US Assaults Workers' Rights, Intensifies Imperialist
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· AUSTRALIA$3.00 · CANADA$2.50 · FRANCE FF10 · ICELAND KR200 · NEW ZEALAND $3.00 . SWEDEN KR15 . UK £1.00 . U.S. $1.50 INSIDE Meeting celebrates life of THE Priscilla Schenk - PAGEs s-9 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF WORKING PEOPLE VOL. 65/NO. 43 NOVEMBER 12, 2001 U.S. assaults workers' rights, intensifies imperialist war First of 1,000 Afghan civilian Socialist in Miami wins support jailed in U.S. toll grows, U.S. in fight against political firing dies in prison steps up invasion BY MARTIN KOPPEL BY PATRICK O'NEILL On October 26 President George Bush The U.S. imperialists, backed by London, signed into law the "USA Patriot Act," a intensified their bombing ofAfghanistan this bipartisan measure that under the cover of week, leading to a rising civilian death toll fighting "terrorism" gives much wider lati in the country. As repeated bombardment tude to the FBI and other political police of the frontline Afghan government forces agencies to conduct spying and disruption failed to break their defenses, and the op operations against individuals and voluntary position Northern Alliance proved incapable associations, carry out arbitrary searches and of mounting an offensive, Washington and seizures in private homes and businesses, London are sending in larger numbers of and jail immigrants virtually indefinitely troops to prepare a wider ground war. with no charges. The FBI and the Immigra Protests in Pakistan against the war con tion and Naturalization Service (INS) have tinue to grow and encompass broader lay rounded up and imprisoned more than 1,000 ers of working people, in spite of severe individuals without charges since Septem- army and police repression. Around 8,000 Continued on Page 6 Continued on Page 6 Meeting defends Cubans framed up by U.S. gov 't Socialist candidate for Miami mayor Michael Italie, left, with supporter. BY ARGIRIS MALAPANIS Industries garment manufacturing plant here. Italie, a sewing machine operator BY JACOB PERASSO on Cuba (NNOC), the second held this year. MIAMI-"This is an attack on the right of all working people to express and the Socialist Workers candidate for FAIRFAX, California-A public forum The Network has several dozen affiliates their point of view, to think and discuss mayor of Miami, was fired a week ear in defense of five Cubans recently convicted across the United States that carry out work their ideas and opinions without fear of lier by the Goodwill bosses for his po in Miami on frame-up charges of conspiracy in opposition to Washington's policy to intimidation or oflosing their jobs," said litical views. At the well-attended media to commit espionage for the government of wards Cuba. During deliberations over the Michael Italie at an October 29 press event Italie described the support he is Cuba was held here October 20. weekend the NNOC adopted a resolution conference held outside the Goodwill The public event was the highlight of a condemning the U.S. government's war on Continued on Page 11 weekend meeting of the National Network Continued on Page 7 Books for working people and youth Strikers keep fighting imperialism and its war drive A01ana shut Che Guevara Thlks Capitalism's World Disorder: downinlowa to Young People Working-Class Politics at the Millennium Ernesto Che Guevara, drawing on his by Jack Barnes BY INEZ MARSH AMANA, Iowa-More than 1,000 strik experience as a leader of the Cuban The accelerating social devastation, police brutality, and mili ing workers here voted October 21 to tum revolution, talks as an equal with youth tary assaults are the inevitable forces unleashed by capitalism. of Cuba and the world. In English, and down, for the second time, concession de But the future capitalism has in store can be changed by the mands by Amana, a manufacturer of refrig Spanish. $12 (regular $14.95) united struggle of workers and farmers conscious of their eration appliances. power to transform the world. In French, English, and Spanish. $20 (Regular $23.95) Some 2,250 members of the International Malcolm X Thlks Association of Machinists (lAM) Locall526 to Young People New International no. 7 The ·changing' Face of went on strike September 23 to oppose the Includes Malcolm X's condemnation of mtsh.ington's Assault on ll'aq: U.S.Politics: Workbtg-£lass bosses' demands for imposition of a two-tier imperialist wars in the Congo, Vietnam, Opening Guns of World War IH Politics and the'Ji'ade Unions wage structure, increased mandatory over and elsewhere. $9 (regular price $10. 95) The U.S. government's murderous A handbook for .the newgeneration time, elimination of a planned wage hike, and assault on Iraq heralded increasingly coming into tht factories, mines, and increased health insurance costs. The Struggle for a "sharp conflicts among imperialist mills as they react to the uncertain life, At an October 25 strike support rally, Proletarian Party powers, the rise of rightist and fascist ceaseless turmoil, and brutality of union member Ken Penn said the vote re forces, growing instability of interna jecting the contract was 980 to 243. "The By James P. Cannon capitalism today. In French, English, tional capitalism, and more wars. $12. and Spanish. $16 (Regular $19.95) company offered a slight decrease in yearly A founder of the mandatory overtime from 240 hours to 216," communist move Also by Jack Barnes The Working Class he said, "but it was not the decrease we were ment in the U.S. and and the 'lransformation looking for. Wages are not even the main leader of the Commu Cuba and the Comiltg American Revolution of Learning issue. But with the increase in insurance nist International costs, the wage increase offered is insignifi "Until society .is reorganized so that during Lenin's time Discusses the struggles in the imperialist cant." education is a human activity from the defends the proletar heartland and the example of Cuba that Allen Lord, who has worked at the plant time we are very young until the time ian program and revolution is not only necessary~it can for 26 years, most recently in the sheet metal we die, there will be no education party building norms be made. $10 (Regular $13.00) department, said the company "is not going of Bolshevism on the worthy of working, creating human to give us anything. We have to take it. That's ity." In French, English, Icelandic, eve of World War II. what this strike is about. I have never crossed See directory on page 12 Spanish, and Swedish. $3 $21.95 a picket line in my life and I'll hang in here. We are getting good support from the steel- Continued on Page 2 At N.Y. cleanup site workers fight for pay, union rights- page 4 Bosses use attack on World Trade Center to justify more layoffs BY ROGER CALERO here in August, but government officials are NEW YORK-Despite an undisputed claiming that 100,000 additional jobs were economic slowdown in the U.S. economy lost as a result of the attack on the World for nearly a year, the capitalist bosses and Trade Center. But as of September 26 only big-business media continue to use the so 10,800 people who filed for unemployment called fallout of the September 11 attacks assistance stated their layoff was due to the to justify massive layoffs across the coun attack's repercussions. try. In California, the Hotel Employees and While there has been at least a temporary Restaurant Employees International Union sharp decline in tourist travel, affecting (HERE) was recently involved in organiz workers in the airline, hotel, and entertain ing several relief centers. Union officials say ment industries, particularly in New York, nearly one-third of HERE members in the the downturn in the capitalist business cycle southern part of the state are out of work or has had a much more widespread and dev working only a few hours. Since most are astating impact on millions of working immigrants who are excluded from cover age under government programs, thousands people. The Labor Department reported Hotel and restaurant workers who lost their jobs near the World Trade attend October 5 that close to 200,000 jobs were are suddenly without any means of support. According to press reports, workers began meeting to get information about unemployment compensation and disaster relief ben cut nationwide from mid-August to mid efits. Downturn in capitalist business cycle has had much deeper impact on workers. September, not including the layoffs an lining up outside the new relief centers be nounced by the airline, hotel, and travel in fore they opened. dustries after September 11. The department The bipartisan assault on the social wage have applied for the program have already at the second Twin Towers Job Expo at said that factory employment dropped for has also severely reduced the percentage of been deni~d assistance by the Federal Emer Madison Square Garden, hoping to get an the 14th consecutive month, for a total cut unemployed workers receiving benefits. The gency Management Agency (FEMA). interview for one of the 13,000 jobs reported of 1.1 million jobs since July 2000. unemployment benefits system was created "Since the day of the tragedy I have only to be available from 250 companies repre Unemployment jumped to 5.8 percent in 193 5 as part of the Social Security Act received psychological help and $50," said sented there. An earlier session October 17 during a period of massive struggles by in Mariela Ronca) to the New York daily Hoy. was so mobbed that thousands of people left dustrial workers.