Bangkok Anesthesia Regional Training Center
RoleRole ofof BARTCBARTC (Bangkok(Bangkok AnesthesiaAnesthesia RegionalRegional TrainingTraining Center)Center) IInn cooperationcooperation inin educationeducation andand trainingtraining inin developingdeveloping countriescountries ProfProf TharaThara TritrakarnTritrakarn DirectorDirector ofof BARTCBARTC 14th WCA, Cape Town, South Africa, 3/1/2008 Oslo Center, Norway, 12/1/2008 ShortageShortage ofof anesthesiologistsanesthesiologists AA worldwideworldwide problemsproblems MoreMore seriousserious inin developingdeveloping poorpoor countriescountries MarkedMarked variationvariation amongamong countriescountries EconomyEconomy - Most important determining factors - Three levels of wealth & health - Rich countries (per capita GNP > $ 10,000) - Medium to low (GNP $ 1,000-10,000) - Poor countries (GNP < $ 1,000) RichRich && MediumMedium countriescountries GNPGNP PeoplePeople NumberNumber PeoplePeople perper capitacapita perper ofof perper (US(US $)$) doctordoctor anesthetistsanesthetists anesthetistanesthetist USA 33,799 387 23,300 11,500 Japan 34,715 522 4,229 20,000 Singapore 22,710 667 150 26,600 Hong Kong 23,597 772 150 40,000 Australia 19,313 2170 10,000 Malaysia 3,248 1,477 250 88,000 Thailand 1,949 2,461 500 124,000 Philippines 1,048 1,016 1176 64,600 MediumMedium && PoorPoor CountriesCountries GNPGNP PeoplePeople NumberNumber PeoplePeople perper capitacapita perper ofof perper (US(US $)$) doctordoctor anesthetistsanesthetists anesthetistanesthetist Indonesia 617 6,7866,786 350 591,000591,000 Pakistan 492 2,0002,000 400 340,000340,000
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