Tuesday, ."""arch 2.0, 1"":"" Phalguna 29 .•IIH (SA!(\ LOK SABHA DEBATES ( Seventh SC.. iOD ) (Yol. XXV eomairu NOI. 21-.10) LO~ SABHA StiCUllTAHIAT NEW DELHI Priel : R.I. z.oo CONTENTS (Fifth Series, Volume XXV, 7th Session, 1973i No. 21, Tuesday, March 20, 1973!Phalguna 29, 1894 (Saka) Oral Answers to Questions I COLUMNS ·Starred Questions Nos. 383 to 385, 387 to 389, 392 and 400 1-23 Short Notice Question NO.5 Written Answers to Questions : Starred Questions Nos. 381, 382, 386, 390, 391, 393, to 399 Unstarred Questions Nos. 3756 to 3843 and 3845 to 3955 Statement correcting reply to USQ No. 1028 dated 21-11-1972 191 Calling Attention to Motter of Urgent Public Importance- Reported police inaction in apprehending culprits harassing inmates of Miranda House Hostel .191-95, 382-412 Paper laid on the Table. 195 Message from Rajya Sabha 195-96 Business Advisory Committee Twenty-sixth Report Union Territories Taxation Laws (Amendment) Bill-Imroduced Re. Strike by Working Journalists, etc. Statement reo Letter of Resignation by Minister of Tourism and Civil Aviation (Dr. Karan Singh) 198-200 Supplementary Demands for Grants (General), 1972-73 200-15 Shri K. R. Ganesh . 201-202 Arpropriation Bill, ~ and Passed 21 5-16 Supplementary Demands for Grants (Railways), 1972-73 216-45 Shri J agadish Bhattucharyya 219-2I ·The sign + marked above the name of a 1\1ember indicates that the question was actuallv asked on the floor of the House by that Member. 3891 L ~ (ii) COLUM!,\S Shri V. B. Tarodekar 221-25 Shri Indra;it Gupta 226-32 Dr. Laxminarain Pandeya 233-38 Shri Mohd. Shafi Qureshi 238-44 Appropriation (Railways) Bill, 1973-Introduced alld Passed 245-47 Demands for Grants (Railways), 1973-74 . 247-68, 370-82 Shri Dinen Bhattatharyya 253-58 Shri Arjun Sethi 258-6J Shri Ramavatar Shastri 324-33 Shri Dharamrao Afzalpurkar 333-36 Shri Chandra Bhal Mani Tiwari 336-40 Shri Krishna Chandra Pandey 340 -44 Shri Piloo Mody 345-46 Shri Ra;deo Singh 347-52 Shri R. V. Bade 352 -55 Dr. Ranen Sen . 35c-58 Shri M. Ram Gopal Reddy 358-62 Shri P. G. Mavalankar 362-68 Shri Shivanath Singh 370-76 Shri S. D. Somasundaram 376-79 Shri Sadhu Ram 379-82 Orissa Budget, 1973-74-Presenled 368-70 Shri K. R. Ganesh 368-70 Supplementary Demands for Grants (Orissa), 1972-73 -Statement presented . 370 5hri K. R. Ganesh 37 0 LOK SABHA DEBATES I 2 LOK SABHA (Fig Hes in tnll!) 6. Gujarat 978 7· Haryana 769 Tuestiay, March, 2.0 1973/PluJlguna 2.9, 1894 8. Andhra Pradesh (SaJuJ) 769 9· Madhya Pradesh 10. Rajasthan 615 Th, £Ok SOOha mit at EIIIfJ", of ,116 Clock. II. Orissa 707 [MR. SPEAKER in th, Chair] 12. Punjab 697 ORAL ANSWERS TO QUI!STIONS 13· MY80re 615 Bada of AUocadoD of Willi: to Stat" 14· Tamil Nadu 6150 15· Kerala I2.S5 ·383. SHRI ANADI CHARAN DAS : Goa, Daman & Diu 2.0% Will the Minister of PETROLEUM AND 16. CHEMICALS be pleasedto state: 17· Dadra & Nagar Haveli Chandigarh (a) the basis of allotting wax quota to 18. different States; and 19· Pondicherry , 22 Himachal Pradesh 82 (b) the annual quota of wax fixed for 20. each State by the Central Government? 21. Jammu & Kashmir , 103 22. Assam , 492.0 THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM AND CHEMICALS (SHRI D.K. 23. Nagaland 718 BOROOAH) : (a) and (b). The allocation 24· Arunachal Pradesh • IS4 of paraffin wax to the different States was 25· Manipur IS4 initially fixed on the basis of the actual 26. Tripura 272 consumption of this product during 1970. Thereafter this allocation has been progres- 27· MeghaIaya 769 sively enhanced with improvements in 2.8. Andaman & Nicobar 20 indigenous availability. The 1973 State- Laccadive. wise allocation of paraffin wax is Placed on 29. the table of the House. 30. Mi20ram 10I STATBMl!NT TOTAL. Statement showing alloration of Paraffin Wax for th' y,ar 1973 SHRI ANADI CHARAN DAS : Mr. (Figures in tonnes) Speaker, Sir, may I know from the hon. I. Delhi 3142 Minister of Petroleum and Chemicals 2, Uttar Pradesh 3483 whether it is a fact that there are varioul industries in Orissa State which are depen- 3. West Bengal 9368 dent upon Paraffin Wax, which have been 4· Bihar 152.1 closed, or are likely to be closed due to short 5· Maharashtra • 7995 supply of wall t 3 MARCH 20, 1973 OraZ Answers SHRI D. K. BOROOAH • There government to produce paraffin wax in miabt be industries in Orissa which depend refineries which at present do not produce upon wax, but there are certaln industries paraftin wax ? in other States which are bigaer in size and therefore require more wax. SHRI D.K. BOROOAH: Yes, Sir. The only refinery which produces paraffin wax SHRI ANADI CHARAN DAS : May at present is Digboi refinery. We BIle I ~ whether it is a fact that OrIssa is trying to produce slack wax at Barauni. not getting its fixed quota in time ? The idea is that we should go in for pro- duction of wax in some other refineries SHRI D.K. BOROOAH: I have no inlcuding Barauni, Haldia and Lubeo i 1 information on that point. Plant in Bombay SHRI R. BALAKRISHNA PILLAI : -n to ~ ~ it ~ ~ In the statement it is said that the paraffin ~ ~ flfi m ~ l!>"r f1r.n" <R: wax allotted to Kerala is only 1255 tons. The last year's requestofthe Kerala Industries ~ f.t;a;ft ~ om: flfiWIT mbr ~ ~ Depettment for the supply of paraffin wax om: ~ <it lfiif Cflfi ~ rn l!>"r ~ to the small manufacturers of candles was ~ ? itself nearly 5,000 tons but the government " . have allotteed only 1255 tons. Will gov- ~ ~~ ~ ernment consider their request for allotment ~ ~ ~ l'!l<'r ~ ~ of more ";ax at least this year for saving the ;;it small scale industries ? ~ <it ~ fifilIT if1IT '-IT fm fm" ~~~ ~ I SHRI D.K. BOROOAH : Our total production of wax this year is 46,000 tons. It is distributed on the basis of consumption -n to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ of 1970 and the increase has not been on I!..? the "ro rata basis. SHRI D.K. BOROOAH : The demand SHRI D.N. TIWARY: The statement is almost the same as the production; we shows a wide range of disparity in the allo- may have to import a little bit, but that will cation of paraffin wax to States. While not be very large quantity. Assam has got 4920 tons, Bihar has got only 1521 tons. Does the Minister want to say that there is no demand in Bihar and Jndlsenoua Production of 011 DrilllDlf also whether area and population criteria Bqulpment are taken into consideration ? .384. SHRI K. MALLANNA Will SHRI D.K. BOROOAH It is a the Minister of PETROLEUM AND question of consumption till 1970. Indus- CHEMICALS be pleased to state: tries had built around A,sam because Digboi is the only refinery which produces (a) whether any oil drilling platform wax. So, the consumption there is a little and other equipment for use in off-shore higher. So, also in Calcutta. The other drilling have been produced with indigenou II- States have not come up to that standard know-how; of consumption because they started late. (b) if so, the nature and quantity of such equlpment produced indigenously; and SHRI BISWANARA Y AN SHASTRI : May I know from the hon. Minister which ec) how much money has been or is are the refineries that produce paraffin wax proposed to be spent r n the import of such. and is there any scheme in the hands of the equipment? Oral Answers PHALGUNA 29, 189.4 (SAKA) Oral Anawers 6 THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM SHRI O.K. BOROOAH : Survey of AND CHEMICALS (SHRI O.K. BORO what? OAm: (ia) and (b). A fixed platform SHRI K_ MALLANNA: Survey <for drilling was fabricated indigc;nouslY regarding the manufacture of indigenous using technical assistance from USSR in equipment. -designing. It was installed at a location SHRI D.K. BOROOAH : I think he at the Aliabat West structure in the Gulf means a study: A study was made and it -of Cambay. For eventual use to support was found on the basis of the study that drilling operations in deeper waters, ONGC in this particular equipment relating to proposes to aCQuire two supply boats. A off-shore drilling, we had no experience, contract has been awarded by ONGC and, therefore, we had to import this "to Hindustan Shipyard at Visakhapatnam expertise. "for the construction of these supply boats. The design for these boats was obtaine d SHRI K. MALLANNA : May I know from an Amercian Company. whether the off-shore expbration develop- (c) No fixed platform is proposed to be ment oil policy contains any foreign collabo- ·imported. ration, and if so, the names of those foreign countries, and the terms and conditions A self-propelled, self-elevating mobile of such collaboration in the exploration and offshore drilling platform is proposed to be development of oil by off-shore drilling? 'imported from Japan under Yen credit at a price of Yen 5,274 million. On the SHRI D.K. BOROOAH : We are only date of signing of the contract (February discussing still, and we have not yet entered 25, 1971), this amount was equivalent to into any agreement with any country US $14"65 million. for off-shore drilling, save and except that the ONGC is doing on its own with a SHRI K. MALLANNA: From the Japanese Platform which has been built reply given by the hon. Minister, one can conclude that the country has to depend by Japan for us.
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