10.07 Planetary Magnetism J
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10.07 Planetary Magnetism J. E. P. Connerney, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA Published by Elsevier B.V. 10.07.1 Introduction 243 10.07.2 Tools 245 The Offset Tilted Dipole 245 Spherical Harmonic Models 246 10.07.3 Terrestrial Planets 248 Mercury 248 Observations 248 Models 249 Venus 250 Observations 251 Discussion 251 Mars 251 Observations 251 Models 254 Discussion 256 10.07.4 Gas Giants 256 Jupiter 256 Observations 257 Models 258 10.07.5 Discussion 262 Saturn 263 Observations 263 Models 264 Discussion 265 10.07.6 Ice Giants 267 Uranus 267 Models 267 Neptune 269 10.07.7 Satellites and Small Bodies 272 Moon 272 Ganymede 273 10.07.8 Discussion 274 10.07.9 Summary 275 References 275 10.07.1 Introduction nature and dipole geometry of the field and led to an association between magnetism and the interior of pla- Planetary magnetism, beginning with the study of the net Earth. Observations of Earth’s magnetic field geomagnetic field, is one of the oldest scientific disci- gathered over time demonstrated that it varies slowly plines. Magnetism was both a curiosity and a useful tool with time. The orientation of the field was observed to for navigation, the subject of myth and superstition as execute a long-term or secular drift called polar wan- much as scientific study. With the publication of De der. Later, when accurate measurements of the Magnete in 1600, William Gilbert demonstrated that the magnitude of the field could be made, secular variations Earth’s magnetic field was like that of a bar magnet. in the field magnitude were identified. Given the Gilbert’s treatise on magnetism established the global importance of accurate magnetic field maps in 243 244 Planetary Magnetism navigation, global surveys of the magnetic field were Voyager 2’s remarkable tour of the outer solar initiated periodically, at first by ships of discovery and system was made possible by the celestial alignment commerce and later by specialized survey ships built to oftheplanets,thesyzygy,whichoccursevery187years minimize distortion of the magnetic field they sought to or so. measure. In recent times, polar-orbiting, near-Earth Jupiter was visited again, in February 1992, by the satellites such as MAGSAT (Langel et al., 1982), Ulysses spacecraft en route to the high-latitude helio- Orsted, CHAMP, and SAC-C provided the capability sphere and again (albeit at great distance) in 2004. tomapthemagneticfieldovertheentiresurfaceof Ulysses used a Jupiter gravity assist to escape the Earth in a brief period, to capture a snapshot of the field eclliptic plane, but in so doing passed to within 6 at each epoch. By studying the magnetic properties of Rj (Balogh et al., 1992). Additional observations were terrestrial rocks, paleomagnetists can extend the history obtained by the Galileo Orbiter beginning in 1995 of the geodynamo over timescales of hundreds of mil- ( Johnson et al., 1992), but apart from the de-orbit lions of years. For a discussion of the magnetism of the maneuver to send Galileo into Jupiter’s atmosphere Earth see volume 5 of this treatise, for a discussion of for planetary protection (of the Galilean satellites, the geodynamo see Chapters 8.03, 8.08, and 8.09, for a not Jupiter), little additional information regarding discussion of planetary dynamos see Chapter 10.08. Jupiter’s main field was obtained. Instead, Galileo Planetary magnetism is also a recent study, born of surprised us with the remarkable discovery of an the space age and a new era of discovery that began in intrinsic magnetic field of Ganymede (Kivelson the 1960s with the launch of spacecraft to other bodies. et al., 1996) and the induced magnetic fields of The Sun and stars were known to possess magnetic Europa and Callisto (Khurana et al., 1998; Zimmer fields, but one could only speculate on whether the et al., 2000). Today, the Cassini Orbiter orbits Saturn planets and satellites in our solar system were magne- gathering observations of the distant magnetosphere; tized. The planet Jupiter is an exception; its magnetic close in observations must await the polar orbits field was inferred from the detection of nonthermal scheduled for late in the mission. radio emissions (Burke and Franklin, 1955)asearlyas The Mariner 10 spacecraft discovered Mercury’s 1955, before the new age of exploration. In the decades magnetic field in brief flybys in 1974 and 1975 (Ness that followed, the gross characteristics of Jupiter’s mag- et al., 1974a; Ness et al., 1975, 1976) and provided netic field were deduced from variations of the plane of the first indication that slowly rotating Venus was polarization of the emissions or variations in flux den- not magnetized (Ness et al., 1974b). A great many sity (see, e.g., the review by Berge and Gulkis (1976)). spacecraft visited Mars (Connerney et al., 2005), Estimates of the orientation of Jupiter’s field (dipole beginning with the Soviet launch of Mars 1 in 1962, tilt)weremoresuccessfulthanthoseofitsmagnitude; but Mars did not relinquish his secrets until the Mars the detailed nature of Jupiter’s field was established by Global Surveyor (MGS) spacecraft entered orbit direct measurement, by spacecraft. about Mars in September of 1997. MGS measure- In little more than three decades, spacecraft have ments demonstrated that Mars does not have a global visited nearly every large body in the solar system. The magnetic field of internal origin, but its crust is first in situ observations of the Jovian magnetosphere intensely magnetized (Acun˜a et al., 1998). So Mars were obtained by the Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecraft in once had an internal magnetic field, for at least as December 1973 and December 1974, respectively long as it took the crust to acquire remanence. (Smith et al., 1974, 1975; Acun˜a and Ness, 1976). The Perhaps one-day paleomagnetic measurements will Pioneer 11 spacecraft continued to make the first obser- reveal something of the history of that dynamo. The vationsofSaturn’smagneticfieldaswell(Smith et al., only traditional planet (setting aside the debate on 1980a, 1980b; Acun˜a and Ness, 1980). Voyagers 1 and 2 the definition of ‘planet’) not yet visited by spacecraft followed, passing through the Jovian magnetosphere in is the Pluto–Charon system, which is scheduled for a March and July of 1979, respectively (Ness et al., 1979a, visit by the New Horizons spacecraft in July 2015. 1979b). Voyagers 1 and 2 continued onward to Saturn, The New Horizons spacecraft is not instrumented to obtaining additional observationsofSaturn’smagnetic measure magnetic fields, so no direct measurement is field in November 1980 and August 1981 (Ness et al., possible, but the presence of a magnetic field may 1981, 1982).Voyager2continuedonits‘grandtour’of be inferred from measurements made by other the solar system, with the discovery of the magnetic instruments. field of Uranus in January 1986 (Ness et al., 1986)and Our knowledge of the magnetic fields of the pla- that of Neptune in August 1989 (Ness et al., 1989). nets is, in large part, based upon the planetary flybys Planetary Magnetism 245 that occurred decades ago. Mars is the exception, application and/or the availability of observations. having been mapped thoroughly by the polar- Simple representations include dipole models of orbiting MGS spacecraft at a nominal altitude of one form or another and a potential field representa- 400 km; elsewhere the observations are sparse in tion as a series of spherical harmonics. External fields, both space and time, particularly considered in light or those arising from currents outside the planet, are of the data available for the study of the geomagnetic often accommodated by explicit models or spherical field. They are, however, sufficient to describe a harmonic methods. The latter approach is useful only diverse group of planetary magnetic fields and pro- in regions free of currents. vide clues to guide the continued development of dynamo theory. The Offset Tilted Dipole 10.07.2 Tools Dipole models have found use in the interpretation of magnetic field observations, dating to Gilbert’s ana- A planet with an intrinsic magnetic field stands as an lysis of Earth’s magnetic field. The dipole is the obstacle to the solar wind, the high-velocity stream of simplest approximation to a localized source. The plasma emanating from the sun. The interaction of the vector magnetic field B(r) of a dipole at the origin planetary field and the solar wind forms a multitiered is given by interaction region, often approximated as a set of conic m 3ðm ? rÞr sections. The supersonic solar wind forms a shock BðrÞ¼ – þ r 3 r 5 upstream of the obstacle (‘bow shock’). The slowed solar wind flows around the obstacle within the ‘mag- where m is the magnetic moment in units of B À r3 netosheath’, bounded by the bow shock and the and r ¼ jrj. The field of a dipole located near the ‘magnetopause’, often approximated by a paraboloid origin is computed by translation of the origin of the of revolution about the planet–Sun line. Within the coordinate system.