Recent Literature on Lepidoptera

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Recent Literature on Lepidoptera 1964 Iournal of the Lepidopterists' Society 197 RECENT LITERATURE ON LEPIDOPTERA Under this heading are included abstracts of papers and books of interest to lepidopterists. The world's literature is searched systematically, and it is intended that every work on Lepidoptera published after 1946 will be noticed here. Papers of only local interest and papers from this Iournal are listed without abstract. Readers, not in North America, interested in assisting with this very large task, are invited to write Dr. P. F. BELLINGER (Dept. of Natural Sciences, San Fernando Valley State College, Northridge, Calif., U. S. A.). Abstractors' initials are as follows: [P.B.J - P. F. BELLINGER [W.H.J - W. HACKMAN [N.O.J - N. S. OBRAZTSOV [I.C.J -I. F. B. COMMON [T.Ll - TARO IWASE [C.IU - C. L. REMINGTON [W.C.J - W. C. COOK [I.M.J - J. MOUCHA [J.T'] - J. W. TILDEN [A.D.J - A. DIAKONOFF m.M.J - E. G. MUNROE [p.v.J - P. E. L. VIETTE E. Distribution and Phenology Caspers, H., "Bioziinotische Untersuchungen uber die Strandarthropoden im bulgarischen Kustenbereich des Schwarzen Meeres" [in Cerman]. HydTobiologia, vol.3: pp.130-193, IS figs. 1 April 19S1. Includes annotated list of some 9S Lepidoptera from Bulgarian Black Sea Coast. [P.B.] Castle Russell, S. G., "The scarcity of Rhopalocera in 19S1." Em. Rec. & IouTn. VaT., vo1.64: pp.lOO-101. 19S2. In England. Castle Russell, S. G., "The New Forest in the 'nineties and after." Ent. Rec. & Iourn. VaT., vo1.64: pp.138-144. 19S2. Notes on SO years' collecting, especially of butterflies. [P.B') Castle Russell, S. G., "Collecting notes during the summer of 19S4." Ent. Rec. & Iourn. VaT., vo1.67: pp.83-8S. 19S5. In England. Castle Russell, S. G., "Phenomenal numbers of Rhopalocera larvae and imagines." Ent. Rec. & Iourn. Var., vo1.67: pp.1l1-113. 19S5. Records of swarms of Euphydryas aurinia, Pieris brassicae, Thecla quercus, & CelastTina argiolus, in Britain. [P.B.] de Castro, Luis, "Erebia tyndarus (ab. pyrenaica) Buhl-Heyne, en Barcelona" [in Spanishl. Bol. R. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat., vo1.47: pp.lS7-1S9. IS Jan. 19S0. Reared from larva found at 400 m. [P.B.] Chadwick, C. E., "Abnormal insect numbers - Part 1." Victo1'1'an Nat., vo1.67: pp.178- 183. Jan. 19S1. Discusses major fluctuations in abundance of various Australian insects, including Euploea core corinna ( Danaidae) & Loxostege affinitalis (Pyralidae)." [I.e.] Chalmers-Hunt, J . M., "Chilo cicatricellus Hubner confirn1ed as British." Ent. Rec. & lottrn. VaT., vo1.64: pp.160-161, 1 fig. 19S2. Second record, first since 18S2. [P.B.] Chalmers-Hunt, J. M., "The history and status of PaTarge aegeria (Lep. Satyridae) in Kent." Entomologist, vol.8S: pp.144-1S4, 1 map. 19S:~. Reappearing in Kent after total disappearance (and decline throughout Britain ). [P.B.] Chalmers-Hunt, J. M., & D. F. Owen, "Nymphalis polychloros L. (Lep. Nymphalidae) in Kent." Ent. Gaz., vol.4: pp.3-11. 19.53. Summarizes known records, from 1828; suggests that species is an immigrant. [P.B.] Chilson, L. M., "Insect records from Johnston Island." Proc. Hawaiian Em. Soc., vol.lS: pp.81-84. 19S3. Records S Lepidoptera (Tineidae, Pterophoridae, Noctuidae), only Achaea ianata being new. [P.B.] Chneour, A., "Presence on Tunisie de Danais chrysippus L." [in French]. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Tunisie, vol.6: p.123, 1 pI. 19S3. New record for Tunisia; immigrant from south. [P.B.l 198 Recent Literature on Lepidoptera Vol.18: no.3 Clarke, C. A., "Melitaea cinxia L. (Lep.) introduced into Neston, Wirral, Cheshire." Entomologist, vo1.89: pp.22-23. 1956. Classey, E. W ., "Diarsia florida Schmidt (the Marsh Square-Spot)." Ent. Gaz., vol.2: p.71, 1 pI. 1951. Notes on this species. recently discovered in Britain; color figures of adults, including two aberrations. [P.B.] Classey, E. W., & Barry Coater, "Systematic list of the Lepidoptera taken by the expedition to Ireland." Ent. Ga.z., vo1.2: pp.95-99. 1951. Classey, E. W., R. M. Mere, & W. H. T. Tams, "The status of Hydmecia huchemrdi Mabille in Great Britain (Lep. Noctuidae)." Entomdogist, vo1.89: pp.295-297. [31] Dec. 1956. Article in refutation of theory that moth is 8. recent arrival. [P.B.] Classey, E. W., & Hugh N. Robinson, "Burren - 1950." Ent. Gaz., vol.2: pp.87-94, 1 pI., 2 figs. 1951. Account of a collecting trip to this area in Ireland. Color plate of Luceria vir~ns, recently discovered there. [P.B.] Clench, Harry K., "Notes on the occurrence of Thymelicus lineola (Hesperiidae) in North America: a summary." Lepid. News, vol. 10: pp.1.51-152. 1957. Clench, Harry K., "Two new records of Pennsylvania Lepidoptera." Lepid. News, voLlO: pp.161-162. 19.57. Cleu, Hubert, "Biogeographie et peuplement entomologique du Bassin de l'Ardeche" [in French]. Ann. Soc. Ent. France, vol.122: pp.1-74. Dec 1953. Describes this area in France; gives extensive lists of Lepidoptera & some other groups of insects, indicating for each 5p. the sub-regions where it is found & its type of geographic distribution; discusses fauna of individual biotopes, & probable origin of regional fauna. [P.B'] Coekayne, E. A., "A search for larvae of Eupithecia actaeata Walderdorff. and Eupithecia immundata Zeller." Ent. Rec. & lOUIn. Var., vo1.64: pp.11-12. 104-106. 1952. Search on Actaea specata showed no sign that these spp. exist in Britaon. List of localities of foodplant. [P.B.! Cockayne, E. A., "A note on Hymenia 1"Ccun;alis Fabricius." Ent. Rec. & lOUTf/. Var., vo1.64: pp.71-72, 3 figs. 1952. Identification of new sp. for Britain. [P.B.! Coekayne, E. A., "The status of Horisme aquata Hubner as a British species." Ent. Rec. & lOUIn. VaT., vol.64: pp.73-75. 1952. Probably native, perhaps extinct. [P.B.! Cockayne, E. A., "Tathorhynchus exsiccata Lederer - a 1l0ctuid new to the British list." Ent. Rec. & j(J1trn. Var., vo1.64: pp.132-133. 19:52. Notes on distribu­ tion & recognition. [P.B.l Cockayne, E. A., "Procus veTsic%r Borkhausen in Ireland." Ent. Rec. & lourn. Var., vo1.64: pp.347-348. 1952. First record. [P.B.] Cockayne, E. A., "Abundance of a species on one night only at M. V. light." Ent. Rec. & .1ourn. Var., vo1.66: pp.218-219. 1954. Cole, A. C., "Insects from Bikini Atoll. Marshall Islands." Proc. Tennessee Acad. Soc., vo1.26: pp.246-248. 19.51. Records 2 nymphalids & 1 hesperiid. [P.B.] Comstock, William P., & E. Irving Huntington, "Origins and relationships of Mexican and Antillean Papilionoidea (Lepidoptera)." An. Inst. Biol., Mexico, vo1.20: pp.385-391. 1949. Compares no. of genera & spp. in Mexico & Antilles; concludes that latter fauna, which is impoverished & unhalanced, has developed adventitious­ ly & not through any land connection. [P.B.! Condamin, M., "Lepidopteres rhopaloceres du Pare National du Niokolo-Koba" [in French]. Mem. Inst. Frant;. A/rique Noire, vol.48: pp.197-205. "1956" [Feb. 1957]. List of a collection of Lepidoptera Rhopalocern oollected in this national park in Senegal, French West Africa. [P.V.! Cookson, H., "Notes on some rare butterflies and some sphingids from Southern Rhodesia." lourn. ent. Soc. southCTJ1. Afr., vo1.17: pp.171-174. 1954. Records of 2 nymphalids & 4 lycaenids; list of 27 spbingids taken a1 light Of at flowers. [P.B.! Cookson, H., "Correction of locality name of new butterflies caught by H. Cookson in 1903, 1904, and 1905, and described by Hamilton H. Druce." lOUTH. ent. 1964 Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 199 Soc. southem Afr., vo1.l7: p.265. 1954. Specimens from Katanga wrongly attributed to Rhodesia. [P.B'] Cramer, H. H., "Die geographiscnen Grundlagen dcs Massenwechsels von Epiblema tedella Cl. Bin Beitrag zur AutOkologie des Fichtennestwicklers" rin German] . Forstwiss. Zentrulbl., vo1.70: pp.42-.53, 2 maps. 1951. Describes geographical & altitudinal distribution of sp., & smaller area where it is '8 conomically important. [P.B.] Craufurd, C., "Notes from Aviemore." Ent. Rec. & Joum. Var., vo1.63: pp.214-216. 1951. With list of 28 spp. at sugar. [P.B.] Craufurd, Clifford, "Aviemore in 19.52." Ent. Rec. & Journ . Var., voJ.64: pp.280-284. 1952. Records Lepidoptera. Craufurd, Cliffmd, "Some lamp trup records, 1953." Ent. Rec. & Jour,.n. Var., vo1.66: pp.6-8. 1954. In Hertfordshire, England. [P.B'] Crosby, D. V., "Notes on some eastern Victorian butterflies, with a new Victorian record." Victorian Nat., vo1.68: pp.97-101. Oct. 1951. Notes on the occurrence & distribution of several spp., including the first record of Hesperilla mastersi. ( Hesperiidae) from Victmia. [I.C'] Cumber, R. A., "Flight records of Lepidoptera taken with a modified Rothamsted light trap operated at Paiaka." N. Z. Journ. Sci. Tec.~nol., Sect. B, vo1.33: pp.187-190. Nov. 1951. Monthly records of captures of 83 spp. [P.B.] Daniel, Fritz, "Ein Beitrag zur Lepidopterenfauna Steiermarks" [in German]. Nachrichtenbl. bayer. Ent., Ent., volA: pp.73-75. 1955. Collecting in Sausal Hills in SE Austria; notes on 40 noteworthy moths (macros). [P.B.1 Daniel, F ., "Zygaena fausta L. dans les les Alpes et les regions prealpines" [in French]. Plaquette it 1a memoire de Ch. Fischer : 6 pp. Soc. Ent. Mulhouse. April 1957. Study of this sp. in the Alps & the prealpine countries. [P.V.1 Dardenne, P., "Localite interessante pour les lepidopteres: Cravant (Yonne)" [in French]. Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. L!Jon, vo1.26: pp.189-190, Sept. 1957. Indication & description of a locality interesting for collecting Lepidoptera, in the Yo nne area (central France). [P.V.] Darlow, H. M., "Additions to the list of the Lepidoptera of Malta." Entomologist, vo1.83: pp.269-271. 1950. 18 new records. [P.B.1 Davis, J. J., "Insects of Indiana in 1954." Proc. Indiana Acad.
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