH ~ ~ ~~~ SHAKYA : Will the Minister of RAILWAYS ~ I ~ 'j,1i·.fa(!14 ~ it ~ be pieaaed to state: ~ ~ ~ ~ if.lfT!fiT T:r iti (a) whether a complaint has been received ~ ~ ~ .,i"'ftq mt 't': ~ in the month of December, 1972 from a ;ftfu1iT 'liT ~ ~ iti ft:Ir!: f.mT Member of Parliament alleging mi81lle of labour and selling of Railway material by w:r.r ~ ~ I the Sanitation Staff of the Delhi Hospital, Northern Railway; and (IT) ~ ~ iti ~ ~~ ~ rn ~ (b) if so, the action taken thereon ? ~ lli'IT it if.lfT 'Imf iti An: ;m(f (NT ~ it ~

    THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THB MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND CHB- MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MICALS (SHRI DALBIR SINGH) : (a) MOHD. SHAFI QURESHI): (a) Yes. No such case has come to the notice of Government. (b) The investigations are in progress. (b) No, Sir. (c) Does not arise. 61 Written Amwe1'8 PHALGUNA 29. 1894 (SAKAl Wlittpn Answers 62

    Creedon of Supculon ACCOUDt Even while this proceduTe was being exa- at TrombIIy Usdt of P.c.L mined from legal and fiJwu:ial angles, realisa- tions uf the OUtBtandinp lCem to have 3719. SHRI CHANDRA SHAILANI : been begun and a IUJII of about 13 \alths SHRI JAGANNATH MISHRA: W8I thus realised. This amount is being held Will the Minister of PETROLEUM in the IUBpeusc account. The nature of such AND CHEMICALS be pleued to state: trausactions auDc to the notice of the mana- aement in December 1972 and enquiries Ca) wbether Governmeut have received were initiated on the bI8is of which directions oomplaintB from Members of Parliament were also issued to the ofllcen concerned to that a suspense acrount of Rs. 20 1akh is stop such transactions forthwith. Thereafter, being kept at Trombay unit of Fenilizer the management decided to refer the IDatter Corporation of India; and to the Central Bureau of Inveatigation for (b) if so, the brief facts of the matter and full investigations on the 24th of February Government's reaction there to ? 1973 and the xnatter is DOW under invcati- gations by th Bureau. Pending enquiry by THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE the C.B.I. Director (production and Market- MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND CH- ing) and General Manager, Trombay have EMICALS (SHRI DALBIR SINGH): Ca) been asked to proceed on leave initia11y for Yes Sir. a period of two months. This they have dODe. Cb) A 1arge number of dealers in Andhra Similarly, the Marketing Manager, Trombay Pradesh and Mysore had defaulted in malting has proceeded on leave. The Central Bureau payments to the Fertilizer Corporation for of Investigation has been asked to indicate the fertilizers supplied to them. Since the whether, for purposes of facilitating amounts were outstanding for a long time, the enquiry, some other officers concerned l)irector (Production and Marketing) of the with these transactions should also be Corporation asked the officers ooncemed asked to proceed on leave. to explore possible ways of recovering these outstandings. In this oonnection, it seems Further action will be taken on receipt of that a procedure was evolved in the 2nd the repon of the Central Bureau of Inveati- week of O~ 1972, according to which gation. rhe Corporation could issue ammonium sulphate or ammonium sulphate nitrate DI.peD8lldon orju.tice olltalde the mor•• from the Sindri Fertilizer Factory to a de- but wlthla the Territorial Waten of faulting dealer, provided he liquidated simul- lDeIla taneously his outstandings or a part thereof at the rate of Rs. 4,000 per wagon for am- 3780. SHRI B. V. NAIK: Will the monium sulphate and Rs. 1,500 or 1,200 per Minister of LAW, JUSTICE AND COM- wagon for ammonium sulphate PANY AFFAIRS be pleased to atate: nitrate supplied to Andhra Pradesh and Mysore respectively. However, in cases (a) whether there is any provision for where a defaulting dealer was no longer dispensation of justice outside the shores in the fertilizer business, or was not in a but within the territorial waters of India ; position to liquidate the outstsndings, an Cb) what is the nature of the machinery alternative procedure seems to have been also evolved. According to this alternative, sup- for this dispensation of justice; plic> c.luld be made to any other dealer (c) whether large number of disputes who offered to liquidate such out,tandings between fishermen on the seas come to the of a defaulting dealer. In such cases, both notice of Government; and the defaulting dealer and the dealer receiving (d) if so, what Government proposes to 'upplies under this arrangement would do in this behalf ? ha.ve to ~ their ronqent in writing. lS91LS-) Written Answers MARCH 20, 1973 Written Anstl'el·s

    TH. MINISTER OF STATE IN THE furnish detailed information on certain MINISTRY OF LAW, JUSTICE AND points byt he Directorate General, Technical COMPANY AFFAIRS CSHRI NITIRAJ Development in November 1971. The appli· SINGH CHAUDHARY) : Ca) The territorial cant did not submit the requisite information !?elt of I2 miles is only an extension of the and the application was reiected in October territory of India and ~ laws in force in ~ The party wa, "Iso advhed to submit the territory of India have force within the a fresh application if it so desired, as and territorial sea also. The courts of India when it had collected all the additional infor· bave jurisdiction to try and punish ~ mation. The application if and when sub- committed within the territorial sea. mitted would be considered by the Govern- ment according to the policy prevailing at the (b) Answer is covered by the answer relevant time. given as against (a). (c) Quite a few conflicts between the operators of non-mechanised boats, small TakiD, over of dJltrJbudoD of mechanised boats and large fishing vessel Polytbeue by Govenuaeut have been reported to have occurred on the seas adjoining the coasts of Kerala, Pondi- 3782. SHRI PHOOL ~ :AND VERMA cherry, Goa, Mysore and Maharashtra. Will the Minister of PETROLEUM AND Cd) Government have been advised that CHEMICALS be pleased to state: they are competent to enact legislation for (a) whether· there is a great demand of lile purpose of de-limiting fishing zones and Polythene in the country; regulating fishing by vessels of all descrip_ tions. The matter is under consideration. (b) whether it is distributed by the firm s themselves or by some Government agency; SettiDg lip of a Soda Alb factory JD (c) if by the firms, whether Government GDDa DI.trlct (M.P.) propose to take over the distribution of 3781. SHRI PHOOL CHAND VERMA: Polythene; and Will the Minister of PETROLEUM AND CHEMICALS be pleased to state: (d) if not, the reasons therefor ? (a) whether Government of Madhya Pra- desh have lent a propoaal to the Central THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Government for, setting up a Soda Ash MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND CHE- Factory in Guna District (M.P.); and MICALS (SHRI DALBJRj.SINGH): (8) (b) if so, the action taken in this regard Yes, Sir. 80 far and the time by which a decision is likely to be taken in the matter ? (b) The polythelene is being distributed by the manufacturers and their distributors.

    THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE (c) and (d). No, Sir. Government have no MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND CHE. proposal to take over the distribution of this MICALS (SHRI DALBJR SINGH) : (a) material. To alleviate the shortage the and (b). An application from a private party State Tratiing Corporation has been autho- for grant of an industrial licence for setting rised to import 5,000 tonnes of each of the up a new undertaking for the manufacture thermoplastics i.e. low density polyethylene, of Soda Ash at Guna in Madhya Prades, high density polyethylene and PVC. The was received in October, 1971. The applica- mport policy in regar' to actual users tion was recommended by the Government imports has been amende· • The sUi'Jfly of Madhya Pradesh. For technical appraisal position is being closely watched to talt e of the scheme, the applicant was asked to necessary remedial steps. 65 Written Answers PHALGUNA 29, 1894 (SAKAl Written Answers 66

    1m port of raw materal for manufactur The project is to be implemented in two of Polythene stages-first stage comprising of complete 3783. SHRI PHOOL CHAND VERMA: civil works and installation of two unit s WiII the Minister of PETROLEUM AND of 100 MW and the second stage involving CHEMICALS be pleased to state: addition of two mOre units of 100, MW each The project is expected to be complete Ca) whether the raw material used for by 1978-79. manufacturing Polythene is imported; and The complete cost of the project comp- (b) if 80, the names of the countries from rising two stages will be Rs. 3S12.04 lakh which imported ?

    THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Funds for Inveatlaadon8 Connected MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND with Development of A Nationsl Water CHEMICALS (SHRI DALBIR SINGH): Grid Ca) and Cb). Normally the two units manu- facturing Low Density Polyethylene and 378S. SHRI D.B. CHANDRA GOWDA: the one unit manufacturing High Density Will the Minister of IRRIGATION Polyethylene use indigenous raw materials. ami POWER be pleased to state: In the recent past because of the shortage of industrial alcohol in the country, imports Ca) Whether Planning Commission has have been allowed to the Low Density made available funds for investigationll Polytheylene Unit which uses alchohol as a connected with the development of a national raw material. Imports are being made from Water Grid; and the general currency area. Cb) if so, the amount therof?

    Kaclamparai pumped Storale hydro- THE DEPUTY MINI: TER IN THE electric Project Tamn Nadu in MINISTRY OF IRRICATION AND 3784. SHRI B. K. DASCHOWDHURY POWER (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA) : SHRI M. S. SIVASWAMY: (8) and (b) : The question of taking up Will the Minister of IRRIGATION AND the investigations for a National Water- POWER be pleased to state: Grid is under considerations in consulta- tion with the Planning Commission. (l) Whether Government have recently approved the Kadamparai pumped storage hYdro-electric project in Tamil Nadu for Manufacture of ;"yloD Tyre Yarn inclusion in State's Fourth Plan and 3786. SHRI G. Y. KRISHNAN: (b) if so, the main features thereof? Will the Minister of PETROLEUM AND CHEMICALS be pleased to state: THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND POW. Ca) the Present capacity for the manu- WER (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA): facture of nylon tyre yarn; and Ca) Planning Commission have approved the Kadamparai pumped Storage Hydro- (b) whether the present production is Electric project in Tamil Nadu for inclu- sufficient to meet the requirement in the sion in State's Fourth Plan. country ?

    b) The pumped storage scheme com- THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Pri,es the installation of 4 x 100 MW pump MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND urbine generating units in an under ground CHEMICALS (SHRI DALBIR SINGH) : OWer station, with connected storage dam Ca) The present licensed capacity is OWer tunnel, tail rac'" tunnel and other 6600 tOnnes per annum; the estimated pro apPUrtenant facilhies,. duction in 1972-73 is 2400 tonnes. Written Answ",'s Written A n ..< u.>ers MARCH 20, 1973 68

    (b) The present requirementsare esti· sector, most of the funds for which have mated at 3Soo tonnes per annum whlcb com" from public financing institutions; will be fully met when the capacity Iicense.J and II established. (b) if 10, the steps Government have taken to remove the anomaly? Apoeemeat with BahralD for IICttlDa aD of A FertOlzer Plant THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE 3787. SHRI P. GANGADEB: MINISTRY OF LAW, JUSTICE AND SHRI P. M. MEHTA: COMPANY AFFAIRS. (SHRI D. R. CHA- VAN): (a) and (b). The information is being Will the Minister of PETROLEUM collected and will be laid on the Table of AND CHEMICALS be pleased to state : the House. (a) Whether any protocol was signed in Bahrain on lIth February, 1973 by Gov· A.1Cte of Flnt Ten Monopoly Hoa... ernment; 3789. SHRI D. K. PANDA: Will the (b) whether India is to collaborate with MinlJter of LAW JUSTICE AND COM- Bahrain for setting up a Fertiliser plant PANY AFFAIRS be pleased to state: based on natural gas and for pur· the exetent of rise in rates of profits and

    (b) the names of the proposed new sta- tions ? 3 4 THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE 6, Thapar 2.0'4 89'9 MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MOHO. SHAFI QURESHI): (a) and (b). 7. Sahu Jain . 14'0 "'32.0'0) There are proposals for opening of the fol- 8. Bird Heligen. 7' 4 Incurred lowing stations in the Khurda Division of los8 of Rs. 57 lacs in 1967-68, earned ~ the South Eastern Railway: of Rs. one crQre In 1969-70. I. Budhapank between Mer.:.mandali and Talcher Stations. 9. J. K. Singhnia. IJ' 7 2.. Dhaulimuhan between Tapang and 10. Suraimull Nagar- Nirakarpur Stations. mull. (-)0' I N.A. ._------_. -----.--- 3. Banithengarh between Byree and Dhan N.A.-Not yet available. mandel stations. (_) ~ decrease. 4. Vanivihar between Manchestwar and Bhubaneswar Stations. New RaU-7 lJDe from Jallhapura to ChaDdaball Via Jalp1ll' In Orlua S Bhimkunda between Bhubaneswar and (South Baeten RaU_7) Ratang Stations.

    3790. S:IRI ANADI CHARAN DAS: Judpe beloqing to Scheduled Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be Cutea and Scheduled Tribes In Vari- pleased to state: ous HilJh Courts (a) whether Government have any pro- posal to construct a new Railway line from 3792.. SHRI B. S. BHAURA: Wiu the Mi- Jalthapura to Chandabali touching Jaipur nister of LAW, JUSTICE AND COMPANY and Aradi in S. E. Railway in Orris. State AFF AIRS be pleased to state the number of Judges belonging to Scheduled Castes and and Scheduled Tribes in different High Courts (b) if so, when the construction work in India? will start and what is the estimated expen- diture on the line? THE MINISTER OF LAW, JUSTICE AND COMPANY AFFAIRS (SHRI H. R· THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE t;OKHALE): According to available MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI information. there are at present three Judges MOHD. SHAFI QURESHI) : (.) No. belonging to Scheduled Castes and none belonging to Scheduled Tribes in the various High Courts. (b) Does not arise. Provialon of I.lftlng BlIl'riol' n ear But OpeninlJ of ncw Rail"ay Stadona Cabin of Budhlade RalI_y StadOli durbag 1973"74 In ltburda DlvlaloD (Northern Rail_y)

    379 1• SHRI ANADI cHARAN DAS : 3793. SHRI B. S. BHAURA :Wiu the Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to pleased to state: state whether there is any proposal to pro- (a) how many new Railway stations are vide a lifting barrier within a range of 600 proposed to be opened during the year ft. from the East cabin of Budhlada Rail- 1973-74 in Khurda Division in South way Station on Delhi-Ferozepur line and &atern RaUway; and. if 80, by what time it will be provided? 71 IV ritten A 71SWeTS MARCH 20, 1973 Written Ans:,,

    THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Energl.. tlonfof TubelWeU. aDd Pam- MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI pin.. seta In Gulent MOHO. SHAFI QURESHI: No. The level crossing is beyond the operational range of the East Cabin "of Budhlada Railway 3795. SHRI D. P. JADEJA: Will the Station. Minister of IRRIGATION AND POWER be pleased to state:

    S1lpply of Cooking Gu In Distrlc:ta Ca) whether any target for energisation Bhatinda And SaJIIl'UI' of tube wells and pumping sets in Gujarat was the tal'lfet fixed; and

    3794. SHRI B. S. BHAURA:Will the (b) if 90, what was the target fixed; and Minister of PETROLEUM AND CHEMI- CALS be pleased to state : (e) the achievement made so far in this regard ?

    Ca) whether he has received any demand THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE for supply of cooking gas from Districts MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND PO- of Bhatinda and Sangrur (Punjab) during WER (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA): last twO years; and Ca) to (c). As intimated by Gujarat Electricity Board subject to availability of funds, it was programmed to energise 20,000 tube- (b) whether Gollemment have any Prop- weBs pumpsets in Gujarat during the year posa1 under consideration to arrange supply- 1972-73. As against this, 9,562, wells have of cooking gas to the above DistrictS ? been energised upto the end of January, 1973·

    THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND Clearance ofMa,or Irriptlon Pro'ects CHEMICALS (SHRI DALBIR SINGH) : In Gu'rat Ca) Yes, Sir. 3796. SHRI D. P. JADEJA: Wi11 the Cb) The availability of both cooking Minister of IRRIGATION and POWER be gas and steel required for manufacturing pleased to state : cylinders is limited. Keeping in view these factors, Indian Oil Corporation has drawn Ca) the percentage of irrigated 1and in up plans to extend the marketing of Indane Gujarat to the entire irrigated land in the to the various towns upto 1973-74, mainly country; on the basis of the relative importance of and the anticipated CUBtomer potential in the various towns. The present CUBtomer (b) the broad outlines of the major irriga- potential in both Bhatinda and Sangrur is re- tion Projects relating to Gujarat States pend- latively lower than in several other towns ing with Government for inclusion in the where Indane marketing is yet to be intro- Fifth Five Year Plan; and duced. Indian Oil Corporation would, however, IXlDsideJ Bhatinda for introduction Cc) the name of the projects relating to of Indane during the next two to three years. Gujarat State pending because of Nar mada SBJIIrUI may be OOIIIideJed somewhat later. Water Dispute? " 73 Written Answers PHALGUNA 29, 1894 (SAKA) Written AnsweTs 74

    THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE cropped area. The corresponding All I.ndia MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND figure is expected to be about 27 %. POWER(SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA) : (a) The irrigation potential in Gujarat from (b) and (c). In the last four years, the major, medium and minor irrigation schemes faollowing new major projects have been by 1973-74 is expected to be about 18% of the ccepted :-

    Name of Project. Total cost; Benefits in Date ofacceptance. (in lakhs Rs.) '000 bee.

    I. Sabarmati (Dharoi) 2500 July, 1971.

    2. Panam 21'87 July, 1971.

    3. Mahi Bajajsagar (Rajasthan & Gujarat) 3136 30' 80 November, 1971. (to Rajasthan & additional supplies to Gujarat).

    4. Damanganga. December, 1972.

    Works on these projects will continue in ~~~ ~ ~ II\l;f ~ the Fifth Plan. f.flfftt" ~

    The Sipu Project estimated to cost about Rs. 595 lakhs and to provide irrigation to 3797. ~~ 25304 hectsres is pending, awaiting settlement !flIT ~ 1l'<:fT ~ ~ 'liT '!i'lT m f.f; ; of Inter-State issues with Rajasthan.

    ('Ii') !flIT ~ m it ~ Bcf The Government of Gujarat proposed ~ ij; ~ fum;t;;r ~ ~~ Broach irrigation project Stage-I which was ij; ~ ij; ~ ~ ~ ~ accepted by the Government of India in 1960. ft;m; trt When the preliminary works for this project

    It is expected that the Narmada Water Dispute will be settled in the near future ~~ ~ (sn ~ after which the High Navganl Dam Project ~ ~ ; ('Ii') ;;IT ;r@ as well as Rami medium Irrigation scheme proposed by State Government in the Nar- mada basin will be colllidered for acceptance. 75 Written Answe1's MARCH 20, 1!1i3 Written Ann",'rR 76 -"'""", ~ ~ "'" ~ ~ !fiT..mA m ~ rn it ~ fi"'" .. "'« ~• ..n«'T 'f>lf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~. -wr

    (!!f) w ~ ~ q'\ ~ ~ w ~ 1f.1\';ml :;fT ~ !fiT 111ft ~ ~ Cf1fT mit ~ iff<;r ~ ~ ~ frihr;r;;r ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ t.t ~ t mrR ~ lfi'if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ lI'fmr w ~ ~ J;{i< ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ it w ~ ~ if; ~ ~ lfi'if ~ q;rWf lift iTt ~ ?

    ( IJ ) W ~ 'fit sr) ~ ~ $ ~~ ~ W ~ if ~ ~ it fonrivr it f<:ro: ~ ~~ I (,,) ~ W, ('fT

    ~ ~ ~~ it ~ ~ ~ q ~ (1Il1 ~ aiqf1:jfm ~ ~ ~ !mITCf Wli ~ F'm) ; ~ ~ it ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ srumfi 'if<'!' ~ ~ llTffi'lmf ~ ~ ~ ;;n;f Wttenl' ~ I m"f t.t ~~ ~ ~ ~ it ~ m lfi'if if I ~ lift ~ ~ rn 'fiT Cf'q.'l" ~ ~ ~ srll!T<'fT 'V'I' ~ ¥ft, ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ lfEll' ~ ~ ~ ~ qfnnm if; mfR ~ lfi'if it I ~~ ~~ ~~~ J;R riT ~ If.T '1°.",''''''°1 ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ I t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;it ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ «..n.!:tl'f ~ ~ ~ I fonrivr ~ if ~ rn ~ • h;fl it ~ ~ Ifi't m'U ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ I ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ I ;77 written Answers PHALGUNA 29, 1894 (SAKA) Written Answers ~ I Broacl G-ae Line Crom Samutipur to (ii) to .tudy on a continuous bas s the Jalna,.. (North Ea'tem Rall_y) nature of thefts and pilferages and to provide 3800. SHRI RAM BHAGAT PASWAN: information regarding these and suggest to Will the Miniskr of RAILWAYS he pleased the Administration measures necessary for their effective prevention. to state.

    (a) whether survey work for Broad Gauge Blec:tric Traina between Meerut line from Samastipur to Jainagar in N.E, and Delbl Railway has been completed; and

    (b) when the cunstruction wurk will be ~ SHRI RAM PRAKASH: started ? Will the Minister 01 RAILWAYS be plea- sed to state : THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OP RAILWAYS (SHRI :,a' whether there are proposals Ie run MOHD. SHAFI QURESHI) : (a) and Electt;'; train. between Meerut and Delhi ·.h) • BDgineerIng and traffic sur- especially for commuters in near future ; "eys have been completed for the Samasti- pur-Darbbanp portion as part of the Samas- (b) if so, the time by which the electric 1:l'ur-Raxaul M.G. to B. G. conversion via trains will be introduced; nnd narbhnap or fJla Muzaffarpur. This con- version, aCCIOrdiDa to the reports, which are (c' if not, the reasoDs therefor l undl'r examination, is unremunerative. A Jocision on thla conversion will however be THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THB r aken after the examiDation of the reports is MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI completed from all aapec:ll. M')H ). ~ QURESHI): (II) There No survey bu been CIU'1'iecl out for the con- is no such proposal under consider- \'crsion of the section from Darbhanga tn ation at present. (b) Does not arise Jainagar. (c) A feasibility study by the Metro- politan Transport Project Organisation Setti08 up State. Panel or (Railways) for the requirements of intra- 3801. SHRI RAMBHAGATPASWAN: city a'lJ ~ traffic for Delhi Metro- Will the MlnJIter of RAILWAYS be pleased politan Area i, currently in progress, A final to state: ~L in regard to the scope of works re_ (a) whether Railways have set up States quired, including 'ntroduction of electric Panel reccntlYiand ~ wlluld 1'(.' ~ on receipt and exami- nation of thl:ir report. (b) if so, the terms of reference THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRl Demand of Higher Price for crude by MOHO. SHAFI QURESHI) : (a) and foreign oil companies due to Deva- ( h). It is presumed that by the. luation oC U. S. Dollar and take over of term -State Panel' the Hon'ble member the crude Imports Joint stak level Commi=, consisting of r .presentativCl of (I) the State Governments 3803. SHRI N. K. SANGHI: 2" recognised railway trade unions, and (3) SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: Railway Administration which were formed in Will the Minister of PETROLEUM I anuary, 1972 on each railway to eliminate AND CHEMICALS he pleased to t hefts and pilferages. The main functions of .tllte; 'hese Committees are :- I a,; w'lelher the fresh demand of foreign (i) to enlist and sustain the Co-operation oil ~ for higher price for the imported ~ railway staff for combating effectively crude is due to devaluation of U. S. Dollar the'lb and pilferuges IIf railway property. and whether Government have assessed the 79 Written Answers MARCH 20, 1973 Written ~ 80

    impact of devaluation of U. S. Dollar on (c) whether the above deal will neces crude imports to India and if so, the outcome sitate deployment ofindian know-how and tbereof; and export of goods and if so, the extent thereof?

    (b) whether in view of the repeated and THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE continuing demand for price-rise by foreign MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI refineries, Government propose to take over MOHD. SHAFI QURESHI) tbe import of crude as recommended by the (a) and (b). A request was received from Shantilal Shah Committee? the Iraq Government for carrying out a Feasibility Study for a railway line (uo Km. THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN long) to connect Hsaibah with the phos- THE MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM phate mines at Aleasha as supplementary to AND CHEMICALS (SHRI DALBIR the feasibility study carried out earlier for a SINGH):There has been no fresh demand by railway line from Baghdad to Hsaibah (404 the oreign oil companies for higber price of Kms.) and also for an Economic Study of the crude oil due to the recent devaluation of the composite project-Baghdad-I Hsaibah- U. S. Dollar. The full impact of the de,'a- Akasha (524 Kms.) It was indicated to the luation of the U. S. Dollar on crude oil im- Iraqi Government that the Indian Railways ports can be assessed with some degree of would be willing to take up these StudieS aCCuracy only after the present fluid con- under the same terms as for tbe earlier feasibi- ditions in the world monetary markets stabi- lity study for the railway line to connect lise. Baghdad with Hsaibah.

    (b) As per Refinery Agreements with Another request has also been receive1 the foreign oil companies, these companiCl' whether Indian Railways could undertake the have tbe right to import crude oil from their conversion of the existing metre gauge line own sources, Until the existing Refinery from Baghdad to Arbil to Standard Gauge Agreements are suitably modified it will not (ahout 427 Km. together with construction be possible for a single agency to import of ancillary lines in and around Baghdad crude as ~ by the Shantil.1 with bridges and improvement of Baghdad Shah Committee, East Station etc. on a barter deal against supply of Iraqi crude. The proposal is under Indian help for RaUway Une in Iraq consideration of the Government. in CODaideratioD of IDpply of crude (c) Indian Railways have the necessuy from Iraq expertise and know how for this job. I 3804. SHRI N. K. SANG HI: will also be possible to export the rails SHRI NA W AL KISHORE SHAR- girders, rolling stock, signalling equipment MA: etc. required for the proiect. if the same is SHRI M.S. SANJEEVI RAO: entrusted to the Indian Railways.

    Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be PubUc Relation Omcer in D. V.C. pl.... ed to state : 3805. SHRI SHYAM SUNDBR (a) whether India has offered to under- MOHAPATRA : Will the Minister of IRRI- take a feasibility study for a 120 km GATION and POWER be pleased to state: Railway line in Iraq and at.o for conversion of a metre gauge line to standard gauge; (a) whether there is any Pu\:>lie Rela- (b) wheher it is also a fact that India has tions Officer in Damodar Valley Corporation agreed to undertake the' above work on the at present; basis of barter deal against supply of crude (b) whether there is any Chief Infor- from Iraq and if so, the broad outlines Of mation Officer in Dnmodar Valley Corpora- e deal; and tion; and 81 Written Answers PHALGUNA 29, 1894 (SAKA) Written Answe,'. 82

    (c) if not, who is doing the Public Deputation of an Engineer In Ori.. a Relations Work? for location of Bhlmkund Prolect

    3807. SHRI DEVENDRA SAT- THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE PATHY : Will the Minister of IRRIGA- MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND PO- TION AND POWER he pleased to state: WER (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA) : (a) to (e), There is no Chief Informa- (a) whether the State Government of tion Officer in Damodar Valley Corporation. Orissa have requested the Central Water The post of Public Relations Officer is lying and Power Commission for deputing an vacant at present consequent on the retire- Engineer to help the State Government in ment ofits incumbent. The work has been entrusted to another officer in the Head- deciding the location of the Bhimkund quarters by the Corporation pending appoint- Project; and ment of ~ new Public Relations Officer. (b) if so, action taken by Government in the matter? Appoilltme:tt of at! Oriya as head of the Organllatlon In Taleher Fertiliser Pactory THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND POWER (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA): 3806. SHRI SHYAM SUNDER (a) and (b). The State Government of MOHAPATRA: Will the Minister of Orissa had requested that a team of engineers PETROLEUM AND CHEMICALS be from the Centre may be sent to visit the al- pleased to state ternative sites for deciding on the location (a) whether Government propose to of Bhirnkund dam. The State Government employ an Oriye as head of the Organisation had been requested to work out in the first in Talcher Fertilizer Factory; instance the relative economies of the two sites namely Noapara and Balijori and also the (b) whether the head of Personnel details of the area that would be submerged. Department is Oriya and if not, whether This information has been received from the Government propose to secure services of State Government and has also been dis- loeal man; and cussed with the State Officers. The ques· tion of deputing the team is now under con- (e) when the project is likely to be com- sideration. pleted?

    Profit earned by I. D. P. L. frOID THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE sale of drugs imported by S.T.C. MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND CHEMICALS (SHRI DALBIR SINGH): 3808. SHRI K. S. CHAVDA : Will (a) Appointments to such top level the Minister of PETROLEUM AND posts are made on merit and the choice cannot CHEMICALS be pleased to state: he limited to persons from within the State (a) whether the Indian Drugs and Phar- in which the project is located. maceuticals Ltd. (I.D.P.L.) is distributing (b) The Personnel Department of the some ofthe bulk drugs imported by S.T.C.; Talcher project is presently headed by an (b) if so, what are the names of these oflicer who belonas to Orissa. drugs; amd

    (c) According to present indications, the (c) what is the total profit earned by factory Is likely to go into production by the by the LD.P.L. from the sale of these drUIlS middle of 197.5. during the last three years? 83 Written Answers MARCH 20, 1973 Written Answers THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND CHEMICALS (SHRI DALBIR SINGH): CHEMICALS (SHRI DALBIR SINGH): (a) to ('.1. Yes, Sir. The folJowing (a) Mis. Glaxo Laboratories was re- drugs, imported by the S. T. C. are distri- gistered as a private Iimi ~ company on buted by Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals 13th November ~ under the IlllD1C of H. J. Limited. Foster and Co. Ltd. The name of the oom- (n Streptomycin sulphate pany was changed to Glaxo Laboratories (ii) Tetra:y cline, Base/Hc\' (India) Limited on 1St MarclI, 19S0. ,iii) Sulphadimi..tine. (b) The inidal equit)" capital wu Ro. (iv) Analgin. 1 . 5 lakhs while the present equity is Rs. (v) Vitamin Br, Hcl,'Mono-nitrate 720 lakhs. (vi) Vitamin B2. (e) Increase in foreign equity has been (vii) SuJphaguanidine. achieved predominantly from the profits carne:! in this country. Whether any fresh (viii) Folic Acid inve8tment from a':lroad was also made is (ix) Phenobarbitone heing ascertained. :x) Piperazine hexahydrate. POWERPAILURE Dl'E TO POLLUT- The distribution of these drugs along ION with their own production is done by the 3810. SHRI Y. ESWARA REDDY: Marketing Division of r. D. P. L. This Will the Minister of IRRIGATION AND scheme came into effect nnly from 1970-71. !>OWER be pleased to .tak : The profitability of the Marketing Division in the trading of drugs during the years 1970-71 (a) whether pollution has caused power and 1971-72 after aUowing for reimburse- failure in certain cities in the country; and ment of the difference between notified price, (b) if so, the names of the places where the for indigenous materials and the pooled Price, power failure oc.::urred on this account? to the indigenous producers including them_ ..Ivet was a8 folloWl:- THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND 1970-71 Loss Rs. 18· 87 lakhs POWER (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA) : 1971-72 Loss Rs. 66· 57 lakhs (a) anJ (b). Sir. pollution has some- Purchase or a Concern Crom E. times caused power failures in coastal areas Foatcr and Co. and increase in EQDity and towns like Bombay, Tarapore and Inveatment achieved by MI.. Glaso Trombay. Laboratories ~ !:iHRI K. S. CHAVDA : Will the Minister of PETROLEUM AND ~ ~ ~ .,. \II'rP CHEMICALs l>e pleased to state: ~ WTW """ .q Q\lf0fl (a) when Ms. Glaxo Laboratories purchased a running concern from E. Poster 38 1 I. 'If) ,,«'" -"'41" tlf« WT" and Co. and for what amount; lflIT ~ lief\" ~ ~~ ~ fitff ~ (b) what was their initial equiry invest- flti ment and what i. the present equity invest- ment; and ~ lflIT ~~ ~~

    ( .. ) lIfll' ~ ;:it ~ m ~ ~ Supply of W ..ona to Garhwa IUId Dalton.ani Railway Stat'ona qn:nr ~ ~ ~ q;:: ~ fltia;:rr '"' ~ ~ 'liT ~ if ~ l813· KUMAR I KAMLA KUMARI: m rn Will the Mimster of L ~ be ~ ~~~ pleased to .tate:

    fa' .he number of W8!!OnS supplied to ~~~~ ('" ~ Gwrhwa and Daltonganj Railway stations during the last three months ; ~ ~ : (If» ~ ~ I (b) the number of wagons required at ( .. ) 46. ;;4 ~ ~ ;tt ~ t. >roe stations ; and lf1f'ffl ;;f'f1ffi ~ ~ ~ ~ lfr (c) whether Go\,ernment propo e to ~ 25-4-1972

    3X[2. SHRI MUKHTIAR SINGH MOllth D:Jltonga,j MALIK: SHRI BIRENDER SINGH RAO : December' .2 7 1 243 Will the Minister of IRRIGATION AND POWER be pleased to state : January'73 30 292 February'73 18 (a) whether Centra! Government have 247 ------.. - settled the disputes regarding the share of -- Bias and Ravi Waters between Puniab ano (b) The numher of wagons required at Haryans States; these stations was as follows :- (b) if so, the nature of decision taken ,. ------and Month ~ D:zltol1ganj

    (c) if not, the time by which the decision ~ is likely to be taken ? Deccmber'72 257 1226

    ]anuary'73 23 1 984 THE DEPUTY MINISTER OF IRRIGATION AND POWER (SHRI February'73 20 5 532 BALGOVIND VERMA): (a) to (C). No decision hes so far been taken on the allOCli- tion, amongst Punjab and Hary3na. of the (c) No; the traffic offering for despatch additional waters, that would have become at Garhwa and Daltonganj stations is of low available to the erstwhile Punjab. a. a result of priority being mostly timber, bamboo the Beas Project. Efforts arc continuing bidi leaves and other items of fore. t product. to reach an equitable i'0lurlom to the satisfac- Special efforts have, however, heen made to t: ...... ~ L...... __ _ steo UI' the loading. Written Answers MARCH 20, 1973 Written ~ . 88

    NadoD-wicie drive to check tbef'ta (b) if 50, the main features thereof and the and pUferape w. e. f. a6th January estimated expenditure thereon ; and 197a (..;) whelherthe Centre have approved 3814. SHRI ANNASAHEB GOT- the schemes? KHINDE : Will the Minister of RAIL- WAYS be pleased to state: THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE (a) whether on the 26th January, 1972 MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND be launched a nation-wide drive to check thefts POWER (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA: and pilferages on the Railways; (a) and (b). One major and two medium schemes have been received from the Jammu (b) if so, the number of cases since de- & Kashmir Government. Their particu- tected, their nature and the value of the goods lars are ';etailej below: involved; and le) how these figures compare with those ------in the corresponding period in the preceding Name of the Estimated Benefit in Scheme cost (Rs. lakh calendar year? lakhs) hectares THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI 1. Ravi Canal 2800'00 0'533 MOHD. SHAFI QURESHI): (a) Yes. (b) and (e). The following table gives 2_ Munawar Tawi the number of cases of thefts pilferage. Of Lift Irrigation booked consignments registered and value of Scheme 115 '67 0·02 goods involved in these during the years 3. Banimula 87 ·67 0.025 1971 and 1972. ----- (e) These Schemes are under processing. year No. of cases Value of properly registered illvolved. (Rs.)

    197 1 40,337 1,87.13.994 Medium ~ Prolect. in 1972 1 1,7°,78,934 44.9 4 GulbarS·

    Although due to the drive for better registration of cases the number cases 3816. SHRI DHARAM RAO AFZAL- registered had increased yet the value of goods PURKAR: Will the Minister of IRRIGA- stolen was less in 1972 as compared to 1971. TION AND POWER be pleased to state :

    The principal commodities involved in (a) the number of medium-irrigation t:he thefts and pilferages arc grains and pulses, projects sanctioned and under operation sugar, iron and steel, cotton piece goods and in the District of Gulbarga ; and Coal. (b) the number of persona given employ- Irrlpdon Scheme. for Fifth Plan ment therein since September, 1972 ? lubmitted by Jammu and Kuhmlr 3815. SHRI SARJOO PANDEY: THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Will the Minister of IRRIGATION & MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND PO- POWER be pleased to state : WER . (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA): (a) Hathikoni medium irrigation ,cherne is (a) whether the Jammu and Kashmir Government have submitted any irrigation under construction in Gulbarga disl;rict. schemes in the State to be taken up in the (b) No informatirn is available at the Fifth Plan; . Centre. 89 Written Answers PHALGUNA 29. 1894 (SAKA) Written Answers

    ~ ~ ~ ~ 'tiT ~ ~ ~ if; ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ m'Rf ~ ij- 4"r ~ I 3817. ~ ;rl;r ~ ~ oro ~ ~ ACRf ~ ~ iRff.r ~ (\I') ~ (1\"). ~ ~ ~ ;;rr FIT m flf> ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ W'IT ~ q<: ~ ~~ ~ ~ GI§S1lfl'iliftli m:- lI"r.r;n- T fi:rirrt m q '"'"" fir. m ""T ~ ~ ~ ~ WTW ~ ~ fi!i'f-fi!;rr !fiT ~ ~ m ~ ;;nWft;

    (.-) ~ it ~ CflTl if; ~ ~ 3818. ~ ~ ~ ~ If'4"T ~ ~ ~ ~ T (1\") 'flIT ~ Clff'Rf1ll If>T mT f'f11fur 29',fT, m-1'if m ~ ~ ~ ~ ;:T'U f;nrlfTcf ~ ij- i'tu if;;r ~ ~ if;;r i1' ~ ~ if;;r ij- If>l:r ~ lifG" ~ 'IT ~~ 'flIT ~ ~ ~ if;;r it ~ lfi; ""i< ~ If>T ~ ~ rn if; fG:11 ';3OTi't If>T ~ ~ ? (Ii') qtqcft ~ ~ it ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ AUff qilff<'l'q 1i ~ T ~ ~ ~ ('IT ~ ~ (If>) 'J"11lt1fT (1\") qcfQ")1f ~ if; ~O ~ ~ If>T If>Tlf, 'liWliT if; ~ !fiT If>t ~ roiff ~ t<: lifT flf> ~ it ~ F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ If>T 'flIT 'IiTf ~ flllillT- ra ~ l'fIlT ~ I ~ ~O mf!:l"T If>T4"1 ~ If>T f'f'Tl"R ~ lI"fG" ~ a1 ~ If>T 1fT T ~~ ~ ~ ~ ra ifT l'fIlT ~ I ~ "T1f ~ q<: ~ I ~ I 97 4 iIlf> ~ " it 7jfo;f ~ f!fiiT ~ If>T ij'1fTi1mf: ~ ~ 'fT, 75 iIlf> ~ fum If>TIif if; it ~ T f4"r ~ ~ • • '-!I", ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ 91 Written Answers MARCH 20, 1973 Written Answen 92

    ~ ;u,;jl "flft ~ ~ ~ lft ~ ~ W AND COMPANY AFFAIRS (SHRI H.R lffif11ITff ~ ~ ~ if; ~ if GOKHALE): (al No such proposal has f.i

    ClMare of Benc:hea of varioua Hi8h Co_ Running of train. on rime between 3819. SHRI S. N. MISRA: WilJ the Tundla ~ and Farukhabad Minister of LAW, JlTSTICE AND and Kanpur to KBDBUI aDd Farukhabad COMPANY AFFAIRS be pleased te- state : 3B21. SHRI S. N. MISRA: Will the (a) whether Government propose to Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state : accept the l"eQ)mmendation of the Law Commission for closing the various Benches (al whether Government are aware Of of High CourtS in various States ; and the deteriorating train services between Tundla. Shikohabad and Fanukhabad (b) if so, what steps have heen taken by and Kanpur to Kanauj and Farukhabad ; Government in this regard ? THE MINISTER OF LAW, JUSTICE Ch) if so, the percentage of trains on these lines which have not run on time during AND COMPANY AFFAIRS (SHRI H.R. the last two years; and GOKHALE): (a) and (b). Law Commission has made no ,pecific recommendation for ( c) what steps are proposed to be taken abOlition of existing benches, but in its Founh to ensure fast and punctual running of train. and Founeenth Reports, the Law Commission on theoe lines? had expressed themaclvct against the divisiOn of a High Coun into Benches. In die past, Benches of certain High Courts had to be THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI created because of the reorganisation of States (MOHD. SHAFI QURESHI): (a) to (c) . ami other historical reasons. It is inexpedient Railways are aware that the pWlctuality to close such Benches. The recommendations performance of passenger carrying trains of the Law Commission are kept in view on Farukhabad-Shikohabad TWldla and while considering any fresh proposal for the Kanpur to Kanauj and Farukhabad setting up of a Bench at a place away from section has not been very satisfactory; the principal seat of the High Court. the percentage of trains running late has Tu Free Salary to Jude" of Hip varied from 20 per cent to about 60 per cent Co1U'tl and from 3 per cent to about 30 per cent res- pectively in t971 and 1972. The machinery 3820. SHRI S. N. MISRA: Will for keeping a watch on the punctual running the Minister of LAW. JUSTICE AND of trains on these sections is being tightened COMPAII/'Y AFFAIRS be pleased to state: up. To minimise the effect of alarm-chain Ca) whether Government propose to in pulling cases on pWlctuality, the alarm give tax free lalary to the Judges of the High chain apparatus on some trains has been Court,. blanked off. 93 Written Answers PHALGUNA!!iI, 1894 (SAKA) Written Answer. 94 T-cer of Pulne Juclpa of High The States have been advised accordingly and Court they have also been Informed to sunelt 3822. SHRI S. N. MISRA: Will the amendments to the provisions of the Central Minister of LAW, JUSTICE AND COM- Act in case they experience any difticu1ty in PANY AFF\IRS be pleased to state: their application to achieve the objective.

    (0) whether any transfer of the Puisne J wige has been made from one High Court to batrotlltcdon of New Traina, ZoaewiH the other; and 382.:41 SHRI G. Y. KRISHNAN: Will the Minister of RAILWAY S be pleased to Cb) if so, when and to which High Courts state: ; during the last five yeal"ll ? (0) the number of new trains introdu- THE MINISTER OF LAW, JUSTICE ced by Government during the last two yean, AND COMPANY"AFFAIRS (SHRI H. R· Zone-wise; and GOKHALE): Ca) and (b). During the last five years there was no transfer of a Puisne Judge (b) the number of persons employed as a from one High Court to another in the same rtllult thereof and how many of them were capacity. There were however three in the drought affected areas ? appointments of Puisne Judgea as Chief THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Justices of other High Courts. In one case MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI a Judge of the Allahabad High Court was MOHD. SHAFI QURESHI): (0) The ~ as Chief Justice of the Madhya total number of non-suburban trains Pradesh High Court with effect from introduced/extended during 1971-72 and 19-3-1969. The other two cases relate to the 1972-73 (upto Feb., 73) zone-wise Is ~ of two Judges of the Allahabad in lIicated below :- High Court in succession as Chief Justice of the Himachal Pradesh High Court, the firs t appointment being from 25-1-1971 and the Railway No. of second appointment being from 18-3-1972. trains introduced/ extended. Nationalilllltion of privately run power HoUHS Central 16 3823. SHRI G. Y. KRISHNAN : SHRI M. S. PURTY : Eastern 6 Will the Minister of IRRIGATION 'Northern 26 AND POWER be pleased to state : North Eastern (0) whether a ~ has been taken Northeast FroDricr. 16 on the proposal to nationalise the management of privately run Power Houses allover the Southern 21 country; and South Central. . (b) if so, the main features' thereof ? South Eastern. 8 THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Western 8 MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND PO- WER (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA): (a) ar,d (b) : Taking over the private (b) Figures of the number of perIOns electricity supply undeltakings including those employed on account of the introduction of having generating stations was considered and new trains are not separately maintained It hi thought that for the present, it may be left Division-wise or Zone-wile, liS additional to the States to take o"er such of those under staff are sanctioned upon significant increase tatlngs as may be considered necetWy. in overall work load and not specifically train • 95 Written Answer. MARCH 20, J9'/1 Written Answer. hy ~ The new trains mAV or may not These ouutandings have since already hwe led to employment in drought-affected been cleared. areas. as this depends upon the area of the rl'lns of the trains and the location of the head- «) No action has been taken or is propo- quarters of the sheds and depots. sed to be taken. The mistake was rectified by Ihe Railway Administration. CllIU'lbJI Frellht on Perlahable Ar- tiel. 011 Central Railwaya

    3825. SHRI PRAVINSINH SO- SettiDl up of lUi oil refinery at LANKI: GuJ.... t SHRI CHANDRIKA PRASAD: Will the Minister of RAILWAY S be 3826. SHRI PRAVINSINH SOLANK: 1" ~ to refer to the reply given to Una- Will the Minister of PETROLECM AND tarn:d Question No. 5041 on the 19th Dc- CHEMICALS be pleased to state: cembu, 1972 regarding outstanding amount of undercharge' on consignment and state : (a) whether in order to avail of the vast Ca) the total number of consignments ot portunities available in the State of Gujarat perishable parcels booked from 1st April for setting up of an Oil Refinery Governmen t 1970 to 15th July, 1971, separately, on each prcpose to formulate a coordinated approach Division of Central Railways ; wilh the help of the State Government and (b) whether Government its people; and worked out under-charges on all consignments as refhred to in part (a) aboVe, and if 80, the (b) if 80, the main features of the total amount worked out, separately, on each proposal? Division of Central Railway ; and THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE (c) the action taken or proposed to be taken MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND apinat the Officers who issued orders under CHEMICALS (SHRI DALBIR SINGH: misconception as 8tated in reply to part (6) (a) aItd (6). An oil refinery with a capacity of of the above question ? 4.3 million tonnes is already functioning at TIlE DEPUTY MINISTER IN TIlE K oyall in Gujarat. This refinery has been MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI processing the crude oil from the Ankaleswar MOHD. SRAPI QURESHI): (a) Such and North Gujarat oil fields. To meet the ltatistics are DOt maintained. growing demand for petroleum products in the area it is proposed to expand the refinery (6) The amount of UDdercharges raised to • capacity of 7' 3 million tonnes. The ex- apinst the different of Central DivisiOl18 pansion contemplates processing of imported Railway for booking perishables at Scale S crude in addition to indigenous crude. rateI instead of at the chargeable Scale 4 of The imponed crude would be received at an peroeJ rates was as under :_ off-shore terminal in the Gulf of Kutch and transported through a pipeline to Koyali. Name of the Divison Amount of It ia proposed to have a branch line to Koyali under from die main line which would carry impor- charges. ted crude to the Mathura Refinery. The rdinery capanaion project is estimated to cost Rs. p. RI. 28' 08 crores with a foreign exchange (i) Jhmi • 969'70 component of Ra. 7' 67 crorea. The projec' would be executed by the Indian Oil ~ (ii) Bhuaaval 933'30 ration and the Corporation would eeek th (ii,) Jabalpur 35'20 uaiatance and cooperation of the Government ------.------of Gujarat to the extent'necessary. 97 WriUm AflBtDfI7" PHALGUNA 211, 1894 (SAKA) Writtm AnS1DfI7's 98 ,.IDectI'If1c:adOD of VI11qea In Gu'aNt ~~~~~~ 3827. SHRI ARVIND M. PATEL: ~ SHRI ~ Will the Minister' of IRRIGATION 3828. ~ m. ~ mm :

    (4) qrn ..m: ~ ~ ~ WIn """ 11m'!' ~ ~ f1ri1mi- ~~~ ftQ'tII' mq; ~ ~~ 1m ~ 'llnWIIA ( 5) ~ t<;r ~ 4"U1ni' ~ ~ it Sifdf.,N«j I 3830. '" (,IIMH ~ Wi ~ ~ 4'J: ~ 'Tf "...-q;f ~ ~ m. pr 'IT i ~~ ~~~ (11) ~ ~ ct1 ~ if4T ~ om- ~ $

    (9) qc:;n ~ ~ ~ ifTIT (I\") ~ ~ ~

    (10) ~ ~ ~ qc:;n ~~ ~ ~ futt ~~~ mlt ~ : (if!) ~ ~ i ~ ~ ;it lf- (13) ~ ~ ~ ~ ffi ~ ~ ~ ~ m if; ~ it fcr;rn mif ~ ~ (14) ~ ~ jf ~ tti • iflm m ~ 'iiT n.q'Ti ~ flf

    (b) whether III-mI1SH upgrnjation of Train (b) the number of employees of Nor'h examiners grade '0" to 'C' on Railways Eastern Railway holding Junior Laboratory / vide Railway Board's letter No. PC-69IPS- Technician Certificate with subjects and the sfTPII,dsted the 30th October, 1972 has scale of pay allotted to them with ~ and been ordered with effect from 1St November, whether the !taif are competent to conduct 1972 ; and tests of food stuff and water ; and (c) if so, the reasons therefor when the (c) whether the scales of pay for both whole question is under the consideration of categories of staff are the same and if so, pay Conunission ? the reasons why higher scale of pay has not THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE been gi ven to such of the staff as were MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS : (SHRI recruited with extra qualification? MOHO. SHAFI QURESHI): (a) Yes. THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE (b) yes. MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI (c) With effect from 1-4-66 the cadre of MOHO. SHAFI QURESHI): (a) to (c). Train Examiners was reorganised and all Information is being collected from the directly recruited persons were placed in the Railway and will be laid on the Table of the ileale Rs. 205-280, leaving staff promoted trom Sabha. tht ranks of artisans in the grade Rs. 180-240. On the ground of discrimination these orders EspanaioD of Coc:hiD on ReCillery of Railway Board were struck down by the Supreme Court as a result of a petition filed 3833. SHRI VAYALAR RAVI: Will the by the Train Examiners in Rs. 180-240 who Minister of PETROLEUM AND CHEMI- haj been promoted from the ranks. In order CALS be pleased to state ; to satisfy this jujgement, all Train J..:xaminers (a) the salient features of the second stage in the grade Rs. 100-240 as on 1-4-66 were expansion programme of the Cochin Oil placed in the scale R,. 205-280. In due course Refinery; and this led to a situation whereby Train Exami- ners promoted prior to 1-4-66 were in the (b) the measures Government have taken scale Rs. 205-280 and Train Examiners pro_ for the welfare of workers during the moted thereafter from the ranks were in the expansion programme ? scale RS.180-24O. It was mainly to remove this disparity that all Train Examiners were THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE placed in the scale Rs.20S-280. Thus, the case MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND of Train Examiners is on a footing differe nt CHEMICALS(SHRI DALBIR SlNGH):(a) from other categories. The expansion programme far increasing the refining capacity of the Cochin Refinery from Equal Sc:ale. of Pay for Staff holcliDg 2' 5 million tonnes per annum to 3' 3 million Diploma. in Medic:al Laboratory Tec:h- tonnes is in progress and is expected to be nic:iaD. Coune _d Junior Laboratory COmplete,] by June 973. The total cost of the Tec:hnlc:1_ Certific:ate (North . expansion project is estimated at Rs. S·7 Eutern Rallway) crores with foreign exchange COmponent of a little less than Rs. I crore. The process delian 3832. SHRI RAMAVTAR SHASTRI I of exPansion WA. ~ by PhllUps Feu,,_ ill the Minister of RAILWAYS be plelltled state: letml Co. and ~ construction contract wa given to Mis. Enginers India Limited on the . (a) the number of employees of North basis tenders. Alongwith the expansion sche- Railways holding Diploma in me, tlie refinery is also [adding facilities for edical Laboratory Technician Course the manufacture of liquified petroleum gas • . . rom recognised Institute and scale of pay The LPG manufacturing and bottling faci- ~~ to them with date I lities are estimated to coat Rs. 42 lakhs. iJ I03 W1itten Answus MARCH 20, 197a

    (b) The expansion work is being done by for from the Government of India will be Engineers India Limited as the main con- made available when the actual expenditure tractor and there are a very large number of exceeded Ra. 10' S crores. Additional funds sub-contractors. The labolK for the expan. BmOlUlting to Rs. 3 crores have since been sion programme is obtained through these aUocated. contractors who are responsible for their RaUwaya Cheated of Gooda at B_da welfare. The normal welfare facilities like by forged Receipt transport, canteen, etc. available to the employees of Cochin Refineries Limited, 3835. SHRI P. GANGADEB: would also be available to the additional SHRI K. LAKKAPPA : hands that may be recruited for running the Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be expanded refinery in due course. pleased to state :

    Power Shortage in Iter.!a Ca) whether Railways were cheated of 3834. SHRI VAYALAR RAVI : goods in transit worth Rs. 22,000 on forged SHRIMATI BHARGAVI THA- Railway receipt on October 28, 1972 at Banda; NKAPPAN: Cb) whether the cheating came to light Will the Minister of IRRI GATION AND in December, 1972 ; and POWER be plea.ed to state : Cc) whether the culprit has been appre. hended ? (a) tl:e tot31 outlay for the development Of power in Kerala for the annual plan for THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE 1973-74 and the share of central assistance; MINISTRY OF, RAILWAYS CSHRI (b) the total quantity or power expected to MOHD. SHAFI QURESHI): Ca) Yes. . be produced in that State during this period (b) Yes . and how it compares with actual demand; Cc) No arrests have SO far been reported. and Government Railway Police Banda has (c) the nature of discussions which the registered the case at crime No. IIO/72. Kerala Ministers had with him in this COn- :lated 18-12-72 under Sections 419,420. 467, nection and the outcome thereof? 468 I. P. C. and are making investigations.

    THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE r.analadon of Law Pa,aed by Parlla. MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND PO. ment into ReponalLaDcuacea WER (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA) : Ca) 3830. SHRI P. GANGADE The total outlay for the c'evelopment of 1'<'- SHRI P. M. MEHT wer in Kerala for the Annual Plan 1973-74 is Wili the Minister of LAW Ju STICE Rs. 21 crores. Central assistance of Rs. 40' 2S AND COMPANY AFFAIRS I:e pleased to crores is being given to the State during the State: year, which includes the share of Central Ca) whether Centre has decid!d to translate assistance for expenditure on power. 'he laws passed by Parliamen t into aU the languages recognised under the constitution? Cb} During 1973-74, the installed capacity and in Kerala will be 622 MW, Tile energy gene- ration •• expected to he about 2460 milliOn (b) ifso, in how many languages laws passed kWh. The demand is assessed at 430 MW. by the Parliament are translated at present ? corresponding to an annual energy requir- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN mem of 241 million kWh. THE MINISTRY OF LAW, JUSTICE (c) During the meeting of the Idikki AND COMPANY AFFAIRS CSHRI Review Board held on the 5th January, NITlRAJ SINGH CHAUDHARy): 1973 it was mentioned that additional Ca) One of the f'tmftions a ..igned to the J funds to the tune of Rs. 3 crores requested Official Llnpage (Legislative) Commillio n lOS Written Answers PHALGUNA 29, 1894 (SAKA) Written Aft81Ders 106

    constituted in pursuance of the direction Increase In refining capacity and issued by the President in hio Order dated the O ~ the date of refinery 27th April, 1960, made under ~ (6) commissioning to lave Foreign of article 344 of the Constitution, is to arrange E:cchanie for the translation of Central Acts, Ordinances ~ SHRI P. GANGADEB : and Regulations promulgated by the President SHRI P. M. MEHTA: in the respective Official Languages of the States. The translation of Central enactments Will the MIDister of PETROLEUM AND into the various regional languages is got done CHEMICALS be pleased to state : by the Commission through the agency of the (a) whether task force on petroleum refining State Governments concerned. The Com- has recommended to the Planning Commission mission aho tran,lates Central enactments into to increase the total refinery capacity to 43 Hindi. The translations in Hindi a!e pub- million tonnes by the end of the Fifth Plan; lished in the Official Gazette under the autho- and rity of the President in pursuance of section 5(r)(a') ("If the OFficial Languages Act, 1963. (b) whether it has also recommended to ad- vance the date of refinery commissioning to (b) In addition to Hindi, transalations of save foreign exchange on import of petroleum Central enactments are at present prepared in products? Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi, Tamil, THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Telugu and Urdl1. Itis also proposed to MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND translate the Central enactments into CHEMICALS (SHRI DALBIR SINGH) • Kashmiri. (a) Yes, Sir. Cb) The Task Force on Oil Refinining have Viait of U.N. Experts to India to ~ ~ a time phasing for the commission- Identify Indian Geothermal Areaa ing ofthe refineries during the Fifth Plan. for Generating Power A study made in the Ministry has indicated ,hat there will be considerable amount of 3837- SHRI P. GANGADEB, saving in foreign exchange if the commission- SHRI P. M. MEHTA: ing scheduled of some of the refineries p to- posed by the Task Force is ~ Will the ~ of IRRIGATION AND POWER be pleased to state : Utilisation of Power GeneratinD ResoureealnJammu and KBlhmlr (a) whether U.N. Experts have visited Jndia to identify Geothermal areas for generat- 3839. SHRI JAGANNATH MISHRA : ing power; and Will the Minister of IRRIGATION AND (b) if so, the areas identified ? POWER be pleased .to state : (a) whether power generation resources in Jammu&Kashmir Stateare reported to re. THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE main un utilised ; and MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND POWER (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA) I (b) if so, the reason" therefor? (a) One U. N. Expert is presently in India to assist in preparation of equipment speci- THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE fications and planting for field investigations MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND for geothermal power projects. POWER (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA) (a) and. (6). Out of technically and eco- (b) The prospective areas for exploration nomically utUiseable hydro 0 ~ potential of are broadly North-Western Himalayan, Wes_ 3,6 million kW at 6c% load factor in Jammu tern Coast and parts• of Bihar. and Kashmir State, potential aggregating to 107 11',.... ANtD... MARCH 20, 1978 II ~ AMUlet" loS o 3 million kW would be developed with the Aiel to Ro.d Tr.Dlport ID the South Ichernes In operation and currently under esecution. While the development of hydr.., 3841. SHRI YAMUNA PRASAD MANDAI : Will the Minister of RAIL- resources In the State was so far largely for WAYS be pleased to state; meeting the power requirements with the State t is now being accelerated for the benefit of (II) whether Railways plan to provide aid the Northern Recion as 8 whole. or finance to road transport in some areas especially in the South; ond (b). if so, the reasons therefor ?

    Seuiori!7 Llat of Jwor Surveyor. OD CeDtral RaIl.... y. THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS 3840. SHRI ATAL BIHAR! VAJ- SHRI MOHO. SHAFI QURESHI): PAYEE: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS (a) and (b) The Central Government be pleased to state : (Railways) participate financially in the State Road Transport Corporations not on the con-

    CGDftr1ICdGD of a Dam _ RiveI' THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MllhaDadi ID ~ DI,trict MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MOHD. SHAFI QURESHI): (a) Yes. 3842. SHRI SHASHI BHUSHAN : Will the Minister of IRRIGATION AND PO- (b) The Railway Administration is taking all WER be pleased to refer to the reply given possible measures to prevent wagons from to Unstarred Ouestion No. 6727 on the 3rd becoming 'un-connected' or getting misdes- August 1971 regarding constrcution of a dam patched. Some of the steps tnken are- On the river Mahanadi in Raipur District and "State: (i) Instructions have been reiterated that (a) whether the construction of the project wagon labels should be written out neatly in has since been started; blue pencil, the name of the forwarding and destination stations heing written in full (b) if ~ when and the progress made so in capital letters. far, (ii) Railways have been instructed that if the (c) when the project is scheduled to be number of wagons booked to the same station completed; and exceeds 20, names of forwarding and destina- (d) whether the estimates of Phase I and tion stations should be printed on labels. Phase II have been revised, and if so, to (iii) Railways have been asked to ensure what extent and the reasons therefor ? provision of paste-on-Iabels on inide panels of wagon doors of covered wagons and attach THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE tie-on-label on the handle of wagor. door on MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND either side of the open wagon. POWER (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA): (iv) Railways have been instructed to con (a) and (b). The Mahanadi Reservoir duct frequent inspections to ensure compli- Scheme Phase I was accepted by the Planning ance of instructions regarding marking and Commission in November, 1971. Pre- labelling. liminary works have been already taken up by the Government of Madhya Pradesh. (tI) A scheme of matching un-connected (c) The project is expected to be completed wagons with over -due wagons by a computer by 1976. has been introduced. (d) No revised estimate of Phase I has heen It may also be stated that most of the wagons 'ent up by the Government of MadhyaPradesh. which become unconnected or misdespatched The detailed estimates for Phase II of the for want of labels or on account of illegible project are yet to be received from the Govern- labels, are later on connected and delivered ment of Madhya Pradesh. to the consignees. on Exploration II! Kel'ala 3845. SHlUMATI llHARGAVI D ..patch of WaJoD. to WI'ODI THANKAPPAN : Will the Minister Of de,dDatlIlD' PETROLEUM AND CHEMICALS be pleased to state: 3843. SllRI DEVINDER SING'H GARCHA: Will the Minister of RAIL- (a) whether any fresh possibilities have been WAY S be pleased to state : round in Kerala for oil eKploration ; and (b) if .0, where? (a) whether his ~ has heen drawn to a news-item appearing in the 'Indian THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Express' of 24th February, 1973 under the MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND caption "100 wagons lost daily"; and CHEMICALS (SHRI DALBIR SINGH) : (a} No, Sir. (b) if 90, what steps ore being taken to see .that these wagons are properly utilised ? (b) Does not arise• • III Written .llnswers MARCH 20, 1973 Writtm Answers II2

    Cleuanceof Ma,oraDd Mediam Ini,a- eo...truc:tlOD of Ka1Iada Irriptlon tiOD Pro,ectsiD Korala by C.W.P.C. ProJect In Kera1a 3847. ~ BHARGAVI THAN- 3846• SHRIMATI BHARGAVJ KAPPAN : Will the Minister of IRRIGA- THANKAPPAN: Will the Minister of TION AND POWER re pleased to sUte: IRRIGATION AND POWER be pleased ofstate: (a) the progress achieved so far in the con- struction of Kallada Irrigation Project in the (a) whether a number of major and medium State of Kemla; and irrigation projects in the State of Kenla are awaiting clearance by the Central Water & (b) the total amount spent so far? power Commission ; and THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE- MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND (b) it so, the reaSon. for delay in according POWER (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA): clearance to the projects ? (a) and (b). Kallada Irrigation project en- visages the construction of a masonry dam at THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Parappar, and a pick-up weir at Ottokkal with MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND left and right bank canals. The project is POWER (SHRJ BLAGOVIND VERMA) I estimated to cost about Rs. 45 crores. The ex- (a) a"a (b). Replies of the State to the penditure so far is about Rs. 3' 4 crores. The comments of the Central Water and Power foun,'ation exacavation of the dam at Parappar Commission on the following schemes are is complete exoept in about 60, 96 M width of still awaited :- the river through which the flows are diverted now. A portion of the damup to R.L. 65' 53z Major projoc, M (bed level of river PL 60'96M) has been taken up for construction of which about 15% I. Banuurasagar is completed and the balance is programmed to be completed by the end of 1973-74. The z. Tirunelli piclt-llp weir at Ortakkal is complete except for the head regulators. The first two Km. length Medium Project of the right bank canal Including the head regulator is aligned along the present Quilon- t. Attappady Shenocrtah Road. The work on the diversion road is in progress and is expected to be com- z. Noolpuzha pleted in 1973. Detailed designs and estimates 3. Manjat have prepared for the first 16 Km. length of right bank canal and work on it is expected to 4. Thendar be taken up shortly.

    Replies sent 1;ly the State Government to the Redaction iD I'1IDDiDtr tim. ofJaYllIld cOmmenU on the following projects are under JllIlta EEJlreu from Delhi to CochiD .crutiny in the Central Water and Power aDd MaDtraIore Commi ••ion :- 3848. SHRI C. K. HANDRAPPAN &falor Projoc' Will the ~ ofRI\ILWAYS be pleased to statr : Edamalyar. (a) whether it was a fact that the newly Medium ProjeCt inttod ~ Janta Express" from Delhi to Cochin and Mangalore had reached at most Karapuzha of the 8tations before time \ n its first running Kerala Bbawani (tail race utJIlzaLion). froDl Delhi; and II3 Written Answers H:lALGUNA 29. lB!l4 (SAKA) Written An.noer, 1I4

    (b) whether in view of this Government ~ ffi";r ~ 'R ~ propose to consider the possibility of reduciag (iii')

    THE DEPUTY ~ STER IN THE MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS ~~ ~ ~ (SHRI MOHD. SHAFI QURESHI): ~ : ('II) 2,796 I Ca) and Cb). On its first, run 132 Up (1.1) ~ 1,88,89757.00 New De1hi-Ernakulam'Mangalore Jayanl' J anata Express reached a few stations before ml time. A redew of its running has showr. that the engineering time allowance was not ~ ~ ~~ ully utilised on Jhansi-Itarsi section and more time is also required at certain stations iji" .. ,f' ..m for carriage examination etc. Speeding up of this train at present is not, therefore, feasible. ~ 3851. '* ~~ IfQT New Railway Line for Kerala durinC ~ ~ ~ ~ trT that the Mysore-Tellicherry line may be ~ f1I;: included in the Fifth Plan. The Survey for 1lisline revealed that this link would be highly (lfi) lfl:IT ~ it lI'SlI' ror it '.UlrClIlunerative, and is likely to result in heavy 4!lfi!IT iIi!f ~ finriur ~ SffiflCf if>'\" recurring losses to the Railways. ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ (iii') ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ rt t: q'R ~ lfiif ~ r.u ~ ~ ? 3850. '" ~ ~ : 'flfT ~ ~ ll'il: ~

    ~ ~~ IIiT ~ 1969 !mqlfi'rt ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ 1ft, ~ it ~ 'Tft Ql fu--.nf f.t; qF<4''''", ~ ~~ qF<41",.US41, f;;Ait ~ m 'liT ;;m ~ ~ qfufmr fuM ~ ilifi qF<41G1,,1 ~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ it; f.:nrior it ~ <'ITif If>T sm- ~ ~ ~ fflrmfl;:r ~ I

    ~ .m: ~~ QT IjT ~ ~ Violence of Companies Act by Mysore 11ft ~ ~ i4ii 1tii Cement Limited 1fRIT 3854. SHRI K. LAKKAPPA: Will the Minister of LAW, JUSTICE AND COM- 3853. ~ ~ .:n P ANY AFFAIRS be pleased to state : iRT fPTf .m: ~ 1M ~ ~ ;t't FIT m ~ (a) the number of complaints received against Mysore Cements Ltd .• in Mysore State ("If» iflIT ~ ~ m ;t't ~ regarding violation of Companies Act by the mm ~

    (w) iflIT ~ 1972 it ~ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE ~ ~~~ MINISTRY OF LAW, JUSTICE AND COMPANY AFFAIRS (SHRI D. R. ~ ~ ~ CHA VAN) : (a) During last three years, only liT ~ ~ ifffi·;fur ;t't 11ft ~ lift ~ one memorandum containing some allegations m~ afro iflIT ~ ; againstthe company was received from the vii- I agers residing near the factory of the company. (IT) ~ ~ if ~ The allegations were enquired into and it was found that there has been no violation of any Rffit qF<41",,,,\lllt>"t 'lU rn it; ~ of the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 ~ ~ ~~ ~ on the part of the company.

    ('ef) ~ m ~ tR ~ ;t't (b) Does not arise. iflIT ~ ~ Settin:: up of Oil Refillery ill MyllOre fW;nf ,,'h: ~ ~ if ~ 3855. SHRI C. K. JAFFER SHARIEF : (.n.m ~ 100): (lti) ~ SHIR D. B. CHANDRA GOWADA: Rf;;rrt q'R ~ 1Rtt IJiT qq 1 972 Will the Minister of PETROLEUM AND q t:r9f m 'liT ~ qF«fl"'"Ici'i CHEMICALS be pleased to state: ~ ~ ~ it;

    THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE (c) whether it is proposed to take over thi!> MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND project by the Central Government and ensure CHEMICALS (SHRI DALBIR SINGH) : earliest possible completion not exceeding the (a) Yes, Sir. Fifth Plan period ; and (b) The proposal to set up a new refinery on (d) if not, the reasons therefor ? theWest Coast as one of the Fifth Plan projects is presently under the consideration of the THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Government. MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND POWER (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA) : IDvestigaioD into Financial Position (a) The Government of Bihar have stated oC Sick Concerna. that in order to allow no time lag in utilisation 3856. SHRI M. S. SANJEEVI RAO of the potential that would be created from Will the Minister of LAW, JUSTICE AND time to time, they have decided to undertake COMPANY AFFAIRS be pleased to state: the construction of ~ portion of the Western Kosi Canal lying in Bihar in two well defined (a) whether Association of Cost Accountants phases. The first phase will co ler the portion of India has urged the Central Government from Indo Nepal Border to KamJa-Balan to investigate the financial position of the and the second from Kamla-Balan to tail end. companies which tum sick overnight and come for Government assistance; and The ~ and investigations for the main canal from the Indo-Nepal Border to Kamla (b) if so, the reaction of Governmefit Balan crossing have been completed and thereto? those for distribution system arc in progress. THE MINISTER OF STATE The preparation of the Investigation Report IN THE MINISTRY OF LAW, for this reach is likely to be completed by JlUle. JUSTICE AND COMPANY AFFAIRS 1973. The surveys and investigations in the (SHRI D. R. CHAVAN): (a) No second reach i.e. beyond Karola-Balan to tail represent.tion from . the Association end are also in progress and the Investigation of Cost Accountants of India has been received Report will be completed as expeditiously as in the Departmont of Company Affairs. possible. (b) Does not arise. Necessary preparation of land acquisition plans will be taken up after the finalisation of tb.e InwstigatioQ Reports. Comploetion oCWestern Kosi Canal in Indian Territory According to the revised phased programme prepared by the Government of Bihar, 3857. SHRI BHOGENDRA JHA work in the first reach is expected to be com_ Will the the Minister of IRRIGATION AND pleted by 1976-77 and the work in the POWER be pleased to refer to the reply seconJ reaell is proposed to be taken up given to U nstnrred Question No. loB on the from 1975-76 and substantiallY completed 20th February, 1973 regarding completion of by 1978-79 i.e. end of the Fifth Fivo Year K06i Canal in Nepalese territory an I state: Plan. (a) the time schedule for completion of survey and investigation and for acquisition of (b) The Government of Bihar I ave pro- land and beginning of eXll8vation of the Wes- posed a provision of Rs; 2,500 lakhs for the tern Kosi Canal in Indian Tcrrritory ; construction of the Bihar portion of Wcstem Kosi Canal in the Fifth Five Year Plan which (b) whether the proposed provision of only has not yet been finalised. However this. R•• 2,500 lakh. by the State Government amol.\llt will not be sufficient for completion in the Fifth Plan will ensure completion of this of the Canal in all respects by the end of the project by the end.,f the Fifth Plan ; Fifth Five Year Plan. MARCH 20, 1973 Written AnBtlleTR 120

    ~ OD ",,,I Cd), It is not proposed to take , I',: ,\''. 1,,1 Ifigl-t Court has also disposed ~ ~ 'hi' for hy the Centra! ,.f I he t:.", r'n t6th February, r973 dismiss. (. ~ ~ as it is c')1silerej that the State IIlg I ~ ( I>' fileJ by the opposite faction; ~ is compeCnt to execute it according to ·the ~ prepared by Ib) if Sll, whether it is proposed to restore them. , 'cog-liti"n to Union registered at Kanpurj lnd Enen.loD or Ka'll"a River EmbaDk· menta (c) if not, the reasons therefor? 3858. SHRI BHOGENDRA JHA : Will the Minister of IRRIGATION AND POWER THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN be pleased to refer to ~ rep!y ~ to Un- THE MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS starred Qu!stion No. 109 on the 20th (SHRI MOHD. SHAFI QURESHI): February, 1973 regirding extension of (a) to (c). The positian of registration of Kamala river embankments and state: the Union at Kanpur aDd Patna remains the (a) whether the entire project of extending ame as stated in reply to Unstarred Question No. IIo on 20-2-1973. Kama!a embankment beyond Jainagar falls in Nepalese territory ; and Certified copy of the judgement of the (b) if so, whether the Central Government Allahabad High Court has just been received propose to ensure finance for and execution and the matter is receiving consideration. of the project on their, own, and if not, the reason s therefor? Demand for Halts at Muralha between THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Kamtaul and Jogiara and Korhta MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND between JaynagBr and Kbaianll POWER (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA) : (N.E. R.uway) (a) ~ proposed extension of Kamala em· banlonents from Jamnagar to Mirchia lies 3860. SHRI BHOGENDRA JHA entire!y in Nepal territory. Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased (b) There is no proposa! for finanCing the to state I execution ofthe scheme by the Centre as it is primaTily for protecting areas in Bihar. Flood (a) whether there is a long standing de- protection measures form part of ~ mand for creating halts at Muraiha between Plan for which Central assistanc: is provided Kamtaul an Jogiara stations and at Kor. in tbe form of bulk loans and grants without hia between Jayanagar and Khajauli stations trying them to any particular scheme or under Samastipur Division of North Eastern sector of development. Railway and the local people and Member of Parliament have offered to undertake to Restoration of RecocnltioD to North complete the entire earth work voluntarily E ..tern R.uway Mazdoor UniOD free of cost j and 3859. SHRI BHOGENDRA JRA (b) if so, whether the iSBue is being re- Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased examined, and if not, the reasons therefor? to refer to the reply given to the Unatarred Question No. 110 On the 20th February THE DEPUTY MINISTER. IN THE 1973 regarding recognition of North ~ Railway Mazdoor Union and state: MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MOHD. SHAFI QURESHI) : (a) Yes. (a) whether the Registrar of Trade Unione Kanpur, has restored the registration ohh' Uni on while the faction having got itsel (b) The proposals were re-examined but egisterd at Patna stands de-registered and wcre "<)t found financially justified. UI Written Answers PHALGUNA 29. 1894 (SAKA) Written Answers 122

    Licensed capacity of Caustic Soda (If) ~ ;tl- tT{ 00 ~ iii Factory in North Kanar. Diatrlct of Mysore 'Illf W ~ ?

    3861. SHRI B. V. NAIK: Will the ~~ ~ ~ Ministcr of PETROLEUM AND CHEMr ~ : (1!i) ~ {tr}. ~ CALS be pleased to state : ~ ;tl- ~ ~ ~ ~ wm 'mr tn: (a) what is the licensed capacity of caustic ~ ~ I Soda factory in North Kanara District of Mysore State; m iii ~ .m: ~ '"' it (b) what is the rated annual production of soda ash ; and ~ (c) what is the annual requirement of raw 3863. '* 'I'm ~ •• material in the form of common salt ? W ~ "1'1'[ ~ (;n' ~~~ ~ 1!P''' ~ '1'cr ffi;r CfIif it mr=t d 3862. .n 'Im'!f ~ ~ m : iii ~ !fiT ~ ~ sm;r ;tl- '11ff ro ~ ~ ~ ~ !i1:fT ~ f.ti: ~ mr=t d iii ~ S«fla11(141 <'tt ~ ~ ~ (1!i) q(f

    RlaiDa ofElection ill 1972 Aucmbly HiPaPowcre4 Meedntr of Minl.te... -- Poll in West Ben.. l ill Delhi on Power Shortap 3865. SHRI S.M. BANERJEE: Will the 3867. SHRI S. M. BANERJEE: Will Minister LAW JUSTICE AND COMPANY the ;!Mini.ter of IRRJGATION AND AFFAIRS be pleased to state: POWER be pleased to state: ~ whether the charge of wide-spread rigging of elections in 1972 Assembly Poll Ca) whether a high-powered meeting of the in West Bengal has been investigated by the officials and Ministers connected with power Election Commission ; and irrigation in Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Delhi was held in Cb) if so. whether this charge has been Delhi in the month of February, 1973 to refuted; and discuss the question of acute shortagt of power in Uttar Pradesh and other States; and Cel whether a copy of investigation report will be laid on the Table of the House ? Cb) if so. the decisions taken at the- meeting? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF LAW, JUUSTICE THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE AND COMPANY AFFAIRS: (SHRI MINJSTRY OF IRRIGATION AND NITIRAJ SINGH CHACDHARy): POWER CSHRI BALGOVIND VERMA) : ra) to Cc'. In it,; report on the fifth Ca) and Cb). No high-powered meeting General Elections in India 1971-72, the of officials an,1 Ministers connected with Chief Election Commissioner has discussed power shortage in Northern Region was in detail the charge of rigging of election held in Delhi in February, 1973. The position made in connection with the 1972-Fifth is however being watched closely. General Election to the Legislative Assembly of \1C'est Bengal.

    He has come to the conclusion that the Espanaion of I.O.C. charge of rigging in the election "doeS not 3868. SHRI S. M. BANERJEE' Will stand the test of close scrutiny". the Minister of PETROLEUM AND Copy of the report was laid on the Table CHEMICALS be pleased to state: of the Lok Sabha on 27th February, 1973· Ca) whether Indian Oil Corporation is CoDaiAieratioD of BonU8 issue after likely to be eKpanded during the Fifth Plan ; the Publication of Pay Commis.ion Report Cb) whether any scheme has been chalked 3866. SHRJ S. M. BANERJEE: Will the out in this regard ; and Minister of RAILWAY S be pleased to state: ~ if so, t:l" salient features thereof? Ca) whether an a,;sur:lOce has been given THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE to the Railway employeeb by the Railway MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND authorities that the question of Bonus will CHEMICALS .(SHRI DALBIR SINGH) : be considered after the publication of the Ca) and (b). Yes, Sir. Pay Commi';sion Report; and (b) The following are the salient features eb) if so, the reaction of the recognised of IOC's proposals: Federation to this asst! ranee ?

    THE DEPUTY ~ IN CA) Marketing Division THE MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS [n order to cater to the increased volume (SHRI MOHD. ~ Q{ ~ : of s&ies, the Marketing Divi8ion is requireJ (a) No. to develop the necessary dlstnbution and (b) Does nOI .ri-e operating ~ like storaiC, retail outlet, 125 Written Answers PHALGUNA 29, 1894 (SAKA) W'ritten Answers 126

    consumer pumps etc. The capital expendi- (B) Refineries and Pipe, lines Diflision. ture during the 5th Plan period on th is account is estimated to be of the order ,)f The total outlay for the Refineries and Rs. 57 crores. This is based on an antici- Pipelines Division during the 5th Plan period pated sales volume of 48' 3 million K.L. is estimated to be of the order of Rs. 239' 28 during the final year of the 5th PIan. crores. The proJect-wise details of the total This is.in line with the anticipated market cost and the anticipated expenditure during participation of about 75 percent by the I.O.C. the 5th.PIan period are indicated below ;-

    Expenditure Estimated during 5th cost. Plan

    (Rs. crores) (Rs. crores)

    Processing of I' 2 million tonnes of imported crude oil at Barauni Refinery 7' 60 4' 10 Gujarat Refinery expansion by 3 million tonns 28' 08 26.73

    North-West Refinery Project (New Project) (by 6 million tonnes) 96' 80 91 '45 Salaya-Koyali N. W. crude oil pipeline including crude unloading and storage facilities (1200 Kms.) 120' 00

    Memorandum from Young Chartered (2) Monopoly operation of some Char- Accountants tered Accountants and concentration of 3869. DR. RANEN SEN; Will the audit in the hands of a few fums of Minister of LAW, JUSTICE AND Chartered Accountants. COMPANY AFFAIRS be pleased to state; (3) Changes in the manner of appoint- (a) whether the Young Chartered Accoun- ment of auditors of the Gove1'lUllellt tants' Forum has submitted any memorandum Companies on the advice of the to Government; Comptroller & Auditor General of India. (b) if so, what are the main demands men- tioned in the memorandum; and r 4) En1argemen t of the scope of audit by way of amendment of the Com- (c) Government's decisions thereon? panies Act, 1956. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (5) Constitution of a high Powered MINISTRY OF LAW, JUSTICE AND Committee by the Government to COMPANY AFFAIRS (SHRI D. R. CHA- review the working of the Institute VAN); (a) A memorandum dated the Ism of Chartered Accountants of Indl8. December, 1972 to the Prime Minister 0{ India was received in the Department of (6) Appointment of Chartered Accoun- Company Affairs. tants in Government Departments.

    (b) The memorandum raises mainly the (7) Statutory provision for audit of following points ;- accounts of finns by way of amend- ments of the Partnership Act; and (I) Appointment of Chartered Accoun- tants as Directors of the Nationalised ee) The memorandum was received in BA"k •. the Department of Company Affairs 3891 L.S.-II 127 WriUen Anlu.·en MARCH 20, 11m WriUen Answen 128

    on 2.4th February, 1973. No decisions DrllUDI Oll at Bodra and Bar ....' have yet been taken on the memoran- dum. 3871. DR. RANEN . SEN: Will the Minister of PETROl.EUM AND CHEMI- CALS be pleased to state: IDadtate of Chartered ACCouDtanta (&) whether the Chief ~ of Wes t 3870. DR. RANEN SBN: Will the Bengal has requested the Central Govern- Minister of L!\W, JUSTICB AND COM- ment for drilling oil at Bodra and Barasat ; PANY AFFAIRS be pleased to state: and

    (.) what is the present ~ ~ of the (b) if so, the reaction of Central Govern- Institute of Chartered Accountants : ment thereto? (b) what are the rights and obligation, "f 'fHB DBPUTY MINISTER IN '!HE the members; MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND CHBMICALS (SHRI DALBIR SINGH): (c) how the finances oi the Institute are (a) No, letter. to this effect har. been received organised and what are the speciijc functions from the Chief Minister of Wen lien gal diacharged by the Institute ; and in recent year••

    (d) whether there is any proposal to tb) Does not atise. introduce changes in the administrative set up and functions of the Institute ? Rigging of Poll by C.P.M.

    J872. SHRI BIBHUTI MISHRA TIffi MINISTBR OF STATE IN THB Will the Minister of LAW JUSTICE AND MINISTRY OF LAW, JUSTICE AND COMPANY AFFAIRS be 'pleased to COMPANY AFFAIRS (SHRI D. R. CHA- state: VAN): (a) Thenumberof members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants as on 1st (a) whether Government's attenuon has been drawn to the news-item appearing in FebrwJry, 1973 was 13,079· Patriot dated the 18th. February, 1973 under (b) The rights and obligations of the mem- the caption "Rigging of Poll t-y C.P.M. ben are IOvemed by the Charteree! Accoun- proved"; and tants Act and the reguJations made thereunder. (b) if so, reaction of Government thereto ? ParticuJar attention is invited to Sections 2.(2.) and 6 of the Act read with Regulations 167 THB MINISTER OF STATE IN and 9 respectively and the schedules to the THE MINISTRY OF LAW, JUSTICE Chartered Accountants Act. AND COMPANY AFFAIRS (SHRI (c) The functinns of the Institute arc NITlRAJ SINGH CHAUDHARy) : ~ and (b). Government has seen the press enumerated in Section 1 S of the Chartered report published in the Patriot of the 18th Acaruntants Act. The Institute is financed by the rees collected from its memben and the February, 1973. The High Court which is the forum before which such matter can be students undergoing the Chartered Accoun_ tants Course. qitated in Its Order dated 16th February. 1973, is the only election petition which was Cd) The changes in the administrative set filed in connection with the general election up and functions of the Institute ~ a conti- to the West Bengal Legislative Assembly held nuou, process and appropriate changes as in 1972 (Gobinda Chatteriee " ...sus Santasrl may be ne<:elBBry are made from time to Chattopadhay Bnd Others ha. not referre d time. to the riggini of election. H9 Written An8tDers PHALGuNA 29, 1894 (SAKA) Written Answers 130

    ~ ~ ~~ rF'I{ ~ !liT ~ ~ ;;m:;r Ii1Ii" 'fir ~ 'fT. if'If "'" ~ ~ (603.89 ~

    ij- ~ ~ ~ fcrfq,r ~ 1fI\!fT- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fit! mif ~ ~ iii ~ ~ ;n: ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ij-mft' ~ ~ ~ lI>"T ~ ~ ij- ri;;ft ~ ij; ~~ ~ iii ~ 348 it; m 3 ~ 1fT ~ '<1"ilI' lI>"T mT'IfT6IT I!l'I' 5f4Tq if ~ flIpfr lJ'!n flIl ~ ~ ~ i ~ '<1"ilI' ij; ~ '1:i'1'!mI4' trn '1rna- it; mr.r lftIIT wirT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ flw:n iii ~ ~ qc;;;r ~ ~ trn ~ ~~ ~ ~ !flfu; lIT Rr!: ~ f.!1Ii4', fnT 1fT ~ ~~ 111'0' ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 1 ~ ~ if ~ ~ !frO ~ ;;rrzm 1 ~~~ ~ ~ 1Il1.d' ~~ IDUR"T;;r;rer, ~~ ~ ~~~ f

    «fcm;:r it; ~ 348 ( 2) iii Electrification of RailwayatatioDiD- Guiarat qm mtT ~ 'fIT" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ij- ~ ~ T lIT ~ 3875. SHRI VEKARIA: Will the ~ ~ ~ wmr.r ~ ft:rt1: !fl!lfd' Ministcr of RAILWAYS bc plea1lcd to statc : ~ ,,00 ~ ~ 1fI\!fT I!l'I' ~ ~ (a) the total numbcr of Railway stati0ll8 '(Imf if ~ ro;:r ~

    THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE (b) if so, the progress made so far in this MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI regard? MOHD. SHAF'I QURESHI) : (a) 799 THE D:C:PUTY MINISTER IN THE (b) 351 MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND (c) Electrification of Ii stations has been POWER (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA) : (a) and (b). The Government of Bihar sanctioned. 5 stations programmed and 49 have stated that investigations for a reservoir stations under negotiations with the State scheme on river Mohana are still in progress Electricity Board and at the balance 391 and are expected to be completed by October statioas there is no electric supply Qvailable nearby and as such no definite time schedule 1973. The report of the Project is expected to be ready by December, 1973. could be given. Construction of an over-bridge Setting up of Fertilizer Factories between Karim Ganl and Dehla MOhalla during Fifth Plan near Gaya Junction 3876. SHRI VEKARIA: Will the Minis- 3878. SHRI SUKHDEO PRASAD ter of PETROLEUM AND CAEMJCALS VERMA: Will the Minister of RAIL- be pleased to state : WAYS be pleased to state: (a) the number of fertilizer factories pro. (a) whether Government arc considering a posed to be set up in the country during the proposal to construct an over-bridae between Fifth Plan period ; Karim Ganj and Dehla Mohalla near Gaya (b) whether any of these fertilizer factories Junction for the convenience of the genera I is proposed to be set up in Gujarat ; and public; and (c) jf so, the broad outlines thereof? (b) ifso, the time by which the construction work will be undertaken ? THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE CHEMICALS (SHRI DALBIR SINGH): MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI (a) About 12 fertilizer plants, over and MOHD. SHAFI QURESHI): (a) No. above the projects which are under various (b) Does not arise. stages of implementation or in the process of being firmed up, would have to be set up Cbeekilll rise In Prices of Petroleum during the Fifth Plan period to meet the Product. projected level of demand by 1978-79. 3879. SHRI SUKHDEO PRASAD (b) and (c). Studies are presently under VERMA: Will the Minister of PETRO- way in regard to possible locations where LEUM AND CHEMICALS be pleased to additional fertilizer capacity could be set up state. during the Fifth Plan. TheBe Btudies also (a) whether the prices of Petroleum Pro- cover some locations in Gujarat State. . ducts are likely to go up as a result of fresh demand for increase in prices of imported Invntigation on M.,hana Reaervoir crude by Foreign Oil Companies ; and Scheme in Gaya piatriet of Bihar (b) ifso, the measures Government propose 3877. SHRI SUKHDEO PRASAD to take to check the price rise ? VERMA: Will the Minister of IRRI- GATION AND POWER be pleased to state j THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND Ca) Whether Government had made investi- CHEMICALS (SHRI DALBIR SINGH) : gation in regard to the Mohana reservoir SChel'lle in Gaya District of Bihar State a (8) and (b). As the ceiling selling prices of tcw ~ ago', and. • bulk refined petroleum products are fixed I35 Written Answers MARCH 20, 1973 Written Answ"'rJ

    by G07ernm::nt under the present PriClDg (b) if so, the outcome thereof; and arlRngement, all the refining companies in lalia, including the foreign oil companies, (cl whether the Central Government have p ro.:essing imported crude oil haft asked (or taken any decision as to the extent of Central increase inproJlIct prices to compensate for Assistance to be given to ~ new Thermal the increase in the priCe of crude oil. The Power Station? matter is under th! consiJeration of Govern- ment. THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF IKRIGATION AND Upper Sikri Reaervoi. Scheme o( POWER (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA) : Navada Di.trict of Bihar Ca) to (cl. The Central Government has not appointed any Committee to im'estigate sites 3880. SHRI SUKHDEO PRASAD for the location of thermal power stations in VERMA: Will the Minister of IRRIGA- Tamil Nadu. TION AND POWER be pleased to state:

    (a) whether the Upper Sikri Reservoir Sche. me of Navada District of Bihar has not so far Delay in the Commiuionillir of been completed ; Sharavatbi and Kotbagudem Power Projects (b) if so, the main reasons therefor ; and

    (cl whether Government have any proposal 388z. SHRI R. P. ULGANAMBI : Will under consideration to complete this scheme the Minister of IRRIGATION AND by the end of Fourth Five Year Plan? POWER be pleased to state : Cal whether commissioning of Sharavathi THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE and Kothagudem power projects have been MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND delayed considerably; POWER (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA) I (a) to (c). The Government of Bihar have (b) if so, the reasons therefor; and stated that the investigations for Upper Sikri (c) the steps taken or proposed to be taken reservoir scheme in Navada district are ~ in the matter ? pected to be completed by the end of Decem- ber,1973. The Project report is expected to be ready by June, 1974· The scheme is included in the Fifth Five Year Plan of the THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN MINIS- State Government and will be executed depen- TRY OF IRRIGATION AND POWER ding upon the financial resources. (SHRI BAL GOVIND VERMA): (a) to (c). The commissioning I)f the Sharavathi and Kothagudem Power Projects has been delayed by about one year. At Kothagudem Location for setting up a Thermal there has been delay in the supply of plant Station in Tamil Nadu and equipment as also in civil works. At Sharavathi there has been delay in the supp- ~ SHRI R. P. ULAGANAMBI : Will iy of plant and equipment by indigenous the Minister of IRRIGATION AND manufacturers. POWER be pleased to state: The progress of power projects in an ad- (a) whether any Committee of experts has vanced Btage of construction is being constant- investigated or propose to investigate the best ly monitored and steps have been taken to location for setting up a Thermal Sratiog in expedite the supply of plant and equipment Tamil Nadu ; ( for these ~ 137 Written Answers PHALGUNA 29, 1894 (SAKA) WrUteR Answtr' 13S

    Neyveli power ProJect qSlub\' 1i "'" - ~ - ~ ~ J81!3. SHRI R.P. ULAGANAMBI : Will the Minister of IRRIGATION AND PO- 3885. ~ ~ INA : W WBR he pleased to ~ : ~ ~ ~ orC!f.f 11ft !i'IT ~ f'Ii : (a) whether Neyveli Power Project hal been completed ; ~ W ~~ lffiIT it ~ Ch) if not, the stage up to which the work ~ 'f El:l'\' it; >m:t'T 'I16lf ~ it on the project has been completed; and ~ it; ClI'T'm: 'n: ~ srmq ~ ~ Cc) the reasons for delay in execution of $ the project according to schedule? (l§') ~ ~ m ~ if ~ THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE ~ 11ft ~ ~ lI't1f ~ it; f;;ro; MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND .rr.r POWER (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA) : W ~~ ~ ~ ? Ca) to Cc). ~ lalutage of the Neyveli Ther- mal Power Project comprising two units of ~~ ~ ~ ~ 100 MW each was completed in 1969-70. mFm): ~ ~ (l§'). ~ Beas-SutleJ Link Project ~ 11ft ~ 'ml1 ern: 'n: ~ mrm P.11Ift '&' if it; ~ 11ft ;;mIT ~ I ~ 3884. SHRI R.P. ULAGANAMBI : WIll ~ ~ ~ ~ lfTCITlrnf the Millister ofIRRIGATION and POWER &lQll cm:rr he pleased to state : ~~ """ &lQll if 'I1i1if on ~ .rr.r if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I CNTf:r. ;J1'H4ifidl'll (iii) Power cuts. 11ft ':fer it; fut!; ~ ~ oro (d) The work on this Proiect is heing .rr.r t

    ~~ ~ ~ ~ Imported Zinc InpU ad Slab. (.. ) m found mt.1ID1 from .Wapma at IflIT ~ ? Meerut City Stadoa

    ~~ ~ 3888. SHRI DHAN SHAH PRADHAN: ( , ..... ~~ ~ ~ ( .. ). Will the Minister ,of' RAILWAYS be pleased to refer to the reply given to Uns- ~ if ~ ~ if; ~ ~ tarred Question No. 3821 on the 25th April, ~ ~ ~ 1WJ rot- 1972 regarding imported zinc ~ and i!i1 ~ ~ ~ ~ lfl1i ~ slabs found missing from wagons at Meerut City Station and state: ~~ ~~ (a) whethex the enquiry has been since completed; and Efficiency Bar Tnt fOl' SenIor Scale 0fIic:ers at Baroda Roue. (b) if so; the action take against Northern RaU_., defaulting staff ? 3887.ISHRI DHAN SHAH PRADHAN : THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI to state : MOHD. SHAFI QURESHI): (a) and (b). The enquiry is still in process, and action (a) whether some senior scale officers will be taken against the defaulting staff were called on 19th June and 20th June, 1972 after the completion of the enquiry. In Northern Railway Headquarters' Office, Baroda House, New Delhi for efficiency bar test ; Number of Wells Drilled by O. &: N.G.C (b) if 50, whether these officers were 3889. SHRI RA]UEO SINGH: Will the caught red-handed copying from referenoe Minister of PETROLEUM AND CHEMI- boob in the test; CALS be. pleased to state; (c) if so, whether after declaring null (al whether the Oil and Natural Gas and void the test of 19th June, 1972, exami- Commission had drilled 982 wells by the end lI8tion for both the papers was held on 20th of September, 1972; June, 1973; and (b) if so, how many of them proved Oll (d) what action was taken against the bearing; oflicen at fault ~ Cc) whether Oil India Ltd. too drilled some wells; and THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS Cd) if so, the figure of oil bearing wells (SHRI L.N. MISHRA (8) Yes Sir. to its credit? (b) and (c) • The oflicen were found uaing the referenoe boob undex a miaap- THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE prehension that use of 8UCh books was permis- MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND pOle. After checking up that this W88 DOt CHEMICALS (SHRI DALBIR SINGH) : correct, the test on 'Transportation' held (8) Yes. Sir. on 19-6-1972 was canoelled. The written (b) Of those, 520 wells have proved to test on 'Transportation' was held afresh be oil bearing. 00 20-6-1972. The written test on 'Com- mercial' was held the &&me day, i.e. on (c) and (d). Upto September, I973 19-6-1972 from 14' 30 houn. the Oil India Limited drilled 323 wells, of (d) Does not arise. which 238 have proved to be oil bearing. l41 Written AflBtDers PHALGUNA 29, 18K (SAKA) Written Answers 142

    PMU of StatloD Mutera and AuU. Powers to OIBcers to Waive Statloll Ma.terl lyinl vacant Demurraae and Wharf'are 3892. SHRI RAJDEO SINGH: Will 3890. SHRI RAJDEO SINGH: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased "the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to to state: lItate the number of posts of Station Masters -and Asstt. Station Masters lying vacant, (a) total amount of demurrage and Grade-wise and Division-wise and when wharfage foregone by the authorities of different levels i.e. Divisional Zonal and these will be lilled up ? Central, year-wise, or the years 1970, 1971 and 1972., separately and the reasons 'therefor' THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE and • , MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MOHO. SHAFI QURESHI) (b) whether Government have re- The information in respect of Central, ceived reportS that demurrage and wharfage Eastern, Northern, Northeast Frontier, are foregone by officers in collusion with the Southern, South Central, South Eastern traders and if so, what steps have been taken and Western Railways is given in the state- 80 far to stop such corruption ? ment laid on the Table of the House [Placed in Library. Sec No. L T -4539/73] Information THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE -relating to North Eastern Railway is being MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI ~ and will be laid on the Table of the MOHO. SHAFI QURESHI): (a) The Sabha. Necessary steps are being taken to amount of demurrage and wharfage fill up the vacancies as early as possible. charges waived by each Zonal Railway during the financial years 1969-70 1970-71 and 1971-72. is indicated in the NOD-payment of Dally Allowance attached statement. Statistics of the amount for attencllng Break-down Dnties by waived by each category of officer in each Slpal Staff, Delhi Dlvlalon Division, along with the reasons for waival (Northern Rallway) in each case are not maintained. Full powers for waiving demurrage and wharfage charges 3891 • SHRI RAJDEO SINGH: will the have been delegated to the Zonal Railways Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to refer and these powers are not exercised by the to the reply given to Unstarred Question No. Railway Board. 3941 on the 29th August, 1972. regarding Generally, demurrage and wharfage is payment of daily allowance in lieu of break- wholly or partly waived, considering the down allowance on Railways and ~ : following factors:- (a) whether all the c1aims of daily (i) The naturo and the value of the goods allowances for attending break-down duties in relation to the freight and wharfage by Signal Staff of Delhi Division are still not or demurrage charges due ; paid; (ii) the extent of damage or deterioration the goods might have suffered; (b) if so, the reasons therefor; and (iii) the cause for delay in takiDg de- (c) whether Government propose to livery of the goods and extenuating take action against the authorities responsible circumstances, if any; and for non-payment ? (iv) the circumstances under which the wharfage or demurrage charges ac- THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE crued were really beyond the control M.INISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRl of the consignor or consignee, and M.OHO. (SHAFI QURESHI) : (a) No. whether he took reasonable precau- tions to avoid the incurrence of the (b) ond (:'. no nm arist. delay. MARCH 30. 1973

    (b) There have been some complaints trIdan. Such complaints, wheDe

    Statement Amount of Demurrage aDd. Wharfage charges wllived by Zonal Railways during 1969-70, 197C>-71 and 1971-72. (In thousands of rupees.) ---_. __ ._-- Rllilway 1969-70 197C>-71 1971-72 I

    I. CENTRAL 78,26 75,55 1,05,60 2. EASTERN 82,85 89,48 1,33,83 77,02 8 6 1,17,74 3· NORTHERN 7 ,7 4' NORTH EASTERN 7,18 14,16 12,93 18,30 20,66 17,88 S· NORTHEAST FRONTIER 6. SOUTHERN 47,35 36,67 38,2S 2S,S2 7· SOUTH CENTRAL 44,47 39>42 8. SOUTH EASTERN 33,07 41,96 51,5S 40,60 SI,41 9· WESTERN, 44,34

    TOTAL 4,10,15 4>46,OS S,68,61

    lac:reaM of Sale. _4 Profits (b) if so, to what extent and what by I. O. C. Duriq further steps are envisaged in this regard? 1971-73 THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE 3893. SHRI SHRIKISHAN MODI : MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM SHRI P.M. MEHTA: AND CHEMICALS (SHRI DALBIR SINGH) : Will tM Minister of PETROLEUM (8) Yes, Sir. AND CHEMICALS be pleased to state : (b) The extent of increase in sale. and (a) whether Indian Oil Corporation has profits of the Indian Oil Corporation Limited increaaed sales and profits during 1971-72; from 1969-70 onwards is given in the and following Table :-

    1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 (i) Sales (in million Kilolitres). , 10'46 11,61 13'68 (ii) Protits (in Rs./crores).

    F or the year 1972.-73 against the sales target (b) if so, the main features of the pro- of IS' 70 million KIs, actual sales were II' 02. poaal and the States ar.d Union Territrrirs million Kls till December 1972.. By the to be included in each region ; and end of the year, it is expected that the C\ll'"' rent year's Bales target will be achieved. To Cc) whether the State Governments con- meet the increased volumes of business the cerned have been sO\Ulded about this proposal Corporation is gradually expanding ill IIIId if so, whether they have concurred with this scheme ? storage, lwldling and distribution facilities allover the country. THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTR,Y OF IRRIGATION AND Railway Lines for which Traffic: Survey. POWER (SHR,I BALGOVIND VERMA) : were conducted and completed Ca) to (c). For the purpose of inter- connecting State power ~ systems into regiona\' grids, the CO\Ultry hab been divided into five 3894. PROF. NARAIN CHAND regions as below :- pARASHAR: Will the Minister of RAIL- WAY S be pleased to state: Northern Region: Comprising the (a) the names of the proposed Railway States of Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Rajas- I ines for which the traffic appreciation or than, Uttar Pradesh and the Union traffic-cum-engineering surveys were Territories of Chandigarh and Delhi. conducted and completed by the Railways Western Region: ~ States during the lut three years; of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya (b) the names of the Railway trIIdts -which Pradesh and the Union Territory of were revealed to be financially remunerative Goa, Daman and Diu. and financially un-remunerative; Southern Region: CompriBing the (c) whether any such lines as were States of Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, found financially -un-remunerative, have Mysore, Tamil Nadu and the Union allIo been sanctioned 01) certain considera tions; Territory of Pondieherry. and Eastern Rtgion: Comprising the (d) if so, the broad outlines of each States of Bihar, Orissa, West Bengal such proposed line and the consideration on and the D. V.C. system. which each one of them has been sanctioned alongwith the dates of sanction ? North Eastern Rqiofl : Comprising the States of Assam, NagaIand. ManiPUl; THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Meghalaya, Tripura and the Uniop MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI Territories of Arunachal Pradesl MOHO. SHAFI QURESHI) : Ca) to Cd). A and Mizoram. statement i. laid on Table of the House [Placed in Library. Sse. No. LT-4S40/731. Regional Electricity Boards have been constituted for each of the above region and Settlng up of Plve Regional BolU'Cis fot these are presently advisory bodies. Development of Hydro Electric: Power In order to meet the grOwing demand 3895. PROF. NARAIN CHAND for power, the installed generating capacity PARASHAR : Will the Minister of IR,R,I- in the country is likely to be increased from GA TION AND POWER be pleased to state: about 20 million kw at the end of the Fourth (a) whether Government are considering Plan to about 40 million kw at the end of the a proposal to set up five Regional Boards il) Fifth Plan. In the comext of such large the country for the development of Hyclro development programme and the need for Electric Power ; providing economic power supply throug 147 Writteft An&1Ders MARCH 20, 1913 Written Answer" uge powe r stations and integrated operation eon.truction of Rail-Head ftt Kandrorl of power systems, the question of restructur. (H.P.) ng the electricity supply industry including entrusting generation to Regional Electricity 3897. PROF. NARAIN CHAND Beards in the new set up is under study. PAR,ASHAR : Will the Minister of RAIL- The States will be consulted at an appro- WAYS be pleased to state : priate stage. (a) whether there was a proposal to construct a Rail-head at Kandrori (in Hima- chal Pradesh) on the Jullundur-Pathankot Charges Levelled ill poRei' "Call 01 Suf· Railway line for the loading goods trains for ferers".ReaardlDI'Rehabilitation of the benefit of Himachal Pradesh; Pon. Dam Oo.t_ (b) ifso, the gist of this scheme and the likely date by which the Rail-head would 3896. PROF. NARAIAN CHAND come up; and PARASHAR : Will the Minister Of (c) whether there is Iikelyhood of delay IRRIGATION AND POWER be pleased in the implementation of the scheme and if to atate : so, the reasons therefor ? (a) whether the attention of Government haa been drawn to the poster entitled "Call THE DBPUTY MINISTER IN THB of Sufferers", issued by the President, OllS- MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI tees, Sufferers, Jan Sabha, Pong Dam Area, MOHD. SHAFI QURESHI): (a) to (c). Mangawal, District Kangra, Himachal In 1970 a reference was received by Pradesh; and the Divisional Superintendent, Northern Railway, Ferozpore flom the Government (b) if so, the reaction of Government of Himachal Pradesh for providing a half to the complaints and charges made in the a mile long siding at Kandrori for aaid poster? goods trafflc. The State Government were asked by the Railway to furnish details of THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE the requirements but the same have not been MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND received from the State Government so far. POWER (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA): As such the matter could not be processed Ca) Yes Sir. further by the Railway.

    (b)The points raised in the poster were found Eroe1oD of Flood waten of River Bea ill to be receiving due attention. Compensation Kangra District for land an:! propeny acquired in the reser- voir area are being duly paid. An amount 3898. PROF NARAIN CHAND PARA- of over Rs.2O crores has already been SHAR : Will the Minister of IRRIGATION disbursed. It is proposed to acquire the AND POWER be pleased to state : remaining land and pay compensation by July this year. (a) whether the lands and buildings on the right bank of River Beas of Dehra Town in Dehra Telisil of Kangra District are in The ~ of the oustees to Rajas. danger of being toppled d own by erosion than waa held up due to:certain divergence of- of the flood waters of River Bcas, seepage of views between Himachal Pradesh and Rajas· the impoundini of Pong Dam Waters and than. These have recently been ironed out rain action ; and allotment work has already started. Movement of oustees is scheduled to com- (b) if so, whether any representations mence OQ 13th instant. It ia proposed to have been made to the Central Government, rehabilltllte about 7000 OUltees by July this General Manager, Beas Dam Project, IU!d year. Deputy Commissioner,of Rehabilitation agd 149 Written Answers PHALGUNA 29, 1894 (SAKA) Written Answer-• ISO, Resettlement of Beas Dam Project by the residents of Dehra Town in Tehsil Dehra' ~ ~ m ~ if District Kangra ; and ~ 'fil rnT rn ~ f<;rQ; ~ fl!;if (c) if so, the action taken thereon ? l'[if ~ ~ ifT11 !fliT ~ i THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND POWER (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA): ~ ~ iro ~ f.t;cm (a) No Sir. ~ ~ ifiT f.;uh:r flfi1lT ~ ~ j (b) Representations have been investi- tr'h:: gated and there appears to be no cause for concern.

    (c) Docs not arise in view of above. ( 'T ) ~ tr) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ if 'Ilrol' ~ 'fil trh: ~ ~ ;;n;r ~ ~ ~ 24if m;: 2sif ~ ~ ifT11 ~ ~ ~ .-

    1. >.fT f.rof ~ w:;ff ~

    3. >.fT ito

    4. .;ft 1J;I'{o ~ ~

    'Ilrol' ~ ~ roliT ~

    'IfroT ~ ~ fiITlft

    8. >.fT ;::n:r mr.fr ~

    9. ~ ~~

    10. >.ft trT<: 0 ~ 0 ;:rq'{

    11. >.fT ;iT 0 it 0 lIflrt

    12. >.fT ~ 0

    (w) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ f1t;qn ;;nm I ~ qffi:r ;ft ~ ! ~ W lAm: ~ --

    2 . ~ If''I'o ~ 800 lio 'SIfu ~ '!I'm lfIlAT

    3. ..n iTo tfl'o ~~

    iT tm>m ~ ~ ~ if$ q;rfl' ~~~ ~

    ~ ~ • ~ ~ VIIZ ~ ~~ 'I>'T ro ~ l!'ffl f.t;7n ~~ ~ 1IWi) ~ ~ ~ W 1!,1RI' ~ =t'I' ~ if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Pft): ('ti) ~~~~ ~ 3 9 0 O. ~ ...".. WI'I'T : '!

    THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND POWER(SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA): ~ ~ O ~ 3901. eft iflIT Ca) and Cb). The report published in the tlNIt .m ~ miT ~ ifmil' 'tl" Ff 'Hindustan Standard' has referred to an esti- ~ fif; : mated loss of 3-4 million KW in transmission and distribution. (!!i) !flIT ~ ~ If>T qr;ft Los!es in transmission, transformation and ~ 1972 ifi"t mT-'f ~ distribution cannot be eliminated altogether ~~ it qf.T ~ f.t ~ ~ m t i conducting field experiments and after the data is obtained, specific steps to reduce the (ff) ~ ~ it '""! ~ losses in different States will be talten. ~ if 50,000 ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~~ i "Claah" at MODopolie. Comml.. lon Hearing "4JIl It" Power Loat" 3903. SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU: ~ SHRI JYOTIRMOY BOSU Will the Minister of LAW, JUSTICE Will the Minister of IRRIGATION AND AND COMPANY AFFAIRS be pleased POWER be pleased to state : to state : Ca) whether his attention has been drawn Ca) whether Government's attention has to a neW!! published in the 'Hindustan been drawn to a report published on page 1 Standard' (Calcutta Edition), dated the ~ Febzuary,1973 under the caption "4m Kw of the 'Economic Times " dated the 21st February, 1973 under the caption "Clash at POwer lost"; and M.R.T.P. hearing"; and (b) if so, the reaction of Government thereto ? (b) if so, Government's reaction thereto? ISS Written Ans1DeTs MARCH 20, 19'13 Written Answers IS 6

    THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE ifT1m ~ 'f': ~ iii ~ ~ MINISTRY OF LAW, JUSTICE AND COMPANY AFFAIRS (SHRI D. R. SfTtd" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4m CHAVAN : (a) and (b). The press report ~ tm, ~ GfI1If qR ~ """ ~ lffiIT late to a proposal referred to the Monopolies ~ ~ ~~ ~ and Restrictive Trade Practices Commission ifT1m 3/4 ~ ~ under Chapter III of the Monopolies and if i:r ir.r Restrictive Trade Practices Act for further ~~ 23/24;;r;ret enquiry and report. The Commission has ~~ ~~ not yet submitted its report to the Central Government. SettIq up or Fertilizer Factory In Goa by Dlrla ~~~ 25 aq.m: 26 3905· Sh"RI PRIYA RANJAN DAS MUNSI: Will the Minister of PETRO- ~ 't\"I' ~ Ifi1 UIfi1 ~ LEUM AND CHEMICALS be pleased t() state : 3904. ~~ w 't\"I' ~~~~ ~ ~ : (a) whether the proposed scheme of setting up a Fertilizer Factory in Goa by Bida has ~ W '11lm ~ ~~ q<: been finalised ; 25 ~ ~ 26 ~ (<;,<"ftlli ~ (b) if so, the total amollnt of primary ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ investment thereon; and ~ ~ -.rf.r if; f.-:;rn; <:ffi1TlJ ;;rr;n ec) the approximate number of persons ~~ likely to be employed therein ? THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE ~ w ~ ~ ~ it MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND ~ ~ ~ '11lm i:r ~~ ~ ~ CHEMICALS (SHRI DALBIR SINGH): aT ~ lfIfT 'fi17'lT ~ (a) The construction of the fertilizer factory in Goa has been completed and tria 1 ~ W To'fif; ~ l!>T 0lWf runs are in progress. ~~ r:r:'T m.: ~ ~ ec) When on stream, the plant would ~ employ around 580 persons.

    ~ ~~ ~~ IDtroduction of Billa In the Lar.guage 'fI11GT i{ ~ ¥i liT ~ 'f': fcr;m: of the Uaioa 10 ParUament. 'Ii<: ~ ~ ~ ~ "IT ~ ~ it 3906. SHRI S. C. SAMANTA : Will ~~ ~ ? the Minister of LAW, JUSTICB AND COMPANY AFFAIRS be pJeased to atate: ~ if ~ ('"'!r"lI (a) whether there is any proposal under ~ : ("') i:r ~ 25/26 consideration to introduce various Bills in ~ ~ ~ Parliament in the official language of the Union; ~ ~~ 'Jf't 'fI11GT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ qf<"'I,,,,,f.,iifI eb) if so, the progress made so far and by what time would it be possible to introduce ~ ~ ~ if; ft:rl1: ~ various motions and pieces of legislation ID ~~ If( ~ ~ I

    (c) whether any acheme for training lait- with the public, all communication. able penoanel in drafting Centralleglalatlon received in Hindi are always replied to in Hindi h .. been formulated; and in Hindi ;

    (d) if not, the reasons therefor, and If so, (b) (i) Information ie being collected and ~ broad outlines thereof ? will be laid on the Table of the House. THE MINIsTER OF STATE IN THE (ii) Railway employees are being Imparted MINISTRY OF LAW, JUSTICE AND pining in Hindi under and as per the COMPANY AFFAIRS (SHRI NITIRAT Hindi Teaching Scheme of the Ministry of SINGH CHAUDHARY): (a) No, Sir. Home Al'ain.

    (b) Does not ari.e. (e) Policy and programmeformulated by the Ministry of Home Affairs is adopted and (c) and (d). There is no scheme as such for followed by the Ministry of Railways. training of personnel in the drafting of Cen- tral \c'gislation in Hindi. However, the dra- AchievementllD Mocierol.adoD of ftsmen in the Official Language (Legislative) ..diaD Railway, Commission who are highly proficient in law and Hindi and who are at present translating 3908. SHRI S. C. SAMANTA : Will the Bills introduced in and Acts passed by the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to Parliament into Hindi will be in a position to state : take up original drafting of Central legisla- (a) whether there i. any cdl in the Ministry tion in Hindi, when it becomes necessary to to study the development in the Railways of do so. other countries in order to keep in touch with the modern trends and advise Government Switch over to Official LaDguale from to introduce them in the Indian ~ EDgliah and (b) if so, the achievements of the cell so far? 3907. SHRI S. C. SAMANTA: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE state : MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS: (SHRI MOHO. SHAFI QURESHI) : (a) Therll (a) what are the reasons that most of the is no special cell of the type referred to work in the Railways including correspond- in the Ministry of Railways. The Research, i ng with the lIsers most of whom are not Designs and Standards Organisation at well conversant with English)s being carried Lueknow, which is an attached office of out through the medium of English ;. this Ministry, keeps itself in touch with all (b) what percentage of the Railway emp- new developments in railway technology loyees including administrative staff knows and makes a continuous review of the latest Hindi and whether there is any scheme in innovations anti sophistications used on other ~ for teaching Hindi to the Railway railway systems with. pragmatic assessmen employees; and of the feasibility of the economics of their introduction on the Indian Railways. (c) what is the programme of the Railway Ministry for switching over to the official (b) As. result of the work undertaken by language of the Union or to other languages ihis" Organisation, Indian Railways are now spoken and understood in various wnes ? self-sufficient in regard to all aspects of design manufacture, operation and maintenance of THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE track equipment, bridges, locomotives, carri- M.INISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI ages and wagons except in regard to the mos t M.OHD. SHAFI QURESHI): (a) There lophisticated traction and electronic equip- i. no bar on railway employees doing their ment ftJr which the know-how is aho being Work in Hindi. A. regard. corespondence progTeasive!y developed_ 3891 L.S.---6 j IS9 , lI4ARCB 20, 11173 Written Answer$ 160

    Control of Flood. of Brahmapatr Blneulon of Tal Ezp..... apte River ',0, Gwallor

    3910. SHRI RANABAHADUR SINGH: 3909. SHRI TARUN GOGOI : Will Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be the Minister of IRIUGATION AND pleased to state : POWER be pleased to state : (a) Whether there is a demand that the Taj , Express which goes upto Agra may be exten- (a) whether any significant progress has ded upto Gwalior; and been made in controlling the doodt of the Bramhaputra river ; (b) if so, the reaction of Government thereto ?

    (b) if not, what are the reasons therefor THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THH and what measures have been taken and MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI contempleted in this direction; MOHD. SHAFI QURESHI): (a) Yes. (b) The proposd extension has not been (c) whether the State Gov\!rnment and considered :ustified and feasible. M.Ps. from the State have made several representations to him to take over the res- ponsibility for the dood control works there; FundI for Integrated Power Develop_ and ment Scbemes at Satna In M.P.

    Cd) if so, whether GO\'ernment have 3911. SHRI RANABAHADUR SINGH: taken any decision in this direction ' Will the Minister of IRRIGATION AND POWER be pleased·to state:

    THE DEPc'T'{ MINISTER IN THE (a) whether Central Government have MINbTRY OF IRRIGATION ANL given an assurance to provide necessary fundS POWER (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA) : , in 1973-74 plan for a scheme of intergratel (al and (b). A large number of flood protec- power development in Satna region in tion works have been implemented in the Madhya PradeSh ; and Brahmaputra valley in Assam during the last (b) if so, the main ~ thereof? I B years. These inc1uJe about 2900 K.M. of flood embankments and 700 K.M. of drainagu THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE channels which have provided protection MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND to ahout 6, 3 lakh !la. fO Town protce. POWER (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA) : tion schemes have also heen implem !n. (a) and (b). No funds are being provided ted of which the important are Dibrugarh in 1973-74 outside the State Plan for power Gauhati, Goalpara and Nowgong. Funher development in Satna region of Madhya WOT k' arc being implemented. The Bra- Pradesh. hmaplma Flood Control Commission is .,rciently engaged in the preparation of· Double Track beyond Kiul vil Bharalpur comprehensive plan of dood control 10 the "qJley. 3912. SHRI BHAGWAT JHA AZAD: Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased <.0) Yes, Sir. to state:

    (d) The proposal to take over the reapon- (a) whether survey has been made to lay double track heyond Kiul vi:z Bhagalpur aD sibilitjo of dood control in the Brahmaputra .he loop line; and valley has been ..reed to by the Centre and details are being worked out. (b) if 10, when will the work start ? 16I Written Amwers PHALGUNA 29, 1894 (SAKA) Written Answers I62

    THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THI 80 to ~ normal SUpply of liquid oxygen' MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI every month. I.C.F. is maintaining close MOHO. SHAPI 'QURESHI) ; (a) No. Ialsion with· : 'the firms and the State Electricity Board in this regard.

    (b) Does not arise. .:." . . (d) Due to short and erratic supplies of oxygen in the month of February, ~ it lias Lack of Oll:ygen supplies for pro- 4uctioD of coaches at Integral C.l,.ch been necessary to. adopt ,alternative means of material processing inv'olving more time Factory, ~ •. to reduce dependencf ~ oxygen. This has ~ manufacture of componeIits ~ 3)13. SHRI ~ L ~ O~ I assemblies. Manufacturing cycle time for SHARMA; Will the Minister of RAIL- shells at Integral Coach Factory is three WAYS be pleased to state : months. Shortage of m.:ygen in February (a) whether manufacture of Rail coaches Bnd March, 1973 will reflect in reduced It the Integral Coach Factory, Madras has 0uttum of shells in the months of March ~ been hard hit as a ~ of lack of oxygen May, 1973. Drop in outturn of shells. will supplies reflect in drop in outturn of fullv furnished coaches in April, May and June 1973, as ~ if so, the extent to which. the produ- given in reply to part (b) of the ~ ction of coaches has been affected; above. ,. (el the steps being taken by Government to regUlate the supply of Oxygen to keep the Time limit for completing Surveys fo pruducti,n of coaches; and Broad Gauge Lines in areas formerly served by Martin Light Railways lJ) the nature and extent "f loss suffered at the ~ as 8 result thereof? 3914. SHRI SAMAR GUHA : Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to stale THE DEPLJTY MINISTER IN THE , MJ:-IISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI (a) whether any time limit has been set MOHO. SHAFI QURESHI); (a) Yes. for completion of the engineering-cum- The production of coaches has been traffic survey of broad gauge lines in the area affected as a result of reduced supplies served by erstwhile Martin l.ight Railways in of liquid oxygen in the months of February West Begnal ; and and March, 1973. (b) if so, what? (D) The production of components and THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE sub·assemblies to the extent of 30 to 35 coa:h MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI shells has been affected during these months. MOHO. SHAFI Ql'RESHI) : (a) and (b). i Tile supply of spares to open line railways The surveys are expected to be completed has also been severely affected. by October, 1973 .. (e) Supply of oxygen is dependent on vailability of power to suppliers, viz. Indian Broadcast of Bengali News in RaJdhani ~ vgen Ltd. and Asiatic Oxygen Ltd. Sup" ElI:pre •• Iy of oxygen was affected due to power cuts 3915. SHRI SAMAR GUHA: Will n these firms. Supply of electricity to these the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to o firms is the responsibility of Tamil Nadu state; tate Government, who have now given rela. tion in Power cuts to both the firms. I.C.F. (a) whether a demand has been made by a s aLa agreed to apare some pc>wer out a{ number of Members of Parliament for inclu- C.F.'s quota to these nrm, to ensure at least sion of Bengali news for broadcast in Rajd MARCH 20, 1978

    Express pnticWarly when it goes WOIIIh the the continUing irriJ'ltlon ~ of Kutt iyld' Eastern region; and Pamba, Periyar Valley, Chitturpuzha, KIIIt-· hirapuzha, Pazhassi and Kallada; and (b) if so, the reaction of G:>vernment thereto? (b) if so, the amount of funds made avai- lable for the purpose and progress achicYCd THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE in this reprd ? MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MOHD. SHAFI QURESHI): ea) Yes THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE from one Member of Parliament. MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND- POWER (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA) (b) The existing system of news broadcast (a) and (b). The Government Ilf Kerala in Hindi and English from AU India Radio have been urging from time to time that has b=en appreciated by the passengers. special Central assistance outside the State There is no proposal to relay regional news Plan framework may be given to them for in Raj:lhani Express. the irrigation projects in their State. The question of providing special assistance to· Re-clrawbalr Time Schedule of Arrival or selected major irrigation projects in the RaJdha1li BEpreu from R.,.,rab to Delhi country, incl\lding some irrigation projects of Kerala, whose accelerated construction 3916. SHRI SAMAR GUHA: Will the can help to creat significant additional iniga-- Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: tion potential in the next three years, is being (a) w:lether Rajdhani Express from lJOked into by the Planning Commission.. Howrah to D!lhi reaches the suburb of Delhi r!gttluly about an hour b=fore the scheduled Foreip Companies engaged in produ- tim! ofits arrival; ction of Fertilizers and Chemicals (b) whether the train slows down its 3918. SHR,I VARKEY GEORGE: Will. sp!ed in order to reach New Delhi at the the Minister of PETROLEUM AND CHE- scheduled time; and M ICALS be pleased to refer to the repl ~ .. (c) if S

    (b) No. ~ 101 Up Rajadhani THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE ~ is boole!d at low!r speds in ~ MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND· ~ ~ a::Jtt'lt of engineering restrictions. CHEMICALS (SHRI DALBIR SINGH) : (c) Do,. not arise. (a) and (b). Yes, Sir. Reserve Bank of India had attempted some time back a cale- Fund. to Kerala for Irrigation ProJecta. gllry-wise classification of foreign controlled companies for the purpose of Section 18A of 3917. SHRI VARKEY GEORGE the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act. A Will the Min;ster of IRRIGATION list of such companies engaged in the pro- AND O ~ b: pleased to state: duction of fertilizers and chemicals has been (a) wheth'r (,(sa funds have beell made obtained. A statement glvlDg iuformation anibble tl the Kerala State Gllvernment for on installed and utilise<\ capacity:in respect of a6S Written Answers PHALGUNA 29, 181" (SAKA) Written Answer. 166

    such companit. engaged in the manwacture amolUlt of reJUlated supply for irrlsation and of fertilizers & Chemicals ( other than drugs Power and at the same time enable Tamil -and pesticides) dealt with in the Ministry Nadu to diWl't 9 TMC of water; and that of Petroleum & Chemicals is laid on the table the Government of Kenla J'lomissed to C

    DUpute OD Slruvanl waten between FUDd. for ADti-Sea Ero.loD in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. State. 3919. SHRI VARKEY GEORGE: Will the Minister of IRRIGATION AND 392.1. SHRI VARKEY GEORGE: Will POWER be pleased to state: the Minister of IRRIGATION AND POWER be pleased to state: (8) whether the dispute between the Tamil Na:lu ao:l Kerala on Siruvani Waters bas since been resolved ; and (a) whether Government had agreed to unction any funds for anti-Sea Erosion works (b) if S:l. the main features of the agree- to some of the States in the Country; and ment reached and progress made in this regard? (b) if so, the amount of funds sanctioned and utilised State-Wise during the last three THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE years ? MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND POWER (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA): (a) No, Sir, The Government of Kerala THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE have reported that further discussion between MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND "the two State Governments is likely. POWER (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA): (b) Does net arise. (a) and (b). Anti-sea erosion works form part of the flood control sector of the State Dlac:unloD OD Challyar Waten by Statea Plan, for which, according to the present of Tamtl Nadu aDd My.ore ·procedure, Central assistance is provided in the form of block loans and grants. without 39Z0. SHRI VARKEY GEORGE: Wil tying them to any particular scheme or head the Minister of IRRIGATION AND of ~ Jpment. However,' a'special assistance POWER be please to state : of Rs. zo lakhs outside the Plan was sanc- (a) whether any discussions wert held tioned to the State Government of Kerala between the States of Tamil Nadu and Mysore during 1970-71 for undertaking uraent anti- regarding the Chaliyar Waters, particulary Sea erosion works. the Pandiyar-Punnapuzha scheme; and

    (b) if so, the salient features of the dis- Talting into account the magnitude of the cussions held and decisions arrived at ? problem and the need for speedy imple- THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE mentation of anti-sea erosion measures in MINISTERY OF IRRIGATION AND Kerala, the Governemnt of India have POWER, (SHRI BALGOVIND VERMA) : agreed to provide special financial assis

    (c) if so, the reasons thertfor ? Rationln. of Dleael Rnd Petrol

    THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE 3924. SHRI R. S. PAN!:: EY : MINISTRY OF RAJLWAYS (SHRIMOHD. SHRI SHASHI BHUSHAN : SHAFI QURESHI) (a) and (b). On Delhi Will the ~ of PETROLEUM Division there is only one Parcel Clerk in the AND CHEMICALS be pleased to state: Grade Rs. 205-280 currently working as Chief Patcd Clerk, Meerut City: .During the (a) whether Government propose to year 1972, action as for a minor' penalty was introduce rationing of diesel and petrol to 'initiated against him in two separate cases for ensure supply cf these products at fair slack supervision and careless working. In prices in the wake of their prevailing shortage one case the ",enalty of withholding of in- in the country; crement for one year has been imposed on (b) if so, the mainfeatures of the proposal; the Parcel Clerk. The other case is expected and to be finalised shortly. (c) the steps taken so far in this regard? (c) Does not' arise. THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Suburban RaUway Tnnqlort for MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND Deihl CHEMICALS (SHRI DALBIR SINGH): (a) No, Sir. Though some sporadic shor- 392,3. SHRI R. S. PANDEY: Will tages were created in some parts of the the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to country during the last tWO,months due to state: the unusu.sl increase ind(mcnds rarticulGrly for diesel oil caused by Reute power shortages, (a) whether Government are considering drought, ~ dislocation of transport in development of suburban Railway transport some areas, difficulties in getting import to meet the growing' transport requirements from world markets, etc., the generalavailabl- in Delhi; Iity of these products is sufficient to meet- (b) If so, the broad outlines of the prc>posa) the c(\untry's normal requirements in full • .in this regud; and Some special steps have however been taken (c) whether Government have also taken recently ,to, increase ~ availability of the, e into consideration the recommendation made pnducts ~ during the next lew ,month by the Railway Convention Ccmmittee in to Dieet the spurt in demands. this regard and if so, their reaction thereto? (b) and (c). d'o not ,rise. 169 Written An.swer. PHALGUNA 29, 1894 (SAKA) WriHen Answers 170

    Madmum Deve10pmeat of on THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Refineries MINISTRY OF LAW, JUSTICE AND COMPANY AFFAIRS (SHRI NITIRAJ 3925. SHRI R. S. PANDEY: Will the SINGH CHAUDHARy): (a) No, Sir. Minister of PETROLEUM AND CHEMI- (b) Does not arise. CALS be pleased to state the steps taken so far to ensure maximum development of oil refineries and the results achieved Separate Pool. for allotment of Type the refrom? IV accommodation for ruuDlne Staff THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE and DOu-ruDDlDc Staff MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND CHEMICALS (SHRI DALBIR SINGH) 3927. SHRI PANNA LAL BARUPAL: There are nine refineries in operation in the Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased country, five in the public sector and four to state: in the private sector. All the public and (a) whether there a-e separate pools for private sector refineries except Barauni allotment of Type IV accommodation for and Cochin have achieved crude through_ running staff and non-running staff; puts over and above their installed capacity. (b) whether Divisional Superintendent, There was a slight drop in the through- Ajmer has al10tted Type IV Quarters from put of the Cochin Refinery on accowlt of running pool to non-running staff i& vio- frequent interruptions in power supply and lation of orders on the subject; other reasons. The Barauni Refinery is operating below its capacity on account of ec) whether Al1 India Loco Running the limitations in supply of indigenouS Staff Association and other recognised crude oil. A scheme for processing Of Unions had protested to the General Ma- imported crude in addition to indigenous nager by wires for cancellation of such Assam crude at Barauni is in progress. allotments; and To meet the growing demand for petro- (d) if so, what action had been taken in leum products, proposals are being pro- the matter? gressed for augmenting the refinery capa- city to 8 level of 43 million tonnes by the THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE end of the fifth Plan period. These in- MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI clude the commissioning of a 2' 5 mi1Iion MOHD. SHAFf QURESHI): (a) and (b). tonnes capaciry refinery at Haldia, expan- Yes. Prior to the formation of these pools, sion of Cochin and Koyali Refineries, certain running staff not entitled to such putting up of new refineries at Bongaigaon type of quarters were occupying such in Assam and Mathura in U.P., etc. quarters. Recently, a type IV quarter in occupation of a Driver not entitled to it Compulsory Regiatration of Marriagc:. was vacated by him on retirement and a type III quarter in lieu of above quarter was transferred to the pool of essontial rUI)- 3926. SHRIBHAGIRATH BHANWAR: ning staff, there being no loss to the pool Will the Minister of LAW, JUSTICE for essential running staff. AND COMPANY AFFAIRS be pleased to state: (c) and (d). Protests from these Associations were received by the Divisional Superi- (a) whether there is a proposal under tendent, Ajmer. Separate waiting lists consideration to make registration of both for essential running staff and non- marriages compulsory to discourage early essential running staff are being maintained marriage; and to ensure that the quarters vacateJ are (b) If so, the sa1ic;nt features thereof? allotted to the respcctive staff. 171 Written .A-Hiiiiei'i kABdit 110. 1973 Written Aftlwers 172

    ~ ...... t the Ifdtwle oj ~ THE DEPUTY MfiotIS'T'ER IN TIm by MlraJ Bl'IUlch of AlIIacUa RaIlway MfNISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI Commerdal Clerb AU6datlOD MOHO. SHAFI QURESffl): (I) to Cc). The infonnation is being collected and will 3928. SHRI PANNA LAL BARUPAL: be laid on the table of the Sabha. Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: ~ ""... ).,IQ." m-', (a) whether Mirai Branch of All India ~ ~ W8")tft!f RaHway Commercial Oerlts Association ~ ~ ~ ~ has sent a telegram and issued a pamphlet 'fWqri'" during the month of January, 1973 qamst the attitude of the personnel of Railway 3930. eft ~ '"" ~ : ~ Protection force; ~~~~ ~

    (b) whether General Secretary. All India (lfi) ~~ ~ Railway Commercial Clerks Assoc:iatioo, ~ ~ (f1IT ~ ~ r:t has addressed a letter to him requesting ~~ ~~~ him to take immediate steps in the matta"; and mvr ~ 19iT{ smmT fq"'lI(ltn'1 ~ ~ (c) if so, the action taken by Government in the matter r (.) ~~ at ~ ~ ~ ~~ THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI ~ 1i1f"", if ~ ~ ~ MOHD. SHAFI QURESHI): Ca) aDd (b). A m ~ (lfi) ~ ~ I letter has been received from the General Secretary, All India Railway Commercial (.) sn;r ~ -;rnrT Clerks Association, mclosing the pamphlet referred to. ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ (c) The matter ia under j nquiry. ~ """ ~ ~ '"' ~ m/ Ded.ion to Launch APtatitm by All ;fuon1ft IDclia Railway Commerdal C1erb AMOCladoD 3931. "'" q;;n '"" ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ifflf.t i!l'T tm" rn 3929. SHRI PANNA LAL BARUPAL: f.F Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: (III) ~ m it; ~ (a) whether Central Executive Committee ~ ~~ ~ of All India Railway Commercial Oerkl ~ it; ;fT'iij- ~~ ~ ~ ~~ if As&ociation at its meeting at Dhanbad on ~ ~ ~ \jijili11HRflira1it; ~ 21St ranuary, 1973 had taken a decisiOD lIlT ~ it; ~ ~ If<: ItT 00 ~ to launch agitational movement in case their demand! were not ful1illed; If<: ~ it; ~ fimJ) illfPr ;t'r ~ ; ( b) if 10, their main demands; and ( '1') lflfT ~ 11'1 f¢f 'Ii't ;:ft<:rrIft (c) the action taken by Government in ~ ~ ~ tTlfI IIJl \Ih:: ~ ~ m- this repra? ~ if fiIrcR Rot IIiT. ~ mr 'fT 173 Written AftI1Ders PHALGuNA 211. iB94 (sAKA) Written AfI81DiTB i74 -'1ft<: ;fu;tllfr ~ ~ ~ mr ~ ~ from metre puge to broad gauge of the line from Bangalore to Dharmavaram, rnd ~ ~ ~ II>l fitr.f-fitr.f st m construction of a parallel BG line from ~ 1!11" m !1trcr;ft 00 ~ if');;mft ~ Dharamavaram to Guntabl. A traffic JJf v:fT ; ~ survey for a new BG line from Guntakal to Secunderabad has also been sanctioned (ff) lI'!ir qq 1970-71 mt and the survey is in progress. A decision - ).9;7-1-72 it ~ m ~ it; mr regardir.g this line wilJ be taken, as soon as -~

    (b) The Committee is likely to submit THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN TIm: its report by mid-May 1973. MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI (el The report will be available in the MOHD. SHAH QURESHI). (a) and (b): Library of the Parliament. Limestone is mainly offered for despatch from stations in Madhya Pradesh located Tec:Jmical Aid or Collaboration in on the Jabalpur Division of Central Railway Coal-Baaed Fertilizer Unlq by Efforts have been made to step up wagon. FonieD COUDtric. supplies for movement of limestone 3934. SHRI D. D. DESAI: ~ the During the period 1st October, 197Z to Minister of PETROLEUM AND CHEMI- loth March, 1973, 15,878 wagons were CALS be ~ to ,tate: loaded with limestone as compared to lZ,S8S (a) which O ~ had Offered tech- wagons loaded d:'ring the corresponding. nical aid or collaboration in coal-based period of 1971-72. fertiliser Units; Railway Linea for Mininc Area or (b) the progress made so far in setting up Madhya Pradeah coal-based lUlits; and 3936. SHRI MAHADEEPAK SINGH (c) ~ G:wernment are satisfied about SHAKYA: tlte technical and economic. feasibility Of SHRI HUKAM CHAND ':c'a1-based fertiliser plants? KACHWAI: THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND pleased to state: CHEMICALS (SHRI DALBIR SINGH): (a) whether Government propose to 18Y (a) For the two coal based plants at Rama- lines in the important mining arca of gundam and Talcher, process know-how Madhya Pradesh; and agreements have been entered into with Mis Koppen & Lurgi (West Germany) and (b) the gist of the proposal in this regard Mis Montedilon (Italy). and the progress made in the matter? (b) Deisgn and engineering work has THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE been substantially completed. Earth work MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI in the factory area and boundary wall are MOHD. SHAFI QURESHI): (a) and almost complete. Civil worD on plant and (b). A traffic survey of for a B.G. line from non-plant buildings are in progress. Ma- Dhalli-Rajhara to Dantewara/]agd alpur haa· jor part of the plant and machinery has recently been completed and the report is. been ordered. as present under examination of the Railway (c) Yes. SIr. Board. Meanwhile detailed Engineering. Survey for this line has also been taken up. W.,on Short.,e for LIme Indutry Further consideration to this propo s81 will in Madhya Pradeah be given after the results· of this survey become known. 3935. SHRI NARENDRA SINGH SHRI HUKAM CHAND KACHWAI Powera of Neaotiation of claim.. to-. Clalma Tracen and Aaatt. Commerc1al Will the Ministet: of RAILWAYS be In.pectora on Indian Railwa,.. pleosed to Itate: (a) whether Government are aware that 3937. SHRI CHANDRIKA PRASAD: due to shortage of wagons the lime industry Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be in Madhya Pradesh is sinking; and pleased to state:

    (b) What measures GovernmCftt are takin&: (a) whether there is a Schedule 0{ to make regular supply of wagons? powers for ~ and negQtiation ~ 177 Written Answer, PHALGUNA 211, 1894 (SAKA) Written; A'n$wers 17s:.

    compensation Claims for Officer.; Ins- Declaioa takeD oa the Report or the pectors and Claims Tracers on the Indian Committee on Uniforms Railways; 3938. SHRI CHANDRlKA PRASAD. (b) if so, the broaj outlines thereof; SHR,1 PANNA LAL DARUPAJ _-

    (c) whether tho· Claims Trocers and Will the Minister of RAILWAYS hc' Asst!. C)ffi'l1'rcial Inspoctors are generally pleased to state entrusted with the work of ~ of claims, irresp!ctive of their value; and (a) whether recommendation of theC om- mittee appointed by the Railway Admin;.' (d) If so, the reaons therefor? nation to suggest Uniforms to be suppli'd to the diff"ent categories of Railway THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE employees have since been examined; lind MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MOHD. SHAFI QURESHI): (a) to (c). (b) if so, the decisions taken thereon? T)" f"llow'ng is th! del'g"io"1 of powers for s ~ and pay..v:l.t of com- THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE p!nsation c1aims:- MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MOHD. SHAFI QURESHD (a) Yes.

    Sc'lcdule (b) It has been decided ,to implemel't Designation of moqt pf the ~ made by Powers the Committee. General Manog-!Is Full powers. Workload in OI Cl... Booking Office Almer Station (Western Railway) C;'ief Commercial Sup"iI,- tendents upto Rs. 10,000 3939. SHRI ONKAR LAL BERWA: Dy. Chief Commerical Sup- SHRI DHAAAMGAJ SINGH: erinten:!cnts upto Rs. 5,000 Senior Commerical Officers upto Rs. z,ooo Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be Assu. Commercial Officers upto Rs. 1,000' ~ to refor to the reply given to Un- Station Mlster of selected Important starred Question No. 32IZ on the 18th. stations/Claims Inspectors. upto Rs. 100 April, 197Z regarding work-load in III Class Booking Office, Ajmer Station (West- ern Railway) and state; ~ to Claims are not empowered ~ the allotted qu.ota for reservation settle any I claim. of III Class benhs and seats ~ day, There is no schedule of powers for nego- separately in. each train starting or passir>g tiation of a claim. Inspectors and, . some- from Ajmer Station; times, claims Tracers deputed to verify are tb) the yardstick laid down by the claims. In a few coses, under the specific Ihilways Administration for providing orders of the Claims Settlement Officers, the Reservation Clerks on the Railways; Insp:ctors/Tracers are also deputed to obtain terms of settlement from the' claimants (c) the total number of Reservation Without prejudice· and without any com- Clerks for the passengers of JII Class pro- mitment. The decision to accept the terms vided and required as. per the yardstick; of settlement is taken by the authority and COmpetent to sanction the claim. (d) the deficiencies, if any and the (d) In view of the position explained reaso:>s therefor an,1 Government's pro- above, the ~ does not anse. posals to make· up the c' eficiencies ? f/9 MARCH 20, 1973 Written A7IIwers ISo

    THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE (b) and (c) No yardstick has been prescribed for the purpose. ~ MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI no separate Reservation Clerka ha.e been MOHD. SHAFI QUERESHI) Ca) provided for third class reservation. A statement is attached. Cd) Does not uise. ~ III CLASS RESERVATION QUOTAS ALLOTTED AT AJMER

    Third Class Tnin No. Berths; Seats

    69 lit' AlI-1U'W C3 tier) • 10S4 (upto R ¥M) .Do. AII-Kacheguda (3 tier) , 64 14 DN AII-DLI (z tier) • 9 17 7(upto 31 (upto JP) JP) 1 UP AII-KNW (3 tier) 64 3Z DN AII-DLI u 16 6 DN AII-AF 8 DN AII-AF(z tier) 16 48 17(KNB) z DN AII-DLI 8 16 (3 tier) u(slip coach) 3 UP AII-DLI 6 AII-JU (par 3 tier) Z4 33 AII-ADl 17 (slip coach). 16 (z tier) IS UP AII-tJD ,. AII-KNW 6 S UP AII-GIM (z tier) 16 48

    Uplraclatlon or certain PMU of Com- (c) if so, the comperative position of the mercial CI..... (W.. teftl Railway) highest graded posts, scprately, in each 3940. SHRI ONKAR LAL BERWA: Division and in each grade after and before the issue of the above orders; and SHRI DHARAMGAJ SINGH:

    Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be (d) the date. on which the orders were pleased to state :- carried out in each division ? Ca) Whether Chief ~ Superin- tendent Western Railway, vide his letter No. E/z61/4i39, of 9th November, 1971 THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE ordered the upgradation of certain posta of MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI commericial clerks over West Zone; MOHD. SHAFI QURESHI)

    s.oIor Docten of AI.er HCIel'ltal ..tdD_ '.'lctioned 10 f'Ir by the Rural Electrifica- 1_ pa, da8a JlIaioft. tion Corporation and at what COlt; and 3941. SHRI ONUR LAL BERWA (b) which are the Districts covered by SHRI DHARAMGAJ SINGH: these scheme. ? Will the MiDister of RAILWAYS be THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE pleased to .tate : MINISTRY OF IRRIGATION AND (a) Whether on Western Railway the POWER CSHRI BALGOVIND posts of Allistant Surgeons were upgraded VERMA):

    THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Ca) the promotional quota for G1.I8rd,· MII"ISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI Gr. 'C' post fixed for each ofthe categories· MOHD. SHAFI QURESHI): (a) yes, of Trains Clerks, Ticket Collectors, TrEs,' ASMs, Brakesmen, Coaching Clerks and· (b) to Cd). Before the Graduate Assis- Goods Clerks on the Indian Railways ; tant Surgeons were ~ in the revised (b) the total nl.\mber of posts of Guards scale Rs. 350-900. they were given the Gr. 'C' which have fallcn vacant in Lucknow opoortunity to come on to the revised Division of Northern Railway dwing last scale either from 1-1-1966 or the date of three years; next or subsequent increment in their pre-rives cd scale under Rule 2019 (F. (c) the number of employees of the R. 23) R II as advantagious to them. categories referred to in pan (a) above Option undcr Ilule 2019 (F.R. 23) RII promoted as Guard Gr. 'C' during the oncc exercisd IS final. Having ex(ended period; and the benefit of option under the said rule (d) the roasons for deficiency in any if by reason of their own option ~ category and remedial measwes taken i ndivJJulls get less pay at a later stage, by Government in this regard? the same cannot be helped. THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE' IllStallatlon of Transmission Linea MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI Sanctioned in Orie.a by R.E.C. (MOHO. SHAFI QURESHI): (a). Subject to complying with a directive from 3942. SHRI CHINTAMANI PANI- the Railway Board that Trains Clerks· GRAHl: Will the Minister of IRRIGA- sh01.lld have at least 3 I % of the vacaneies TION AND POWER be pleased to state: the quota fixed for variol.\S catagories for Ca) how many schemes for install_tion promotion as G1.I8td Grade 'C' vary from of transrni ..ion line, ip Orissa ~ been Railway to Railway. Information fNlIl-. '183 Written Answers MARCH 20, 1973 Written Answers

    t."", " "'.', , t' ~ .. ~ '",' , '", ' ~ other than Northern Railway is Arr..... menta at P.m. City RaIlw.y bei"l& collec:te:l 'and will be placed on ~~ " . Table of the ,Sabha. The Nor,them .,; ~ '... ailway have fixej the following quota 394S. SHRI ;Il. P. YADAV ;, Will the Minister ~ L be pleased ~ ~ : f or this purpose: (a) wheth'er ~ is no BDquirY DC Recep- tion provided at Patna City Station and if (i) Trains Clerks 31% 80, why; and (b) whether there is no proper puking space provided for cars, rickshaws and ton- gas there and if 80, why ? THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN ~ "alance is to be filled by direct re- THE MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS <.:rlJltr:l..:.nt. (SHRI MOHD. SHAFI QURESlIl); (a) An Enquiry-cum-Reservation office is ,",,,ista,t Station Masters and Travelling provided at Patna City station. T,';'.:?! Examin,rs are nOt eligible fOI "It .,motion as Guard Grade Ie'. (b) Parking space for cars, rickshwas and tongas is avRilable at Parna City station

    (a'! whether Retiring Rcoms are under (c) whether the Railway Administration ~ of Pat'" City Railway Station proposes to make one or two man-holes in and if so, hov, many rOo,ns and dormitories the said CWvert, 80 that water and mud are Wlder construction; and rna y not accumulate in it ? (b) when they are likely to be completed? ThE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE THE MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI (SHRI MOHD. SHAFI QURESHI); MOHD. SHAFI QURESHI): (a) (a) The culvert in question is a drainage Yes. One l-bed Retiring Room and one opening. The bridge structure is in good .4-bed Dormitory arc wlder construction. condition, However, being a drainage ~~ The work is expected to be completed openin&, the waterway may be wet and muddy -wilti'" six months. for some time after the Rainy season. 'riS Written A7I8wers PHALGUNA 29, 1894

    (b) Quite a large number of local people (c) if not, ~ action Government propoe. 'use this opening for movement to the other to take ~ its Intelligence Brmch; ~ . lide of the yard in Ifry season but such failed to report BUch a vital case in time ? 'movement is unauthorised as the bridge is a drainage opening and not a sub-way. THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE (c) No. MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI DIrty ~ Room. at Patna City and MOHD. SHAFI QURESHI) : (a) An Patna Junction anonymous letter appeared in . the Nav Jyoti (Hindi Edition) of Ajmer alleging W47. SHRI MD. JAMILURRAHMAN: that collection was made forcibly in connec- wiu the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased tion with the ballot taken by the Union. to ~ :

    (a) ·whether Government are aware that (b) When the rmatter was investigated, Waiting Rooms at Patna Chy and P atna there was no complaint from the :Rtaff about Junction Railway Stations rem,i" dirty and forcible coUeerion and not even one employee unhygienic ; alleged any malpractice.

    (h) whether the Retiring Rooms are re- (c) Does not arise. served after chargino; one rupee extra from · each pa.. enger and whether Chowkidars allegedly have a hand in it ; and Rail Link for K01'8put in O .... i.. and BastaI' in Madhya' Pl'adelh (e) if so, what steps arc proposed to im- prove unon the existing ,itualion ? 3949. SHRI K. PRADHANI : Will the Minister of RA ILWA YS be pleased 'to state THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE (a) whether Government propose; to • give MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI Rail Link to most backward areas like Kor"put MOHD. SHAFI QVRESH1;: (a) No. in Orissa and Bastar in Madhya Pradesh (b) No complaint or rep,1ft of this na 111 re has bee n ~ (b) if so, when and how; and

    (e) Does not arise. (c) if not, the reasons therefor

    · Complaint by Worker of Carriage Shop, Weatern Rallway THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI 3948. SHRI ONKAR LAL BERWA MOHD. SHAFI QURESHI): (a) Koraput, Will the Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased in Orissa and Bastar in Madhya Pradesh to state: are already linked by railway line.

    Electrlflcad_ of D.B.It.. Railway Llae ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . 39S0. SHRI K. PRADHANI : Will the ~~~~ ; Minister of RAILWAYS be pleased to state: ( .. ) lfIn tA' ~ (1'11\ lffi'I"J'!mI' T (a) whether electrification of D.B.K. n t Railway line is expected to be completed ~ ~~~~ ~~ shortly j and ~~ ~~ ~~~ (b) if so, whether passenger-cum-goods ~ ~ (1'11\ ~ R'it lfIit ~ ~ train. will be run on that line after elec- ~~ trification ? ;.m: THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE (tr) ~~ eft IflfT ~ If!lT ~ MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI Iffi'fT1rnr WWr ~~ I!mf.t if; ft;N MOHD. SHAFI QURESHI): (a) The ~ ~ flr;m: lti'tf m:<'f ~ ~ electrification of Waltair-Kirandul Section ~ ~ ~ R; ~ ~ ~ lITfOflff 'fIT (D.B.K. Railway line) is expected to be ~~~ ~ ~ ~ completed sometime in 1975-76. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (b) The proposal will be considered after 'fiT the electrificaion of the section is completed. O ~ ","rfd:; ~ ~ ~ ~ flr<;r ~ ElItenllon of Broad Gauge Lme from ? Ganclhlclham to BhuJ/Lakhpat vi> Mandvi ~ ~ if ~ (.n '!FR' 3951. DR. MAHIPATRAY MEHTA: mIi ~ (Ifl) 1947 ~ '.\"i ~ Will the Minister of RAIL WAYS be pleased ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ to state: if; ;fr;r lflet ~ ;n;rr ~ 'fT ; (a) whether the survey report on the extension of broad-gauge Railway line from ('I) (tr). ~ ~~ Gandhidham to Bhuj and to Lakhpat via ""<: oR ~ ~ ~ if; f<;rn" 'J.andvi has been completed j and trrft lffiii!I1(i ..".;:fl;c ~ ~ ~ ~ (b) if so, whether Government are con- templating to start the earth work to give ~ ~ "q'l'fir. ~ ~ ~ Cfrm ~ purposeful employment to the people of this ~ ~ ~ it ~ ~ ~ famine-stricken area? ~ ~ ~ ~ W ~ i THE DEPUTY MINI STER IN THE MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI ~~ if "", ~ ~ ~ ~ MOHO. SHAFI QURESHI): (a) Yes. ~ ~ ~

    3953. ~ ~ (b) A decision regarding construction am of this line will be taken after the examina- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q'i!: ~ tion is completed from all angles. ..". i'"'iT ~ f'F ;

    ('l") ~~ 'l"q;f\" if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1ff'i mtr"" 1972-73 it ~ it R;.,-f.t;;r ~~~~ ~ Ii<: ~ ~ qh: ~ if; a...... ,. 395 Z. "" f1m';nq ~ W ~ ~ ..". ~ ; Q'n: ~ Jtoft ~ ~ f.'{T R; : 'fir

    ~ ~ ~ ~ if ~ tim ;:rit t r.r iii) <'m1fl'if t f"'Ol'l if """ (-n ~ ~ : ~ qR . ~ ~ lliT ~ (.-). qll1mf ~ ~ lliT ~ W ~ .rn: ~ t;<: m <::T ~ I 3955. -n ~ ~ : 'f!fr f"", an: ~~ ;flit ~ 1 ~ lJ;m1 ~ '1ft ~ ~ ~ (';"i'('!''"\"m if 165 "if.<:it it Air 5I"rnf1 5 Gi',j ~ I SHRI PILOO MODY: Dr. Karan Singh had made a statement in which he 'l) qz'F ~~ ~ : ~ had offered to resign after having taken ~ ~ 4 or;;r ft;nrr ;;n1t I permission from the Prime Minister to do so . According to normal parliamentary practice ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ the minister makes a statement in Parliament iRlI1t ~ ~ I only after hiS resignation has been accepted. , Since Dr. Karan Singh chose to make a , ~~ ~ ~ : ~

    12-36 hrs. I am further to inform the Lok Sabha that in pursuance of the above motion, PAPER LAID ON THE TABLE Shri Kalyan Chand, Member, Rajya Sabha The MINISTER OF WORKS AND has been duly elected to the said Committee. HOUSING (SHRI BHOLA PASWAN SHASTRI) : I beg to lay on the Table a copy of Notification G.O.Ms. No. 397 12-37 hrs. (Hindi and English versions) published in Andhra Pradesh Gazette dated the 6th July* 1972 making certain amendments to the BUSINESS ADVISORY COMMITTEE

    Andhra Pradesh Housing Board (Appoint­ T w e n t y -S i x t h R e p o r t ment and payment of fees to the Counsel) THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMEN­ Rules, 19683 under sub-section (3) of section TARY AFFAIRS (SHRI K. RAGHU- 70 of the Andhra Pradesh Housing Board RAMAIAH) : Sir, I beg to move : A ct, 19563 read w ith clause (c)(iii) o f the Proclamation dated the i8th January, 1973 issued by the President in relation to the “That this House do agree with the State of Andhra Pradesh. [Placed in Twenty-sixth Report of the Business library. See No. LT-4537/73.] Advisory Committee presented to the House on the i6th March, 1973.”

    MR. SPEAKER : The question is : 12- 36J h rs. “That this House do agree with the MESSAGE FROM RAJYA SABHA Twenty-sixth Report of the Business SECRETARY ; Sir, I have to report Advisory Committee presented to the the following message received from the House on the i6th March, 1973.” Secretarj' of Rajya Sabha :— The motion toas adopted. ‘I am directed to inform the Lok Sabha that the Rajya Sabha at its sitting held on Monday, the 12th March, 1973, 12- 37jhrs. adopted the following motion in regard to the Committee on the Welfare of UNION TERRITORIES TAXATION Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes :— LAWS (AMENDMENT) BILL*

    “That this House concurs in the THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE recommendation of the Lok Sabha MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI that the Rajya Sabha do elect one F.H. MOHSIN); I beg to move for

    ♦Published in Gazette o f India Extraordinaivy, Part I I , section 2, dated 20-3-73. 197 'Re. ,Working JO,'IJ,rna- PHALGUWA 29, 1894 (SAKA) Re. Letter of Re- 198 lists, etc. ~ 8v ¥mister, (St.) lcavc to introduce a Bill further to amend ~ ~ ~ ~~ : «rtain taxation laws in the Union territoricl. ~ ~ ~ m.r Ws

    SHRI F. H. MOHSIN : I introducet SURI HARI KISHORE SINGH 'lhe Bill. (Pupri) : Sir, I want a statement to be made about the mine explosion in Dhanbad. MR. SPEAKER : I have allowed a ,12,' 38 hrs. Calling' Attention on that.

    RE, STRIKE BY WORKING JOURNA- LISTS, ETC. SHRI A.K. GOPALAN (Palghat): Under rule 377 of the Rules of Procedure, STATEMENT RE. LETTER OF RESIG_ I raise the [,,!lowing matter in the House NATION BY MINISTER OF TOURISM and request the cancerned minister to make ,\:\0 CIVIL AVI,:-\ TION a statement : "Token strike by' working journalists THE MINISTER OF. TOURISM throughout the country today to press AND CIVIL AVIATION (DR. KARAN SINGH): Mr. Speaker, Sir, ,on Friday their case for a third wage board, revision of D.A. and interim relief, the 16th I had read out in this han. House etc. ,. extracts of a letter I wrote to the Prime Minister, regarding my decision to resign SHRI S. M. BANERJEE (Kanpur): from the Council of Ministers. As several WilJ you ask the Labour Minister to make a han. Members also remarked that day, 'Statement? The working journalists are it was the Prime Minister's prerogative to .agitated over this. take a decision on my letter. On the 18th evening she informed me that she had con- MR. SPEAKER: I will convey it to sidered the matter, but was not accepting him. my resignation, and would like me to continue as Minister. In deference to her SHRI A. K. GOPALAN: I want to wishes, I will continue to have the privilege know when the Minister will make his of serving her and the country in my present statement. capacity. SHRI S. M. BANERJEE : Is he going I may add that, with regard to Avros, "to make it today? we have decided to institute a high-level MR. SPEAKER: I will convey it to examination of all aspects involved. I hope him. to be able to announce the details of this within the next few 4ays. SHRI S. M. BANERJEE : Why don't 'You direct him to make a statement ? May I, once ,.pn express my deep gratitude to the hon. Members aad to you, , . MR. SPEAKER: My conveying it to Sir, for the generosity with which you have him means that I am sending it on to him. treated me ? t1ntroduced with the recommendation of the President • • 199 Re. Letter of f'UigM- D. S. G. (Gmi) 1872-'13 2CO ticm btl MiftisWr (St.) ~~ ~ SHRI SHYAMNANDAN MISHRA: (Be1UlU1li): May I raiae another point of ~~ ~ f1I; ~ ire t procedure? Would it now be the normal ~~~~~~ ~~~ practice in this House that when the realg- ~~~~~ nation of a Miniater is in the process of con- ~ ~ if ~ it; f1r;n'U ~ 1ft '""" sideration. the Minister would come forward and ma};e a statement in the House ?- ~ ~ I ~ ~ m if Sir, you would remember that the statement ~~~ of the Minister had an extremely confusing e1fect on the minds of most of the members. MR. SPEAKER : I wililook into this. preaent, and the Minister would not have SlUtI G. VISWANATHA,N (Wandi- come forward with that statement unlcss the WISh): That day it was a1m0lt a fareweU Prime Minister had given an inkling of function. Now. Sir. you ~ to take back her mind that ahe was going to accept that whatever you said. resignation. That was the impression tha' W!: ,ot. SHRI PILOO MODY (Godhra): You must expunge your 0WIl rtmQb. IJ· 45 hrl. MR. SPEAKER: I Aid dIIt day"unIcu SUPPLEMENTARY DEMANDS FOR:. the Prime Minister ~ about it GRANTS (GENERAL), Isnz-73 otberWise." . --contd. SHRI H. N. MUKERJEE (Ca1ama- MR. SPEAKER: Shri K.It. ~ North-Bast): That is eDCtIy whae the to continlJe his reply. proc:ect4rA1 point COIDn ill. ~ apct SHRI S. M. BANERJEE (lCanpur) ~ from ~onal IikiDa for the Minister, the prol:thral aspect of the !Utter am- May I make a submissioD. Sir? There is L timIes to htitate aDd puzzle miDy of us. _-item that has appeared in PIIIfiIn-. Yoa pereUtted a statement to be made the I quote : other which obvioua1y, da1 was, premature. "Rotten milk powder, ghee from ~ 0bvi0aIJY, the Prime Minister had either sold to the poor." not communicated her refusa1 to accept his resipation, or had spoken to him in a I have also given a Call Attention Notice- very confusing manner. Last time we had on it. Because it comes under the Supple- already wasted the time of the House, mentary Demand for Grant relating.to every second of which is paid for by the the Ministry of Agriculture, you may kindly people of this country. and that is why allow me to make a submission and the procedure becomes important. We are all Minister may reply to it. r will take fond of Dr. Karan Singh. Personally only a minute. speaking, perhaps I am fond of him more than most of the members of this House. MR. SPEAKER : The Minister is. But, in so far as the procedure is concerned, already replying to the debate. I am deeply distrubed to find that the Prime SHRI S. M. BANERJEE : Suppose I Minister's a\1ergy to have her presence in interrupt him. This is a very important this House leads perhaps to all kinds of matter. things coming up, leading to the waste of time of this House. We are wasting the time MR. SPEAKER : When the Minister ofthil House with impunity. .is already replying to the debate, how can you make up another speech in between? SHRI PlLOO MODY: Naturally, being a woman, she had second thoughts SHRI S.M. BANERJEE: Not a speech. this time. only a submission. 201 D. S. G. (Gen.) PHALGUNA _, 1894 ~ S;-G. (GenJ 202 1972-'l3 ~ ... -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~~~~~ """lRm ~ ~ ~~ ~ SHRI K.R. GANESH: He is not goq to head the Cell. Although I do not scree SHRI S.M. BANERJEE : This is a with the criticism that the hon. Member has very aeri01l8 thing that has come out in the made about the Member-Secretary, for the papers. It is a shame! (lnterruptitm) purpose of propriety, it will be headed by another officer, not by the Member- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Secretary. MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI K.R. GANESH) : Mr. Speaker, Sir, I am thankful hs far as the question of diffusion of presti to the hon. Membera who have participated in ownership is concerned, this question is the debate on the Supplementary Demands. engaging the attention of the Government. It is being examined in the light of the Supreme a and last batch of Supple- This is third CoUrt judgement on the earlier newsprint mentary Demands presented duriDg the policy for 1972-73. It is enpgiDa the current financial year. The hiah·light of attention of the Government at the IJipest these Supplementary Demands which have level. been debated is that a substantial allotment has been made for Defence Services. for SHRI S. M. BANERJE2 : Will ,w BiYina lJBIII:·in-aid to States. for giving consider the questmn of pensioners? loan I!IIiBtance to States and for gi'ling usia- tancc to &ngJedesb Apart from the SHRI K.R. GANESH : As reprds additicmal demands of interest on debt and pensioners. I have answered it a Dumber ocher charaa, there has been a substantial of times. The question of peDBioDera. will inc:reae in the share of States from the be deah with when the Government has tUm UniaD Excise duties. The demands are alIo a decision on the question of emoluments cbarac:terised by payment of increased subsidy and pensionary benefits to retiring Gcmm- to Food Corporation of India, additional ex- ment employees. On the basis of that. the peaditure for the purchase of fertilisers question of pensioners will be decided on and also for equity capital of Neyveli Lignite merits. Corporation, for expenditure on non-coking CXJal mines and the Fertiliser Corpora- With these few words, I commend these tion of India. Demands for the acceptance of the House. There are two or three specific points SHRI S.M. BANERJEE : This is • which the hon. Members have raised and very important matter, Sir. I would, with which require some reply. Shri S.M. your permission, ~ his kind attention Banerjee raised a question about the Im- to the Press news in Patriot dated March 18, plementation Cell to consider the Report 19i3 : of the Pay Commission. As he is aware, "Rolton Milk Powder, ghee from like the Last Pay Commission, the Im- sold to the poor. plementation Cell is being set ~ in the WFP Ministry of Finance. It is this Cell which will "Several thousand tonnes of skimmed process the Report of the Pay Commission milk powder and butter oil (ghee) as expeditiously as possible. As far as the labelled 'buyers beware' and personnel of the Cell is concerned, it will 'unfit for human consumption' be headed by an Additional Secretary and were permitted by the Ministry of the proposals in this regard, for having Agriculture to be sold among the the necessary personnel, have alreadY been section of people who are described Pl'OCased and sent to the Appointment as cvulnerable' J according to reliable Committee of the Cabinet. source. [Shri. S. M. Bsrerjeej SHRI P.G. L ~ (AbIDe- "The 'damaged' milk . powder and dab-::rr: On a pointl of ~ "Bdore'You buner oil were received by the put the motion to the vote, may I1iUbiait Agriculture Ministry under the t!lf- the House is not duly constituted? World Food Frogramme (WFP) I want to suggest further that between I' 00 plan operation project No. 618, and 2'00 p.m. '" the sources revealed. MR. SPEAKE ~ The number is being "Tills consignment was so bad that it counted. was giving an 0 ffensive odour md could not be utilised in milk pro- SHRI P.G. MAVALANKAR The cessing by the Delhi Milk Scheme House is not duly constituted. and other plants in three other I can understllIld if there is no quorum metropolitllIl cities-Bombay, Cal" between 1"00 and 2'00 p.m., during hmch cutta and Madras. hour, and after 6'00 p.m... "Therefore, the scuree pointed out, MR. SPEAKER : You know what we these articles were sold among the have settled. Do not be very hasty in your illiterates . ~ the Agriculture obsenations. Ministry's permission. SHRI P.G. MAVALANKAR "The first consignment consisting of they are having large sums vote,'. it is l.lle abOut 5,000 tonnes of milk puwder obligation of the ruling Party to see to it and abOut 800 tOMes of butter that the House is duly constitute,! •. oil was sold in bustees in the 'Rajasthan Canal Project' .. " MR. SPEAKER : I know you are a ~ I· would request the hon. Minister t, tell alert Member. J appreciate it and I am us if he has any information on tJus. Jf very nappy about it. BIlt, after all, we have be baa no information. will tI e hOll ..vI'ill .. el. such an understanding in the House, but if Pm£. Sber Singh, rerly to this? Thi. s a you do not want to follow it. I, as Speaker, Ievea/ing new.. Poor illite':"'l'" have been have no alternative.. (Interruptions) If then: aupplled these things. is no lunch hour, that does not mean that the lunch hour is suspended. It is only whea SHRl K.R. (JANESH: At the moment, we suspend the lunch-hour. . •.. I have no mformation on what the hoD. Member has raised. My aenior colleague SHRI P.G. MAVALANKAR: This is fa also here.' He has also heard what the before lunch. But the House must be hon. Member has said. We will communi- constituted correctly all the time. cate. MR. SPEAKER : In spite of that, SHRI S.M. BANERJEE : Will he when the whole House decides and the BAC make a statement? has already agreed to it, we take it as a con- tinuing sitting. MR. SPEAKER: You go to the extreme

    . The ",olioll was adopted. I,EMAND NO.7-EDUCATION [The A[Oliolls Jor Supplemcntary "That a Supplementary sum not exceed- .1)<",,;' asIcr Gr"'.I$ u:ilieh w

    year endiq the 3I1t day of March. 15173- in respeCr .f,'Department of Co-opentior." "That a Supplementat Ylum not ClIIceed- iDa RI. 13,38,000 be grant:d to the Presi- OBMAND NO. 35-FORl!IGN TRADB dent to defray the charges which will come in course of payment during the year ending "That a Supplementary sum no IClilceed- the 31st day of March, 1973, in respect of ingRs.6,h.t3,ooobe granted to tbe Presi- cMint'." dent to defray the charges which wiU come In course of payment during the year ending. Dl!MAND No. 2.0-0PIUM FACTORIES AND the 3I1t day of March, 1973, in resnect of ALItALOID WORKS 'Foreign Trade'." "That a Supplementary not exceed- Bum DIlMAND No. 34-EXPORT-ORIBNTBD ~ ing Rs. 1,42.,00,000 be granted to the Presi- TRlIISo dent to defray the charges whick will come in course of payment during the year ending "That a Supplementary sum not ex- the 31st day of March, 1973, In respect of ceeding Rs. 30,76,000 be granted to the Opium Factories and Alkaloid Works." President to defray the charges which will allDe In course of payment during the year DlMAND No. ~ TO STATE ending the 3I1t day of March, 1973, in AND UNION TERRITORY GovIIRNMENTS respect of 'Bzport-Oriented Industries."

    DEMAND No. 37-MINISTRY OF HOMB "That a Supplementary sum not ex- AFFAIRs cee4in1 RI. 1,05.00,00,000 be IfBDted to the Prelident to defray the cbatJes which wi\] "That a Supplementary sum not d- Ouae in coune of payment during the year ceeding RI. 88,000 be granted to the Pre- eDdina the 31st day of Man:h, 1913. in aillent to defray the charJee which wil. lespec:t of 'Orants-In-aid to State and Union come In course of payment durinl the year- Territory Governments." endina the 311t day of March, 1973, in res- pect of •MInistry of Home Affain." DblAND No. 27-PAYMENTS TO TIll INDIAN CouNCIL OF AGRICUL TtJJtAL lUsBAKCH DIrMAND No. 38--CABlNBT "That a Supplementary sum not ex- "That a Supplementary sum not ex- ceeding Rs. 1,000 be granted to the Pre- ceeding RI. 14,2.1,000 be granted to the sident to defray the charges which will PIC!lident to defray the charges which wiD come in course of payment during the year arme in course of payment during the year ending the 3ISt day of March, 1973, in res- ending the 3ISt day of March, 1973, in pect of 'Payment to the Indian Council of respect of 'Cabinet,''' Agricultural Research." DEMAND No. 40-POLICE DEMAND No. 29-I)EPARTMENT OF FOOD "That a Supplementary surn not ex- "That a Supplementary sum not ex- ceeding Rs. 10,23,28,000 be granted ceeding Rs. 16,21,00,000 be granted to to the President to defray the charges which th e President to defray the charges which will come in course of payment during the- will come in course of payment during the year ending the 3 ISt day of March, 1973, the year ending the 31St day of March, in respect of ·Police." 1973, in respect of 'Department of Food." DEMAND No. 4l-CENSUS DEMAND No. 31-DEPARTMENT OF Co- "That a Supplementary sum not ex- OPERATIO!'! cel!ding Rs. 19,15,000 he granted to the "That a Supplementary sum not ex- President to defray the charges which ceeding Rs. 93,78,000 be granted to will come in course of payment during the the President to defray the charges which year ending the 3ISt day of March, 1973. will come in course of payment during the In respect of ·Census." 209 D. S. G. (Gen.) PHALGUNA 29. 1894. (SAKA) D. S. G. (Om.> 210' 1972-73 1872-73 DI!MAND No. 45-DBLm QOD1e in coune of payment duriDg the year- eDdiDg the 3 ISt day of March, 19'73, in "That II Supplementary sum not ex- respect of .MInistry of Law and Justice·... ceeding Rs. 4,94.86,000 be granted to the President to defray the charges which witl DEMAND No. 66-MINImlY OP l'BTlto- come in course of payment during the year LEUM AND CHEMICALS ending the 31st day of March. 1973, in "That a Supplementary IUDI not ex-- respect (If 'Delhi·... ceeding RI. 2,53,92,000 be graated to the-- President to defray the charges which will DEMAND No. 46-CHANDIGARH come in course of payment during the year- ending the 3ISt day of March, 1973, in "That a Supplementary sum not ex- respect of 'Ministry of Petroleum and ceeding Rs. 1,82,89,000 he granted to the Chemicals'." President to defray the charges which DEMAND No. 7o-RoADS will come in course of payment during the yellr ending the 3ISt day of March, 1973, ''That • Supplementary sum not ex-- in respect of 'Chandigarh." ceediDg Ra. 2,39.44,000 be granted to the President to defray the charges which will cxme in c:ourae of payment during the year DBMAND NO. 47-ANDAMAN AND NlCOBAlt eDdiDa the 31st day of March, 19'73. in ISL'\NDs respect of 'Roads'." "That a Supplementary sum not ex- DIiMAND No. 73-PoltTS cc:dilll Rs. 1.47.55,000 be gnnted to the ''That • Supplementary sum not a-· President to defray the charges whicb will ceediDg Ra. 2,81,00,000 be granted to the come in course of payment during the President to defray the charges which will year ending the 31St day of March, come in c:ourae of payment during the year-- 19'73, in respect of 'Andaman and Nlcobar ending the 31st day of March, 19'73. in ~ respect of 'POltTs'."

    DEMAND No. 7S-DllPAltTMENTAL OP ST1!I!L "That a Supplementary sum not exceed- ''That a Supplementary sum not ex-- ing 2,15,87,000 be granted to the President RI. ceeding Rs. 7,35,73,000 be granted to the to defray the charges which will come in President to defray the charges which will course of payment during the year ending come in course of payment during the year the 3ISt day of March, 1973, in respect of ending the 31st cay of March, 197:;1, in res- Arunachal Pradesh·... pect of Department of Steel.'" DBMAND No. 57-INFORMATION AND J;)BMAND No. 76-DEPARTMENT OF PUBLICITY MINES "That a Supplementary sum not exceed- "That a Supplementary sum not ing Rs. 56,00,000 be granted to the President exceeding Rs. 8,S7041,000 be granted to to defray the charges which will came in the President to defray the charges which course of payment during the year ending will come in course of payment during the the 3ISt day of March, 1973, in respect of year ending the 31st day of March, 1973 'InformaCicID and Publicity·." in respect of 'Department of Mines'."

    DilMAND No. 64-MINISTRY OF LAW AND DBMM'D No. 82-MINISTRY OF WORKS AND JUSTICE HOUSING "That a Supplementary sum not "That a Supplementary sum not ex- exceeding Rs. 1,000 be granted to the ceeding Rs. 1,000 be granted to the President President to defray the charges which will to defray the charges which will come in ~ D. S. ·,G. (Gen.) 1972-11., ~ 20, ~~ D. S. G, (Gen,) ~ 212 " . course ,of payment during tt1e year endiDg course of payment during the year ending the dlc 31st day of March, 1973, in respect of 31st day of March, 1973, in' respect of < Ministry of Works and HousiIj8'... 'Department of Parliamentary Main' ...

    DIiMAND No. 83-PuBuc WORKS DEMAND No. 96-DEPARTMENT OF SClENCB AND TECHNOLOGY "Thilt a Supplementary sum not ex.. ceeding Rs. ~ be granted to the "That a Supplementary sum not ex- President to defray the charges which will ceeding Rs. 1,000 be grn nted to the President cOme in course of payment during the year to defray the charges which will come in ~ the 31St day of March, 1973, in course of payment during the year ending ,respect of 'Public Works·... the 31st day of March, 1973., in ~ of 'Department of Scienet' allu Technology'." DE.\IAND No. 86-ATOMIC ENERGY RESEARCH AND NuCLIlAR POWER SCHEMES DEMA:-ID No. 99-DEPAIG.\iENT OF SUPPLY "Thilt a Supplementary sum not ex· "That a Supplementary sum no! ex- ceeding Rs. 2.97,00,000 be granted to the ceeding Rs. 2,000 be granted to the Presiden President to defray the charges which will to defray the charges which will come in come in course of payment during the year course of payment during the year ending ending the 31st day of March, 1973, in the 31st day of March, 1973, in respect of respect pf 'Department of Supply'," , Atomic Energy Research and Nuclear

    Power Schemes'.' ~ ~ :'CE CAPITAL DEMAND No. 89-POSTS AND Tm.EGMPRS OI'nA\'. WOJIKING EXPENSES "That a Supplement;,:r)' sun'. r.ot

    DEMAND No. 126.-CAPITAL OUTLAY ON "That a supplementary sum not ex- ROADS ceeding R,s. 1,000 be granted to the President to defray the charges which will come in "That a Supplfmer.:ary sum not · "That a Supplementary sum not ex- MINES. ceeding Rs.II,Ooo be granted to the President to defray the charges which will come w "That a Supplementary sum not ex· course of payment during the year ending ceeding RI. 36,97,01,000 be granted TO the the 31st day of March, 1973, in respect of President to defray the charges which will' 'Capital Outlay of the Ministry of Foreign come in COUlSe of payment during the ye8l Trade'," ending the 31st day of March, 1973, in res- pect cf 'Other Capital Outlay of the Ministry D8MAND No. II8.-CAPITAL OL'TLAY IN of Steel and Mines'." UNION TERRITORIES. "That a Supplemcatary sum not ex- DEMAND No. 132.-CAPITAL OurLAY ON. ceeding Rs. 41,45,000 be granted to the PUBLIC WORKS. Plesident to defray the charges which will come in course of p"yment during the year "That a Supplementary sum not ex- ceeding Rs. 3,00,00,000 be granted to the ending the 31st day of March, 1973, in res_ President to defray the charges which will pect of 'Capital Outlay in Union Terri- come in course of payment during the year. tories'. tt ending the 3Ist day of March, 1973, in res- DEMAND No. 120.-CAPITAL OUTLAY OF THE pect of 'Capital Outlay on Public Works'." MINISTRY OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOP- MENT. DEMAND No. 133.-DELHI CAPITAL·OurLAY "That a Supplementary sum not ex- ceeding Rs. 1,000 be granted to the President "That a Supplementary sum not ex- to defray the charges which will come in eeding Rs. 4S,70,000 be granted to the DOurse of payment during the year ending President to defray the charges which will' the 31st day of March, 1973, in respect of come in course of payment during the year- "Capital Outlay of the Ministry of Indus- ending the 3Ist liay of March, 1973, in. rial Development'." respect of 'Delhi Capital Outlay'." ~ Appropriation Bill, 1973 MARCH 20, 1973 D. S. G. (RllIB.) 1972.73 216

    ':DEMAND No. I36.-CAPITAL OUTLAY ON and Out of the Consolidated Fund of India POSTS AND TI!LI!GRAPHS (NOT MET for the services of the financial year 1972-73, FROM REVENUE). be taken into consideration."

    The motum Ulas adopted. "'That a Supplementary sum not exceed- ing Rs. 1,000 be granted to the Presidet\t MR. SPEAKER: The question is "to defray the charges which will come in "That clauses 2 and 3, the Schedule, oourse of payment durin g the year ending Clause I, the Enacting Formula and the the 31st day of March, 1973, in respect of Title stand part of the Btl!." "Capital Outlay on Posts and Telegraphs (Not met from Revenue)·... The motion fDas adopted. Clausu 2 turd 3, the Schedule. Clause I, the Enaeting Formula mid the Title were added to the Bill. APPROPRIATION BILL·, 1913 SHRI K.R.GANESH: Sir,I move: THE MINISTER OF STATE INTHE "That the Bill be passed." 'MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI K.R. GANES H): I beg to move for leave to MR. SPEAKER : The question ill introduce a Bill to authorise paymCI\t and "That the Bill be passed." .ppropriation of oertain further BumS from lind out of the Consolidated Fund of India '1 he motion was adopted "for the services of the financial year 1972-73.

    MR. SPEAKER.: The question is: 13 hra.

    "That leave be granted to introduce a SUPPLEMENTARY DEMANDS FOR GRANTS (RAILWAYS)·, 1972-73 'Bill to ~ payment and appropriation , of cenain further 8\lrnS from and out of the MR. SPEAKER: We shall now take Consolidated Fund of India for the services up the Supplementary Demands for Grants of the financial year 1972-73." (Railways) for 1972-73. The motion was adopt eli. DI!MA.'ID No. I.-RAILWAY BOARD SHRI K.R. GANESH : I inttoducet MR.• SPEAKER: M<:>tion moved : '"the Bill. "That a Supplementary sum not ex- I beg to movet: ceeding Rs. 3,61,000 be granted to the Preaident to defray the charges which will "That the Bill to authorise payment and come in course of payment during the year appropriation of certain further sums from ending the 31St day of March, 1973. in and out of the Consolidated Fund of India respe ct of 'Railway Board'." for the services of the financial year 1972-73, be taken into consideration." DEMAND No. 4.-WORKING EXPENSES- ADMINISTRATION MR. SPEAKER: The questionis MR. SPEAKER: Motion moved: "That the Bill to authorise payment and "That a Supplementary sum not ex- appropriation of certain further sums from ceeding RI. 1,80,56,000 be granted to the

    ·Published in Gazette of India Extraordinary Part II, section 2, daled 20-3-73. tInttoduced/Moved with the recommendation of the President. tMoved with the recommendation of the President. 217 D. G. (RIllS,) PHALGUNA 29. 1894 (SAKA) D. G. (RIllS.) 1972-73 1972-73 iPrcaident to defray the charges which will ending the 31st day of March, 1973, in come in course of payment during the year respect of 'Working Expenses--operation cndin& the 3 IIt day of March. 1973. in other than Staff and Fuel'." respect of 'Working Expenses-Adminis- tration'." DEMAND No. 9.-WORKING EXPENSES- MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES.

    DEMAND No. 5.-WORKING EXPENSES- MR. SPEAKER: Motion moved: REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE '. "That a Supplementary sum not ex- ceeding Re. 2.35>47,000 be granted to the MR. SPEAKER : Motion moved. President to defray the charges which will come in coune of payment during the year "That a Supplementary sum not ex- Cllding the 31St day of March. 1973, in ueding Rs. 18,23,21,000 be granted to the PreaidCllt to defray the charges which will respect of 'Working Expenses-Mi5celIaneouB Expenses·... .come in coune of paymCllt during the yerJI

    -ending the 31St day of March. 1973. in DI!MAND No. IO.-WORJQNG EXl'2NSIIS- :respect of 'Working Expenses-Repain and STAFF WELFARE Maintenance'." MR. SPEAKER: Motion moved: DEMAND No. 6.-WORJONG ExPENSEs- "That a Supplementary sum not ex 0i>DATING STAPP ceeding Rs. 74,76,000 be granted to the MR. SPEAKER : Motion moved: Preaidcnt to defray the charges which will come in course of payment during the year "That a Supplementary sum not ex- ending the 31st day of March, 1973, in ·eeeding Re. 1,21>45,000 be granted to the respect of 'Working Expense-Smtf President to defray the charges which will Welfare'." come in coune of payment during the year ending the 3ISt day of March. 1973. in DEMAND No. 12.-DIVIDEND TO Gl!NI!RAL respect of 'Warking Expenses-Operating Staff·... REVENUES. MR. SPEAKER: Motion moved: DBMAND No. 7.-WORKING EXPENSES- OPERATION (FUEL) "That a Supplementary sum not ex- ceeding Rs. 3,48,76,000 be granted to the MR. SPEAKER: Motion moved. President to defray the charges w\rich will "That a Supplementary sum not ex- come in course of payment during the year ceeding Rs. 4.35,27,000 be granted to the ending the 31st day of March, 1973. in President to defray the charges which will respect of 'Dividend to General Revenues'." come in course of payment during the year ending the 3ISt day of March, 1973, in DBMAND No. 15.-0PEN LINE WORKS- respect of 'Working Expenses-Operation CAPITAL, DEPRECIATION RESERVE Fl:ND AND (Fuel)'." DEVELOPMENT FUND

    DS.'>1AN1) No. 8--WORKING EXPF:-ISES-"QPE- MR. SPEAKER: Motion moved: ~ O OTHeR THAN STAPF AND FUEL "That a Supplementary sum not ex- ceeding Rs. 77,65,01,000 be granted to the President to defray the charges which will MR. SPEAKER : Motion moved: come in course of payment during the year "That a Supplementary sum not ex- ~ the 31st day of March, 1973, in 'Ceding Rs. 5,70,65,000 be granted to the respect of 'Open Line Works-Capital, President to defray the charges which will Depreciation Reserve Fund and Develop- come in course of payment during the year ment Fund'," 219 D. S. G. (RIllS.) 1972-73 MARCH 20, 1973 D. S. G. (RIlls.) 1972-73 220

    DJIMAND No. z6.-Pc"SIONARY CHARGES- proper for them to block this huge amount PENSION FUND of money in the form 0 f locked up stores. MR. SPEAKER: Motion moved: But the Railways are in indulging in this sort of practice and on the other hand are "That a supplementary sum not ex- constantly raising passenger fares and freight ceeding Rs. 92,76,000 be granted to the charges. Sir, I feel that there is need fo r President to defray the charges which wil using more and more electric and deisel come in course of payment during the year engines in place of the existing steam loco- ending the 3Ist day of March, 1973, in motives because electric and diesel engines respect of 'Pensionary Charge&--Pension are much faster than the steam engines and Fund;." they have a long life also. The steam en- DEMAND No. li.-REPAYMENT OF LOANS gines moreover pollute the atmosphere and PROM GENERAL RI'YI'NLES AND r"'TEREST are a great health hazard. Therefore. THEREON-DEYELOPMFNT FL"I\T'. tlJe Use of steam engines should be dispensed with. Sir, the freight charges on oil seeds have been raised so much that if 3 quinca\s MR. SPEAKER : Motion moved: of oils seeds are transported from Agra to "That a Supplementary sum not ex- Calc;.;tta, the freight charges will come to ceeding Rs. 31,80,000 he granted to the about 21 rupees .. 3 quintals of oil seeds yield President to defray the charges which wili only I quintal of oil. But Sir, if one quintal come in course of payment during the year of oil is transported from Agra to Calcutta. ending the 31st day of March, 1973, in the freight wi» be Rs 9' 2SP. Therefore, respeCt of 'Rep,),ment of Loans from Sir, when the mills in Calcutta and at other General Revenue6 and Interest thereon- places in the Eastern regions like Bihar,. Development Fund'." Assam and Orissa, where mustard oil is mostly consumed, have to import oil seed The Demands are now before the House. for the production of oil, they will face an Two hourr have been allotted. initial handicap by way of higher freights on oil seeds as compared to the freight on finished *SHRI JAGADISH BHATTACHARYYA oil. (Ghatal) : Sir prolonged discussion have already been held in this House on the Rail- As a result of this freight policy of the way Budget. We have seen that a huge Railways, the oil mills in the eastern region amount is earmarked in the Railway budget will face unequal and unfair competition every year as expenditure on the Railway from the oil mills of Northern India Board. This is an unnecessary expenditure Therefore this excessive freight on oil seed 9 and this amount can be saved and fruitfully must be immediately reduced in view of the utilised in other constructive fields. We need to reduce the price of mustard oil in the believe that the Railways can very well run eastern region where this is an indispensable without the Railway Board. I will therefore and essential item in every kitchen. suggest the the Railway Board may be abolished forthwith. I hope the Railway I will draw the attention of the Minister Minister will consider this suggestion. to another issue. Sir, the loco workers of Further, Sir, we have seen that 1arge stockS Southern and South Central Railway embarked are purchased for the Railways and kept in upon an agitation some time back. That storage. In the report of the Railway agitation has since been withdrawn and an Convention Committee we have seen that the agreement had been arrived at. But even nine of these stores will be in the region of after .that Sir, there are lOme workers against" Rs.4Cio crores. The Railways are a commer- whom easel are pending or who have been cial department and we feel that it is rtot detained under the MISA. When thfs.

    *The OJiginal !" re. ch was c' elive. cd in Bengali. .221. D.S. G. (RIllS.) PHALGUNA 29, 1894· (SAKA) D. S. G. (RIlls.) 222 . 1972 -73 1972-73 agitation was withdrawn, I believe, the then ~ ~.. ~ 7l: I ~ ~ m1l Minister of Railways had given some i: ll' hope that all the pending cases against those tt lRft ~ t 1fT't;rr ~ fit; 'f;;rn- ~ ~ ·RaiIway workers will be withdrawn· and • "fR ~ ~ ;ITi' if: ~ that there will be DO victimintion. I will mr t ~ if ~~ ~ ~ thaefore, request the new Railway Minista ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .tR ~ to initiate speedy action to withdraw the pending cases against those Railway workers IR qf.;f ~ if f,;ffi ~ m ~ and to withdraw the suspension ordas etc. ~ mf sf "'" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ All the workers concerned may· kindly be ~ ~ ~ 'IT. ~ reinstated with full benefits of past service. ~ . 'IT fit; ~ ~ ~

    Now, Sir, I will draw the allentio!, of the Q • Minister to the need of laying double tracks ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ in many ~ where only single tracks if ~ fiI;lrr ;;rritlrr I ~ exist at present. We have·' seen that while ~ ~ git IR ~ fiI; ;;IT ~ IIITlfT a-. travelling from Delhi to Amritsar or vided on ~~ ~~ the Purulia-Howrah line. ~ ~ ~ Only two slow trains run on that section ~ ~ fit; ~ ~ ~ ~ One express train must be provided on- that Section. I sincerely hope Sir, that the ~ ~ ~~~ Railway Minister will pay his attention to ~~~ 1 m;;r ~~~ the points raised by me and will try his ut- ~ ~ lfiT ~ ~ ~ ~~ most to remove the inconveniences pointed ~ ~ I out by me With that Sir, I conclude my speech .. ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ : .T" .(/0 ~ ~ ~ if ~ ~

    [>..ir ~ ~~ ~ q;f4f ~ 3!lifift I If ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ I ~~~ ~ ~~ q: 1ft ri ~ m qfir ~ ~ IfIffl1f; ~ fQ ~ ~ t. ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ I ~~ -m- I ~ ~ g. ;;qm fq ~ ;r iR ~ t f.R ltl'i ~ ~ ;ffi;;t; ~ ir.r ~ orrft ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t, ~ ~ ~ firo1rr ~ t I "ItIfr t. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~ v ¥I (16"11.1 I!;fw l!iT ~ ~~ ~ ~ ffim if ~ 00 .rnt t, ~ Wti ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ SIlmR it ~ g. ~ ~ ~~~~ I ~ '3"'r.fiIi ~ t I ~ ~ .m it SIl't.rr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I g. ~ ~ 'iffll1fT ..mt I ¥I'Hn" it lti1 rn if ;;nr ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~ I ...n m mil" it, aT tt it ~ ~ ~ it ~ If"I1i;fr lfft lIfT flli III ~ ~ ~ flli'fr 'fr I f'1'!1I¥1I01I<: ~ ~ miT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ vrm ~ CIlflf; .nm ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ I ~ it ;;rr-ft iro flfi ~ ~~ QT ~ ~ ('roJi Rrot" ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ it qR ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ it; w:r f..-m'f1 f"lf.,:m- {'q-y;ff t ~ fom rm ~ I O~ 'f.T 't'fi ~~ ~ ~ 0 1ft ~ ~ if; .,-m tt sr*-rr ~ ~ If it ~ it ~ f.... ~ flli om: lITt'IT ~ I your attention and the attention of the House to the kind of police actionS Which have recently been taking place on the railways lrIf - ~ ·fIIi '1ft ~ ~ at the instance of the railway authorities. oil' ... ~ ~ ~ it; ~ ~ Surely this assistance which the police gives ~~~ ~ ~ ~ wm i, not meent for hamssing the em- ,ployftl or for coercing or intimidating the ~ ~ W"Tor ~ I ~ ~ 1I"tI'?ft- union worbn. That is not the puqlOlC 1I(fIIfr m ..rr ~ ~ ~ ~ I for whicll they should be used ~ ~ "l ~ ~ fIIi ~ The Minister is ~ aware of the a fllet- ~ ~ ~ ~ if ~ >lITif I 1 C8QIlot IfP into the details of it ~ the Ql8tter is pow SIJb judi&e....,.,!hat there was a firing which took pijlce on the a6th Qf IIIst ~ ~ tlIllif 'it ~ 'IT m mood) at a station CJIled Himgir in $e ~ '1ft ~ ~ qr.ff ttt ~ qI' ~ I Bilaspur divisiQn of the Southeastern Railway !Ii-If ~ tn: ~ ~ ~ ~ • as a result of which two ~ were shot ~~ ~ it ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ dead and anotll!:r worker was so scrioualy injured that in the hospital he ~ to lJg.ye ~~ If{ cry ~ ~ ~

    (Sbri Inderjlt Gupta) Do they want that a particular uinion, even should be appointed and be entrusted with though it is recognised. simply because i I this tatk. happens to be a staunch defender of the workers' interests and rights, because it It must be remembcred-although I cannot lights against every Injustice and against SO into the details-that the firing took every grievance, therefore, sorne people, place in the Pll:Sence of the General Malllger whether it is the management there or 1 he of the Southeutern Railway and other police Or the local authority in ~ high officials who were accompanYina him. they should see to it-that this union is bro- Therefore, the enquiry should also be of a ken and is suppressed? acrioUl nature and it should be done by a person of the status of a high coun judge, I want to give him a friendly warning as and should not be shunted on to a magistrate. President of that union that no .lnount of This is my first point. this kind of provocation, firing or repres- sion is going to break that union and if this Secondly, within a few days of the firing kind of policy is continued the workers win incident, at a place called Muri which is react to it and reply to it in the way in which near Ranchi on the Southeastern Railway they can. We do not want that; we do not again there was an intervention by the police want that the working of the trains should be called perhpas by the railway authorities, dislocated like this but there seems to be no and there were summary anats Mr. N.C. other way out for them if this policy is con- Roy Chowdhury, general secretary of the tinued. Southeastern Railway workers' union, which il recognised by the administration, the I had urged the Minister that pending assistant general secretary, Mr Weston, the enquiry into the firing inicdent, the olficer Mr. BHAGWAN THARUR President commanding of the detachment of the GRP of the Ran chi Branch of the union, which had opened fire should be suspended. and seven or eight others were summarily I was told by the Minister that this could not arrested. They were taken to Ran chi ; be d·one because if that officer was suspended they were paraded on the streets of Ran chi, pending the enquiry and if ultimately it is with handicu1fs on and with ropes tied round proved that he was in the right, he would their waists, and they were taken to the be demoralised and other officers would get lock-up. I want to know what action has demoralised. May I point Out that only the been taken iA this mater. I havc repeated- other day, when a judicial enquiry was or- ly written to the Railway Minister that he dered into the scandal of the Air India when shOUld see that they are released forthwith three unautorised persons boarded a plane al\d then action againat them is withdrawn. from Bombay without proper documents or Otherwise, there was every possibility of the tickets, there was. big commotion in both trains beine dislocated again. Now it seems Houses of Parliament and IS per- that there is increasingly a policy being adop- sons including some officers were suspen- ted, of repression, of intimidation and provo- ded pending the enquiry. There seems tl> cation. As a matter of fact, after the firing be double standards. I still demand. firstly at Himgir-this was a provocation-as soon the enquiry must be entrusted to a proper· as the news spread,-Mr. Qureshi knt'Ws- juicial perlon and secol)dly,unhe in terest the workmen ofthc whole ofBilaspurdivisioI' of that enquiry the officer concuncd &hculd resorted to a strike immediately in protest be suspended. aganist the Iti1ling of their comrades, and the Bombay-Howarh line was dislocated for well . Demand NO.7 aab for. an incrclBe of over 24 hours ; al1 express trains, mail trains RI. 435.37 lakhs on ~ increaae in everything was at a standstill So, I request the price of coa\. In the past e very noW and the Minister to tell us what they are propo- then the coal mine owners used to demand on . aina to (·0. Are they changing theIr policy? various grounds that .tht price of coal whicb .229 D. S. G. (Rl".,) PHALGUNA 29, 1894 (SAKA) D. S. G. (RIll") 1972 -73 1972-73 they sold to the Railways must be put UP hours of the 1000 running staff is a very old and after some hinling and bargaining problem and is a cause of agitation. This 1I0me compromise used to be struck and an has led to agitations in the past and only a increase used to be sanctioned, thoUgh per- year ago the firemen of the South Central haps nOI to the extent the mine-owners had Railway fought a prolonged strike on th" .demanded. For the first three months of issue. '971 -7:1. they are asking for an increased allot- ment of Rs. 4.35 crores and this is apparently Then, Sir, there was some talk, some en- a majQr item of their operational expenses. quiry, in the matter so that adequate rest time Now that all the co.almines have been taken is given to these loco running staff like tire over, will the Railway Ministry and the men, drivers and so on, on whom. there is a .Steel and Mines Ministry come to some very great strain. Even now I find that this arrangement whereby the old practice is matter has not been satisfactorily settled· given up and every few months the price of Only in Delhi last week I found that the loco- coal is not hiked up? The mine-owners running staff were very much agitated over used to blackmail: if you don at pay, we shall the fact that a circular issued by the Railway not be able to supply coal. That excuse will Board earlier regarding the minimum res t not hold good in future, now the entire time which must be allowed to these drivers and firemen was not being implemented in mining sector ~ in the nationalised set or. I want to know whether they have already many places. Here, in the Northern Rail- initiated any action or had any discussion way, they complained that it was not being mplemented. They were being made to with the Ministry of Mines to see to it that at least in future the Railways may be able work much longer hours than the hours to get some relief on this item. , prescribed.

    Demand No. 9 relates to increased Therefore, I would like to say that when amounts in respect of c"mpen.ation for pas- they ask for sanction of this grant on aanun t ·sengers injured in railway accidents Com- of higher compensation to be paid to pa- pensation has of course to be paid. But ssengers injured in accidents, we are also has the Ministry gone in sufficient depth entitled to ask whether all the factors which into the causes of these accijents ? For are contributory to accidents are being pro- example I find today that the Commissioner perly gone into and properly looked into of Railway Safety who has recently submitted and taken care of by the Railway Adminis- his report has got vory harsh criticism to tration itself. What about the loco running make of the callous attitude toward s the ear- staff's rest time and what about the question lier recommendations on certain safety of safety devices? devices. The Chier Commissionr of Railway The report of the Commissioner has been Safety himself made certain caus tic co- submitted only a few days ago and I am sure mments regarding the callous and indifferen t the Minister is familiar with it. He ha d attitude towards these things. On the one pointed out certain devices which have to be hand these things go on and because 0 f installed in the Locomotives to keep the vigi- them, certain accidents take place and then lance of the driver at the proper pitch and compensation has to be paid. Then they also speedometers to check the speed and so coome to parliament and aks for sauction on. He has commented in his report tha't of a higher awount. We have very righ gellerally speaking tl\ese safety de"ices to deman j an expinnation from the Minirjry nre not being properly utilised and in many a bout these matters. cu:;cs, tbey are not being utilised at al!. Then there are three more points which Then, Sir, there is also a question of the I would briefly make Firstly, presentation strain on the 1000 running staff. Mr. Qireshi had been made to the Ministry asking them ~ 1I0WS very well that the question of 'working review a arger number of cases of dill. [Shrl Injer;it Gupta) disperaed all GftI' tile CGIIbtry in dUreteYIl missals of permanent railwaymcn which ~ on tile ~ ~ has taken place more than:lS years ago. some fa me Northem RljJlway Mi"I 9() OD. In the period from 1948-49 to date, a 1argc IJ'U lin. number of permanent railwaymen inc1udiaa [MR. DBpUTY SPllAKHR many who were active workers and offi::- ilt tIN eMir] bearers of the respective unions on different Sir, tMee people wIlo are WOl'ttIli ~ zones were dismissed from service--soine the Mvtin 81lrn Ugt\t RaIIlwtly art! al\ under the National Secutity of Service local pCGple hailirtg ftom that auth Eastern I would once again appeal to the Railway Railway. Ministry not to take too technical and cons- Finally, I must add my voice to the gene- titutional a view of these malters. If they ral dissatisfaction that has been felt by want the co;)peration of the railwaymen in members on both sides of the House re- running the railway, and of the old leaders- garding the imp.)sition of higher fares Union ~ active workers of various for third class passengers. Of course, the zone), their cues shooJld be sym;)lth:tic'ally minister has b"n at grelt plins during considered and they should be 0\11: Put the budget speech and his reply to the back on duty. discussion to try to p;)int Ollt that the Then, Sir, there ~ the case of the Mal'tin incidence is not going to be high, that even Burn ·Light Railway staff. At the time on the ~ ~ the increase will not when this railway was closed d)Wll by be m;)re than 2 or 3 tup·ees etc. Tha t Marrin Burn & Co., the staff was given is not the p)int. En3ugh burdens are there an assurance in writing by the then Minister on.the c;)mmon mm anj more burl ens that they would be absorbed in the are being imp3sed on him. Certainly the Ent:rn ani S;)utb.-Eastern Railways. Now, additional revenues they seek to raise by it has b:en brought to my n)tic: that at this is not much and there are many other least all tb.: clerical staff nu n)!ring perhaps ways to rellise it by ~ ec)n.),n{ et:. 80 or 9;) or s).nething like that have been rather than increasing this bl1rden absorbed, it is true, but not on the eastern on the ordinary travelltng public. Tller.fere. and s;)uth ·ea.. (ern railways. They have been I opposed it. 233 D. S. G. (RI1l6'> PHALGUNA 29. 1894 (SAKA) D. S. G. (RIlls.) 234 1972 -73 1',.-" SHRI ARIUN SETHI ~ ;m:r T ri a ~ ~ >iI1I' ,,\II?: i Minister has indicated that the survey of ~~ t I ~ Q railway link between Banspani and Ihaka- ~~~ ~ ImITI ~ purs would be taken up during 1973-74. iii ri lIil iI"ffilT ~ ~ ~ I ~ He has also further mentioned UlaUhe new railway would be 't 1Iiif ~~ ~ ~ ~ i'll next item on the agenda is Discussion on the ~ ~ ~ tfirr ~ '" it1<:1IT 'IiT'it ~ (flfi ~ ~ ~ W.1 ~ IfiTt ~ tro't omr, lfi'Ift i'f1"ICit ;fr IC ~i ~~ f' ~f.,:; ~ ~r ~ ~~ ~ ..: ~r j 1! ~ rIF;:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~~ f .w 1 ~~ ~~ ~ ~t i ~! ~t: . E' ~~ ff ~tIr t ~tIr ill£! ~II' W ~1W ~ ~~ j It: ~~ r;' ~'"' 1ijlf: ~~ ~ I ~I ~~ ~ ~ «I ~~(r ~ dE 1i "re Ii ~Ir ~ ~~ t'" ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~1 ~ ~~~ ~ tfrfilb-'", .' ~~ t;:w ~ ~ ~~~~ § ~~d ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~i!h ~~ ~~ L, ~'"[, -Ii ~&': ~i - Ii ! ~!E ~-Ii ~ ~; ~ h ,p. Q ~ ~~ ~~~li~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~i£ ~~~ ~ *' ~~'" ~ "t ~ ~ ;JIT ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ;;pnif ~ ? ~ lffift ~ m ~ ~ ~ W * fh..,"lifI(OI !fIT ifITlI' ~ ~ ifITlI' ~ lffiIT ~ f q'h: ~ "IT1I' ~~ ~~ I ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~ fiiI; 1"1' ~ m lift ;;rj;{ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ qr:r mlf it ti1fq- fif; ~ ~ T'( ~ lii'! ~ FT q'h: ~ Qfutt ~ ~ ~ ~ 1ti1rr ;m ~ ~ ~ I 1rt1it ;rf ;ffir ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ m1f.t ~ it '!''f ;r;cfi able to gather from the expressions which we ~ ~~~~~~ were given vent to hy the hon. Memhers in this House is that there is nothing indivi- ~ i'lifI' U dually against the Members of the Railwa y Board but it is the dseire of every hOD. ~ m'lf ~ wrt ~ ~ : rn * f;;m: t;f\1: ~ lift been always and it will continue to be th., ~ mit \fT tlf'R ~ ~ ITlIT endeavour of the Ministry to see that thel e * is a proper functioning at a high level. ~ I ~ m'lf ~ ~

    [Shri Md. Shaft Quare5hil ~ hat ~ a..uways are now CGPtempktiDi the Government are carried out by the to have their own ~ ~ whU:h would Railway Board. There can be no two go to ttle ~ pool and as and when we opinions about it that it is the M:iIIiBtry reqwre we will use, and if some surplus whicil is 1IltimaUly reapoRBiOle to thie is left, daat can be utliaed by the Statea Parliament and this aupst Houac. 11 CODllCllleG. will be our endeavour to see that tbe Railway The other points are of general type Board's functioning is made more workable which will be replied by tbe Minister when and they are made respoasible f.or the job he replies to the debate. which are aaloiancd '" tAem. I wOllid requat the hon. Members here that they saould by Mr. Indrajit Gupta has raised a poiDt more considerate to the Members of the about Martin Burn Railway employees. Railway Board. I am sure, if they come in As has been stated earlier altw in reply to close contatt wittl theae people, they will various questions, all those people who find that they are good people.tJllfoms. were working on these Railways would be nateiy, it is because they are keepini some absorbed in the Indian Railways. It has distance from them that they do not come to been our policy that all those people who know them. have been retJ:encbed from these Railways will be re-employed on the Indian Railways, SHIRl DINEN Bl:IATIACHARYYA but the only difficulty has been that the (Serampore): No que&tion of tbOlie unions concemed are not permitting us to people beins good or bad. The whole absorb these people on the various Railways. Railway BoaR! should go. It ia a mele9. We have ai"cD option to theBe employees Baud. we have asked them as to where they would ~ to be absorbed, and we have tried to SHRI MOltD. SHAFI QURESHI : accommodate them, as far as possible, close Another important point that ~ Bhat- to the places where they would have normally tacharyya raised is that we should try to liked to stay. If the unions agree, we will improve our traction so far as the railways have no hesitation to do that. We have are concerned. There can be not two been persistently requesting the unions to opinions about it that diesel traction is more look to the difficulties of these people efficient as compared to steam tractian and but I am very sorry to say that the union, electric traction is even more efficient than are insensitive to the difficulties of these the diesel one. It bas been our effon to employees. Even then· see that, gradually, on high-density lines diesel and electric traction trains are introdu- SHRI S. M. BANERJEE (KANPUR) : duced. We have made some effons in this When they were retrenched from service direction which have borne very good results there was a screening committee, and even The total electri'led traction in terms of those people who have been screened have kilometres on the Indian railways is expected not been taken. to increase from ~ Km. as on 3-18t March. SHRI MOHl). SHAFI QURESHI : I ~ to 4365 Km. by the end of the Founh am giving an assurance in this House that Plan. So, every etlon will be mllde all those people who have been screened will to see that, in high-density traffic areas be absorbed in the Indian Railways. They better traction is utilised, either diesel or have not been absorbed in the places where electric, depending upon the availability ot they would have normally liked to stay elec:tricity. As I have already pointed out because of the difficulties created by the in my .lpeech in the other House, the RBiI- unions .. " .. (Interruption) ways have felt this difticuIty that we are not able to gct eiectricilyin various States. This SHRI DINEN BHATTACHARY¥A : is because of .hartai!' of electricity in 1he Fifty are still left out. They have not yet country. It i'''ping that factor in view been absorbed. 241 D. S. Q. (RI1I'J PHALfJUNA at, l'8M ~ D. B. G. (Rill•. ' 1972 -73 1972-73 SIUt.I MOllO. SKAFI QURBSKI I in this ~ I woald like to make As I haft ~ tMre ltave beeft' ~ aile poim cleM". Policing of' the railways dill:lDlioN hetwetft t!IIe laden of various is efttirely \!he 1\!!Iponsibility of the State unionl mit the railway staff. We are still GowmmeM becuase Jaw 8:1d order falls trying to pel'lU8de those people to aHow them wtIhirt Ibe plll'Yie'W of the Stfte Government. to \!): ablal'bei on the ~ Railways. TIle iWlwa'Y Protection Porce is meant to protect the railway property. OUr cHfIiculty Sari Iade.jit GUJ'ts hat 11180 RiIlCld is flIM a. the raw ,tand, to-day, the Railway a pr>int ah3llt corrdlnatioR ....• Pl'Olecti0ft Force is not in a position to take capiZllftce of certain cases because these SHRI DINEN BHAlTACHAR,Y¥A flrll withilt the parview of law and order of What do you say regardiJlg Ibe employeetl a particular State. But even then we have of Manin Bum Railways who are still not been • the highest Ie\1d tryiJIK 10 ewWe a absorbed ? There are So of them, so far SYBt.eJB by whicla we can oe-oNinare the 8S I know. efforts of the S- P.,lice and the Railway Police f0r .fflWti'le fuftCtioning of' tbe police SHiU MOUD. SHAFI QUlIlE9Hl : forces, and to dIe.;k ""P tbepilferaFs an" I have aI_dy stated that all thme people thefts andtic;kedess tAvel .ad Bee abat tbe who lost tl1* jobs because of' the closure railway propctty, passengers aad GIleir liva of this Plltieu4er tbil'way wr1l ~ abilOrbed are properly proteaed. in the IndiaR RMhvays. Most of them have been absorbed. The o!hers also could SHRI VASANT SATHE (Akola) : have been abeorbed in variou. Railways ~ were they not able to protect the railway but for tbe dfflb:1lties cn:'IIted 'by ~ uniom. property in ~ if they are meant to I have ~ this over II'tId over a gain. protect the mkwy property? What is the re&IKJn ? Ctores of' rapees ~ worth of' railway Another imponant point that Shri property was destryoed ? Indrsiit Gupta raised was about the coordi- nation between the Ministry of Railways SHRI MOHO. SHAFI QURESHI: and the Ministry of Steel and Mines • I will come to that. After the complete nationalisation of coa I mines, there have been negotiations-and With regard to the incident at Himgiri even before, between the Railway auth6PifieR there, firing, had to be resoned to, as I had and the coalmine owners. We will see stated eatlier in reply to a call attention that there is effectivef\lnctiOJllng so far as only after all other methods of persuasion imovement of coal is concerned. I l1li1 and e'\'en physical force failed. The Officer informed that even today meetings have ,'mmanding of "the Govermnent Railway heen taking place between the Member Pollce is an official of the State Government (Mechanical), Member (Transponation) and It is for the State Government to rake any the Financial Commitisioner of Railway a4tion which they deem fit against this 'Parti- Board and the Custodian General of coal- cular poli<:e officer. The State Government. mines. I can assure the House that Rail- has already ordered a magisterial inquiry into ways have always been giving fu 11 cooPera- this incident. So, it will not be proper for tion to other depanments. Now that it has me to say anytlUng which m3Y prejudice been completely nati onalised, it becomes our cenain issues which may be gone into by the national duty to see that there is aboslutely ~ inquiry. full and close coordination between the SHRI S. M. BANERJEE: Mr. Railway administration and the mining N. C. Roy Choudhury, General Secretary administration. of the South-Eastern Railwaymen's Union Another point which was raised was about was arrested, he was hand-cuffed and a rope the expenditure on poli<:e and the incident was tied around his waist and he was taken at HimSiri 19hidl was de9ltwith in detail into police custody. He was not a criminal. 243 D. S. G. (RIll'.) 1972-73 MARCH 20, 1973 D.S. G. (RIll") 1972-73 244

    [Shri S. M. Banerjee) needs rMreaB at the hands of the railway Sir, the other day, immediately after the authorities and we will certainly look into firing incident, the Railway Minister was it. But so Car as negotiations are cencemed., kind enough to (Xlnvene a meeting which it may be done only with the recogniaed. Mr. Indrajit Gupta attended and where tbe Labour unions and unfortunately or Member ,(Transportation) and other Railway fortunately, there are only two unions in Board officials were also present and I was the railways with whom we are carrying on happy that immediately after that a decision negotiations, but that in no way bars other was announced. Immediately after that people to bring to the notice of the railways meeting, Mr. Roy Choudhury was arrested any complaints or any grievance or any and hand-cuffed. This is somethinll extra- suggestion! for the improvement of the ordinary. functloning of the Indian railways. SHRI MOHO. SHAFI QURESHI : Regarding extension of certain lines Mr. Banerjee would appreciate our difficul- or construction of new lines this is a conti_ ties. The - Railway Protection Force as nuous operation of the Indian Railways. such has no powers to prosecute any person. As I have already stated, extension of railway It will be the State Police which is to take lines would be possible when there are -cognizance of any offence committed within terminal facilities. If the traffic demand the railway premises or outside. All this grows up the question of new lines are taken is done by the State Police. Whether these up. If we find that tenninal facilities are people working on the railways were there and good traffic goes up, these are threatened, he will certainly inquire into it. always thing. which are considered by the So, there is no question of intimidating or' Railways and appropriate action is taken. I threatening or coercing anybody, more so can assure the hon. Members that as and our own employees, because I have been time when the traffic demand warrants these and again stating that the whole railway things and the situation is such that we have organization will he considered as one family to el,:tend some 'lines or to introduce some and it will be our duty to see that the emplo- new lines, the Railways, will not hesitate yees, wherC\'er they are, are not harassed to do such a thing. With these words I unnecessarily by our police or ~ the State close. Thank you. Police. 14 brs. The policy with regard to the unions, .IS it stands to-day, is that the railways have no ~ m4': ~ recognised two unions and it is the endeavour if; mrn- m- if; ~ otT ~ of the unions to see that we can persuade it ~ ~~~~ ~ various unions to fonn one single union, that is the aim. It is for the labour leaders '1fT 'Ii<:i1T ~ I m;;r '1fT ~ otT .rrif and lIlore especially, eminent people like ~ ~ st ~ ~ om if lIrir ~ Mr. Banerjee and others, to presuade these it ;ftf ~ ~ R4'T I ~ ~ unions that they should form a single union. ~ ~ m ~~~

    With regard to the other unioIlll which SHRI MOHO. SHAFI QURESHI : I have been fonned in the railways, our policy shall look into it. is that there can be no direct talks' \\'ith MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: He will these unions. But any complaints forwarded consider all that. Now the question is : by these unions will be positively looked into because everybody :who is serving in "That the respecti"e Supplementary the railways bas a right to bring to the notice sums not exceeding the amounts of the railway authorities any grievance he shown in the third -column of the may have or any complaint which he feeia order paper be granted to the 245 Appropriation PHALGUNA 21, il894 (SAKA) Appropriation ~ . (Railwalls) Bm, 11178 (Rcdlwav.s) BtU, 1973 President to defray the charges the purposes of railway., be lakCII which will COIl)e in coune of pay- into consideration." ment during the year ending the SHRI S. M. BANERJEE : Sir, 3ISt day of March, 1973, in respect want only 2 minutes ..•. of the following demands entered in the second column thereof : MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER : Please confine yourself the procedure; you know Demand Nos. 1,4' to 10, 12 and IS to the procedure very well. 17· It The motion was adopted. . SHRI S. M. BANERJEE : He mayor may not reply to points. But still I would like to urge upon him about one thing. This 14·02 hrl. APPROPRIATION (RAILWAYS) is about the demand of the Railway employees- • for the payment of bonus . BILL, 1973 MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER : There- THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE is the next item. Are you not speaking 0 .. MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (SHRI the next item ? He ~ give the reply MOHO. SHAFI QURESHI) : in Supplementary Demands.

    On behalf of Shri L. N. Mishra, I beg SHRI S. M. BANERJEE : just to move for leave to introduce a Bill to autho- want an assurance .... rise payment and appropriation of certain MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER further sums from and out of the Consoli- At the wrong moment .... dated Fund of India for the services of the financial year 1972-73 for the purposes SHRI S. M. BANERJEE : Sir, let of railways. him say he will respect the assurance given by his Minister and that he will keep an MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : The question is : open mind. That is all the assurance I want .... "That leave be granted to introduce a Bill to authorise payment and MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER : You appropriation of certain further sums may say something when we take up the next from and out of the Consolidated item. This is not the appropriate time. Fund of India for the services Now, the question is : of the financial year 1972-73 for the purposes of railways." "That the Bill to authorise pa ym en The /tIotian was adopted. and appropriation of certain further sums from and out of the Consolidated Fund of India for the services of SHRI MOHD. SHAFI QURESHI the 5nancial year 1972-73 for th e- Sir, I introduce 'the Bill. purposes of railways, be taken into SHRI MOHD. SHAFI QURESHI consideration." Sir, I beg to move :: The motion was adopted. "That the Bill to authorise payment and appropriation of certain further MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : We shall sums from and out of the Consoli- now take up clause-by-c1ause consideralion. dated Fund of India for the services The question is : of the financial year 1972-73 for "That Clauses 2 and 3, the Schedule clause I, the Enacting Formula 'Published in Gazette of India Extra- and the Title stand part of th e- ol'liiDary Part 11, Section 2, dated 20-3-73· Bill." tlntroouced. Moved with the recommen- The motion rvas adopted.- dation of the President. .a47 lleMIRGr /or .Grall" Detn4ndl 1m' Gromi {il.ilaMlt/a). 1.1m·'N (1iaitW«IfI). '1MII-f4 Cl_ :2 and 3, the Sclrldul., ClInU' I, lXIftIe flI course of paymmt during the rIN ErlDCri,. F--' aIId the Titl, ~ endinr the ~ day of March, fHT' iIIIJMl kI ,.. BiU. 1'74,·in l'elpect of 'Mlscellaneous SHRI MOHO. SHAFI QURESHI Bspetlditure'. " I beg to awvc : :DwoMm> No. Jo-o-I'A'lNEtITS TO WOJUCBD "Tllattbe 8ill be palled" LINES AND OTHERS MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER The ques- MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : Motion doD is : moved : "That the Bill be passed." "That a sum not exceeding Rs. ISAS,ooo be granted to dle TIw "",liM _ tIIIotud. ~ to defray the cberaa which will come in course of payment durin, the year ending the 31St day '1:4·115 bn. of ~ 19'14, in respect of DEMANDS· FOR GRANTS (RAIL- ·P.yments to Worked Lines ~ WAYS), 1973-74 Others.' 'J MR. DBPUTY..sPEAKER Now -we shall take up the next item....,oemaQds ADMINISTRATION for Grants in respect of the Budget (Railways) MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER Motion for 1973-74· moved :

    SHRI DlNEN BHATfACHARYYA "That a sum not ~

    DllMANO ·No. I-RAILWAY BOARD DBMAND NO. 5-W'ORICING EXPENSES- REPAIRS .AND MAINTENANCE MR. DBPUTY·SPEAKER : Motion .moved MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Motion "That a sum not exceeding moved Rs. 1,75,16,000 be granted to the "That a sum not exceeding RI. President to defray the charges 363,59,77,000 be granted to the which will come in course of payment 'President to defray the charges during the year ending the 31st which will come in coone of payment day of March, 1974, in respect dllrin, the endi!)g the 3lJt 4Ioy of of 'Railway Board·... March 1974, in -re1j)CQt of 'WoriWIg DEMAND No. ~ LL O .E&pCQ&fS-Rllplira and Mainte- n.ance',n EKPPNDITtJU DEM'AND NO.6-0WOIUCIi'G 49jQOO be fnlnl4lli to br President. the Presideftt .to cidra?( the Clbtllgea 249 Demands jor Grants MARCH 10. 19118 :Demancb jor ~ ~ (Aaitwa1lS). 1973-74 ,QlIrflwafl'). 1973-74 which will came in CO\IrSC of ~ Pnaidmt to defray the chari t ment duriDf the year ending the whillh will come in course 0 f 3ISt day of March, 1914. in respect I'8iYDICD t dllring the year ending of 'Working Expenses-Operating the 31st day of March, 1974, in Staff'''' respect of 'Wmtting Expenses- Staff Welfare·... DEMAND NO.7-WORKING EXPENSIS .-.oPI!ltATION (FUEL) DEMAND No. II-\VORKING EXPENSES- MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Motion A'PPROPRJATION TO DEPRFCIATION moved REsERVE FUND "That a sum not exceeding MR. ~ Motion Rs. 185,54,39,000 be granted to moved the President to defray the charges 'That a sum not exceeding which will come in coune of payment Re. IIS,OO,oo,ooo be granted to during the year ending the 3 ISt day the President to defray the charges of March, 1974, in rc8pcc:t of which will come in course of pay- 'Working Expenses-Operation ment ,during the 'year ending the 3 ISt (Fuel)·... day of Maroh 1974, ,in respect of 'Working Expenses-Appropriation DEMAND No. S.-WORKING EXPENSES- to Depreciation ReterVe Fund'." OPERATION OTHER THAN STAFF AND Fun. DEMAND No. IIA-WORKING EXPENSES- ApPROPRIATION PENSION FUl'OD MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKFJt : Motion moved MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Motion "That a sum not exceeding moved Rs. 57,24,00,000 be granted to the "That a sum not exceeding President to defray the charges which Rs. 16,00,00,000 be granted to the wiJI come in course of payment President to dc!fray the charges during the year ending the 3 ISt which will come in course of pay- day of March, 1974, in respect of- ment during the year ending the 'Working Expenses-Operation other 3ISt day of March, 1974, in respect than 5taff and Fuel·... 'Working Expenses-Appropriation Pension Fund.' .. DEMAND No. 9-WOIIKING 'ExPfNsES- M1SCELLANIlOUS E!lPBN!ES [)I!MAND No. U-DIVIDEND TO GENERAL REVENUFS MR. D'EPUTY-SPEAKER Motion MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Motion lDoved moved ''That a sum not exceeding "That a sum not exceeding its. 42,08,30,000 be granted to the Rs. 172,61,>16,000 be granted to the President to defray the charges President to defray the charges which wiJI come in course of which will come in course of pay- ,payment during the year ending ment during the year ending the 31 8t the 3'ISt day of March, 1914, in day of Marob, 1974, In respect of reBpeot of 'Working Bxpenses- 'Dividend to General Revenucs·... MilicelltmeOlis ,Eotpenses·... DIINluro No. I)-OPEN LINE WORKS DEMAND No. 10-\VORKING EXPENSFS- (bvENuB) STAPF WUFARI' MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : Motion MR. DEPUTY-Si'liAKER: Motion lnoved moved "That a sum not cxceedings "That a lum Dot exceeding Rs. 11,00>38;000 be granted to the Re. p,t8,7lI,ooo be grmted to the Prcsictent to defray the (harges aSI Pemandl jor Grants MARCH 20, 19'73 Demandl jar Grants (Railwal/s), 1978-74 (Railwal/S), 1973-74 which will come ID course of' DEMAND No. 17-REPAYMENT OF LOANS payment during the yeer ending FROM GENERAL REvBNUEs AND INTEREST the 318t day of March, 1974, in THBRI!ON-DBVELOPMENT FUND respect of '()pen Line works MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : Motion (Revenue)'. " moved:

    DEMAND No. 14-CONSTRUCTION OF NEW "That a sum not exceeding LINI!S-CAPITAL AND DEPRJICIATION Rs. 5,%2.,78,000 be granted to RESERVE FUND the President to defray the charges which will come in course of pay- MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER Motion ment during the year ending the moved: 31st day of March, 1974, in respect of 'Repayment of Loans from Gene- ~ a sum not exceeding ral Revenues and Interest thereon'- Rs. 36,76,55,000 be granted to the -Development Fund'.n President to defray the charges DBMAND No. 18-ApPROPRIATlON TO DEVE- which will come in course of payment LOPMENT FUND during the year ending the 31 st day of March, 1974, in respect of MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER MotioD 'O>nstruction of new Lines-Capi- moved: tal and Depreciation Reserve "That a sum not exceeding Fund.' Rs. 16,46,59,000 be granted to the DEMAND NO. 15-0 l' 11' Lure WORKS- Presitlent to defray the' charges CAPITAL, DEPRECIATION RESERVE which will come in course of pay- FuND AND DEVELOPMENT FUND ment during the year ending the 31St day of March, 1974, in respect MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER Motion of 'Appropriation to Development moved: Fund.It' DEMAND No. 19-!\PPROPRIATION TO RE- "That a sum not exceeding VENUE REsERVEF UND Rs. 741,60,Il,000 be granted to the President to defray the charges MR. DEPUTY SPEEKER Motion which will come in course of pay- moved: "That a sum not exceeding ment during the year endinges Rs. 8,53,99,000 be granted to the the 31St day of March, 1974, in President to defray the _barges respect of 'Open Line Works-Capi- which will come in course of pay- tal, Depreciation Reserve Fund ment during the year ending the and Development Fund'. " 31st day of March, 1974, in respect of 'Appropriation to Revenue DEMAND No. 16-PENsIONARY CHARGE&- Reserve Fund'." PENSION FUND DEMAND NO.2.o-PAYMBNTS TOWORDS AMORTISATION OF OVER CAPITALISATION MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER Motion Rl!PAYMENTS OF LOANS FROM GENERAL moved : REVENUES AND rNTBREST THIIREON-REVENUE "That a sum .1I0t· exceeding REsBRvs Fl!ND Rs. Il,57,34,ooo be granted to MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : Motion the President to defray the charges moved ' which will come in course of payment "That a sum not exceeding ('uring the yur ending the 31st day Rs. 8,76,2.2.,000 be granted to the-· of March, 1974, in respect of 'Pen- President to defray the charge, t ionary Charges-Pension Fund'." which will come in c:ourse.of payment 253 D. G. (RIll".) PHALGUNA 29, 1894 (SARA) D. G. (RIllS.) 1973-74 1973-74 during the year ending the 3 lit day basis. When the law is there and the Act has of M.rc·l, 1974, i.l respect of 'Pay- been modified to this effect tilat whether ments towards Amortisation of over a concern is making profit or loss, Capitalisation, Repayments of Loan if It is a commercial concern, tilen from General Revenues and Interest there Is an obligation on the part of thereon-"Revenue FWld". the employer to pay bonus to the em- ployees of that concern to a minimWll of 8· 33 per cent of the total annual earnings, The Railway Demands are before the I do not know why tilat is not being follow_ House. ed in the case of the railway employees. Seven hours have been allotted for this When the question was raised in tile House, discussion. There is a large number of Cut the hon. Minister had stated categorically Motions. Those han. Members who are that he had not closed his mind on this present in the House may indicate the issue an j that the issue was still open. So, numbers of the Cut Motions they want to at this stage, I would request him at least to move within 15 minutes. make an announcement that the railway em- ployees also will get bonus like their counter- SHRI DlNEN BHATTACHARYYA parts in the other public undertakings like the (Serampore): Sir, Cut motions relate to tile HSL etc. I do not find why there should functioning of the Railway Board also. Ins- be any dilferentiation between the employees pite of all the explanations and the replies of the different public sector undertakinltS. given by the Railway Minister now and by his ~ I do not find any justifica_ The han. Minister is saying that after tion for continuing the Railway Board. So the Pay Commission come out with their rar as I know the. salaries and other benefits report, he may consider this question. But that the Railway Board members enjoy for I do not find any logic in this argument be- one month will mount to more than the pay cause the Pay Commission will only decide on of the 400 Class IV employees for the whole wage scale and other matters, but bonus is an year. Moreover, this Railway Board was in- amount to which an employee is entitJed after troduced by the Britishers and, as such, I do working in a concern for one year. So, the not find any justification for continuing with han. Minister should not mix up the two the system even after 25 years of Independ- issues, namely the question of bonus and tilat ence and taking over of the Railways by the of wages. It is only wages which would be determined by the Pay Commission. Re- Government. garding bonus, the clear-cut law which is there in this regard should be implemented in My next point is about filling up of the the case of the railway employees also. vacancies in the Railways. The Government is so much loud about its assurances of giving There are certain otiler matters also employment but so far as I know there are so many vacant posts in all the railways. I. where I want a categorical assurance will plead with the Minister that these vacant from the han. Minister. I had corres- pondence with the Railway Ministry also posts should be filled up and preference before Shri L. N. Mishra took charge, re- should be given to the temporary and garding tile reopening of the Martin Railways casual employees of tile railways. in the Howrah-Amta and Howrah-Seakhala section. Now, they are thinking whether it My next point is regarding the payment is possible to lay a broad gauge line in that of bonus. It has already been referred to by area. I do not have any confidence in this Mr. Banerjee. I do not find any reason for type of assurances from the hon. Minister. not paying bonus to the rllilway employees The railway line was there, and tile Prime as the rllilways are run on a commercial MInister herself at an election meeting Cave 3891 L.S.-9 ass D. G. (RIll") 1973-74 MARCH 20. 1973 D. G. (RIll'') 1973-74

    [Sbri Dinen Bhattadlaryya) construction ofan over-bridge or under-bridge a categorical assurance that if the people or fly-over is met, the Railways can undertake voted for the Congress Party and the Congress the reaponaibili!y of COllltructinS it. My Party came to power, the Martin Railways point is that the State Government will would be reopened. But now the Railway never be in a poaition to pay that 50 per Ministry is saying that that lisht railway is cent. Every year we put this issue to the not economically viable and they have set up Railway Ministry and every time the ~ an enquiry to see whether it is possible to lay say that ~ per cent en the COlIt is to be borne a broad sause line there. I do not know by the State Government. The State Govern- whether it would be possible to lay a broad ment is not in a position to do so. I do not sauge line there or not. Perhaps, it may know in how many States they can pay be possible. But it will take years and years to this So per cent. In West Seapl, many rail- lay that line even on the small portion, be- way gates are there and the Railway itself cause of the density of population in that should immediately take up the responsibility area, which may create problems. Already of constructing a t1y-over at least in the only two days back, the StallJman had come Serampur ponion I mentioned. It is a very out with a write-up on this matter, where the important and busy railway crossing where columnist has said that the railways will be even VIPs like the Railway Minister travelling facins diftlculties in the matter of acquisition through that ponion will find themselves of the necessary lands for this line. So, the stranded for hours. people have no confidence in this type of Coming to the next suggestion, the assurance. Minister bas announced that upto 20 km, So, I would again like to ask the hOn. win be exempt from the increase in third class Minister why he should not take over the fares. But why does he not extend this relief assets of the Martin Lisht Railways and im- to monthly ticket holders'? Hundred. of mediately start the operation of the railway thousands of ordinary people, middle class as it is. There is also a small portion people and lower middle class people, are of that railway in Bihar. I would ask the hon. daily passengers in this category. What is Minister to take over that line also. the hann if this relief is extended to them within this distance? Then a large section There was also another question which of daily passengers in Bombay, Calcutta, was just now raised, when the Supplementary Delhi, Madras and other places will be bene- Demands were discussed, regarding the ab- fited. So I will plead with the Minister to sorption of the Martin Light Railway em- extend the concession to monthly ticket ployees. holders. It was an assurance. The Mhister also Sir. the other points that still need atten- agreed to it and even now he is ag: eeing that tion .... all the employees of the Manin Railway will AN HON. MEMBER: That is a good be taken in the Indian Railways. Now there suggestion to be considered. are 50 such employees still left to be absorbed. I want to know from the Minister whether SHRI DINEN BHATTACHARYYA: these 50 employees who have not so far been Very good suggestinn. The Minister is very taken in any Railway will be ab,orbed in the considerate, I know, u,'C1use there are so many near fu ture or not. persons from Bihar who are all residing in the suburbs of Calcutta and travelling as Then there are many improvements I daily passengers to attend their offices and want to suggest. In the GT Road ponion. factories. there are many railway crossings. The busiest of them, in the Serampur area, is in The next point to which I request the my constituency. Every time the Government attention of the hon. Minister is this. There pleads tllat if 50 per cent of the cost for the is a serious complaint regarding reservation in 257 D. G. (RIll'.) PHALGUNA 29, 1894 (SAKA) D. G. (RIll") 1973-74 1973-74 three-tier long-distance express ani mlil suburban sections, especially on the Howrah- trains. Bo,a fide passengers standin, in the Sealdah section. I would request the queue even 10 days earlier do no t act re- Minister to give me the comparative ligures ~ but by some other trick some people .howing the number of EMU coaches runn- manage to get reservation even on the dilY Ing in Bomtay and the number of EMU they want to travel by lbe train. colchea running on the Howrah-Sealdah section, because I ....now that lbe number of AN HON. MEMBER: That is through EMU local trains for lbe daily passengers is MPs. higher in Bombay than in Calcutta. The Calcutta people c:omplain lbat in spite of SHRI DINEN BHATTACHARAVYA their repeated representations to the Govern- I am referring to ordinarythird-clus three-tie ment for increasing the number of trains, reservation. MPa do not travel third c1aas· that is not being done. They travel lint class. I am complaining abou t the reservation in lbe third class. I would also request the Minister to see that a double line is introduced-there is SHRI VASANT SATHE (Alcola) only single line now--on the Tarkeshwar You cannot understand his mischievous sug- branch, because Tarkeshwar is a pilgrim gestion. centre and thousands of passengen go there daily. Also, lbere must be a double SHRI DINEN BHATTACHARYYA line introduced on the Bandel-Katwa section I do not know whether he will understand in lbe Eastern Railway. 1:his sugg!stioa of min:, b!cdu;! so mmy people complain and they com: to us and say, "What are you doing for this? At Then, the Bankura-Damodar railway is a least see that on plym:nt of mJney we get narrow gauge line, where formerly lbere waR l'es:rvation." I reqllest the MiniHer to see a severe accident. The employees compaline i (0 this simple lbing. that the authorities forced to run an engine which had been condemned, as a result of Then, there is corruption. I have seen it which there had been a serious accident and with my own eyes in Bombay V.T. There some people died. That is a narrow gauge are agents; they are cillled dalals; they line. Why don't you convert it into a broad :go around .... gauge line which is very essential for the people of that locality? You can also extend it to AN HON. MEMBER: Whilt about Bardoman if you desire So and to Tarkeshwar Howrah also if you like. If extension is not possible SHRI DINEN BHATTACHARYYA: immediately, at least they should convert lbe Howrah also. In the big stations, these Dalals narrow gauge line into broad-gauge. With are moving round and catching lbeir clients lbese remarks, I conclude. .and taking money and getting reservations .clone for them. But the ordinary man· SHRI ARJUN SETHI (Bhadrak) : tltanding in tile queue for hours togelber will While supporting the demands of the Railway lI.ot get it. My point is, you must evolve Ministry for the year 1973-74, I want to refer n system of checking us this corruption. You to some things relating to lbe State of Orissa. JlIust see that reservations are given without The Railway Minister has in his budget speech difficulty and see that a procedure is evolved indicated that the survey of the railway 8ea that the ordinary, bona fide passenacn are line between Banapani and Jakherpura aot harassed. would be taken by during 1973-74. He has also indicated that any new project could be There are other suggestions riven in my considered if only the annual traffic was.t (:ut motions. One of them i8 regarding least of lbe order of three million tonnea • the increase in lbe. number of trains on the In this context it may be mentioned that the . 259 D. G. (Rill'.) 1973-7. MARCH 20, 1973 D. G. (RillS.) 1973-74 260

    [Shri Arjun Seth] which some of the railway doctors function detailed engineering-cum-traffic for this link in some of the areas. They only go through was undertaken IS far back as 1963-64. It the previous records and on the basis of those is not a new or fresh proposal; it is a very records they come to the conclusion that this old one which has been the long-standing is an unremunerative line and that this demand of the people of Orissa. This area ~ not be a paying proposition. In this way is predominantly inhabited by adivasis and they come to the conclusion. Scheduled Castes and a further engineering I request the hon. Minister that he should survey does not appear to be necessary. The ItO into details all these matters so that the Railways also undertook detailed rraffic-cum- people in certain areas who are being neglected engineering survey for Talcher-Bimalgarh- for so long a time get due justice in course of Kora-Banspani link, only a couple of years lime. I have written to the former Railway ago. Most of the traffic projections made Minister, Shri Pai about this. And I must for that survey should also hold good for the say that he is very considerate. He has given B anspani-Jakhapura link. So it is needless us a shuttle train from Bhadrak to Bhubanes- to mention once again in the bud8ct speech war. This will certainly do )ustice not only to that for the first time this survey will be me, as Member of Parliament but to all those undertaken. people who are residing in these areas. This is a longstanding. demand of the people of The hon. Minister is aware that recently that area. I must therefore thank the Minister the Steel and Mines Ministry and the State who is fortunately here and I must convey my Government of Orissa had decided to explore ~ to Mr. Pai for the justice he has done the Malangtoli Iron Ore, Sukindo nickel to the people. deposits and Sarakapalli lead deposits. It is in the fitness of things that the hon. Railway I have written to the hon. Minister-the new Ministry and the Railway Administration Railway Minister-regarding the services- should take immediate steps so that rendered at the Bhadrak Railway Dispensary. this line may be constructed soon. The I have also written in the past to the former area is ~ and this Ii ne will Railway Minister, Shri Hanumanthayya as provide the infrastructure for the develop- ako to Shwi Pai and to Shri Mishra. I person- ment of that area. Government is keen to ally f.,e! that the ministers have no opportunity develop such areas and so the Railways also to know about all these things. And whatever must pay attention to the development of this they hear from the officials of the Railway region by constructing this new line from Board or from the zonal railway officer he Jakhapura to Banspani. If that is done, the just takes their remark. into consideration. iron ores which are being transmitted from 1 reqllest that the hon. Minister must consider Daitari mines through road transport at a having more doctors in Bhcru Railway Dis- high cost could be transported cheaper. penlBlY. There are at pre,ent two rai:lway doctors-one for looking aft.,r the passengers· I now come to the rolling stock programmes in the trains and the other for looking after the for the year. It is noticed that no programmes railway employees stationed there. Only are being taken up speciatly in Orissa; there one doctor looks after 1068 families or so. h only one programme at Nilagirilevel corss- It is humtu:lly quite impossible to look after Ing in the district of Balsore; no other pro- the people there by one doctor. I would re- grammes are there. quest the hon. Minister to give his pcrsoml attention to this problem and do something, So, I request the bon. Minister that he for the people there. I also want to draw the' ehOuld not be miBgllided by tbe .Bill.. , oftl- attention of the Minister to another thing.· (:Ulis like this whom I cooeider that they do not In the Khurda Road Dlvisibn there are a' know the actual position that obtains to-day. ~ of gangmen who have been servinI' 'rhey may not even how the IIctIIaI poIidon in for the Pisr ten yeRn or, 80. Still tbey are 261 ,D. G. ~ PHALGUNA 29, 1894 (SAKA) D. G. (RillS.) 1973-74 1973-74 being considered 118 casual. laboaren. Tiley "That the demand IIIIdI!l' the bead Railway are on authorised scales of pay. But still they Board be reduced to Re. I." are treated as casual labourer9-temporary- [Failure to construct dust-proof windows and their service conditions are such that they for long distance trains (s)]. are not yet made permanent. I request the hon. Minister to consider their cases favour- "That the demand under the head Railway ably. Board be re":uced to Re. I."

    In the Kharagpur division there are some [Failure to improve catering system in the 'gangmen who have already been declared as long distance trains (6) J. permanent. Why not make the employees "That the demand under the head Railway of the Khurda division also permanent ? Board be ~ to Re. I." While replying to my question, the previous [Failure to sanction city allowance to railway Railway Minister, Mr. Hanumanthaiya said staff in the suburban areas' in S.B. Rail- in 1971 that a fast train will be run from way (7)]. Howrath to Waltair. We are now in 1973 and ~ no decision has been taken in this regard. "That the demand under the head Railway Board be reduced to Re. I." There are some sweepers in Bhadrak railway station. They are now provided with very [Failure to reopen the Martin Bum's small living quarters. There is no kitchen Howrah-Amta and Howrah-Shcakhala Light Railways (8)]. and no latrine, either common or acparate. I req ucst the Minister to take note of aU these 'That the demand under the head Railwa y points and see that these things are done. Board be reduced to Re. I." SHRI JAGADISH BHATTACHARYYA [Failure to improve the railway crossin&' (Ghatal): I beg to move : roads and station side roads (9)]. "That the Demand under the head Railway "That the demand under the head Railway Board be reduced to Re. 1." Board be reduced to Re. I." [Failure to check top-heavy administration [Failure to solve the difficulties of the in the Railways (1)). EMU coach daily passengers in Howrab station (10)]. SHRI SAROJ MUKHERJEE (Katwa): I beg to move: "That the demand under the head Railway "That the demand under the head Railway Board be reduced to Re. I." Board be reduced to Re. 1." [Failure to solve the difficulties of passen- [Failure to abolish the Railway Board (1)]. gers for reservation of scats for long journeys (II»). SHRI S. P. BHATTACHARYYA (Uluberia) : I heg to move : "That the demand under the head "That the demand under the head Railwa) , Railway Board be reduced to Re. I." Board be reduced to Re. 1." [Failure to give security and permanency of [Failure to improve the conditions of service to the casual labour of Indian Rail- Maurigram station in S. E. Railway ways (11)J. urgently (3)]. SHRI JAGADISH BHATTACHARYYA . "That the demand under the head Railway I beg to !Love; ; . Board be reduced to Re. 1." "That the demand under the head Mis- [Failure to maintain a 1st class waiting room cellaneousexpenditure be reduced to Re. 1." in Bijnore station in N. Railwo)' [Failure to run an express train on C4l]. Khoragpur-Adra (14)1. D. G. (RillS.) 1973-74 MAacH 20, 1973 D. G. (Rill'.) 1978-74

    [Shri ~ Bhattacharyya] SHRI SARO} MUKHERJEE I beg "That the ~ under the head to move: Miscellaneous expenditure be reduced "That the demand under the head Ordi- to Re. I." nary Working Expenses-Administration be [Failure to run electric trains from reduced to Re. I." Kharagpur to Adra (IS)]. [Failure to reduce expenditure on top heavy "That the demand under the head Mis- AdministIation of Indian Railways and cellaneous expenditure be reduced to Re. I." utilise the funds for construction of new lines (36)]. [Failure to open new lines from Bishnupur to Arambag (16)]. "That the demand under the head Ordi- nary Working Expenses-Administration be "That the demand under the head Mis- reduced by Rs. 100." cellaneous expenditure be reduced lO Re. I." [Failure to maintain good relations with the [Failure to take over Martin Railway passengers who want to express their from Howrah to Amta (17)]. genuine grievances through the four Passengers Associations in Howrah Divi- "That the demand under the head Mis- sion in the Eastern Railway (41)]. cellaneous expenditure be reduced to Re. I." [Failure to extend broad gauge line "That the demand under the head Ordi- from Bankura to Damadar River nary Working Expenses-Administration b" (18)]. reduced by Rs. 100."

    "That the demand under the head [Failure of the administration of Eastern Ordinary Working Expenses-Administration Railway to keep regular contact with the be reduced to Re. I." Passengers Associations (42)]. [Failure to grant bonus to Railway "That the demand under the head Ordi- employees (32)]. nary Working Expenses-Administration be "That the demand under the head reduced by Rs. 100." Ordinary Working Expenses-AdministIation [Callousness of the authorities towards the be reduced to Re. I." grievances of Railway Staff particularly of [Failure to improve the pay scales of the running staff of Rajdhani ~ Railwayemployees upto the post of brought to notice by some M.Ps. (43)]. Station Master (33)]. "That the demand under the head Ordi- nary Working Expenses-Administration be "That the demand under the head Ordinary reduced by RI. 100." Working Expenses-Administration be re- duced to Re. I." [Callousness of the authorities of Eastern [Failure lO improve the service condition Railway in regard to behaviour towards of casual workers (34)]. the representatives of the flour Railway Passengers' Associations that arc func- "That the demand under the head Ordinary tioning in Howrah Division (44)]. Working Expensas-Administration be re- duced to Re. I." "That the demand under the head Ordi- nary Working Expenses-Administration be I I\rbitrary transfers of workers and failure reduced bt Rs. 100." lO allow them to rejoin duty even after the workers discontinued their movements [Need to reduce to half the total cost of tOIt (35)]· administration (45)]. 265 D. G. (RillS.) PHALGUNA 29. 1894 (SAKA) D. G. (RIllS.) 266 1973-74 1973-74 "That the demand under the head Ordinary "That the demand under the head Ordinary Working Expenses-Administration be Working Ezpensea-Repairs and Mainte- reduced by Rs. 100." nance be reduced by Rs. 100."

    [Failure to grant a special allowance per [Failure to keep lIP the adequate amenities month to the cooks, bearers, stewards and for the third class passengers (54)]. canteen managers of the two Rajdhani "That the demand under the bead Ordinary Express trains (New Delhi-Howrah and Working Ezpensea-Operating Staff be New Delhi-Bombay) (46)]. reduced by Rs. 100."

    SHRI JAGADISH BHATTACHARYYA: [Failure to absorb thousands of casual beg to move: labourers in di1ferent Railways specically in South Eastern Railway al permanent "That the demanj under the head Ordinary staff (55)]. Working expenses-Repairs and Maintenance "That the demand under the head Ordina.ry be reduced to Re. I." Working EXpenses-OperatingStaff be reduced by Rs. 100." [Failure to have double track from Khurda [Failure to a bsorb thousands of workers to Puri (49)J. and emplOyees in Eastern Railway. who SHRI SAROJ MUKHERJEE: I bea to after finishing their job of electrification move: are thrown out of employment (56)]. • "That the demand under tbe head Ordinary "That the demand under the head Ordinary Working expenses-Repairs and Maintenance Working Expenses-Operating Staff be 100." t-e reduced to Re. I." reduced by Rs. (Failure to upkeep and maintain railway [Need to increase the allowances of the em- property and to Properly guard these ployces and workers engaged in the repair against the wagon breakers and thieves and maintenance departments in various (50)]. zones of Indian Railwllt's (57)]. SHRI JAGADISH BHATTACHARYYA: SHRI JAGADISH BHATTACHARYYA: I beg to move : I beg to move : "That the Demand under the head Ordinary "That the demand under the head Ordinary Working Expenses-Repairs and Maintenance Working Expenses-Operation Other than be reduced by Rs. 100." Staff and Fuel be reduced to Re. I." [Failure to have a aood waiting hall for the [Failure to check theft of goods in railway first class passengers at Bankura Station transit (60)]. on S.E. Railway (5::)]. "That the demand under the head Ordinary SHRI SAROJ MUKHERJEE: I beg to Working Expenses-Operation other than statf move: and Fuel be reduced to Re. I." "That the demand under the head Ordinary [Failure to check black marketing of railway Working Expenses-Repairs and Maintenance tickets for long distance trains (61)]. be reduced by Rs. 100." "That the demand under the head Ordinary [Failure of the authorities on all the Railways Working Expenses-Operation other than to keep lights, fans, door bolts, latrines staff and Fuel be reduced by Rs. 100." and water reservoir in first class and third cia,s sleeper coaches in order during [Failure to check wastage and theft of sta- travel (n)]. tionery in Railway otfices (6::)]. D. G. (RII".) 1973-74 ~ 20, 11173 D. G. (RIll'') 1973-74 [Shri Japdish BbauacharyyaJ "That the ~ under the head Open "That the demUld under the had Ordinary U. Work-(Revenue) be reduced by ~ Expenses-,.Operation oUaer than staff RI.loo." and Fuel be reduc:ed by Rs. 100." [Failure to rename the Payaradanga Station [Failure to pay adequate compensation (Sealdah Division Eastern Railway) after quiclcly for the goods lost, dam.Ked or the name of the martyr In Goa freedom stolen during transit (63)]. struggle as Nityananda Shaha station "ThaI the demand under the head Ordinary (71)]. Working Expenses-Miscellaneous expenses "That the demand under the head Open be reduced by Rs. 100." Line Work-CRevenue) be reduced by Rs. 100." [Failure to pay quick and adequate com- [Failure to construct five over-bridges bet- pensation to passengers injured or killed in ween Howrah and Burdwan (Howrah railway accidents (64)J. Division, Eastern Railway) where the "That the demand under the head Ordinary Grand Trunk Road crosses the Railway Working Expenses-Miscellaneous expenses lines, to obviate the difficulties of the be reduced by Rs. 100." running cars and trucks (72)]. [Failure to improve the quality and service "That the demand under the head Open Lit.e in the catering run by the Railways (65)]. Work-CRevenue) be reduced by Rs. 100." SHRI SAROJ MUKHERJEE: I beg to [Failure to provide better amenities of light, move: fan and latrines for the third class pass- "That the demand under the head Ordinarv engers in all the passengers trains (73)J. Working ExpenseS_Staff Welfare be reduced "That the demand under the head Open Lin e by Rs. 100." Work-CRevenue) be reduced by Rs. 100." [Need to increase the pay and alloowances of [Need for further reducing the concession Class I II and IV employees of Indian fares now given to the students so that Railways (67]. in a half-single fare they can have a double journey in all the zonal railways (74)]. "That the demand under the head Open line "That the demand under the head Open Line work-C,Revc:mue) be reduced by Rs. 100." Work-(Revenue) be reduced by Rs. 100." [Failure to construct over-bridges on [Need to allow the students in particular Bandel-Katwa line in Eastern Railway and the daily passengers in general near Guptipara road crossing as well thrOllghout the country who use railway as Dhatrigram road crossing in West travel for their services to use any mail, Bengal (68]. express or passenger train for whatever "That the demand under the head Open Line little distance they have to travel (75)]. WorJt..-(Revenue) be reduced by Rs. 100." "That the demand under the head Open Line Work-(Revenue) be reduced by Rs. 100." [Failure to reconstruct the entire railway [Need to increase suburban trains in Sealdah station of Katwa junction together with the remodelling of the railway institute, and Howrah Division of Eastern Railway (76)]. waitina rooms and platfroms and pro- "That the demand under the head Open viding enough siding lines (69)J. Line Work-(Revenue) be reduced by Rs. "That the demand under the head Open 100." Line Work-(Revenue) be reduced by [Failure to reduce the fares for the daily Rs. 100." passengers who travel in suburban trai ns [Failure to raise the platforms at the Paraj to come to the cities of Calcutta, railway station in Eastern Railway between Bombay Madras and Delhi for their daily Burdwan and Durgapur (70)J work (77)]. D. G. (Rlys.> PHALGUNA 29. 1894 (SAKA) D. G. (RIllS.) 1871-7* 1973-74 SHRIJAGADISH BHATTACHARYYA: "That the demand under the head Opeu Line I be, to move: Works-Capital, Depreciation Reserve Fund and Development Fund be reduced by Rs. 100." "That the dCDWld under the bead eonatr\lC- 1:ion of New Lines-Capital and Depreciation [Failure to electrify the railway lines from Reserve Fund be reduced by Rs. 100." Bandel to Barharwa on the Eastern rail way (8S)J. [Failure to run electric trains from Kharag- pur to Asansal on S.E. Railway (78)]. "That the demand under the bead Open Line Works-Capital, Depreciation Reserve "That the demand under the head Construe- Fund and Development Fund be reduced by ·tion of Now Lines-Capital and Depreciation Rso 100." by Rs. 100." Reserve Fund be roduced [Failure to make the Bandel-Barharwa rail- [Failure to construct a new line to connect way line in thell!astem railway a double_ Bankura and Durgapur in West Bensa! track line (86) J. (79»)· SHRI D. K. PANDA (Bhanjanagar) to move: "That the demand under the head Construc- I beg and Depreciation tion of New Lines-Capital "That the demand under the head Railway Reserve Fund be reduced by Rs. 100." Board be reduced to Re. 1." reconstruct the [Failure to take over and [Failure in proper planning of the railway in district of Howrah Martin Railway in the conformity with development of national in West Bengal (80»). economy (1·84»).

    Construc- "That the demand under the head "That the demand under the head Miscell- Depreciation tion of New Lines-Capital and aneous Expenditure be reduced by Rs. 100." Reserve Fund be reduced by Rs. 100." [Need to take up and Complete the Jakhapur from Bishnu- [Failure to construct a new line and Bansapani rail line in Orissa (193)J. pur to Arambag in West Bengal (81)]. "That the demand under the head Miscella- by Rs. 100." SHRI SAROJ MUKHERJEE: I beg to neous Expenditure be reduced move: [Need to expedite the survey for construc- Gopalpur to "That the demand under the head Construc- tion of a railway line from Aska, Bahnj- tion of New Lines-CaDital and Depreciation Balangir via Berhampur, in view of Reserve Fund be reduced by Rs. 100." nagar, Phulabani in Orissa Gopalpur deVeloping as port and the need to construct broad gauge line [Failure to develop trade in Adivasi areas (194)J. connecting Katwa to Bankura via Burdwan on Western Railway (8z)]. iunction "That the demand under the head Miscella_ neous Expenditure be reduced by Rs. 100." "That the demand under the head Construc- headquarters of South tion of New Lines-Capital and Depreciation [Need to shift the to Bhuba- Reserve Fund be reduced by Rs. 100." Eastern Railway from Caclutta neswar in Orissa (195)J. [Failure to construct a new line after con- into a broad gauge track and verting BDR "That the demand under the head Miscella- BD R to Boinchee station on connecting neous Expenditure be reduced by Rs. 100." the Burdwan-Howrah main line on the the Para- Eastern Railway, thus connecting many [Need to expedite conversion of line to broad important trading places in Raina and lakhimidi-Gunpur railway Jamalpur Thanas in West Bengal (83)J. gauge line in Orissa (196»). D. G. (Rills.) 1973-74 MARCH 20, 1973 D. G. (RillS,> 1973-74

    SHRI R V. BADE (Khargone): That the demand under the head I beg to move : Railway Board be redllced by Rs. 100. That the demand under the head Ordinary [NCCClsity of shifting Rajendrapul' halt fur- WorkinJ-&pcnscs-Administration be rcdutcd ther South to the Northern terminus of the to Re. 1. Rajendra bridge on the E. Railway. _ (241)]. [Failure to Western Railway to confirm the civil engineers who are temporary (199)]. That the demand under the head Railway Board be reduced by Rs. 100. That the demand under the head Ordinary Worting E.xpenses-Opcratina Staff be rcdutcd [Need of providing electric line and enquiry to Re. I. telephone at Kamtaul station under [Failure to run trains on Western Railway Smastipur Division ofN.E.R. (242)]. from Ahmedabad to Bhopal as was runn- That the demand under the head Railway ing in the last year (201)]. Board be reduced by Rs. 100. That the demand under the head Construc- [Need of constructing an over-bridge at the tion of new Lines-Capital and Depreciation first crossing to the north of Darbhanga Reserve Fund be reduced by Rs. 100. station under Samastipur Division of [Failure to construct a new line from N.E.R. (243»). Khandwa to Dahod (Western Railway) That the demand under the head Railway (204)]· Board be reduced by Rs. 100. That the demand under the head Construc- [Need of ensuring 8 hours working day for tion of New Lines-Capital and Depreciation all the staff on the N.E.R. (244)]. Reserve Fund be reduced by Rs. 100. That the demand under the head Railway [Failure to construtct a new line from Man- Board be reduced by Rs. 100. mad to Indore via Dhulia, Shirpur for [Need of constructing an over-bridge on the giving relief to famine stricken area of first crossing to the Sakri station under Maharashtra. (20S)]. Samastipur Division ofN.E.R. (24S)]. SHRI BHOGENDRA JHA: (Jainagar) : That the demand under the head railw8}' I beg to move : Board be reduced by Rs. 100. That the demand under the head Railway [Need of starting a new Express train bet- Board be reduced by Rs. 100. ween Howrah and Samastipur stations on [Necessity of making permanent all em. the Eastern and N.E. Railway (246)]. ployees of.N.E.R. already in service for That the demand under the head Railway more than five years. (238)]. Board be reduced by Rs. 100. That the demand under the head Railway [Necessity of running one Mithila Mail Board be reduced by Rs. 100. between New Delhi and Samastipur [Necessity of opening a new halt at Korahia stlltions (247)]. between Jai Nagar and Khajouli stations That the demand under the head Railway under Samastipur Division of N.E.R. Board be reduced by Rs. 100. (239)]. [Need of halting 103 UP and 104 Dn. at That the demand under head Railway Board Mokamah station (248)] be reduced by Rs. 100. That the demand under the head Railway [Need of opening a new halt at Muraitha Board be reduced by Rs. 100. between Kamt'lIl and J ogiara stations [Need of providing sleeper with longer under Sam18tipur Division of N.E.R. berths in the Jai Nagar-Paleza Ghat IUld ,240)]. Darbhanga-Paleza Ghat bogies. (249)] 273 D. G. (RIllS.) PHALGUNA 29. 1894 (SAKA) D. G. (RIIlB.) 274 1973-74 1973-74 DR. LAXMINARAIN PANDEYA ,DR. LAXMINARAIN PANDEYA: I beg (Mandsaur): I beg to move: to move :

    That the demand under the head Railway That the demand under the head Ordinary Board be reduced by Rs. 100. Working Expenses-Repairs and Maintenance- [Failure 10 make provision of housing be reduced by Rs. 100. facilities to Assistant Station Masters on [Failure to provide new sleeper coaches io certain stations. (:26:2)]. the meter gauge trains on Western That the demand under the head Railway Railway (277)]. Board be reduced by Rs. 100. That the demand under the head Ordinary [Need to increase the pay and allowanc!s of Working Expenses-Repairs and Main- OBss III and class IV employees. (263)1 tenance be reduced by Rs. 100. That the demand under the bead Railway Board be ~ by Rs. 100. [Failure to "rovid, adeq;ute facilities ta III class p.Lueng:r. at various stations as. [Failure to accept the demand of railway well as in compartments. (:278)]. employees for bonus (264)]. That the demand under the head Ordinary That the demand under the head Railway Working Expenses-Repairs and Maintenance Board be reduced by Rs. 100. be reduced by Rs. 100. [Failure to lay down service conditions and [Failure to provide adequate exit facilities prescribed pay scales for casual workers for the movement of passengers at (265)]. Mandsaur railway station on the Western That the demand under the head Railway Railway (279)]. Board be reduced by Rs. 100. (Failure to solve housing problem of railway SHRI RAJDEO SINGH: I beg to move : employees. (266)]. That the demand under the head Ordinary That the demand under the head Railway Working Expenses-Repairs and Main- tenance be reduced by Rs. 100. Board be reduced by Rs. 100. [Failure to eliminate ineffi;iency in Railway [Need to provide lights, shed on platform. Administration (267)]. drinking water and approach road at Pindra Halt Station on Faizabad-Varanasi That the demand under th! heal Railway section, N. Railway (:280)]. Board be reduced by Rs. 100. That the demand under the head Ordinary [Failure to solve the difficulties of railway working Expenses-Operating Staff be guards. (:268)]. reduced by Rs. 100.

    That the demand under the head Railway. [Failure of the Board to stop round the year Board be reduced by Rs. 100. transfers of staff and save a huge amount [Failure to remove the disregard shown to of money (281)]. Hindi in Railway Administration (269)]. DR. LAXMINARAIN PANDEYA SHRI RAIDEO SINGH (Jaunpur) : I beg to move : begto move: That the demand under the head Open Line That the demand under the head Railway Works-Capital. Depreciation Reserve Fund Board be reduced by Rs. 100. and Development fund be reduced by RI. 100. [Need for opening and constructing a new Railway line between Shahganj and [Delay in construction of Injore-Dohad rail- Sultanpur. (276)]. way Ime in the Western Railw

    [Dr. Laxminuain ~ That the demand under the head ~ That the dem8lld under the head OpCh Line Board be reduced by Ra. 100. 'Works Capital, Depreciation Reserve Fund [Need of making annollDcementa in Bcnpli .8IId Development Fund be ~ by Ra.loo. along with Hindi 8IId EnaIilh in Rajdhan i : [Failure to introduce a mail train on the &press between Howrah and New Delhi Ajmer-Khandwa section on the Western (306)]. Railway. (298)] That the demand under the head Open Line That the demand under the head Railway 'Works Capital, Depreciation"Resc:rve Fund and Board be reduced by RI. 100. Development Fund be reduced by Rs. 100. [Need to improve the running of trains in [Failure to construct over-bridll:s on railway Dovan and North BcngaI in N. F. Railway crossings near Ratlam, Indore and Man- (307)]. dsaur railway stations (299)] Thatthe demand under the head Open Line That the demand under the head Open Line Works-{Revenue) be reduced to Re. I. Works Capital, Depreciation Reserve Fund [Failure to dOUble the line between Dum and Development Fund be reduced by Rs. 100. Dum Cantonment and Bangaon in the [Failure to check the incidence of increasing Sealdah Division of Eastern Railway. (308)] thefts in railways (300)1. That the demand under the head Open Lin e That the demand under the head Open Line Works-{Revenue) be reduced by Rs. 100. Works-Capital. Depreciation Reserve Fund. and Development Fund be reduced by Rs. 100. [Need of covering suburban areas in West [Delay in conversion of Ajmer Khandwa Bengal by railway lines and connecting (Wesiern Railway) meter gaulI: line into Basirhat and Bangaon railway stations in broad gauge line. (301l). the Sealdah Division of Eastern Railway (309l]· DR. RANEN SEN (Barasat): I beg to move: DR. LAXMINARAIN PANDEYA I That the demand under the bead Railway beg to move : Board be reduced to Re. I. [Failure to construct adequate number of That the Demand under the bead Railway houses for the railway staff ()02l]. Board be reduced by Rs. 100. [Delay in providing;' acility of electricity at That the demand under the head Railway Gareth Railway station on Western l>oard be reduced to Re. I RailwaY-(348)] [Failure to cbeck robbery, dacoity and snatching in the trains (303l]. That the Demand under the head Railway Board be reduced by Rs. 100. That the cemand under the head Railway Board be reduced to Re. I. [Delay in providing telephone facilities for Railway :lassenger s by the Railway De- [Failure to increase the number of trains in partment at Garoth station on Western the Sealdah-Bangaon line in the Sealdah Railway (349)]. Division of Eastern Railway (304l]. That the demand under the head Railway Board be reduced by Rs. 100. That the Demand under the head Rai!wKy Board be reduced by Rs. 100. [Need to set up balt-ftag station at Sat- beria which is half way between Bangaon [Failure to construct a new railway line an.t GopaInagar stations in the Sealdah from Indore to Baroda via Kuksi, Adirai- Division of Eastern Railway (30S»). pur and Chhota Udipur (3sol]. 277 D; G. (RllI',) PHALGUNA 29. 1894 (SAKAl D. G. (RlIlS.) 1973-74 1973-74 Thlt the Demand under the head Railway That the ~ under the head lMisceUa- Board be reduced by Its. 10J. neou. Expenditure be reduced by RH. 100. [Failure to construct-railway line from Nee- [Need to extend Nuapada-Gunpur line to' much to Bari Sadri and Ratlam to Roojapda. 362] Dungarpur 351]. That the Demand under the head Miscell- That the Demand under the head Railway ncous Expenditure be reduced by Rs. 100. Board be reduced by Rs. 100. [Need to exteni RUP3a-Talabandha [Delay in construction of suitable platform railway line to Rairangapur. 363) sheds for passengers at Mandsaur, J8Ora, Neemuch and Shyamgarh railway That the Demand under the head Miscella- stations. Western Railway. 3SI]. neous Expenditure be reduced by Rs. 100. That the Demand under the head Railway [Need to allow movement of raw materials, Board be reduced by RI. 100. and finished products of aluminium plant, [Delay in conceding the demands of calcium carbide plant, news paper plant T.T.Es. of Western RailwaY.353] and caustic soda units in the district of Koraput on the Kottavalsa-Kirendrul That the Demand under the head Railway railway line (DBK line) of S.E. Railway Board be reduced by Rs. 100. 364] [Failure to remove disregard for Hindi in the Railway Administration 356.1 That the Demand under the head Miscel- laneous Expenditure br reduced by Rs. 100. That the Demand under the head Railway Board be reduced by Rs. 100. [Need to expedite construction of Talcher- Bimlagarh railway line for which survey [Failure to make travel cheap fOI students was over in the year 1970. 3651 and low paid employees. 3571 That the Demand under the Railway Board DR. LAXMINARAIN PANDEYA I be reduced by Rs. 100. beg to move : [Failure to remove inconvenience in getung That the Demand under the head Ordinary reservation by III class passengers for Working Eltpe11Scs Administration be reduced long distance journey. 358] by Rs. 100. SHRI D. K. PANDA: I beg to move: [Failure to check the increasing expenditure That the Demand under the head Railway on the General Administration. 366] Board be reduced by Rs. 100. That the Demand under the head Ordinary [Need to re-open Bangi riposi-Talabandh Working ~ be reduced section which has been closed for traffic. by Rs. 100: 359]· [Delay in providing housing, medical and That the Demand under the held l\JisceUa- other facilities to all railway employees ancoul Expenditure be reduced by Rs. 100. 367]. [Need to conven Nuapada Gunpur Branch That the Demand under the head Ordinary railway line into broad gauge line. 360] Working Expenses-Operating Staff be re- duced by Rs. 100. That the Demand under the head Railway [Negligence in clearance of goods in railway Board be reduced by Ra. 100. Transit and not Iiftina the goods for a long (Need to CODven Rupsa-Talabandh Branch period at Nagda junction and Ratlam junc- railway line Tto broad gauge line. 361] tionofWestemRailway. 368] .279 D. G. (RII/'.) 1973-74 MARCH 20, 1973 D. G. (RIIf'') 1973-74 ~

    [Dr. Lumlr.arain Pandey a] That the Demand under the head Railway That the Demand under the head Ordinary Board be reduced by Rs. 100. -working Expenses-()peratiing Staff be [Need of extending broad gauge line from "duced by Rs. 100. SamastipurtoJaiNagarvia Darbhanga in [Failure to supply wagons for Bmall loads at the N.E.R. 420.] small stations like Mandsaur, Neemuch, That the Demand under the head Rli1way JROra and Alot of Western Railway. 3691 Board be reduced by Rs. 100. That the Demand under the head Ordinary [Need of extending broad gauge line from Working Expenses-Miscellaneous Ex- Sama,tipur to Nirmali via Darbhanga penses be reduced by Rs. 100. 421] lFailure as well as delay in providing relief to persons killed or injured in railway That the Demand under the head Railway accidents. 370) Board be reduced by Rs. 100.

    SHRI BHOGENDRA JHA: I beg to [Necessity of ending 'work as per designa- -move: tion' by about Z500 KhaIasis of Gorakbpur and lzatnagarintheN.E·R.by conceding That the demand under the head Railway their demands. 4lZ) Board be reduced to Re. I. That the Demand under the head Railway [Necessity of abolishing the Railway Board Board be reduced by Rs. 100. 405}· [Urgency of confirming all officiating skilled That the demand under the head Railway Khalasis of Gorakbpur, Sma. tipur, Board be reduced to Re. 1. lzatnagar (N.E.R.) as skilled. 4Z3] [Failure to recognise employees unions after That the Demand under ~ head Railway determining representative character Board be reduced hy Rs. 100. through secret ballot. 406}. [Failure to withdraw transfer orders of That the Demand under the head Railway N.E.R. Majdoor Union workers from lloard be reduced by Rs. 100. Gorakhpur to Izatnagar. 4l4]· [Necessity ofimplementing Railway Board's order for providing grade-wise rest givers That the demand under the head Railway and leave reserves to Station Masters and Board be redued by Rs. 100. Assistant Station Masters in the N.E.R. [Need of ensuring 16 hours rest at head 416]. quarters to loco running staff in Samasti- That the Demand under the head Railway pur Division of N.E.R. as per Railway lloard be reduced by Rs. 100. Board's decision. 42S} [Need to give training to transhipment clerks That the Demand under the head Railway of Garahara-Barauni (N.E.R.) 4171 Board be reduced by Rs. 100. That the Demand under the head Railway [Necessity of electrifying Kamtaul, Jogiara, Board be reduced by Rs. 100. Begusarai, Teghra, Bachchawara, Da1sing Sarai, Tektar, Khajouli, Jai Nagar and [Necessity of re-classification of jobs and Raj Nagar stations under Samastipur sanctioning more posts in skilled grade for Division of N.E.R. 4261 carriage staff of Samastipur Division. 418}. That the Demand under the head Railway That the Demand under the head Railway lIoard be reduced by Rs. 100. Board be reduced by RI. 100. INeedofpromotingT. T.Es. working against [Necessity of revolting order of dismislBl leave reserve vacancies on the N .E.R. against office bearers of Samastipu Divi- 419). lion, N.E.R. Majdoor Union. 427] 281 D. G. (Rltls,) PHALGUNA 29, 1894 (SAKA) D. G. (R1tlB.) 1973-74 1973-74 That the Demand under the head Railway That the demand under the head Railway Board be reduced by RI. 100. BOlId be reduced by Rs. 100. [Necessity of revoking order of suspension (Failure to run trains as per their schedule against carriage Khalasis and crane Kha- (470)] lasis of Garehara, N.E.R • .p8]. That the demand under the head Railway That the Demand under the head Railway Board be reduced by Rs. 100. Board be reduced by Rs. 100. (Delay in regularising casual workers. (471)] [Need of attaching one first-cum-third class That the demand under the head Railway bogey from Darbhanga to Lucknow and Board be reduced by Rs. 100. Gauhati to I Up and z Dn. trains . .p9). [Delay in considering sympathetically the That the Demand under the head Railway cases of employees who took part in Board be reduced by Rs. 100. various trade union activities. (472)] (Need of ending curtailment resorted to That the demand under the head Railway in 196z during Chinese aggression in Board be reduced by Rs. 100. uniforms ofloco, yard, carriage and signal departments. 430]. [Delay in granting adequate compensation or pension to the railway employees That the Demand under the head Railway killed or injured in the last Indo-Pak war. Board be reduced by Rs. 100. (473)] (Necessity of treating as leave with pay the That the demand under the head Railway period of suspension of 47 employees of Barauni-Garahara area in the N.E.R 431] Board be reduced by Rs. 100. [Delay in constructing an over-bridge DR. LAXMINARAIN PANDEYA : I between Nagda and Bidagram on Wes- beg to move : tern Railway. (474)] That the demand under the head Railway That the demand under the head Railway Board be reduced by Rs. 100. Board be reduced by Rs. 100. JFailure to give recognition to trade unions [Delay in construction of new railway lines of railwaymen having support of the in the backward areas of the country, majority of railway employ,es. (466)] particulasly in the backward areas of That the demand under the head Railway Madhya Pradesh. (475)] Board be reduced by Rs. 100. That the demand under the head Railway [Failure to open primary, middle and Board be reduced by Rs. 100. higher second ary schools at RatJam [Failure to convert Ujjain-Agar narrow according to the number of the children gauge line into broad gauge. (476)] of railway men. (467)] That the demand under the head Railway That the demand under the head MisceIla- neous Expenditure be reduced by Rs. 100. Board be reduced by Rs. 100. [Delay in construction of a new railway [Failure to provide general amenities for line from Jhalawar Road to Chambal the employees of Ratiam Diesel Shed. Dam (). (468)] (477)] That the demand under the head Railway That the demand under the head Mis- Board be reduced by Rs. 100. cellaneous Expenditure be reduced byRs. 100. [Delay in setting up adequate number of (Delay in consideration of the demand of wagon manufacturing factories so as to the employees of Ratiam Diesel Shed meet the requirements of wagons. (469)] (478)] D. G. (RIvs.) 1973-74 MARCH 20, 1973 D. G. (RIve) 1''73-74 [Dr. Lumillarain PaDdeya] That the demand under the head Railway That the demand under the head Mis- Board be reduced by Rs. 100. cellaneous Expenditure be reduced by Rs. 100. [Failure to mOdernise the hou,es of em- [Delay in expansion of Ratlam Diesel Shed. ployees at Chakla station On the N. E. (·479)] Railway. (487)] That the demand under the head Miscella- That the demand under the head Railway neous Expenditure be ~ by Rs. 100. Board be reduced by Rs. 100. [Delay in expansion of Neemuch Loco [Failure to provide housing facHiti(s to alt Shed. (480)] the employees at Chaltla station on the That the demand under the head Ordinary N.E. Railway. (488)] Working Expenses-Operating Staff be re- That the demand under the head Railway duced by Rs. 100. Baord be reduced by Rs. 100. IDeIay in mitigating the incon venience [Failure to construct a GlUI1ti between the caused to passengers by not extending Middle School and Girls Higher Second- the Ahmedabad-Bhopal train up to ary School towards the east of Chakia Bhopal. (481)]. station on the N. E. ~ (489)]

    That the demand under the head Ordinary That the demand under the head Railway Working Expenses Operating Staff be reduced Board be reduced by Rs. 100. by Rs. 100. [Failure to check hureacracy In Railway [Delay in confirmation of employees who Board (490)J have put in more than 10 years service. That the demand under the head Railway (482)]. Board beredaced by RI. 100.

    That the demand under the head Cons- [Failure to adopt sympathetic attitude truction of New Lines-Capital and Depre- towards the demands of railway employees. ciation Reserve Fund be reduced by Rs. too. (491 )] [Delay in the construction of Guna·Maksi That the demand under the head Railway railway line. (483)] Board be reduced by Rs. 100. SHRI K.M. MADHUKAR (Kesaria): I [Failure to construct an over bridge on the beg to move: northern end of Narkatiaganj junction That the demand under the head Railway ofN. E. Railway. (492)] Board be reduced by Rs. 100. That the demand under the head Railway [Failure to construct an approach road to Board be reduced by Rs. 100. Mahaval station on the North Eastern Railway. (484)] [Failure to construct a shed at Sugouli junction of N.E. Railway. (493)]· That the demand under the head R'i1way Board be redl1CCd by Rs. roo. That the demand under the head Rail- way Board be reduced by Rs. 100. [Failure to make approach road to Pipra [Failure to provide housing facilities to all station on N.E. Railway a pucca road. railway employees working at Narkatia- (48S)]. ganj junction of N.E. Railway. (494)] That the demand urnkr the head Railway Board be reduced by RI. 100•. That the demand under the head Railway Board be reduced by Rs. 100. [Failure to confirm all thOle employees of N.E. Railway who have put in more than [Failure to codstruct a ,hed at Chakia. three yean of service. (486)] atation on N.E. Railway. (495)] :. ~ :D. '..0. ~ PHALGUNA .. iIH-(&4.KAt:,. D.G. (JUVS.) '286 If'r8-'74 1973-'74 That tbe dem lni 'under the bead Raitwey That the demand 'urtder tbe head Railway iIoclrd be re-juceJ by Rs.lod.'. ' ~ byRs. 100. . . .

    ; (FaUtUi' to ~ rold uptO (Pa:lLICe to mako improvements in the dC-

    Itrls hilll18C'lOol i 1 the east of Clakia ~ o ingrOOrpti at Ma"wal and Pi;mi ,Itatia. Itation on N.E. Rlilwuy (496)J . on the N.R. Railway. (505):)-:

    That the demanu 'under the he3d Railway Thatthe demanj unjer the boa:! Railway Board be rcduO'd \'>y Rs. 100, Boord be reduced by Rs. 100. L ~ to Opl'1l tea stalls at Pipra, Miihwal (FailLICc to provide electric line at Mahwal a.'lJ M )(ipar ~ on N:H. Railway. railwaystation on N.B. RailwaY., (506).1 (497»). That the demand unler the heaj Railway That the demlnJ wlJer the heaJ Railway Board be ~ by Rs. 100. Board be' ~ by !{ •. 100. [FaiiLlCe to exp.irid the gools shed at C'lakia [FJiLuc \(0 ~ approach road from R lilway s:ation on North Eastern Rai .. ,Meh" railwlY ,t·,· il)n, N.E. RlilW3Y to way. (so7»). Inational highway. (-I9Hn., That the ~ Wljer the b:aJ Rlilw"" , That the demand u'hler tf"i bcaJ Railway Board be reduC!d by Rs. 100. ~ Board be rc,luood by R •. 100.' ~ L to ,8c;:'de to the demands of the ~ to ~ [Pl;lu'C pw"t.ic· accommoda- PoorvOttar Railway Maz..ioor Sabha. (S08») .'ition to a!1 the lmploy eo' P"Stcd at Muza- ~ ju,c:ion, N.E. Railway. (499)] That the demand ~ the head Ra:JwlY 'Board be reduO'd by Rs. 100. That the dem1nJ unler the head Railway BoQrd be retiuocd by Rs. 100. (Failure to reinsttlte the employees ausp:n- dej for takin'g part in the striking at {Faihuc to reron.truct a bridge on Nara- G IJhara on N 3rth Eastern Railway. 1'1-,\ riv.'r b.'jI.uj ~ N,:B. Railway; (SOO)]. . (509»)

    That the demand Wlder the ~ Railway That the demanj U'ljer the hoad Railwa, Board be ~ by Rs. 100. Board be reduO'd by Rs. 100. [Failure to ensure sccurity of ~ anJpr9- (Failure to inclu Ie the reprt,s:ntatives of ~ ""rty of tl! ~ 'ro 0:1 ~ N.B. Rail- the railwlY traje u,ions in tbe railway _yo (SOl)}. ~O (s10)] , I i That the ctclnlnd unjer the helLi Raiiway Ttut t't! j ';nl"\ t u'l,ler tb! h;!lj Rlilw3Y be ~ 100. : BoorJ be ~ by Rs. 100. Board by Rs. (FailLlCe to cmstrUCt a shed at Mebsl stllti4m (Flilure to c'1oclc ~ bqreaucracy on N. R. Railway.' (S(ll).] , ill N lrth Ih,:!rn RlilwlY af\d other rail- WlYS. (SII»). That the demand Wljer the ~ Railway Board be That the demand undu the bead ~ reduced by Rs" 100. _yBoardbereducedbyRs.IOQ; , (Failure to provide mo:eta residential lCconunoJation ~ 'III aiId: cIaM·iv rF D"re to re-nave ci;p.uity In in:ame 01 blall t Ilwe, ~ ~ 'Sow p..i.! ~ employec:s in N.R. Railway. (S03).) . ~ (5 I2)f " • . •

    That the ~ undeI the ~ ~ . ThIIl.the ',emaDd uD 'er the lJe.ld ~ Board bereduOCd byRs.loo. :'&aJj ~ ~ ' : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ball a, . (P"u;..... to. ~ the. ~ III 8Qgou(i ~ ~~ . -ibiUi Act in·tbe JWi'olilifS. ~ 3891 L.S_lo [sh. K- M. M.. ~ ~ tfte ~ un4cr the head Ordi- That the ~ ~ the lIcaoi Rail- narY 'Worldng E*t>ctisd-Staff ~ ~ be reduced hy Rs. 100. '.' to· "'ay Boa'" be reduced byRs. 100. .[ f ai1urc: to grant house rent allowance ·w ~ 10 have the l'oonollar lUilway "tner ~ to railway running at&tf'. 'Sabha reco&ni.M ·by ~ railway (523») ". ,,' administratioo., (514)j That tho .iemanJ under the h""J Ordi- That the demand unJ.,,- the head Mil;- nary Working Expe... e&-Statf Welfare· ~ celltneo1s! Expenditure lx' reduced by reducc-d by Rs. 100. Rs.lOO. [Failille tv pro\-ide mvre beds in the hospit!llS (Failure to conduct a sW"'''Y for a new for railway employees of Narkatillglll1; railway line from Haiipur to Sugouli and' Muzatfarpur junctioni on N. ,p Lalganj, Sahabganj, Kesaria and E. Railway. (524)] Govindganj on N. E. Railway. (SIS)J That thl:' Li'-I'Lial:J WIder ! !!I,.' htaLl Ordi- nary Work,ng Expense,-,-SI:H! Welfare M That the demand under the Head Mis- reduced bv R" c:dlaneous Expenditure be reduc.. -d by Rs. 100. '00. [Failure II,) n1ak;,., ..H riLl 1 f.;l'n:C1) I :')1' a hotel -{Failure to conduct a survey for a direct , for the railw:JY cmpln'·'·.... "t ~ ugodi new Railway line from chapra to Motihari on Junction In ~ U, Rail",,\, \)25»). N. E. Railway. (516)] That the demand ullder the head Ordi- That the demand under the llead Mis- nary Working Expcme,-Stat! Welfare be cellaneous Expenditure be reduceJ by Rs. 100. redtuCt'd by Ro. 100. [Failure to conduct a slll-,ey for a new R,.il- [Failure h' prrl\'ide proper medical facilitiet way line from Meh. si to Sitamarhi on to railway emp!c,yc"es. (526)) North Eastern Railway. (5 I 7J] T hat the demanJ under the heaJ Ordi- That the demand under the head Mis- narv '\1t'orking Expenscs-Statf Welfare be 100. cellaneous Expenditure be reduced by Rs, 100. redcued by R,. [Failure to impru,'c the quality of uni- [Failure to increase facilities of water, forrm pro\'ided to da,;, III and elaS' IV electricity and lavatory for thirJ clan emplo),,",,, of railway. ~ railway I'assengers. (518)) That the ,!emanJ ull' Ral....,... , eIIhpIofee8;" ~ " " .:., D. G .• ~ . 19"13':". -. ..

    ~ 1 to lillup all vacant po'[S III aU Rail- [Need to introducc m1 ~ ~ ~ .•~ .. ~ (?4n). . That the demanLiunder the head OrLiinary VII ~ . ~ ~~ That the demand \lnder ~ be.ad O~ bI! reii.1Ced·by Ri.• ), . ". _., ~ Rs. 100:' . "< [Need to provide full se,urity measure, to [Need' to introduce ~ ~ ~ Bandel- -me travelling ~ speCially in the night •. {533)} Kalwa section OfE:Railway.!CS42)i.

    That the denlJ:>i under the heaLi Open SHRI RAMAV A T AR SHASTRI (Patn.) Une W\>rks-be L ~ by Rs. 100. I beg to move : . - .

    (Need to pr.)vlde m)[e third ~ three tier b'fth, in all tho M Iii and Express That the demloj und" the head Railway train, in .!: Railways. (534)J Board to reduced' by Rs. 100. . , • •

    That the demand un. .!er the head Open [Failure to fulfil the assurances given to tile Line Wurks-be reJuceJ hy Rq. 100. . striking employee. ofGarhara-Baraunl area with respect to grant of project a1lowaAc:C. [Need to keep a thorough check In re'pect of reservation of berths in all Railways in order (603)]. to 3V,)l j any hJraHffi.!nt to bol., ~ passengers. (535).] That the demanj unler the head RaihuJ That the demand under the head Open Board be reduced I y Rs. 109

    L ~ WJrks-!,c reJuced by Rs. IQO. l Failure to provide uniforms to wait1ac. [N!ol to rch'" tho fare, of mont r.ly and room boar ,n of Barauni juncton _ seasonal 3d clas. tickets in all sub .... r.ban North Eastern Railway. (604)J. sections. (536)J. That the demlnj u"}jer the head Raihn, That the demand under the head Opel' Board be reduced by Rs. 100. Lin! W »k;-jo rdJ:!J b.y Rs. 10). [Failure to fill the vacancies of posta of [N'''l tll construct a 'Flyover' on G. T. firemen grade A. firem,n graje B. dr:ven RoaJ railway crnssing at Serampore loco s"u'lters anl sk1lld fitten of Lc>co. (E. Railway). (537)] and Carriage Depart';'ents Bnd Work- shops of N)[th Eastern Rallway. ((OS,). That the demand under the head Open Line W Jrk,-;,o relac:d by Rs. 100. That the d,ml'l1 ~ ler the heaj Railway B,)ard be reduced by Rs. 100. [Need to make Seoraphuh-Trakeswar double line in place of existing single [Failure to grant transhlpment shed allotf- line. (538)]. ~ to t't: trau'tiptn,nt sh,l stalf of In lian Railwaya 811 per reoommendatioa That the deman <1 underthe hea:i Open Lin, of Railway CliLimsPreVenti.m COllUlilttlie. Works-;,e reduced ly R •• 100. (606)] N eer! to widen the Ii 'derbride at the nor- ThIll the demand ~ the head ~ thern side of Konnagar. (539)} B, "irdbe;reduced by RS.IOII"· . .'.t.,·", , ~ the demand under the head Open [Failure to provide uniformg to the Rail .....' 1.lnc WOrlc1-be reduced by Ra. 100. 'employees of' Korth Bl!tern RailW'll,:a. . . [Need to intro<1uce another three pairs of time, even to ~ glaid6; . train ti p.and Down.anH.B.· ~~ . T.T.l>·s,;A,S:Ml·J•. ~ ~ ~ wa,. LIne on 1i.1hIl ...., CS'4o,)}. . ~~ ,(1fp1,l)- . - . r ' n. G. UUvsJ lm-'H

    'iShrl Ranil9'3'''' ShastrI] 'rl\ar the dnnand ander thell.-d ~ Thet the demand under tbe hNd Railway Board be reduced by RI. 100.1 BlMII'd ~ reduOed by Ra. 100. [Nefli to provide 8Ummer and "inter.1IIII- (Pailure to provide laterlnet, Mtric light forma to all carnaS", silna!, yard ud and regular supply of water in railway crane stall' of Indian Railways (615)i. quartet'S of Banuni junction In Nortb &Stern Rajlway (608)]. That the demand u'lder the ~ Rail"; Board be reduced by Rs. I(),;). That ·the demand under the beaI;I Railway Board be reduced by Ro. 100. [Failure to publish result of scrtt"i"jt teat of old casual labourers enT and other bene- That the demand under thf head JlaiJwa)l fita to the N.E. & E. Railway employCC1l Board be reduced by Rs. 100. of Garhara-Banuni for the period of [FaiJurr to supply adequate stores. materiaJe 33 days in connection with their parti- and repairing fquirment for ",·.gon.... ' cipation in strike in 1971. (611)1- mginC8 in Carri.ge ar.d Loco De.,..... lIlents on N.E. Zoge ~ That the demand under the bead Rallwuy Boerd be reduced by Ro. 100. That the demand undu the head Railway' Board be reduced by Ro. 100. IFailure to pay the diifCTl'flC<: ~ pay for snapensicn perkd of su

    That the demand under the head Railway That the demand under the head Railway BDIU'd be reduc<:d by R •. 100. Board be reduced by RI. 100. {Failure to fill vac&ccin of 'B' mde Guarda (Failure to provide Pathokg;.t in Ran.ny lying vacant since long in Samastipur Hospital at Garhua on N.R RaiI... ~ Division on N.E. Railway (613»). (621)).

    Tn.t the d('JIIsnd undtt the. bead .Railway That tbe demand under tbe Mad Raaw., Board be reduced by Ra. 100. Bjlard be rrduced hy Rs. ICO. .. ~ to ~ protection to Ih>es of tic-let rNefli to top ex,m;natK-n' in Refraklr dlcding stall'whik oodbty ~ CowIe·inN.a Raihra, (6U)}. . .."

    '. Tint ~ d!1Il1!lJ ~ tho head llaihra, That tbe demaQ,d.UDder ~ bead RaIIwa, : .....d be red JC:cd by Its. 100. ~ be redwxdby Ra. roo. . (Failure- to &top theft of Iooch and from [Pailure to promote train ~ Guard pusengen In trains on Ncxth Bastern Grade 'C: and fill their quota in Saznasd. R lilw IV ~ in M In.t-Sabaru and pur DivWon on N. B. Zone (63I)}. M1nsi-Katihar section (62])J. That the demand under the head ~ That the demand under the head Railway Board be reduced by Rs. [00. Bo.iJ be ~ by Rs. 100. [Failure to pay the amount of re-imbur.e. (Failure to provide rest and ~ cf ment of quarter rent for flood period to oil'ht duty "lIowance to the R.P.F. 00 staff at Baraunl ai N.B. Railway (632)>- N.mh Bamrn Railway (62t»). That the demand under the bead JWIwsy ';nat the ~ under the head Railway Board be reduced to Re. I. I8<.rd be roduccJ by Rs. 100. [Failure in fixing eight hour duty for th e IFajlure to pravide channel _,r pmm"tlon running staff in the Indian Railwayl from crectillll Khal:::lsi [0 ~ Berang (633)] and erection serang to ereetion Ministry That the demand under the head Railway '" S,m lstipur Divi;i"n N.E. Z.me (625)j' Board be redueted 10 Re. I. .: That. the dem1nd under Ihe heaJ Railway [Failure in introducing 6ght hour duriea Board be reduced by Rs. 100. for Gatemen in the In. ian R.ailwa&'a \P"ih.tre to ~ Ihe po,l. of good. derk, (634»). to the ~ ~ (g()()d.) even That the

    -. ISba·Ram"" .... She triJ 'trill! I'hr·ddftba itnckr the bead Railway That the iII=aAd 1lft&r die heaCf R.lI". \ Roard he rrduC<'d to Re. I. Board be reduud to Re. I. ~ ~ ~ te1llQving ~ iaIpoetd on thi: I'!'cruttmenl of emp/nyers In the worttshoptl rPailt= in_ wirhdrawins curtailmenl 01 ot1ndian Railway; (65t»)]. tIlIifonn, to raih\... y ~ imposed . after Chinese aggres.ion (/>41)). That the dem.nd under the head Railway Board be teduced t-y Rs. 100. That the mmarid under the head Railway ; ~ ii, providing' adequate nu.:ober of Board be reduoed !0 ~ I. 'eab in ~ c\aU of N.E. RailWlly HiS" School Garhara and also adequllte num- rP,ailure to f(>rm one union in the Indian ~ I:ff teach.n and scientific equipments, Railways (642)). rtc:. (651";.

    ~ the dem... under the head Railw") ThlT ttie demand- under the head Railwa, R08rd he red,,«d by Rs. 100. Board be reduced to Re. I. [Pailure in dt:claring -ticket c:bec:king slat! [Need for· opening Rail",·ay High School at Narkatiaganj, Izatnagar "nd \'Jranls! on as rennin,:! staff in the Indian Railway. LE. Railway (652 )). (64J)]. That the demand under the hcod Railway 'O\a( the demand ~ the bead RailwQ) Hoard be reduced by Rs. leo. Rnud be reduced to Re _ t. iNeed- for pro\"lding running room facilities to thl" Travelling Tidtet Examiners i.D ~ [Failure in at'olishinr. ",loon and ,.1, "11 Inrlio, Ra""'''·' likt' fa,,:i111.it" ... t,) trw "tila:rs ,rl the Indi.ul That the ,kmanJ under the head Rallwa, Railways (644)). Board be reduced hy Rs. rC<'.

    That the demand under the head Rail", "! IFailur. in r.",-iding promotional chances to Roord be reduced to Re. I. Transhipment Clerks (or promotion a. Guard grade 'C',Goods Clerks and Claim !Failure to cstabli.h fullfledsed office of the Railway Ser.. ice Commission at Trace ... in Nonh Eastern Zone (654)). Patna or Danapu. (645)). That the demand under the head Railway TIaat the c1ernand under the bead Railway Board be reduced by Rs. 100. Board be reduced to Re. I. [Failure in providing leave RfSene T.T.B.', tWeed to Jorm Railway. Service ~ post in North Eastern R"itw"y in Icale of in N.F. RaIlway with office at Katlhar (646)). Rs. '30-212 (655). That the demand under the head Railway ThaI lhe demand under the Hcad Rail- Soard be reduced to Re. I. way Board be reduced by Rs. 100. [Failw:e in windintt up of private ~ [Need for reclassification of poBb of ,ystcm and introducing departmental ,killed in Loco Mechanical. Catering system in N.F. and other railway, nnc.. Carriage and Workshops in Nonh ,647)1 l:.astern Railway (656)]. -ThaI Ihe demand under the head Railwa) Board be rc'(\uced to Re. J. ·Ibat the demand_ undeor the tlead RaD- rFailuu in providing adequate accommoda- way Boord h< reduced by Ra. 100. tion to railway ("Illpl"yecs (648)). f."tl"ll fN ~ of dectuct;"J'I on 8C- ("'()um 0: rIt"etrie ~ charge .. ~ rh ...· ~ undn Ihl' head Railw8} RoArd h<: .-<1\1(<"<1 '" R,'. ,

    (Failure in supplying prescribed and stall- That 1 II,' demand undn tht head Rail- dard size of coal in engines in N.E. way Board he ~ It' Rl'. J. Railway (660 '1. I Failure 10 tormulatc a scheme for pro- That the demand under the: head Rail".y per development of railways in ~ Board he reduced hy R s. 100. Country (6701].

    I Failure in pro\' iding a':cquate puslli of 'I 'hat the demand ulldn the he-dd }{ail- ~ X-Ray technicians i in way Aoard he re,·dul..'ed to N(:, J, Railway Hospitab "I SamaSlipur lii\'i- {Failure to flU: n'm p("r n'm ~ .ion on N.E. Z"ne ~ \)11 dep:lrtmentul hasi, ill Railway. That ,the uemond ulldel .hl !xad Rail\,ay ,67('1. Board h(' reduce t .}\' ~ 100. That the demand under the ht'ad Rail- [l'aiJurc in paymcm "r ~ run- way Hoard he reduced to R('. J. ~ ~ lp ('uan.b working un >111311 quick transit duty on Nonh IFailure III fom, one federation Or recog- Eastern Raih\uy in ~ lruin:- '(lt12)]. nif;e other cnnfl'deration, unions and associations in th,' Railways (672)). That the demand un", r the head Rail- way Hoard be rcdu.:ed \I' Re, I. {Failure to prC'vent ~ ~ .. That the demand under tht, head Rail- ture ,6(\3IJ, W3)· B(lsrd he rt'duced to Rc, ].

    That the dl'lnand IInd"1 till' heud Rail- Ifailure ill checking ~ und thrfl£ in Railw"y, (673'1. way Board he redul'Cd I() h,·, J. [Lack ,,1' cleHnlin,,,, bjZht and drinking ~ t the ~ undl'l' the Lead Rail- water in ~ way Bpard he Tl'lhu.:.:d ttl J

    by MIs, M;rTlinf Burn i .. ld. ~ ,'hOll the.' dt'lllund ulk..ll'l lilt, Ilt'od Rail-

    That the ~ under tht' Ilt"ud R;lil- wuy Hnaro lw Tec.iu('('d hy ~ .. ICO. way Board he reduced hr Re. I. J Failure in witbdn,wing the break in !Fariure' to nationalise l'atuho-hlaml'ur .en·icc, orders against more than seven IIId Amh-Sahamin Ugh! ~ in thousand Railway rinpklyre; In South- BihAr ,666)]. ~ IWlway· ~ 199 D. O. ,(alvl.) J.l73-7. ~ .. WQ. A O. ~ ~ loq , "," ...... rsarl Ramavatar ~ That t.¥ demand p.ndq the ... ~ .. )tId- That the demand under.the head RailWII)' way Board be miuced to J!,.e, I, .. '.,,; Board be reduced by R.s. lOCI. [PaiI\lI'e in withdrawing the break In [Need to aboHah air ~ service orden against 340 railway. emp- first da.s,o;es In railways in order, to gt,. loyees of Dan pur and Sahlbpnj in Eastern Railay (688)J. more Bco,)mmodlltiun to the thied clast That the demanj unjer the head Rail- paseengcn. (69 5)]. way Board be reduced by Its. lOCI. Tbat the demand under the h""d Raib {Failure In senling instructions to Gene- way Board be reduced to Re. I ral Managers anj other effittrs of the [Need to mai main dining C8l'1I in the I ndiaD I njian Rail ways fer receiving memo- Railways and el<"Iend them to ranja ani receiving delegations froID non-covered tr..ins for the cunverueaae unrecognised Associations and UnioDi of the geneml pa.'lSCngtt5 (696)]. (689)]. That the demand under the head Rail- That the demand undu the b.,ad R&D- 100. v;ay Board be reduced by R,. way Board be reduced by R., 100. [Failure in wirhdra,,;ng the Court cases [FIlilure to recognise AU I nJ.!a Ra·ilwa, launched against more than three hun- Ministerial Staff ASS(1C":hln B8 the dred ,ailway employees and th= leaden repre ,ent Jti {e org !Dh JtLln of the for participating in 33 day ~ Ministerial Staff In I ndiall Ra.ilwayo unke in 1971 at Garhara for the gILDt (697)). of project allowance (690)]. That the demand under the hcsd Ran- That the demand under the head RaU- WB) Board be rcduc'Cd by Rs. 100. tvay Board be reduced by Rs. 100. [Failure in granting project allowance to [Failure to rec('gnise N. E. RaIlway Maz- the railway employees of Baraunl- door Unien as the representative Drga- Garhara and other places withiri 20 nisation (f the employ... , in N. E. RaU- kilometres of Barauni Fertilizer Pro- way (698)). ject (691)]. That the demahd under the head RalI· That the demand under the head RlUl· way Board by reduLcd by Rs. 100. WRy Board be reduced by R.s. 100, [Failure to re<.'Ognise Nonhero Raitway {Failure to reccgnise All India ~ Workers Union as the representative way Employees Confedration a. the organisation Df the employees in the biggest representative organi.ation of NDrthern Railway (699)] the railway employees (6902)]. That the demand under the head Ran- That the demanj1 under the head Rail- way Board be reduced by Rs. 100. WIly Board be reduced by Its. 100. [Failure to recognise All I ndis Carri8se (Failure to recognise All India Statlen and Wagon Staff Council (700)1 . Masten' Assodation 8S the represen- tative organisation Df the St ~ That the demand under the head R.al). MaMers and Assbt.",t ELtion M ~ way Board be reduced by R.. 100. working on the Indian Railways (693)]. [Need to rccngnioe All Jndi. Train Ex.· That the demand under we head RaIl- rniACl1l Welfare Ccmminee (71'1)]. way Board be reduced by Rs. 100. That the demand under the head Rail- [Failure to recognise Indian Rail"ay way BDard be recuccd by Rs. 100. Loco Mechanical Staff A.sociatil'n as the .. Dnly representative Ol1lganj,n. [Need to recogni..: All India Signal and tion of the Loco Mechanical ~ .'rekcommunicatiDn . SUlff· , ASlKlci- workln. on the IuJian Railway. (694)). avon (']02)]. 101 ~ O.tRtwa.')' PBALQUlfa. 21.' '* tBA.iCA)· ,D. 0, ~ 19'13-'74 ' 19'13-'7t 1'bat the deIDud'under 1iIe' 'bc!Id Rail- That the demand under., ~ bead ll,all- way Board be reduced by RI;Joo. way Board be redllced by ~ 100. ',I (Need to take' cxemplart ~ [Need'to rerd be rd LlOeJ by Rs. 10).: That the dommJ unlor the h!aj Rul- "''By Board be reduced by Rs. roo. [Need to ~ All India Guard Coun- cil. (705)]. [Failure to provide quar!..:r> to all rwwa , ~ C{13)]. Trnt the d,ml'd uTJer the ~ Rail- way Board be reJLlxd by R,. 10). That the demand U1hkr the head Rail- way Board be reJuceJ by R i. 10). [Need to recognise All India RunniJ1g Stafl A330ciatio:1 (pS)], [Need to run direct passenger or shutde That the d;mlnl ~ the head Rail- train from Barauni to Mugbal S-arai and back (714)]. WJY Boud be re ~ by Rs. 10). [Need fC'r aOOlition of the present con· That the demand uncler the head Rail- tract system for loading and unloading way Board be L ~ by Rs. 100. of good. anJ p3tcels .nd provisIon of (Need to run a train f 'om Gaya to Pam. . regular employment for that work halting at all stltions in the ~~ IIIlJ (707)]. urri,iJ1g at Putnl at 6 A. M. (715)].

    That the demand ~ the head Rail- Tnlt ~ d,ml'11 U'1'l" the bead Rail- way Board be reduced by Rs. 100. ~ Bcnrd b: ~ by Rs. 10:>. [Need to construct ne., nilW.lY lia:s in [N!eJ to ~ c-cntract system of work backward areas. (716)J, iJ1 Rlilways aad to p!riorm mainten- ance an I I=Onstruction work departmaa- That the' 4emanJ under the head Rail- tally (708)]. way BoarJ be reduced by Rs. 100.

    [Need to grant travel ~ to the Tint the d,ml:11 ud" the head Rail- members of the All Ia lia T ~ way Board be re .ued by Rs. 106. Association arid CJltural OMgni,a- [Need for f.ir anJ im;llrt ial procedures tions, including Indian pc'Oplo'&, Theatre 'for appointment' of cias, IV "taf! ,f) Association (717)]. as to stop the ~ of bad' rec- That the demand under the head Rail- ruits as at pre,lem (709)]. way Board be reduced by Rs. 100.

    • That the dem,nd u:1der the head 1\0111- [Failure to supply coal to various railway. as provided under the rules (718)]. way BOlrd ~ rej,lc:J by R, 100. , (Noed for ~ lito a,.1 fJii' policy of trans- That the ~ ~~ tho ~ RliI- rer and promoti":1' and bcu,hing aside way Board be ~ by R;., ED. all .to;>-:,lP ptO:lDtio:n, Pe!iUltr.lg' from [Faiiure to che:k pilf.!l'lP ant. ~ ,favo.Jritiml a.1lJ, "orrupti oil (Tlo)]. of coal on·raiIway. ~ '._ ~ Shastri) _tander, .the. contnc:tors for' S to_ TbIit the ~ Under ~ ht'Jid' Rall· ZO )'ellS. (734)) be reduced by Rs. 100. ....,Board .' That . ~ under the head Rail- way Board be ~ 'by Ro. 100. ~ to ~ ~ ~ to railway employttS anJ otb("r ,-;ctims [Need to abolish 'contract syst."m i COIIl illVOMd In the railWay accidents (720)). and uh handlmg in Railways ~ under tM Mad Rail- nWt the dnDand That ~ ~ under the head Rail- way Board be reduced by Rs. 100. way Board ~ reduced by Rs. roo. hour duty for all calego- ,tart Saharanpur Light Railwa. [Need 'to {ill 8 [Failure. . to ) rin of stafl' in Ihe Indian Railways ,"splle of the assurance given by the ('721 )J. fol'llln" Railway Minister (136)]. demand under the head Rail- That the <:I..mand under the head Rail- Thut.the Board be reduced by Rs. [00. way lJoard be reduced by R •. 100. way [Failure to grant medical facilities'to rlw and undue delay in pay- I rrrigularitie!< ""ual and sub,titute railway ~ pensions 10 the rt"tired railway ment of yen (737)1. empJoyttS. (722)1 ThaI the demand under Ihe llead Rail- That the d..mand under the head Rail- way Board be reduced by R '. I 'Xl . ....y Board be reduced by Rs. 100. [Need to reduce the renl of reliring rOC>nu of brass and [Failure to ched pilferage <:barged from the Mernl><...,.,. of ,parlia. other valuable materials from Jamal- menl (n8)), ~ Railway Workshop (723)]. the demand under the hl"8ti Rail- That the demand under the head Rail- That way Board he reduced by Rs. 100. ....y &lard ~ reduced by Rs. 100. taking action aR3in.tt the offi- (Connivance of railway officials in them [Failure In class attitude coo\mitted in Jamalpur Railway daIs for their anti-working {of the Railway Wwbbop.(714)]. and had management Hooipital, Dhanbad (739)). That the cktnand under Ihe head Rail- under the head Rail- ....y Baud' ~ reduced by R •. IOC, 'That the demand way Board be reduced by R.. 10(). INeed to alter into c:oIlective bargain- ~ tlte offioo: ina with unrecognised unions also (725]). [Policy of victimi9ltion bearers of the Dhanbad Railway 1100- "I1\at the demand under:the head Rail- pita! Employees A'soetation (740») . ....y Board be reduced by RI. 100. That Ihe demand under the head Railway nilway Manage- IPaiIutt to democratise Board ~ reduced by Rs. 100. ment and administration with the ",dueing the salaries of high participation pC elected representativC!; of [Failure in ~ .Indian Railways (74[»). cmployeea on the basM of ..,c:ret ballol officiAl. in (736)). That the demand under [he head R .il, way Boerd ~ reduced by ~ 100, 'n1at the demand \II1der the hea4 Rail- in supplying adequate and costly ..ay Board ~ reduced by R •. 100. IFailure medicines and other medical {aalilie. to abolish contract labour SY91tm iFaiNre to cIaaa IIJ and JV rall ..ay employee. Railways (733)]. in the Indian (742)]. That the demand W>der the ~ Rall_ . That, the demand under the he,id RaiJ- wa)l Board ~ reduced by Rs. ~~ _y Board ~ redutd by Rl. 100. .. enCQlUa. IFaihue indcclatlll& as permanent aU [Need to cbeck oomspt J)('8Ctices war...... \l'bo are wortina ill CIOIIl hand- It'd by the RaiJway Baud (743)1. ~ ~ fHJ&) .'z,: ~ 1973-'14 Tl'lit tbt: ~ 1)hJer the ~ Rail· That ~ ~ ~ ~ ibe' ~ Rail- writ ~ bI! by RR. too. kdlioed ....ay Board be reduced by Rs. 100- (Need ~ rent of retiring tb it!d\ice taiJWay lCotl!ti,oBnce . of h1gh'6fflciah in i'agon rooms (744'), . ~~ a"il theft of the Railway pro- That the ~ ~ tile btad Rail- perticl (7"»). -y Board be reduced &y Rs; ioo. Tha the demand under Ole' ~ Rail- ~ in constrUCting a puUa over- way Board be redllCed by Rs. 100. brid,e at Mecthapur railway crossing in P"ma to solve Ihe hottlencck of tram- (Failure to Check wagOn ~ in broad port (745)J. day-light at Mughal Sarai, Ga)8, Dhan- bad, JllIru!IPur, Patna, Howmh, Baraunj, That the !lema nIl un<\c I

    That the demand uDder the bead Rail- That. the demand undn the head R.aiJ.. way Board be reduced by RI. 100. way Board be reduced by Rs. 100. (Mi8use of claas IV Ita1f by Railway (Failure to stop malpractices in allolme.. Officers fur perfOr1nihc 40aicaUc dutica of railway ~ (759)). in their rL"5idenccs (75t)). That thr demand under the head Rai1- That the demand under the head Rail- way Board be reduce,! by R,. 100. way Board bt: ~ by Rs. 100. [Failure in. establishing Divisio'nal Head- lC6uuslon or R.P.F. with \!.1Igo1l brcaken. quancn !II ]amaJpur in spik of tilt . (,52)). ~ . (760)). ." .4 ~ SlwtrlJ That ~ da:iloond undU ~ ~ way Board ~ \lJ ~ ~ .: That the denllnJ alljcr tho head Railway [Ncedto mat 1000 u ~ bereduoed by Ra. 100. £OIIl.khaIasl.t ,ranw., employees (m)}. , ' (Need to lay double raDway track from Potnl to Gaya 011 Basterll Railway That the demanJ ~ ~ RaA- way Board be reduced by RI. 100. • (;>6 I)}. (Failure 10 unify the, ecaIc:s of pay of ~ "That the demand under the head ~ grade I and II 1.1Il a ai62)}. That the demand under the head Rall- That the demand unJer the head Rail- way BoarJ be reduced by Rs.. JOO. wy Board be reduced by RI. 100. [Failure to widen the foot ovor-briJl!" (Failure to d'posit interim ...,lief amoliDl at DJ:upur Rail_)' Station on B.l,terll in P.P. B(XXlunt of employees for the Railway. (771»). IIlOnths of October anJ November, That the demanj under tae head .Railway 197 I at DaoapUI In Eastern Railway Boacd t-.e reduced by R.. 100. (763;]. INeedto ~ retiring room. at D;m.poc That the demand under the head Rail- (Khagaul) Station on R. R.ilway (77z)}. way Board be reduced by Rs. 100. That the dcmanJ under tae he.J RaU- (Failure In checking miSUlIe of railway way Board be reduced by Rs. 100. . employees, money Bnd materials In organising ~ Melas at Pandu and [Failure to fill up aU vacant posts and Katihar in N.P. Railway (764»). oonfiml temporary and Officiating .ta1J on the said ~ in the Railways That the demand under the head Railway (773)J· . Board be reduced by Rs. 100. That the demand undcc the head Rai1- {Failure to restore Howe Rent Allowance way Board be ceJuced by R.. 106. to the railway employe I working and resi'ding at Oanapur (Khagaul) in Eastern (Need to allow public pasoage through ovcrbridge at Katihar Railway StatioD Railway (;>65)}. which was built for the purpose. (774»). That the demand under the bead Railway That the demand under the. head· Rai1- Baud be reduced by RI. 100. way Board be reduced by Rs. 100. (Failure to provide wOrkload accordlng to yard ,tick Bnd not taking work more (Need to construct an ~ at Thana Behpuc ,StatiOD In N.E. ~ ~ than' eight houn from the railway (775»). employees. (766)}. That the derngnd under the head Rail- That the dernanct under the head Rail- way Board be %educed by Its. 100. ,_, Board be reduced by Rs. 100. (Failu..., to withdraw viatimlSatlon easel [Need to provide alternative post1 to such Il!l transfer,. suspension, ...,moval, decategorised railway employees. (767»)· dism,issal and police ,cages against the That the demand under the head Rail- rdlway ~ •. (776)j- ,way Boord be reduced by RI. 100. That the demand under the head Rail- (Failure to transfer high officiab 8t Katihar way Board be reduced by RI." 100•. I it N.P. Railway for their bureaucratic [Failure to ,implement decided policies atld aoti.... tall artitude. ~ by the RaiJway AdmlniMnluon.(777)] • . ' 309 : D. a.'IJtlwa;), . PBA.LGtrH;'V2i,' Ykr'tSA.KA) -D. o. (Ri1l*.l '10 l&78-M 18'73-'" 'Det the dc!mADd UDder the bead R.aiI- That the demlllld under 'the' htld IWI· _y Board btl ~ by Ra. 100. WGy Board be reduoed by ~ I Failure to Implement ru:ommcndationa [Failure in treatir,s Bter.ograrl:cra as e ... of Shanbr Sharen Tribunal with re- scntlal Btaff for the purpose of ~ gard to upgradetion of posts of mecha- of houses. (7B6)]. nical ~ 1000 abed ... (n8»). That the demand under the head Railway That the demond under the hrlld Rail- B.l:tl'd' be reduced by R... 100. way Board be re.1uced by Ra. 100. IFailure to Implement recommendatiol1lt [Failure in proviclr:g railway quaWfi ,0 of the Accident Enquiry Committee ',he staff workir,g in rLilway ,fUc, I in with ~ to upgrsdation of 25 per Delhi prior to July, 1947. (7S7)]· oent, post' of mechanlail Haff worl

    That th(' demand Wldcr the hca.! Rail- [Failure to supply Wlifonrul to loco m:omenJations ot R,ajya- That the Demand \IIldec the Head Rail- ~ A\nrd. (794)1. way l30ard be reduced by R,. 100. That the ~ \II\<1er the Head Rail- [N ""d to c<>n.lruct sheds

    That the D:mlnJ unjer the ~ Rail- That the D !mand under the Head. Rail- way Board be reduced by Rs. 100. way Board be reduced by Rs. 100. [N!ed to ca:lStruCt a w()()Jen ~ [PJ,lure to cl,ar SIU'l1' al Patna Junetio. at N :ora station of Eastern Railway.' Railway station. (HoS)]· (796»). That the Demand UClder the H?ad Rail· That the D.'m ,nd wiler the H 'aj Rail- way Board be rcduc'd by Rs. 100. way I30ard be reduced by Rs. 100. ~ tro to C) H:ru:t' a bct'lli 1& fot pare:1 ~ to provide a halt for passenger Olli" at N.'ora station of ElSlcrn Rail- traim at R1jenJra Nagar station of W1Y. (797»). Patna. (806)]. That Ihe Demand u..,kr tl,e !Tead Rail- Thot Ihe Dom.nd under the H'a;! Rail- way Bo:rd be reduced by R.s. rDq. v:'y Doled be rcduc!d by R.s. 100.

    [N.'e.l to npply Jri'lking wlter at Tarcgna (N ted to ru, D, L'txo t:ains from D-Ih I stl:io'1 froen the W.lter tanle at Massaur: j. to H 1wra'1 via Pat,a and back thrice (798)} in ::1 \V :.:k ~ of twice as at present. T Ht ['1: D:m 1"1 I In jOr I'" H'1d R.a'l- (307)]. way 13o.:rd be reluL'CJ by Rs. 100. Tlat thl' demand unJer the H" I R d- [FailJre to c'1,ck tick'll ss tray Irr,g in w.y Balrd be redue:d by R,.. 100. Patna-Glya line On East' rn Hailway (799)]. [N ,ed 10 nn R lj Ihani Ex,rcss vil Pama That Ihe D .'mand under Ihe llcad Rail- als() tw;c.' in a ~ with S:O.1plgc at way Iloor J be red uc:d by Rs. 100. pd:n" ~

    N::J 10 CJ HtrUCI • n,'w railway line T Jat Ihe D :mlrd u .. der Ihe H",j Rlil- fro-n lIi'lI. slajon of ElSt'rn Ralway way Iloard be rcJueod by Rs. 100. ~ ~ Vil Bik·."ll, ~ [N :ed to ru.., • J IY1,ti-Il'lta train from Arwll anl K vlha, ~ D'lhi to SJ-nldpur. ~ T:iu tho, D'mlnJ u,lor the }lead Rail- way ll) [I 1? r.'lu"J by ~ 100. T\,t Ihe D'm1nj u.., ler t.he II "I Rlil- ~ ~ [FJil.!,.' to provile employment to the WJY br by R, •• 100. suhs:itute raOlwlY w)rk rs of D Inapur [N:ed tn run a dir'ct train from PJtIla Division O;j ElSlcrn ~ (801»). , tOO D\anbal via Glya '(810)].

    T:11t th! D :m"l u.,ler the H 'al Rait T\at the D 'mln I u .. jer the H 'al Rlil· way, ~ be reduc:d by Rs. 100. way I30ard be ~ br Rs. 100. [FJil'l[C to ~ el'c:rinclI:ion fr3m [N ed to h"o luc, &, f.oat day-train fr,_ , M IJ'111 S \['3i to AwU'l1 In ~ tine palna to Rmchi .nd ,Qack. (811)1· of the Butern Railway. (803)1· ' 31J D.. q., .. (3Ir•. ) Iftj:'1. TMt .the U!Ul.1'I\d under the ~ lUit- That the ~ ~~ the lbd Rail- way Board be retlucrd .bYRs. 100. way Board ~ ~ ~ 100,.

    (N.ed to provkte stoppage of SOUth .Bihar [!:'

    That the Demand ""der the Head R,ail- That the Demand under the Head Rail- way'Board be reduced by R •. O~ way Huard be reduced by R,s. 100. (Need to construct a ,;ew railway line rN eed to raise the amount of grant hellle from Olhta9tation to Daliongarij. (8Il))' given to Khagul Municipaliry by the Railways. (821)]. That the Demand under the Head Rail- way Board be reduced by Rs. 100. That the Demand under the Head Rail- way Board be reduced by Rs. 100. [Need to construct a new railway line ~~ R ~ fco;n ]l"-anabad station of [Failure to convert the P ~ lya 11110 g""rn ~ Eb']lrsarai. (814)1 of Eastern Railway inlo a dollble liIle. (812)]. That the ~ l1'1der the Head Rail- way Doud be reduc::d by Rs. 100. That the Demand unler th, H:aJ Rail- [Need to cnstruct a new ra:iway line way l30ard be red"coJ by R,. ICX>. fco;n Rljgir to GJya. (815)]: [Failure to provide sheels anl drinkill B IFT'nt th' D'nl1'l.l U"1ier the H,al Rail- ~ at Parse. Poth.li, Nliw.n, l,"daul way BOlrJ be rcducd by Rs. roo. Taregna statio'" 0"1 ~ line of Eastern Ra!lw.y. (823)]. ~ to ~ a new railway Hne alll';" W"t 11 ~ Cl"11} ~O ~ That the Domand under the Hoad Rail- S' ,e f,o<1. D 11apur station of Eastern way Board be reduced by Rs. 100. Rlilway. (SI6):. [Need to construct sheds 0' both sid l'1I That the Demand under the Head Rail- of G"lalrbagh station of EJ3!ern R_i:- way Board be rdunce by Rs. 100. way, (824)],

    [Need to raise the platform at Blnkaghat That the Demand under the H!ld RJi 1- railway station on Eastern Railway. way Board be reJuced by R3, 10:). (817)J. [Need tp fix up pay scale of Loco static. sraff as per work load and re3p;,:uibility . That the Demand under the Head Rail- ~ way Board be reduced by Rs. 100. That the Demand under the Head RaLl- ,way Board be reduced by R.. 100. [Need to raIse the platoform at 'Phalwarl Sharif railway station on Eastern Rail- [Need to supply uniforms to all otalia WII¥. (818)]. staff. (826»). That the Demand under the Head Rail- 'rhaUhe Demand ~ ~~ Ht;ad, R.,ail- way -Board 'be reduce(1 by :R.s. 100. . . ".y a,<>!lf'1 ~ reducec;! by ~ ..I()Q. [N,;ed to pay speda' allowmcc to staff [Failure In checking ~~ ~ 'working in,id" the Ote'i 'Ii ~ in'. trains. (819)t '. "0 Ilnwky and dirty Itrnooj1here. -(821» • : {Shri RamIIVabr ~ That,t/r Demandbnder the ~ That !he ~ UIKkr the Head RalI- way Boud McJ'tduced.·by R •. 100. ..., Board be reduced by 100. Rs. Pailure to supply tool. and materials for (NffiJ for· conlinnlng . mlployees after 3 ~ o( engin(os. 0!36)]. .. , . ~ continuous S<.'TVioe and regularisa- SHRI P. G. MAVALANKAR (Ahmeda- tion of service after 6 month. casual 00.;) : I heg to mow: working In Railways. ~ ~ the de ~~ under the head Rail- Jnot the Demond under the Head Rail- way Board he reduced by Rs. 100. .ay Poard be ~ by Rs. 100. [Need for enlarging ~ amenities to the (Need for pHlpcr training arrangement for passengers tr.veiling by thir' clllSs In air. statistics staff. (8291J. train•. (R37)1. Thot the Dmland under the H,,",J Rail- That the De Oland under the h"",d Rail- w::y Feerd be reduced by R •. 100. way Board he reduced by Rs. 100. [Need to provide a progressively increasing [Need for pt'('rnotion dwwel for bkx:k Dumb<:r of three tier and two tier berths categories. (830)]. in third cia" I n passenger and expre" trains thmughout tn.: CO Cl'Uy. (C:.lllj. Tha the Demond under the Head Rail- ...y Foard be reduced by RB. 100. That the Demand under the Head Rail- way Board be reduced by R,. 100. (Need to give ALP po!Itli to anisan sta1I (Need for making BVlIilable the supply of in steam Looo-shed. like ~ BhNo.. clean food nn d cold and fr<"1ili water at t'831)}. Railway stations. (839)].

    That the DMJIIUld under the Head Rail· That the Demand undtT the head Rail- 100. .ay EoaJd be reduced oy Rs. way Board be reduced by Rs. lOCI. !Need to pro-fide ~ aecti

    (Need for job writer for BMC and FIe. That the Demand under the head Rail- (834)}. way Board be reduceJ by Rs. 100. (Need for strengthening I!Ccurity guard" nat; the dmland under the head Rail- and police on the various trains and at ..y Board he reduced hy Rs. 100. nations, partlcularly In areas where the (Need to give advonce TA ro railway staff iDcidwce of theft, iltSauh, murder (&Qed for long journey! and while proceeding by the tnn>elJing public baa been· <¥I. tID .,0 tftlnm.1l ~ (83S»). . 'biCraLi (8.p)). 517 D. G. (Rlys.) PHALGUNA 29, 1894 (SAKA) D. G. ~ ,318 197J-74 1973-74 111al the ~ under th: head Rail- That the Demand under th, head Rail- ..,y Eoar j be reduced by Rs. 10:> way !loard be reduced by Rs. 10:>. (N.ed for pJying boaa.; to th; RJiI'NlY [Need for improving the position C'f punc- rmployee.. (843)]. tuality in runnhg th, trai!!s (Iocd. 'rm the De:nan:i u'l.1or t,.'1: hod RJilwlY passenr," and expres3) all over the Eoard be reduced by Rs. 100. country. (85!)], (Need for improving the pal' scoks of That the Drmand under the head RJ.il- lower grade employ"", in tho Railway". way Board be reduced by Rs. 10:>. (844:1. [Need for relillcing th, time takon by the Th,t the IY"mand uCld',r the head Rail- Flying Rani aNI the Guiarat ~ on "ay [oard be reduced uy Rs. 100. Western Railway in running from Rom- tay to Surat anJ from IlJhar to Ahem- (Ncrd for proviJing ben':l living co'lditio:u dablld rcopcctivt'iy. ~~ anJ hOllSlllg to t;l" RJilway cmpluyee •. ~ That the Dema nd under the head Rail- way Beard be redu _ed to Re. I. That the D:mJrd u"der tho head Rail- 9'y I'l,,,d be leduced by Rs. 100. [Failure to devise a proper, just, effii:nt anJ titnely service and system of reserva- IKeed for 'GJ ir g more coeche. and trains valion of seats for passengers travelling on the lOutes where wOIkers and stude"u by third, second, first and ACe class"". are lravelling daily for g)i 1& to their _ particularly for long distance lravel work and stuJy pllce". (d4.J)]. (853']

    Tnt the ~ under the head Rail- That the Demand under the head Rail- • 'ay ll('ud be reduced by R.I' 100. way Board to reduced to Re. I • (Failure to provide necessary personnel (Kerd for taking firm measure. and stern at the • MAY I HELP YOU, countt'n action to check and drJstic.1lly reJ.lce put up at some railway platforms the number of ticketlcs. traveller; all with the intention to help and guiJe the o\'er Ihe country. (847]. passengers and general public (854)]. Thl t the Demand under ~ h:d R.lil- That the Demand under the head Railway way Bva.d be reJu;ed by Rs. DO. Board be reduced to Re. I.

    (Need for improvir.g the various facilities iFailure to check and eliminate, growilll and Emenitics at the Ahmedabad railway corruption in the Railways (855)]. lIuion (broad gauge as well as metre That the Demand under the head Railway puge). (848)]. be reduced to Re. I. [Failure to run adequate number of local That the ~ u:1j!r the heal Rlil- trains (both slow and fast) in the metro- ....y Board be ~ by Rs. 100. politan cities of Bombay, Calcutta, (Need for providing sheds and for eorl- Delhi and Madras (856)]. truCling platforms at VAtwa .tJtion, n:ar That the Demaild under the head Ahmedabad, where a vast inj.l.trial RIll- way Board be reduced to Re. I. complex is co.uing up ~ (84J)]. (Failure to increase speed of several local and passenger trains all over the co\1DU1 That the Demend under the head Rall- (857)]. o wa, lIoard tc reduced by RI. 100. That the Demand under the head y (Nred for constructing an over-Bridge RIll.. bctwecD Sabarmau metre Blug: railway Board be redued by Rs. 100. BtetiOll, ~ Ranip Approach Real in [Failure to reduce over-c;rowdina 1Jl uu. Ahmedabad district in Gujarat (8so)]. (8S8)]. 1891 L.S.-ll D. G. (RIII$.) 1973-74 MARCH 20, 1973 D. G. (Rl".,) 11173-74 That the Demand under the head Rail ...., [Shri P. G. MOlvalmkarj Board be reduced to Re. I. That the Demand under the bead Railway Board be reduced to Re. I. [PailUIC to make railway jOUIney 88fe. secure and comfortable (867)]. (Failure to mitigate many hardsllips to the vast number of passengen travelling That the Demand under the Head RailWllJ' in third class (S59)]. Board be reduced to Re. r. (FailUIe to abolish or radically rcorieDt That the Demand under the head Railway Board be reduced to Re. I.J-- the Railway Hoard. (R68)1. Shrl Ram ova tar Shastri: I ~ to move: (Failure to improve catering services on the trains, particularly on the metre gauge That the Ill-mallli unler the hl... " ~ Unes and in long jOUIneys (st;o)]. Board be n:d •••:eJ by RI. 100. (Need to pro, iJc loois mom in every loco That the Demand unJcr the head Railway shed. (869)]. Board be reduced to Re. I. That the Demand under the head Railwa, [Failure to expedite electric trains from Board be reduced by Rs. 100. Bombay to Ahmedabad fur both goods and passengen tra'f.c (861)]. [Need to take back loco cleaners in loco, who were sent in other ("tegory, in the Delhi That the Demand under the head Railway Divisiun of Nurthern Railway (870)]. Board be reduced to Re. I. That the Demand unler the hea:! Railwa, (Failure to run a daily delu.xe train (with Board be reduced by Rs. 100. A.C. caI chair coaches) between Ah- (Need to stc,!, retrcnchmnt of deanors in medabad and B.>mbay. (862)]. Delhi Division of N Jrthern RailWlo1 (871)]. That the Demand under the head Railway That the Demand unler the neal Rail1ft)' Board be reducd to Re. 1. Board be reduced by Rs. 10:>. [Failure to convert the Ahmedabad-Delh. (Need to exempt Firemen' C ' from be- trado; from metre gauge to broad gauge coming loco cleaners in the De11li Divi.ioa (S63)]· of Northern Raill,"y (X72)]. That the Demand under the head Railway DoJr I be reduced to Re. I. That the Demand unJer the head Rail,", Board be reduced by R •• 100. [FailUIe to start forthwith the constrUction of Bhavnagar-Tarapur line in Gujarat· (Need to provide 16 hours' rest to the (164)]· Running Staff of Delhi Division of N:JI'- thern Railway after performing 8 hour That the Demand under the head RaIlway or excess duty as per orders of the Rail- BJard be reduced to Re. I. way Board. (873)). [Failure to make provision for Railway That the Demand un:!er the head Rail.., route (Kapadwanl-Mo:1asa line) and Board be reduced by R,. 100. other facilities In Sabarkantha District (Need to accede to the demani. of Loco in Gujarat. (S65)]. and Running Staff of Ratlam Divisio. (874)]. That the Demand under the Head Railway BilBrd be reduced to Re. I. That the Demand un:ler the head Rail,"" Board be reduced by RI. 100. [Failure to convert the Baroda-Chhota UdepUI line from narrow gauge to broad [Pailure In re:luclng work ba i of II In ~ gauge. (866)]. 1ceymen anJ mistries in ~ ;1 15) ~ 1>. G. O'(fVsJ ·PHALGUNA 29, 11194 (SAKA) D. G. (RIll") um-", 1873-'14 1IlIat the Demand under the head Railway That the demand under the hood Rallwa, ...... be reduced by Rs. 100. Board be reduced by Rs. 100. IIr Pked to link In Madhy. [Failure in scrapping 14 days contlnoua I!l1ldesh through Railway linea (876)]. duty round the clock by the staff at the gates at railway stations (865»). "I'Mt the demand WIder the head Railway -.r.cf be reduced by Rs. 100. That the demand under the head Railway Board be reduced by Rs. 100. lI'8ilure to en..UI'f! punctual running of trai"" (in)]. [Need to allot rent free Quarters to class IV employees in the Rail"ays (886)]. '!'hat the demand un,kr the head Railway -.0... 1 bt reduced by Rs. 100. That the demand under the head Railway Board be reduced by Rs. 100. r"-I.'ed to attach a coach for Ginclih in the Patliputra Expl1."S8 running from Patna [Lack of water, light and cleanliness In all <.0 Dhanbad and back ~ the trains run ing on Patna-Gaya line of Eastern Railway. (887l). T1:ul the demand unJer the head Radway ""=d be reduced by I{s. 100. That the demand under the head Rail- be by 100. rSo"d to increase reservation quota from way Board reduced Rs. Patlla to Delhi in all the Mail or Express [Need to erect sheds at Sadi'opur rallw..,

    IFlIiilwe in provi.iing johs to the Scheduled That the d.mand under the bead Rallwl, Caitelo and Scheduled Tribes candidates Board be reduced by Rs. 100. -=cording to the QUotas fu

    rS!1r1 Ram _V"tlr Shl trl) That the dem:ind under the Railway Board' That Ih: d:mmJ unj:r Ihe head Railway be rcJuceJ by Rs. 100. BoarJ b: rd l!;J by Ri. 100. [FJllure to p:>st ~ ~ -cf (N:eJ tJ Ir!,lt c\"ks as w:>rkers under Ihe tracb with adequate pra_ti 81 expe- Fa::tories A.cI in pursunnc: of Supr;me rience of track maintenance (903)). CJUrl'S juJgemenl ~ ,',iI{. ~ The Cut Thai the del1nd unJer the head'lbilway M0Uum also nre bd0re the House. B'lard be _cdu ~ by Rs. 100. I

    (PaiLlr: I,,) ~ pr,)mi,ed promotio- >.:<"j' ~~~ ';; ~ ~ nal q!l,,[j of upgradati1 d-lty insleaJ of one as al present. .. -(iT·Ti,-;r" 'liTit it 1- ;,-if ~ 'f:T ll ~ ~ ~ :)'1 {'''IT g': ~ or i c;-;r m.", ,m That th! de:n l!'\d un1" ~ head Rlilway ~ ~ ~ I ;;i1" ~ Rlllway colonIes (897»). 't::ci- r frq ITT.", q" 'f '" W4 !faT ~ it:j i That th, d:mlOd un:ler the head Railway it 'fi n " fq. it ~ ~ ~ ~ Board be reduced by Rs. 100. ,,-f; 1 JfWr.lliFtr fp ~ aT.fl1 q lJ ~ I [Faibre to upgrade the P:1Sts of keynnn ;;i:i '" <'fTlr'i1Y; 'ier and mne. (8)8»). ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I -l-:r.;; qQT ~ 0)- ~ ~ ~ ~ That the demlnd under Ihe head Railway <'f.lf ;;it if; ifJ) if Board be reduced by Rs, 100. Q IT<\G ~ ql- v 11 &,"{ ij' 'fill"flf 'T ;;W " That the demlnd under the Railway Board qm ifl?: ~ ~ ~~ tie reduced by Rs. 100. "ir ::riir ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ (Failure to fix definite responsibility for if f.fim track maintenar:ce by the Assistant and q)i If>l' ~ ~ t;tlqqlldI ;:;W t I "iI1[.IFf 'fir ~ ~ 'fTI ~ ~ ~ '3" T ifit iT 'I>1:if ~ I :p ifit "1 iiI: '3"6" ~ ~ ;;it ~ qrcr ~ ~~ m ~ if; ~ m ~ ~ 't1.it ~~ m GW oq)it ~ ~ ~ O if ~ it ~ if m ~ ;fr ~ ~ '1T I o.ft f-r. ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ 't1 ~ wr;cr m ifit ferrrr ~ 'for,Vi Of.'1Tt{ tJ<'I"a" it ~ ~ e1N ~ I t:('!> ffi q. ~ oil' CT"ft:f; ~ ~ if; f.vpff 'f:T ~ ~ f·.llT ~ ~ I CT"'Q ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ lflTTH;; if, ift'f."l:JTTQ ~ tnft ~ if m;;r[lf ~ kal.,' lit tlfTtlT "H ~ \Grir if;. ;;n:r en: ~ 'fo1 B"ma 'q<'ff I ~ (ftR; ~ it ~ if; 'i'i:l: 327 D. G. (RIll',) 1973-74 MARCH 20. 1973 D. G (R1VS.) 1.1173-'14 ).as

    ~ ~ mnfTJ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ...·l-{;,;''1I$.d: 'If.:rzr.rt if; ~ ~ ~ m t'Hr tt ;lift, ~ it, "'f'fft ~ ~~ if; ~ it ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 't ~ w.;{ Bi2tR i I r.rlTI iT t;fR ~ ~ '-Ell":' 'PTT 'Q',,: ~ ~ ~ itt .. . ~ ~ ~ iT ~. 'In: mIl'T, ~ ';,?:lJi1 if, ;;ftr: ~ ~ ~ m ~ ":'fa fo ~ ~ ~ l. 1v ~ !{fif'R. it ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .,T.-fl ? 1 ~ ~~ ~ ~ it l1'l' ;pm'f ~ ~ 1-p;fi- ~ ~ if; f..m ~~ fum :J(MJ VA' ;#r I ~ ',,"'1 (f'f, mq ~ '1'@' ~ ~ ~ .fr 'a ~ ::iIT"fT ~ I. (o'RElR) 'tTt ~ if ffin .fff.'f "i% ~~ illfBil 'Ir'lT

    ~ ;nl{ II': ~ ~ >!Til" f'" 'lit qif- ;;fttr ~ >t'iR! 'til ~ ;tiT it ~ ;r.n ~~ ~ ~ ~ I -it mq wit9r ~ ~ ~ ~ 'fir "J,;:it' ~ c;fr if.'iit m::"t ","tf;;rit, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ trlf-llR '!it i.FJ1 T 'fT'f "1ft ~ if ~ I ~ 'TilT OflfTii f", ~ IfR "'''IT ~ I if 'fTjfIT ~ f'1> ~ 'n'f it lfT i:r?f ~ " i3 t I qm: W'1 it 'l"i1T ~ n;rt m'l" ~ m:'li it wrrl" ~ qtT 0flTlQ"T -iT m'Tit 'Ti1l ""'. ~ f", 'flfl m ''fl ~ ~ ;;fPT I ~ it 'iTof'ifR it ~ Wt ~ ~ ~ or"l"m 1fo"1:'f1 ~ ;jr ~~ W ~ >.ll if>T"f'f.T it" ~ I ~ it ~ itljr rn "'I" !i;;rm'l llf'fl" ~ iJ:R it ~ f<: l3T ilT ~ iT if@' ~ ~ I if l1Jm'fT ~ fiF iT'TRr ~ if>T ~ ~ I ~ il:Il m:f'flT if>r{ if 'fTIl cff.t 'T it ~ ~ ~ ;1fr ~ ~ ~ IT'Rm,, 'iiI t;C>ifTo 't,to ( ~ i . WI ~ rn ~ I ~ m'l" ~~ ~ :m q: crT l';if; fu'1ri;ri it ~ ~ q:r %T. uiR <:Tn I ~ ~ if <;if yt flfi'l" ~ I ~ lfr ~ fml;ffl 'l>1" ~ "Bit. fq,1T'li ql UltTlrtiI't wmr; ~ moren'll "f'l>-f ~ 'f>Ti:qrt H f!lT'fiPl(l'i rTCfr ~ I ~ 0 t 0 "'''11' 1: W ~ ~ 'f,i "illT "'l"l f'T!l"n: "1f; ~ for: ~ ~ '1>T ~ Irj;'f:1'Iif fi:r;;rer1 ~ I ~~ ~ fq;T ~ f?'IH I 'limr 'l"'fT .",m t ~ 'OJT T lfT 'liTt ~ if.<: kilT f ~~ I "it ~ ~ ~ If< ~ I ~ rrrf't"'l'r it ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ lill!:! l'!! ~~ I ililJ.I,l" -llo2..'?) i.l" hlcu! .LP, 2: ~ Iz, ~ L1 ktl: L!.3 ~ .\:!.!t J..1l! ~ ~ ~ .b1!'1 .!!?! ~ .l:1.LeAEj ~ ,Ut, I JJt:t.lt ti ~ ·lli't.lt L.!I! l!jldl .'! h:!lt ~ ~ Btu'1 LcHIi ~ ~~ ~ L~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :ull1>j ~ lll!ej ~ ~ I ~ i: l.10. Jj.li.b i t;lli L:'lli ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .LJa.b .lli ~ ~ ~ ~~ :tn . .tt. I ~ !!1h3 tlb.l'i 'L). ~ tE ~ 'M>j ~ !I.e t'Uhll!!! ~ ~ :hll -ll:t. I ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ llill!l ~ •~ H.I£ ~ ~ ~ uli ~ ~ ~ III l;.tJ.h ~ .... .l ~ ~ .!I!j 1l!i>J.1.b ~ l...!I! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ltli .l! ~ ~~~ ~ 1.I.r£ L~ :U""'jhl. I ~~ q ~ .!I!-\..2 b.l'i I l.t>. lkhU.I.t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ O ~ ~ ~~~ Ji!.l2 ~ J!!lhl.I1.lt .iJ' :u"hJ IFl1 J,!t ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ t:Sihj ~ ~ 1! ~ ~ I 1-} ~ ~ lie:Ell 1:h ~~ I ~ ~ ~ l.!I! ~ l! ~ ~ J).Iillt J? ~ t.Eill:l.lS ~ l....I4.2.:B l.:it :£hili lJ!.l! I ~ .l; ilia ~ ~ ~ .!l!J ,1. ~ ~ bJ..It ~ ~~ ~ ru j.It:iilj ~ ~ ~ E 1'1td ~ ~ I ~ ~ .lJ:t1,j ~~ ~ l..,.!I! ~~ ~ ~ !t;,l ~ Jj.l! ~ .I<.I:!.lli1 J...&.!l!j .lli ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l:eJU I ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ -W:It ~~ ~ L~ ~~ ~ Qi/.J.:l2.1lij (.!I! ~ LtA I ~ NPlt ~ ~ ~ ~ l.!I! :Lrl£ Jill I ~ !! b.l'i I ~ ~ ~ W ~ ~ ~ :a ~ .h.l.llI L ~ ~ I ~ Q2j.h Ul.2 ~ li! ~ lli'£!'1 :!oj;! l! lli.\!!k lhlj ltle ~ .liEJIt ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ u..b ~ In ~ u..b l!* ttba ~ ~ ~ ~ 1: :>J.F'j-'h ~ I ~ L ~ ~ u..b 1111.1t l.!I! ~ ~ ~~ o} oJel:! !l!j ~ ll'h ~ lli ~ I ~ !l!.Ejl..bb ~ H ti !t;,l ~ .I.Illi£ ll.:l! ~ ~ h I ~ ~ h'lUi.!bj.l'i ~ O :ti? ~ LJ!'1 ~ I ~ %t- tl h.UI o.lli:J ~ :l! lli!,It I ~ !jo'!,l1 .l!!!j .l,?JIi ~ ill.!! 0 Z ~ S I ·Z ( ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4ti (k.!l!-tt .2.l.2.lf! .Ij! ~~ l:l! ~ .2t21...a.e.l1 It ~ ~ ~ ~ m.:hl>..:.e ~ l!-2h !t;,llJJ! ~ ~ L ~ Jdthl> .b.LI:!! ~~ I ~ J!J,f.:E ~ ~~ ~ ~ :!co .:!:Q ~~ ~ l,1,2b :t.l.e ~ ~ I ~ f!.t J.¥:E lJ:' IWt I ~ l,1,J? llhl! u..b ~ ~ L .b.LI:!! ~ ~ ~ ~ Lth .l:Uik* I ~ .h!hjl!i-.e.& lll.!< kw !je h-'bjl.'i il!,b I ~ .I:e!!>1i ~ .b.LI:!! i)l;! ~ ~ ll1.b .'i!ll .tJ:t.'l I ~ bJ.'l llb2 l.!I! !!Jt..1J!.:h J.!t ~ ~ ~ ~ tl!tu Ltli Wllt I ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ 1; ll'2b .lli:tl..Lill ~ .Il£llill 2E!.':IS u ~ L ~ ~~ I ~ ~ ~ ftlli ~ ill£: :£jV l! lZ!!!I J1:' ~ f.l1 JJ1!ll'.!J-. ~ ~ ~ ~ l,1,m .&.!hjl.'i It.:l'Jl< :EO hlh 1; ~ ~ .!l: ,1,lli.£1 ~ 4h ~ ~ ~ lfl-"'!,l! ~ I t IH.Jcl; tg:l?.I:!1oll 11!i lilij .!l: ~ ~ L ,1, ~L ~ ~ ,1, ~ .b1,'t ~ l...l&e ~ .!l: ~ IttJ;> ~ ~ L ~ !* L1LJi 1,'f ~ :EJltl! ~ ~ l..\!l ~ ~ .lDI:IJ2 .It ~ ~ LL.2h I ~ IhBJ ttl ~ ~ ~ ~ .'J-t ili: ~ llill.'t> ~ :to !,¥ 1:J.'j; ~ lJ :£j ~ ~ L:'!> 'et!: 1--.1t.1 ~ ~ L!o--",}21.l0, ~ L I ~ ~ ~ .b.LI:!! !tiC I ~ ~ l.p..l!! .Jcl; g,ill .lli1 b.Ll:i ~ ~ lY:L 1.:l.':= )!:l.!I! hlJba ~ ~ ~ .bill :t.b 1.!dt I Dh !J.t.!t hHlli >.'!22Ihl:t. ;to] e££ tL-CL61 ("Slilll) '0'0 CL61 '0& H;)UnlJ" L ~ (,slim) '0 '0 ItS PHALGUNA 29. 18()4 (SAKI1) D. C. (Rlys.) 333 D. C. (RIllS,) lQ73-74 1973-74 many ~ where the drinklJJg w:::tter facilities ~ v;<.-:;'i f!TIt it it '!'i: ti

    [Shri Dh.. , mr.0 Afza'purkarj No\\', 1 tue up the point regarding cheap m tbe year, 1853, from Bombay to ~ railway transport and shortage of wagons. ·l'lIat was ronstructeJ so many years There are stone quarrlt"l! at Shahbad, Wadi, 'ID. After that, Sir, no Railway line ~ heen Chitapur and Sadam_ In these quarries lidded in ~ area hy the Railway Adminis- near 10 to I ~ thomand labourne are workinc 1fttion. For your informati(ln I want to say but due to non-supply of wagons then dlat one railway line fr.'m Wadi to Gada!! have since been closed down, I had written which was surveyed in 1947 has n(lt been many \etten for the supply of wagon, to theee. laken up so far. This area Gulbarga to quardt'f; Udagir is dmught hit, backward and under- According to 'Economl( and Cummer- ~ but DO railway line has been laid Clal News' there arc II wagoD huill'en. in I D spite of my ~ My humble submis· India with a total capacity of 27,5 I 5 f or- ,ion ;. that Wadi t" Gadag line be taken up wheeler wagons per annum. The allnual .. lOOn as possible so that employment may demand of wagons by the railways is ooly ~ proTided to ~ f"('(Ople ~ in this 12,000 wagons. I would like to know whY IIIIrooghl hit ar.. a. rhc ~ !<'hllUJd not increase their de- mand on the wagon manufacturers and get Another railway hlle be tuen up from 15,()()() or 20,000 wagons aDd supply them Galbarga to t:dagir becaus<: there is a plan 10 the needy pe"oos. Due to the non-sup- for a direct line to be constructed fwm Ban- ply of ~ li.' the stune quarrie-s, the .-Jore to Delhi. Fwm Gunlkul the metre qUJ.IT1i pe"pl< arc 8utrering, and about pllge we convert.. d into broad-gauge. From 10,000 1(· 15,DOC labourenl are wanderina Gnnkul to Gulbarga Ihere is already a broad here and there. I would requC1Il the hon. 'Rage. From Gulbarga 10 Betul toia Udagir Minister to ('(1J1.S1der 1hi!' 81iPC:t..'1 and give UId Amravati the dUance is 551 kms. If this more attention loward, the supply of wagon. I i De is COIll!tructcd the distance from Banga- to the need\· people as sOOn as po&&ibl ... I on: to Ddhi will be 1985 kIDs. instead or Regarding the re-moddllng of the Gul- 2'40 kIDs. now, The passenllen have 10 harga station which 't.nd, first in passenger come to Delhi f(lundahout. tr.illk in the South-emtra! Railway, Ihi,. wu .anctioned al the timl' of Shri C.M. Puonacha Now, I come [(\ speed. In many Sd- I ut Ihis has not been carried out so far. nnced countries the passenger trains arc w uld like to kn"'" the reasom for the same ronning at 160 kms. and the commercial anJ I would H-quest that the hon. Minister Uain. at a speed of 200 kIn.. I n this connec- should pay special attenticr. towards this tion, J_Ian stands tirst where the Hikari aspect, befallsl' in tlit ab&lT.ce of thi. Express runs at a speed of 2) 0 kms. In ollr remodelling the r.il .... ay scnur.to aDd the Q)l.mtrv the railway department is trying to passen gus are r.ol !!lttinll all the facilities. run tho Raidhani Express at 100 kms. which they .houl<1 get. There is a di,taClce "f 85 miles from Kurd- 'lliadi to Latur "oJ It tues 10 hours f<>r the ~ ~ ~ ~ train to c"vcr this distance. The speed 11'l1T'lfu ~ ;;it ~ ;ni ~ if; con,.. to only 10 mile" Until and unless we ~ If!IT ~ ~ ~ -G. ~ Increase the <.peed nur country will nnt he able fVn' 10 progre!-.t... Jap:ln j" introducing super- t.:n ~ I .{ mit ~ 1f.T Pn'l' 4'1 ~ apeed Iraim wh,d, will run at 450 km'. ~ ~ ~ ~ The passenger train, which arc running from ~~~ ~~~ Poona to RaiL-hur and HOligi to Hubli cOV(' • distance of 110 km,. in 12 hou". Th: ~~ ~~~ .-peed ~ be ~ and also comfort!!" vi't ~ fmw ~ ~ ~ 'IT '1ft proorided Ie ~ pa'SITlge", ~ ~ I ~~~ 337 D. G. (Rly.t.) PHALGUNA 29, 1894 (SAKA) D. G. (RillS.) 338 1973-74 1973-'14 {r.t ~ ~ 'IW a ? ~ « ~ I ~ ~~ ~ fifuffi ~ 'Iirof lfit ~ lR ~ th,ft qroi ~ ~ lfit ;it ~ mm q. !fln ~ ~ 9;fnf '1ft mr ~ ~ ? f.f; qn: oft 0~ 0 wf.f lfit ~ ~ PI q IfiUfi:r ~ ~ ~ 'IT I ~~ wm ~~ ~~~ tf.rr ~ I ~ ~ ilT ~ I f;rl:r wm: it 2 ~ .mt1fT 'qn: ~ ~~~ I m ~ I 'Q'l, ~ iR n Rm- ~ m;ft ~ 'fit 'PT muq;n: '1iT ~ I ~ rn flrof'T f.\t ~ it 1 irm it ~ qr ~ .Ii m 't 'lilVR ~ it ~ ~ m- 'ITT ~ ~ ~ Ip.fT ~ n-;;r ';[t:CT'm q)7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ i<:rr gm ~ ~ if rn ~ f.r ~ 'fi':Ft ~ Il "ffiI' 't\ ~ f.pn ~ ~ ." f,l1 "" '4t 'ifl'tR '1';1 ~ ~ I en) ,.,m .-.r fq.m ? ~ ~ flfi ~ ~ -qro j., 339 D. G. (Rlys.) 1973-74 MARCH 20, 1973 D. G. (Rlys,) 1973-74 H;-;;r '11 fCf r·.. -; "f 'rcl ~ n f of h T OF;i rr I f s' ii if]" J ~ 'f; ~ ~ '19 if mr ~ ~ I Lr"C 'Pi i'11 'f'ff ~ ~ ~ IiQ lff:lilT qf it ~ q;C ~ pu lH"il: 'ir ;rlhltJ ~ ~ 'I; ii:;r;if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I it ~ ~ 'Q"rJr 'I; ~ it forcr: q. Jtit ~ ~ frrr-r O ~ lT 1"11 tr;;".1J ? ;;jR ~ ~ I ofu ~ I ~ crq ~ ~ ;r .rTlil'1' rn: "ifrIfH" ~ ~ 'fTO to hl if ~ e- f<'l" 1"[ ~ n ~~ ~ I ~ ~ 'PI-or, ~ ~ ~ en; 'lIT!1T'I" ~ 'FT orTTr m;:rn ~ fT g-m ~ I O ~ f""J1 'fir ~ rrJ'T ~ I ~ mu ~ ~ "l":w) mf ~ ilrfn ~ ~ or JT OFf ~ rn: ~ HlT {i;f ~ ~ l;fTf ~ fun ~ q)fiRl< ~ I ~ I F f.fi:!"lT 'fi'r ii'fr 'f>l: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fi> ~ ~ <'fT{ T ~ ~ {'i f'P,T ~ !fl': q ~ ~ :;;- !R a'r I Ii ~ hrn 'I; 3i n:: 't<; f f'f"'PT it ~ Cf'fi qr iTT 'Perr 1 ~ N7: ~ n-'1 ff;;n i[T.rr I m'f ~ ~ I ~ ql"1"lfr 'fi'r ~ ~ ~ l: f ~ ;;jriPTr I If\! 'iT If'T 'AI''PwVII <:QCft ~ O ~ ~ WlFcf ~ 1ft ~ iiTCf ~ I ~ If\! Rcltc mn't '.!t'f it 1 ilrfir.";f 6 it f1!fR" ~ <1ST ~ ~ fOF ~ lHT O'?1T ~ if>T ~ Q') «% '1 rif>'lT q-r fif> ~ ~ llQ'{T1f'[ m- rf.! lir.ii.r. ~ 1 i'['7J f;r h;r ~ fip e'if; ~ <1,T'f iif;rrt ~ 1 it TT: ):fll" ~ lIT'l B Ti iT 'lill 'iTI ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ qh ~ it; ;:rmi\;f.'i J' ~ f", f'!('"'fr "!!IR q-{ ~ it f""['If '+if f",;rr ;;j'f'IT ~ I «Qmllf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T ~ ~ q or 'f;{ " i'1 Q,I" <1313; il<1 it f;r.:rriJf fiP:rT "iri< 1 ~ H'lT ~ 'f,-Z <1'l:(, ~ ~ ~ ;Ji, Jr ~ 1 ~ 'Ij" i.;{ "''l',,ir of,. i 'J' t I i T.fof ~ lTQ ~L ~ fif> ~ fC'f.c '1" ;;Tl]' ~ I 8, 9 ~ I 0 oref ~ ~ Q:I" ~ If<: ft SIT iifT 'f." ~ If<: \11" T ID .rfifQ:T'{ ",«(1' ~ fif+if·f,,. 'I";

    ~ ~ orr:] t-:r ;rft it ~ ~ 11; fuQ; \ITln' 'IT • , ... If>!: >;l:ifT m ~ ~ fq; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '{ifr ~ ~ It"!' ~ received from an otherwise courteous minia- aJO. M. matter of fact. when Shrl Nandi ter Is something that 1 just cannot under- ~ ~ ~ that particular constituency' stand. After giving an appointment 30 under pressure, he was misguided Into buil- day. ago, it was very wrong of him to htIYC ding a line which did not serve the purpose dismis.ed them exactly in ~ mInutes .a)'iDa at all. I think that it has now fallen on thi5 " I know all abJllt this ~ klut,..Karo .. particular Adminlmation to rectify that. A line h desperately neeeded between ~ They had come all the way from Baroda til and Kapa.1wanj. And there 13 enough lee him. I certainly appeal to him not to traffic not only p,slenger traffi; but also treat the representatives of tho p :Jple in thla g()OOS traffic. And I think It is for the Rail- cavalier fllhbn, puticululy w\!n th!y hIve way Minister to jU3tify in hlviog such a line g)Oe through all this ~ iUlt to lee hina which will serve not only thousand, ()f p ..- I d:> not know why they wanted to see him sengers everyday but it would Ie jUititied to but they did. Perhaps they made aome have th lt line in terml ()f everyd1Y', mistake. commodity traffic. ~ jing t() the ~ Ti-lJ MINr>Tl:R OF R.'l.TLWAYS It will be jeutitieJ to Illve til" p1Benger (S;fRI L. N MT,HRA) : To tell the House train. and two good. trains a day. very frankly I had no idea that I had shown If this little bit of :1.83 Km WlS built t() join 80me discourtesy or I have not been polite Udaipur through Modassa and Kapadwani, to the delegation. This was brought to my vith NIliad, then from Uhipur you will notice first when it appearod in some papec have a direct link to Bombay, which here aDd !.ater when nm! c,lIeag'le. of mine. will ();J!n up a w:1.)le n 'w arel abng the MP" sPJke to m: in the Central Hall. I was po"rcst plrt. of the c luntry, the w;)r.it hit taken aback. I had seen a deleg.tioo frolll part. of the c)untry, for glinlng a mel.ure Geliarat unj.!r the I:al :rship of Mr. V. K. of pra!p!rity. It is an eminently quitable Shah. I know he is the son of Mr. K. K. propoeitioo, Shah. I llk:J my Sp!cial Anhtant ~ Mr ~ h1l g'n! offm1d. H, niJ, O'J. A by!-!lectiJn Ii eX;J;:t:J to S 13ukan_ l'l1i ll!tt'f ,f l.Jlr!:il:i)1 fon v. K. Sub tha and unlesl he does s()mething, the Glng- Then, I a1k,1 w:l!th!! ( m!t a-w oth!! d!le- resl Is not going to get a single vote fmm that gation. I ~ I at my eng ~ and I fra. J.. st promises will O()t do. They pre- f"unj. I h11 seen anJther d!l!gltion three or fer a railway line rather than a Member of faur d1YS b1:k. Th: m!mJtanjum which Parliament and s() I rec()mmend to the Mr. Plloo M ldy read, I glt three weeka minister to ltan the work on that line bef()re before they came t() see me. I ha ~ th- the election. DLie to the pressure from the rough aU the pJlnts. ~ want Slm! imp- "ac..emment of India. that elcctl.>o has been rovement in the rIilw IY lin» there alll aliO po "roned once. We do not want an()ther pme new lines. It W1S nlt q. minutes pns!pJnement of tbe electi()n till this line Is I/nterruption). Mr. V. K. Shah sp:>ke to me built. It la the most necessary thing ("e the about the railwlY line which the hln. m!mber nilwa,. to d() as I see It from to.by', point Of referred to earlier. That is about Sabar- riew. kanth.. Shri V.K. Shah sp:>ke about that railway line. About Bu()da, the delegatioa My IIeCOni point is in the nature of a per. saw m! anJ I talked to them, nJt far Ii ·,anal c3mpl.mt ~ the minister. Re- minutes but far IS minutes. They started . enti, tbix-c was • high POWCfed delegation exp\alnlag each of the pointe. I t()ld the. · '347 D. G. (RIllS.) 1973-74 MARCH 20, 1973 D, G, (R1IIsJ .1973-'74 348

    , r.Shri L, N. Mihr:! . trr:l<'TPr ~ I ~ ~ ~ I h,.e gone ~ ~~ oil the I'oints in the 'f"f:f m "'1- ~ "",1 they may kindly hund it l.lu ~ f'fi ~ ifC'Irn, «-" !fm:l' ",1'c ~ te' me, They handed Ii over to m', I ~ ifC'Irn ~~ ~~ If,"T ~ ~ "I1lf I pas,cd it on to my Specbl A"ist31l! to ~ II In the Ibard L)T proper e"amin.tbn. t;.fi ~ ~ ~ ~ ".-tlfT I . q J kn '" itlen to tI:c ~ in thi, reglni. tTIlf ah: « ~ ~ ~ ftf]) ~ ~ 'Theie ((\uld be n",I,;,:g flrther fwm my mind lj,il' 4 ~ lfQT f.j; fif3'l,{ ~ ~ ~ than to show any disc 'urtC"::y to ::my ~ cf q ;;-H ~ H'[rj the ~ 1· is L:r fr.1m my nlture. I if 'ir': if i' q mith! have l:t:tc':rcd faults, but not this ;mmn:: ~ ~ ,,:;;{ 'h1' ~ ~ fault. ;;f;ft"{ ~ !f,t !f!1T ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ w;:)-.:iI' (nm.::r- ~ IT''ffi !:TRlfT ~ ~ If'f . if 'foq:r it "iI'rt lR) : mrr;Fr ~ ~ lto'T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ it "@ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'f; ~ ~ f.;rj ~ fi> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lfo"r ~ R~ fro "Ill rr;fj ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n: I ~ R ClIAIK].'''.}.; : It Is not for me to ~ fc!'fi'?: ~ If>{ "if,'ll' &~ ~ ~ pde him. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ o,i: nr ~ ~ : mmfu' ~ hltif "QT 11'1' ~ rr ~ Ifo! ~ q'fT ~ q'!ft,r ~ I . m cnrG IR if.Ttf.r ~~ ~ if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ I m-1: f:ll1 tflIT 1 ~ if ~ ~ ~ T 1 l:a;r 'fiT if<: ~ ~ it f.N 1: 9;fTll1 fit; m;r ~ it 'fi it if; m <:C'/T'f ~~~~ ~~~ ~ t.1if it ~ ~ ~ 1 rR, ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ it ~ if; m.:m- ~~~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ 'liT ~ 1: ~ ~ ~ ~ if;'t;fi::;r ~ If>mT ~ ~ ~ If>T ~ ~ 1 mo:r ~ ;;r:;r:a;r if; ~ if; ~ ~ ¢t ~~ ~~ ~ ~ , :a;r if; ~ ~ ~ (f R1/R it ~ ~ ~ ::;rr ~ itmo ~ ~~~ ~ ~ 1 '31'f it:a;r it:a;r!fit lfiTt it fualT if ~ fcr;r If0 ~ 'IT 1 Sf 0 'Ulf Tf!T ~ ri 1 ~ iffif If>T '1ft ~ ~ ;;r:;r ~ ~ if at ~ mr ~ ;;rq'Tif lilrR 71FlT ~ 1 mtIT ~ f'fi ~ <:T ft;nrr tflIT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fif; if!IT sft::W: ;w.ft ~ ~ ;l ~ L ~ ~~ '1ft ~ ~ it ~ 1 at it1:r ~ ljifl" ~ orR! ~ 1 ~ ~ if; Wfll it T ~ 'fiT'lit ~ :a;r it ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ it ~ 'IiVIT ror ~ '!'fi"T ~ IT ~ 'iif'TID g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ mu if; ~ 'liT ~ lIT fcrfriNlii 'fIT ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m it ~ 3891 L.S. 12 I 351 D. G. (Rtys.) 1973-74 MARCH 20. 1973 D. G. (RIllS,> 1973-74 352

    ['lit ~ ~ ~~ I ~ WI' q'll' if;T ~ ~ 'f;T ~ iT. ~ ~ '!1Tlf lfi7:ffi ~ T ~ 'f.T ~ ~ Wl'm Wnfu ~ ~ f, 1 WI. ~ ~ om wrmI ;r ill nl ~ t Rn. ~~ 'l ~ t. ~ 'l'll"lTf ~ gTl1:;'r -i ~ 'P"1T t I ir:r ~ ~ ~ ~ 'W'fT VOll"rYR 4'll ~ fir. f.lITTT ~ ~ ~ ~ 'I'T'1 7':IT ~ lft;:r p ~ ~

    ff.nti ilT ~ qT f.r. ~ 1m ;r,j ~ Wf1Il1' ~ •

    'l ~ 1 ~ ~ fir. 1i11 'l;fTq" n 'il'1T "f;"DT, ~ IlT't n. if '3''f 'n '3";;i;ro 'P ~ ~ ,,!fir. "!IfTI'!"'f 'l;fTq" 't ~ if ?" 'l;ffCl"f.TT ~ ~ 'Ili 'f'gT "l1 f'f: it 7-'1'f ~ 'l;fTq" 't lllq it g, .... ~ 'l;fTq" ~ 'f.l'l' T ~ ~ '1'Ifr 'f'r. iT!:R!'m' ~ I ~ ~ "irr" 'liT lit I if ~ r ~ ir ~ 7-'1cr ~ ;;flI- 'PT if 'f'''1 'l;fT'l ~~ i:t Glf,R n 71 'l;fr'l ~ ,nT rf@ ~ ~ I m'1 ;;r,q-T'l' 'I'T'1T ;fI , 'l;fh ~ ~ i:t '.'1<'fT1l ·n 0;(1'.' '3'''f ~ f'ifR g, '3""f it. mal' 'l, ~ 'ilT l1.iif ~ 'mT No ~ 1"'T1: 'l;fTq" '3"'f i'T ~ 'PT ~ 'f.11 6ll ro ~ mfu

    ~ ~ ~ ~ I6 00 hpa. DR. R.\NEN SEN (B >rasat) : Sir, I have ~ >ff.lfT ~ ~ ~ 'ift "ff'lf ~ I mnycd eight cut motions and I want to speak "fTflf"f': if ~ ifi ~ ~ mit on three cut motiuns. They arc as follows : hi ~ ~ ~ .n ~ 'p:r;:rT ~ Nc). ~ l'.ilure to increase the number ~ ifi ::mil" ~ ~ I 7i1'f ~ ~ ~ of trains in the Sealdah-Bangaon line ~ I ~ ~ ~O ~ ~ '3"'£ ~ ~ in the Sealdah Di"ision uf Eastern ~ ~ 'fT ~ '1fT ~~ ~ flf> W'l if!lT If'I'f Railwa,·. ~~ 1. I.. .. ~~ No. 305. Need tn sct up a halt! flag ~ at Satberia which is halfway between Bangaon and Gopalnagar irt'nT 'r. :;rr1: if ~ If>iffT ~ flf> ~ stations in the Sealdah Division of ~ m:Wr If>T' OR If'<: ~ ~ - 4-' >rfif;:rT Eastern Railway. "W'fr r flf> W'l ,.. ~ '1'>1 ,,1ft OR flf>lIT No. 308. Failure to double the line g I W'l q. ~ '3 ~ ~ I'f'f 'r. f"flr '3"'fl!"'f between Dum Dum Cantonment and Banga(m in the Sealdah di\-i"jon nf 'fiT I ~ 'q""f ~ ~~ if it;rr ~ * Eastern Railway. ~ ~ ifr 'flIT ~ ;;fMr ifi I'f'; if I will bl.!gin with the last l>nC'. Thert: is ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ >rT ;fr:;r iron 'm\"Fr great need to double the line frum Dum Dum ~ ;;"i ~ '1'>1 ;:rifT ~ -:;r'r '::s1 cantonment to Rangaon. Its distance is 34 if? W'l "fr v ? ~ ~ ~ IflrIT '1T'fT miles roughly. This is adjacent to Bangladesh. It is just on the border. Before 1965 war ~ ,.I'f if ~~ '1ft fliT' '1'>1 i7T'TC ~ '" ifri'o: if 'q"f'fT R I ~ ~ ~ the (J,)Vcrnments to develop more and more ~ ~ ~~ ~ ,.. 9 7:9ir 1 q-T commerce and trade between these tWlJ count- 11 :r ":'" ~ ~ ?:fr rlf> ~ qti:rllT, ries. This is one of the reasons for which 'fTrr.lT. :i17,!' if ~ 7!'T"ffl!' '1'>1 this double line is urgently required. There is the suburban passenger line having electric ~ >fR, ~ j'1 'f.T CT<':'n W'l ~ ~ which run in that section but because ~ 'fiT ~ I ~ W!'t ~ W'l ~ of the ahsence of double line it takes two li'l..' "" h:rr, "rf'f.if ~ ~ ~ '!IT hours from Calcutta to Bangaon which is of a ifln ~ I ~ ~ l1Tr 1:% ~ t rn is already covcrd by double line. But it takes lW 'ofT ':n f", ifi':f t ;;fmt '1'>1 If>fl!' fll"'f a hell of a time to cover this distance of 34 if1 If>n; fll"'f to be covered by the electric train. This ,'1 has been pointed out for so many years, but ~ o;{17,., If>T ~ 'Wm ~ I so far no action has been taken by the Railway 'P1 if If>'' ;p.f ;;'T tf.'f'if ~~ if,Tf ~ I Administration. Therefore, Sir, I wish to say that it is high time that this track is doubled. ~ ~~ 'f' I'nq- ~ if.eq'hl"'I q At least, it should be taken up for doubling ~~ I in phases. Even before the liberation of 357 D. G. (RIllS.) PHALGUNA 29, 1894 (SAKA) D. G. (Rlys.) 1973-74 1973-74 Bangia Desh, there have been persistent de- Bengal is very much increasing. In 1961 it mands in this regard from the public. The was 3' 4 crores whereas now in 10 years time . absence of double line means that it takes two it i8 nearly 4·5 crores. Therefore, more hours and the trains are very few and for bet- flag and halt stations are necessary. I have ween. In Bombay I know that in the moved a cut motion to impress upon the Rail- peak hour, for every three minutes there is an way Minister to set up a halt or flag station at electric train. Ordinarily, on an average, Satbheria which is half-way between Bangaon fM every five minutes there is an electric and Gopalnagar. With these words, I train. Unfortunately, in Bengal, I should would appeal to the Railway Minister to .ee S3Y, ir is 15 minutes on an average, whereas that this longer felt demand is remO\·ed. I in B.lm'.:>ay, it is 5 minutes on an average. saw in the newspapers that the Congress MPs Tnis calculation is kn >wn to everybody. Here from West Bengal had met the Railway Mi- in ~ from TTnrning up tIl 10' clock in nister and they have also pleaded for the same th.! night. on an average it is of one hour's thing. I saw some Cut Motions have heen int:!rvd1. Cln yl1U imlgine, Sir. what in- moved by the Congress Members of Parlia_ convenience is cased to people by this one ment in this regard. h l'.lr ~ ~ train st!rvic:s? Some \,.'ith these words I move my Cut Mo- tim" it will he 1111f-an-hour, sometimes tions with the expectation that Mr. Qreshi z} h,)urs. Therefore, it is really an unfor- will kindly look into it. tunate state of affairs and this should be recti- fied imm,jiatcly. The Rlilway Rlard's opi_ ·,;1"1 ~~ ~ ~ ~ (f;:r.rrl1T nion is that this is nell a paying line. But, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I should say, it is a faulty argument. All ) : if 'ifW lines need n:>t ho ,Hyi:1g. If trains run after IDlf'f W'fT ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ one hour, what happ"ns People will take to ~ ~ if; ~ mfi:!i ~ ~ 'f.T fDad transport. On earlier occasions also ~ 'fi1: ~ ~ ~ ~ 'I>l: ~ we have pointed this out. There is keen com_ ~ IJ Wfln: petition between Railways and road transport. ;;rn. f'fiB1 "'f f:s-.rfi':S lP'f The railways should see that their performance ",,"if m ~ ~ I ij-"Pf if ~ wn: "tf.r is better so th't the competition between qf<: 1fT ~ ~~~ ~ it q ot ic: it ~ ~ iflIT ~ ~ .rt ~ ~ 'R ~ m ;jfflflTT $ tt ~ ~ ~ T' ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ J;fR ~ 'llT ~ fi.r. ~ tt wT it, ~ ~ ~ p ~ ~ ~ S'1 ~ it fu7 ~ m'iT "fTfFf:!; ~ ~ 1fm 00 it :iT .15-50 ~ -' ;;IT ~ ?m ~ .:fflr;IT ~~ ;r, f1T'ii it ~ ~ >tt 'fP-'fT ": rt i I maT ;r, ~ it q;rir;r ~ ~ m iT 0 ..: 'TT 't lTitt o;f'R tt j;if;;r.f 73'11;:; ;:lii ir;:;-; ~ ~ I n:T. ~ ~ ~~ "f7'T. =iT 'Tn 1fr'1T t f", ~ "-RT""" ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ 1TTifT ?::m it ftt ~ 'fit (l'T ~ ~ ,,-ry;' 'f7T '-fT'Ti'c: "Mrt ;-'Pltr ~ I ~ ,f.,. urn 302 :it m 'iT "fT1J; ~ rrry; 'f7T '-f ~ ~ ~ ~ itffi ~ ~ ;:r;r ~ <'fTl! fi:f;l:rr ~ :it ~ flrq - 7F,T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ I ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ttm ~ lIT'fif ~ ~ ~ ;it ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ <'fm $ ~ 'fi': '1'fim ~ I tt D. G. (Rlys,) PHALGUNA 29. 1894 (SAKA) D. G. (RIlls.) 362 1973-74 1973-74

    T'1ii 'lit fT ~ ~ ~ I nt fT"fT ~ I ~ it it ~ ~ I 4" ~ iI, fir. rom ~ 'J;fm f'if"f fi11R' ;jqT ~ 'lit f.4' <'I'm ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ m 7f ~ I ~~ ~ ~ qrRr 'f'4'1lfl4'j ~ ~ it ~ ~ ij- ~ '1V'l1 g .;in' ~ :it qm crrir "l'T1T ( 'f7m fir.:q-r g, ~ m'T ~ ~ ci m ~ ~ ~ ~ 'r;f.r (f1ln: 'f.->:: $ ~ mm'1fTIIT iTrrr g I appw\'aI of Pulicy). Bul I sl,all ''0,- ~ ~ ~ m'T 'P1 ecially in connection with a very- In this connection, may I hope that new long-standing demand-the han. fo.linister Railway Minister will not repeat the sad has already mentioned it for a line in and disgusting performance of snme Sabarkanta district between Kapadwanj and of his distinguished predecessors? That Modasa. I hope he will look into this matter is, they went t.) Bombay and said that symparhically and carefully. they wanted to see how difficult it was Several centuries back, there used tl) be a for the third ~ railway ~ in slogan in British parliamentary affairs 'no Tax- regard to their suburban travel, and they wanted to go incognito. But land bellOld ! ation without representation' . Now ~ have started a new slogan here, 'no \"ote unless you The next murning all the newspapers publish- ed the photographs of the Railway Minister give us a railway line in our district'. travelling. I cannot understand the Mini- SHRI L. N. MISHRA: It is very dangerous ster saying .. I want to travel incllgni :0 slogan. and then the photographs appearing in all the newspapers along with the photographs of SHRI P. G. MAVALANKAR : They have of the officials who accompanied him. If the become desperate. That is why they have come Minister wants to mitigate the difficulties to resort to this slogan. Even when the earlier of the passengers, let him not at least infliCt slogan was raisei in Britain, the authority such a cruel joke on the passengers who thought it as a dangerous slogan that unlesS day-in and day-out, every day, for year there was representations they would not together, have to travel in such crowded be prepared to pay taxes. I hope I compartments. I do wish to suggest that the Railway Minister will not dis- especially during the peak hours, if more enfranchise this particular district for pressing coaches Can be added or if more trains can thus long-standing demand unanimously and be given or faster train can be included, irrcspecti ve of parties there are many parties then I think to an extent this problem of and aU of them voice this demand and I hope over crowding will be relieved. he will see. that something is done in this regarJ. Then I come briefly to the question of reservation both in regard to the passenger s I also want to say a word or two abOUt travelling from one place to another and also another long standing demand in Gujarsr with regard to the getting of wagons for goods namely, the Bhavnagar-Tarapore railway line traffic. Many han. Members have al- The honorable Minister, a couple of days ~ said about the difficulties of reservalion ago, said that he has not yet received or seen I do not want to repeat them. I hope the the Gujarat Government's assurance with re_ Minister will sec to it that the people who gard to this railway. May I teU him that the go for booking well ahead of time, five or Gujarat Government have already assured the eight or 10 days ahead, are not refused tickets. Centre that after the survey work has been At present, even they arc told, ''It is ..1i completed and demand for the Bhavnagar- finished; all closed". But on that particUJ4r Tarapore railway has been accepted, whatever day you can see how quite a number 0 r people. D. &. (RIllS,) PHALGUNA 29, 1894 (SAKA) D. G. (RIllS.) 366 1973-74 1973-'74 get their reservations and are able to go. times. Why? Because they go by local or I understand there is a small VIP quotB, passenger trains. They have to reach but Bpart from that, there are many other Ahmedabad by a particular time to go to Seats and berths which are available. their dasses. Occassionally students do nClt Therefore, there is "something wrong in the want to go to the classes. But if a worker State of Denmark". One hopes that the loses an hour or tw.), he is losing his daily han. Minister will look into it. wages on an hourly basis. Naturally, many limes they pull the chains especialJy when With regard to the wagons, I want to local trains are stopped and fast trains are bring one thing to the attention of the Min- given precedence. This is greatly s'ry. I find that ~ i, ~ prop:r co-ordina- unjust and I hope that this kind of a situa- tion between th:: ~ z:mcs. For eX:lmple tion wilJ not be alJowed to continue for if the wagons have to go from the Southern ull timer to come and that passenger trains zone or the eastern zone tl) the western zone, wilJ be 'pccded up. they arc given priority, but if the wagon; in the western zone have to go to the I find, mareonr, that the travel timings Central or the eastern ~ the southern of the trains are increasing rather than zone, the railways ~ this particular ~~ decreasing. I cite an example. One would continue to say "No possiblity; no facility have thought that with the passage of no room" . I think that is very unfortunate. time and the undoubted progress the railways I am not suggesting therefore that the west- have made, the trains \\';11 be speeded up. ern zone should follow a policy of tIt for tat. Some year ago the Gujarat Mail used to But for the wagons going from one zone to leave Ahmedabad at 9.30 P.M. and reach another, I do wish that some reciprocal arra- Dadar station by 6 A.M. the next day ,\Od ngements are made so that a lot of harass- Bombay Central by "bout 6.45 A.M ment and difficulties to the merchanrs and Now it le3\'es Ahmedabad at about 9 0' other traders could be ~ Clock and reaches Bombay at 8 0' cl0ck I do not understand why it should rake a I want to say few words or. ne questIon longer time, ~ ~ the sam.:. of speeding up of the passenger trains. I find They should also attend to the electrifica- on the ('ne side we have the Rajdhani Ex- tion of the line between Ahmedabad and press, and I understand that quite a lot of Virar l1n the Bombay line. money has been spent to strengthen the track to enable these trains to go faster. I have There is great need for construction 0 f no complaint against thaI. But I do want to sheds and platforms at the Vatva station suggest that if we can spend crores of rupees which is very near to Ahmedabad on the on strengthening the tracks to make the [-road-gauge line especially because of the Itajdhani Expresses possible, and enablin,>: rapidly developing industrial complex. If them to go at a faster speed, I don't see why I may be allowed to quote I want to say: 2 much larger number of people going by a "Vatva Industrial Area is rapidly de- large" umt er c f passenger trains and other veloping and is going to be the secclOJ local trains ,hould not be given some propor- tionate com fort by a little faster train. I say largest Industrial Estate of Gujarat. For_ his particularly because with regard to the tunately, it is situated just on the main workers anJ students, I find that quite often line between Ahmedabad and Baroda and it is just outside the Municipal limits Ihe students have to go to their colleges and universities at.a particular time or lhe workers of Ahmedabad...... Unfortunately have to go to their factories at a particul3 the expansion programme of the Railways time. It has been my ell:perience in Gujrat, has not taken any note of the Industrial particularly, that any number of times there Estate and there has been no provision have hcen Dharn,s and Satyagrahs and people for goodshed. As a result of this. the have even pulled the chains for a number of industries in Vatva have to book their • D. G. (RIlls.) 1973-74 MARCH 20, 1973 D. G. (RIllS,) 1973-74 368.

    small pillDW to the travellers at a nDmina I [Shri P. G. Mayalankar; cost and passengers who wish to have it goods for Kankaria and cart them back mal' have it. In the United States if you to \'atva. This obviously adds to consi- travel by gre), hounJ buses they do so and derable expenses and still worst is the the travellers pay a nominal amount; they pwhlem of douhle oCTroi at AhmedahaJ find it convenient, they can retire or sleep and again at Vatva." better. With these wDrds I hDpe that in This is unjust and I hope that the shed will his regime, the Railway Minister will see be constructed as earl v as pvssible. that Dur railwa),s heeD me nDt only a na- tiDnal prestige but a matter of privde in the- ~ prevalence of ticketlc,s travel in comity of nations. our railways speaks of our nati""al character 16.30 hr,. and integrity. It i. said that lakhs 01 O ~ Bl DGET, 1973-74 people travel without tickets and caUSe THE MINISTER Of STATE IN fi,uch a heavy loss to th.: railways. Some THE MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI pers"ns who are appointed on the enquiry K. R. GANESH: Sir, The HDuse is aware cDmmittee to g<' into ticketless travd that hy a Proclamation of the 3rJ March, themselves, accordina; to some newspapers 1973, under Article 356 of the Constitution 'reports, travel without tickets" I want of InJia, the President assumed to himself the Railway Minister tD utilise the all the functihmo- the powe" of the Assemhly are to be exer- dabad station is finding it difficult, within cised by or under the authority of Parlia- three or four years, to prDvide several faci- ment. Accordingly, I lay before the House cilities. The platfDrms and floor area arc the Annual Financial Statement of the State of Orissa for the financial year com- ~ than needed and other amenities are nDt adequate. There is much conges- mencing on the 1st April, 1973. The House tioo. The Ministry shDuld take a long will be moveJ tD make supplies neeJed fer range view and what they dD today should the first four mDnths of '973-74. With your pcrnlission. Sir, I \",ish to make be guod eneugh for atleas! 10 Dr 20 years. a brief mention of the broad features of Those WhD travel by third class arc the estimates. millions. In our country irrespective Of Rct·iscd Estimates, 1972-73 parties we all say that their needs have to The revenue receipts for the year shortly be attendeJ tD and better facilities ShDU1J coming to a close are now estimated at be given tn th",e passengers. Those who Rs. 170' 89 crOJ os. whIch is Rs. 7' 32 erores pay more revenue, their amenities and more than the original e.timates. The ex- facilities should also be attended to. Having penditure met from rc'"enuC'. estimated a said this I alsn want to say that the demand Rs. 200' 8D ernres, however, exceeds the of bDnus by the railway employees shDuld original c.timates hy Rs. 23' 54 crores owing be looked into sympathetically hy the Mi- to a steep rise in inescapahle expenditure nister. on relief opea:ions as well as due to Jlt'ant One or two small pDints befDre I conclude. of additional dearness allDwance to the Sratp. had the pleasure of travelling from Delhi employees. As a result, the revenUe account to BarDda last week in the Ra;adhani Ex- is estimated to ha

    Bpecial accommoelation of Rs. 38·80 crores s. 18' 58 crores in the revenue account provicled to the State to meet its deficit on and Rs. 3' 22 crores in the capi :al account ~ account, there i. expected to be for schemes furming part of the Central ill surplus of Rs. 36' 51 crores. Thus, the sector of the Plan. Special Employment JState will have an over-all surplus of Rs. Programmes designeel to relieve unempluy- '1'6.60 crores, thereby not only wiping out the ment among Small ani Marginal Farmers overdraft of Rs. 6.23 crams with whlch the and Agricultural Labour as well as the year was starleel hut also close the year with educated unemployed are among the various IB n"min.1 cash balance ot Rs. 37 lakhs. schemes covered by tills allocation. ! Budger Estimates, 197 j-74 16.35 hra. I I'm 1973-7.j, the estrmates of revenue Sl'PPLl'MENTARY DEMAND" FOR Ireceipts are placed at Rs .. 175.79 crores, GRANTS, ORISSA 1972-73 'reflecting an improvement of Rs. 4' 90 crores THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE over the revised estimates for the current MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI K. R "year. Expcn iturc on revenue account is GANESH): I beg tu present a state men \estimated at Rs. 206· 79 crores, resulting in showing Supplementary Demands for i,an estimateel deficit of Rs. 31 crores on Grants in respect of the State of Orissa fur _evenuc account. Receipts on capital 1972-73· _ccount are estimated at Rs. 123'47 crores 16.]6 hrs. \nd elisbursements at Rs. 94' 50 crores. In DEMANDS FOR GRANTS (RAJ!.- Ipite of the surplus of Rs. 28.97 crores on WAYS),1973-74-contd. capital account, the estimates lor 1973-74 MR. CHAIRMAN: We shall now 311 2'03 leave overall deficit nf Rs. crores. resume the ~ on the Raih\-ay L'c- Alth<>ugh a part of this deficit is likely to mands. Mr. Sh vanath S ngh. he !.;,lYl'fI.:J by the State's share of the addi- ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ tional resources mobili'\ation proposl d by the Central (j-overnmcnt, it will be essen- '>fT, ~ ~ ~ If': ~ ~ it tial le'T the Slate to make special and con- ~ ~~~~ certed efforts to ilnprnve the collection p:rf;f ~ ~ ~ I ~ of arrears (,1' Governml'nt Jues as \\-'ell as ~ ~ it ~ ffirr omf >IT ~ ct\'cct economy in ~ ex- m- 1/R" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ expenditure tn fully CO\'CT the deficit. in its mm hu,'gct. ~ ~ I ira ~ ~ ~ P!.1r/ GrafJY ~ ~~ ~~~~ I ~ \gainst an am()Unt nf Rs. 57' 35 crorcs, ~ ~ ~ "IT{of ~ II thc current year, the outlay on the State's f"": if ~ 1 n the State Budget and Rs. 12.07 crores to g-J;fi ~ I ~ "'" '>fj;; ~ lt1T7 be incurred by the State Electricity Board. or.,c.f The Central assistance for implementation ~ -q- IDl]- ;;i::-;f '>fT'i" ~ I lt1i'fll if ot the State Plan in 1973-74 is estimated at ~ srm 1[.T 'IiT>fTfm;:r ~ ~ I 5:11- Rs. 37'03 crores. Of the contemplated Plan ~ m q '1fT ~ lj-'>f "r ~ ~ O ~ ~llf. ~ ;;O;:r ~ 371 D. G. (RIlls.) 1973-74 MARCH 20, 1973 D. G. (RIlls.) 1973-74 372

    [• .fr f'!1[q;;M' ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q7: mr i I ~ ~ ~ ~ 'IlT 'q"T'T ~ ?. ffi 'q"T'T mIT m q, fr, I 'J'l'f on: mn;r 11<7 ~ ~ ~ ~ &err eft <'fmT 'f.T ~ flr"Tifr I 9fvr it W 'JfT fif; ~ ~ qT' ~ ;;frr,' ~ l1n:lT ~ W'RfN- r, I it ~ 'PT ~ qh: ~ ~ it '3'm ~ 'q"T'Tl:r ~ ~ ~ I ~ it ifR· ifr if.!" w"pft it f'fm 'f.BT 1fT f 'f. ~ ~ ~ ~ q1i ~ 'I'inlT I 'J'l'f 'l7 ~ !:R ~ 1Vl f'f.lIT I "rf'M m.,- 'J'l'f ~ ft ~ l1ft 'tT I ~ ~ i:r qf.r ;;rr;;rr m"T ~~~~~ ~ ~ lIT 'iI'R

    ~ 'IV ;-rn if<.f1V- nJnn ~ ~ m if ~ g I ~ mm ~ ID'f;7 it- rn ~ ornft ~ 1 ~ ~ it ~ '" f.1"lt f>1'i ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ t;f1T r 'RT ~ ;;nit m ~ : ~ me <: ~ <: 'li m 'T[I, ~ %r q-sID t i wn: ~ ~ STll"m m t-l:P-: "ff1" 'P'o" 'f."T "f"g m ~ m=r If\T t:J."'I' m 'f;l1

    [>.. 1 ~ ~ ~ I ;ft;:r1 ~ ~ ;;f;m;:r it. '1m ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q)7 ~ I llf; 'TIT elof ;f.T orvr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;;fttff 'tl1" tit on: m'1T orsm # ~ ~ fif; ~~ ~ ~ ~ \l"T< ffi ~ itr ~~ ~ -q,. m-q,. ~ 'f.>r Q.'¥l14F,ih"t ~ on: f,T ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ m R-sR ~ ~ "f)rfi r ~ 'f.>r o;'f: ~ if eN on: ~ I ~ ~ ~ 'tl1" ~ ~ at ~ mm 'tl1" 'f.f, >r'f.ir fif; ~ mit mif qri;r 5- 10 ~ if ~ ~ :ro-t ~ lilT r ~ of.tml ~ ~ ~ ~ \4i':'1<:1r 'f.Tlf 'tl1" ~~ ~~~ ~ m'r elof it. ~ ~ on: 1fT'f."l'" ~ ~ m7.r ~ ;;fttff 'tl1" ~ it ~ I m ~ f'r.iri11Til flr-:r ~ I ~~~~~~ 16.46 hrl. if ~ f'f>lIT (jT I \IT'lit. '1"I':f ~ mit [MR. DEPtJTY-SPEAKFR ;'J th" chair) ~ ~ g{ ~ ftTm \IT'l ~~~ ~ ~ ~ 'f., l'I"Pt ~ I ~ ~ ~ Il;'f. mit ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l!'f. ~~ Ur ~ 'f.>r Il;'f. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ if it<; ""Z:'1" ~ ~ ffN if H lftlfi 'f.T ~ ~ ~ em ~ it<; ~ l!l<:

    "'The original speech was delivered n Tamil. 377 D. G. (RIllS.) PHALGUNA 29, 1894 ,SAKA) D. G. (RIllS.) 1973-74 1973-74 The Ralway workcrs numbering a fcw request that the Railway workers in Tam- lakhs have been demanding that they should baram also should be given the City Com- be given bonus. The han. Minister of pensatory Allowance and the House Rent Railways "n his reply to the General Dis- Allowance. c uss on on the Railway Budget stated that he has an open mind on ih's questiun of E,'ery year the scrap iron is sold in auction. honus to Railway workers. It is not enough Since it is worth several lakhs of rupees t hat your house s kept open and you invi',c there is widespread rumour of corruption pt:ople to cun:e :n. There must be some and malpractices in such auctioning, This thing n that house for the people to appre- s),srem of auctioning shOUld be stopped ciate, It is all rirht to say thatlhe MiniSicr hy the Railways, The Railways can ope n has an open nl:nd. Bllt it ~ ofna usc lO the foundries for the purpose of melting the workers if that open n'.:nd '!-. not favourably scrap iron so that it can be used by the Rail- inc! ned towards gi"ing bonus to the work- ways. This has been brought to the ers. What is the Usc of an oren mind without notice of the Railwav Ministry several times. determined ntC'nt:{ms to do a th"ng? J I would request the han. Minister of Rail- would appeal to the hon. Minister of Rail. \\ayo;; to take necessary action in this regard. ways that he should entertai!l n his open m=nd the favourahle "fifent onS tu In rcgarJ to opening of new lines, I have give honus to the Railway worker:--, and to point out that the Railway Ministry has prove to thenl that they can deri,'c sOlOe been continuously neglecting the need s her,efit also from such a" open mnd, of Tamil Nadu. It is oniy a distance of 30 miles from Thanjavur to Pattukkottai. In SeptcJ11ber 1972 the runn ng stat} went The necessity for a railway line was re. on strike :n Southern Ra lway. They were cognised even before our Independence by low-paid workers. But cases ha,'e heen the liritish and cultivable land for this pur- launched aga nst them and they arc pen- pose was acquired fr01TI agriculturists. ding hefore the courts. These 10\\'-paid The Railway Minister for his Ministr y workcrs arc greatly ~ and they are may not even be aware ot this fact because unable to attend to ther work hecause they no thought has been given to laying this are frequently to appear 'n ~ I would new line between Thanjavur and Pattuk- urge upon the Ra lway Minister that these kottai. Either a new railway line shoul i be ~ must he w thdrawn forthw tho laid or the cultivable land should be re- turned to the agriCUlturists. waul d S'r, there arC ~ of casual labOur request the han. Minister of Railways to on Indian Railways. They cont nue fO be lay a raHway line between Thanjavur and casual lahour for 5, 10, 15 years. Th's Pattukkottai. Similarly, a new railway line system of casual labour;s 'n fact obnoxious should be laid hetween Thanjavur and Pudu- to efficient work'ng of the Ra Iways. They kkottai. should be entrolled as re!:ular staff on the Ra Iways. At present electrification of the track ha s been done between Madras and Villupuram. Madras city represents North "ladras, I would appeal to the Minister of Railways Mamb.lam, Saidapet, Tambaram and such that electrification of track should be other far-flung surrounding areas. But further extended to Tiruchirappali. the Railway workers in Tambaram are denied of the City Compensatory Allowance Sir, the salt indus:ry is the mainstay of and House Rent Allowance while their many thousands of poor people in Than- counter-parts in Madras city get them. In javur District. In Abhiramapatnam and T.mbaram the prices of essential goods ~ Vedaranyam huge quantities of salt are as dear as they are in T'Nagar. The rentS not transhipped for want of wagons. If here are equally high. therefore, I would the salt is alluwed to 8:"<;"":0, it naturally J 379 D. G. (Rlys.l 1973-74 MARCH 20. 1973 D. G. (RlysJ 1973-74 380

    [Shri S.D. Somasundaranj

    affects the very livelihood of thousands of 1rtt ~ ~ ~ !'if; ~ poor people. I would urge upon the Rail- way '\iinister that adequate number of ~~~ ~ wagons should he made available to this ~ ~ ~ ~ ;;ftlff lift ~ area so that the salt produced is transhipped ~ ~ m ~ 'fi ~ 'fiT ~ immediately. ~~ ~~

    At the time of September 1972 strike of running staff, some trains from Mayuram $I" iT'ffif it. if to Nagappattinam, from Mayuram to Tri- mrt m m thuraipoondi, from Tiruthuraipoondi to ~ ~~~ ~ Vedaranyam were suspended. Though ~ ~ ~ '3"ij' 'R fm'f ~ f.ri the running staff has resumed t heir work cnrt 'R :fu;rnclude, I would refer to another ~ J;f'Ift ('f"f7 m ~ ~ sm small thing. From .\layuram to Karai. ~ lluJi. a distance "f just 100 ~ the train takes 10 hours. On account of this inl..)rdi- nale time taken to cm'er this distance, the ~ ~~ ~~ Railways are losing the revenue on this q-r ~ m'fi r ~ ;f.r P1"1I C.\LLING ATTENrION TO .'vIATTER OF CRGENT PUBLIC ~ ~ I 1fQ ~ "TT'0i '"0 I MPORTANCE-Collld. i,tIfr I 'lfl ~ >r 1lB ~ ~ 'f, ;;fr;ii fi ~ ~ '! ~ ~ k"c.fr) ~ 'ff,'; is I 'Tn"iT ;;fPo ~ '1' if ..for"'-'I'rrrq ;;fif. lff"Cf if; ~ 'fnr if ~ ~ efT ~ "TT'0i T"fl' ofi 'f,H1T'f ~ iT ~ '.ft lf3fH tr'iT '.ft ~ Of=1 ? "f'" T 'f ~ P3T ~ ff, ~ ~ '1 qf.- if ~ 'f.'<",; Cf1\' n:'f, '1rh >ic; g 1 fir«- 1'!;f. er'l'f'51

    " Police inaction in MARCH:. 20, 1973' apprehending culprits 3&t harassing MiranCla House Hostel inmate, (CA.) [Sh. K. C. Pant] of Shri K. R. Narang and subsequently .tl Some inmates of the Post-Graduate the ~ of the Vice-Chencellor to . Hostel for Women, Delhi University have expttSS ~ anger at the failure of the also alleged in a written complaint dated police in providing suitable security 19th February, 1973, addressed to the arrangements and apprehending the culprits· Chairman of the Managing Committee of the Hostel that there was an incident of The security arrangements near the intimidation of a girl of the Hostel and he" Women's Hostel in the University area escort by the occupants of a white ambassa- have been stttngthened. dor car No. USS-5113 at about 10.15· SHRI SAMAR GUHA (Contani) P.M. on 17th February, 1973. It was aho Sir. whenever there is a statement on CaUing alleged in the complaint that three persons Attention, the procedure is that we are sup- again came in a white ambassador car to the plied with a copy of it. This sort of im- g ate of the Hostel on 18th February, 1973' promptureply and impromptu understanding at about 12' 30 A.M. and blew the horn. will not do. It causes us lot of incoi1venience. The complainants presumed that this was again car No. USS-5113. On being SHRI SHYAMNANDAN MISHRA: Bccosted by the chowkidar of the Hostel, (Begusarail: The statement which we got n the morning from the Minister of Educa- one of the occupants is alleged to have fired from an air-gun, a pellet hitting the tion seems to be slightly different fmm the chowkidar. Thereafter the occupantS statement which the hon. Minister of State fieJ in L"e car. The registered owner. of of lIome Affairs has iust now reaJ out. Will car !\Io. USS-SI13 are MIS Narang it nnt he rn'per for ~ hl);1. ~ to supply U"I a copy of that statement also SO Brothers and Company Ltd. A case ha..:. been regIStered under section 324 of the that we can examine the t\\'o logethL"r J ndian Penal Code and is under inwstiga- srml K. C. 1'1\)\"T: d() not know tion. It has been decideJ to entrust ~ exactly what the details of the other statemen 1: investigation to the Crime Branch of the were, though I did hav(' a look at Ii thiS Delhi Police, who will act under the guiJan!.2C morning. I got some addition:..d ~ d the Central Bureau of Il1\cstigation. during the day which I ha\'l" inC()!"pdr3ted .. I will gladly supply the :statf:mcnt hur i t- On March 3, 1973. another report was will take time. lodged by a girl of the Post-Graduate Wo- men's Hostel alleging that while she wa, o..:r.... ~ '!,1ll!T : ~ 1J:filqf1:rit :T ;;iT ~ "flTnIT (fit. On March 14 and 15, 1973, some of the "fOr ~ ito m<':-' ~ it ~ ~ iqt· inmates of the Post-graduate Hoslel for Women and Miranda House Hoster or•. ~~~ ~ ~ ito ~ ,aniBed demonstrations in front of thee boUle rri<:1T ifiT ~ ~ If'f if 'Iff ~ orITr ~ I ;fTq:r ~ 'fiT m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ JfAT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "!u <'flT 'If('\" fit; '3"'f 'ffr ~ 1:!;1'fo sro Q;l1o if; ~ 1'1"r if; ~ ~ 'fiP' orlf'fr ~ >5:'ffiT rrri~ -;z-f~ lIT ~~ ~,. if; ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ g{, lIT ~ ~ if ~ I Oflfrnn:: ~ ~ ~ ~~ '1f'f ift lIT 't'l"rlR.:r1lt m"l1f qroft it ~ '11" ~ rr.4T a!if.f:r;f.r ~ ~ ~ ~ lIT ~ 'fmT 'lifr·iT>: 'f"lm lfl!T ~ I '31'f ~ 'li't 'f>I1 it 'f>I1 ~ ~ ~ I >5:.,f;" ~ t:I;'ti ~ 'lTU <'flTTlIT ~ ~ qr I :iff ~~ 'f.T>: q'fi"fr ~ ~ $li il:IlHr if{r ~ f: f]Hr I'flfr;;r ~~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ '3'"liT ff.Hr rr.lIT If':rf ~ ~ ~ I 'f':rf if,:!"r ~ ifi q'HR ,.:rf;" ~ ~ ~ if m ~ iT. ~ ~ +nf'1'fi"f'f t f ~ '3'"f,[ 'lirt '1f.s qFIT '1.11>: ~ ~ "tf t iflIT ~ 'iiI" 1ft ~ ? ef[ ~ fr: ~ ~ 'fllT ~ ~ ifl[;fT ~ ~ it srro:ifo: l1'f7rrff 'f.T ~ irf::ff i:j-:;fr ~ ~ llQ ~ q;;"i91" I1rrrfucr "Iii ~ I ~ O *1'1'1 ;:; fOf" 'fh t I '-1i:if < 1:i'11 1ft: ~ f'f, ~ ~ 'lfr ~ ;r ~ 'li'rf5TI ~ f.qfr ~ fiTf ~ i1sf.i if; H i:j- .:riP' ~ i1'f.T" ~ ~ Jff-r, efr ~ ;;rf '1,:t{r .;iT>: '-1'T>: "f.?: ~ ::iT ~ ~ I ;jiq., i:j- H ~ l1'f;frii 'f>:f.r 'f;i:: 'f;R: 'f;{ ,1:1if.f ~ f'f;r.fi1 'rir if; ~ 7i"f ~ if. ';fr ..-;!Jj-" ir'r ~ t I ~ i1s[-r:cii Tor "fit' q'1/T f, I ~ 'lirmf.;:r ":r'41f 'f;TH I ~ '1(r ~ fr: ~ fit q[1l i\'h '1>: ~ <'ffrr ;';Tf ~ 'J!1 ~ '"9' d t ~ ~ I ~ Ifl::fif ~ ~ '3'1 if.rrf1l ~ ;;;;l ~ ,,,li'r f{I'I1'f rrifi Q:Tiff ~ f'li ;;nit I it ~ '.fr JlT"Rr ~ t fit; rT'fr ~ 'f."l" '1-f; I :Ifff H!f fit; ~ ml1"r ;f.r ~ -nr 'f kllT ~ ~ q'h ,'1 i:j- l[1l iJif 'fiT ,,([qr-f ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ 'f."Hr ~ I ~ ~ if '3",,;r.f Jff ~ ~ ~ f"'"1" ~ : 'li't if(fflH If':rf I '3"fff; ~ if : '!forl'f if ft<:ftt g{ I orm-ifR "9'i!"rif "highly unfortunate that political wich- hunting and character assas,ination has been ~ ~ ~~ I qifr ~ '!f.;fff if!(T mifr ~ I attempted by the vested p"litical interests q;ft at" om;r ~ ~ ~ I ~ if in the face of full cooperation being receivep Ill[ ~ rr. i!iT>: if ~ ~ ~ fl 'fit ~ liTif ~~ from all concerned," Police inaction in MARCH 20, 1973 apprehending culprits 358 harassing Miranda HOlLse Hostel inmates (C.A.) '1T.,qf+1Ci ~~~~~ i ~~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~ I ~ ~~ ~ ''IT ~ !fTo ~ • (!9-nir.r) JA;rn'rVi<1 ~ ~ fir.4't m ~ ~ ~ ~ it.m: ~ T-f f ~ nm!iT T:"lT I ~ it ~ Jr ~ ;rjff, ~ t ( oft 07.fffi ~ iIT lpIT ~ ff. 'li"nT ~ >IT'! 11 ~ l1" iT 'IT"fT1f71lT "Hf'n 'IT 7F.T ~ . rnf.:r: R:T to 1IT'1 ~ ?, y.r if,' ~ j11 if, q~ m '9i

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    ~ 0 qn::" ~ 'fiT form ~ l:%" 0 ~ 0 '3"11 'fiT W ~ 'fi1i ~ ~ ~ ~ I 'lin: 0 ~ 'fiT form % llT ~ ;;IT "t qtIJjf it ~ ~ ~ I ~ it ~ ('qlZ 'fi<: W ~ I ~~~~ ~~~ ? ~~~~ ~ ~ 'f'iiT <'1 ~ tT'f 'fiT ~ 'iR.l WIT I . . (<. ~ ) ~ ~ ~ ~ q'IR1fc'fi<'1 'fi

    .n ~ ...... If1l' : 17 ~ 18 'tiT ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ 18 if; ~ ~ ~ 'tiT ~ ~ ~ ~ 'iffl ~ ~ Cf'ffi ~ it ~ fif; ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ fif; ., • It tR'!iT'li'!)" I ~ 00 I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;fr;f ~ 1 ~ 'lil' ~ '1: ~ I ~~~~ ~ mit ~ ~ 'if"IT ~ lffl flf;m ~ ~ if; ~ mit 'iif"f <::@ \!ft ... OO~ ~~~ "'IT ~ ~ fif"'1 : '3"f ott iffii fun f.r. ~ ~ ~ mit 'tiT I ~ it lIT'1' <'lr l'Tt ? ~ ~ ~ fit; ~ 'f@ 00, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ it wf.r .n P!I ~ "({ : ~ 'f@ 'I1T'ft ~ ~~ ~~~ l'Tt' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 I (I'r fifRPrm ~ wU ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rrn,r ~ I ~ orrn m ~~~ I ~ ~~ m'1' it ~ ~ f.r. ~ 'f@ ~ "fiR ~ ~ ~ ~ ro cit ~ 'If" ;;niiiT I ~ fif;lrr efT ~ efT ~ 1fiRI'T ~ I 'lffl ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ .... ~~ ott ~~ llfif;rn it f.r. ~ ;P:;;['{ ~ ;prr ~ ~ ~ ~ ;prr , "1T ~ if;q.f : ;;ro ~ ~ 1lf"'1 ~ ~ fit; ~ ~ ffi it ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fif; "fiR lf7t) vft , ifTtir ~ it m ~ fif; ~ gf? ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ;nJ: tf({ : ~ cit Wt 1 f.t;tr ~ ~ Cf'ffi mlf em: 'R ~ ;miT Cfii,t ~ it ~ -393 Police inaction in. PHALGUNA 29, '1894 (SAKA) apprehending culprits 39-1- - harassing Miranda House Hostel inmates (C.A,) ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ fsP,'5f,CQI'1 mr ~ ~ '1ft ~ 'f<'f ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ 'IR ~ ;;fFr flffi ~ aT ~ ~ ~ f'f; ~ mit ,fu ~ 'UCf 'll7 ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ 'A".rt '9"'f; ~ f.n;;;rT I ~~~~ I ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I W1:f ~ ~ fr. lJ;£C ~ ~ P::cij '1'1 'fT ~ ~ I ~ W<:o ~ 'lOT ~ ~ 'fog[ ~ ~ it : ;it Iltr ~ I tR 324 'f>T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ I "'IT ~ ~ Of',{'1' fl'l"-1' : ~ ~ ~~ I wit ~ if.t W1:f if; ffi"If.t <:Ii ~ ~ I if.t ~ '1ft ~ ~ f.r. fw;it if; "'IT ~ 'f,'f 'ef: 3;11"l' 'Iii' 11 j, ~ ~ ~ '1ft ~ iT :ifl<1l'fT, ~ ~ 'l>t{ 'iWr ~ ~ g-m ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ m '1ft "R1 ~ it ~ ~ fr. ~ lfTlfor ~ ~ rcimft 'liT OTTa ~ I ;;r" m-U m '1ft ~ ~ ~ ~ a<: ~ ~ 'f,T ~ ~ ~ ~ fif;1 ~ f¥l I ;;r) firoqy ~ qh: ~ ~ if; "'C5 Police inaction in MARCH 20, 1973 apprehending culprits 396- h(arassing Miranda House Hoste! inmates (C.A.) think that some of the hon. M:m'>:r., are not reacting soberly at the mlme:H. I know ~ ~~ if ~ ~ usly C) nic21 .hmt the higher value of poses the Delhi Police is ~ a, Ih; I ife. Other wise, it would not be encouraging domestic servants of NO.5. Dr, Rakndra the drug culture or the rot and liquor culture Prasad Road. This was pnJ\·cd -I will go e,·en in this city of Delhi. The Governmer.t on rcpeating it a thousand ~ the "·hich h., been deliberately encour2ging this raids were carried out on the offices of some kind of culture and assisting people to come of the opposition parties with the active up with liquor .h<,ps in this city which are connivance of th<: Delhi Pulice. "'his i" the increasing at an alarming pace, cannot be kind of conduct that we get from tile D

    kind nf TIll'l ,,1 ~ that they s .. ~ t\,) \1." The number of the car is gi\'en. Even Ihe preaching and. practising. There dn':..' .. colour {'If the car is given. I ..il) nut attach not seem to be 6.ny sense of logic in any pJr:icular importance to the culour of this st<.ltc of ~ \\:,\. are aht) o.Jn\'ersant the car-in C! sense, white C\.)J..lUT seenlS to with f: ~ in Ihis respect. \Xrc arc noticing represent innol..'cnc2, it seenls tv represent on the..' 20th of !v1i.i.rch thai the police has not peace. The Unitl.:d Statc.:s vehicles have go yet w0kcl1 up to its duty. generally white ~ So, maybe the ~ They h3\,(' now bag-un some kind uf 3n ter would now come furward with a vcry inquiry-that is what we arc being told-and strange plea that car with white colc,ur went a case has he-cn registered under sectiun 324. there as a messenger of pc:acc, as a ~ May I ask why only under section 324 of innocence! The whole thing is that has the ~ been registered when shots the girls had been very particular in noting were fired twice? Further. there is a differ- the colour of the car. These things were made ence hetween the two statements. One available to the police authorities. (/mcrrup- stalement says that they again visited at 3 A.M' tiol/s) Why are you n"t hearing these argu- The other says they visited again at 12' 30' ments a little patiently? There lies the May be, Ihey visited thrice. If the miscreants rub. You can understand why these people visiled till ice, that increases Ihe enormity of are smarting even when I am bringing in the offence. When shots were fired, did only det.ils or the case. Therefore, if that nOI attract a much more serious section these things were given to police, what than section 324? Could they not have been more was required? This is not a satisfaclory prosecuted under section 301'? At least a reply to say that the Secretary of Mr. Narang case should have been registered against the said that the car was not released, thai Mr suspects under section 307, because Ihere was N arang said that the car was not released for an attempt at murder. any other purpose. Are we goini to attach all importance to the testimony given by ...n ~~ ~ f'ffsCfT ~ 'fTifi O ~ the owner of the car or by the Secretary of Mr. Narang and none to what the girls, who ~ I are the affected party, have- to say in this regard? Now, if the scale is titltcJ in fa\'our SHRI SHYAMNANDAN MISHRA of the ~ on one side, would n,)t the f'ffsm lff7f 'inifr Offer ~ ;;rr;f I Guvernment be attracting the charge that it is siding with the suspects? I Wdn t everybody to judge it very c.",lly. All Ihese things cannot be attributed'" the advantage of suspects in this case. Let it be made quite cle-,r that we are not guidod by As rcgrads the seizure of the car, it beats any ~ motive. It is the Government me why It hIS not yet been • eized. May 1 399 Police inaction in MARCH 20. 1973 apprehending culprits 400 harassing Miranda House Hostel inmates (C.A.) [Shri Shyamnanddn Mishra) the party headquarters at s. Dr. Rajendra submit for the consideration of the House that Prasad Road .. (inttrruptiorl) If anybody "the car seems to be the key factor in the challenges. the report of reorganisation would whole situation? That might give a clue to be placed here. It is this gentleman who has the whole incident. And yet this key put up a huge column in Connaught Circus factor_the cJr-is not seized by the police! which proclaims, 'The Leader is right; our future is bright'. s it not this gentleman who How is the Government going hl track de,wn I the suspects or the culprits in this regard has put up this column? I ask you wh;::her if the car i, not seized ? it is a fact or not. And would not any police- ." man of Delhi, who sees that column, feeI I would make one thing "ery clear. a tn."m()r du\vn his spine while taking actiOll \\'()U1 l.i n".)! S3Y who were in ~ car at that • gainst this genetleman ? This is relevant time; Ih) raper ~ mentioned that I\\r. to the cllnsideration of the important aspect Narang him; ~ ~ f.lir L) him in this gentleman also happens to be a member or respoct. even the Chairman of the Board of Directors Then, there is an.Jther questio:l that arises whkh publish the National Herald, and I \Vas the owner of the car interrogated? If am told that great editor of this paper, Mr. he was interrogated, what did he say? It Chalapathi Rao, refused to attend two meet- must be made available to us, - what the ings of this Board because this gentleman IN owner of the car has said. If he has not was inducted into the Board. It is on very been interrogated, why has he not been inter_ good authority that I am saying so. rugated ? That is a very plain question· Therefore, I would plead with you to ask Tl He must be interrClgated. Why has he not the Minister to reply to all the points that I ray J been interrogated so far? have raised and not only skirt around (Fai The House would like to lenow also the full them and leave us where we were. P. story that has been given by the inmates of SHRI K. C. PANT: Mr. Deputy the Hostel or the report that has been sub- (7 Speaker, it is not I but faith which has left mitted by the Vice-Chancellor or the Warden Thai him where he is. The point that I tried to of the Hostel in this regard. They must ayp, make earlier which he has either not given have given a much fuller report in this matter· ~ due weight to or not properly heard, is that We would like to know something about tlut fro. regardless of any political colour that my han. also. IIf· friend wants to brinl to this matter, we on ~ It is not the personality of Mr. Narang this side, Government, are particularly keen .. that is sought to be brought in, but only his (/merruplion) You get irritated when some ~ I connection as the owner of the car. Then body interrupts you. Why do you not keep Y IlJ', his political background also is relevent to the quite? This is not fair. You were irritated FJiJelr consideration of the complaint about the by the least interruption. I made it per- '!lila: police inaction. The police seems to be fectly cleu that we are interested in getting Div;' almost overawed by the kind of polotical at the truth of this matter. association that this gentleman has. Is he 'int rh I have placed the matter before the House or is he not a member of the rulling party? exactly as it happended-the car coming, a ..s"., Is he or is he not a member of the Cadre- shot being fired, etc, etc. '.. ,k&W building committee of the r"ling Party? An 1 MIJ'Il: this is the kind of cadre which he is supposed Now, the fact that he has been trying to of the to build I Then, it is also very relevant to bring out towards the end of this speech is to consider that it is this gentleman (InttTrup- somehow bring in the Congress Party into tit11lS) who had reorganized the ruling party this . . (In/.rruptions) The clear fact thBr .'ltl o1ftce in Parliamcat; he had also ffPqtnlzed I have stated i. that we have 'given it to the Police inaction in PHALGUNA 29, 1894 (SAKA) apprhending culprits 402 harassing Miranda House Hostel inmates (C.A.) Crime Bran=h of the Polic.. We have asked SHRI K. C. PANT: There is no doubt the CBI to guide the Crime Branch to get that a number of liquor shops have been at the bottom of this matter. Any reasonable opened. There was a long discussion in this man should be satisfied with this that this il House and then the spurous liquor matter was the utmost the Government can do, to get at discussed, many friends in this House ad- the bottom of the matter and to find out vocated that the Government should take 't he truth .. (imerruptions) this over and open a number of new shops and sell liquor at cheaper prices. If my SHR[ SHYAMNANDAN M[SHRA : friend would recall the debate, this was wha t Would you agree to a Commission of Inquiry? happene 1 an! : it is in pursuance of that SHR[ K. C. PANT: There should be these things have heen done. And if tomo- a prosper sense of perspective in these rrow the House comes to a ditf.:rent decision, matters .. (Interruptions) Why this running I would he happ)'. hecause I am certainly commentary? He gets irrigated when some- not for liquor shops. I am more a prohibi- body here speab a word, but he himself is tionist than most of my friends here. There- indulging in this running commentry. fore, I would' not be at all unhappy. It is quite true that the consumption of liquor Mv hon friend referred in the heginning to does lower the defences of a man and makes certain laudahle sentiments. He referred to him more prone to act in a criminal manner the erosion of moral values and the rest of it. and so on. These things are well known. But he made the amazing statement that the But these are wider issues. I woulj only Government was encouraging pot culture. say that if we get into a discussion on these It is an amazing statement ... (InterrUplions) issue'S, we shall have to go into matters like our educational system, to upbringing of our It ~ utterly wrong, it is utterly incorrect .... children in our homes, the effect of the (llZlcrruptiolls) Why this running com- environment and the effect of all that goes on mentary ? Why docs he feel uncomfortab Ie in the society all that shape our young men, e\'erytimc I refute him, must he reply and and also the employment question, the frus- should this go on premanently ? tration of our youngmen when they do not get jobs., all these things. But I do not SHRI SHYAMNANDAN MISHRA think this is the manner in which I can de. I Have you not increased the number of liquor with a question as wide as that. shops in Delhi? Agam, my friend has unwittingly made a SHRI K. C. PANT: Let the hon. remark which would cause unncee.isary con ~ Member go on then, I will sit down. Cern when he says that girls are not safe in SHRI SHYAMNANDAN MISHRA our colleges ..... ¥ou must answer all the point!. SHRI SHYAMNANDAN MISHRA We SHRI K. C. PANT: Let him have his are gradually coming to believe that. full say, Sir. SHRI K. C. PANT: I do not think he MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: He h • .l. Now meant it seriously. It was a bit of rhetoric Mr. Mishra, please listen to him. on his part and I do not think this kind of (Inlerrupli0l1S) You have maJe a charge. L.el statement helps. 'him reply to it.

    SHRI K. C. PANT: There i. no doubt.. He said the gates of girls' colleges were (Interruptions) vulnerable points. I agree with him there and, therefore, the police is specially posteJ Mr. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order, please. Dear the gates of girls' schools and college. Leave Mr. Mishra to the Chair and the We have specially done it and we have beell .Minister. edoing that for quite some time now. 403 r'olice inaction in MARCH 20, 1973 apprehending culprits 40" . harassing Miranda H01!se Hostal inmates (C.A.) SHRI P. ~ L (Nan- He said something which cast douht on ~ Women police. what r had earlier said. I had mentioned SHRI K. C. PANT: Ab..1Ut ho_tel<. that the pollet was fired from an air gun. He said, if everything was presumed have given three in'itancc:i. 1.1 [,\.J of t.l':;:,:! arrests were mlde promptly. So, that it>elf h) the advantage of the suspect, the Govern- carries a certain re-assurance that ~ ment would be acting unfairly and all that. I ever such thing; ,I" hlppen, the mlchinery of can assure him once again that there is no law and order moves quickly and takes action. question of Government being int erested one way of or other in this matter. I have You seem to ha\'e lot of knowledgo ab,)u t periphery of the wall etc. I do not porsun· hased myself on the statement of the chowki- ally have that knowledge; I cannot say. dar who was injured and if he likes I can l"Cild ha\"C to depenJ upon second-hand know- out that statement. ledge in these mallers. ~~ ~ Q;!1"T ~ or iT,,::,,!" i ~ 'Il1" Sir. my hon. friend mentioned ahou: the

    SHRI SAMAR GUHA: Sir, the ugly l\lR. DEl'l:TY-SPEAKER : Now .. incident that happond in tCle campus 'f Delhi Pniycsity caIln0t he ~ L in is- SHRI SAMAR GCHA : I am coming. olatinn as many more ugly ~ arc What trust can we ~ in the police ? overtaking the unfortunate fate of the citizens Most of the I IO robbery cases reported of Delhi. Delhi ~ the national capital of uur between December 1972 and February 1973 counlry hUl increasingly it is becoming a big are still p.:nuing for investigation, an.d not c.lrni\'<.d Ilf critnilnls. This remark ~ even half tht: n'.lmber of the crimi nab have hyperhnlc but G n:crnment statistics wi:) been arrested. The hon. Millister cited .. ~ it. ~ In this carni\'al of ~ Acc\lrding (l1 the ~ ~ gh'cn hy the naturally they will ha\'e S0nlC interest .... ~ ~L ~ ~ average risc in m'crall ([n,e;rupticlIsj. This is nnt taking thing crimt: in ~ ~ ~ is I 3 per cent but in this seriously nor feeling ashamed that in the

    natiDnal ..::arita1 which has ~ earn!":ll capitul city (Jf India, this is the p:)sition, I of the cri,ninals the rise 77.4 per cent during knn\\, \\'h31 kind of p,)wcr intoxic:1.tion has hi" v: l' TIl'! ~ )n. H,lm:: Mini .. ter in reply ~ into thei:' helds. to ~ t.Ylcsti_ms in this H:)use observed that [h:::- ...' was ~ rist:' in r2gistcrcd critnes The ~ Minister cited three ~ in Delhi. 1 want to dru\\' your attention to in lvliranda Campus, one on I7th Fchruary, the fact that in 1969 the Delhi police recorded one on 18 February and the third on ~ T6t T4 crimes hut during the last f,lUr years the March. E':cn to day three i. a statement crime fjp;ure shelt up to 325SR in 1972. Is nladc by the Educ;;Ei')n ~ in which he it n.ll nn abnorn13.1 jump of crimes? Nu stated that th.:rc were two attempts, nne at . douht. p.lpulation has increased ill Delhi but I2' 30 at night and again another at 3 in the see h:"1W ~ L the crimL' incidcnb nip,ht. The .'v!ini,tcr of State in the Ministey have increased. ~ number of murder increa- of Hume A ~ dL)('!S not refer to that. sed in Delhi from l75 in I969 to· 130 in 1972. I wi11 give you a numher of instance that MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER What is the oocurred in and around Miranda HOllse. On 3rJ Ma [Shri Samu Guhal hear an)1hing. There is a point of order· International ho;tel and a taxi driver was Let us hear the point of order first. reported. On 12th March, a clash at Hans SHRI K. C. PANT: Sir, if there is criti- college was reported. And you know, it Rai cism against the Government the critiscism. has been mentioned-we are ashmed to can be answered. If there is critiism against, mention it-that there was a case of the worst any of us, we are here to answer it. The t ype of criminal inside t he campus itself. Vice-Chancellor is not in the House ; the Vice-Chancellor is not here. Therefore, he· When I mention these, at least I do not reel is not here to defend himself. He being the ...hether I belong to this side or that side, head of an important national institution, I that is is a matter for the Opposition or for think it would be less than fair to charge him the Government Party; it is a matter of shame in this manner. The hon. Member can for all of us that in Delhi, in the capital city charge the Government and say all that he of India... wants to say, and we here to defend ours elves. (Akola) SHRI VASA.."IT SATHE MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : I think tha ,. Capital or no capital. is all right. You a\'oid that. Lea\'e that SHRI SAMAR GUHA .... Where at the point there. helm of the administration is the leading SHRI SAMAR GUHA : I ask (lne ques- luminary of the fair sex, the honour, dignity tion of the han. Minister. If there is a guard and.security of the fair sex is in danger.today. in the house of the hon. l\linister, if t here are doze:!s of crimes in his house, if that guard I also want to draw your attention to another fail", hy his ninclllnpoopism,either to h3.ul up point. I do not want to say whether '\if, these criminals In' take adequate steps, what Narang is involved in the case or not. I do remark will the han. Mini"er make abuu t not v,,'ant to exonerate him, nor do I want to that guard? invohrc him hecause the matter io; under in- vestigathn. But there is something lishy. It is the Vicc-ChanCL"llor\ duty to safe- I am c()ming to that. guard ~ security, th',= honuur, th:: ~ ~ and wclfare of both boy and girl students in But ~ that, I want to draw your attention the univcr:jity. I Ie is sqll::lrdy r.:spon',dblc for to onc thing. \X',lat is that ~ ~ that. the \'ice-Chancellor of tk Dolhi University ? MR. DEI'CTY SPEAKER A,k your A:-.i HON. J\1EMBER: Dr. Swarup Singh. question .. no\\'. SI IRI SAMAR GUHA : Yes, Sir. I want SHRI SA!vIAR Gt:HA : I am coming to it. to ask, what ha, h.lppcned to him. th1! gentle- There is a lot of in discipline in the campus. man. He h" bocome tho ~ I may u.';!: very ~ words--of crime MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: There is a and dces. The Ch mcellor of Crime and I imit to this. Put your questions please. Vice,. I say Ihat hecause Ih"c things are SHRI SAMAR GUHA You have been happening in the Ddhi University, in the indulgent to others. campus, where our sons and daughters are being dishonoured; they are being dis- MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER You honoured there. have taken more than 10 minutes. Come 10 the question. SHRI K. C. PANT Sir, a point of ndcr. SHRI SAMAR GUHA: I am coming to another important point. Tnlt important SHRI SAMAR GUHA: Why I say so is point is that I congratulate the girl Stu dents. beeause-(;nteTrrJf" iol1S). for demomtrating before that ~ .\lR. DEPUTY SPEAKER The diffi- house. They have snown courage. I would ~ is that when he gelS angry he does not have been happy if they haa taken up the 409 Police inaction in PHALGUNA 29, 1894 (SAKA) apprehendin{1 culprits 410- harassing Miranda House Hostel inmates (C.A.) slippers from their feet and used them against MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER Ordel'" the eve-teaser. I would have congratulated please. Ask your question. them a hundered times. But there is an SHRI SAMAR GUHA Why this overt,JOe of politics as has been alleged by the incident occurred ...... (Interruption .• ). President of the DUSU. Even then, I Why did the police take 27 days to accept the would congratulate the girl students, because complaint lodged by students? Is it a fact so many of them got up and took courage to that the same police officer who refused to demonstrate, even if wrongly, I do not know. entertain the complaint of the students has This matter is under investigation. But I been entrusted with the investigation of this would congratulate them for their courage. matter? Is it a fact that Mr. Narang But there is one point. I ask my sisters, and Who belongs to the ruling party, I do not Some of them are as aged as my daughters know whether he is involved or not ...... also, to develop a sense of discipline. There (bucrruptions). I \\'ant to know from the are a large number of girl students, and ac- GO\'ernment whether it is a fact, not only cording to the rule they should all come in this case but in many other case.; too, that back before 8· 30 p. m. to Miranda Hostel. if a person who is close to the ruling; party is (Interruption. But it is a matter of worry involved, the police arc afraid to take any and shame that many of them do not follow steps against htm. Is it a fact that 2,000 the rule. police personnel should b:- on patrol duty in Delhi but now-a-days only 600 men are on MR. DEPCTY-SPEAKER Please put the rnaJ because others are gi\'cn diffcrent your question. duties) Will the Government institute, not SHRI SAMAR GUllA They return at an enquiry, but S0me kind o[ an i..'Xpcrt com· 9 p. m. or 10 p. tn., even though there is mittee to dt:al with this ~ anJ stop a H'striClion that tht.:y should n:turn by 8·30 this ~~ llf \.:rimini.lls at the he.lrt of the p. m., and that the hostel will be closed hy capital of India that time. EH'n in the cnllcgc, C'ven in ~ carridpf, the boy and girl students violate SHRI K. C. PANT ~ he- rell'f- discipline and there is a mixing up of boy r ...~ to the yisit l)f the C.lr Jt 3 ~ :ll1 d s:.dJ and girl students. I would urge my sisters and I haJ not fllcntione ...i it. I Ji ..i. 1ll'.'nti,ll1 JI1J daughtt.:rs tll.:1'c that they should deVelop I did say it in ~ ~ ~ of my ~ He a sense of dignity, a sense of honour which said h(, JiJ 110t \YJllt h1 pr ..'ii.1.L' tiL.' ~ "in.cc cannot be tinkcrej wilh 3\\'3y. it was unLi(..'r ~ I w.lULi cMi,'dy agree with him. I think it i'" if I I1ny Uy MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER If he does so with rl''-;pcct. tlll' right" attitude h1 adll:lt at not ~ his qucstinn- this sm.!!,: ~ l\L' friend SHR! SAMAR GUllA Now, I shall r;:f-:-rn: .. 1 tll t:1': d:lay tint L'1.1!';: i< l.; .....lnd I ask my question. (imcrruplioll). want to make the pnsitidl1 ckJf. The girls wrote il) the Ch.:irm.IIl of the .\bnaging Com- MR. DEPUTY -SPEAKER: Order plcase. mitt!.'e of the L~ Hostel fllr \X'omen If you do not have any question, I will ask of the Delhi Unil'ersity on the t 9th and tlUlt the Minister to reply. was endorsl.·d ll11 the 20th by the Provost and SHRI SAMAR GUHA Question No. that went to the Dean elf Student \X'c1tarc who 1-(illlcrrupliotls). sent it to the D.I.G. with a c')l'ering letter on 23-2-73. The D.I.G. then sent it to the SHRI PRIYA RANJAN DAS MUNSI S.P. Sunday came in between. It went (Calcutta South): You berter teach your to the police stJtiOll. I think I ~ men- students in your own way. tioned that only a copy of the letter sent by SHRI SAMAR GUHA: Be careful; you the girls was forwarded by the Dean to th" call me your a teacher ? You should feel D.I.G. It was an unsigned copy, and I am ashoOwli. )jIJlerruptionl). told that you cannot proceed on the basis of 411 Police inaction in MARCH 20, 1973 apprehending culprits 412 harassing Miranda House Hostel inmates (C.A.) slujuw of su,picion or doubt that may be an umigned copy, ~ cannot register a case. entertain:d by a:1yb.dy in this mmer. They had to interview the Chowkidar, and So it is for thit ~~ t'1tt t'li' hl< b,en -on 28th F.:hruary a case was registered under done. not bZC1U': tl1, p >\ic! ~ nJt help- 324 I.P.c. Th:refore my friend should ap- ful. T,,: p"liC! W!'" 8;k:j tJ d> rh:ir be.;!. preciate that the passage of tim·, is fully It h15 b!!1 don, becau;e the matter hi; COm! accnuntt'J for.. (IrrterrupriOlu' After that up in the HelUs" and in ~ to) the wishes threo wook; ~ p""j. I wanted to point of the M:m!l:r; who pmiciPltd in this out that ~ time ~ tak:!n up in ::his ~ House and the other HO):l<:. I [l)t; 1 ~ I hlve mde it cL'.Ir W:1.1t the that that would be the right thing to J", and difficult,· Wl' with reglfd tll th: cu. I m.de that rhe-y ~ appr.:.:iJte ~ ~ a :>tcp ',\'jlich it clear huw the pllHc.:' fuu'ld it difficult to ~ woul,! ~ all p,l;sibilities of Joubt. bli .. h that ~ \.\'1<; th'.' c:u which W.1" u;ed at that n"lrti..:ular ~ t:-t1t this \\\1-; rht:' Cdr Thi:> is the re.l\,):1 why I r::f.:rrej w it in in'.. "lvo'). I h·,,'e also e"rl.,in:J the c!iffi:ulty my statement itsdfsD tlut the M!llber.; would in tracing the r ~ ~ ~ referre.:l t, '. feel re-assured. All the.: ~ w:re ~ tll in Jelli!. .\lR. DE?UTY-SPEAKER : Now, the

    It is nN corTecr to sav that the rq1ic<:.' \·;a·; House stancis adjllur"d till II a.m, on npt helnfuL Bu!. a, I h1Ve cxpbineJ, roglrd- \Vcdne.day, ~ 2Jst A,luch , 1973. '}l'S'; (If any <.:u"pi·.:i()n or orh':rwi":,I L ~~ it prpper tLlt, as the matter in which there III.n hrs. ~ a ceTuin amount nf J"'Iuhlic ~ it "ihOlllJ he given to Crime Brancil nf Dl'Ihi The L(lk S;.l!J!w lh.:n a Jj.)!lroel til! Elev,m Police an,1 I asked C. B. L to give them of t"" C[,)ck ,)J/ W:./tl!dJY • .1f.1":" ~ 19731 guidan ~ "ecause that would remove any Pha/gww 30, 10')4 S llOil.

    M..,U'NU-J"lJ 1--3:191 LS '·'5-6-73-1100.